Thursday, September 10, 2009

Un Gancho #58, Thurs 9/10 - Tonight's guest directors are Alfred Hitchcock and Clint Eastwood

Look folks, let's not get all bent out of shape just because happily ever after ain't happening tonight. We all KNOW we've got to wait until the bitter end, so let's take a load off and chill...

Redux: We get a replay of our favorite wordplay B: "Estas conmigo o sinmigo?" C: "Conmigo." B: "Por Eso." Un beso.

Moni accepts Mau's proprosal. Happy music, but we'll not hold our collective breaths, sigh.

Coni and Beto try to ditch Jeri's body and Beto gets heart palpitations and wants to barf. Then they argue about killing him and what to do with the body. Throw it under a train? Let a bus run over it? They turn back to the car and Yaaaaaaahhhh!! The body is gone!

Moni and Estre are super happy jumping up and down with Moni's news. Estre's slightly bummed cause Moni's got a prince and Estre's not even hooked up with a toad. Moni admits she still has not told Mau that she and Beto are not siblings.

Mau arrives home to his kids singing a welcome home papa song. Everyone is happy at last. Mau has news, he has decided to marry to help grease the adoption skids. "Not to the mummy?" the kids ask dolefully. No, to the monkey! Wheee!

Apparently some time passes and Chris is over at Grupo Sermeño pontificating to Mau and company about what could have happened to Jeronimo. Gabi tells Mau his cousin had a mountain of enemies and si, he is likely dead. Xime paces and weeps, sort of. Chris starts analyzing who is the most likely culprit and asks if anyone heard anyone else threatening to kill Sr. Jeronimo? Gabi quickly raises her hand and looks at Sal.

Beto and Coni run along the road trying to find the body but no luck. Did somebody steal the body for extortion? Beto accuses her, she's a murderer! Tasty, but a murderer!

Chris cross examines Ximena and guess what, he gets nowhere, except she admits that her brother always beat her up. Ah ha ha, a motive! He cross examines Sal who somehow diverts suspicion to...Gabi who, scratching, says she had no relationship with Jero (esas pulgas no brincan en mi petate = those fleas don't jump in my backpack) and leads suspicion to...Paula. Chris calls Pau mi amor which gets her excited, but then he warns her he must do his job.

Mau surprises Moni at the barrio and tells Moni that Beto is wanted for Jero's murder. Moni frets and Mau sez he doesn't really think Jeri is dead.

Chris gathers the employees together to discuss the murder of Jeronimo Sermeño. He says, in summary, that Sal denounces Oscar as the murderer, however Gabi says the murderer is Sal, and Pau says the murderer is Gabi; Xime says...actually she says nothing.

The accused start arguing and blaming each other and suppose that perhaps la Loca Lorenza could be the culprit. And didn't Paula wave a knife around one day? Cacaphony erupts and Chris calls for backup and an ambulance.

It's nightfall and raining and Beto comes sneaking home to mami. Moni joins them to tell him the police are after him. "I'm innocent!" he repeats his mantra before fleeing.

I think Alfred Hitchcock is directing this next scene. Xime is busy arranging the apartment the way SHE likes it. She thanks her bro for kicking the bucket and leaving her alone. The thunder booms and she thinks it's a sign of an angry Jero. "Don't be mad Jero, knock twice if you're here." She hears a knocking and almost faints. The camera shoots from a high angle making Xime appear as if she is trapped or observed from above. She answers and screams, "Aaaaaayyyyyyy!!" Plop! It's her bloody brother back from the grave. "What an idiot you are," he says to his unconscious sis, "and shut the door." (Que tarada eres.)

Moni and Pau discuss the Jero situation and Moni is interrupted by a call from her prince. Camera angle switches to Mau, he says he couldn't go to bed without telling her that very soon they will be together forever. (Them's anvil words.) His happy sigh is interrupted by Play Misty For Me, i.e. Coni who busts in all wet and bedraggled looking. "Ayyyyyy!!!! Yes it was I who killed Jeronimo!"

Xime thinks Jero has returned as a zombie or spirit to haunt her. I would think that too because he keeps talking with his eyes closed and scary zombie music plays. She says if he drinks coffee it will leak out of his holes. He says things will leak out of the holes in her head then suddenly opens his eyes and glares at her. She jumps back and says he's the first ghost she's ever seen and he should rest in peace. He says she is soing to die too, in three seconds. She counts to three and...nada. He chases her with a pillow muttering tarada, tarada.

Next morning at Casa Mauricio Coni explains to Chris with wide gestures and sobbing that it was an accident, she gave Jero a little push he slipped and hit his head and then the body disappeared. She weeps she doesn't want to go to jail.

Sal and Gabi are back in their regular positions and Sal tells Gabi that Coni admitted everything. A crazed and messy Xime stumbles in and tells them the ghost of Jero, thirsting for vengeance, tried to attack her. Another interruption, this time Jero saunters in, dressed for work acting all casual and whistling, and asks them what are they looking at, a ghost? Gabi throws the book at him, literally, and bonks him on the head. "You're not a ghost," she accuses.

