Friday, October 23, 2009

Gancho Thursday Oct. 22, '09 Oh No, Oh Yes, Oh Dear......

Sylvia's away but here's a header if you want to discuss what happened in last night's Gancho episode. There were watery love scenes, nefarious doings as usual, a fun segment of Oscar getting whipped, and a pivotal scene with Tano and Estrella at the jail. And who can forget Paula's wonderful tasering of not one but two police officers!? Truly destined for a life of crime, that lady. So join in the discussion, and Sylvia will be back next week.


Thanks Judy. Last night's show was fantastic. If laughter is the best medicine, then last night I think we all might have overdosed. Tasers, a taste of Ximena and Rolu, a repeat peek inside the music conservatory, little Dani calling Coni Monstranza, to her face no less, Krazy Kitten with a whip, but I think my favorite scene was Loriloca, standing on that overpass talking to a distracted Sal about the voices in her head on her cellphone, "Hey, pay attention to me!" The scenery was awesome, what a nifty place for a romantic meal and proposal of marriage. I'm aleady planning for our trip to the Yucatan.


Gracias Judy. You should copyright your "Oh No, Oh Yes, Oh Dear..." title. Definitely side bar worthy.

We've noted Paula's proclivity toward weaponry and she certainly didn't disappoint last night!

I totally agree Carlos, this was simply great. Was Rolu being pushed down the aisle by Ximena a foreshadowing of things to come?

Is Ivan moving in with Beto?

I'm repelled and entranced with Loriloca in equal measures. What will she do next??

Diana in MA

The idea of Beto and Ivan being roommates is intriguing. Loved it when Beto congratulated Ivan on "cutting the umbilical cord, just like I did". Riiiiight, Beto.

My enjoyment of the Yucatan romantic scenes was dampened (no pun intended) by knowing from the previews that Connie was going to be named "adoptive mother" and that the wedding plans would go down the tubes.

Diana, you and Carlos have "the secret to life" ...enjoy it now and trust that the icky stuff will be resolved later...somehow,some way.
+ + +

By the way, did anyone else notice...and worry...that Loriloca's whip lashes were coming dangerously close to Oscar's family jewels. Ouch!

You are so right Judy - Ivan and Beto are bound to stir things up! The entertainment possibilities are endless!

I'm really enjoying Cris and Paula too - polar opposites but somehow, they make it work.

I can't recall any show I've ever looked forward to watching as much as this. Needless to say, the recaps and comments are another highlight of my day. I'd tell myself to get a life, but I actually do have one but this makes it so much more enjoyable. :)


I love all the romantic background!
Coni is just so envious of moni it's painful to watch! She's got the hots for beto so why should she care! I'm going to go back and watch Ximea and rolu again I didn't see that part!

thanks for recappers


Thank you Judy for posting this. When I tried to sign in last night to put this up I kept getting blogger errors "bh-6vd91" or something along those lines...don't know if anyone else got those or it was just my partner's wacky computer. I didn't have my own last night. So now is the first chance I got to sign back in. My DVR also didn't record last night due to another error. I just have bad mojo last night, oh well. But I did get to see a great live performance instead, so yippeee!!!!

So anyway I haven't even seen this and have no idea what happened so I'm pretty useless anyway. Hope you all enjoyed!!!

Oh and if anyone could put in a few more details about what happened, in what order and how, I'd be grateful as I don't know if I'll get the time to watch this...I'll probably have to download and take it with me on my "Gancho" care package while traveling.... thanks folks!!!

Just in case anyone didn't see the episode, here are some of the things that happened:

- Moni and Mau frolicked in the water of an underground cave. Since he had proposed, and she accepted, and we saw her bra floating away, we may have had "criterion behavior"! Also, Mau said they'd buy the wedding dress there in Merida, and have the wedding as soon as they got back.

Paula and Gabi both think that Oscar, being a lawyer, will help get Estrella out of jail (yeah, right).

Luisa told Aldo that Katia took the pictures, causing Terry to feel guilty that she wrongfully kicked out Ivan.

The judge gave Connie custody, and she gave him a check. Later, Connie told the kids they had a few days reprieve (but didn't mention the custody), but they had to stay at her house, which they grudgingly agreed to do.

In jail, Estrella told Paula she doesn't feel that bad, since she's always been the prisoner of one thing or another anyway.

When Lorenza was whipping Oscar, tied to the bed, he had a request. She said "wet the whip?". No, he wanted her to occupy Sal, so she agreed to pretend she'd stop taking her pills.

Ivan is bunking with Beto. Beto's sort of happy about Mau's custody troubles, Ivan's not, be he needs a place to stay.

Paula wanted to stay with Estrella. Cris wouldn't let her, so she figured if she committed a crime, they'd jail her. She tasered Cris and another guy - it worked - she's locked up.

Lorenza is on a bridge threatening to do something drastic, which causes Sal to come running.

