Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Mañana es Para Siempre, Tuesday, September 1--Ep #135: Erika has friends?

Well, that's news to me.

We have a brief review of Jacobo and Damian hatching their nefarious plans and Fer and Franco drinking coffee and chatting about the Barbinator and her nefarious plans.

Fer thinks it's completely ridiculous to convince Daddy to hand everything over to Evil Barbie. Franco breaks it to her that her options are to keep the money away from Barbie and lose Lili or give Barbie everything and get Lili back. Franco thinks Evil Barbie has some unknown motives and he's going to try to figure them out. He wants to know what her Achilles heel is. "No hay otro salida"--literally, there is no other exit; i.e., we have no other options.

A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead walk into the restaurant…ba dum, pum.

Franco wants to know what to do--carry on or quit? "No hay otro solución"-there is no other solution.

The redhead notices Fernanda sitting with Franco. The brunette remembers he's marrying their "friend" Erika. The redhead thinks the worst, but the blonde thinks she's being mean. "A mí se me hace que aquí hay un romance oculto."--I say we've got a hidden romance here. "Chelsie" the redhead, takes out her cell phone, to the brunette's delight. Mr. 5ft can tell the redhead's being bitchy even without knowing what she's talking about.

Erika asks Ruthie for her opinion on some flowers that Erika is looking at online. "Yo lo veo medio simplosito"--I think it looks kinda simple (halfway a little simple). And we can't have that for our spoiled little rich girl, now can we? Erika corrects her that it's "simploncito". Her phone rings and it's Chelsie. Erika semi-complains about how tough it is to organize a wedding. Chelsie wants Erika to ask Franco if he'll talk to her about buying a vacation plan, but Erika doesn't know where he is. Chelsie suggests Erika call him and find out. What are we, in 7th grade? Next thing she'll suggest is that they get Franco on 3-way so Chelsie can ask him how he really feels about Erika without telling him Erika's on the line. So, now it's dinner theater as the trio wait to see where Franco tells Erika he is.

As Franco and Fer talk about whether Fer needs to go back to Lactos, Franco's phone rings. Erika goes along with Chelsie's plan, unwittingly, and Franco says he can't talk to Chelsie right now because he's "in a meeting." "With Fer, at Lactos?" Erika asks. Numbnuts tells her he's just arriving at "la embajada de estados unidos" to talk to the "agregado comercial"--the US Embassy to talk to the attaché of commerce. Erika says they'll leave it for another time, then. She sends him more magical kisses. He hangs up and Fer knows exactly who he was talking to.

Chelsie jokingly tells her phone "maquinita de la verdad, revélanos el chisme"--little machine of truth, reveal the gossip. Now the blonde's into it. Erika (who Chelsie refers to as Princess) reports Franco's BS location. Chelsie puts her on speaker so the other harpies can listen in.

Fer wonders what Franco loses if everything tanks. He says he'd lose her friendship, but Fer doesn't believe they're friends. He thinks they will be when they get Lili back. And why is he so interested in friendship? Because it's all he can ever have with her. Fer says she'll talk to Daddy and get him to go ahead with the transfer, but "lo demás queda en tus manos"-- the rest is in Franco's big sexy manly hands. Which she's holding as Chelsie takes a picture. I dunno, I think it's kind of far away and fuzzy. She doesn't have zoom on that iPhone? Fer and Franco unknowingly continue to stare intently at each other.

Evil Barbie reminds Camilo that she's doing everything for his own good. She called him to the office to tell him the party's all ready. Camiiiiiii looks like he's going to be sick.

Venus still won't tell Martina what she's planning so that Martina won't go running to Esteve. Martina's convinced it's nothing good. Venus promises her "nos vamos a divertir pues un montón"--we're going to have, like, a ton of fun! And Esteve will be left with his mouth open. Martina whines and tries to convince Venus not to screw with that sweet, sweet, gringo. Venus tries to distract her by saying they've got to pick out a hot little number for Martina to wear, too. I admit that if someone insisted on buying me a pretty frock it would definitely distract me from wondering what havoc they were planning.

The ladies who lunch giggle over the face they expect Erika to make when she sees the picture. The brunette goes to the loo, but she wants updates when she gets back. Chelsie confirms that she's absolutely planning to show that picture to Erika…"A ver, si entre nosotras no somos solidarias y nos cuidamos las espaldas, entonces para que somos las amigas?"--Let's see, if between ourselves we aren't supportive and we don't watch each other's backs, then what are we friends for? Bee. Yatch.

