Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sortilegio: Hello from a new recapper

Hello everyone,

I'm new to the Caray, Caray! blog (and to the blogosphere, for that matter) and so I'm just posting a test post to see where it will show up and also to say hello. I'm looking forward to blogging this - it looks like a tremendous amount of fun and I've loved the comments I've seen from the readers.

Hasta pronto - I'll be blogging Sortilegio on Monday, October 19.

Saludos y besos,

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Welcome Chavala! Thank you so much for volunteering to recap. I hope you enjoying writing them as much as we do reading them. All the best.

Extremely good news Chavala!
Welcome aboard, amiga!

donfelipe de Real del Monte

How cool welcome is there any way you can do a little overtime?
Lol maybe the friday ENDA recap Im kidding welcome you just found out about Caray Caray and already a recaper thats so great.

Welcome Chavala Bienvenida I hope this is not a bad thing But I just noticed Nicolas' photo a recapper I guess wow he is so adorable what Novela does he recap?
Sorry Nicolas I had to say it your a cuttie :')

Welcome Chavala!!

Thanks so much for volunteeringg for Sortilegio on Mondays. I'm sure you'll do a great job. Look forward to your recap!!!


Ditto what everyone has said. So glad to have you, Chavala.

Something tells me we're going to have great fun over on Sorti. :)

Welcome Chavala. You will love doing this and the Sortilegio group is a lively one with lots of comments, opinions and interests. You're in great company.

* * *

Anonymous 4:54 Nicolás is indeed a cutie, but he is no longer recapping, being very busy in college right now. But he has quite a following when he was doing Fuego en la Sangre, believe me.

Ah, yes... the Nickster. :)

A welcome surprise for Mondays. Look forward to reading them!

Welcome Chavala to Caray Caray blog. It's wonderful to have you join the team. Looking forward to reading your recaps.

Jody :)

Judy B thanks for the little info on Nicolas (I assumed he was still recaping)I felt like a total weido for asking lol and I bet he did have quite a following I bet he did hes so cute but good for that young man being in college.

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