Thursday, August 13, 2009
Un Gancho - Wed Aug 12 - Naconization of High Society and Superfresation of the Vecinidad
Wife tells Mona if she had that hunky boss around, she’d do the same thing. Mona thanks her so much and they are instantly best buds. The boys come out and see this and Mona takes Beto off by the ear as wife says nice things to about Mona. Mau is amazed that she will let Mona get away with this and asks her why. Ooops time flies, she has to go, see ya. Mau stands there with his mouth open.
Mona and Beto discuss the whole scene, Beto accuses her of betraying him, she wonders where he got this from. Mau told him to his face, and he was so sure that she was cheating with Don Cesar, the horns she was putting on him were poking him. She explains in circles why and it’s too much for Beto’s little head, he’s getting dizzy, essentially that she had to say he was bro or they wouldn’t have given him work, also there are a bunch of noses in the office and they would be looking over my shoulder all the time. He wants to know who but she says, no one in particular just being careful. he says something about hurting his brain but she tells him he doesn't have a brain. He counters maybe so, but I have an enormous heart that loves you very much, so please do not put the horns on me (cheat).
Mau shows up to the office where the Japanese businessmen are still waiting in the conference room to close a multi-million dollar contract with him. Sal and Gabi try to convince him, they've taken them everywhere, to the Alameda, Chapultepec, went with mariachis in Xochimilco even Pau has sung to them, and she sings pretty well. Gabi has learned how tequila is good for swollen feet and a few beers helps those who can't sleep, anyway they don't know what to do with them anymore, he has to go in.
He doesn’t care he doesn’t want to attend to them now, he has bigger problems, seems his non- girlfriend is lying to him and he just can’t deal, he doesn’t want to see the Monita at all, don’t even mention her. Oh please. Maybe he shouldn’t raise children after all…
Sal screams for Gabi and tells her not to let anyone else but herself go in that room, she must bring in the coffees. We are about to see how well she executes that task.
At teh barrio, Beto is discussing what happened just now with his Ma. He thinks she is a gossip and it‘s her fault he risked his .... and thought Mona was cheatin‘ with Don Cesar.
Mona comes out, coffee tray in hand (I’m always amazed at the job description for secretary or personal assistant, no assistants where I work would serve beverages, imagine!) Anyway, Gabi tries to get her attention by ch ching her. She says she’s not a hen and doesn’t respond to such hen calls (essentially) for some reason Gabi goes in circles about what she whats and they go through this game a few times until Mona says look I was just starting to endear myself to you and now you start with this crap and Gabi tells her to knock of the violence, and anyway finally she tells Mona Mau just doesn’t want to see her so let me take the coffee. Mona says oh yeah, well then he’ll have to listen, and Gabi fails miserably in her one task.
Mona charges in saying Arigatooo and acts all sweet, and Mau jumps on her to leave the coffees and git. Mona, apparently not aware or concerned of the multi-million dollar deal about to take place tells Mau they have to talk…the noive!!
Mona, now home, whines to Pau. Xime is with Estre and asks all four to go to dinner, Pau has had enough revelry and says thanks, but she has to rest some time, she‘s tired and has circles under her eyes. Beto then comes out and says dinner is ready. Mona tells him she’ll come when she’s ready. Beto tells the girls to stop gossiping instead read a book. Xime wants to know if Estre is Robbi’s gf. She says hell no not in dreams is that mangy guy (sarnoso) mine, even if they gave her a telenovela award! They all go in to Estre’s apartment.
At the office Sal is cursing Gabi, who happens to come out disheveled from an office with Oscar breathing down her neck. They are laughing and trying to “arrange” themselves. Sal stomps off in disgust.
Beto comes back for Mona but she wants to sleep not eat, yes she is still upset about Cesar, and him practically killing him. He begs her for a goodnight kiss.

As they are smooching Xime comes out and sees them and is impacted proclaiming guacala de perro (yuck of a dog - essentially dog poo)…she’s learning naco expressions well.
Pau and Estre see her shock see what she sees and rush her back into the apartment. Xime says gosh I didn’t see anything, I mean each family has their own way of doing things and…she just wants to leave now. Pau and Estre cut her off that look, they are novios not related, but you have to swear not to tell anyone or you can‘t leave. She says that will be hard because of the mafia that she’s in the middle of what with Coni, her bro and Rolu. The girls promise not to let her leave. Eventually she swears on their friendship and now can she leave? OK, amiguis and they join pinkies on it or something and they all do a solidarity move.
Ciao, Xime exits
and Estre wonders if they did the right thing let her leave and Pau responds well she’s just too good a person we can’t kill her. Estre is impactado at Pau‘s murderous thoughts.
We get a little montage of Mau kissing all the kids good night and then going to his bed crying for Mona. In the naco hotel Mona is crying hard about him too, remembering his words.
