Saturday, October 17, 2009

Gancho Friday October 16th The Saddest Episode Ever (Except for Ximena and Rolu, of Course)

Many of us have been wondering just how many times our cute characters can keep catching each other kissing, how many times Mau and Moni can break up and reunite the same day, and above all, how can this show possibly last over 200 episodes without getting repetitive? Well, tonight, we may have the answer, as we finally get some real drama. I’m not sure I like it, and who knows where it will lead, but our perfect little world ain’t quite so pretty anymore. Let’s see what happened.

Isabel collapses to the ground in the vecindad. Alicia says Moni has to know the truth – her mother is dying, and Valentina is the only one who can save her! Nieves adds that she knew Alicia was terminally ill (desahuciada), but urges Alicia to explain the Moni saving her part. But there’s no time, says Alicia, we have to get her to a hospital. Moni, tears flowing, cradles her Mamá’s head, begging her not to die, kissing her hair tenderly.

Mientras tanto, Aldo and Estrella are also kissing, albeit not quite as tenderly. In fact, Aldo laments that he’s “dying” to “be” with Estrella, but she’s a bit relieved they didn’t have money for the hotel room. Aldo kisses her again (and across the way, Connie captures this moment with her high-end camera).

Isabel is strapped to the gurney, loaded into the ambulance, as Beto gives Moni words of encouragement. Moni will ride with her Mom, and asks Paula to call Mauricio to let him know what’s happening. Paula also calls Estrella, effectively rescuing her from persistent Aldo, who, once having gotten the idea that he’s about to get lucky, can hardly think of anything else.

In the hospital waiting room, Moni’s crying, Beto’s pensive, but just as he gets up to console Moni, his rival appears. Mauricio, equally as sad and caring as Beto, presents a strong physical contrast – while Beto is sporting his trademark tee shirt and jeans, Mau, a good head taller, is wearing an off white suit over a light purple dress shirt, unbuttoned. Beto silently hits his fist against the wall in frustration. After Mau gives Moni comforting words, Beto tells him he’s not wanted here, this is a family matter. Of course Mau says it’s between him and Moni, and Nieves cautions the boys this is not the time and place for an argument. The doctor comes out, relates that Isabel’s condition is fragile. He tells Moni that the only way to save her Mom is a bone marrow transplant (trasplante de médula) that only she can provide. The life of her mother is in her hands!

Across town, Connie tells Jerry why she’s smiling like a cheshire cat. She’s just taken some juicy photos of Aldo kissing that slut Estrella. So far, nada with Luisa and Ivan, but she’s working on it. And how about you, Jéro? Got Mau’s little trip lined up yet? (they have to get him out of town for a few days, so Connie can work on the judge). Yep, Mau’s agreed to go to Mérida, and Oscar’s got a golf date today with the judge. Everything’s going well (toda marcha sobre ruedas, literally everything’s going on wheels). Enter Ximena with lots of packages, she’s been shopping for the boda, and is her usual super upbeat self. But where’s my brother-in-law? asks Jerry, exasperated. He’s right behind me, pipes Ximmy, then realizes maybe Rolu might have a problem following in his wheelchair. She calls in the hall, Rolu!!! Not there. Wait a minute, she has to think (not so easy for her), and presses her fingertips to her forehead to get the ol’ brainwaves flowin’. Okay, let’s see. She was pushing him along, looking in some display windows (aparadores), saw some divine things, told Rolu not to move, went inside, bought all these cool little things for the photo album for the wedding, and came home feeling fine (“muy tranqui”). Connie laughs, where’d you leave him? Not sure, says Ximmy, as Jerry grabs her around the throat, he wants to kill her for her carelessness, she HAS to get married to that guy. Ximmy needs a little help, how about it, Connie? Connie doesn’t give a damn (me importa un pepino – literally, I don’t care a cucumber) about Ximmy’s happiness, and flounces out, leaving Ximmy to the mercy of Jerry and his murderous ways, as he grabs another weapon, and Ximmy protests, no, el cojin, no, porfis (please, not the cushion)!

