Friday, October 09, 2009

Gancho Thurs 10/8 - Katia shocks the Monkey

Ahoy all, just a reminder that I will be out of town and unable to recap for the next two Thursdays. Might someone be willing to do a quickie recap or post a header so that commenters can fill in the highlights and discuss? Thanks!

Estrella gushes to Moni about how awesome Mau is and she lures Moni into gushing too because Mau has snuck in behind her. Considering that most telenovela eavesdropping ends very badly this is a nice change of pace.

Mau tells Moni that he followed Alicia and saw Moni's ma in a hotel nearby. And how did he know it was her? Why he recognized her pic of course. Moni doesn't want to believe it and says anyhow she doesn't care, the woman means nothing to her, the woman is dead to her. Estrella calls Moni stubborn like mule. "Let's go see her," Mau insists.

Nieves has given up the heart motif for her earrings and is now wearing buttons. Beto announces he's going to break the umbilical cord and eat at the cantina. She blesses Beto before he strikes out on his own. She muses that a parent is never prepared to lose their kids.

Beto runs into his "Mamita" Coni outside his cul-de-sac. He announces he's ready for his victor's prize. She reminds him he won nothing. OK then, does she need a chauffeur? She agrees she could use help separating Mau and Moni. Beto suggests they stick together body and soul, more in body than in soul he adds, smooching her neck. He grabs her keys, opens the door, and hey presto instant chauffeur.

Pau tells her new pal Lorenza about how faithful she is to the company. When Mau had his accident on the racetrack she tried to smother Rolando Klunder with a plastic bag. Lo wonders what the world would be like without people like Pau in it. Pau agrees but she never gets rewarded at work and it's the same way with guys. She caught her novio Ricardo with another woman and put a plastic knife to his throat. Lo says if she needs to "make a point" it's best not to use plastic. Lorenza prefers to use a real knife, then phffft (cutting motion) people know she means business. No no no, corrects Paula, it's the real knife the makes people think you're crazy, like when Lo threatened Gabi. Speaking of Gabi, Lo wants to know if there is something between Gabi and Sal. Pau redirects the conversation and Lo decides to give Pau a professional makeover and get her promoted to receptionist. These two, with their homicidal tendencies, could make an interesting pair.

Meanwhile Sal is trying to get the female clerical staff to help him but they run away as if he's got a crazy wife running around with a knife threatening any woman who might get close to him. Gabi confirms this saying Lo is still loca, in fact, could Sal please maintain a minimum of 2 metres distance from her at all times?

Isabel tells Alicia that Valentina wants nothing to do with her and won't want to help her. Isa hasn't yet overcome the past and when Valentina came to their town and she saw her sleeping the nightmares returned. The horror returned and she's not sure she wants her daughter in her life. (Harsh!) Al insists it's not Valentina's fault. Isa agrees, not to mention that Nieves repeated it ad nauseaum (hasta el cansancio) for eight years, but her heart feels differently. (Double harsh!) Isa adds she's tired of doctors and hospitals and all she wants to do is die in peace. Al tells her to have hope. Isa says she's got Al and that's all she needs, now let's get the hell out of Dodge.
Mau and Moni stand outside Isa's hotel and wait. Al walks out and, not seeing them, gets into a cab. As Isa follows down the steps she spies our pair. She stops. She stares. Then she gathers herself and gets into the taxi. Moni cries "mamá! mamá!" as the taxi speeds off. Our little monkey is destroyed again.

Beto has escorted Coni into a dining establishment where the waiter knows him. He tells her he'll satisfy her every whim; he makes a great show of cleaning off her table as he wishes to clean all of her tables. And when does he get paid, he asks? You know, I think this little arrangement of her paying him to spoil her could really work. Evidently Coni thinks so too because she whips out her checkbook and writes a deposit, an amount that pleases Beto immensely. She reminds him from now on he has to concentrate on separating Mau from Moni. He caresses her hair and arm, she's a great boss and he needs to start on a full stomach. Speaking of which, does she like pancitas? (menudo)

Now for the heartbreaking scene...Moni weeps and sobs that her mami left her again. Accompanied by their song Mau and Moni sit on the curb, she crying and he putting his arm around her and consoling her.

