Saturday, October 10, 2009
Gancho Friday October 9th. Lots of Jealousy, and Rolu gets to play the role for which he was cast
Connie coolly explains the “real” reason she hired Beto. Mau fired him, and since she always likes to help the poor, what else could she do but give him a chance? So don’t say that I have no feelings! Nanny nanny boo boo! Moni tells Beto they’ll talk later. He protests it was pure “escupitaciónes”, not quite getting the big word right – what he said means “spitting”!
Back at Mau’s place, it’s quite a bit colder, as everyone’s wearing coats (Moni has a nice purple, belted jacket).
Teresa enters, makes the mistake of apologizing for calling Moni to take papers to Mau at the school, which causes Moni to realize that Mau didn’t invite her to family day. Mau defends his decision, first saying he was concerned that Moni was upset about her mother, and wouldn’t want to be around families, then adding that he didn’t want Moni to cause problems at the school, which enrages Moni. Why would he assume she’s wild, she may be ignorant (bruta), but she can learn from her mistakes. She accuses Mau (again) of preferring the porcelain faced Connie, who’s from high society. Mau laments, why do they always end up fighting? Moni doesn’t know, but if they keep this up, they’ll end up hating each other. She stalks out. Yes, it’s gotten a little frosty.
Connie reams out Katia for accusing her of being Beto’s lover. Katia doesn’t really back down, when Connie’s phone rings. It’s Ximena, from the hospital. Connie’s on her way.
Nieves has the table all set for baby boy Beto, and when he enters wearing his chauffeur outfit, she’s entranced. But then he says “Good evening, NEIGHBOR”, and her face falls. He informs her he’s rented an apartment on the other side of Paula’s, and has paid 3 months in advance, from his new salary. He grabs his duffel bag, as she begs him to stay, she needs him. Only like a dog nipping at your skirt, wagging its tail, he answers. But he’s independent now, NEIGHBOR. He gives her his keys, then dumps his dirty laundry, letting Mommy know that he expects it washed by tomorrow. But since he’s independent now, he himself will take it off the clothesline. The door slams, and it’s Nieves’ turn to say “me dañas, me dañas (you hurt me), sniffing his shorts, tears in her eyes.
Aldo comes to visit Katia. She guesses he definitely think she’s crazy now, after her unfounded accusations about Connie. But he’s warm and supportive, and promises to check things out to see if he can get some proof.
In the vecindad, Moni sees Nieves crying. Nieves is sad that Beto left, but when it turns out he’s just moving a few apartments away, Moni thinks Nieves is making a mountain out of a molehill. Nieves laments that the family she had with Beto and Moni is broken. Beto enters, still with his attitude, and Nieves says he’ll be crying tears of blood when she’s dead (she’s got that martyr thing down pat). After she leaves, Beto brags to Moni that if she doesn’t want him, he’s got a whole line of chicks waiting in the wings. After warning him about Connie, Moni tells Beto to go get all those in that line he’s got waiting. He thinks to himself, good idea.
At the hospital, we find that Rolu’s in a full body cast, and Ximena’s going to wait on him hand and foot (okay, he fell 25 feet onto solid concrete, but we knew Rolu would make it, he and Ximmy are too funny to let go). Even his nose and mouth are covered (with little holes for breathing).
In the hall, Connie wants to assure Mau she has nothing to do with Beto, but he doesn’t care one way or the other. They’ve broken up, and she can do whatever she wants. He leaves. Ximmy comes out, teases Connie about El Fantasma Vengador, and although Connie denies that they did anything, Ximmy knows they’ve come close, they’re like a time bomb, ready to explode. She threatens to tell Mau, but Connie says she better not, adding she’ll kill both Mau and Moni if she loses Mau. So Ximmy, your cousin’s life is in your hands. She leaves, and Ximmy wants another little pill.
Moni’s in her pink robe, thinking. Beto lets himself in, tells her he was kidding about that line of chicks. But Moni says she WANTS him to find another girl, really. He can’t, he loves only Moni. She repeats she loves him, but just as a brother, a friend. He finally says you win. Just friends. But he’ll always be there for her. And she for him. He blesses her and says goodnight. After he leaves, her phone rings. It’s Mauricio. (Can I just say the Nextel beeping was really intrusive in this conversation? Yes, we get it – they have these two way walkie talkies that beep. But these look like ordinary cellphones, and no one’s pushing any talk buttons. Oh well, product placement it is). Mau calls to apologize. Moni does, too, and they both say te amo. Mau’s smile widens as he realizes she used “tú”. She can’t meet him at the office, has to train, but he can meet her at the gym. She says goodnight, boyfriend. He says goodnight, girlfriend, and he thanks her for beginning to tutear. Ahhhh, love is back.
