Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Gancho Tuesday October 13, '09 Mucho Mood Swings Tonight

Yes, there were mood swings galore tonight. But it's like that every night on Gancho. My lead should really be the great question: ¿Eres o te haces? (Loosely translated," Are you naturally idiotic or do you work at it?")

That is just a gem. Nieves lets go with this one when she confronts Beto about his silly suspicions of her. So keep that question in the back of your mind while we gallop through the events of tonight's episode. Sure, it applied to Beto, the longest breast-feeding hijo in the universe. But it could also apply to Ximena, Paula, Mauricio, Monita, Nieves herself, Oscar, Jeronimo. "¿Eres o te haces?" Heck, it could even apply to most of us.

Leaving those philosophical musings aside, let's backtrack. First, there's a little beso interruptus between Luisa and Ivan. Aldo storms up and says Don't touch my siser, imbecil. While back at home, Mauricio actually seems to prefer the thought of Ivan being with Aldo, Katja and Luisa at the movies because he can "protect" them. Teresa is flummoxed but wisely holds her ground and her tongue.

And included in the rehash is poor Rolu who can't hold his tongue or do much of anything with it. Condemned to just sitting there in a full-body cast, he's holding a sign asking Ximena to marry him (thanks to Jeronimo). Ximena's only momentarily entranced. She quickly launches into Three Things: she's not going to fall for that cheap joke, she knows he can't write in that cast, and something else I didn't get but who cares? The picture really gets murky when Ximensa can't remember if one blink means "yes" or "no". And our desperate Rolu launches into multiple frantic blinks which can only mean one thing: He's dying to marry her!

And frantic is the word for Beto and Monita who have discovered that Nieves is missing. No time to take those generic drugs sonny boy picked up, she headed out on a bus to find Isabel. Beto and Valentina storm down to the police station to report her missing. Christian informs them a woman answering Nieves' description has been exposing herself in public. Beto wonders if Mom's been taking hussy pills (pastillas de coscolinas) and is so relieved when the woman turns out to be someone else, he plants a solid kiss on the unknown hussy's lips. But wait! there's more. If that's not the one, the police have found one malodorous shoe (Beto sniffs it and identifies the stench as his madre) and Monita confirms the size. No problem. Now they're looking for the rest of the body. For some reason, this does not reassure our worried pair. But at least now we know the provenance of Beto's overwhelming aroma--it's in the genes.

Now that this burning question has been answered, we can focus on the continuing saga of Monita's elusive mother. Nieves contacts Mauricio for help on deciding whether or not to tell Monita about her mother. She thinks of Mauricio as "culto, viajado e intelligente" (educated, well-traveled, intelligent...that last is a stretch) and wants his advice. Of course she's also there to make sure Mauricio is not just using Valentina for a pastime and he seems to convince her. Now what to do about that "mala entraña" (heartless, callous) mother. Even though Isabel's dying, she doesn't want to face up to her daughter. What should Nieves do?

Back at the barrio, Val and Beto (and Estrella not so much) are still fretting about Nieves when lo! she appears. "Mala hierba nunca muere" quips our Star. Beto's overjoyed because he's hungry and missed the aroma of her stews and" milaneses con papas". Paula somehow thinks this is an opportunity to gossip about Gabriela but no one wants to hear. So then let's dish about Monita's hunky boyfriend. Nope, she's not on board with that either. They're feuding again. Paula makes another stab at discussing infidelity and Gaby and relationships and what have you but no dice. Eres o te haces?

And the group still hasn't established where Nieves was all this time. Well, er, she was at a funeral? All this time? NO WAY. Well, then be happy she's "vivito and coleando" (alive and kicking). Yeah, kicking it up with whom, snarls Beto. Well, no matter, he'll forive her if she'll make those yummy enchiladas for him. Poor woman, barely out of the hospital, exhausted from a five hour going and coming bus trip, emotional confrontation with both Isabel and Mauricio., now relegated to the kitchen. Makes you want to swear off motherhood, doesn't it?

