Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Gancho Tuesday October 20, '09 Flute Lessons, Anyone?

Aldo is heading off to "music school" as we end this episode. And Luisa is headed for trouble if Constanza uses the photos Katja took. And Monita and Mauricio seemed headed for a mini honeymoon but we know something will put the kibosh on that. And the double date of Lorenza/Salvador and Gabriela/Oscar is headed for trouble...for sure!

But let's start at the beginning. Monita's at the gym, After-glow Connie has just come out of the shower; Consteño's sniffing her hot red dress and our Moni draws the obvious conclusion: Connie's favorite color is not red but black.

Both Costeño and Connie hasten to clarify. Not the big guy!...the little guy...Beto. Fireworks are about to erupt but the writers flip us back to the office where Gabriela has lined up the three gray-smocked receptionists like little dolls and is grilling them about the latest gossip. Paula's not going to share any of her night with Christian (and where was Paula's dad during all this?) and Gabriela chides her for being "uña y mugre" (thick as thieves) with Lorenza. Paula chides right back that Gaby is going with a married man. A soon-to-be-divorced man, corrects Gaby. Whoops. Lorenza has appeared. End of conversation.

Beto's protesting his innocence even though Monita notices he's wearing his same clothes from yesterday. So what? Sometimes he doesn't change his clothes for a week. (We have no problem believing this. Evidently neither does Monita.)

Beto was teaching me to box, purrs Constanza. It was so...strenuous...I needed to take a shower afterwards. After flinging down THAT particular gauntlet, Connie tosses out another. If you think I'm going to give up Mauricio without a fight, think again! I'll lower myself to YOUR level and fight with fists if need be. They start to go at it, but Beto warns Connie off. Monita in a fist fight will pound you to the ground, he warns. (And certainly with one hand gripping her towel, our Connie would be at a real disadvantage.) We get a quick ad here, which hopefully will allow the closed captions to catch up. They were running about 5 minutes behind.

Okay, we're back and so are the closed captions. Monita snarling that Connie doesn't have the "agallas" (guts) to fight her. Connie ripostes that she'll put her in her place. My place is with Mauricio, coos Moni. Score! But when you're ready for a fight, come get me, she adds. The scene ends delightfully with Connie going "quéquéquéqué and doing a tongue-roll duet with Beto. These two are meant for each other! (carnally speaking anyway)

Another carnal couple, Lorenza and Oscar, are making discreet plans in the office. She's suggesting he make a play for Gabriela so no one will suspect they making salacious whoopee on the side. However, if he actually touches Gabriela, she warns, he'll die. (Oscar looks truly worried....and turned on.)

Tulips arrive with the mysterious note. "Para que nuestro secreto florezca." You can figure that out, can't you? But the gals can't. Paula, Gaby , Monita and Lorenza all decide the flowers are for them. But Lorena walks off with them. Don't mess with the schizo!

While the females battle over the flowers, the menfolk are talking about the planned business trip to Merida. (Look up the Wikipedia reference on it. It's interesting.) Mauricio wants to stay home and nurture Monita in her grief but Jerry needs him to get out of town so the noxious trio can hatch their latest plan to deep-six the adoption. He comes up with the grand idea of Mauricio taking his personal assistant/novia with him. Mauricio's on board, and once he convinces Moni she can train in the gyms and lovely parks of this former Mayan colony, she's on board too. They have some little exchange where she misunderstands and thinks he's going to show her some "teiboleras" (table dancers) but that's quickly cleared up. Culture, only culture... and maybe a little romance on the side.

A short sweet scene with Gaby and Sal. I love this couple. She thanks him for the tulips. He didn't send them. Who did then? No no, I'm not a gossip, just have a lot of innocent curiosity. He kisses her briefly...but quite thoroughly...and then says "Off with you, gossip girl". For some reason, that scene just entranced me. Oh heck, I'm a sucker for mature/old folks romance.

Fake romance? Not so much. Oily Oscar is out propositioning Gaby for dinner that night. She says "no". Lorenza ups the ante. Not interested in Oscar anymore? You must be dating someone else, no? Er, no. Well, fine. Clearly Oscar's crazy about you. Tell you what! Sal and I will join you and all four of us will go out to dinner. Oh no. Oh yes. Oh dear.