The weepy Coni tries to wrap herself around Mau just because he acts a little sympathetic. He gets rid of her and Tere arrives with a bouquet of flowers she bought from a vendor, his mom's favorites, they are for Moni.

Jero gathers the key staff to apologize to them for his vile behavior. They think he's full of it but are willing to negotiate some deals with him for keeping quiet about it to Mauricio. (At least I think that's what's going on.)

Coni does a quick blush touch up while Dani watches and mimics just like kids really do. Dani asks Moni is she sad? No, just tired, sez Coni. No, you're sad because Mau is going to marry Monita sez the little tyke. What did you say, demands Coni? Dani nods her head impishly. Gotta love that kid.

Moni finds Beto running around disguised in a hood on and happily tells him that Jero showed up alive and well. Beto keeps trying to kiss her but Moni pushes back. She loves him as a bro nothing more. They are over. He tells her not to give him a hook to the heart. She sez she can't be with him because she's in love with someone else.

That someone else drives up and, hidden behind a tree, watches them. What does he see? He sees Beto convince Moni to give him a goodbye kiss, their last. To say that Mau is impactado is an understatement.

Moni pushes Beto away and he demands to know who the other man is. She says that wretched thing, "It's me not you," but admits what they have isn't true love. Beto flees in anguish and Moni follows.

Mau kinda sorta tries to follow them when Xime strolls up, sees his face and tells him three truths. 1) Robi and Moni are not siblings, 2) they are novios, and 3) she sees a lot of hate in Mau's face and it scares her. Mau is re-impactado.

Coni shakes Dani and accuses her of lying and her nose will grow like an elephant's! Shake shake yell yell. The older kids rescue their little sis. Tere joins them and confirms yes M&M are going to get married. Coni mocks Aldo, grabs her purse and runs.

Mau beats up his car because he is such a stupid dumbass. Then he beats up the flowers. He orders Xime to guard the secret though she knows she is no good at that sort of thing.

Mau goes home and Tere tells him that Coni was very aggresive with the kids. Said kids enter on cue and wonder where is the monkey? They are super excited to become a family. Poor Mau can't stand it and escapes "everything will be fine." Aldo repeats it but doesn't believe it.

Another scene with Moni crying to her friend, this time Paula. She says she feels awful about Beto and this time for sure she'll tell Mau the truth.

Now we have another crying scene, this time it's Beto holding his luchador action figures while mami comforts him. I'm obsessing on Nieves' banana bunch earrings and wishing I had them. Beto jumps up and tries to kill himself by drinking bleach. He accuses Nieves of telling Moni about Constancia. "Who?" asks Nieves. Next he sticks his head in the oven and mami pulls him out. Beto sez the only thing that will help him is to talk to his shrink and he gives a piece of paper with Dr. Lefort's number to Nieves.

Nieves runs out of her house, sees Estre and of course blames her for everything. Estre tells Nieves to shut it because Beto's no saint anyway. Beto's probs are his fault and nobody elses. It's time for him to wear pants. Is he sad to lose Monita or sad to lose the chicken with the golden eggs? Estre really lets Nieves have it this time. After Estrella stomps off Nieves mutters if Estre weren't correct she would cleave her head into four pieces.

Over at Grupo Sermeño Moni keeps asking Gabi where is Mau. Uh oh, enter Coni and I think I hear the theme to the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Coni walks up behind Moni, turns her around and gives Moni two hard slaps, forehand and backhand. Oh come on Gabi, why are you holding Moni back? Well, I guess Coni owes Moni at least one for the other night but I still don't like it.

Manana: Xime tells Coni that Moni and Beto are novios, Beto finds Nieves in bed with Dr. Lefort, Beto threatens Consti, and Mau tells Moni what he saw.


Hey recap and I loved your comment about the overhead camera shot of Ximena, making her look like she was trapped. I observed it but didn't make that connection. Good gal! you think like a director!

I'm such a sentimental goof that when Teresa gave Mau the flowers I was like...oh noooo...don't go, miss the kiss...stay on the wedding with Monita track!...I HATE THESE BREAKUPS...but love the rest of the show. And loved your sparkling recap, amiga. Your lighthearted style perfectly matches this equally lighthearted telenovela.

PS Thought Beto's suicide pretensions were a hoot.

Amazing. Sylvia, you chose THE perfect title and cleverly interwove the great directors' best throughout. Judy's right - you have a director's eye and instinct.

Loved: "Plop! It's her bloody brother back from the grave", "Them's anvil words" and my favorite:"...Play Misty For Me, i.e. Coni who busts in all wet and bedraggled looking. "Ayyyyyy!!!! Yes it was I who killed Jeronimo!"

