Thursday, October 29, 2009

Gancho Wed 10/28 - Yes, it's OK to say mean things about Constanza

Ahoy all, tonight I am doing a quickie on-the-fly for Kris who is wending her way down to Mexico. If I overlooked anything noteworthy please let me know.

Mau tells Sal that he's going to the church to marry and fight with his wife by his side.

The kids (Aldo, Luisa and Dani) dolefully wait for Coni to take them to the wedding. Coni hears Dani call her a witch. This does not help the mummy's nasty disposition, nor does the kids' increasing happiness at the prospect of a Mau and Moni union.

Jeri plays racecar with Rolu's wheelchair, gleefully pretending to push him down the stone steps. I'm guessing Rolu is plotting revenge at this moment. Oski shows up and they play whack-Rolu's-cast-and-push-him-against-the-railing. These guys will be dead meat.

Don Cesar is kissing the hand of Little Bo Peep, aka Nieves. Don't laugh, I had to wear a bridesmaid's dress like that once. OK, go ahead and laugh, I did. Anyway, he escorts the princessa into the church. Mientras tanto Oski and Loca discuss Bo Peep's poor taste in clothing. Sounds like Loca has laryngitis. Beto calls this nasty pair on their mean comments and they trade insults. He asks Pau who is that woman who has a dead dog on her head. (Wow, 10 points from the Russian judge on that one Beto!)

Oh no, oh yes, oh crap! Prepare yourselves for a dreadful turn of events. Coni has brought the kids not to the wedding, but surprise, to a prison for kids, aka the boarding school from hell. A scary-looking matron tells them this is their new home while they learn discipline.

Mau flashes back to the proposal, yay! Then he flashes back to nasty Coni threatening to take his kids away, boo! He soldiers on and heads for the church.

Moni's pals gush over her wedding dress. Yes she is absolutely lovely. Funnily they also comment that Mau is always late. Xime shows up and she looks hot too. "Ay ay, we're getting married together and every year we can celebrate our anniversary together!" Gabi comes to tell them Mau is there. OK we're all a little surprised at his timely arrival. Xime is suddenly worried, Rolu is there too, right? Luckily for her there is no way he can escape this day.

Back at the kiddie prison there is much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Coni, mean matron and the two bodyguards explain how it's going to be, no wedding for them and it's time to enter the stone walls of doom! The bodyguards force them into the Internado (boarding school). They cry for mercy but Coni stands firm. It's breaking her heart but they need a firm hand. She kisses them off, she's got a wedding to stop.

Inside the cold walls the wicked witch tells the kids she runs a decent establishment and they'll obey her, do they follow? They will be separated, the boys from the girls. Dani whines, the witch yells, and Aldo yells back, they won't be separated. The witch tells him those are the rules! The big bad bodyguard grabs Dani and Aldo punches him. This does him no good. The witch tells him she is the authority around him, follow? (Sigues?) The girls are dragged off and Aldo is banished to the punishment room until he becomes docile. The matron smirks in satisfaction.

The wedding march plays and Xime strolls down the aisle toward a horrified Rolando. She even removes his feather boa for the occasion. Then Beto escorts Moni toward her expectant groom. There is no sign of Coni and he delays until Moni knees him in the nuts. Beto won't release her to Mau until she kicks him in the shins.

Let the vows begin. Blah blah blah says the priest, Moni and Mau blah blah blah Ximena Sermeno y Rolando Kluner, blah blah. Beto squirms and Nieves elbows him in the ribs for thinking of la flaquita and his loins in the house of God. Back to the blah blah blah and time's a wasting, this lasts through several scenes and commercials. Get to the vows! Mau whispers to Sal that he's worried about the kids, where are they? More blah blah blah, these are the longest vows in history.

Beto goes to look for Coni and Don Cesar whispers to Nievecita that he's very interested in her. My, how these weddings do bring out the heat in some people!

Outside the church Beto confronts Sal about putting the moves on his jefa. Sal's got other things to worry about, Consti for example. He calls her house and gets Katia. Bad news, Coni's not there and surely the kids are at Xime's wedding. Beto keeps pestering Sal who's on the verge of whacking him for calling him "chavita", er make that Don Chava. Don Chava slaps Beto's hand and calls him Pithecanthropus Erectis, i.e. upright ape man.