At Connie's, Katia admitted to Aldo that Connie actually told her to take the sexy pictures of Luisa. Ahah!

I can put in some more details for you Kris, after lunch. No worries.
Sorry you're having computer and DVR recording problems. When it rains it pours!

Great! Hombre already did it for me. Thanks Hombre!

Kris, if you get a chance, you must watch the scene between Pau and Cristian which is at the end of the first of these and the beginning of the other.

And Judy if you didn't see my last comment yesterday, I left a link especially for you and Emilia regarding your chicken conversation.

Kris, once again have a great trip.


Carlos, I DID see it. This morning. And please don't laugh at me, but I felt like crying. I just didn't see the humor in that poor headless rooster living out his life as a wonder of nature and side show. I wish I were tougher, but you know, it just made me sick.
What can I say? Clearly I'm the recipient of some serious "wuss"genes.

Or else, it was all a big joke and then what can I say? I clearly am the recipient of some "credulous goober" genes.

Muchas Gracias Senor Hombre, that makes it all super clear, and thanks Carlo for the link, I'll try to squeeze in the you tube, my download source seems to be missing this episode...which by all of your descriptions just seems great!!

Thanks Judy. This episode was great. I laughed so much at Paula tasering the cops, at least she had her fun with the taser, I bet she enjoyed that.

Carlos I read the link and I was impressed by Mike, 18 months is such a long time to live for a rooster with those conditions.


Thanks for posting this link Judy. From yesterday, Carlos the menu you wrote was great. Blue Bell, a treat I can only get when I visit extended family in Texas... sigh. I'm with Judy about Mike; I'm really wimpy so decided to watch the unedited version of the Sorteligio love scene instead ;).

Did anyone catch what Ximena was saying in the church? I was having a lot of trouble hearing over background noise last night.

Hombre has a much better memory than I do, so hope he checks in again...I seem to recall that Ximena thought it would be funny to have a double wedding with Moni and Mau. Maybe Beto and Connie could be the witnesses? And she figured she'd need three "security gorillas" (an idea that thrilled her wedding planner) because with a brother like Jeronimo and a friend like Connie, things were bound to go wrong.

Judy, I'm sorry if the story of Mike was disturbing and sad for you. I thought that it was pertinent to your conversation and exemplifies a triumph of the...ah...avian spirit and will. My cousin and his wife thought it was funny as I told them about him at our family reunion, almost choking (how ironic is this?) on their fried chicken. I hope you are not deterred from watching the Natural History of the Chicken (skipping of course the segment about Mike...ummm...and maybe the part about the commercial raising of poultry), should you get an opportunity.


Oh, also...

Mauricio's skivvies were also floating away...I'd say definitely "criterion behavior."

Hi all. Esposa y yo are in Hinton. WV for her H.S. reunion. Agree that last night's episode was one of the best ever! We won't get to watch tonight as there's a party at one of her friend's house. You know the drill - husbands lean against the kitchen counter and have brilliant conversation like "where ya from?" and pretend to care. Anyway, Hombre, really looking forward to your recap of tonight's!

Probably if you were telling me about Mike in person, I would have laughed too, Carlos. You're quite the raconteur and could lead me astray from my compassionate principles..... from time to time anyway, I reckon.

But just reading it,cold, have to admit I really got the blues.

Yes, Julia, there was "criterion behavior" on both Gancho and Sortilegio this week. Moni and Mau were definitely the PG 7 pm version, but sweet, sexy and romantic nevertheless.

Whereas on ENDA, only bad people ever see any action, or even think about it, and a few dry kisses are the height of romance.

Yep, a few dry kisses followed by inimaginable disaster. What a fun ride!

Yea for Katia for telling Aldo the truth about the pictures of Lucia.

Boo to Tano for being such a self-righteous prig on his visit to Estrella in jail.


I think the production of ENDA is more uptight about love scenes because they aired at 6 pm in México. Gancho was on at 8 pm and Sortilegio had the stellar 9 pm .

Carla Estrada has always been daring with love scenes. I remember back in 1994, when she made her first novela de época: "Alóndra", she wanted to keep some scorching scenes between the lead and her co-star and also keep the original story as it was since the female lead was involved in a love triangle and she had sex with both of her suitors (at different times of course). Televisa was much more uptight back then and put the novela at 10:00 pm with a warning that the story was only for adults. The actress that played the lead, Ana Colchero, said that Carla fought alot with the network for that and she was surprised that she got what she wanted because just the year before when she had worked on Corazón Salvaje (playing Aimeé) she had to tape a love scene with Eduardo Palomo with the bedsheet up to their necks.


Thanks Jarocha. Love all this background information. Carla Estrada is very effective with her love scenes. They are really done with great style.

+ + + +

Carlos, mi vida, mi hermano de alma...we see things so differently! Como puede ser!!? I thought Tano was sweet to come by and see how Estrella was doing, at the request of Aldo, by the way. And I thought he was just wistful, rather than self-righteous, when he spoke about the future he had envisaged for himself and Estrella.