Mau asks the Doctor if there’s any risk to Moni if she donates bone marrow. The Doctor says no, but of course there will be monitoring (seguimiento) of Moni, if she agrees to donate. She immediately agrees, although Mau, still looking guilty, asks her to think about it. But there’s no time, and Doc is going to get everything ready. But first he asks if she has fasted (estás en ayunas?). Turns out she hasn’t eaten anything all day, which is actually good for this operation. Mau and Moni go to visit Isabel, leaving Beto to complain he’s left out in the cold like a tombstone (lápida).

Time to find Rolu! Ximmy’s putting up missing posters, showing Rolu in his cast, but she’d rather have put up a poster of Rolu looking handsome in his racing outfit. Jerry reminds her how dumb that would be.

With Mauricio silently observing, Moni tells her unconscious mother that since Isabel gave her life, this donation is the least Moni can do in return. And they have so many things to tell each other, her Mamá HAS to survive. She still doesn’t know why her mother left her, but begs her not to leave again. The nurse tells Moni it’s time to go. After they leave, Mau looks at Isabel, saying to himself, what have I done? (what is he hiding?)

In the waiting room, Beto and Mau spar a bit more. Mau ask Aldo not to tell his sisters, and by the way, how did he find out? From Estrella. Huh? Estrella volunteers that Aldo left a book in the barrio, and came to get it (yeah, right). Alicia gives Mau encouraging words.

At the police station, Cristian’s desk cop informs him that a missing person (persona extraviada) was brought in, and it’s Cris’s turn to make the report. Affirmative, says Cris, where is he? Well, he can’t talk, and there he is. Cris turns, and Rolu is wheeled in. Cris gets out his notepad, and proposes that if the answer is yes, the subject should look Cris in the eyes. If it’s no, the subject should close his eyes (wonder if Rolu’s getting confused with all these communication systems?). Question 1: Are you in danger? Rolu stares right at Cris. 2: Did someone abandon you on purpose? Eyes shut. 3: Who did it, a man? Eyes shut. 4: Okay a woman, then. Your novia? Slight pause, then eyes shut tight. Cris takes the pause to be a maybe. He puts down the pad. He understands. Novias are dangerous. At first, they’re so nice. Then they get jealous. Then they get violent. He bends down close to Rolu’s face. But you know what? he confides. I love her. And I miss her (starts weeping). Oh, my Pau. Rolu looks is if he’s in a nuthouse.

Beto’s nerves are making him hungry. Nieves gives him some cash, says to go get a sandwich, bring back change. Mau gives Aldo money to buy Estrella, Paula and himself something, and they go off, leaving Nieves to confront Mau. She knew about Isabel’s sickness, but didn’t know that Moni could save her. She looks up at Mau. Did you know? Mau admits he did. Then why didn’t you tell me? Maybe Isabel got close to Moni just for this. Mau is silent, but Alicia comes over, and says that’s enough. Nieves isn’t deterred. She looks Mauricio in the face, and tells him that if Isabel is playing some game with Moni, has come here just for the transplant, and then is going to leave Moni again, and Mau knew about this, Mau is going to pay very dearly. He’ll lose Monita para siempre!

At the station, a jubilant Ximena greets her favorite invalid. One moment, señorita, injects Cris. The subject named you as responsible for his condition, so we have to detain you for investigation. Jerry tells Cris of the pure love his sis has for the subject. Ximmy says she’ll treat him like one of her prize jewels. But the declaration, protests Cris. What are you talking about, this guy can’t declare anything, look at him. Rolu closes his eyes to say no, but it just looks as if he’s a zombie, so Cris is convinced, and will release the subject, just needs Jerry to sign a receipt.

Randy Aldo tells Estrella they could find an empty hospital room to….you know. Getting desperate huh? she kids. Must think about it 10 times a day. More like 100, he corrects. Tano enters, and they awkwardly separate. After asking about Moni, he asks what’s up with Aldo. Aldo says what are you waiting for? Tell him you’re through with him and with me now. Estre’s a bit tongue-tied.