It’s the next morning and many knocks on the door wake up Mona who thinks it’s Beto and screams at him. It's Mau. She calls him on the mean things he said and he says sorry but that’s what I call people who are liars. She tells him she’s just an employee and he should stay out of her life but he counters that they really need to talk about what’s going on with them, because since they met their lives have changed. He asks her to breakfast. Just then Beto knocks. She wants to hide Mau but he doesn’t understand why. She tells him she’ll go wherever he wants as long as he hides now. Beto in his Will Smith outfit actually bathed for ten minutes and is there to take her to work. She makes up excuses and says she’ll be there later. He goes off. Mau is inside punching the bag when she returns and tells him not to look so she can change. Scary music plays as we see the barrio fight goons descend the stairs.
Conster is looking for Ximensa who apparently doesn’t answer. I really love this chick’s dresses man, she always has new gorgeous ones. Right behind her Xime shows up, and Coni is mad she waited half an hour (say it with me, oooooh) but Xime tells her to chill or she’ll get wrinkles, more. Coni just want to know what she found out in the vecinidad. Xime goes on about the lots of clothes hanging up and all the colors, but Coni wants to know about Beto and Moni. X says nothing, but Coni says she’s lying. She swears not, but Coni refuses to believe her. Xime fakes that a women is stealing merchandise and while Coni goes to check it out, Xime runs off.
Coni calls Jero to complain about Xime and tells him to do something. He’ll take care of it and call her later. He calls Xime and tells her he’s got money for her, that will get her there for sure.
We go to the neighborhood where La Guerrera and her homeys are destroying Mona’s apartment. Ma comes in and they attack her, Estre then comes in and the same. La Guerrera tells them this is a message for the Mona and if she doesn’t fight me, this place will be burned down with you inside. Ma is quite affected, but Estre tells her to breath, irrigue.
At the café Mau is excited he will finally hear the truth. She fudges and is afraid he’ll get mad when he hears. OK, and the phone rings, and if that isn’t enough distraction, some armed robbers enter.
At the office, Estre tells Pau and Beto about the roughing up. Beto worries about his Ma and Estre tells him he should go home because Ma had a nervous breakdown.
Back at the breakfast, Mona takes Mau’s wallet and swears these morons are not going to treat her and she stands up and tells them they should work for a living. Of course they don’t like this attitude and take her hostage, Mau tries to help, but gets whacked on the head. All these whacks on the head, no wonder he’s a little slow gals, take pity on him. They take the two away and warn everyone else who might like to be brave.
At the office Jero is shaking Xime’s head like a rag doll telling her to confess, she appears to be holding up ok and begs for peace.
She thinks (rightly) that Conster called him and the two are in cahoots to warn her. He tells her not to try and be intelligent now. Finally she says she’ll tell everything if he leaves her alone. Jero lets up.
In some abandoned room somewhere, Mona and Mau are tied together and Mona manages to get his mouth tie off using her teeth, almost kissing him of course. Very cute. They work towards try to unbind the rest.
Pau sees that Xime arrives and tells Estre who worries she will let go of the soup and tell all. Pau thinks maybe then they’ll have to kill her. Actually Estre goes in to the office where Jero is yelling at Xime and she greets everyone and attempts to charm Jero, saying how dare he forget her. His ego of course falls for this and he mellizas. She asks him why he didn’t greet her with a kiss and he says he greets like the Russians with a kiss on the lips. Estrella responds, well here is your Perestroika and she head butts him to the floor.
The girls celebrate, and Xime swears she told nothing and wouldn’t betray her best buds.
They come out and Sal wants to know what happened. Gabi introduces Sal to her new friend Estre and he is of course quite impacted. They go off and he admits that Gabi’s friends of now are quite lovely. They chit chat about being jealous.
Back in the unknown lugar, Mau and Mona get free just in time for the crook to come back. He wants to see where Mona’s tongue is since she has gotten her mouth wrap off and when he gets close, Mau kicks him. This doesn’t work well because duh, the guy has a gun. He warns that Mau will die and we hear a shot and see Mona scream.
Commercial of course.
When we come back, the policia have shot the bad guy and Mau and Mona are, well, fine. The cop tells them they triggered the silent alarm and they got everyone else too and they can go. Just like that. No statements or interviews and I just have to wonder at how lucky they are to have such great police. Mona was afraid she lost him, and his only fear was that she might leave him. Anyway, back at the Naco hotel Beto comes upon his Ma laying in her bed and thinks the Virgin took her. He screams out for his ma he’s too young to be an orphan (maybe mentally) and she wakes and yells at him for screaming so loud.
He’s happy she’s alive and she thinks if he keeps startling her like that she won’t be for long. She tells him he should go get her some pills to calm her. He says he will but he needs some energy first and asks for her to warm up the leftover Enchiladas. She can’t believe they almost killed her and he’s asking for food and she yells at him to be off. When he’s gone she gives in and agrees to cook him guaracho con chorizo.