Suddenly we're flipped back to the movie theatre where Aldo and Ivan are mending fences. Aldo is speaking wistfully of lovers from two different worlds having to give up a relationship and Katja assumes he's speaking about her. She'll find out differently later. In the meantime, Aldo reminds Ivan that even if he and Luisa are novios, another kiss like that and he'll break his face and a few teeth besides. Okay then. Setting boundaries.

Monita's curled up in bed trying to relax. Pounding at the door. Go away! Whoops, it's Mauricio. He came to see how she was. Did he do wrong? He's bothered by her boxing. He doesn't like the idea of her being hit. He wants to protect her.

Monita sets him straight. His mistrust hurts her a lot more than any punch could do. She accepts his three kids. They're a family. Why can't he accept her "family" of Beto and Nieves. I will never abandon them like my mother did me! Mauricio looks suitably glum, does a little Latino stonewalling number (or should we call this a well-practiced male pout and sulk, Carlos?)
and leaves.

Now at the gymnasium, Monita pounds the punching bag while reminiscing about her fruitless searches for her mother. And Mauricio? Well, he did more than sulk. He went to find Isabel himself. The lady, quite cool and collected, informs him that she knew he'd come. And like Nieves, she wants to know if indeed, he really loves Monita and would do anything for her. He does and he would. And he thinks the two should get together. She disagrees. She's not looking for "me", she doesn't know the type of monster I am. He assures her that Monita would forgive anything. Well, you're a businessman so I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse. And on that cliffhanger, we break for an ad.

Of course, when we come back, we don't know what the offer actually was. It's been made and Mauricio is loath to answer. But he finally does...and agrees. Should he sign something? No, his word is good enough. And now she will go with him to Mexico City. Ay yi yi...big mystery!

Back to the gym now. Don Cesar with his electrified hair, is dressed in matching lilac and pink along with Monita. This has me so entranced I could hardly follow the dialogue but it's essentially this. Jab, jab, a boxer is only as good as his left! Got that?

Monita though is still walking down Memory Lane and it's a painful stroll. We see her mother, very 80's looking, fending off a clinging Valentina while Nieves, also outrageously 80's, begs her to stay. Beto consoles her and after Isabel complains that she's like a "chango" (monkey) clamped to her, he promises her his tender care and reassures her that she's a "monita preciosa" (pretty little monkey). This memory brings on another flurry of hard punches.

As for the mysterious contract, Isabel won't even tell Alicia what it is. But she assures her that she'll see Monita and ask for her forgiveness. However she doesn't want her to know of her illness. One day, she'll have to know, remarks Alicia and when she does, I know "she'll do it for you" (I assume this means the bone marrow donation.)

Pretty heavy stuff but they flip us back again to some humor in the barrio. Nieves is asking Beto to wash his hands for supper. No way is he dining with a "vieja coscolinas" (old brazen hussy). Seems the fellow whose funeral she attended was seen walking around the neighborhood today. Busted.

Well heck, we have more lighthearted stuff. We can always count on Ximena, right? A plastered blinking Rolu is now subjected to hearing all the wedding plans: plans our Ximena has been working on since age 10. There's the dress. And then the decorations...a little "ochentosos" (eighties in style) but no matter. And the church! And the date! How about next Sunday? Super. More frantic blinking. Fab. Means he likes the idea.

Nieves is still in hot water. If she wasn't carousing with some old fart, where was she? Seems she was at Old Doll's Hair house. Even worse. You're trading me in for him!? ¿ERES O TE HACES? They work it out, namely because Beto find out she's cooked "milaneses" and if they get cold, he doesn't know how to warm them up. Our independent lad takes off for dinner. Maternal problem solved. But more problems to come. Monita has overheard the conversation. Learns that Nieves knows something about her mom and heads over to Mauricio's to find out what's up.

More light stuff, thank goodness. The three amigos, Jerry, Oscar and Constanza, are having a wet lunch and cooking up plans. She's tired of hearing about Ximena's wedding project. She just wants Monita and Mauricio separated. As for the adoption, she can handle that herself. But break up that couple, you two baboons! Agreed. They toast, especially since Constanza is a lot nicer with a second martini under her itty bitty belt.

More minor shenanigans. Monita's at the office looking for Mau. She's waylaid by Gabriela who's looking for friendship. Seems with Paula's gossip about her, she's become a pariah in the office. The only way she can clean up her reputation is to hook up with Oscar. (Eres or te haces, Gabriela?)