We see the moon, we see the clouds, and we see Moni in the morning, jumping rope at the gym, wearing black boxing boots, low slung workout pants which go to just above the knee, tape on her hands, and a cute short-sleeved workout top which still leaves her midriff bare. Next she’s got on the pink boxing gloves, is hitting the free standing punching bag with gusto, giving us guys some eye candy with her athleticism.
Aldo has promised to try to get info to help Katia find out if Beto and Connie are an item. First stop – Estrella’s house. She comes out in her kimono. He asks about Beto. Estrella knows Beto has the hots for a lot of girls in the neighborhood, but she never saw him with Connie. She will, however, keep her eyes open. That done, Aldo shows a little jealousness about Tano (who’s inside). He still has feelings for Estre. Estre tells him to forget it, he’s got a novia now, she has a novio, and falling in love with him was a mistake, thank goodness they only had a few kisses, and didn’t make a bigger mistake. She tells him goodbye, goes back inside, where Tano is sitting, having heard everything. He could understand how Aldo could be dazzled (deslumbrado) with her, as a teenager he had crushes on his teachers, but how could she love HIM? Estrella assures him there was nothing more than a few kisses. She likes Aldo, sure, but Tano’s different. She likes being with him, he makes her feel happy, he respects her, and he doesn’t judge her the way so many do. She pleads with him not to leave her, she’s not a bad woman. The tears are streaming down her face as Tano, moved, hugs her tight, he’s not going anywhere.
Beto runs into Moni on her way home from the gym, she doesn’t want him following her everywhere, he jokes that they’re buddies now (carnales), so they can stick together. They turn around, and someone’s lying on the ground. It’s Nieves, who’s fainted!
At Semeño Group, Paula’s wearing her recepcionista outfit (turns out the cleaning crew has matching outfits, and so do the receptionists. I thought it was some running joke with two ladies always dressing alike, but it’s actually a uniform). Paula brusquely informs some clients that Mauricio isn’t in, they can stay or leave, whatever they like, she doesn’t care, but don’t say anything more to her, because she’s really busy. (!!) As the clients sulk off, offended, Gabi tells Paula one has to greet the clients with a cheerful smile, treat them with respect. Well, says Paula, maybe that hypocrisy works for you, but not for me, I say what I feel, so deal with it.
Salvador tries to calm down stressed out Gabi. Gabi’s upset about Paula, but that’s nothing compared to how upset she is about Lorenza. Gabi’s being discredited (desprestigiando) by everyone, and the accountant lady (contadura) who brings her chocolates every Tuesday isn’t even talking to her anymore. Enter Lorenza, eating said chocolates. She offers one to Sal who declines. Gabi wants one, but Lorenza says no, maybe you should watch your diet, maybe that’s why you don’t have a husband. Crestfallen, Gabi walks away.
Mauricio arrives, his phone rings (and beeps), Moni tells him about Nieves, he’ll meet her at the hospital, and don’t worry about the medical bill, he’ll cover it.
In the hospital waiting room, Beto asks Moni with whom she was talking and she answers “with my novio” (good for her!). Beto thinks his Mom’s going to die, and if so, who’ll do his laundry? Well, YOU will. And you have to be strong, be a man about this. He asks if men can cry. Moni says of course they can, and Beto does, as she consoles him.
In Rolu’s room (same hospital, of course), a nice nurse is pleased to see Rolu’s awake. His cast is decorated with a red heart and the words “I love Xime”.
The Delegation of Underachieving Mau Bashers (DUMB) has a short meeting to discuss strategy. As Connie absentmindedly fondles an accordion-like pile of post-it notes, Oscar relates that since the idea of Mau having to marry ASAP won’t work anymore (because he’d marry the “wrong” woman), they’ve come up with a new idea. Jerry lays it out - Connie should tell the judge SHE wants to adopt the three little varmints. Oscar reassures her that with enough dinero, the judge will go along with it. Connie likes this plan.
