Thursday, October 08, 2009
Gancho 10-7 Wed. - Wrestling for the future and with the past

Back in the dunking room Cris is appalled that his pupil learned so well.

OK, now why Ciber and Costeno grab up Lalo I don‘t know, I guess Xime thinks it‘s a good macho lesson for him.

Alicia is with Isabel who is getting some sort of medical treatment in a hospital telling her she’ll be out tomorrow and even though she wants to go home she has to stay to speak with her daughter because Val needs to know what is happening with her.
The fight continues and Lalo exits all tussed up saying they will never see him again. Ximena check Jero’s opinion on whether he passed the test. Jero says no, he looks as stupid as you do. She wanders off to go molest Rolu some and wedges her way right in-between him and his new chica.

The fight continues with various folks cheering and this my favorite move.

Alicia talks to the doc about trying to force Isabel to stay, and fight for her life, the short of this chat is that she needs a bone marrow transplant (of course, come on now, this is still a telenovela even if it’s less traditional) and so we now know the reason that the Mom must chat with the daughter. Sheesh, some plots die hard.
Nieves begs Cesar who looks like he electrocuted himself with gropes galore to do something to stop the fight.

We see Dani cheering for Mau and ten minutes into this show FINALLY the fight is over and it’s a draw, or is it…Conni spills that they can’t draw, they bet over you.

Estre chats with Mona about the boys. Mona doesn’t want to see either of them, but Estre finds it more romantic than she does and that they were fighting for love, and Mau did this not to lose you. Moni can’t be convinced to forgive them.
Now hears a pic, a grand executive unable to even sit at his desk because he dressed up in a skin tight costume and slugged it out with a commoner all night. They discuss that Mona is furious because of his bet, but he seems oblivious. Mau says he enjoyed being in the ring and wants to do it again. Ha, funny Sal says exactly what I’m thinking, that a highpowered business man like him can’t be doing these kinds of things. He doesn’t listen and promises he’ll get back into the ring.
Pau and Gaby chat about the bet taking sides and Pau tells what happened with Cris, when Lorenza shows up. When Gab tells her this are is for employees, she says she the new presidential secretary.
We flash to Jero chatting with Sal about this very thing. Ah it’s Jero behind Lorenza’s contraction. …said women then come in to the office and want ot know what is up. Jero says there are two presidents so Lorenza is mine and you can stay where you were. Sal of course flips out and says Jerry will Not drive him crazy with this. Jero tells him if he doesn’t like it, to vamos.
The chicas outside argue about where to put some weird horse hitch pipe thing.
Beto runs into Mona in the courtyard and she tells him he’s a child clingin to his Ma’s skirts and she’s maintained him and he’s not done nothing’ for her. To prove he is loyal to Mona above all his he opens his mouth - Y tu mama tambien…well sort of. He tells her that Nieves knows where her Ma is but doesn’t want to tell her. Impact face of course.
Alicia shows up to see Mau. Lor and Gab fight over attending to her. Like kids they make faces at each other across the lobby.

M & B waltz into Nieves room and she thinks they finally talked, but Mona outs with it. What do you know about my Ma…she tries to say nothing and curses Beto for being a traitor. Nieves, in her finest Shitzu (thanks Carlos) regalia says she’ll tell but wants her to know that she’s done everything to protect Mona.

Funny now Ali asks Mau the same question. He knows she didn’t tell them everything. Before he can get the scoop, Coni busts in and interrupts Mau’s chat.
We see a looming short ponytail shadowing into the courtyard up to Estrella who is washing her ver fine clothes. Estrella fingers her right away from photos, she’s Mona’s mom! And, we finally see her face.

After commercials Estre can’t stop running her mouth about her acting, about Mona being a boxer and not there and so forth but she’ll take Ma to Mona only begs her to wait so she can put away her clothes such that they won’t get stolen, they are her acting wardrobe essentially. We know where this is going. Ma tells her self she can’t do this and runs off.
While Conni and Mau argue about when he will pay attention to her, Ali also has second thoughts and runs off somehow undetected.
Mona continues crying about why her Mom left. Nieves thinks it’s best if she doesn’t forgive her Ma and the furthest away from her she is the better off she is. Mona thinks Nieves knows more about her Mom leaving but she swears not. Mona says that if she is lying, well Mona will never forgive her, ever. Just then Estre runs in screaming her Ma was here but she couldn’t keep her around.
Mau follows Alicia with his covered up Audi emblem car.
Estre thinks Nieves only acted in her best interests. Mona actually defends her and is all excited her Ma came looking for her. She thinks since her Mom knows where to find her, she should come back and show her face.
The meeting of the evil trio commences again with the same banter, Mau left me how are we going to fix it, Jero offers himself to fix her. Lor enters with coffee and the boys drink it but Coni thinks this woman has designs to kill the whole world, so she’s not drinking the coffee, it could be poisoned. The boys spit theirs out. They talk about getting rid of the kids or something.
Mau follows Ali to the Hotel del Parque and spies Isabel going in too. (Trip advisor gives it one star...these are country folks after all)