Back at GS Lorenza terrorizes the female workers with her jealousy and Sal with her presence. When he tells her he can't stand working like this she changes the subject, it's time to promote Paula who has been at the company for three years. She insists he do this or she will make a scene. When Gabi strolls up and asks if she missed anything Lo tells her no, not much, she was just telling Sal how fantastic and efficient Gabi is and how much there is to learn from her. Gabi looks sceptical.

Mau and Moni have gone into the hotel to enquire about a forwarding address but alas, nobody knows where Al and Isa have headed. Moni is sure her ma left to get away from her again, she doesn't love her and never has. Mau says something about Moni's ma coming back for forgiveness. Moni says that's Al's thing, not her mama's.

Pau walks out of the elevator wearing a new dress and a smile. She assumes her new position behind the receptionist's desk. Gabi asks what in the heck is that outfit? Pau runs to Lorenza's side and thanks her profusely for her raise and new job. Gabi is all Que the hell? Nobody told me about this! Pau, you're not prepared for this yet! Pau tells Gabi she is a bad friend and threatened by Pau's promotion. Lo kind of sticks it to Gabi. Clearly Gabi has competition for her position of Queen Bee of the office and she's not happy about it.

Nice scene of extreme close-ups of our beautiful hero and heroine. She says she wants to be alone so she doesn't spoil his day. He comforts her and tells her he wants to be a luchador and fight again, which she finds quite amusing. She still wants to be alone though so she can think. We get one more romantic cartoon kiss as we go into commercial.

Moni comes home sad and is telling Estre that her Mami abandoned her again when Mama Bear Nieves pops out of her lair and lays into Moni about Beto leaving. It's all Moni's fault. Moni points out he's thirty years old (aha! now we know his age) and it's about time he takes care of himself. She tells Nieves she's not in the mood for her usual crapola and she just wants to be alone so give it a break Nieves!

Beto drops Coni off at her apartment, new uniform in hand, and promises to show up first thing in the morning. Katia overhears their passionate, slurping goodbye and asks big sis what's up with that pig? Coni assures Kat that nothing has changed, Mau will be hers and everything is under control. By the way, Kat will be her eyes and ears in the Mau house or else she'll get packed back off to Italy. Kat's not liking this arrangement. Coni tells her to do it or she'll tell mommy and daddy that Katia's dating an orphan. Oooh, like that's the worst thing in the world.

Speaking of the Mau house, the happy family is breakfasting on gigantic pan dulces or doughnuts, yum! Seems Mau forgot about the carnival at their new school. He's interrupted by a phone call and, ouch...groan, can barely get up from the table. Dani pipes up that she wants Monita to be there. Aldo tells her not to worry, he's got a plan.

Meanwhile Coni and Katia dine on massive plates of fruit, cheese and sandwiches. How could these two be so skinny and eat like that? Katia lets it slip about the school carnival and Coni plots to ruin the special family moment.

Moni and pals are talking when Moni gets a call from Tere who needs Moni to take some important papers directly to Mauricio. According to the closed captions however, someone tells Carlota they are very sorry. They have to change Macaren's serum and they'll also check her reflexes at this time. Macarena's condition is very serious and she simply can't wait. Well I'm sorry Macarena, you're going to have to wait at least another 30 minutes until your own show starts!

Rolu is jogging and Kermit, I mean Xime leaps out in a bright green jogging suit. Ta da! What a coincidence, Xime jogs there too! He tries to run away but she dogs him. You go girl.

Aldo and Katia are at the school carnival and Mau catches them kissing, then Luisa and Ivan show up. Then we are interrupted by more weird captions about Carlota and her sister. Would you ladies please get out of our show?!?

Que sorpresa! Moni shows up with the papeles that Mau ordered. Dani runs up and is delighted. The kids admit what they did to get Moni there. Mau acquiesces and asks her to stay there and act as their mama.

Shortly thereafter Coni and Beto arrive. Katia's not happy that Coni is there with her lowlife chauffeur to embarrass her.

A teacher joins them and asks Mau and Moni if they want to compete in the parental games. Of course Moni loves this idea and is sure they'll win and get their names inscribed on the trophy. She's perfectly happy until she sees Beto and Coni who are also in the competition. Beto shows off his new uniform and brags about his job.