And now to more skullduggery. Constanza, playing the generous employer, is giving her salesgirls the afternoon off. They're confused and suspicious. So are we. Enter Luisa and Katja. Connie pretends to be desperate for help (these salesgirls are sooo unreliable), will you gals fill in for me this afternoon? Of course. As soon as she leaves, perfidious Katja persuades Luisa to start trying on the lingerie while she posts a "Closed" sign on the window. This can't be good. In fact it looks like one of thse PSA announcements about not putting intimate photos on cellphones. We'll see.

And things are looking bleak in the barrio. Nieves is doing one of her thorough ream-outs of Beto. How could he be getting it on with that "flauta" Constanza!? Me dañas...(say it with me)...bleats Beto. It's your fault you lost Monita, continues Mom, and I'm thinking she's better off without you. Ouch! But bless his little heart, Aldo arrives at that moment with a request that only Uncle Beto can fill...Help me be with a woman, he pleads. Beto's confused and thinks for a moment Aldo's looking for a sandwich date. But he finally understands he just needs a guide to getting some professional experience. No problem. More to come.

Back at the lingerie boutique, Katja has a brief moment to redeem herself. Luisa is telling her how she didn't like her at first, but now that she knows her and knows what a great gal she is..... Guilty look. But then Katja forges ahead. Let's take photos. Just for us. And they're off. Quite a montage with both girls suddenly looking much older, much sexier, and very seductive. Oh no. Oh yes. Oh dear.

Another cute little scene at the office between Salvador and Gabriela musing about how they'll get through the gruesome foursome date planned that evening. Salvador growls that it's a "locura" but somehow it seems like an endearment. Ah, what a couple.

Just before the next ad break, we have a cozy family scene. Mau's going to Meridia and the girls want to go along. Well, how about if he goes with Monita since the kids can't miss school. Great idea. Aldo deftly slips in a request for cash to go out with his buds that night (who can say "no" with the prospect of a honeymoon at hand?) but Mauricio does put down some rules. Ivan has to go with him and drive him...and no alcohol. Mau and Monita will take a taxi to the airport.

While Dany and Luisa help their dad pack, Estrella and Paula are doing the same with Moni. They remind her she doesn't have to take soap. The hotel will have some. (I blush to admit that when I went off to Europe at 19, green as they come, I packed soap and shampoo and lotion for a year! Like they didn't have those things in Europe. Oh my!)

And at Constanza's apartment, she and Jerry (and a clearly uncomfortable Katja) are checking out the incriminating photos while a delighted Jeronimo requests some "close" (close-ups).

Enough of that scene. Back to the barrio where guard-dog Beto is vowing to keep Mauricio from kidnapping Monita. There's a brief, hysterical scene of the two men trying to fight, while their feet slip around like they're on grease. The onlookers decide they should throw water on those "dogs" but even that doesn't stop Beto. Christian finally has to taser him, and Paula's so entranced with the weapon, she wants one herself. Beto does a good imitation of an epileptic fit and funny though it is, let's not forget there have been some fatalities with these arms. Kids, don't try this at home.

Somehow, in spite of the antler-bashing and taser chaos, Monita and Mauricio take off for the airport, tucked into Christian's squad car with the siren blasting. Pure romance. Estrella waves them off shouting "metale chota, metale chota". I'm going to guess that means "you go girl!" or simply "go for it!" because some of the other possibilities are pretty raunchy. Remember, I don't write this dialogue, I just recap it. (Late night translation from Anonymous 10:02 says "chota" means "cops" so "metale chota" would mean "step on it, cop"...telling Christian to hurry our loving couple to the airport.)

That leaves us with a soggy Beto and a mournful Nieves. He's trembling with rage-- and maybe a little leftover taser juice-- and she's resigned. Accept it, son. Things have changed. Monita's in love with a good man. Having new experiences. Becoming a new person. Leaving us little people behind. I'm going looking for some more taser, snarls Beto. That hurts less than what you're saying.

Enter Aldo to the rescue again. Even though Beto (say it with me) BLEATS that "traigo el animo en el piso" (I'm waaay down in the dumps), he can't help but respond to Aldo's need to learn the art of love from an experienced woman. However, our favorite experienced woman, Estrella, overhears this risky plan. Stay tuned. We've gotta get back to the foursome.

