Monday, September 14, 2009

un Gancho al Corazón Mon 9/14/9 She's Having WHOSE Baby?

From last time M&M are having a serious talk, Mauricio has had enough. A passionate kiss...goodbye. Nieves arrives at the office wishing to see Mauricio Serveño. Gabi offers an appointment for tomorrow. Nieves tells Gabi that Mao is ruining Moni's life; these rich guys always try to get innocent girls into bed. Gaby doesn't know what she's talking about and asks her to leave. "Nieves gracefully exits with, "The poor always stick together." "So they've already slept together?" Gabi muses. Still in his office, Mao informs Monita that he is fed up with her lies and deceptions and therefore this was their last kiss. Moni, devastated, asks for another chance. Then rejected, retreats from Mau's office, her eyes welling up with tears. Gabi recognizes that something is amiss and offers to talk. Moni shrugs her off. She is unconsolable just now. She heads for the coffee room. Mau stops briefly by the reception desk long enough to announce that he is leaving to go home and doesn't want to be bothered. Gabi tries to talk with him, but he too is in no mood. And so our happy little episode continues on this cheerful note.

In the fern bar, Oscar is sipping a brandy as he discusses current events with Connie. So Mauricio's bombón is actually Beto's novia. Connie, having coffee and berries, takes exception to Oscar's low opinion of Beto and Moni is definitely no bombón, when they are joined by Dr Lefort, our favorite shrink. He has stunning news. Beto and Monita aren't siblings, they are a romantic couple. Underwhelmed by this now ancient history, Oscar fires the good doctor. "Well, OK but you'll have to pay me double." "You must be delirious," Oscar notes. Fine, the mind-meddler counters, he'll just share what he knows with Mauricio.

"This time I've lost him forever,"Moni whines to Pau, "he hates me." As she tries to comfort and encourage her they are joined by Gabi who observes the obvious, "It's been a bad day for everyone, but there's work to be done." Moni offers to get busy, stands and moves across the room a bit. As Gabi is still talking, Moni feels bad and collapses into Pau's waiting arms.

Back home, the kids have arrived from school, indulging in some mild adolescent bickering, Aldo hopes Constaza won't be joining them for dinner. Responding to Luisa's rejoicing over the impending wedding of M&M, Aldo notifies the others that Mau and Moni are finito. "It's true that Mau is very sad," Teresa adds and then encourages Aldo to make a phone Estrella.

In the office, Sal and Gabi are puzzling over what could be wrong with Moni. With the weasly Jerry listening from behind the door, Gabi comes up with the logical answer, "Monita must be pregnant." Makes sense to me. Young woman faints. It's a telenovela. Case closed.

Aided by Pau, and flanked by a worried Beto and Nieves, a wobbly Moni, having been to the Dr. is returning home. Estrella joins them in surrounding Moni. A minor tug-of-war ensues as the two factions vie for custody of the increasingly weak Moni, who Beto notes is burning up with fever and dispatches Nieves for onion soup and ice packs. Monita faints again and is swept up in Beto's arms. As they are tucking Moni into her own bed, Estrella get's the call from Aldo, but before they can talk, Mau takes over the phone and informs Estrella that he wants nothing to do with Moni or her friends who he knows have been having a laugh at his expense. Estrella scolds him and informs him that yeah, Moni laughed so hard that she conked out and is burning up with fever... not that he would care.

Connie is worried now about Dr. Lefort will tell Mao. Oscar tries to reassure her that he'll see to it that the Dr. remains quiet. Jerry pops in and announces Monita's pregnancy and Connie spews coffee. Connie then storms off as Oscar and Jerry examine the humor of the situation.

Mau arrives in the barrio and quickly hides in time to overhear Nieves sending Beto to the drugstore for Monita's medicine. He then creeps into Moni's appartment. Moni is asleep but wakes to his gentle kiss. He hides when Beto returns with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication. He offers her the pills with a glass of water. She sleepily complies and Beto tells her how important she is to him. (This is actually very touching.) When Beto leaves Mauricio resumes his position at her bedside, offers another little kiss. "I love you Monita." In the courtyard, Estrella catches him, fusses at him over Monita, and still angry, he stalks off. "Monita is, and always has been, Beto's novia." Beto walks up and she vents her frustration on him.

Connie is at Mao's. She lights into him as soon as he walks in. She asks about Monita's pregnancy. Well, this is his first news of this. But of course it can't be because they haven't done anything. "It must be Beto's." At first Connie seems shocked at this prospect but walks off with an odd smile. Meanwhile the prospect is devastating to Mau. "No, it just can't be."