Ximi stalks Rolu to a restaurant and takes pics of him and the other Xime. She joins them at their table and he wisely leaves.

Over at the school let the games begin. Moni is winning the egg-in-the-spoon game when Coni trips her and ends up winnning. Beto and Coni can barely contain their ardor at her victory. Moni wants to beat the tar and feathers out of Coni but Mau holds her back. It's only a game and this is the kid's school! That's OK cuz Moni kicks Coni's butt at the sack race.

What a coincidence, Xime banks at the same bank that Rolu does! He escapes from her again.

Now it's the apple bobbing game and Big Mouth Beto is the first to grab the apple. It's Coni/Beto 2 and Moni/Mau 1.

Xime goes to the gym and what a coincidence! Xime is waiting for him in the steam room. She pulls off his towel and admires his tush and tattoo as he runs out the door.

Moni and Mau pull Coni and Beto into a gigantic powdered pillow and thus gain a victory in the tug of war. The score is now even. Coni and Beto are supposed to be mad but it looks like they're having way too much fun playing in the white powder.

What a coincidence, Xime also shops at the same supermarket as Rolu! She accuses him of following her, it couldn't be just a coincidence could it?

A powdery Coni cheats again by body-slamming Moni in the eat-the-donut-on-the-string contest. The crowd is catching on and she gets a few "boos" along with the cheers.

Rolu starts to get into his car that is parked on the top floor of a parking garage. Guess who leaps out, surprise! Xime parks there too! He tells her to get to her car. Unfortunately she just got a manicure and can't drive. He yells that she's driving him loco! Get the hell out of his life!! He'd rather be dead than be with her!

Be careful what you wish for...Rolu lunges at Xime like he's going to push her off the ledge. Just then her cellular rings and she steps aside. Ayyyy.....he takes a flyer off the top level of the parking garage. Xime looks around, where did he go? She looks over the edge and shrieks, she didn't think he was literal when he said he'd rather die. (Oh dear, he's not, is he?)

The parents are gearing up for the 3-legged race. Mau wants to gaze at Moni and Moni wants blood! Coni also wants TO WIN, TO WIN. Playa Limbo serenades our athletic couples. Mau and Moni are in the lead...until Coni cheats again and pushes them over. Moni leaps up, fists flying. Coni calls Moni a mujerzuela and things are about to get ugly until Katia interrupts. If Moni is a mujerzuela then what about Coni? She came to the carnival with her lover. "Her lover?" gasps Moni and Mau. "Yes, my sister and that pig are lovers!"

Mañana - Moni and Beto find Nieves on the ground. Later on Mau sees Beto kiss Moni.

Dear friends, wouldn't you know it, one week before my trip to Guanajuato and I'm coming down with a cold. I feel simply dreadful, so if my recap isn't what it should be I do apologize. It was a scream of an episode and I highly recommend watching it.


Excellent, Sylvia. You are right, this was a funny episode. I'm amazed how well this show with all it's silliness is holding up. And though I didn't need it, the glimpse of Rolu's permanent declaration of love for Ximena set me to laughing out loud once again. Who knew that stalking could be so funny?

Oh, last night on Betty la Fea, Hugo, the gay fashion designer, showed up to work with his Shih Tzu, which sported an exact duplication of Nieve's coiffure.

Connie is turning me into a regular fashionista. Wasn't that a darling red an black frock she was wearing at the beginning of the show?


Coni always looks divine. Both she and the actress who play Ximena must be a wardrobe designer's dream. They look good in everything! I did love her red and black dress, it was very classy.

Carlos, your call about Nieves looking like a Shih Tzu really is hilarious. Everytime I see her with her hair in two silly ponytails that's exactly what I think.

I love the way connie dresses! I think moni dresses really cute also. It suits her character! That episode was very funny and i really enjoyed it. Beto and Connie are so so funny together!

thanks for the recaps


Rebecca, glad to see you back, thanks for hanging in with us.

I thought it was funny when Mao scolded the kids. He didn't tell them to cut it out, just to not involve Teresa in their little pranks.


Sylvia, this was a great recap, couldn't tell at all you had a cold, but I hope you feel better.

I'm pretty sure Rolu will be okay, just laid up in a full body cast or something, and Xime will have to wait on him hand and foot.