They're at the table. Oscar orders wine. Sal orders water so Lorenza can take her crazy pills (otherwise she might KILL somebody, she explains). And she appreciates his thoughtfulness so much, she lays a great big schmoozeroonie of a kiss on him. Oscar retaliates by wooing Gaby with a multitude of sweet nothings, including "If I were a ship lost at sea, the light of your eyes would guide me to safe harbor.". "And what could I say about your lips, you...AH DIOS! a well-aimed Lorenza kick under the table takes Oscar an octave higher and adds real pathos to his love declarations. "Well, that's the effect I have on men, smiles Gaby, looking directly at Sal. Oh no. Oh yes. Oh dear. Oh heck...I love it that Oscar took one in the nether regions.!

Meanwhile, our Nookie Tour Guide is warning Aldo off picking up a woman in the street. You can get the clap that way, trust me, he says. Now in a house, the girls take care of themselves. you'll be safe. And in they go (while a worried Estrella watches from behind a tree)....to a misty, pink bordello cum music school with various sexy ladies draped over a variety of instruments. Lends new meaning to the phrase "foreplay".

Lots of double entendres about stroking harp strings, caressing the violin, blowing on the flute (How about the tuba, chimes in Beto) and finally the promise to turn this "becerro" (calf) into a "toro" (bull) for the straight rate of 3,000 pesos. Ivan and Aldo pool their money and he's in, so to speak. The madame even hints at a discount since she's sure Aldo won't take long to conclude his business. Ivan throws in a timely PSA "sin gorro no hay fiesta" (use protection) and then he and Beto go out to the car to wait.

But oh dear, oh no, oh heck and oh dang....Jerry is there too. And quite miffed he is, since his lady of the night is not playing the part of Constanza very well. Evidently Monita has also been part of his fantasies, and he's even whispered Oscar's name in his sleep. We wait breathlessly for the next installment on THIS story. In the meantime (mientras tanto for you guys) he pops his head out the door and catches sight of Aldo. Ah ha. More ammunition for the adoption fracaso. And as he gleefully phones Connie with the news, we hear the Madame asking Aldo, You ARE 18, aren't you? Oh yes. (But we know...oh no.) And there we end.

Mauricio is also whispering sweet nothings...in Mayan for gosh sakes! My closed captions say "Itllacumech" Te amo. Works for me, as does the kiss.
And Connie is warning she wants no slipups as she schemes with Oscar and Jerry.
And does anybody want to bet that somehow Estrella will be behind that door Aldo enters? It's not in the previews and I haven't looked ahead...but...maybe.....

I'm guessing on a lot of these. They sure weren't in any of my dictionaries.

paraguas = normally, umbrellas, but used as a metaphor for condoms in this episode.
la cotorrita = appeared to mean carnal congress. Nieves in her denunciation of Beto's behavior with Constanza ; "peinar la cotorrita" lit. comb the parrot but refers to yes, you guessed it carnal congress, having sex etc. (thanks for the translation, Jarocha)
panuchos= yummy little rolls? Estrella was talking about this when she was imagining the trip Mauricio and Monita would take
los lacayos = lackeys. Jeronimos' insult of Salvador
las agallas = guts
uña y mugre = literally, nails and grime. "thick as thieves"
el mensote = idiot, stupe
cabezón =pig-headed
fracaso = failure, big mess-up

Dicho of the Day

Meterse en camisa de once varas = To bite off more than you can chew. To get in hot water. To be in a pickle.
This could apply to Aldo, Luisa and from the looks of it, even our dear Oscar.


Judy, once again, ¡GOOOOL! "Oh no! Oh yes! Oh dear!" Excellent! Great job. As one of the girls who works in the headshop down the street once said to me after she recovered from some minor illness, "You da bomb!" I presume that was a complement.

Looks like our little pleasure cruise is back on course. What a nice episode to follow the last two. I hope Karen is as relieved as I am. My favorite part was Pau's fascination with the Taser. She certainly has a violent, possibly homicidal bent. What a team she and Loriloca would make.

And what was up with those CCs tonight. Maybe the captioners have their own headshop.

I can't see a boxing match between Connie and Moni. That would be (at least should be) too one-sided, but it sure seems to be shaping up that way. If so, her training routine so far, although fun, probably isn't very helpful.

Once again, a marvelous job.


Thanks Dr. Carlos. I'm up late tonight. Waiting for various folks to get home before I could relax (wish I could get over that!).