Moni has donated the marrow, and is recovering in a hospital bed. Both Mau and Beto are there. Mau woos her with soft words, Beto offers to get some snacks, leans in to give her a quick kiss, but is pulled back by Nieves, who tells him not to pester (hostigar) la Monita. Moni recoils a bit from the onion smell, but wants to know about her Mamá. They don’t know yet, but the Doctor is with Alicia. The door opens, and the Doctor and Alicia walk in, very slowly. The music sounds dark. Moni has a hopeful smile. But Alicia shakes her head, and the Doctor says, I’m sorry, but she couldn’t endure the operation, and she passed away (falleció).

Mau tries to dry Moni’s tears. Beto can’t bear to be in the room with Mau right there, and walks out. Moni can’t believe it, she finally had her Mom with her, had her affection, and now she’s gone. Alicia and Nieves leave Mau and Moni alone. Mau assures her that her Mamá left in peace because she got to see her, be with her, and will continue being with her. Moni feels alone. Mau says she has her neighbors, her friends, and she has him. He loves her. Never abandon me, she implores. Never, he replies and bends down to give her a gentle kiss.

In the hall, Tano doesn’t want explanations, he’s through with Estrella, after hearing Aldo say Estrella came back to HIM. He stalks off, and Estrella’s a little peeved at Aldo, too, so she pushes him away, and goes off in another direction.

Moni is happy her Mom found out that she (Moni) loved her. Mau thinks that Isabel felt guilty for all her errors, but since you pardoned her, she was at peace. Moni wants to go talk to her (dead) Mom, one last time, but Mau says Moni has to rest from her operation. Besides, I’m with you now, he adds. Let me cuddle you (déjame apapacharte). Moni still wants to see her Mom, but Mau says that’s up to the doctors. Then at least Moni wants to go the chapel and pray, light a candle (veladora). Mau agrees, he’ll get a wheelchair.

Beto complains to his Mom that he can’t get near Moni, but Nieves reminds him that Mau is the novio now. Others start to get the news, Aldo, Estrella, Paula. Mau asks Nieves to help keep everyone together, and not bother Moni in the chapel, while he has to go take care of the post-mortem procedures (trámites). Alicia tells Mau that Isabel had requested something if she died, and her wishes must be respected. She goes with Mau.

In the chapel, Moni asks the Lord to care for her Mamá. Tell her I never hated her, despite what I said, how could I hate the woman who brought me into the world, without whom I could never be talking to You now? Beto is behind her, tenderly strokes her hair. Moni says she was asking God to care for her Mamá. Of course He will, says Beto, and I’ll care for you. Can I hug you? Of course, I need you, and they hug. (Amazingly, no one walks in to interrupt). Beto continues. Although you no longer love me, I’ll always care for you, and I’ll always be there for you, in good times and bad. Although I prefer the good ones. But I’ll always be close, remember that. She kisses his cheek, he kisses her hand, and gives her privacy to resume her prayers.

Estrella tells Aldo in no uncertain terms how disappointed she was with him. She wanted to explain things to Tano, and by Aldo’s shooting off at the mouth and bragging that Estrella was his now, he really acted immaturely. Well, says Aldo, I have to defend what’s mine. What’s yours? What am I, an inflatable doll you got from Santa Claus? (She actually says "from the Three KIngs", who are the Mexican Christmas gift-givers). She doesn’t want to see him now, and goes to comfort Moni.

Moni’s back in her hospital bed, Paula and Nieves are comforting her, and Estrella joins them. Beto’s also in the room, sitting in a chair. But where’s Mauricio? Taking care of procedures. Gabi and Sal arrive, give their condolences. Sal asks when the wake (velorio) will be. Alicia enters, there won’t be a wake. Isabel was very clear, she wanted to be cremated, for no one to cry, and didn’t want a mourning (luto) period. But, but, but, Moni starts to protest. Alicia repeats it was Isabel’s final wish, and Mauricio’s taking care of the details now.