Franco gives Fer her grandpa Jeronimo's pen. Fer muses that it must be the most expensive gift Ana Gregoria ever received. She wants that diary so she can air all the family's dirty laundry. She says it's the only way that the Elizaldes can quit being so unfair and such liars and cheaters. She says she's indebted to someone--Soledad Cruz. She thinks she owes it to Soledad to reveal all the secrets, especially so they can see how unfair they were to her. She knows it won't be much of a comfort to her, but she wants the family to realize how ungrateful they were toward Soledad. Franco is moved and has to run off to the bathroom and fix his eye makeup. What? That's what chicks do. He goes over to a window near the bathroom and cries. The brunette notices on her way out, but walks back to her table. Franco struggles to get it together.

Evil Barbie tells Camilo they need to start prepping for his divorce now, before he's married. She tells him he'd better not get Lovely pregnant. Camilo laughs, "Estas frente a un profesional en la materia"--you're facing an expert on the subject. Way to remind her you raped her daughter, dumbass. Or is your secret that you never actually sleep with women, therefore there's no way to get any of them pregnant? Or perhaps you've already done your homework and found out Santi's the only male of your generation not shooting blanks? Cami says if he hadn't been careful with all his hos Barbie and Gonzo would have grandbabies coming out of their ears. Barbie casually asks if he was also "careful" with Aurora and he says he was "extra careful". He wonders where she and Santi are, that neither of them are around anymore. Barbie says Aurora ran away and Santi went to Florence. Camilo wants Santi back for the party to show him that he's the only one who knows how to get a woman. Yes, please do bring him back to witness Cami's humiliation at the hands of Venus!

Martina is trying on a hot pink and black tie-dyed maxi dress with a smocked bodice all in black. It looks good, but I'm thinking too casual for the big party. Venus loves it, though. Martina declares she won't go to the party if Venus doesn't tell her what she's planning and escapes back into the dressing room. Venus says she'll tell Martina if she swears not to tell. She whispers the plan in Martina's ear, but Martina seems horrified. Venus says that jerk "Me la paga porque me la paga"--He'll pay [me] because he'll pay; i.e., I'll have my revenge, he'll pay for what he's done just because I say so, etc. Venus says she'll disappear afterward, even from Esteve because she really wants to forget him, even if it hurts down to her "cachas" (core, marrow, or very slangily--sex organ…depending on who you ask). Esteve is just an illusion, like a TV galán, that's all.

The brunette reports that Franco was crying. Chelsie also notices that Fer doesn't look too happy. But those three are ecstatic, anticipating how upset Erika will be when she sees the picture. What a bunch of, how you say, harpies? Arpías!

Dam, Jacobo, and unnamed Accomplice drive down a dusty lane in Pueblo Purificación. They're just around the corner from the convent. Jacobo wants the rundown on security, but it's essentially nil. Damian reminds him to be really, really careful with the girl.

Out in the parking lot, Fer says she'll get to work right away. Franco wonders what her plans are when all this is over and Lili's back. She was originally thinking of running off with Lili, but she doesn't want to run from her responsibilities. She thinks she'll stick around, get Lili proper treatment, and make sure Evil Barbie pays for all her crimes. And she wants to get the oft-mentioned community center up and running to honor the memories of Eduardo and Soledad.

Nameless Nun tells Aurora that "Bruno Manfredi" with an Italian accent is there to speak to her on Santiago's behalf, with a letter from Santiago, but he has to give it to her personally. Jacobo tries to hurry the process up, but the Mother Superior is not a woman to be rushed. Jacobo is saying that Santi is a student of his and is currently working on some restoration work back in Italia.

Fer goes to Gonzo's office and begs forgiveness. He can't shove her into a chair fast enough. He kind of laughs that she was a little impulsive, but says he's not angry at her, just worried about her and worried that the trust they used to have has deteriorated lately. Fer says she doesn't want to be a worry for him and does everything thinking of his well being. Gonzo feels guilty for not giving her all the support she needs because he's so busy with his own worries. Fer says she wants to talk about his worries with regard to Barbie. She tells him he's right, she agrees he has every right to protect his wife in any way he sees fit. Gonzo is surprised, but too stupid to question it. So far, though, she's only saying she approves of giving Barbie the 60%. Fer says not to thank her, she's just doing what's best for the family. Gonzo is so proud of her. As we go to commercials, they show a clip of Gonzo as I imagine he'll look when he finally realizes what an idiot he's been for the last fifteen years.