Ok talk about bedfellows, Lor comes in to talk to Paula, she decides she needs some friends and they bond over the torture topic of what she did to Cris. Lor has a better suggestion to use chains. They decide to throw back some Joe together
Ma throws Beto’s meal down at him and yells at him for making her look bad to Mona and the whole neighbor hood will think she’s a louse, and how could he do this to his Ma who gave him her breasts (for feeding) until he was eight.

He retorts that was her obligation as Mother. I’m not liking this thought actually. She makes a crack about Coni and he says she only wants him as a sexual object and she doesn’t think he should tell his Ma such things. Beto doesn’t need his Ma’s help. Actually, he’s going to work and rent his own room. He’s leaving this house.
Ali and Issy chat about her going to see the Mona. Issy says she can’t because Mona will think it’s only for the marrow. And well it is, and she’ll be expected to act like a Ma, and she doesn’t know if she can.
Estre and Mona are chatting and Mona doesn’t want to talk anymore about any of it, she’s going to the gym. Estre plays devil’s advocate and chides her that Mau looked good and oh, here’s Mau silently walking in unbeknownst to Mona. Estre sees him and keeps up with the suggestive prompts getting Mona to say he looked great and she would love to kiss him all over and more and still loves him and so forth and he finally speaks up that he didn’t come to hear her fantasies about him, though he will later but he says he found her Ma. He impacted face is what we are left with.
Labels: gancho
They did a good job on casting Monita's mom. There's defintely a resemblance.
Although my tape was running last night, I think it was the Yankees game that got recorded! My daughter came over to watch it since she doesn't have a TV at her place. So extra thanks to you Ms. Kris!
Hoping for a Moni/Mother reunion shortly. Nothing like a medical issue to bring families together.
Nieves is morphing into an interesting character. She's self righteous, unrelenting and will obliterate anyone and anything in her way. She's cunning but not cruel. I find myself looking forward to what she'll do next.
Diana in MA
Thanks also for the group hug. It gave me a wonderful warm feeling. Y'all are great!
Emilia, hope you're feeling better amiga.
Kris, fantastic fotos on this recap, wow! I don't know how you always manage to capture the perfect moment for these but you've obviously mastered it.
OK, Jero hiring Lo? I did NOT see that one coming. She's got a very forceful personality and will no doubt wreak all sorts of havoc at work. Poor Sal, but deviously brilliant on Jero's part.
Where have we seen Isabel before? She's obviously familiar but I can't place her.
Kris, loved the links on lucha libre, very interesting. Great title and great recap amiga. Buen hecho!
You nicely described my favorite scene, complete with photo of Ximena wedging herself in between Rolu and Ximena. I crack up now just seeing Rolu. I've really warmed to his character. Although I'm partial to Costeño for Ximena I feel rather certain that she and Rolu will end up together. After all, she's already branded him.
It was fun seeing Christian getting water-boarded again and I loved Esrte's feeble apology and explanation that Paula leads her astray.
I also cracked up at looney Lorenza's display of bloodlust during the match. Heck, I just flat out love this show.
Your photos are so crisp. Is your source a trade secret?
I started off here because I was interested in learning the language, but I have learned so much about the Mexican culture, thanks to my fellow recappers as well as commenters who live in Mexico (especially you! Jarocha) What an unexpected and wonderful bonus. Thanks to one and all.
+ + +
Carlos, I imagine Kris is taking the photos off her DVD. Jean was the first to do it, and when I commented on it one time, she told me how she used her laptop and DVD recorder to get her marvelous "stills". Naturally, I didn't understand a word of it. And since I have neither a DVD or tivo type recorder or laptop, no point in understanding either. But I'm sure if you wrote Kris directly, she could explain it to you.
It's funny that Moni went searching for her mother, all the way to another town, but when asked if she'd forgive her Mom, she said no (then why search for her?)
I didn't catch what kind of transplant Isabel needed, good to know it's bone marrow, because if it were a kidney, Moni might have a more difficult choice.
Can't wait to see Beto in his new job.
This was a great episode actually.
It was sad seeing monita seeing her mom leave!
Thanks for the pic it helps remember the show.
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