Oh dear. Back to menacing music and the cool, collected,seemingly heartless Isabel. She's arrived at the barrio and confronts a hostile Nieves. I've changed my mind. I've come back. Dum de dum dum.

Anvils are falling at the office also. Monita wants to know what Mau and Nieves talked about. Beto, he answers. Lies! screams Moni. She told you something about my mother and I want to know what it was. What follows is the usual sturming and dranging that we've been through before. I'll never forgive her. I'll never forgive you for going behind my back. You know, the same old borderline personality I HATE YOU! DON'T LEAVE ME! stuff these telenovelas run on. After Monita storms out, Mauricio, our culto, viajado e intelligente galan, muses that maybe he did wrong. ¿Eres o te haces?)

The two madres are running a bit of sturm and drang themselves, only sotto voce. (How's that for throwing in a lot of furrin words?) Isabel is promising to be the mother Monita always wanted. And with a sweetly romantic story about how she came to be conceived. Not the ugly truth. Promise me you will never tell her that, she entreats Nieves. After all, I'm sick...dying. If you really love Monita as you say you do, you'll agree to this.

Back to the whippersnappers. Ivan and Aldo are horsing around in the yard. Ivan calls him "cuñado" and Aldo tells him to cool it. He doesn't want Teresa to find out about Ivan's forbidden romance and call a halt to all those doughnuts he's been scarfing. The talk turns to Estrella and the impossible love Aldo was referring to earlier. Katja overhears, and even though Aldo calls Katja his "chava" (his girl) she knows she's running second-best in the romance department. Aldo "sigue clavado con ella" (Aldo's still hooked on Estrella).

Estrella, meanwhile, is being treated pretty roughly by Monita who's in a black mood indeed. Our feisty redhead tells her to stuff it (bajale a tu caracter). After all, Estrella's been her most loyal friend in the barrio. Take that girlfriend! Monita goes back to her boxing and Estrella promises they'll talk later.

And our other girlfriend? The very misunderstood Gabriela? Well, she's trying to rehab the rep by planning out loud a rendezvous with Oscar. Give him this letter, please, she tells the comely receptionist. We'll dine at my house at 9pm. But I'm on my way to the hairdressers; and then on to Connie's lingerie store to pick up something sexy for this evening. Wink wink.

Paula intervenes. She wants that letter. Right now. She's got a lot of power here. She's in the union. So hand it over. Totally misunderstanding the intent, she assumes the letter is for Salvador. And tells him Gaby will be waiting for him nude. No need to see the actual letter. Tidy Paula tears it up. We'll definitely stay tuned for tomorrow. And hoping Kris gives us pictures.

Now we find ourselves at Connie's apartment. Katja's wailing about Aldo's infatuation. There's some dissing of Estrella ("pinta de zorra"...looks like a slut) and equal opportunity dissing of Beto (your scummy chauffeur) and then the 411 on Luisa's noviocito Ivan. There's some news that Connie can use. All in good time.

Brief scene with cutie pie Dany playing tea party. Mauricio is supposed to be taking the part of Monita but he's trying to think through his decision with Isabel. Was it wrong? He thinks so. Backs out of the tea party and tries to back out of the contract but Isabel won't let him. I'm just a few yards away from my daughter's gym and I'm going to play to repentant mother.

The two women meet. Tears seem to be brimming in both their eyes. Stay tuned y'all!

The usual crazy stuff. Salvador and Gabriela are hot to trot and the dinner table explodes in fire.
Mona appears to be knocked out in the ring.
Connie is vowing to deep-six Mauricio with her new knowledge.
And Monita and her mother have their long-awaited confrontation.

mala entraña = heartless, callous
del tingo al tango = all over the place, everywhere
vivito y coleando = alive and kicking
no manches = no kidding
pastillas de coscolinas = hussy pills
marchita por dentro = all withered inside (Monita's mom)
zarrapastroso = scruffy person (Katja referring to Beto)
pinta de zorra = slutty look

Dicho of the Day:
Estrella's dismissal of Nieves. "Hierba mala nunca muere". Weeds never die.