In the hall, Beto calls Connie on the phone, he needs her. She’s not in the mood. Well, adds Beto, I know you like me for my body, but what about my sad soul? I’m in the hospital. Connie laughs, still the zipper thing? No, the mother of La Monita died, can you believe it? This perks Connie RIGHT up. She figures Mauricio is there, then just hangs up on Beto. Ximena is with Connie, and Connie tells her la changa mayor se murió (the older monkey died). Ximmy is shocked. Connie sits down, kicks up her feet, eats a cherry, and gloats about Moni’s pain, but that’s NOTHING compared to what she’ll feel when I crush her like the cockroach she is! She’ll be as dead as her mother. Ximmy thinks this is quite ugly of Connie and she’s very mala. Yeah, says Connie, you better not get on my bad side, so keep your mouth shut! Ximmy zips it, throws away the key.

Mauricio enters Moni’s hospital room, which is filled with all her friends, carrying a small, polished wooden box, containing Isabel’s ashes. He gives it to Moni, who starts, Mamita, then stops, this can’t be my mother. I had a Mamá, now all I have is this.

After the commercial, we’re at the funeral. Most of our characters are there, all in black (some are less formal than others, Ivan has sort of a goth tee shirt). It’s a sunny day, and the priest says a prayer. Moni’s holding the wooden urn. The priest says she can deposit the ashes into the niche in the wall of what I believe is called a columbarium. She sadly places the box in the niche, and turns to hug Mauricio. But as she looks over Mau’s shoulder, her face turns from sad to angry, and she asks “what is THAT woman doing here?” It’s Connie, not missing the opportunity to twist the knife. Please get rid of her, says Moni to Mau. Mau turns to the red-clad Connie, tells her there’s no reason for her to be here. Connie says she just came to give condolences (el pésame) to Moni in her moment of sadness. Mau sees right through her, firmly requests that she leave. And she does, putting on her sunglasses, but breaking into a secret smile on the way out.

Beto lowers his sunglasses, decides to follow Connie. Nieves lowers her eyes, decides to follow Beto. Beto catches up to Connie, how come you’re wearing red? Well, it’s the color of passion, I just want to raise your spirits. You’re raising, you’re raising, pants Beto, he wants to go off with her, when from behind he hears “Roberto Ochoa, where are you going?” It’s Nieves. Beto’s going for some companionship. If old Doll Hair gets Moni, he’s getting some comfort, too. And by the way, Ma, if you want to help, make some food! He gives her a list. Nieves can’t believe he’s going with La Flauta (Nieves’ nickname for Connie). Why not? replies Beto. She’s my boss. I’m just going to WORK (hint, hint). And they’re off, arm in arm.

Back at the columbarium, Paula and Estrella promise to keep Moni company, they’ll do lots of stuff together to cheer her up. Mau will, too. Cristian shows up with some nice flowers, offering his condolences (in cop speak, of course, giving condolence for “the tragic and final outcome of her progenitor”). Nieves invites everyone back for tamalitos and atole (which is what Beto requested).

Ximena tells Rolu it’s the first death they’ve been to together, isn’t that romantic? But she wonders, since Moni’s Mom just died, should they postpone the wedding? Rolu quickly blinks twice. But Jerry jumps in, telling Ximmy there’s nothing better after a funeral than a nice wedding. Ximmy likes his philosophy, isn’t it great Jerry is so positive? She tells Rolu the wedding’s on!

Sal gets really close to Gabi, who calls him guapo, but warns him not to get too close, Lorenza’s right over there, and Gabi doesn’t want to be the next one to fill those niches. However, Lorenza may have other things on her mind. Oscar slides up to her, can’t get over their little trap (encerrón) from the other day. Ssshh, I’m a married woman, she whispers. Fine, he replies, if you want me to leave, just say the word. Her reply? “We’ll meet in one hour in the same hotel.” As she fans herself from the heat, he whispers in her ear “Don’t forget the whip!”

Moni wants to stay a little longer with her Mamá, her Mamá’s going to be so lonely in this place, it’s so cold. Mauricio comforts her, he’ll stay with her. We see the plaque, Isabel López, 1960-2008. The sad episode ends.

But the previews are a shock!!! Mau’s phone rings, and Isabel’s alive! They faked it, and Mau knew about it, although Mau tells Isabel Valentina was destroyed! Here come the anvils!