We find Luisa and Dani crying alone in a sparse room filled with ugly bunk beds. They wanted to see Moni's wedding dress. Meanwhile Aldo bangs on the walls of his solitary confinement, sinks to the floor in despair, and begs God to help him. This absolutely sucks.

Lord help us, the vows are STILL going on. Does Xime take Rolu? Obviously! Does Mau take Moni? Anyone have any objections? Beto raises Christian's hand and yells "Yo!". Chris denies it while Pau scolds him. Someone grabbed his hand. Coni makes her way to the church as Sal finally gets a hold of her on the phone. She has no interest in talking to Sal, give the phone to Mau and if he doesn't then Mau will regret it the rest of his life.

Back in the Church of the Perpetual Blather the vows continue ad nauseum as the priest stumbles over the names. Xime has three things to tell him. One, yes she promises to be faithful in sickness and in health. Two, clearly they will be together until death parts them. Three, yes, she accepts. OK you are husband and wife. Mau do you accept Monita ... Oh no, oh yes, oh crap! Sal interrupts with a phone call that Mau HAS to take.

Coni tells Mau she's at the airport and about to remove the brats from the country. They will disappear forever and he'll never see them unless he tells Moni the wedding is off. She has a man inside the church who is watching him. Think of the kids and hurry up.

"Pardon me my love, but I cannot marry you" says our handsome idiot. Moni is muy, pero muy impactada. All our dunderhead can do is beg her pardon, he can't explain right now. "Forgive me, forgive me." He sprints out of the church and heads toward the airport to stop Coni from stealing the kids. Hidden nearby, she watches his tormented exit and smiles in satisfaction.

The church is in an uproar, the guests are aghast, and Moni runs after Mau. Coni continues to watch diabolically. Nieves wails about the dress of bad luck.

Alone in the church, Beto thanks the Diosito for looking after his interests. Then he wants to confess, does the Padre have a lot of time?

Moni marches down the street followed by her entourage including Christian in his police car calling to her over the loudspeaker. It is a veritable pity parade and the sad music plays.

Back at the church Xime laments because nobody will be at the banquet. But our relentlessly happy fresa has three things to say: One, she won't let anthing impede her happiness. Two, she's going because the caribbean beaches await, Cancun here they come. Three, she's heartbroken (acongojada) but also very happy because starting today she's Xime Serme de Klundi! She and Lalo dash off until Jero reminds her not to forget the groom. Jeri is in the best mood ever and wants to celebrate but Oski and Loca have other plans.

Beto and Coni share a passionate kiss and victorious reunion on the church steps.

Moni ends up at the boxing ring and, against her friends' protests, commands Don Cesar to lace up her gloves. They watch in horror as she steps into the ring, white dress and all, and spars with a vengeance.

Tomorrow: Sebastian Rulli does what he is famous for, he cries cries cries and cries some more.


Wow...that wasn't a quickie... but a full-blown recap, Sylvia. You didn't miss a thing.

I had to laugh at your "blah-blah-blah" because I was enjoying hearing the familiar Biblical phrases in Spanish.

Protestant weddings are very quick. You say the vows and it seems like it's all over in 15 minutes. In Catholic weddings, there is a sermon on marriage and love and it takes about an hour. Seems like you're REALLY married then.

I went to a beautiful Catholic wedding where the priest read the scripture "May your wife be like a fruitful vine"...lo and behold, 9 months later, I was having my third baby at age 40.

Beware of "blah-blah-blah" Sylvia! It can pack a punch!

Sylvia: Rip-roaring and riposte. Your recaps are always fresh and so much fun - enjoyed every word from the "veritable pity parade" to "Church of the Perpetual Blather". Laughed how the priest could not pronounce Klunder.

I hesitate to bring up an obvious question but wouldn't Mau and Moni have thought to check to see if the kids were there before starting the ceremony? The scene of the kids at the prison school was heartwrenching. Blech.

So, Ximena and Rolu actually did get married? Love how Ximena was sauntering away from the church, happily discussing her honeymoon, leaving Rolu behind (once again).

Grateful for Nieves' choice in wedding attire as it gave us something to smile at. Off topic, I empathize with you Sylvia as I also had to wear some truly gruesome bridesmaids dresses, including one with a boa eerily similar to the one Rolu's been sporting.

Loved your story Judy. Except for the occasional fiasco we witnessed last night, they really are romantic. So, I can't blame the Don for becoming betitched with Nieves.

Diana in MA

Oh, man, didn't they go Zen last night?