Judy, that was inspired and so dadgummed hilarious. ¿Eres o te haces? I love it! It's almost not fair, all you have to say is Rolu and Ximena and I laugh out loud. I'm still feeling guilty over laughing about the poor little street dog. And what genius to feature only Rolu's eyes.

Beto and the shoe, oh my.

One thing you didn't comment on was Ximena's outfit. She's probably one of the very few who can get away with wearing it and she looked marvelous. She pretty much has una percha perfecta.

You were really on your game tonight, Guapa.


Oh, I almost forgot, look how much we've become corrupted by this show:

"The usual crazy stuff. Salvador and Gabriela are hot to trot and the dinner table explodes in fire."

So matter of fact.

Mauricio redeemed himself a little with me when he agreed to the tea party and to take Moni's role nonetheless.


Thanks for another masterpiece amiga! Your recaps are always so delightful and usually much funnier than the original. I particularly enjoy how you minimized the struming und dranging (a "10" from the Russian judge on that one) and how you maximized the funny stuff. Eres o te haces is definitely a keeper. Thank you for noticing it, I'm sure I would have missed it completely! And hussy pills? I've got to remember that one too, absolutely brilliant.

Great recap, vocab and dicho, I loved them all. And yes, the mood swings seemed to pendulate (is that a word?) at every scene.

Ah, brilliant. A welcome relief after recapping ENDA. I love that new phrase; will have to use it.

Carlos, you're not the only one. When Ximena mentioned that dog, I laughed hysterically for at least 30 seconds, then suddenly wondered, "am I a bad person?"

Dani's expression when Mau abandoned the tea party was so perfect. That little actress is darling.

Thanks for all those kind words, amigos. And do you know,Carlos, I have NO idea what Ximena was wearing! The repartée is so fast when she's on the scene, I'm scribbling down translated dialogue furiously and don't even see what's on the screen. For about the seventh hundredth time in my life, I wish I'd learned shorthand. I do agree though that she has a percha perfecta for clothes. Very much the Audrey Hepburn slim, graceful build. If I were a man, though, I'd much prefer the generous proportions of Gabriela.

Well, yes, that tea party scene with Mauricio was cute. My granddaughter always inveigles me in Barbie games. Of course I'm always the Barbie that loses the soccer match, fails to win the tennis game, muffs each and every assignment, while her Barbie shines brightly. Oh my. Guess that's what grandmothers are for. An actual 5-year-old buddy would never put up with such stuff.

Sylvia...that "¿Eres o te haces?" phrase just jumped out at me. It's the kind of thing my sarcastic family of origin would have used a lot if we'd been born speaking Spanish. And Nieves delivered it with such pizzaz. Impossible to miss. Look forward to using it.

Unlike "suelteme!" and "te odio", this one could be used (with a light touch of course) in a lot of conversations, methinks.

Julia...I read you very funny recap of ENDA (hard to pull off, no?) this morning. Honest to God, you all should be receiving combat pay for this one. Even with your marvelous humor, just hearing about the events was depressing. Hope some good things happen soon in this one. And heck, you don't even care that much for main man Emiliano. And I find Paloma's endless tears, however merited, to be a drag as well.

Hang in there, amiga. You recappers are the only thing saving that show, IMO.

Brillant. Period.

Judy, this was your finest recap ever. You materfully interwove so many connecting threads - "holding their tongues" (Teresa and Rolu), "frantic searches" - (Nieves, "now they're looking for the rest of the body"):). The vocabulary and dicho could not have been more complimentary to the episode.

Agree with you and Sylvia that it was a moody (but very eventful) night...

Carlos, I was laughing right along with you at Ximena and Rolu. Rolu all to herself, unable to get a word in edgewise, Ximena's dream!

I'm rooting for Aldo and Estrella and Ivan and Luisa. I feel somewhat reassured that Aldo is watching to ensure that Ivan and Luisa take it slow.

Enjoyed the 80's flashback. It was endearing to see that Beto was watching over Monita even then.

The only dark cloud is Monita's mother. Thought "marchita por dentro" is the perfect description. Wonder what went down with her and Mau - hope it is a happy resolution.