Mona and Mau show up at the house and everyone was worried despite him not wanting Tere to tell them. Luisa comes up and gives him a kiss, glad he’s ok and calls him Papa.
Mau is happy and comments to Mona. She says of course they would call you that, you are the papa, and you shouldn’t worry about the adoption, you are someone who goes after what you want, and you are strong enough to get it. He tells her she gives him that force, and when he’s with her everything is possible. She replies whenever she’s with him her cell phone always rings! Ha!! Even they know it.! Turns out it’s Estre telling her room was trashed. She tells Mau she has to go, of course he wants to go with her, never mind his three kids who were scared about him and are now waiting for him at dinner. She tells him no, she has to go and she promises to tell the truth later. He promises never to lie to her again. He wonders why they invented cell phones. Well….
When Mona gets home she reverts back to childhood and looks for the only gift she received from the Reyes when she was a child, a doll.
Nieves tries to calm her and tells her what they wanted. Beto shows up with the pills and Ma tells him to calm her down. Because he’s not terribly good at following instructions, he ends up riling her up to fight and kill the Guerrera. Nice, Beto, Nice.
Oscar shows up at Mau’s and tells him the judge thinks he’s a bad pa and not interested in the children. Luisa and Aldo are listening in and Luisa blames Aldo for starting all this. Oscar says really what he needs to do is get married, he should think about it. In walks the Monstranza as a perfect example. Dani calls Mau and he goes off to help her. Oscar says she arrived at the right minute and he left Mau at the punto of turron (maybe he’s all sweetened up or softened up?) and that everything depends on her now. She tells him not to worry, she’s got it covered. Thank heavens for a good eavesdropping this time. Aldo and Luisa are still listening and realize these two are setting a trap for Mau and they have to do something!! Onward Nancy Drew and Hardy Boy!!
Labels: gancho
Pau was showing some very homicidal tendencies in this episode. I really like her.
Funny how when the cops rescued Moni and Mau they didn't have time to untie Moni's hands. As you said, those guys were in a huge rush. She's probably safer that way, safer for others I mean.
Great link on the Rosca de Reyes. Hey that's you! My favorite sentence was how everyone inspects their own slice hoping they do NOT get the baby. I guess nobody wants to host a party these days.
Back to the topic, I think La Guerrera is going to get her high cheek-boned face punched in.
The kidnapping was a hoot just because it was resolved instantly. I do like this "wrap 'em up and send 'em home" pace of the novela.
I thought Estrella really shone in this episode. She tried to protect Nieves from the thugs, in spite of the way Nieves has insulted her. She gave a terrific head butt to Jero. And the scene where she vamped Salvador was hilarious. Gabriela's turn to be jealous!
I dutifully looked at la Guerrera write-up again and she STILL scares me to death.
Judy, the Estrella head butt was excellent. After Jerry threw Ximena around like a tossed salad, I wish she had taken one of his well worn shoes and beat him soundly about the head.
Nieves has been held captive how many times now? Think she's met her limit.
Luisa calling Mau papa was a lovely moment. I think many people aren't fully prepared for parenthood, let alone teen-agers, but suspect Mau will do just fine (with Moni's help of course). :)
Diana in MA
Estrella was great in this episode. Now that she and Xime (Pau and Moni) are all friends things are that much more fun. Her head butt to Jerry was priceless.
This manic antic novela with little plot keeps me coming back for more and I can't forget you recappers and bloggers. My only request is that Mau and Moni finally kiss.
"She gave a terrific head butt to Jero."
I was impressed as well. Way to go, Judy.
Sylvia, thanks for repeating the information about the sweet song yesterday.
Our little Monita, on the other hand, still needs to use her words...and conciliatory words at that. But not for another 4 of 5 months I guess. How long's this show gonna last again?
I agree that not too many secretaries or assistants serve coffee, but I do remember my father's secretary getting him coffee in the 60's or 70's. Maybe Mexico's just a little behind the times, or at least this office is.
I also agree, Connie's dresses are very appealing.
Paula is fun the way she threatens to kill everyone, but remember, she uses plastic cutlery as her weapon of choice, so we probably don't have to worry about her too much.
Monita's secrets are so pointless, I wish she would just give them up already. I wonder how many more days it will take. She really owes Mauricio a HUGE apology now. Challenging armed robbers was unbelievably stupid. They did look cute all tied up, though.
It's amazing that Ximena is as functional as she is, given the way her brother treats her.
Danna García's accent was very noticeable in the kidnapping scene, I liked that they resolved that quickly.
I like Connie's dresses too. I like the clothes in this novela, much better than the weird things they use in MEPS.
The secretary in the office I used to work was not only in charge of bringing the coffee to the boss and his guests, she also organized the birthday celebrations of everybody in the office (getting the cake, flan, empanadas, tacos etc.) and sprayed water on his plants.
It sounds nice that someone organizes birthday parties for everyone, actually!
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