Monday, September 07, 2009

ENDA: Friday 9/4/09

Hi everyone. Sorry I was stuck out of town without any cable access and the slowest internet (if you can call it that) connection ever. It was like I was back in time. Nothing wrong with me, sorry to leave you worried. My Grandma, 91, had broken her hip. Also, sorry you were short a recap last week, with no notice from me. I am trying to catch up on the episodes I missed, so my recap will be a little late today. Gotta get back to watching.

Paloma talks to Macarena about Cami’s offer to lend her money for college. She realizes she can’t accept it. She fills Mac in on her new plan. She’s going to work for a year, save some money, and then head to uni when her program is open for enrollment the next year. She tells Mac that she’s got to get out of Real del Monte. This plan saddens Mac.

Liliana is having a chat with her friend (Sandi/Candi?). They talk about Romina and her suicide attempt. Lili feels bad, even though she hates Romi. Scandi says don’t feel bad, Romi is a terrible person, who has no friends. Except Paloma, but then Romi isn’t much of a friend to Pal. Lili is depressed because of Germán and his feelings for Romi. Scandi tries to get Lili to have some hot chocolate, it will make her feel better---I agree, everything is easier to deal with once chocolate is involved.

Aron asks Angelica if the gossip he heard was true, that Romi tried to kill herself. Angelica, apparently not tied to patient confidentiality, is quick to say “yes”. Then it isn’t gossip, Aron replies. I won’t get into the moral issues his comment brings up, just to say if the news (whether true or false) was delivered with malicious intent, then it falls under the realm of gossip. Then there is the whole Schadenfreude (pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others) aspect to this whole situation. That aside, Aron decides he needs to talk to Pal, better yet he needs to see her. So he takes off.

Diana is visiting Romi. They both blame Paloma for the entire situation. Romi says she’ll never talk to her again. Di says that’s not the way to work it, it is time to fight a battle a la Paloma-style (do I need to add that Paloma isn't even fighting a battle, so how can she have a style?). You’ve got to keep your enemy close. If Romi were to push Pal away it would only make Romi look bad and Pal the be the victim. The real victim is Romi and that is how Romi needs to make it appear.

Scandi tries to make Lili feel better. She warns her friend that even if Germie were to stay away from Romi, he’s already established a pattern…there will be other women. Scandi tells Lili that there are other men out there, who will treat her much better and besides Germie isn’t worth it. Just then Scandi’s primo, Eric, shows up. He’s now working in Real del Monte. He teases that they didn’t even invite him for a coffee. Lili is quick to insist he join them.

Inés asks Angelica about Aron. They discuss how he’s in love with Paloma. Inés seems to isapprove. The two women talk of love and Inés presses Angie for some info on her past love life. Angie is reluctant at first, but ends up telling Inés that she was in love with one of her professors and that they got involved while Angie was helping him write one of his books. It ended badly when Angie realized that although he was married, he was involved with another woman quite seriously.

Dr. Rodolfo is looking at the engagement ring he has for Mac while he’s on the phone with her. He wants to see her this evening. Mac says this is her home, too, and invites him over for dinner. Carlota overhears this and frankly she’s not happy with Mac’s attitude. She slinks off to do no good.

Diana gives Emiliano a call and tells him that they’ve got to speak—tonight!

Cruelota makes a phone call to Dr. Rodolfo. She needs to tell him something. Since we don't hear his side of the conversation, he apparently agreed to see her later that afternoon.

Aron visits Pal. He’s worried about how she’s doing in light of the whole Romi drama. Speak of the she-devil, Pal gets a call from Romi. Romi would like to see her. Pal is very concerned with how her friend is doing. Aron warns Pal to be careful, he’s sure that Romi intends to lay the blame all at Paloma’s feet.

Eric is really funny---or so we are lead to believe by the amount of laughing from Lili and Scandi. Lili hates to cut it short, but she told her mother she’d be home early. She gets up and Eric assists her with her chair. He insists on walking her home, so he can at least explain to her mother why she was running late. Lili agrees to let him escort her.

Rufi tells Mac that she’s got to tell her something, even though it seems crazy. She tells her about thinking she saw Cristobal outside the church. Mac is sure it was just her eyes playing tricks. Mac is a little dreamy when she whistfully says she’d love to be able to see him, his eyes, again.

Pal arrives at Romi’s. She expresses her worry and concern. She genuinely fawns over Romi. Romi seems like she’s hopped up on some meds (perhaps they didn’t pump her stomach thoroughly). Romi asks Pal if she’s in love with Emiliano, because if she is, then Romi is willing to step aside so Pal can be happy.

Diana visits Rafa. She is insistent that he bring Emiliano into the company. Rafa tells her he can’t do that right now. E is working for an established, stable company. Right now that offers him some security and a chance to develop professionally. Rafa’s company is just starting up, it can’t offer E that stability for now. Di isn’t happy to hear this and she lets into Rafa. If he doesn’t get E away from that Orlando man, he’s going to lose their son. Rafa can’t understand Diana’s hysterical dramatics.

Pal asks Romi why she thinks this. Romi says because of the kiss. Pal says the kiss meant nothing. Romi again says she’ll step aside, it won’t be easy and will cost her, but she’s that type of friend, one willing to sacrafice. Pal tells Romi that she’s going to leave Real del Monte when they finish up at la prepa. So does Pal love Emiliano? Romy asks. Pal avoids answering, instead she says—don’t worry, when I leave I’ll never see Emiliano again. A small smile forms on Romi's face.

Eric lets Scandi know he’s interested in Lili. Scandi is happy and she tells Eric that Lili’s just coming out of a bad relationship. Eric says that guy must have been crazy to let a great girl like Lili go. Scandi is even more delighted to hear this.