Desahuciar – to declare terminally ill, also means to evict, in another context
Toda marcha sobre ruedas – everything’s going well, literally everything’s going on wheels
Aparador – a store window or display window
Me importa un pepino – I don’t give a damn, I guess Rhett could have said to Scarlett, “Francamente, mi querida, me importa un pepino!”
Cojin – cushion
Seguimiento – monitoring, or tracking of an animal or satellite
En ayunas – on an empty stomach, to have fasted, note that desayuno means breakfast
Una persona extraviada – a missing, or lost person
Hostigar – to pester, to bother
Déjame apapacharte – let me cuddle you


Guau!!!!! We wondered why Mao looked so guilty -- and now we know. I sure didn't see that coming. It's going to be a bumpy ride for M & M once she finds out.

Thank heavens for Rolu & Xime to break up this sad episode. And Cristian crying into the boa!

Thanks for the thorough recap.

Why in heaven's name did Mauricio go along with Isabel's ugly plot. He put Monita through painful surgery, to say nothing of what will happen when she finds out about the lie. And we know she WILL find out. The anvils are lined up, just waiting for marching orders. Buckle up, friends, and put on those beanies!!
Great recap of a tough one, H de M! Thank goodness for Ximena.

Emilia, not only did Mau do what you said, but he must have paid off the doctor! I'm sure Carlos won't be happy that once again, a doctor is corrupt. Actually, Mau may have paid off quite a few people to orchestrate this whole thing. And Alicia seems to be in on it, too.

Yep, money corrupts. I'm forming an 'iron skillet brigade' to teach Mau a thing or two!

Hombre, thanks for this great and thorough recap. Boy, you could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw Isabel alive and looking pretty healthy. I certainly didn't see this coming either. Shame on Mao for his part in this evil scheme. For the life of me, I can't see anything beneficial for either Moni or him. No wonder Isabel flashed that malevolent looking smile a couple of times. And as for the doctor, well let's just say, I'm very disappointed in him.

I'm wondering if I'll get to preside over Aldo getting his first taste of conjugal bliss. He certainly is overeager. I hope Estrella continues thinking better of it. I'm still betting that Ivan will score first with Luisa and I think that's too bad.


...And how about Constanza. I've enjoyed her antics so far (and the red coat at the funeral WAS pure Coni -- but she seems to be growing more malevolent. I was hoping for a redeeming new romance for her by the end -- maybe even Beto - but if she turns darker she may have to suffer some telenovela retribution --fiery crash ... fall from a high place -- Oh, wait -- Rolu proves that falling several stories doesn't mean death - or even a broken tooth, just a decorated body cast and a boa.

Perhaps Constanza ending up with Nieves for a mother in law would be punishment enough. Beto deserves better, though. He's macho (and smelly!) but he has a good heart and I'd hate to see him saddled with the momia.

I thought it was curious that everyone at the gravesite seemed distracted and preoccupied by their own personal dramas and intrigues. Even Mao, who I expect will pay dearly for his part in this, was eager to move on. I guess we were all getting too comfortable and complacent with our pleasant, for the most part happy little show, so the writers decided to give us a bit of a shock. Sure worked on me.


Thanks for the recap Hombre. Your title work on two levels: it was so sad to think about Isabel dying (for Moni's sake) and then we find out it was a scam and Mau was in on it.

Sigh. I so agree with Emilia (glad you're back. I hope you've recovered from your surgery.). What reason would "doll hair" have to do this to Moni? The only thing we know for sure is that anvils and sorrow will follow.

Regarding the kids and sex. It will be interesting to see if the writers permit Luisa to loose her virgin status. Aldo can be rationalized b/c he's a guy but I would think the audience would be very uncomfortable with a 21 year old and his 14 year old girlfriend having congress.

I rarely miss an episode, but didn't get to see last night's. What an episode to miss!!!!

Thank you Hombre for the thorough and informative recap!