Damian waits in his car for Jacobo, stressing out. "Por que el repentino interés de Barbara por Aurora si antes no la tragaba?"--Why is Barbie suddenly interested in Aurora when before she couldn't stand her (couldn't swallow, couldn't stomach). Vlad calls him, but Damian's not in the mood and ignores it. Damian says soon Vlad will cease to be a bother.

Anibal takes a call from Vlad. Vlad stresses that Damian's not answering his calls. Anibal says to forget Damian, he's not interested anymore. Unlike Gonzo, Vlad puzzles over this sudden change of attitude. He opens a folder and says "no puede ser!"--It can't be.

Aurora comes into the Mother Superior's office.

Gonzo gives Fer a glass of water. Fer says that Gonzo shouldn't wait to give Barbie all the goods, just do it now and get it over with. Fer says it's not fair to make Barbie wait until Anibal's kid is born. He looks slightly confused, now.

Jacobo talks in some bad, fake Spitalian. He says Santi sent him to talk to Aurora about some, er, kind of private things. The Mother Superior and the other nun leave so Aurora and Jacobo can talk privately. Jacobo says Santi talks about nothing but Aurora and is crazy in love with her, but he didn't say when he's coming back to Mexico. He did give a letter for her, though, which is mysteriously missing from every pocket in his jacket.

Fer says it seems humiliating to make Barbie wait for the birth of the grandchild before she gets what she deserves. Barbie comes in and tries to leave, but Gonzo makes her stay. He happily announces that Fer is back and has a brand new attitude. Gonzo wants Barbie to hear it from Fer's own lips.

Jacobo says he remembers that he left the letter in the car. He asks her to come with him to get it. You just know she's going to fall for it. Sucker.

After some prodding from Gonzo, Fer says she agrees with Gonzo wanting to put 60% in Barbie's name, but she asked him not to wait for the baby to be born. Barbie squeezes out a fake tear. Fer says it seems only fair to her. Barbie asks Fer how she can repay such generosity, but hugs Gonzo instead. I think it bought her time to have a reaction without looking Fer in the eye. And poor Fer. Talk about taking one for the team. Barbie cries and thanks them both, but says she's worried now about Camilo because he doesn't know what's going on and he might feel offended, now that he's getting married. Gonzo says all his kids have a home and college degrees, so they've got nothing to complain about. He calls his lawyer. Fer tries not to look hatefully at Barbie while Barbie tries not to look at Fer pityingly.

Jacobo is having a little trouble convincing Aurora and now throws in an embellishment about some photos as well. Now she's convinced, but luckily, the other nun whose name I can never remember was just about to knock on the door and ask if they wanted drinks. Aurora says not now, but would the Sister come with her to this nice man's car to collect the letter and photos? I sense a nunnapping on the way. Is that good for a go straight to hell card? Jacobo curses as he follows them out.

Silvestre, in the doctor's office, grouses about not wanting an operation. He thinks it's a waste and he's used to his glasses anyway. Come one, man, get the operation, lose the glasses, get a makeover and find yourself a nice viejita to spend the rest of your days with. They do a PSA about the procedure, which I don't listen to because "operation" and "eyes" in the same sentence kind of freaks me out. Speaking of "eyes," Martina and the Doc make some at each other as he leaves the office to get something I wasn't paying attention to. Martina talks to Silvestre about heading for the beach after the operation. Silvestre is so happy to have such a great daughter (and this without even seeing her kick ass at mud wrestling) "Nomas me pida vida para verte bien casada"--All I ask is enough life left to see you well married. Ditto to that. Martina say it's going to be cool walking into the church together with Carlos waiting at the altar. Silvestre promises her dead mommy will also be there sharing in their happiness on that day.

Jacobo, Aurora, and the nun walk out of the convent. Now Jacobo claims his car broke down, but it's just around the corner, just a few steps away. Aurora again asks the nun to go with her and the nun agrees. Jacobo takes Aurora's arm and starts leading her to the car.