The Doctor tells Beto his mother is stable, but the diagnosis is reserved. Some studies are needed to determine the cause of her fainting. She has to stay the night. What did he say? Beto asks Moni. “That your mother is stable, but the diagnosis is reserved, some studies are needed to determine the cause of the fainting, and that she has to spend the night here”. Beto is still despondent, feels like a bad son, is hyperventilating, wants them to transplant his heart into his Mom, needs a hug (which Moni gives). Beto’s grateful, he doesn’t deserve Moni, he still loves her, with all his soul. He strokes her hair, and just as Mauricio arrives in the background, suddenly KISSES her! Even though Moni immediately pushes him away, Mau’s jealousy meter is lighting up. Ximmy arrives to greet Mau loudly, and Moni goes to greet him, not noticing his scowl. Things aren’t helped when Beto says we don’t need any help from this so and so, I’m independent, I’ll pay for all the bills. Yeah, how much is the mummy paying you? It costs 10,000 pesos ($750.00) per day here. Beto swallows his pride, quietly thanks Mauricio.
Oscar thinks it’s funny that Connie will be adopting those runts she hates. Connie’s willing to pay the judge’s bribe, she’s willing to do or pay anything, with some exceptions (shooting a look at Jerry). The key is that Mau can’t know what’s going on, so Jerry says they’ll get Mau out of the office for a few days, and Sal’s so obessesd with Gabi and Lorenza that he won’t be a problem. Pretty soon, says Connie, Mauricio will pay for everything he’s done.
In the deserted coffee room, we see some abandoned cleaning bottles in the foreground. Gabi enters, fumbles around in her purse, finally dumps it all out on the table. With shaking hands, she finds a cigarette, lights it, and takes a few puffs. Sal enters, since when do you smoke? Between coughs, Gabi says since Lorenza made life unbearable here, since Paula got her promotion and became insufferable, and what can she say, how else is she going to lose those kilos? Sal takes the cigarette, stamps it out, reminding her smoking isn’t allowed here, you’ve always been opposed to smoking, and what’s more, you don’t need to lose weight. You’re a beautiful woman just as you are, I wouldn’t change a thing. Gabi thanks him, but how’s she going to relieve her stress, she’s tired of tea, tea and more tea. Sal guides her to a chair, stands behind her, asks her to relax, and starts massaging her shoulders. Just forget everything. Ah, that’s working.
As Paula yawns, playing absentmindedly with her raccoon tail keychain, Jerry wants to talk to Lorenza in his office. Oscar wakes Paula from her reverie, wants some cappuccino. She informs him she’s no cappuccinista, she’s a recepcionista now (weakly struggling to put her earphones on). Oscar reminds her that getting coffee is still part of her job, so go to it. She reluctantly drags herself out of the comfy chair, and is just about to enter the coffee room, when she hears moans of pleasure coming from within. Ahah, she thinks. I’ll get Lorenza to catch them! (Paula, Paula, please don’t go to the dark side).
Back at the hospital, Mau wants an explanation as to why Moni was kissing Beto. She explains that Beto kissed HER, took her by surprise, and is just very upset about his Mom. Mau is still seeing red, doesn’t understand why Moni has to be so close to him. Moni reassures him (still using tú) that he’s the man of her life. She cares for Beto, but not the way she cares for Mau, the man who awakened deep feelings in her, the man who takes her breath away, her ideal man. They kiss, and she reminds him how they promised that before they’d overreact to something, they’d talk about it. They kiss again.
However, he then lays down the law. For their relationship to work, she can’t be friends with Beto anymore. She can’t have any type of relationship with him. Moni doesn’t know what to say (until Monday, when I’m sure she’ll come up with some zingers!)
And Monday, it looks as if she must have said something good, because they kiss VERY PASSIONATELY, and did he just ask her to spend the night?!
Estiércol – manure, dung
Carnales – mates, buddies
Desprestigiar – to discredit
La quijada – the jaw, the jawbone
Labels: gancho
DUMB, perfect. Poor Rolu must rue the day that he decided to seduce Ximena. The body cast is just too funny. And the alliance of Pau and Lorrie, 2 homicidal women, has such great potential. Another hilarious episode.
Silvya and Gancho, thank you so much for yours too. I'm sorry I couldn't be here to comment, but I'm about to move to another city so I had to make arrangements.
I usually only praise this novela but in this episode they got the hospital plot so wrong that it was just unbelievable. It was a way to make Mau a hero here but there was no need.
There's no way an ambulance would take Nieves to a private hospital. They would take her to a Public Health Center, an IMSS, wichever was closer. The bill would be either free or up to 200 or 300 pesos. They could also take her to a Red Cross where the price would be more or less the same.
10 000 pesos for one night is also an excessive price, even for a private hospital.
I really like this show!
I hope she doesn't stay the night with mau, not yet!
They are so cute together!
