Friday, September 04, 2009

En Nombre del Amor, September 3, 2009: The Angst-a-thon Continues

And I think we’ve only just passed the mile 1 marker. (Episode 42, according to the summaries.) An alternate title I considered was “This Episode Brought to You by PSAs ‘R Us”, because this episode seemed pretty heavy on the public service announcements, but maybe that’s just me.

Camila’s telling Romina that not supporting her in this (the crazy idea that Emiliano must marry her) is the best way for her to show her love.

In the hospital cafeteria Emiliano says he can’t marry Romina and his dad agrees. A marriage without love isn’t the solution. E thinks maybe Romina believes that if she doesn’t marry E, nobody will want her. Rafa says that when a man loves for realsies, nothing will get in the way of it (or something like that). Emiliano declares that he has to be honest with her, even if she ends up hating him.

Carlota and Rufi are in the kitchen discussing Romina. Carlota points out how she’s always said that Romina was very badly brought up and things would be different if Camila had been strict with her. Rufi comments that Camilia spoiled Romina and Carlota says that it was the same thing when Paloma lived with her parents. Rufi also mentions that Romina hired a detective to look for her father and that she found out he came back to Mexico; Carlota, who has approached Rufi while holding a big knife, which makes Rufi nervous, is surprised that a man who disappeared years ago could be found and seems to be very interested in the idea.

Back at the hospital Camila thanks Macarena for coming and Paloma asks Cami to tell Romina that she loves her. Rafael also takes his leave, offering to accompany Camila to the cafeteria, but she says no.

Emiliano tells Romina that getting married isn’t the answer, and he’s sure he didn’t make her do anything. Besides, she was the one who was pushing from the very beginning for them to have sex, and what for, so she could get him as a husband? She weeps that she LOVES him, forever, etc. Emiliano apologizes that he doesn’t feel the same way so he can’t marry her, then beats a hasty retreat.

Macarena and Paloma return home and Rufi insists that they have something to eat, adding that Carlota wants to see them.

Romina has a flashback of her night with Emiliano--he mumbles “Paloma, I’ve loved you since we met.” Romina says that he has to love Romina, she is the one who loves him, Paloma doesn’t love him. He just looks at her in disgust, “you’re not Paloma” and turns over--She swears that if he doesn’t marry her, he isn’t going to marry Paloma, not ever.

Emiliano confesses to Camila about how he doesn’t remember much from that night with Romina. Lucky for him, Camila doesn’t think marriage is the answer either. He admits that he tried to love Romi and cares for her, but that isn’t AMOR. Cami advises that if he can’t love Romi it’s better for him to stay away from her.

Paloma talks to Rufi how she feels very bad, she got mad at God and said he was unfair to her; she wants to go to church to confess, and Rufi offers to go with her.

Macarena tells Carlota about Camila’s offer of a gift/loan for Paloma to go to college. No way, declares Carlota, I’m not going to allow people to humiliate us by giving us charity. I won’t allow Paloma to be indebted to anyone. Mac counters that it’s the only way for Pal to study. Well, she doesn’t study then, says Carlota. Over my dead body will a single peso from that woman enter this house.

Camila calls Angelica to inform her about Romina’s suicide attempt, and Liliana overhears this little chat. Camila desperately begs Angelica to help her.

Diana goes to the beauty salon to get a new hairdo, she wants a radical change. The hairdresser says lots of women in her situation do the same thing. In my situation? Yes, they call it the divorcee syndrome, they change their look, they go to the gym, etc. Diana claims that’s not the case with her and rolls her eyes (as do we, at her).

Orlando is telling Padre Juan/Cris about running into Gudelia (Diana); Cris opines that maybe it’s his destiny, so he could finally know what happened with his son. Just then, what a coinky-dink, said son (we think) calls with the news about Romina. After hanging up he fills Cris in on the suicide attempt. They continue their conversation--Cris wonders if Orly is sure Gudelia doesn’t mean anything to him. Orlando admits he was affected by the encounter, but isn’t interested in her.