Lovely church wedding with all the ladies looking so lovely (good, light, happiness,etc) vs. Constanza's sadistic betrayal of the kids to wound Mauricio (evil, darkness, misery, etc).

But thanks, Sylvia, 'cause you know how to catch the high points and reduce the chatter to "blah, blah."

OK Judy, I will be extra careful of scriptures that might portend the future. Maybe that's why I reduce it to blah blah blah. Great little story of yours.

Oh Diana, haven't we girls been saddled with some of the most horrific bridesmaids dresses ever? The time I looked like Bo Peep the poor bride had chosen the color from a 1" swatch and when she saw the dresses she broke down in tears. We bridesmaids lied through our teeth and assured her the dresses were lovely and we adored the color, made our complexions look rosy, and the big taffeta bows complemented our tushes. A few years later I wore a similar job in bright purple. Several times my revenge has been to make a throw pillow out of the dress and present it to the bride and groom on their first anniversary. It's amusing to watch their faces go through Huh? What the? Oh it's your...Oh I get it now! Thankfully I have never had to wear a boa. Now that's a first!

I'm sorry I couldn't comment on yesterday's thread. Y'all had some great things to say. I did take a peek last night and whoever it was who compared Coni to Mariloca was spot on. Kidnapping a guy's kids is NOT the way to his heart. Sheesh, don't these people watch TV?

It's too bad Coni and Beto are getting so evil, kind of took away from their great scene together. Do we think her "the pizza makes me nauseous" could have more meaning than just "I hate the smell"? Last night's episode was #92 so we are a couple of weeks shy of the halfway point.

Great job Sylvia. If that was a quickie, then it was a very satisfying quickie. The show itself was filled with fun even as Coni packed the kids off to that dorm of doom. Coni's cool, almost detached handling of the kids is chill inducing. The helplessness the children felt was palpable and painful. I can't wait to see what's on the menu at the new school. I can picture Aldo, Luisa, and Dani holding out their little bowls and requesting a little more porridge.

The sadistic use of Rolu as a toy by Jero and Oscar is another example of how corrupting this show is to our sensibilities. If anyone out there was able to refrain from cracking up while they played with him, then congratulations on your impending beatification. I shamefully admit to abandoning my compassion and empathy as they treated him like kittens would a ball of yarn. Maybe the certainty that they'll eventually pay for this makes me feel a little less guilty.

On the fashion front, two big thumbs up for Pau's dress. She and Gaby were certainly the most provocatively dressed of the wedding guests.

Judy, how are your eyes today?


Sylvia: How kind of you to rally around your "Bo Peep" bride. It sounds as though she really wanted the dresses to be beautiful but simply miscalculated on fabric choice.

For my "boa" experience, the bride invited us to help choose the dress. We all immediately said let's try something else. She wouldn't entertain any other options and that was that. Going down the aisle, I felt like an ostrich that was going to take flight at any moment. People were really staring, and I don't mean in a good way.

I love that you presented the couples with the offending fabric in a pillow! Seeing their expressions must definitely have been sweet revenge!

Carlos, I can now envision the kids asking "Please sir, may I have another?". Also, I will not be cannonized anytime soon as the "Rolu ball toss" had me smiling as well. A very guilty plesure.

I'm out tomorrow so looking forward to catching up on Monday.

Diana in MA

I must have missed something. Who couldn't stand the smell of pizza? Coni? Moni? Estre?

I had a feeling all along that Nieves had been ditched by some rich guy. That was why she was so hard on the Moni / Mau pairing. But the DRESS left at the altar twice how wrenching! It was a bad omen from the moment she offered it to Moni.

I loved the boxing match in full wedding attire.

You are so right, Carlos, that this show makes us root for some really reprehensible behavior -- like the nasty game Oscar & Jero played with Rolu in his wheelchair. It was horrible --but so much fun to watch.

güera de Syracuse

Great recap, plenty of detail.

Once again Ximena was the high point in a sad episode. Is she ever not funny. I loved her removing Rolu's boa and putting it on the altar boy. And then leaving with Lalo..."I feel like I'm forgetting something. Did I have a purse?"

As tragic as the kids' current situation is, I think it reflects a very common life situation--helplessness against authority. The more the kids protest that they aren't delinquents, the more that prison warden will believe that they are, and their appeals to contact anyone for help will be ignored. They had better get out of there soon!

