Friday, October 02, 2009
Gancho Friday October 2nd. Moni’s Faithometer becomes a Doubtometer, and Someone’s Finally Attracted to That Sexy Jerónimo
Over at Jerry/Xime’s housey, the bell rings. Jerry’s downstairs engrossed in a super important game of solitaire, and Xime’s way upstairs, but Jerry’s too cool to answer the door, so he summons his sis, who comes down wondering why he called her. Then, when he says “ask who it is” she says “who is it?” – to Jerry. He finally gets through to her to answer the door, but ask who it is first. She opens the door without asking. Fortunately, it’s no crook, it’s La Loquita, the wedding planner. He’s crying, and needs a hug from Xime. He’s sees Jerry, looks him up and down, and needs a “back hug” from Jerry.
Moni needs company, feels guilty about kicking out Beto, knocks on Estrella’s door, but she’s not in. A neighborhood gossip confirms she’s with her new beau. So Moni goes to see Nieves, who’s crying on her bed, hugging a doll. Moni admits she and Beto argued a little, and she kicked him out. How could you? asks Nieves. Well, you did it first. Sure, but I only did it so you’d take him in! How could you leave him destitute (desamparado)? Moni explains that she loves Beto, but like a brother. And she’s in love with Mauricio. One day they’ll get married. Nieves doesn’t think so. She thinks that as soon as Mau gets Moni in the cama, he’ll drop her like a hot potato, the way all guys do (speaking from experience?) Moni tells how Mau called off the wedding with Connie, but Nieves thinks Mau is deceiving Moni, and asks her to leave. As Moni exits, Nieves continues crying.
As does Connie, despondent at Mau’s shocking statement that he may have to get married in two weeks, but not to Connie. Katia tells her not to worry, Mau and she have argued before, but Connie knows it’s different this time, Mau’s really going to get married, and with the monkey of the circus! Great, says Kat, so you made me steal that stuff for nothing, and jeopardize my relationship with Aldo! Connie ignores this, vows revenge. There’s a knock on the door, and guess who’s coming to dinner? It’s Beto, who after giving Kat a lewd looking over, informs Connie that his Mom kicked him out, as did Moni, so he’s movin’ in! He plunks his duffel down on the table. Kat’s amused, who is this guy?
Lalo wants some whiskey, requests it out of Jerry’s half finished glass. He tells Jerry if you drink from the same cup, you’re bound together for life. At this, Xime perks up, she wants to drink from that glass, but too late! Lalo gulped it all down. He’s still worried about doing a wedding in two weeks, it’s impossible, he’s an artist, he’s fashion, he can’t compromise his standards. Jerry encourages him with flattery, if anyone can do it, it’s you. And I’ll reward you with extras (con creces, or an increase in money). Ooooh, coos Lalo, with those extras, how can I say no? He strokes his hair, freaking Jerry out a bit, but of course Xime misses it all, and thinks he’s divine.
Beto’s making himself at home, asks where the remote is, informs Connie he has dirty laundry in his backpack, she can wash it tomorrow. No way, says Connie. Katia still wonders who he is, but when Beto tells her not to worry “cuñada” (sister-in-law), she holds her nose and asks if Connie’s going with this filthy pig (guarro). Connie says no, he’s the novia of La Monita, we’re just “friends”, we help each other. Right, affirms Beto, and we haven’t finished helping each other, you understand? I think Katia does. Connie dismisses her. As soon as the Kat’s away, the mice will play. They’re both sad they’ve been dumped on by their mates, so of course they start kissing.
Moni’s still thinking about Nieves’ warning when her phone rings. It’s Mau, who asks if she broke it off with Beto. She did, and no, she doesn’t feel bad, she feels liberated. But he senses her unease. She asks if he’d ever deceive her, and he promises he wouldn’t. She promises the same. Night falls, and we’ll see what the new day brings.
It’s starts off great. Estrella gushes over the night she spent at Tano’s, and Moni gives her the news that she finally ended it with Beto. Also, Mauricio called off his wedding! Knock, knock, it’s Ximena, who wants a favor from Estrella. Estre wonders, aren’t you still mad at me? Ximmy’s forgotten, was she? Anyway, she’s found the love of her life. Again? asks Estre. No, she just met him yesterday for the first time (!) And it’s time for Xime’s 3 things – 1) she needs advice as to how to woo Lalo, 2) this time, Estrella, don’t steal him, and 3)let’s all go get dresses for Mau’s wedding! Moni fills her in – the wedding’s off. Wrong, says Xime, it’s on, in two weeks (15 days is how you say two weeks in the latino world). Moni’s worried now, but Estre tells her to chill, get all prettied up, go to the office, and see what the real story is, it’s probably just a misunderstanding.