Liliana calls German to give him the news about Romina and that she knows that Emiliano is interested in Paloma (because Lili told Romina that she saw Emiliano kissing Paloma).

Paloma and Padre Cris are sitting in the pews, talking. He understands that sometimes we rebel against what God has in store for us--he did so himself once. Paloma likes how he explains things and comments that it’s so easy to talk to him. He mentions that they have a friend in common, Natalia. Pal asks how they know each other and he just replies that they go way back. Paloma likes that she and Cris have something in common (ha--she doesn’t know the half of it!), it makes her feel closer to him, and they hug, complete with a slo-mo effect and dramatic music so that we know that this is muy, pero MUY, importante.

Emiliano approaches Paloma as she leaves the church. She still thinks it’s her fault Romina tried to kill herself. Emil tells her no, and she asks if it’s because he broke up with Romina? Meanwhile, Rufi is waiting nearby and is rendered completely impactada when she sees Padre Cris, crying "It’s him, it’s him!” and “no puede ser!” (twice).

Emiliano tries to convince Paloma she doesn’t have any reason to feel bad. But she said I was going to regret what I did to her, I allowed us to kiss. Emil replies that he kissed her by force and is so in love with her he didn’t consider the consequences. Once again, Pal asks him not to say he loves her. Anyway, Emiliano says their kiss didn’t cause all this, it’s that he can’t marry Romina, he doesn’t love her even though they (supposedly) slept together. He mentions that he and Romina weren’t novios when it happened. Paloma thought they had gotten back together, she saw them kissing, but Emil says things aren’t how they seem. Paloma thinks he has to answer to Romi--Emil says he’s not going to marry without love.

Romina plots in her hospital room--this has to have served for something. Emiliano’s not going to leave my side whether he likes it or not. She suddenly thinks, Diana! She’ll help me out. She leaves a message for Diana to call her back.

Emiliano’s still talking, telling Paloma that he doesn’t care if she was with Inaki or not, he loves her as she is. She says they didn’t sleep together, and Emiliano replies that he wouldn’t have cared if they had, because she isn’t worth more or less than Romina because of that. He hopes that one day Romina finds someone who loves her as she is. Paloma points out that Romina wants him to be that man, and he asks “what I feel doesn’t matter?” He repeats that he can’t marry Romi, he only wants to marry Paloma. As Paloma leaves, she has a flashback to the time before she was about to get married, when Romi told her that she had slept with Emiliano. Then she runs into Rufi, who she notes looks like she saw a ghost.

Orlando is at the hospital with Camila--he says she should have called, we’re a couple. Camila looks like “HUH?” She doesn’t think they’re a couple--they're just friends, getting to know one another. Orlando is all annoyed, he wants them to have a formal relationship. Just then Angelica arrives so they go off to talk.

Padre Cris warns Emiliano about the dangers of alcohol. Emil protests that he’s not an alcoholic, but just one night of getting drunk was enough to make a huge mistake. Cris says it’s as if we want to anesthetize ourselves, our feelings. That’s what I wanted, to not feel, says Emiliano, and look at the consequences. Unfortunately, laments Cris, we can’t change the past---what happened, happened. Emiliano vows not to drink like that again, he doesn’t want to hurt anyone.

Camila is telling Angelica how Emiliano’s and Romina’s versions of their night together differ, and she thinks Romi is the one who’s lying. Camila cries that she didn’t do something right, she made a mistake in Romi’s upbringing and doesn’t know how to fix it. Angelica says she can’t give her the answer, but they can start therapy to analyze all of this. Cami wants Romina to stop lying, but how does she get her to participate in therapy? The only way to influence her is with your attitude, Angelica replies. The change has to come from you first.

