Sunday, September 20, 2009
ENDA: Friday 9/18/09
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Natalia is speaking with a friend and tells him she has agreed to try to forgive Alonso. They don't show the conversation she had with him about this. He appears behind Nat and looks very humble and contrite. They are going away somewhere for a holiday, taking Sagraria.
Carlota has a conversation with her investigator and is tickled purple to get information about where Cris is living. She is, however, quite shocked to discover that he just arrived in Real del Monte a week ago. She calls the phone number he gave her, and Padre Mateo answers. She is shocked again, hangs up, tries again with the same result. She calls the investigator's voice mail and leaves a furious message that he gave her mistaken information and that Cris can't be living at the church.
Carlota also says that Macarena and Cris CANNOT meet.
El Mariachi proposes to Rufi. His wife died. He's a widower, and he wants to marry Rufi and taking to live in the US. He has a nice house there, with a garden. She says she doesn't know English, and he tells her it will be easy for her to learn (Ha!). She tells him she can't make a decision so quickly. He agrees to wait, but tells her he can't wait long and has to return to the US.
Angelica meets with Orlando. They both think it's wonderful that his regular person has to be off a few months for a "high risk" pregnancy and Ange only wants a job for the same period of time. She's hired.
Camila is at the breakfast table with Romina. She sputters a bit but finally shows Romina both letters, the one that arrived a while back that she decided to keep quiet about and the one that just arrived saying Samuel was in the area and wanted to spend time with them. Romina predictably blows up at her mother about why she didn't tell her about the earlier letter.
Emiliano and Orlando are in Em's office going over some marketing ideas from the internet. Romina calls on his cell, he looks at it and doesn't answer, looking disgusted.
Romina shows up at Em's office, encountering Ange and the regular, now pregnant secretary. She's being trained. Romina wants to barge into Em's office saying it's urgent, even though the secretary says he's in a meeting with his boss. Romina gets angrier and angrier when they won't let her in. She tells Angelica she can make sure she loses this job just like she lost the other one and storms out.
I can't exactly remember how Em found out but he did hear from Angelica what Romina said.
Romina contacts German and kisses him repeatedly right on the street. Paloma sees this and thought bubbles that Romina has been deceiving Emiliano all along, seeing German on the side. R & G go inside together.
Romina apparently has sex with German because he's bare chested and she has a not very well buttoned top on. She tells him about her father wanting to be with her and her mother trying to keep them apart.
I have a feeling Emiliano wants to tear a strip off her about her threats to Angelica and the fact that she got her fired from the school.
For me the big reveal was Paloma finally getting a clue about who Romina really is. If this does result in Paloma not being such a gullible dope, I will like this novela a lot more.
The preview for Monday is great!! Mac slaps Carlota.
Now we know for certain that Carlota did not recognize Chris in the confessional since she thinks the investigator provided her with the wrong number (the church.) I guess she was just spooked that time when she thought she heard his voice and saw him and hightailed it out of the church. Color me confused by that.
Joel met his former boss who is the father of the woman he loved and rejected him as his daughter's future husband. Father says he has changed his mind but I don't understand if he really means it or has an ulterior motive as my Spanish is limited and I missed some of the conversation about business. However, this woman is Natalia's friend as well. This all seems irrelevant but maybe not in future episodes.
But it now looks like the main reason the mean guy wanted to withdraw support from the business is that he wanted to hurt Joel, a guy he didn't want for his son-in-law, who would have lost his job if the Real del Monte branch of the business closed.
Now this guy seems to be saying, well my daughter loves you and has turned down the guy I picked for her. Also, I admire your moxie, so I'm offering you a job with my company. Which I interpret to mean that he wants Joel to leave Rafa.
On Friday I slept thru the episode and didn't get it on youtube until a little while ago but wasn't sure I had the right one until I read your recap. I had difficulty getting the right episode and finally got it. I'm sure you covered it all. There was a lot going on that I couldn't understand but you cleared it for me.
Can't wait till next week when Mac and Carlota have a blowup.
Thanks again.
GinCA – I too was remembering the bit about Carlota and the confessional. They seem to be just glossing over that time she was horrified at the sound of his voice and fled. Carlota’s not the type to forget such a thing.
Romina told German that she liked him a lot, but Emiliano she loves. Ouch.
Natalia sure is forgiving. Alonso’s lucky she didn’t deck him. I would have.
Rufi needs to check out her mariachi. Here he comes, all lonesome after his wife dies, and tells her she’s his big love, and that he has a big house in America. She’s awfully trusting.
The other odd thing I noticed was Alonso both SMILING and LOOKING THOUGHTFUL. Will he redeem himself and treat Nat better and avenge Iñaki's death? I hope so.
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