Nieves dials the barrio phone, calls the gym, where Beto’s bunking. Don Cesar picks up, hands the phone to Beto. He starts out insulting his Mom, what’s the matter, you remembered you had a kid, whom you carried inside you, whom you breastfed (amamantaste) till the age of 8? She shuts him up, gives him some advice (which we don’t hear). In the next scene, Moni meets Beto for breakfast. He says if you’re really sure you want to marry Mau, I won’t stand in your way. He blesses her (to her surprise), adding that if it turns out Mau was deceiving her, Beto will still be there for her. Moni’s doubtometer is rising. Beto says we could leave for Las Vegas now, I’m ready. Let’s go. You’ll never be really be happy with old doll hair. Think about it. Moni’s face gives it away, she just can’t stop that doubtometer. But she knows Nieves is behind this. Meanwhile, she has to go to work.
Estrella’s missing her blouse (no she’s wearing one, it’s a different one, what were you thinking? :). She thinks Nieves accidentally took it from the clothesline (tendedero), and she goes into Nieves’ apartment to search for it, when she hears voices, and hides. It’s Nieves and Connie. Nieves tells Connie the good news – Beto’s going to try to convince Moni to go to Las Vegas. That way, she’ll be away from Mauricio, and the field will be open for Connie and Mau. The bad news? She sticks out her palm. I need 30,000 pesos so Beto and La Monita will leave forever!
Mau can’t understand why the judge is so extreme, it’s extortion. Oscar thinks it’s normal, but Salvador agrees that it’s strange. Oscar reminds Mau that Judge Durán is the judge they have, so they have to do what he wants, or lose the adoption case. He leaves, Moni comes in, hears Sal, Mau and the word wedding, says “So you’re getting married in two weeks. Fine, I’m going to Las Vegas with Beto!” Mau asks Sal to leave them alone, can’t understand why yesterday Moni said she broke up with Beto. Maybe I lied. But I’m leaving as soon as possible. Fine, he replies. Go fight, win all your fights, you can live your life hitting and wounding people. Looks who’s talking, she answers, you who play with people’s lives. Maybe I can’t be your wife, but I sure won’t be your lover! She turns and leaves him in shock (again).
Into the coffee room she goes, where Paula tries to make her see reason, but to no avail. She goes to leave the office, and when Gabi asks just where does she think she’s going, she answers Las Vegas. Gabi didn’t authorize this vacation, but Moni’s not listening. She’s on her way out, when the elevator opens, and a laughing Connie and Lalo come out. She tells Connie it’s nice you’re getting married in two weeks, you and Mauricio were made for each other (son tal para cual).
Aldo is very understanding with Katia at school. She’d understand if he’d want some distance after what happened, but he doesn’t. He’s very tender and kind to her. Luisa comes up and makes fun of Katia as a klepto (spelled with a “c” in spanish), but Aldo tells her to leave, and lets Katia know his sister is just being foolish, don’t mind her. Katia says she hopes her sister never marries Mauricio. (It seems she’s one of the good guys now).
Connie’s in Mau’s office, sees how upset he is, but isn’t really consoling him much. He tells her Moni’s going to Las Vegas with Beto, and she remarks that it’s typical of such low class people. He should never have lowered himself. He wonders if she’s enjoying this. She says she’s not, but what about the judge? He says he’ll find another solution. Fine, because she’s not so sure she even wants to get back with him now, he’s hurt her so much. This pain you feel from Monita, imagine ten thousand times more, and that’s how much you hurt me. Have a nice day! She leaves.
And guess what? That lil ol’ microphone is still under Mau’s desk, picking up every word! Well, maybe they took it out at some point, but Jerry and Oscar heard this last conversation. Jerry’s proud of himself. The next step – video! The two guys are so happy, they just can’t help hugging each other (and this is at least the third time – could there be more than mere male bonding?). Well, Lalo certainly thinks so, as he enters just in time to see our boys bond. And he’s jealous, thought he had some chemistry with Jerry. He tells them he’s young, he’s hot, he’s a queen, and he’s gonna fight for Jerry like a she-wolf in heat! (una loba en celo). As he leaves, Oscar’s amused. He’s sure Lalo’s gonna plan a wedding, but it might be with Jerry! He wants to be the best man.