Although I didn't get to see the episode, may I offer a thought as to why Mau would go for this? He loves Monita, and there is no doubt about that. Perhaps he just wanted her to have the experience of a "loving mother," even if it meant losing said mother to "death." At least she would have pleasant memories instead of continuing to hurt over her mother's rejection. Maybe he "bought" that from Isabel in the form of the transplant (and getting to live). Then both Monita and Isabel can each live their own lives happily ever after: Monita has the memory of a loving mother, and Isabel can get on with life and not ever worry about Monita looking for her again.

I really can't believe Mau did this maliciously, but I do think he is re-thiking what he did, knowing that Monita is going to become quite the rabid monkey if she ever finds out...and we all know she WILL find out!

I had to laugh a day or so ago when Constanza was at Beto's new digs and so "disgusted. " Get used to it sister. My telenovela crystal ball tells me fate has a lovely life for you at the barrio. She and Nieves deserve each other!

I also don't believe Mau did it maliciously but our Mau ain't wrapped too tight. He pays other people to think for him - must give him a headache or something...

You know I didn't see the ending yet to this, I actually stopped because it was so damn sad and I wasn't in the mood - but something clicked that maybe this was part of the deal and that Isabel never really died. It was just weird and hit me when Mau agreed to take care of everything and the way he brought in the urn to the hospital like that. Then I read this.

But, now the part we can't reconcile is why the elaborate farse....hmmmm....maybe so Mona leaves her alone, yet still thinks her Ma loves her so they both got what they want. I guess we'll see. WHY DO THEY ALWAYS SPOIL THE NEXT EPISODE WITH THE PREVIEWS LIKE THAT!!! :) sheesh!

Poor Sylvia missing all this...:)

Great title too, because that's exactly what I was thinking. Man this is just so damn sad!!!!

ITA with both Deb and Emilia. Mau did not do this maliciously. Thinking just isn't his strong suit and he really messed this one up.

Oh and nice explanation of Aldo and his hormones blinding him to maturity...:) so true...

You know, the writers and the young actor have captured the mentality of a 16 yr. old boy all too perfectly. It's almost painful to watch and I'm 50 yrs. beyond that lifestage. How glorious and yet difficult it was to live through that epocha with every thought dominated by hormones and hormonal changes. I've always wondered if the girls at that age experienced the same chemical influences. My experiences as a physician suggest that they did.

Like Pavlov's dog, one need but mention Rolu in his body cast or Ximena in just about anything and I crack up. When she noticed that Rolu was missing, I almost fell out of my chair laughing. And even before they wheeled Rolu into the police station, I started laughing anticipating his frustrated encounter with Cristian, and I was not disappointed.

I realize that Mao had absolutely no malicious intentions going along with Isabel's plan, but what in the world was he thinking?!


Judyb [and anyone else]--This is very OT, but I need some advice. I'm thinking about getting a Pilates thingie. I swim and walk in the good weather , but I'd like something for inside for the winter. I've never done Pilates, but I could buy one for $399. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I don't know anyone who owns a Pilates thingie or who has done Pilates.

The matter-of-fact way that lying is portrayed in this show is stunning when one takes a step back and looks at it. I think instead of a sip of drink for every punch thrown, one for every lie told would render the dedicated sportsman(woman) completely incapacitated. I think that the only character who hasn't told a lie in this is little Dani; but she definitely has some good instructors, so it shouldn't be long.


ITA with you Carlos. Lying is done so matter of factly and sometimes with almost no consequences. And a drinking game with lying as the set piece in this novela could lethal.

Hi Susanlynn...I haven't seen the ads for a Pilates thingie but at that price I would say "no". If at some point, you've had good instruction on floor exercises (leg lifts, abdominal curls and push=ups) that plus some work with weights is all you need. A $399 machine is just going to be another dust-gatherer. Although I don't agree with everything in the book "8 Minutes in the Morning" isn't bad and you can even buy "Ocho Minutos en la Mañana" and work on your Spanish at the same time!

Hombre, another great recap. Didn't read yesterday because of a meeting and football and then I was "en luto" because of the horrible way the Buckeyes played. What a disaster!

Just like our story.