Romina is getting ready to leave the hospital when German comes by for a visit. He asks why is she clinging to something that can’t be and wants to know why she made Emiliano think she was a virgin when he (German) was her first. She laughs it off and kisses him just as Camila comes in. After Germy leaves, Cami says she doesn’t like their friendship. Romi boo-hoos that he’s one of only a few friends she has left since she lost Pal and Emil. And sometimes I even feel I’ve lost you--you’re never on my side. A flower delivery arrives--surely they’re from Emiliano, Romi declares. When she sees that they’re from Orlando, she throws them on the floor and stomps out. For sure that'll make Camila want to take your side now, Romina.

Paloma tells Macarena about Padre Juan (Cris) and how he knows Natalia, and Mac remarks on what a small world it is. She tries to get Rufi’s attention but the latter is still in a stupor over seeing Padre Juan earlier--she finally comes to and wants to talk with Mac later. Mac then mentions to Pal that Carlota flipped out about Camila giving her money for college, and Pal insists on talking to her alone.

German thanks Liliana for telling him about Romina. She scoffs, you dummy, I did it to make you see that Romi doesn’t love you, never will. Lili laments that she still loves him.

Diana thinks back to running into Orlando and vows, “you’re not going to find me. Emiliano can’t continue working with you, you can’t have any relationship with him.”

Rufi mops the patio while telling herself, it can’t be him, he’s dead, surely I made a mistake. No puede ser.

Paloma tries to explain to Carlota that’s she’ll be able to pay Camila back, but Carlota doesn’t think so. To become indebted to someone is like selling your soul to the devil (and she certainly would know about that, wouldn’t she?). Carlota claims that she’s really sorry Pal’s parents left her penniless, but that’s her reality.

Rafa and Camila on the phone--he wants her to know that she’s not alone. She thanks him, saying she felt his sympathy at the hospital. He reminds her he’s just a call away.

Carlota’s still yelling at Paloma, who insists that she’s not going to give up on what she wants. I think she says that the program she wants to study at the public university is full and she’ll have to wait over a year to get in, so in the meantime she can go to a private university using the loan from Camila. Carlota thinks she should just wait--she can dedicate herself to painting or the ladies’ church group. Paloma insists that she’s not going to stay in Real del Monte, she’s leaving as soon as she turns 18 and then she’ll just work while she waits to get into the university. Carlota accuses Pal of wanting to leave just so no one can control her. Paloma’s response is that she wants is to be free and independent.

Diana arrives at Camila’s and before going up to see Romina, asks if Rafa has said anything to Cami about the divorce. No, they only discuss business. Diana hopes Camila can talk to him--she’s been thru a divorce, she knows how it affects kids. And continues affecting them. If Samuel was still here, certainly Romina wouldn’t have done what she did. Camila tries to explain that it had nothing to do with Samuel, but Diana says, well I think it did…kids always need their parents together. Oh, and if Rafael says anything, don’t forget to call me and tell me. As my friend, you have the obligation to tell me everything that happens with him. Poor Camila is left impactada.

In the avances, Diana and Romina appear to be scheming up a storm, with Romina playing the victim, telling Paloma that she needs to know if she’s in love with Emiliano, because if she is....


Great recap Debbie :)

I totally loved how they producers/writers show Cami's vunerabilty by having no make-up on her (she's one of the few who still look god without it.)
I feel so bad for her having a daughter with such a warped sense of reality, right and wrong, and love.

Diana changed her helmet hair to a flatter type of helmet hair hmmm it still looks helmety to me.....
The episode Diana y Orlando seen each other I started screamin, my husband Thought it was hilarious.

I'm still on edge I want Mac y Padre juan to see each other already and I wanna see Cruels face turn another shade of purple lol.

Thanks for the recap Deb. When you love "for realsies"...what a funny phrase. Love it.

Glad you had a couple of well-placed "no puede sers" in this one. We had several "¿qué haces aqui?" in Gancho last night. Good ol' telenovela staples.

Glad they're putting in some plugs for not condemning a young woman for losing her virginity, but now we need some further plugs for birth control and protection from STD's. And about a ton more on the dangers of alcohol.