Sal asks Gabi to send a fax, but she wants to take an hour off. Lalo comes out with Connie, asks if the wedding is still on. She says there’s nothing definitive, but keep working. Before they leave, Lalo asks Sal to give a little pink note to Jerry. He stayed up for hours last night working on it, it’s very heartfelt (sentida), and of course Sal will deliver it.
But not before reading it. Here’s how it starts. “Dear Jero, I can’t stop thinking about your strong hugs…” Salvador gets a mischievous look, tucks it into his vest pocket, and we go to commercial.
Pau’s in the coffee room, sad. Gabi tells her to cheer up, she’ll miss Moni, too, when she goes to Las Vegas, of course as a friend. As an employee she left much to be desired. Paula’s still sad about Cristian, though. Gabi reminds her she’s the one who decided not to go. Pau doesn’t think Gabi can understand, being an old maid (solterona), while Paula’s still young with her life ahead of her. Me an old maid, shoots back Gabi, how many times have you been married? Right, answers oblivious Paula, I’m way younger than you, thanks for cheering me up. She’s happy now, and leaves. Gabi, not so much. Sal comes in, and Gabi’s not happy with him, either. Her biological clock is ticking, and he’s making her lose time. But he has something to show her, a love letter. He extracts the pink letter from his breast pocket, as Gabi’s eyes light up.
We get to hear the rest of the letter. “I can’t stop thinking about your strong hugs that consoled me when I needed it most. The hug we had was almost a caress, a magical moment when I knew love for the first time”. Uyyyy! Sal gets a sneaky look, tells Gabi that with this note, Jerry will pay for everything he’s done.
Xime and Jero are walking through a cemetery, she’s carrying flowers, but raving about her connection with Lalo. She stubs her toe, wonders why there are so many tombstones (lápidas) here. Apparently they’ve come to visit their father’s grave. But Xime just has Lalo on the brain. Xime thinks they have a lot in common, and now that she’s over 16 years old, and Jerry’s almost 50, can he give her a little advice on how to attract Lalo? Jerry thinks she has a problem, because the guy is dying for HIM. You killed him? she answers, not getting it at all. Is that why we’re in the cemetery? Where did you bury him? Right there, he points, to shut her up. It’s an open grave, and our bum pushes Xime right in! What’s up, bro? He lays down the law. From now on, if you want advice, you’ll have to consult the I Ching, a chiropractor, a kinesiologist, a card reader, or anyone else but me. Is that clear?! Got it, thanks brother, you’re the best. He then walks away, leaving poor Ximena six feet down, unable to climb out, calling for help. Auxilio!
Salvador has Lalo sign some contract he’d forgotten to sign. Lalo asks if he delivered the note (to Jerry). Sal says yes, and says there’s an answer, too. To Lalo’s delight, Sal gives him a folded up note, which Lalo kisses, saying it smells of MAN. He’s off, and Gabi laughs. Sal asks her out to dinner, but she reminds him he’s married, so the answer is no. She happily exits, leaving him pensive.
At the gym, Mau is training with El Cibernético. And he’s doing well, has Ciber in a headlock. (Do we care that these matches are usually scripted, and there’s no real wrestling? Of course not. I believe, I believe. BTW, here's a muscle shot for you ladies.)
In another gym, Beto’s also doing well, has Costeño’s arm bent back, holding his head down, telling Costeño to cry uncle (he actually says “dime vaquero” which is literally say cowboy). Moni’s watching. She tells Beto she’s made her decision. She’ll go with him to Las Vegas (tears are in her eyes, though). Beto’s overjoyed, Moni’s heartbroken, wants to leave as soon as possible.
And that’s it. Love is doomed, it just was not to be.
But wait! In the previews: Connie wants to get married, finalize the adoption, then get divorced (okay, sounds reasonable to me). Moni discovers the money trail, and Mau and Moni are kissing again! Oh, why did I ever doubt. I’ve got to work on my doubtometer.
Desamparado – destitute
Con creces – and more, or with extras, for example, le devolví con creces su dinero, I paid him back all his money and more
Un guarro – a filthy pig
Amamantar - to breastfeed
Tendedero – clothesline
Ganga – a bargain
Son tal para cual – they’re just as bad as each other, two of a kind
Una loba en celo – a she-wolf in heat
Labels: gancho
Throwing someone in a grave is pretty creepy. Jero is really vicious to her.