See how we womenfolk cut the men slack when we like 'em? Good thing, eh?

Judy, I've thought a lot about why Tano rubs me the wrong way. At first I didn't care for Aldo. I thought that he was an angry petulant, pouty, pain in the butt. Now I see a depth, even with the persistent (to be expected after all) immaturity and impetuosity that is so annoying. Now, perhaps unfairly, I see absolutely no depth or compelling reason for interest in his character. He's a solid citizen, but Cristian has that covered in spades. He visited Estrella, but I saw no effort,even feeble and obligatory to try to spring her. What I saw was a guy whose (maybe former) love was unfairly incarcerated and basically he whined about poor him and how she didn't treat him fairly and about what might have been. Well, boo-diddly-hoo. Get her out and then feel sorry for yourself. Not exactly a heroic man of action. Now after having waxed dramatic, I think my problem with him is that he is so normal and nice. Almost all of the other characters in this are broadly-drawn, bigger-than-life, and, well, interesting. Tano's the guy who is reliable, but simply not remarkable. This is a cartoon and he is a passport photo.

Once again, sorry about Mike. I have to admit when I watched the show, the Mike segment made me queasily uncomfortable, but absolutely fascinated.
I'll admit to you that I don't eat chicken and I think it is because as a small child on the farm, the chickens that roamed free in the yard were my people. Imagine the trauma of seeing your friends with names no less, slaughtered for the common good. Whoa! I've never eaten chicken.



Judy I'm going to have to side with Carlos on this one. I do think Tano came out here looking self-righteous and petty. I also agree that it wasn't the time nor the place for saying all the things he said to Estrella.


Well, I'm glad I quibbled because even though I don't agree, I love your explanation. Passport photo as opposed to cartoon figures...perfect. Beautifully said.

Glad chickens are your friends and that you don't eat them. Take that! Colonel Sanders. I was always amazed my mom could eat lamb chops after weeping and running desperately after the cart that carried off her little lamb to market.

As adults, I suspect we've buried lots of genuine feeling and compassion under the "hey-that's how it is" wisdom? of the big people who raised us.

Anyway, thanks amigo. Always interesting, thesse discussions.

Uh oh...two now agin' Tano. I could be blinded by my fondness for him. Wouldn't be the first time!

Judy I agree with you on Tano being usually a nice guy, it's just that at that moment in time Estrella was probably terrified of being locked up in jail for who knows how long, add the humiliation of needing the help of her ex and having to speak with him from a cell. She was morally destroyed and full of anguish and he decided to choose that moment to tell her how wrong her choices were.


Judy, I was afraid that I was going to be alone in this with a very unpopular opinion so imagine my delight, Jarocho, that you and I are of the same mind regarding Tano. Judy, I would guess that the majority here are in agreement with you. It wouldn't be much fun if we all agreed all the time. I would guess that you agree with me that Tano is not the most charismatic of characters. Give me Beto any day. He's someone who'll sink his teeth into you.Heck, give me Cristian, he's certainly dedicated to something.

Judy and Jarocha, When you talk about Mexican food Jarocha I'm always reminded of a PBS cooking show, only on for a very short time, hosted by a beautiful woman from Vera Cruz who extolled the virtues, including health benefits of...rendered pork lard. It was love at first rendering.


Jarocha, yes.


Judy, what she said.


Yes, Jarocha was very eloquent and persuasive.

Actually I think Tano is very attractive...yeah, go I'm always giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Beto is great as a larger than life character, but in real life he'd be a problemj!

Judy, and of course that's the beauty, it's not real life, and it's in Spanish, so it's fun and good for us. I'd much rather sit next to Beto in the bar at the Chattanooga Choo Choo Holiday Inn bar, than Tano.

I love Chattanooga. I went there for a medical meeting and fell in love with the city and the people.


I'm Baaaaaack! I got in late last night and managed to catch up on the recaps and skim through last night's episode, but of course couldn't comment because I also got the weird error code. Gah!!

Hombre, I also saw Mau's shorts floating free. Ooh la la! Aha, I see Julia noticed that as well. I also noticed that the accompanying music was horribly cut and edited which leads me to believe that some essential scenes may have been edited as well. I think I might have to download this episode and watch it in it's entirety.

Guanajuato was fantastic, it's an absolutely lovely and fun town-type city. I highly recommend it as a destination. After last night Merida is next on my list.

Much thanks to Kris and Judy for filling in while I was gone.

Kris, have a great trip to Mexico!

Well, Judy, I never did check in yesterday, but if anyone reads this, I think you're precisely right as to what Ximena said in the church.

BTW, I didn't really remember everything - I took some notes, knowing that Sylvia was away.

Does anybody know the last thing that Tano said to Estrella? She seemed so shocked by it. (I am just catching up from a crazy week.) Thanks, Robyn

Tano told Estrella that there was a possibility she could go to the penitentiary for being a child molester.

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