Oscar and Jerry begin the day by negotiating Dr. Lefort's fee over glasses of wine. A curiously shaped sculpture occupies the center of the table. He asks for 100 thousand. "Are you crazy?" Jerry errupts. They reluctantly agree, Oscar writes a check and hands it to the doctor. Meño points out the lack of a zero. "You said 100 thousand, "Oscar reminds him. He meant dollars, not pesos. "Go ahead," Jerry urges. Oscar drops the id-extractor's pen and as Lefort leans over to retrieve it, adds some of the magic knockout drops to his wine. They then toast, with Meño draining his drink and complementing the vintage as he turns to leave. The two countdown to his collapse.

Estrella is nourishing the ailing Monita with some soup. Moni tells her of her dream that Mao was there. "That was no dream, he was here," Estrella informs. Heartened, Moni leaps from her sickbed. So Mao still cares. She's going to take a bath.

Ivan is about to leave on a work trip. Teresa blesses him and Luisa cautions him to behave. He leaves, Connie arrives and joins them for breakfast. Shortly after, Mao appears. Dani shuns his kiss. She misses la Monita. The other children likewise give him a cold shoulder and hurry off to school. On the otherhand, Connie gives him a warm welcome.

Oscar and Jerry are bidding their farewells to the comatose brainpicker as Jerry arranges him behind the wheel of his car and loosens his tie. "It'll be warm in Hell." They are ready to send him off on a short the bottom of the cliff. After pushing the car over the edge, they take a well-deserved moment to enjoy the view.

Gabi bursts into the coffee room and inquires of Pau about their pregnant friend. "Moni's not pregnant." "Oh yes, the whole office knows about it."

Moni's up dabbing at her dripping nose and talking with Estrella. Ximena arrives with a plush toy stork with an infant dangling precariously from his little beak. Good news travels fast. Ximena inquires about the new mother-to be. Moni asks Estrella what she is talking about. She shrugs, she almost never understands what Ximy is talking about. Well, Consti told her Monita is pregnant. Oh no. Pau calls. "No I'm not pregnant!" Moni has to talk to Mauricio. As she hurries out, Ximena tells Pau that Moni should be careful for the baby.

In his office, Mao has summoned Beto. As always, Beto enters without knocking. Beto atones by knocking on the door he has just closed, then invites himself in. "Adelante." He offers himself a seat, Mao wants to talk. "¿Lo puedo tutear?" "No." That out of the way, he scolds Beto for all the lies but admits that he can't fire them at this crucial time. Thus Beto learns of Moni's pregnancy. He's shocked. "Chale. Chale. Chale." He mutters as he leaves, bumping into Sal on his way out. Sal finds Mauricio very depressed about Moni's pregnancy.

Moni steps out of the elevator and is greeted by Gabi who is already knitting a tiny jacket. Moni assures her that she is not pregnant and would like to kill whoever started the rumor. Recognizing her guilt, Gabi avows that it wasn't her and offers to stifle the rumor. She also reveals that Mau has already taken it up with Beto, panicked, Monita bolts for the elevator.

Beto catches up with Nieves in the street. He is looking for Monita. He tells her of Moni's pregnancy. She is delighted and congratulates him; but it's not Beto's baby. "Then it must be Mauricio Sermeño's," Nieves calculates. "But he congratulated me Beto whines. Now angry Beto sets out to find Mauricio.

Moni's at Mao's place talking with Teresa who informs her that the kid's are miffed at Mao over his split with Moni, and frankly Teresa doesn't understand either. Well Connie does. She wants to talk to Monita. Monita is not in a mood to talk with Connie and informs her that, by the way, she's not pregnant. No matter Connie, she herself is about to marry Mauricio.

In Jeronimo's office, he and Oscar are toasting to their success and to the late Dr. Lefort. Gabi interrupts to announce a visitor. She steps aside for the guest to enter. With his head in bandages the good Dr. enters and greets them, "Gentlemen..." (Wow, rejected by Satan.)

Aldo is at Estrella's place to talk about Mao and Connie. According to Estrella, things aren't going well, and Mao would kill them both if he knew Aldo was here.

In the coffee room, Cristian presents a bouquet of flowers. She admires them but as he moves in, she resists. She is still put out with him, and besides, there's this thing about people saying that Monita is pregnant and she doesn't want the same to befall her. "¡Ah ha ha ha!" He opens his pad and starts asking questions. He is going to investigate.

I thought that Aldo was on his way to school (he must have missed the President's speech) but he is still at Estrella's. He has brought a little gift. A CD. Now he wants to stay and listen with her. She relents, "But just one, then off to school."