Fer walks into her office and states a bunch of obvious things to herself about Barbie, the money, etc. Barbie comes in, but Fer isn't so nice to her now. Barbie wants Fer to explain the situation to Camilo. Both ladies have the gloves off now. Barbie doesn't care if Fer likes it or not, agrees with it or not, just is she going to do it or not. Fer snits that when they have Lili back, she expects Barbie to go far, far away, where they never hear anything from her again. Barbie notes the claws are out now and wonders where sweet little Fernandita has gone to. "Desapareció en el momento que descubrió a la verdadera Barbara Greco, una mujer perversa que ha abusado del amor ciego que le profesa un anciano mientras que ella le ha sido infiel con el marido de su hijastra!"--She disappeared in the moment that she discovered the true Barbara Greco, a perverse woman who has taken advantage of the blind love professed to her by an old man while she cheats on him with her stepdaughter's husband! Well, sure, when you put it that way….

Tomorrow: The incriminating photo gets blown up, including the date/time stamp, and presumably we get fallout from Fer calling Barbie on her shit.


Yay! I have my regular computer back and I can post to the sidebar once again :)

Additional vocab as Mr. 5ft pointed out he's not familiar with this word:

viejita: little old lady, from "vieja" old lady + "-ita" small or little

Another masterpiece, Kat!

This was a pretty eventful recap. Camilo is going to be lucky if Babs doesn't give him a cojonectomy as her parting gift, judging by the way she looked at him.

Of course they weren't going to tell us Venus' plan. We'll have to wait a looooong while to see that party and the fireworks.

Poor Erika. If these are her friends ....

Silvia Navarro just gets better and better. She nailed every single scene. The last one where she really sticks it to Barbie was great!

That Jacobo is one disgusting looking guy. Guess we'll have to wait to see if he takes both Aurora and the nun ... or neither.

Thanks, 5ft. Gee whiz...with friends like that...who needs enemies. I felt like I was as at the junior high dance....''TeeHee..I cannot wait to tell Judy that we saw Bobby with Sandy.''

Thanks for the great recap, Kat.

Ah, yes, the moral dilemma of --- Do I tell her that her man is out with another woman, or do I stay out of it? I’m not sure I like Erika’s friends. Chelsy looks like a clone of Erika. Nice product placement of the iPhone, too.

What IS in that folder of Vlad’s? Maybe he’s shooting blanks, too, and Pris is with child due to immaculate conception.

Pobrecito de Gonzo . . . suffering early dementia is my diagnosis.

I don’t think this is our original Dr. Cute Guy actor.

1000 bonus points for an awesome recap title!!

Cojonectomy, LOL Novelera...

"I'm at the embassy"? SERIOUSLY?? People in telenovelas lie way too easily. (Except for Damian's cousin. Even in Aurora's eagerness to get a letter or photos from Santi, I can't forgive her gullibility. Jacobo is a pitifully poor liar, and there's no reason Santi couldn't have mailed those things.)

I felt like crying at the thought that the pen was the most expensive gift Ana G had ever had. What's worse, that a pen can cost that much, or that someone like Ana G can't have anything more? Or maybe it's just knowing that it was nothing for him to give it to her, which is probably what he thought of her, too.

Thanks for the great recap, Kat.

Ah, yes, the moral dilemma of --- Do I tell her that her man is out with another woman, or do I stay out of it? I’m not sure I like Erika’s friends. (Eeew!) That Chelsy looks like a clone of Erika, too. Same hair, makeup, bubbly personality. Maybe she's the stand-in. Nice subtle product placement of the iPhone, too.

What IS in that folder of Vlad’s? Maybe it's a Dr.'s report that he’s shooting blanks, too, and Pris is with child due to immaculate conception.

Pobrecito de Gonzo . . . suffering early dementia is my diagnosis.

I don’t think this is our original Dr. Cute Guy actor, either. CG#1 was much better looking. Either that or I'm suffering early dementia. Gonzo and I can room together.

What's in Vlad's folder... didn't he have a fertility test shortly after hearing of Pris's pregnancy, to prove that his own fish were swimmin' hard? The folder could also include a copy of Ani's test results. Additional evidence of paternity if a DNA test is refused... if he lives long enough to send them to the right people.

Good morning Kat. Love your style. My faves from this one are "Spitalian" (and great fun to listen to...) "nunnapping" and "straight to Hell card".

They were speaking Spitalian on Gancho last night also, but the speaker was a whole lot sexier and easy on the eyes.

Still laughing also, about your characterization of Franco limping off to the ladies room, so to speak, to cry like a girl. Pobrecito.

Fun to see this winding up but I'll sure miss our flawed galan when this show is over.

Thanks for the recap Kat. I was only half listening as I was working on the floor in the basement.

If Abora actually believes that horrible story the fake Italian was giving her then she deserves what she gets. Sheesh...

Friends? Hmmm...that's debatable.