I get way too wrapped up in these but here, take nothing seriously. Wasn't in the least bit worried that Jero was dead or that Beto would actually ingest bleach or even make a feeble attempt to turn the oven on. Thankfully, he had his doting mama (and action figures) to console him over the loss of Moni.

Best moment was when Dani literally put her tongue in her cheek after delivering the M&M marriage plans to Connie. Worst: Connie draping herself like fabric over Mau and Connie's shaking of Dani.

Was Moni's relationship with Beto the last secret between them? If so, there are plenty of other things to keep them apart, particularly Connie who has no intention of going quietly, or actually of going at all.

I too loved the banana earrings!

Happy weekend all!

Diana in MA

Diana and Judy, I notice that so far this TN is consistently "playing fair", i.e. all the actions and plot devices do not stray (too far) outside the bounds of comfort. So far there are no nasty surprises. Yes, people get bonked and whacked but they more or less bounce back like cartoon characters. Yes, there are "bad" characters but they are more bumbling and annoying than truly dangerous and they get found out pretty quickly. Obviously our couple cannot get together until the end and there will be a sea of tears and angst to wade through; meanwhile the writing team seems to be having fun with wacky sitcom-like adventures (everything resolved in one episode)and paying homage to, or at least having fun with, various writing, directing and acting techniques. I truly hope this TN maintains the tone. I know it was extended which usually is the kiss of death. I guess we'll see.

I'll have to rewind and get a look at the earrings!!
Great recap, Sylvia.
Danni's tongue-in-cheek was adorable.
Also, it appears that Mauricio has some anger issues. He and Monita will have quite a lively marriage, whenever it happens. Although in telenovela-land marriage cures all anger, angst, all that bad stuff, right?

Yep's always "happily ever after" in telenovela least for the hero and heroine. Would that it were true in real life!

Excellent Sylvia. Very funny and well done. So far, I don't recall a single dud episode. I suspect that M&M will be on again off a gain many times before we're done. I'm loving officer Cristian. Not only is he making the most off his part, his officious way of speaking is crystal clear.


Thanks, Sylvia, for another fun recap. I especially liked "Mau is re-impactado." He's been impactado a lot lately, but as several have pointed out, all the major secrets are out now, so maybe the show will switch to a new phase (not sure what that'll be, though).

Beto really is a riot. The scene with his action figures, the bleach, and the oven had me laughing, even though he was supposed to be despondent. We know he'll bounce back.

Interesting how nobody thought to check Jerry for a pulse. I guess the problem is, that would involve touching him, and who wants to do that? Ick.

I also thought it was funny that Mauricio was observing Beto and Moni's last kiss through a pretzel shaped tree branch, which makes one think of a magnifying glass, or some spy thing, another little directorial touch.

Ximena's distress over Jero's supposed death was really touching.

I loved the interrogation scenes...especially Ximena's..."What victim? My hermanolfo? Anyone will tell you that I AM the victim, not him." She can do no wrong.

I can't remember the last time I enjoyed an episode of anything as much as I did this episode. Who knew an apparent murder and attempted suicide could be so funny? Even Mau and Monita's latest snafu doesn't bother me too much because I don't think it will last long.

Great recap Sylvia. I didn't notice the camera shots on Ximena, you are very good perceiving this kind of shots.

I agree that this was a great episode. I was laughing out loud when Ximena was trying to explain to Jero that he was dead. Gaby's method of figuring out if he was alive or a ghost was funny too. It is interesting that Coni confessed her involvement with Jeronimo's supposed death on her own. Deep down (very deep down) she has a little bit of a conscience.

The song the kids were singing to Mau was "Hoy tengo que decirte papá" by Timbiriche. Today is my father's birthday, maybe we should add that song to his party.


HA!!! So funny Sylvia, I saw the banana earrings and immediately thought of you and that you would like them and wondered if you would mention them in the recap!!!

Mau is re-impactada...funny I'll remember that one.

One thing I noticed, not sure that petate is a backpack, I think it's more of like a sleeping mat so it's probably like "those fleas don't jump into my bed..." see below for wiki-info...

interestingly enough a petate can also be a swindler or despicable person or as a verb it can mean to kick the bucket (die)... maybe yet another play on words? Who knows...

Jarocha, thank you for the link and explanation to the song. I really liked theh song and the explanation is fun. I think you should definitely sing it to your father.

Hombre, good eye on the Mau-peeping-through-the-pretzel. It was a good motif and in keeping with a night of interesting camera angles.

Gancho, I think you are correct about the sleeping mat, at least that's how I translated it way back when in the JQ vocab list. I got lazy last night, and I'm glad to announce every time that happens one of you clever commenters always notices. Buen hecho!!

Hee, well it's funny because for the longest time there was a restaurant near me named Los Petates and it had a chicken/rooster mascot and I always thought petates was like their feet or little claws or something but I think I confused that with pata and patada, and so when I came across the translation one time for something I was sort of shocked that I had imagined something else for that long, so of course I picked up on that word.

And for the are never lazy!!!

Gracias amiga!

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