In Jerry's office, the two would-be assassins invite the Dr. to join them in celebration, but the Dr. suspects that they, at the behest of Connie, had a hand in his recent accident and he is seeking revenge. He has every thing recorded. Oscar and Jerry ask if the recording mentions them. Of course it does. Everyone. Oscar grabs him and holds him, but they are interrupted by Cristian who trains a gun on the three and after their complaints, inexplicably arrests Dr. Lefort. Good work Sherlock. He escorts his prisoner through the office. Sal and Gabi are perplexed, but Gabi decides that she doesn't want to know.

Estrella offers up a sweet peck on the cheek, but Aldo wants the real thing. She almost gives it up then hesitates. "¡No, no, no, y no! ¡Y no!" He pleads and she calls him a little puppy (cachorrito) and even a brat(esquincle, ouch). She needs a man, not a boy. He pleads his case, but in doing so, divulges his novice status as a lover. She expresses her astonishment a little too plainly and he flees.

In the parking garage, Beto, enraged and bent on vengeance accosts Mao with a Louisville Slugger. (He bats right-handed.) He is stopped by Moni, who suddenly appears, and is relieved of the bat by Mao. A blow to the abdomen by Moni slows him considerably. He recovers. He refuses to shut up and asks if they love each other. Then, "¿Estan chocando sus carritos? (Are you bumping your little cars?)"



Oh Good! I will be one of the first to thank you. Your recaps are wonderful just like I knew they would be. Great work on the recap and on keeping your sense of humor with the silliness of this Gancho Gang. Cristian has become a male counterpart to Jimena, which is more goofy. But somehow it just gets funnier instead of more annoying. I am not sure how they can keep this up until next spring.

Special laughs you gave me: "Monita must be pregnant." Makes sense to me. Young woman faints. It's a telenovela. Case closed

Thanks for the recap Carlos. Though we are entering a new phase, the pregnancy tale got resolved (for the most part) in one day. It will be interesting to see how our couple answers Beto.

Hello Cheryl. I've seen your posts last week and happy that things are going well with your photography. We miss you and continue to stop by when you have a chance.

Heh, "bumping your little cars", that's pretty funny. Once again what should be a big problem gets cleared up in one night.

I'm glad the doc was ejected from hell, I was afraid this TN might actually go to the dark side. Oski and Jero would be dangerous if they were the least bit competent.

Thanks Carlos! I think your title pretty much summed up tonight's episode.

Cheryl, ditto what Karen said, it's great that you checked in. It's always fantastic to hear from you. I, too, wonder if they will be able to keep the tempo up through the next 150 or so episodes.

Hey had a fun episode and made it even better with your recap. You keep coming up with such names for the psych!..."comatose brainpicker"...good one, amigo.

Was delighted that we had not one but two "Puedo tutearte?" in this one and a really exasperated "Que no!" for the second reply. Also loved Beto just barging in the office, then knocking from the inside, asking if he could come in, assenting, asking himself if he could sit down, all went well until he got to the "tutear" bit.

You are a romantic, dear doctor. "Monita is asleep but wakes to his gentle kiss". Well said. Very tender. And translating "chocando sus carritos" as "are you in love" is so sweet, mi vida. I think your friend Mike would probably translate that as "knocking boots together" but no matter. I like your take on it.

Carlos: A fantastic recap of an episode that was not the usual freewheeling, free for all funfest. I appreciated your embedded vocabulary and especially enjoyed "M&M" and "Wow - rejected by Satan". :)

Judy, Beto's barging into Mau's office was great. He livens up any scene he is in. I'm also enjoying Cristian and agree with you Carlos, he is somehow managing to be more entertaining instead of tiresome. The entire cast is first rate.

Cheryl, I will echo what everyone has already said - good to hear from you and your comments are always fun to read.

Scheming and plotting can be fun to watch and Oski and Jerry are inept masters. But, there's a difference between bad and bad to the bone. A bop on the head is one thing but pushing a car over a cliff is another. Hoping this was a one time deviation and that any future dasdardly plans are relatively harmless and easily foiled.

I loved Jimena's stuffed stork. It was adorable - Estrella had a tough time keeping a straight face through the scene. I would have too.

Now that all the secrets are out, I can't imagine what will occur to fill so many remaining episodes. But, so far so good.

Diana in MA

"Now that all the secrets are out, I can't imagine what will occur to fill so many remaining episodes. But, so far so good."