Diana in MA

The flashback scene was pretty cool (I recognized the young Isabel but don't know from where) but the mother's rebuff of Monita really made me cringe as usual.

The earthiness of this TN never ceases to amaze me. Judy, I'm glad you didn't say the provenance of Beto's aroma was in his "jeans"!

Just a reminder, I will be absent until the end of next week. Kris has agreed to post headers for this and next Thursday so y'all can comment amongst yourselves. I may pop in if I find myself by a computer but I am traveling sans laptop so who knows?

Ah Sylvia...thanks for the heads up. You probably mentioned it on your last Thursday's recap but I didn't have time to read it before we trundled off to Charlotte.

Hope you have a great time wherever you're going, amiga.

Oh my..."jeans" instead of "genes." I think Beto's aroma is an all-over thing. His pores just exude aroma.

Ah Diana...you are everyone's treasured reader. Have just been "perusing" Christopher Buckley's memoir of his mom and dad. Papa Wm. Buckley, wasn't very kind or thoughtful when critiquing his son's published works. Typical comments were "this didn't work for me, son".I think Christopher must have had some supportive folks in his life, or he would have stopped writing long ago. Anyway, just know you are a much appreciated friend and loving encourager to our efforts.

Monita's "marchita por dentro" mom has been poisoned by her very understandable (but toxic) bitterness about the multiple rape. I think it would be
very difficult to raise a child that was the result of such violence. Nieves has gone in the other direction and become a smother-mother. Hoping that both women will be able to strike a healthier balance by the end of this story. Certainly is a serious sub-theme in this usually lighthearted caper.

I was impressed by the young Beto's sensitivity and my heart went out to the little Monita. 8 years of age must be a significant age. Apparently it was when Beto was weaned and when Moni's mom abandoned her.

And how about the head of hair on the young Nieves? Wow!


The 80's do's and the outrageous earrings were a humorous distraction from the pathos of the scene, Carlos. Like you, I did feel a lot of tenderness for Beto and his attempts to comfort the bereft Monita. There is no "good age" to have your mother abandon you, that's for sure. Even giving way to a new sibling's arrival can be tough, much less that sort of harsh rejection. No wonder Monita is so quick to fly off the handle and mistrust the continuity of someone's love. Mauricio's life as a pampered only child has been a cakewalk in comparison. "Can this marriage be saved?" as the old Ladies' Home Journal used to ask.

Judy, thanks for another masterful, funny recap, and your theme of eres o te haces is just perfect! I can't think of one character on this show who hasn't been idiotic at times. But they're all just trying to get through the day's trials and tribulations, as are we all. And I like your use of sotto voce. I know you speak other languages, how about throwing in some French or German next time (I'm studying these two in addition to Spanish).

I sort of thought Mauricio's agreement was that Isabel would visit Moni, but Mau wouldn't reveal that Isabel is sick. I know they didn't say that, but that would be fair to me.

Looking at Rolu, I initially felt a little sorry for him. It seems he's getting married Sunday, and there really isn't any way he can stop it! I can forsee some funny way of his saying I do (with Xime's help). But I stopped worrying about it. It's much more fun for him to be helpless than for things to be fair to him. Take that, Rolu!

That Paula sure is a troublemaker. Of course, she's not the only one to jump to conclusions. Remember when everyone thought she and Beto were novios? And when everyone thought Moni was pregnant because she fainted? Maybe that one was Paula. Anyway, jumping to conclusions is pretty widespread on this show.

Fentastic recap Judy. I loved your ¿Eres o te haces Gabriela? It was so fitting haha.

I have a tender spot for Beto and Monita's friendship. I think they care about each other very deeply and Beto being Beto is confusing those feelings for love, that's why he is so obsessed on getting back with Monita.

I'm not ashamed to laugh at poor Rolu's disgrace. As Carlos said, this show corrupts you.

Just a little correction on the cult, well travelled and intelligent; it should be: "Culto, viajado e inteligente" (e instead of y).

Hombre I think Gaby was the one who started spreading the rumors of Monita's pregnancy. I'm thinking she was the source of alot of the gossip on that office before being the victiom now.


You're right, Jarocha. How funny that Gabi's now getting a taste of her own medicine.