Rebecca, you know what? Nor do I want them to spend the night together...not yet. Moni needs to concentrate on her boxing for the next 2 wks.
They could still had reunited all the characteres at the hospital by explaining that the nearest hospital they could take Rolu was a public one and Xime was paying extra to get him a private room. In this way Mau would still have been present when Beto kisses Monita.
This emergency situation is familiar to me, two years ago my appendix broke right after finshing University and before I had a job. When I was taken to the doctor he told me my options and I chose to go to a public hospital since I had no money and I didn't want my parents to waste so much money on me. My father was called and when he got there he declared himself able to pay the full bill. The cost of the surgery, medicines and eight nights at the hospital was over 6000 pesos, along with expenses for medicines he donated (wich are used for those that need free care) to get a private room. This experience is what makes it so hard to believe that Beto and Monita would take Nieves to a place where they'd have to pay 10 000 pesos just for one night.
Loved the recap, your vocab words and the pictures! Your link to "La Barbie" is mesmerizing. That little lady is tough, 5'4" and only 110 lbs, wow! I guess when I thought Danna Garcia was too petite to be a boxer I was way off. It will be interesting to see them together sizewise.
Jarocha, thank you for the information about where an ambulance would take Nieves. I suppose it's very convenient to have everyone in the same hospital, but this hospital does seem like a very different place than the clinic in Querida Enemiga for example, where all the neighborhood folk seemed to end up. Interesting link by the way.
ITA with Rebecca, it's too soon for the lovin' for our two. They still have stuff to work through. Moni is still too much of a hothead and Mau is still too imperious.
Carlos, I finally figured out how to download the episodes from that website. You have to actually ask permission. Scroll down to "Permisos" and click on it. When the page loads click onto the first topic "Solamente aqui se dan permisos", click onto the "Post Reply" and write your simple request for permission to download the telenovelas. In a day or so you will receive an email telling you that you now have permission to utilize the download feature. Hombre warned me that it can take a long time to download on a laptop, it doesn't take so long on my regular computer. I also had to upload some kind of video converter so that my windows mediaplayer would show the video portion of the episode. At first all I got was the sound.
Jarocha, thanks for your info about the hospital situation. Believe it or not, but in U.S., it often CAN cost $750.00 per day for a hospital stay!
Really enjoyed your D.U.M.B. creation, Hombre and the link to the "Barbie" fighter.
Continue to love Beto's pseudo-independance moves (live next door but you still have to do my laundry. But I'll take it down from line. Whoopee!)and the humor in this is a godsend. Paula has an interesting role, I must say.
Jarocha, so glad you survived the rupture of your appendix. Things can get pretty dicey when an appendix bursts. My grandfather (stubborn old coot) refused to be operated on when he had appendicitis and as a result, met his Maker earlier than planned. My mom, as the last of 10, lost her dad when she was only 12, due to his stubborness.
I've gotten gun-shy in this one. Every time Beto and Moni hug, I expect Mau to be glowering in the background. And was sure Tano would walk out the door. Thank goodness he stayed.
Mauricio has quite some nerve telling Monita to have no contact with Beto. They're neighbors! He and his mother are like family to her! Especially when he still lets Constanza freely roam his office and his home.
Mexico seems to be the place to go for health care. Eight whole nights in the hospital?! When my dad had appendicitis, the bill was enormous and he got one night in the hospital, then was shoved out the door, obviously not nearly recovered...and he has good health insurance!
The doctors aren't happy about it, the nursing staff either. But their hands are tied by the restrictions of the health insurance companies.
Another student was in Greece with her husband when he fell and broke his hip. The minimal cost but maximum help and surgery he received there far surpassed what he was able to get when he returned to the good ol' USA.
Julie from what I've heard some people do come here sometimes. Funny, people in México would love to go to the US for treatments, particularly Houston, but only the rich telenovela characteres go (and maybe rich people too).
Judy I'm sorry for your grandfather and your mom. I think people tried to avoid surgeries at any cost. Now it seems we are all more used to them.
LOVED the DUMB acronym, and I also thought your title was fabulous.
I too can't STAND the cell phone beeping and think it's is just annoying beyond belief. I didn't realize, but I think you are right, clearly Nextel is sponsoring this (race car logos) and so that push to talk biz was probably being promoted by them in this.
Thanks to Kris and Sylvia for your recaps too.
Ximena and Rolu are too funny.
Thanks for the info about hospitals in Mexico Jarocha. And thanks for your input regarding rape in novelas. Best wishes with your move.
Welcome back Judy!
Diana in MA
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