Yes, lots of fun stuff tonight. No anvils falling and Oscar took one well-deserved kick for all the trouble he's caused. Now to get Jero! But no Ximena and Rolu tonight. Are you having withdrawal symptoms?

I do love the careful braiding of themes and tendencies. No one listens to Paula and she loves weapons. Graduating from plastic knives to tasers is a big leap.

Well, buenas noches and "you definitely da bomb!" but thanks for sharing the compliment.

Well. Oh no, oh yes, oh dear, indeed. What a wild ride. I barely even noticed the lack of Ximena.

Did you see the wall decor in the music school? Good grief. Way to be subtle and classy about it.

Must not read recaps while office is deadly quiet early in the morning. Judy, simply spectacular. What a terrific, fun filled recap! As Carlos and Julia already pointed out your theme of "Oh no! Oh yes! Oh dear!" was stellar. The vocabulary and dicho were amazing.

Loving Gabi and Sal, and even enjoying Oski and Loriloca - "a well-aimed Lorenza kick under the table takes Oscar an octave higher and adds real pathos to his love declarations". Perfect!

So much action from the "antler-bashing and taser chaos" to the "Nookie Tour Guide".

I'm feeling a little sad for Beto but even when he's down, it's not for long. Admire his resiliance.

Judy, I was also thinking I wouldn't put it past the resourceful Estrella to be waiting for Aldo in the room. Best part was hearing Jero mention Oski's name (along with Constanza and Moni). Hmmmm.

Sorry Katja crossed over to the dark side. Connie has no scruples, hence her dragging Katja down with her. So much for sisterly affection.

A fun, rollicking episode. Now, onto the wedding!

Diana in MA

I'll have to go back and check the tape, Julia. All I consciously remember if the gals all eyeballing our little puppy and beckoning him over with lubricious looks and wiggles. He looked like a kid in a candy store, didn't he?

Good morning Diana. Missed your warm, supportive note while I was typing my reply to Julia. "Thanks for noticing" as a friend of mine used to say.

I was really glad this was a fun episode as we've had a couple of sturm and drang ones recently. Particularly for you folks who are watching ENDA, this humor is particularly necessary.

I just caught up on yesterday's comments. Persuasive arguments for both Aldo and Tano, but my choice would be Aldo. I have no compelling reason other than he and Estrella love each other. That's it.

Diana in MA

Well Diana, can't argue with LOVE. Especially in a telenovela. In real life, we might go a little Cole Porter and worry that "it was too hot not to cool down..."

But okay,if that's the case, who do we find for Tano? Does his first love, Ximena, eventually come to her senses and see him for the dear, solid, home-every-night kind of guy that he is? These pedestrian fellas do start to look good after a few years of romantic, short-lived flings, believe me.

PS Thanks Diana for reminding me to check back on Carlos' log's late comments. I would have missed Hombre and Mike's later additions as well as Carlos' Soup Nazi remark.

Judy, I like Tano but don't quite see him with Ximena. Actually, I can't see him with anyone else in the current cast, but with so many episodes left, am hoping his soul mate will apear before the end.


Judy, yes, Tano has a lot to offer and deserves to have someone who adores him and doesn't "just settle".


Judy, you said,

"Does his first love, Ximena, eventually come to her senses and see him for the dear, solid, home-every-night kind of guy that he is?"

Our Ximena? Are you serious?


Hey, Carlos.....Miracles can happen.

But now, seriously, who do you see Ximena with? Someone entirely new? Or should we have a miraculous personality transplant in loathsome (but hawt) Rolu?

I'm open to suggestion, amigo...

Notice though how a lot of the women see Tano's endearing side. Clearly there's a huge difference in how females and males evaluate husband/lover material.

I think the inner 16 year old boys of the men here are firmly on the side of Aldo. But the fathers of daughters side of our male friends are with Tano. ;)

-Vivi in DC

Yep, Mis Vivi. A house divided....

Judy, thanks for another rollicking, rip roaring recap, taking us on a ride past all the sideshows of this fun novela.

As for the Tano thing, on how men and women view mate material differently, I agree that kindness and stability in a man may be more important for some women than looks and personality. I was just thinking that Tano, despite his respect for Estrella, doesn't ignite any "spark" in her, so maybe she shouldn't "settle".