Thank for the recap Debbie. So, how did Diana put 2 and 2 together and figure out Emil works for Orlando? Yesterday, she just seemed to come out and state that, but I didn't see where she pulled that from? She must have known the name of Emil's boss and finally had a face to attach to that familiar name?

Poor Camila, Diana asking her to rat on Rafael, or in the future, tell on yourself. Hey, Diana should figure this out and see that she now has a chance to get together again with Orlando and be off better than she could be with Rafa. Poor Orlando would probably take her not realizing how easy he actually got off in the past. :)


Thanks, Debbie. Excellent and very thorough recap!!

The one good thing about Romina and her scheming is that her mother isn't buying into it.

Yep, they sure played up la llamada de la sangre in the scene with Cris and Paloma. I did enjoy it. Peniche is always wonderful in whatever role he plays, including a closet homosexual in Alborada.

It drives me crazy! Novela after novela and the writers have the main female characters be innocent and trusting, never seeing the plots that swirl around them. After living with Carlota all her life, couldn't Mac have figured out to keep her mouth shut about Camila paying for Pal's college? All they had to do was wait until she's almost on the bus out of town to tell her. But no. They give her all the time in the world to foil their plans.

Angst-a-thon, indeed!!

Thanks for the recap, Debbie; you cleared up a few things that confused me while I was watching it, and I love your title. Angst-a-thon for sure...aren't we due for a light episode or two?

I loved the look on Camila's face when Diana said, "you know what it's like..." Her face said, "Lady, I have NO CLUE what it's like to be as selfish and annoying as you."

I'm glad Emiliano is so far resisting Romina's pathetic attempts to ensnare him, but I suspect it's far from over.

Liliana disappoints me. I thought she was over Germy. Aren't there any teenage boys in Real del Monte?

Rufi's amazement about the internet was funny, as was Carlota's interest.

Novelera, I don't know why they tell Carlota anything. Paloma should have just packed up and left while Carlota was out, and then Macarena could spend a few days crying (as she always does anyway) pretending it's because she has no idea where Paloma's gone. Don't they ever learn? No, they don't.

Debbie, your recap was great and so helpful as I had a phone call and missed most of the final scenes.

Carlota with that big knife was fascinating. I couldn't stop watching her slice up that luscious looking perfect big watermelon. Uh oh, she seems pretty skilled at cutting things up. And Rufi being nervous with that big knife near her was funny and appropriate.

Yes, Mac, Pal and Rufi never learn. Do not let Carlota in on the latest info whether it's gossip (the detective Romina hired) or important information regarding your entire future (the gift/loan from Camila.)

Wonder if Rufi will tell Mac that she saw Chris or his spitting image tonight or they will strrretch it out like so many things.

Newly coifed again helmet headed Diana better stay in her house for the next ten years or she's certain to run into Orlando though I wonder how she's avoided doing so all this time. I even run into people I know when I go on vacation especially in Vegas.


I think Diana has avoided Orlando because he doesn't frequent the beauty salon or the ladyshops. Do we know how long he's been in Real del Monte?

It will be interesting to see how long they stretch out Chris and Mac not knowing the other is alive. I mean, he's the priest and she goes to church all the time, so it will take some major contrivances, especially now that Paloma and Chris are friendly.

Yes, this teasing with keeping Cris away from the two sisters is getting annoying. They really teased us with Rufi seeing him. But then she thought he was a ghost and that she was losing her mind. So she probably won't say anything for a while, if ever.

Sorry, gang, but I've had to bail on this. I had such high hopes, but it's turning into another Cuidado--the middle months are a muddle.

And there's no humor, which is a real shame, considering the actresses are such great comedians.

Julia, I think when Orlando and Cris first ran into each other a couple days ago, he said he'd been in town a few months.

Debbie – thank you for this delightfully-written recap!