Oh Kat, you are snarkarific today! I'm here at work, LMAO, & people keep interrupting rude. Very very funny! Spitalian: so that's what I've been speaking. Thanks for clearing that up!

Novelera: cojonectomy...HA! Maybe Babs can donate NaranHo's nads to AnyBalls. Of course then, AB would turn a sickly shade of orange, start humping ho's, wearing gold chains & unbuttoning his shirt to his navel. De-nutting NaranHo seems like a fitting punishment, though.

MeeeOW! Erika has some choice friends. I was waiting for Nanda to recognize them but then I adjusted my beanie. And of course, Fr/Ed had to lie because if he told the truth, his ears would fall off.

Sniffles is an idiot but what else is new. Can't wait to hear how Babs lies her way through this next horrific saga.

Go Nanda! She was awesome last night.

When Artemio finds out what an imbecile his half brother is, he'll be more than willing to disavow any blood relationship that moron.

grrrr. Kat, your version was much more entertaining.


Thanks for another hilarious great recap, Kat. Very nice on the spot translations. I was a little bit annoyed and puzzled when the Mother Superior didn't insist that Jacobo remove his cap before speaking with her. The caring friends of Erica were so funny, and all too real-to-life. It's always useful to have someone looking out for your interests like that.

The scene with Gonzo and his two favorite women was so funny as well. Gonzo was like a little child coaxing Nanda to fill in Babs about her change of heart. I'm beginning to agree with those who think he is displaying signs of dementia.


5ft, you've done it again! Does Mr. 5ft have stitches holding his sides together?

Err's "friends", is Fernanda the only one of the bunch that has matured beyond 8th grade? They were more interested in the "fun" of exposing Franco than they were looking out for Fer's welfare. Sheesh...

Silvia nailed her scenes again. She is carrying the load on this production. What was with codgerdaddy pushing her into the chair? Didn't make sense to me. And what is with Fer having to give Cad the news of being disinherited? Seems like Gutless Gonzo should tell all, if anyone. Oh well.

I'm eager to see the rest of the final scene, with Fer slicing Evilbabs with her rapier-tongue...

Thank you Kat. And you really rock giving us those translations of phrases! Wow!

Yes, there is no harmless way to tell a woman her lover is cheating on her. Even well intentioned people or caring friends get burned by the heat. This set of arpies will just enjoy the theater.

Nanda was great but. She now needs to find a way to direct Barb's suspicions away from Franco AND pobrecita Flor! I expect Barb will not come out and ask how she knows about her and Damian. Barb may think it was Abora...right!

That "Unrevealed Info In The Folder" gamit only irks me! I wish writers and directors would give up that bland trick.

Thanks Kat, you are great on the difficult to understand expressions. I am writing all of the ones you translated down in my book!

What is in Vlad's folder!!

I know I have commented on the silly actions of the characters in the TN, but after last night. I'm moving Gonzo to the top of my estupido list. He is for the most part disinheriting all his children for BARBARA. I hope that his acid reflux expression in the previews comes from him realizing what he has done.

True story..briefly, years back it came to the neighborhood's attention that a husband was having an affair. He wasn't where he said he was, photos were found, etc. Collectively, we decided to say nothing. He went through a bunch of his wife's small inheritance spending it on his girlfriend before he was discovered.... To tell or not to tell is a tough call.

Sandy in TN

Oh Kat...1000 apologies for not recognizing & thanking you for the TREMENDOUS translations. It was rude of me not to acknowledge your superior Spanish skills. I bow to you.


Thanks Kat for the great recap.....things are certainly "heating up" and unlike other TNs this one has unexpected twists and turns everywhere.....
As we've mentioned before they certainly must have a tight wardrobe budget for this production..anyone else notice the dresses Martina and Venus were looking through at the boutique were those that Fernanda wore in her Cabo by the Sea fantasy with Franco?,,,,,if the episodes were futher apart in time I maybe wouldn't have noticed......

One more thing,

Fernanda, should not have gone along with facilitating Barbara's scheme, even though she was encouraged to do so by Franco.. Lili is wealthy due to Ciro's inheritance, but Fer doesn't know that. Fer needs to think of the needs of others in her family, not just Lili. Fer is helping with the disenheritance of everyone but the nieto. She is letting her love for Franco impair her judgment.

Oh well, those are my thoughts for what they are worth!!

Sandy in TN

Whose office was Vlad in when he found the folder? I looked away and looked back but couldn't figure out where he was.