The flower thing was silly (but fun). Flowers arrive in an office with lots of single women, and the card doesn't tell who sent them, or who they're for? A recipe for hijinks in any office. (I do think Oscar had previously (10 minutes before) asked Lorenza how she liked the flowers, so she was correct in grabbing them).

Looks as if Aldo might get a chance to tocar (which means "play" and "touch") those instruments. Judy's guess about Estrella would be fun!

Judy, I have high hopes for Rolu. Being immobilized as he is and at the mercy of a scatterbrain like our Ximena may do miraculous things for (or should I say to?) his ego. Of course there is Costeño whose only flaw, according to Ximy, was his taste in music. Poor Tano would never be able to keep up with a frisky free spirit ljke Ximena. It would be like me thinking I'd be happy with a pretty little expensive exotic sports car.


Carlos: You mean you wouldn't? Of course, I'd never want a sports car as my primary car, but just to take out on weekends. And don't tell me you don't want to shift the gears, they come in automatics, too. Maybe Apple should put out a car. You know how most of their toys have a minimum of buttons? I think their new magic mouse has no buttons, you just sort of think your way to click stuff. So they can make a car like that for the technologically challenged. Just lean forward and it goes. (But what happens if you wipe sweat off your brow with a sideways motion?) :)

Vivi, I commend your insight!! That's kinda the long and the short of it since Carlos, Hombre y yo all have daughters.

Carlos, never mind the sports car. I just bought a motorcycle, slowly remembering how to ride one after forty years. No fool like an old fool.

Oh nooo...you're not going to fool me, Carlos. A frisky, sleek little sports car, "lipstick red" maybe? stick shift, you bet, I can see you stomping through the gears right now.

You grew up driving a stick shift didn't you? I know I did (I was terrible in every way) and still drive a stick shift just so I won't forget how. But I digress.

As Hombre says, maybe not for your everyday car...but oh my...whizzing around in a convertible (no, don't think about what comes into the Emergency Room), with the wind in your hair....

I think there will always be a part of us that yearns to be 17 again. Fancy-free, everything ahead, risk-taking and loving it. Now it's 401K's and eventual Medicare. Whoops...where was I going with this? It's a gorgeous day outside. That perfect October blue sky that enhances the color of the Autumn foliage. Going to head out to the back yard to pull up the tomato plants (anybody got some good green tomato recipes) and trim some bushes.

Haven't decided whom I see as a match for Costeño. Perhaps he's better off as a free agent.

Yikes. Mike...a motorcycle. Actually the mildest little choir member I know (pharmacist by profession) is an ardent cyclist and he and his (second) wife travel all over the midwest and south on the cycle. So enjoy (and wear your helmet!

Fried green tomatoes: just slice, dry, dip in dry fish or hushpuppy coating and fry lightly. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. YUM!!

I'm on team Tano, by the way...

Judy, I e-mailed you a photo of Mike on his bike.

Judy, and your Bluegrass DNA will lead you to fry said green tomatoes in bacon grease and lots of it!

Judy thanks for the recap, vocab and dichos. It was a return "the pleasure cruise" and Carlos, I'm very pleased.

Regarding Tano, he's a great guy but for him to be with Estrella isn't good b/c as has been noted, he doesn't create that spark in her. And Carlos, I nearly choked reading your response to Judy about having Tano with Ximena.

I was sorry to see Katija go to the dark side. I'm really concerned about the kids b/c if/once Connie gets them, she will throw them out in the streets.

My dream car would be a big yellow Jaguar with someone who looks like Connie to drive me. Actually, i drive a red Ford pickup with the left blinker on and the seat belt dangling out the door sparking against the pavement.

For some reason, I just can't warm to Tano. I am however really am impressed with Beto. Here he is in the depths of despair over rejection by Moni and yet he is willing to take the time a effort to help a young man in his quest for enlightenment. We could all take a lesson from this.


Love the red truck image, Carlos. Don't believe it for a minute. The lovely Linda would not chauffeur you home from work in that.

Yellow jaguar sounds good. Once had a great guy, a retired FBI gent (and he was a gent) who drove an ooooolllllldddd yellow Mercedes. Only one in our suburb and the folks in my class always knew when they'd had a "Big Al" sighting.
+ + +

Emilia, I LOVE that photo! That's should be Mike's new signature blog photo. Too cool. And I agree with you...he's a good 'un. I'll try the frying technique and yes, incorporate a smidge (only a smidge!) of bacon grease. Of course you know I have some saved in the fridge at ALL times.