It's funny that no one noticed the cheating of Coni, in pushing or tripping Moni. In a way, it's not that different from the Lucha Libre, where pretty much anything goes. I loved the part where Coni and Beto were playing in the powder.

I also thought it was funny when Beto said he was moving out, but of course he'd still get his meals from Nieves, and bring over his laundry.

How weird with the closed captions!

The low light was definitely Moni crying for her mother. How can any child fathom their mother doesn't want them? A terribly sad situation and while not convinced the past can be reconciled, am hoping for a happy ending nevertheless.

I'm sorry you aren't feeling well Sylvia but your recap suffered no ill effects. Witty, fun and really informative, as always. You translated so many conversations I missed - thank you.

Loved "Where in the World is Ximena". Couldn't wait to see when and where she'd surface next. Have to say that Rolu showed remarkable restraint, well, right up to the end. I'm sure he survived the fall although is probably pretty scraped up.

The fair was so much fun. Connie was having a tough time keeping a straight face while eating the donuts on a string. Mau looked like he was having a great old time. Enjoyed the apple bobbing (has anyone ever actually seen anyone get an apple that way? :))

This show continues to be fresh and funny. Great writing.

Sylvia, have a wonderful vacation and safe travels. We will miss you and look forward to your return.

Diana in MA

Ha Ha LOL Kermit!

Loved the where in the world...

Dude so sorry you aren't feeling well, that sucks especially if you are busy and trying to get ready to go away - you are still a top performer for sure!! Thanks for slogging through
and making us laugh.

Oh my, I only caught a little of the caption wackyness I wondered if it was local or if the whole country had bizarre, too,I think this was just me, but I had to listen to most of the last shows with slurred jagged speech, like every other soundbyte was mi sing so i t sou nded hor i ble !! Not so bad during Gancho, but the other shows were was driving me batty!!!!

Thanks, Captain. Sorry you're under the weather. Drink lots of hot tea, eat chicken soup, take warm showers, and sleep as much as possible. At least that is how I handle a cold. . My sister swears by Airborne and my daughter takes Dayquil and Nightquil [?] Hope you feel much better by the time you leave on your trip. I'm sending you good vibes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ximena manages to be hysterically funny even when she's being completely pathetic. I guess Lalo finally escaped her clutches?

Beto and Coni cheated at everything they won. In the apple bob Beto used his hand. The only way I've seen someone actually get an apple was to push it against the side or bottom of the basin.

Poor Monita. It's a shame her mother didn't just put her up for adoption right away if that's how she felt, rather than being horrified of her for eight years and then abandoning her.

You know, I'm thinking it's getting to be time for us to implore Univision to do something about the CCs for this show once more. They seemed to respond quickly before. Thing is, the CCs on Sortilegio seem almost perfect right now, so it looks like we are being treated like step children.

Sylvia, Dr. Carlos sez:

heat juice of 1/2 lemon with 1 oz. H2O and 1 tsp buckwheat honey in microwave till very hot, remove, add 2 oz pretty good Bourbon whiskey, stir with cinnamon stick, then sip. Repeat as needed.


Does anyone know the episode number Gancho is on? I'm having a time trying to figure it out (too much longterm beanie-wearing, I guess.)

Goodness, Cap'n Sylvia--I hope you get to feeling batter, and soon.

That was capitulo #78.

Oh, and thanks for all the comments and good wishes. I'm going to follow Dr. Carlos's advice to the letter!

Update: Well Carlos knows what he's talking about because I'm into my second cup of remedy and I feel MUCH better.

Hombre, if Rolu is laid up in a body cast then having Xime tend to him 24/7 will be the most delicious punishment I can imagine for all his nastiness. Let's hope it's so! (You have kind of an evil mind, has anyone ever told you that?)

Diana and Julia, I find the scenes where Moni cries for her mother quite heartbreaking. I think we've probably all known someone who has suffered from parental rejection. I'm not sure it's something that one can ever get over, especially if the rejection continues for a lifetime. I know this is just a pretend show but it's still painful to watch.

And now my secret for bobbing for apples...look for the one with the longest stem, then bite it and pull it out of the tub.

Again, thanks for all your good vibes and wishes, I think they must be working already. Either that or it's the 4 oz. of medicinal bourbon. And I thought I didn't like Bourbon, go figure!

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