Does anyone else think that dress Martina was trying on was ghastly!?

I just assumed Vlad was in his home office corner since he is unemployed. Maayeebeee he is out on a temp job? He has acted like a responsible person taking care of his own physical necessities. Unlike 'bebe'.

Connie & Quarterpastthree: Yes, Martina's dress was ghastly - it made her look very top heavy and fat and I noticed that the flowery dress Fer wore in her fantasy was one of those pulled out and looked at by Venus. Time to evaluate the Wardrobe Dept! However, didn't Fer look nice in her grey/black outfit?

5Ft, you make the recap so much fun to read - thanks.

Erika's "friends" need to have their ears pulled for being so mean.


Oh, no, bowing is certainly not needed...I'm just glad to have a place to vent my snarkiness and put my wit and Spanish skillz to good use :)

I hate the whole "document in a folder" ploy. It could very well turn out to be "Oh, no, I didn't realize my stocks were doing so badly...I'll have to fire my broker!" I mean, how interesting can that document really be? It's not like one of our baddies would have typed out a detailed list of every dastardly thing they've done, put it in a nice little folder, and handed it to Vlad for a little light reading...unless it ends with "and now you die!"

As always, thank you, thank you Kat! Love the way you write it!

Those dresses must have come out of costuming, one that Vensus was looking at Fer was wearing in the fantasy boat scene the other night!

Poor Erika, an intended who looks sick when she is around and friends like that? WTF? Girl needs a clue and a break.

It's kind of hard to feel sorry for Erika when she knows the whole thing is a sham anyway. She's living in her own reality.

Salutes to you, Kat. Loved all the vocab in this recap.

At least Fer wore three different outfits in one day, which I figure comes to about a third of her entire production wardrobe ;-).

Oh - I had assumed that Vlad was at home too. If he's looking at a folder someplace else, then I would guess that it was Pris's fertility doctor's office, but I don't remember what that place looked like!

I think last night that was the original Dr. Carlos, but just don't understand why he looked so different at the queso feria. He wasn't in the scene very long, so I wonder if it could have been a stand-in. He looked beefier & more like one of Artemio's hoods. Can't be just the white Doc coat.

Cuidáte Fernanda, Babs has a gun, knock out drops & who knows what else, plus she's capable of anything.

Another fiesta, yea, they are always fun.

Still laughing 5ft.

So funny, Kat. Thanks.

Did that folder just appear out of the blue and onto Vlad's desk unless someone sneaked into his apartment and placed it there? It looked like it could be a white Lactos folder.

Doris, I'm leaning toward Martina's Dr. Carlos being a different actor as well. He seems taller and thinner though there is a definite resemblance to the old Dr. Carlos. Go figure.


Thanks for another great recap. I absolutely love your translations. I missed a lot of the conversation between Fer and Franco at the restaurant and also among the 3 girls. (As far as "to tell or not to tell", I've had 2 occasions where I told and both times was made to look like the bad guy. I vowed never again. Most people tend to ignore obvious signs and believe cover up lies anyway).
Now you guys just get right off Gonzo's case. He's a great entertainer. Anyone else out there enjoy him as much as I do?
As for Venus, I've lost interest in her and her scheme.
I'm not surprised that Aurora appeared kinda fascinated by Spitalian. Much of his gestures seemed a lot like Santiago's when he's playing around. Thanks again for a very enjoyable recap.

Kat, the title and the recap were spectacular. Witty and wonderful. Favorite (with so many to choose from) was "Bee. Yatch." Simply great!

If Erika does have friends, they weren't at the restaurant. There was no real concern for Erika, no sense of kindness or compassion. Agree with you Susanlynn, with friends like those...

I thought Vlad was definitely at home when he opened the folder. But, he seemed surprised at what he saw. Am wondering not only what it is but if it is real or fabricated. Vlad (unlike Dam) seems to have a self-preservation gene and wouldn't count him out just yet.

Speaking of the dim-witted Dam, who in their right mind would EVER send Jacobo to try and coax Aurora into leaving the convent? An eccentric, overcaffeinated character at best. Even gullible Aurora had the sense to ask the sister accompany them.

Fer was on fire! It must have killed her to have to hold back from telling Babs she knows all!

Diana in MA

"At least Fer wore three different outfits in one day, which I figure comes to about a third of her entire production wardrobe"

LOL - how true! I like the gray silk organza blouse she had on at lunch with FrEd. It's one of the prettiest things she has worn in a long time, IMO.