As awful as this turn of events was, credit the writers. The plot twist was consistent with both Isabel's character (cold, uncaring, narcissistic) and Maurice's (not particularly bright and given to snap decisions).

And, I see it generated a lot of comments right off the bat.

Obviously it struck a painful chord with all of us. Betrayal, using your own abandoned child for a transplant, while still being unwilling to love her and give her the maternal affection she craves....what a monster! Isabel called herself that and she was accurate.

There were still funny moments in this one. And Hombre I liked how you called attention to Aldo's hormonal obsessions. Yes, at that age, thinking about it 100 times a day is probably lowballing it! I like Lorenza and Oscar as a couple, leaving the field clear to Salvador and Gabriela. And Connie is becoming more and more distasteful. I found her rejection of Beto (when he was at the hospital) just as ugly as her red-frocked presence at the columbarium servoce (although interestingly, in our faith "red" is the color of the Resurrection and therefore is sometimes worn as a sign of faith and hope at funerals).

Altogether, a sad-making episode, but your recap was beautifully written Hombre, balanced and with just the right amount of detail.

Now back to grieving my Buckeyes!

Judy, sorry about the Buckeyes. Too bad in sports we can't always expect the happy grand final we get with telenovelas. As for Aldo, I remember the feeling myself, many, many years ago, when I was first sexually active. I had a date with my girlfriend to go to the movies, but remember wanting to "have fun" BEFORE the movie. I couldn't even wait two hours!

Deb, I think you've accurately explained Mauricio's motivations. In a way, this reminds me of the just completed Manana es Para Siempre, where Eduardo pretended that he himself was dead, and made Fernanda believe it, too. We knew she'd eventually find out, and he'd pay for the deception. The funny thing is, that in THAT show, you know how he got her to forgive him? He just moved away for a few months (didn't even tell her he was shot), and when he came back, there were no questions asked, just instant forgiveness! I'm not sure our situation could work out anything like that, though.

Carlos, about the lying. It's interesting that Moni has just about stopped, lying, and now Mauricio's doing it. Of course, he never tells an outright lie, but he lies through silence, and that's no better.

On the lying part, supposedly children as young as 3 are able to lie....and do. Mostly of the sort "it wasn't me" and "SHE did it" but still. If that's the case, Dani should be well on her way already!

Interesting, no? As soon as we're able to put a sentence together, lies are next. I read a great book on linguistics that I may have already quoted here. Very young children start out with one word. Then they put two together. Once they can put three together "All Hell breaks loose"...and next, they figure out how to lie. Whoops, just got booted out of the Garden of Eden again, folks.

Hi, Judyb~~~In reading class, we're doing a chapter about language. It's about a researcg project in which both hearing and deaf babies were studied. Between the ages of 7 to 10 months, both sets of babies began to babble [the hearing babies repeating the same syllable over and over ..''bababa'' ''dadada''] and the deaf babies started babbling with their hands as they mimiced the sign language of their parents. Interesting, no ? There's a new movie out called ''The Invention of Lying.''

Interesting, Susanlynn. I've heard about the movie.

Did that study include a discussion of Nicaruagan Sign Language. Evidently deaf children were so isolated for so many years, that when political reform finally came and the children were brought together in one national school, they devised their own sign language. Young children coming learned it quickly. Older children never became as "fluent". Learning theory is fascinating, isn't it?

Judyb~~~I haven't heard about that. There was another study planned. The researcher wanted to study babies who had one hearing parent and one deaf parent. Her theory is that those babies will begin babbling with sounds and hands at about the same time. Language seems to be innate in human beings. This chapter is interesting and opens up lots of discussion about learning a second language and how people communicate their thoughts and feelings without words or sign language. My students always have interesting stories about situations they were in before they had much knowledge of English. ~~~Susanlynn, lost in Alborada right now before the start of another busy week of reality

My goodness! Are you kidding??

I'm still not caught up with the episodes, but was curious as to the latest Gancho shinnanegans... and you're saying Mau let Moni go through a bone marrow procedure in order the spare her any more Mommy Issues? Bone marrow procedures are right near the top of The Most Painful Things Around list. DUDE!!!