When is Rolu getting that cast off? (BTW, I noticed his arm has been in several positions...the cast is quite flexible). His revenge is really going to be something to watch. Doesn't he smell really bad by now?

It was funny that the priest blithely took his frantic blinking as a "yes."

Great comments, everybody. Love the bridesmaid dress stories.

Dr. Carlos, alas my eye is not yet responding to treatment. Hurts like the dickens and doesn't look too good either. If the drops and ointment don't work, my doc (who's young enough to wear "product" in his hair) tells me I'll have to take oral antibiotics. So let's hope it clears up pronto before I have to go that route.


Now go and be like fruitful vines, everybody!

Excellent recap of a strange show. Mike, you nailed it - Zen! We can never have too much Ximena, she is a treasure. I had visions of Rolu breaking out of the cast like a skinny Incredible Hulk and wreaking some havoc of his own. Guess that will have to wait...

Doesn't Don Cesar have a wife? Nieves is tough but she'd better sleep with one eye open!

And, those poor younguns. Hard to imagine our dim bulb discovering where they are without some major help. (Katia, perhaps?) Let's hope this one is resolved quickly, but it's not lookin' that way.

Superb recap, Sylvia, you covered everything, and made a somewhat distressing episode seem like fun.

Connie covered everything. I'm pretty sure she told Mau 1) you have to say you're not marrying Moni 2) you can't give any reason and 3) you can't tell you've been talking to me, that I'm the one on the phone. Or else, bye bye kids to Europe. I was sort of hoping he'd say stuff it, but of course he couldn't take the chance. And now he's completely at her mercy.

The good news is that there are lots of gaps in her plan. Beto knew part of it. The kids might figure a way to contact someone. Maybe Ximena will help (although she may be on her honeymoon now). And then there's Connie herself. She doesn't gain anything by keeping it all secret. Mau will need proof the kids are okay (as with any kidnapping), and is there any chance a real lawyer will file something to challenge Connie's custody? Yeah, guess not.

I agree, Gabi and Paula looked great, and I liked Moni's white tennis shoes under the gown.

Emilia, you're right, Katia can help, too. BTW, Don Cesar told Nieves that he was separated from his wife, that she'd been staying with her mother the last few months, so the field is open for him!

Yes, Don Cesar has a wife -- but he told Nieves that she was "on vacation" indefinitely.

I couldn't believe how cruel Constanza was -- ordering Mao not to tell Moni why he was bolting and letting him know that her goon was watching to make sure he didn't tell Moni what was up. She has really gone way over to the dark side.

Beto was so funny trying to slow Moni's progression up the aisle. I fell out of my chair laughing when she had to oknee him before he would let her go.

And Ximena was just too funny.

Even when the plot turns this dark they keep us in stitches with all the side business -- like Beto trying to stop the wedding by raising Cris' hand.

Beto sure didn't keep his promise to God that he would be faithful to Monita now that the wedding was off. He lasted what? 5 minutes?

Yes, Beto's fidelity vow was very short-lived. And I was so upset by yesterday's events, I couldn't even find Beto funny last night.

+ + +

Susanlynn, missed your sweet note last night. Yes, keep dropping by to see us, even if you're not watching this (although it's very funny). Thanks for the good vibes, I need all I can get right now.

I missed Don Cesar's explanation. It would help if I understood more Spanish. Getting better, but painfully slowly. Mike is a much better rememberer. And he's waaaaaaay older. Not fair!!

Careful Emilia...that iron skillet can swing both ways!

Judyb~~~Sorry to hear that your eye has not improved. Que lastima. I am continuing the prayers and pumping up the volume on the good vibrations ))))))))))))))))

Great. I can feel the vibes right now. Keeping my fingers crossed, amiga.

Sorry for the late post but wanted to thank you Sylvia for a great recap. As has been noted, this was hardly a quickie and I'm thankful to you for that.

Sigh, it was a bit dark and I don't necessarily see the sun coming out this evening. Perhaps Ximena will be shown on her honeymoon -- the possibilities for fun are endless there.

Judy I hope things resolve themselves and you won't have to take oral medication. You gave me a chuckle with your doctor, who uses hair products.

Nice seeing you Susanlynn. Please stop by anytime. We enjoy you!!

Ahoy all, thanks for you comments, additions, explanations and corrections. I'm glad to hear that Don Cesar's wife is "on vacation" and that he's not just catting around.

Susanlynn, thank you so much for stopping in, it's always great to hear from you.

OK, I'm off to do my recap...

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