WHY is it that when someone tells a friend that that friend's media naranja is stepping out on them, it kills the friendship? Seems to me the 'victim' would be grateful for the clue-in. Nonetheless, it remains to be seen if Erika will remain BFF with Chelsy & Co. after they show her the photo.

How did Fer find out about Babs & Dam? Was it Flor who spilled the beans? Seems like I saw that episode but can't remember. (alas! Gonzo Syndrome)

Vlad's document may end up being just like the envelope that Fr/Ed received from Artemio awhile back. It just vanished and was never mentioned again.

And did anyone hear the rooster crowing several times during Fr/Ed and Fer's restaurant scene? At one point, Fer looked out the window almost in amusement. Guess they had to shoot quite early to avoid the real restaurant crowd.

On Fer's outfit, the gray top with black cami matched Fr/Ed's tie...very sweet.

I think it is good that Fer let Babs have it a little. It shows she doesn't agree, doesn't like or trust her, but that Fr/Ed did what Babs told him to, and that he does have some control over Fer and he is on Babs side. Nicely played.

I still think we will hear more about the paternity of Pris' baby.

Muchísimas gracias, Kat, for another wonderful recap. I love your wit and also the very helpful vocab.

I assumed that the folder Vlad was looking at was something he took from Lactos when he left, and that it contained evidence either of AnyBalls' mishandling of Priscilla's money or something involving Damian's nefarious dealings. I kinda like the suggestion some people have made that the folder contains info about either Vlad's (negative) or AnyBalls' (positive) fertility test, but this seems a stretch.

Can't wait to see what happens tonight!

I would have thought Fer would be mad at Soledad, instead of thanking her - for hiding all she knew?? I guess that doesn't fit the plot.

When Franco was telling Fer about being friends after this was over, it brought to mind images of "When Harry met Sally". Harry thought a guy and a gal could be "just friends", but Sally knew better.

I don't feel sorry that Erika's sham wedding probably won't take place, because she really only had a crush on Franco anyway and just got carried away with the whole wedding drama. I do feel badly for her that she will now think her childhood friend, really sister, was betraying her. Add to that that Camilo whom she did seem to love was physically and emotionally abusive to her, and that her three "friends" are sadistically awaiting the fun they will have hurting her with the pictures. As far as I know, Chelsey is going to send them anonymously. Erika is way immature but kindhearted and a good friend. She doesn't deserve this kind of pain and humiliation. Well, at least she has a supportive family.

Loved your recap, Kat. Reading it was so much fun.

Flor told Fernanda about Babs & Damian doing the deed. Gardenia told Flor.

If Aurora is kidnapped, what are the odds of the Purtficación policia being notified?

Silver Fox,

I remember that Sally thought that men and women can be friends, but Harry knew better, but maybe I need to join Doris and Gonzo in the retirement village.

Anon, 2:38 I think that Erika is kind hearted and a good friend too. Learning about the deep "friendship" of her BEST friend and her fiance will HURT. She is too giggly, silly and dense, but not mean spirited. As silly as this program is, I really feel for some of the characters...the actors must be doing something right!

Sandy in TN

This episode was one of the better ones. (Except for scenes with Silvestre and Martina--god they annoy me!) I loved Jacobo. He was hysterical. I couldn't stop laughing at his "spitalian."

I don't think it's too far fetched for Aurora to follow him to his car in broad dayligh since she asked the nun to join her. She has no reason to believe anyone would be after her... not even Camilo since he's a love 'em and leave 'em kind of guy.

What did people think of Fer's yellow suit. I thought it was hideous. And why does Venus have to keep dressing in maternity wear. And will someone please tell Erica to stop touching her hair!!!

I disliked Jacabo in Cuidado, and he makes me want to puke every time he opens his mouth in MEPS. Please Televisa, retire this guy! Let him work the carny in Acapulco, anything but act(?)!

The hair flip drives me crazy too. And the extra length on one side is just weird.

I don't want Erika to be hurt, but she will be, by her best friend & her novio. When she learns the truth, she will understand, but she has put so much effort into the boda, she should be very angry. Of course this is all brought on by herself. PLEASE someone, find Erika a nice man! Especially sine it looks like she might da la luz any day.

Add my name to the list of Jacobo fans. The guy was great in Mujer de Madera. He has a naturally evil demeanor, a great rasp to his voice, and a twinkle in his eye even when he as his vicious best. I even like his perpetually stringy dirty-looking, thinning hair pulled back in a ponytail. He remind s me of some of our aging Banditos here in Houston, a biker gang that I inadvertently was the team doctor for for a number of years.