I was amazed last night when we got a good long look at the back of Rufi’s head. That braiding is very elaborate, too elaborate for her to do on her own. And that huge rope-like yarn she ties into her braids! Is that some custom of the humble people?

Jeff, I’m with you, guessing that Diana suddenly realized that Orlando was Emiliano’s new-in-town boss, by connecting the name. What on earth could he have seen in her? What did Rafa see in her? Mind-boggling.

And why didn’t she change her hair color at the salon?

Maggie, the salon only had so many options for hair colors not found in nature, and purple is too Carlota. Does she think she's disguising herself so Orlando won't recognize her? Is she delusional enough to think she still looks the same as she did 25 years ago?

My opinion of Angelica is plummeting. She's a crappy counselor. Who has a sensitive phone conversation about a student while another student, not just any student but the longtime enemy of the girl in distress, is sitting right there listening in? Way to be discreet, Ange. And I thought her telling Paloma that she's definitely for sure in love with Emiliano was inappropriate. I'm sure she'll fall in love eventually, but based on the information Angelica had (thinks he's a decent guy, liked the kissing) it just sounds like an ordinary crush. I don't think the school shrink should be pushing her into a relationship just because she likes to live vicariously through her students or something.

Nina – sorry you’re bailing!

I know this one is not a laugh-fest, but it’s so excellently done that it’s a real pleasure to watch. I find the story very engaging and I particularly love how complex the characters are. Plus the acting is tip-top.

A lot of great literature is pretty gloomy and yet it endures. I’m certainly not crazy enough to compare a telenovela to great literature, but my point is that well-done stories even when they’re not happy ones, have their own pleasures.

lol Carlota amd that huge knife the writters are brilliant and Leticia Calderon is a phenominal actress shes sooooo good!!!!!

Maggie, I agree with you on the acting and writing, so I'm going to be checking in periodically.

Can't remember if I posted this or not. My friend who gets TV y Novelas magazine said they gave En Nombre del Amor a "10".

I'm also hooked on this TN despite the comic relief. But I've seen from the actors who where in "Guapos" that they have great range in ability (although Romina/Valeria was still a brat).

Does anyone know when this TN ends?

Thanks for the great recap Debbie.

Corrine, I think it ends March 2010


Aaack! No puede ser! I am enjoying this novela but that's an awfully long time before the couple make it to the altar which means there's going to be many misunderstandings on the way. It does seem that Carlota is a bit tardy in dispatching another victim so probably there will be a few more notches on her belt over the months. At least the acting is top notch and the story isn't too full of holes.


I wonder what Romina will do in the next episode? It's a shame that little Romina was such a sweet girl, but then grew up into such a brat! Part of Romina's problems with men have to do with the fact that her dad was never around and her mom felt guilty and therefore spoiled her rotten. It's really sad b/c I know girls like Romina (though they don't have any novela drama).

Glad to finally find a soap that keeps me interested. After watching Gancho for awhile, I just became too frustrated with the senseless plot (get to the kiss already, Mau and Monita!), sexus sterotyping, and more importantly, the abuse of other ppl's emotions by the lead characters, so I had to call it quits. However, the actors in ENDA are flawless. They must be really doing their jobs if we're all feeling such anger towards Carlota or sympathy for Paloma. I can't wait to see what the writers will throw in next!
It's so tempting to skip ahead and watch the Youtube ones, but Ilike suprises way too much to spoil this novela!

I agree that the acting and pace of this novela are excellent. The problem I have is that the good guys never win one.

I like the actress playing Paloma. She's quite lovely and a good actress, but so far her part has been written as a low self-esteem saint. It just about made me sick watching Romina manipulate her in Friday's episode.

She's at least standing up to Carlota a little bit, but it looks like months of her resisting Emiliano to placate Romina.

Just looking online I read that Carlota (Leticia Calderon) dated Franco/Eduardo (Fernando Colunga)
from MEPS. Funny to picture Carlota and Eduardo together!YIKES

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