Thanks Hombre and Jarocha. I know about the "e" before "i's" but of course I forget everything I know, alas. (Still,every day is new and exciting when you start to lose brain cells).

Hombre, I did get a little pseudo German in there with "sturming and dranging" but will be happy to throw in some French from time to time.

Have just started reading L'élégance du hérisson for Book Club. (well, the rest are reading the English translation Elegance of the Hedgehog)so should be thoroughly jumbled and confused in all languages by the time I'm done.

Now really, how do you have TIME!..with working full-time, your music hobby, traveling, and then learning three languages on top of this. Okay, you're brilliant...and maybe only need 4 o5 hours sleep (knew a guy like that once, not for me!) but still...

Jarocha...thanks again for the heads up on "e". We will get better in our Spanish if you keep correcting us like that. Really appreciate it.

And by the way, Jarocha, I agree...that flashback added a new dimension to Beto's character. These two, Valentina and Roberto, have a history together and it's easy to confuse tender feelings and "love", especially when you factor in hormones as well.

I'm old fashioned enough to find men's desires to protect women as a very endearing facet of their character. Their protectiveness of loved ones and their desire to problem-solve is usually a blessing. It doesn't always go along with the current I'm My Own Person Let Me Work It Out Myself strategy but I sure don't mind some well-meaning help once in a while.

But is Beto capable of loving Constanza? And should he? Lust, he can certainly handle and seems quite happy to spread it around if given the opportunity. But love ?...not sure.

And heck, we could get into a looong discussion, just deciding what the definition of that mysterious word "love" should be.

I was kinda hoping some of our fashion mavens would comment on Ximena's outfit. As I recall it sort of a black jumper over a white blouse with a very high neck an puffy sleeves. I thought she looked great, but I may be the only one to think so.

Also, I hope Emilia and Mike are OK. We haven't heard from them here in several days. Also I hope that Rebecca is still with us.


Hmmm...sounds a little schoolmarm in style. Will have to check the tape.

I'm sure Hombre noticed. We've got this crazy situation where you guys have more of a fashion sense than we gals. Well, I'm still so hooked on trying to get the language, that the rest of it often just gets lost in the shuffle. Whatevah. Although I do always notice the details on Maurice's artfully draped towel. One does what one can.

Jusy you always please me with such a well written recap. Your recaps can stand alone without ever having watched the epidoe, whereas mine you kind of need both in tandem to figure out waht I'm talking about, but you always painst such a full picture.

I cracked up at Nieves very deadpan "Eres o te haces" and never suspected the theme that you could make from it. I agree, Brilliant!

Thanks again.

I noticed Xime's very fluffy outfit, and of course she can do that style so well, being tall and thin!

Judy I thought you might have known the rule, but I wasn't sure, that's why I pointed out. I notice that sometimes recapers can make a mistake one day and on another they write the same thing correctly, so my guess is that it must be the hurry to post the recap. Sometimes when I leave a comment I realize all my mistakes afterwards so I understand.

You are right about Beto, he is very tender and protective even if it is in a primitive way sometimes.

The question about his relationship with Constanza I'd leave it to all of you who have just watched up until this point. Rewatching the show I'm finding interesting things that I hadn't realized before and I feel I'm getting to know the characteres better.


Judy thanks for your recap, vocab and dichos. Today's my class prep day and I stop by here during my breaks. However, I have to be careful because I often have too much fun here. I'm watching this episode now.

Kris, gosh, that's very high praise indeed. You and Sylvia are my mentors and teachers so I learned it all from you two and Schoolmarm. Back in the day!

+ + +

Jarocha, don't ever hesitate to correct my Spanish as I said before. I always appreciate it and I desperately need a native speaker to help me learn. The books and the telenovelas can't do it all. When a REAL LIVE PERSON corrects you, you remember.

+ + +
Karen, how well I understand you. My combination volunteer work load and teaching load has increased a lot lately and yet I keep drifting back to this website because it's so much fun. Oh well...there are worse addictions. (Meanwhile, the house could be tidier and the yard as well. But where are those two menfolk who live with me? They could help too, no?...)

At least they're not begging for steak Milanese and french fries...or are they?

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