Carlos, keep a case of 40 weight in the "boot" of the Jaguar. They do run through the oil. Pretty cars, oh my yes, but mechanically... Tell me about your pickup now. You say it's red. Where did you meet? How long did it take you to know this was the vehicle you wanted in your life? Have I gotten too deeply personal? A man's relationship with his truck is, well, special...

Judy, not sure which pic Emilia sent you - was it the one with the do rag? I may put a couple of them on Facebook. Had a lovely ride this afternoon - about 12 miles back here in our semi-rural hood.

I ask him to carry his cell phone in case I have to go retrieve him from a ditch!!
-- Emilia

Carlos, to share an experience... my current vehicle is an '02 Ford Ranger. Used to have an '89 Mazda B2200 that I loved, but SOMEONE said I had to replace it lest she be INCONVENIENCED by having to come get me if it broke down in one of our bridge tunnels here.

It's mostly true, Judy. Actually,when she drives me, which is pretty much every day, it's in her SUV which she uses to drive her mom around in. When I drive, usually on weekends, I drive my truck, with Bonnie Belle riding shotgun, and sadly, it's pretty much as I described it. I actually had a patient tell me once that she saw me out with my dog on Sat. and was behind me for several miles and that my left turn signal was on the whole way.

Mike, good for you with your motorcycle. Will you and Emelia be going going to Sturgis next August? She'll of course need to get a nice tattoo before you go. Maybe a discreet well placed skillet.


Carlos, do you wear huaraches with knee high argyle socks, baggy tan shorts and a golf shirt buttoned up to the neck? Completes the 'turn signal and seat belt' image!

Judy, I do tend to use olive oil for most things but once in awhile ya jus' gotta use a dab of bacon grease - yep, outta the can in the fridge!

Mike, it's an '01 Ford Lightning which I special ordered in Tomball. I hear that it will go fast, but I really wouldn't know. I rarely go over 45 mph. The pooch gets nervous if we go too fast.


Carlos, my next door neighbor (67 y/o) and I (62 y/o) joke about riding to Sturgis, then to Burning Man, then to Phoenix to inquire if Mr. Sonny Barger will receive us. Then back roads all the way back to Virginia.

Maybe some day.

I was thinking if I ever got a tattoo (NOT gonna happen!) that I'd get a little bunny. The skillet idea is way better. Thanks!

Carlos, I see the Lightning's an F150 variant. It would be pretty in red. I have to say I've been pretty satisfied with mine. Very little maintenance other than the scheduled stuff.

How 'bout a bunny wielding an iron skillet? Cap'n Sylvia has a tatt. Por que no tu tienes, mi querida?

Ohmigosh...when Carlos, Emilia and Mike get going, I just want to sit back and enjoy. You three might as well be in the corner of a cozy bar, tipping a few brews and trading outrageous stories.

I love the image of Bonnie Belle riding shotgun (and making sure you don't go over 45 mph!) I've heard a few comments by students who happened to be behind me when I'm driving also. More in the area of spontaneous and sudden right turns WITHOUT signals. I swear, I swear, I ALWAYS signal, but there are those who disagree.

Mike, what I loved most about the photo was your totally macho I mean business stare. Muy impressionante.

PS Bunny with a skillet. Excellent.Pierced ears is as far as I'm going. No tattoos.

Emilia, that's the ticket, a bunny with a skillet. You'll be the toast of Sturgis. And obviously you must have seen me out driving on a Saturday, though I usually prefer knee-high black nylon socks and a tweed pork-pie cap.


Thank you judy for your fabulous recap. I haven't been able to watch the episode yet but I could picture it with your descriptions.

I'm going to make a guess with the cotorrita comment and say that Nieves was using a (very vulgar) phrase Beto has used before: "peinar la cotorrita" wich litterally would mean something like "to comb her parlot" (I don't know if that means anything in english maybe "to comb her parlot's feathers"?). It does mean sex and it refers to the ummm friction.

As for "metele chota" I have no idea, maybe she was either indicating that they had the road clear of traffic or she was telling them to go faster.


metele chota ...
for starters 'chota' is a kind of slang for police/cops/5O

And basicly 'metele chota' means , step on it cop!

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