*stomps off*

Physically painful (I've been with a friend who went through it) but usually not excessively dangerous. And Monita would have wanted a chance to save her mother's life. So I don't think she'll regret the decision to literally "give up herself", but she will have to deal with very heavy forgiveness issues concerning the lies, the betrayal, and the ongoing lack of love from her mother.

My mom has had three, and has to have yet another one next month. It just about kills me every time she has to go through that pain, but I refuse to let her go alone. I know, I'm sorry, this is just a telenovela, not real, I'm way overreacting to a scripted drama, but...

*stomps off*

Oh Stephe...three transplants!!!! I am so sorry, but so glad she has you by her side for this. My friend had to do two. She had leukemia and no one in her family was a match so she gave her own marrow at a time when she appeared healthy, in the hopes that it could help regenerate the marrow when her numbers went south again.

Please don't apologize for your reactions. I went absolutely ballistic during a telenovela that involved infidelity in a long loyal marriage. Just absolutely ballistic. But it clued me in that there were still issues I hadn't completely resolved.

Of course one can never resolve seeing one's loved ones suffer. Dealing with our own pain is one thing. Dealing with theirs...oh my.

Hombre not even sure you will see this but must tell you that you did a masterful job at such a heart-wrenching episode. Your vocabulary (list and embedded) was astounding. Loved "cop speak" and of course the sad truth that "our perfect little world ain’t quite so pretty anymore". Amen.

I have to be honest and say that based on Mau's recent grimness, Isabel's smirking and her too swift "passing", I didn't believe Isabel had died. I suspected that Mau made a deal with the devil and sadly, he did just that.

As terrible and heartbreaking as it was on Moni, I understand why Mau did the wrong thing for the right reasons. Mau thought at least this way, Moni would truly believe she and Isabel had reconciled, mourn the loss and eventually heal.

Now, Moni had to suffer the "death" and when she finds out Isabel is still alive, will have to live with the horrible truth that her mother never did, never will or will never love her.

Stephe, saying prayers for you and your family.

The comments were wonderful. Emilia, I think many of us will be joining your "iron skillet brigade".

Agree with everyone about Ximena losing Rolu - great storyline and great timing because we needed it!

Diana in MA

Make me spend my money!

For every one of you who go sign up as a marrow donor, I'll add $25 to my annual donation to the Marrow Foundation.

Has Mikey taken leave of his senses?

Hah... that presumes I ever had any. Ask Emilia if I ever did.

What this is about, though, is that I signed up as a donor when my sister was dying of ovarian. Not a damn thing I could do for her, but maybe for someone else. I came off the potential donor list a couple of years ago when I turned 60, so now I'd like someone (or more than one) to join the roll.

$25, y'all! Do it! Make me poor!

Mike: I checked out to see what the criteria are (even though I'm not too far from the maximum age). I wouldn't be able to be a donor but I can and will make a donation.

I am very sorry about your sister. Cancer, ovarian and breast in particular are so insidious. My best friend recently had a double mastectomy and I'd love to see a cure in the near future.

Diana in MA

Great, Diana and Thanks! That means a lot to both of us, then!

Mike, I am so sorry to hear about your sister. A few years ago, everyone in our church was getting tested because one of our parishoners (an ll-year-old girl) was dying of apalstic anemia and needed a bone marrow transplant. No match in her family and none found elsewhere. The chances are so very small. Alas, most of us on this blog line are over-age for such donations. Money we can give but not bone marrow.

Thanks, Judy. I was kinda hoping I'd get a call but I never did. Would have been nice to think it might do someone some good - plus the cute nurses are real nice to old coots who donate marrow! Well, that's what I imagined to be the case, anyway...

Esposa is attending the NC State Fair today to sate her major craving for cotton candy made w/ maple sugar. She should be back in time for UGAC tomorrow.

Wow. On my way to work but will be haunted by the thought of cotton candy made with maple sugar. I love maple sugar candy.

Yesterday made some apple crisp for my son incorporating some candied ginger and gingersnaps into the crust. Ay yi yi...he's eaten a lot...but so have I.

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