Kat, thanks for the great recap - it was better than the episode.

Erika and Dolly need to get a life and start a wedding planner business, they would be excellent.

I cannot believe that Dam will turn over Abora! There is too much baggage between he and BBarbie and she owes him $3 million plus a little extra for the pain and suffering from the gun shot wound. I could just see the wheels turning in his head last night now that he knows Abora is BBarbie's Achilles Heel.


The actors must be doing a good job

we hate Camilo & want him castrated
we think Gonzo is dense & Artemio
we think Babs is just plain evil
we think Lili is in space
we think Erika is silly
we think Aurora is, not what she should be but just plain annoying
we think Gardenia is the biggest pain in the ass blabbermouth there has been, (but beautiful)
we think Esteve, Jacinto y Margarita are trusted friends

What else do we collectively think?
That is besides Fr/Ed being the hunkiest & Fernanda being muy inteligente & gorgeous.

I hate to see Erika's friends send her that photo. They really are the "mean girls" from junior high school.

But, on the other hand, she was told from the get-go that Franco didn't love her, that he was still in love with someone else. But she kept stubbornly insisting she'd get him to fall in love with her after the wedding. Unfortunately, she's not even waiting for the wedding, playing the "as if" game. Pretend as if something is true and it will be. She doesn't miss a chance to drool over and paw the man who told her they would have a marriage of convenience. The smarter move would be to be a bit distant and only friendly, waiting until after the actual boda to try to warm him up. But Erika is not that smart.

Kat you are fabulous! Now the fur is finally starting to fly!

Evil Barbie came in to gloat and it was great to see her get the unexpected 'right hook' from Nanda about doin' the nasty with Dam. Now Barb will have to be looking over her shoulder all the time wondering who else knows her secrets. She has way too much to hide.

I liked Nanda's yellow suit. The fit was good and the bright color looked good on her. I did not like the gauzy sheer blouse she wore at the restaurant. It was too fussy with all the tucks and bows. All I could think about is how uncomfortable and scratchy that kind of fabric is to wear.

I got the feeling the dress shop scene with Venus and Martina was shot in the wardrobe closet of the set. That would explain why there were 2 or 3 of the same dresses hanging on the racks behind them (enough for wardrobe changes but fewer than most retailers would have) and why Martina had to duck down when going into the fitting room.

I too, think that Vlad's folder came from Lactos. Didn't he say he was going over someone's accounts (Pris or Damian's) and doing it HIS way? I think he may have discovered where the $3 million that Dam was supposed to get from Babs has really gone to.

I wonder if Erika will be invited to the big fiesta for Loafly & Camilho? It would be kind of neat for her to see Caammi taken down, especially after her "friends" humiliate her with that photo.

Chelsie was probably tired of Erika going on and on and on about her wedding and when she saw Franco at the out of the way restaurant with Fernanda, saw a chance to stick it to Erika.

Variopinta – add to the list:
- we think this novela should have ended three months ago
- we think Santi needs a hair makeover

“Putrification” -- LOL!

I didn’t like Fer’s yellow outfit, either. It was a little too yellow.

Doris, lol, I didn't even mean to write Putrificación, Freudian slip, because I always think that.

Thanks for the recap Kat. You were great as usual. Most of your stellar lines have been mentioned.

I can't wait to see what happens tonight.

Variopinta, we think: Esteve needs a fashion makeover (no more gringo faux pas such as too tight gym pants, weird colored clothes and weird hair style and no more sweaters over his shoulders preppie style.) GinCA

GinCa, and the hunkisimo needs to throw away the black & white stripped sweater.

Kat: This was LOL funny! Ditto JudyB's word selections! Spitalian and Nunnapping had me spitting my drink at my screen. Not nice!!

Now a female would have had sense enough to dry her tears in the restroom in private rather than let cheeks drip-dry at the window next to the hallway everybody and their brother uses as did our alpha-male. That was a little too inconveniently dorky by my way of thinking.

Gonzo deserves a kick in the ass as well as his assets for disinheriting his kids this way.

Thanks so much for giving Fernanda's exact quote from the last scene! What a great ending, and a great recap!

I think Erika's friend was WAY too happy to send the photo to her. I wonder if she has any REAL friends? Fernanda is stealing her man, and the rest of them are soooo excited to see it happen. Nobody feels bad for her or wants to help.

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