Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sortilegio - we need two more recappers

Hi all,

Ferro is not on board for Sortilegio, and Pasofino is also leaving, so there are two potential recapper spots. Any volunteers?

UPDATE: Connie signed up, but Jody dropped out - so we need at least one more person, and I'd be happy to give up my spot or share it as I did this time.

Anybody else?

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I'll give it a whack if you can't find anyone.

Well, Jeez Connie YOU are somebody. Want to take Tuursdays?

Thanks from the blog mom...

Was that a Thursday or a Tuesday? Ha! I can do either one.

Oops - Thursday. I'll put you in the sidebar. Write me to get an invitation.

This is a dumb question, but what's your email?

Oh Connie...I will so look forward to reading your recaps! I have got to learn Spanish!

Connie, you will be great!

Thanks everybody. Looking forward to it.

Go Connie! Glad to have you aboard!

God bless all Re-cappers!
We love you!
Don Felipe de DC

Connie: It'll be great fun! Welcome to the snarkfest!

Melinama -- would you mind terribly if I didn't do recaps for Sortilegio? After Cuidado and Manana, I'm tired and need to take a long winter vacation from recapping.

Jody :)

Oops, then we're down one more! Enjoy your rest, Jody.

Great news Connie! I have long thought you should be recapping.

I would like to become a re-caper for Sortilegio.
Is there anyway I can re-cap En Nombre del Amor on Fridays??
I can have Fridays recap by Saturday morning.

Anonymous 8:34, Amor seems to be covered, but thanks for asking.

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