Good question Diana, especially as they seem to solve each disaster daily. Let's see, based on past telenovelas that have extended themselves we could see...1) a temporary move to another location (remember Achichipico in JQ?); 2) the introduction of more new love interests for M and/or M, and they would have to be a bit more serious than Sr. Vichy's one-day stand; 3) new side plots involving characters heretofore only mentioned such as Moni's mama (and more candidates for Beto's dad); 4) other more common but devious plot devices that hopefully this TN will not employ but could if Oski and Jero were not so inept.

Regarding pushing the doc's car off the cliff, I kept telling myself "cartoon, cartoon, cartoon".

Loved your suggestions Sylvia, particularly a Moni and mama reunion. That would be a lovely ending to the story. And yes, some potential love interests that last longer than "Sr. Vichy's one-day stand" would be most welcome. :)

Diana in MA

Cheryl, It's so good to hear from you. So far this show has been delightful. Each character has a unique personality and style, and each is flawed in some way. So far I can't think of a single disappointing episode. I hope that Willa is doing well.

Karen, I would have thought that This theme might have played on for a bit, too. I'm enjoying the current: problem, resolution, next! tone of this show.

Sylvia, I like the colorful and occasionally enigmatic way that Beto describes things. "Bumping little cars" was almost too precious. If there are censors, the writers and actors are running rings around them.

Judy, I thought of you during Beto's scene with Mao. Not just the tuteando thing but his way of making up for not knocking by covering all the preliminary formalities himself. It looks like you will have a fun episode yourself tonight.

Diana, I am in full agreement about our would-be villains. I loved the way Jerry positioned Meño just so behind the steering wheel, and even assuring him of a little comfort in the afterlife by loosening his tie. Little touches like that must be appreciated. I did have my doubts however when he boasted to Oscar that he had used the site for a similar operation.


Yesss...wasn't that where Jeronimo "got rid of" his first sleazy cohort? Forget his name already. He was coming on to Ximena for a while (or maybe Ximena was coming on to him) and then Jeri got rid of him 'cause he couldn't pay him his money. So many schemes, so little time....whoops, guess there will be a lot of time with the plot extensions. Oh well, as long as it includes lots of Estrella and Ximena, I'm on board. Those two are a riot.

Thank you Carlos, for another fine recap.

I was getting a little worried that our show really had turned dark when they pushed the doc off the cliff, but fortunately he came right back with a little bandage on his head.

I love how Gabi pretends she doesn't gossip, but I think this is the second time when she's started the entire office on a big bit of misinformation. The last one was the great big engagement party for Paula and Beto. There may have been others.

I was initially surprised that Lefort was working for Oscar and Jerry, but then I remembered they hired him to treat Connie (I think). He's ended up "treating" just about everybody. Definitely a fun character, as is Cristian. Now that Cristian arrested him, I wonder if he'll try to psychoanalyze Cristian. That would also be funny.

Judy, that first guy was named Bonilla. I'm not sure he's dead though. Wouldn't be surprised if he showed up again (same for Andy, Colmillos, and many others).

Thanks Hombre. You are great on names. Man, they just slip out the back door of my mind sooooo fast.

Hombre, thanks. I had forgotten about Bonilla. I certainly would not be surprised to see him return. I thought the resurrection of our Dr. Thoughtthumper was delicious. I thought the music that accompanied their efforts was a little too cheery for the outcome to be too grim. That coupled with the aptitude of our bumbling baddies gave me reassurance of the doc's survival. Now Beto with the bat was a little frightening.


Don't forget, gang, there's always the lure of Las Vegas. I think it would be fun to see some of our regulars in Sin City for a few episodes. Maybe Moni and la Guerrera could fight it out in Caesar's Palace.


More great names!...Dr. Thoughthumper...oh my. Say, Carlos, how do you really feel about psychiatrists?

Judy, when I was in med school the psychiatrists were very scary folks. Most of them at UTMB preferred using what they referred to as somatic therapy which was their term for electro-shock, insulin shock, and they even, along with the neurosurgeons, dabbled in what they called prefrontal lobotomies. Pretty grim stuff even for that long ago.


I have my own reservations concerning psychiatrists so it was good to hear yours, Carlos. Yes, I remember reading about those pre-frontal lobotomies and what happened to one of the Kennedy daughters when it was performed. We look back in horror at those treatments, but I often have the same reactions at some of the drastic surgeries, chemo treatments and radiation that I've seen friends endure in this day and age. And I pray they will find a cancer therapy less destructive than some of the treatments being used in today's

Amen to that, Judy!

Ha, great title and I like all your references to the psych docs...!! Super detailed recap..also liked the ejection comment, somehow though "Tio Meno" just could never be bad to me....

Oh Hombre yes, I think Gabi started the rumor that Mau and Coni were going to have a baby once...remember the staff bought them a cradle or something??

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