Cami comes to talk to Romi after Pal leaves. She wants to encourage Romi to start being honest. She tells Romi that she’s concerned because Romi’s version of events doesn’t line up with Emiliano’s version of events. Romi is upset to realize her mother doesn’t believe her. Cami tells Romi she needs to start being honest, not only with others, but with herself. All Cami wants for her daughter is for her to find some peace and to start making good decisions. Cami wants Romi to get some help and she suggests that Romi talk to Angelica. Romi isn’t keen on that idea. She’s willing to talk to someone, but not Angelica.

Aron’s worried that Pal is willing to take the fall for Romi’s poor choice. She fills Aron in on her conversation with Romi. Aron states that he thinks it is weird that Romi is willing to step aside for Pal. Romi’s not the type of person willing to make sacrafices for others.

In the D.F., Natalia tells her friend (who just returned from being out of town and also who’s name escapes me) that Alfonso and she have been having problems. Alfie has been cold and closed off since Iñaki died. Natalia thinks they might be at the point of separation.

Pal talks to Mac about her conversation with Romi. She tells Mac that leaving town really is her best option. She’s decided she’ll go to the D.F. Mac is concerned, it is a big city and Pal will be alone. Pal says that she’s got Natalia there, she can help her. Pal tells Mac that Natalia and Padre Juan know each other. Pal intends to talk to Padre Juan some more, he can be of help.

Padre Juan/Cristobal tells Padre Mateo his story---how he was a heavy drinker and ended up finding his calling after hitting rock bottom.

Cruelota meets with Rodolfo. She tells him that she wants to talk about Mac. He’s not willing to do this and tells her she should leave. Cruelota is insistent, that things aren’t as they seem, that Mac is an expert at making appearances be deceiving. This catches Rodolfo’s attention. Cruelota tells him that there are secrets in their family, and Mac is at the heart of them all. We don’t get to hear what Cruelota tells Rodolfo. We just get to see her leave his office and then he pulls out the engagement ring once again, to look at it and to look sad.

Mac is making a cake for the doctor. Rufi comments that it has been 20 years since Mac has cooked for a man. Mac comments that although she isn’t in love with Rodolfo, she is very fond of him and has great respect for him.

Orlando is on the phone with Cami. She thanks him for the flowers he sent to Romi. He invites her to come over for dinner. Cami tells him that now isn’t a good time, with Romi just home from the hospital. He is persistent and suggests he could come there. Cami kindly declines, it is best she spend time alone with Romi. Their call is cut short by the doorbell ringing. It is Cruelota. She’s there to give Cami what-for. She doesn’t like the fact that Cami is offering Pal money for college….their family isn’t a charity case. Cami insists she wasn’t offering charity. Paloma is Romi’s good friend and Cami would like to help her out. Cruelota tells her that the offer isn’t appreciated, won’t be accepted, and that she shouldn’t bother offering to help Paloma again. END OF EPISODE


Cathy, just glad to know you are alright and hope that your grandmother is healing and resting without too much pain. Sending both of you love and prayers.

Cathy – you did an outstanding job on this! As I was watching, I was thankful it wasn’t my night to recap. New characters and flying dialog. Yikes. You cleared up a lot of little points for me.

I’m glad you’re okay after all, and I hope your grandmother is coping well. Broken hip – ouch!

I guess we can assume that Lili has given up on German because the telenovela gods have dropped a swell new guy in her lap. It’s too bad real life doesn’t work like that, isn’t it?

And wow, Carlota's secret-revealing conversation with Rodolfo was so private even we did not get to listen in. Bummer! I wonder how much was fact and how much was fiction. We’ll find out one day, but that day is probably months off.

Cathy, hope all continues well with your grandmother and that she has a very speedy recovery.

Thank you for your great recap. I am not using captions and sometimes the conversations have me a bit confused so your recaps help me a great deal besides being a lot of fun.

Orlando is a bit needy and insensitive. Camilia is going through a rough time and though he offers support, I think he is really interested in making his moves especially since he wanted Camila to go over to his house for dinner. That's right, just leave the suicidal girl home alone for the evening right after she is discharged from the hospital. Rafa has my vote for future novio.

What did Carlota tell Dr. B. exactly, and will he be gullible like the rest of Real del Monte? That would save her another poisoning or car repair.


Cathy, thanks for the great recap. Yes, Cruelota does slink and I am sure she leaves purple slime in her wake.

I wonder if I can get Rufi to come to work for me when this show is over, I think she is wonderful. She is the only bright spot in this novella.

Surely Rodolfo is not dumb enough to believe anything Cruelota has to say.


Thanks for the recap Cathy. I wish speedy recovery to your grandmother as well.

Maggie - ITA with you about novela novios. It would be great if some nice guy just shows up after an idiot messed you over.

I hope the good Dr. Rodolfo doesn't listen to Carlota but what are the options here. If he doesn't listen to her, Carlota will kill him.

Cathy, no worries about the missed recap; these things happen, unfortunately! I hope your grandmother is recovering well.

Orlando is losing points fast. I'm sure he feels some urgency to get Camila to fall for him after she was so taken aback when he said they were novios, but trying to get her to make time for him ahead of her suicidal daughter is the wrong way about it for sure. Rafa for the win!

I find it hilarious that the writers couldn't think of a single funny thing for Eric to say, so we had to come into the scene with the girls already laughing. See, writers, you can make me laugh even though you're utterly humorless!

Is Natalia's friend's name Yvonne?

I'm curious as to when the investigators to Arcadia's death will show up at the Monteros' house.

Also, the avances seem to show German coming clean about his relationship with Romina? Did I catch that correctly?

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