Thanks Hombre!
The rather graphic hip-bumping back hug twixt Lalo and Jerry was...well, graphic. I'm a little behind on my American tv watching but evidently there are no holds barred when it comes to humor in Mexican telenovelas. Funny, for sure...but it surprised me for sure also.
I continue to marvel at Cibernetico's physique and while the matches are scripted, as you say, I believe I believe! this guy could handle just about anything. I can just picture him as the big pooh-bah of a harem, promising to give each lady "many fine sons". What a piece of work!
It's time for us to get a little more of Nieves' back story. And would it be too much to ask for Moni and Mau to be reconciled for two whole episodes instead of just a few minutes? Guess I'll have to consult my "doubtometer"...oh dear...yep, it's too much to ask.
During my extensive trying-to-get-through-marital-upheavals reading, I remembered one therapist's line that said: Most people have no trouble "communicating" but they do it in such a hurtful way that it doesn't produce the results they want. Amen to that!
And by the way, you all look great, your jokes are the best, you're doing way more than your share of the work around here and I'd love to take a vacation with each and every one of you!!!! (Now, whose credit card is in the best shape?)
I am looking forward to the match between Mau and Beto. Also, I sort of hope Moni does go to Las Vegas, and they shoot some scenes there. As you know, I was just there, and I loved the blizzard of colors, sounds and excitement.
There are so many episodes left in this show I think there should be time for Mau and Moni to stay happy a little longer between the spats. Their pace gives me whiplash.
I can't wait for the fight, and also for poor Ximena to finally get a clue. She'll just move right on to the next guy, for sure, but I bet she'll say something funny.
I vote we finance our vacation by robbing a bank in Gancholand. There are never any lasting consequences there.
In my much younger days, we used to play a rather more aggressive version of Spin the Bottle at parties. The end objective was still just kissing, nothing more, but the kisser won the round by successfully kissing, and the other person could win by avoiding being kissed. The kiss had to be on the lips to count. Wrestling was naturally involved. I forget all the rules and regs, but that was basically it.
See, it's not nearly as scintillating as it seemed.
Also, thanks Sylvia for your recap as well!
Kris, yes Jero is very mean to his sister which makes his woes all the more fun.
Julia - I like your idea we rob a Gancholand bank! And your wrestling story was interesting.
Also this show is so funny and I love ximmy she is so funny and the way she talks is priceless.
Thanks again for recappers!
Boy, I had totally forgotten my Spin the Bottle days. Some creepy parties and some horrible kisses. I'm assuming you were a pretty terrific wrestler!
Okay, us gals all agree...there need to be longer reconciliations between our tender lovers. Doubt that anyone will listen to us though.
Rebecca, thanks for joining us again. I believe that we all share your enthusiasm for this show, though I wouldn't count on Moni and Mau finding a stable, happy relationship anytime soon.
Your shot of Xime was also perfect. Jero sucks as a brother. It really feels like he's setting himself up for an odious end and I imagine he's only going to get worse. It's about time somebody pesters him.
Wow, my head is spinning too with how quickly Moni and Mau misunderstand each other. It's hard to imagine they could ever really be happy together. Ah well...reality has very little to do with our visits to Gancholand, verdad? Like Julia points out, it's a perfect place to rob a bank because even the jails are like an extended vacation.
Thanks Hombre! I loved your snappy recap and excellent vocab words.
I think he knows it, too, as he often sticks out his tongue, sort of like a lizard. But he's a fun guy, with a lot of confidence, and it isn't hard to see how Connie's attracted to him.
I can't bring myself to like Beto - too feral or something... But, I do feel sorry for him with Monita jerking him around. She's in luuuuuv with Mau so bye-bye Beto. Nope, Mau hurt her feelings, so let's go to Vegas, Beto. Not fair.
Cibernético has always creeped me out a little bit. But he looks much more natural on this novela.
Judy hehe, it's okay if you want to say it, I bet the pronunciation must sound funny.
Raúl has always looked younger than his age, the same goes for his brother Armando. It must be something in their genes.
I remember years ago a teen novela in which Raúl and Laisha (Coni) played lovers, but her character was 17 and he was a thirty something. All the rest of the characteres thought they looked creepy togethe. They both were evil in that one, he moreso than her. In real life there's a 12 year difference between them, but you'd never notice now.
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