Monday, October 19, 2009
un Gancho al Corazón Mon. 10/19/9 Katya Smells a Rat and Beto Gets Connie Wet

Labels: gancho
Connie is really becoming quite mean. She might end up beating Jeri and Oscar.
I felt kind of sorry for Mau as he relived his nightmare conversation with Isabel. She put him in a terrible position and we know its going to blow up in his face.
Carlos, your recap was just delicious...and man, you alternated nicely between touches of Sunday School and sly humor.
"indecent proposal during which a rooster crows" and "stars in your crown" fits right in with my Cumberland Presbyterian upbringing.
But your descriptions of Connie and Beto's roisterous (izzat a word?) coupling was more in line with my ancestors' straightforward farm culture tell-it-like-it-is humor.
Especially loved "well, maybe a little Beto lingers in the air". That was just so fine.
Glad we got a little further explanation on Mauricio's pact with the devil and how it came about. Yes, Karen, storms are coming but at least with telenovelas, we know EVENTUALLY there will be a happy ending. Plays out a little differently in "real life", alas.
That picture almost melted my screen. What chemistry!
In addition to the great lines my friend Judy has already noted, enjoyed "rodents in rut" and your sentiment over the Isabel situation: "I've still got my panties in a wad over it; what a heartless cow." Sigh...
I've tried to muster up some, or even any sympathy for Isabel. While I can't imagine what and how she suffered, her icy cruelty and dismissal of Moni is beyond my comprehension.
Karen, your entire comment was beautifully stated, particularly "This plot line can only result in weeping and gnashing of teeth and I was so happy avoiding such activities." Amen.
Diana in MA
Judy, it looks like you may get a good one tonight to tell us about. We have Ximena's and Rolu nuptials pending, Oscar's date with Krazy-Kitten with a whip, and Aldo's music lesson.
Diana, I would like to feel a little compassion for Isabela, but she is such a cold trout. Nieves may be a cunning, conniving, overprotective mom, but she certainly displays motherly instincts. After all, she did breast feed Beto until he was 8 yrs. old.
I could sort of understand why Mau went along with the plan. Isabel said if the marrow didn't work, she promised to spend her last few months with Moni as a caring mother, and that would have been nice, provided she could bring it off. But if the operation DID work, she'd have to fake the death. She said she knew the doctor who was going along with her, so at least Mau didn't arrange that part. I still don't know how Mau got the urn, and how Alicia didn't realize anything, since she went with Mau to complete the "procedures". Anyway, Isabel gave Mau the ultimatum, he had to decide right then, give Moni some tender times with her Mom, or nothing. Not such an easy decision.
Somehow I'm not too fond of Tano these days. Of course his reaction is understandable, but I don't really see what Estrella sees in him. I mean compare his personality (and looks) to Mau, Beto or Cristian, and I think Tano just doesn't have anything appealing about him. Am I missing something?
-Vivi in DC
Yes, he responded with harsh words to her "betrayal" with little Aldo and her waffling rejection. Guys respond that way when they're hurt and angry. Had he shrugged the whole thing off, that would have been an indication he didn't really care for Estrella. That he was deeply hurt indicates he had serious feelings for her. (plus he's already been merrily dumped by Ximena a few times). "Once burned, twice shy"/
Sooo...I'm voting for Tano. Ladies, anyobody else want to join me and Vivi?
Tonight's visit to the house of ill repute should be quite a romp. If Mauricio flipped about the strip club, he's really going to go ballistic when he finds out about this...and the adoption still isn't final.
I've been without internet connection for the last days, so I've been missing the recaps, but I'm about to catch up.
Judy I agree about Tano. He is also smarter than Mauricio and smells better than Beto. In this novela filled with colourful characteres he may not be so atractive, but in real life he is a good catch. I understand why Estrella wants to like him so much, especially by having such bad luck with men as she seems to have had, she may feel like she won't find another guy like that and she is scared of either ending up alone or with someone who is not as good. She is still young but the fact that her best friends are already in important relationships is making her feel like she is being left behind and her time is running out, while at the same time, Aldo's time is just begining.
Carlos: the link was good, but I just wanted to add that one thing they got wrong was about the masa. The atole is not made with masa, it's made with maizena while the champurrado (that they call the chocolate version) is made with masa. The difference between them is that the maizena is the white part inside every corn grain, while to make masa we use the corn grains with skin and all; as a result, you have to drink both while they are hot or they become too thick, especially the champurrado.
In Mexico City the mornings are very cold and it's usual for some people to sell atole, champurrado and tamales on the street. After spending a few minutes shivering in the cold there's nothing like getting warm with a hot cup of champurrado or atole.
In Veracruz the champurrado is only for christmas celebrations and the atole depends of your mom and if she decides to prepare it or not.
like rodents in rut. - vivid imagery
Moni mourns mom more. - say that 3 times fast
either an awww or an ewww moment, - I think it's both!!!!
:) nice job Carlos!!!
Well yes. All the fellows in this story (and let's extend that to all men) are guided by the same instinct. And some are smoother about it than others. Some are willing to be commited to the relationship and some are just slam/bam/thank you ma'am.
Women are biologically driven also. And a large percentage of them want to form a family with someone who appears capable of supporting their offspring financially. And some are smoother about it than others.
Being smoother about it doesn't disqualify Tano in my estimation. If Estrella's looking to settle down, he's a far better bet than randy little Aldo (cute though he is).
Kris, thanks.
I think the reason I'm a little down on Tano was the way he tried to bully Aldo that day at Mao's place. I thought that Aldo showed admirable restraint and respect that day and That Tano overstepped his bounds. I thought that he was condescending and mean as well as a tad desperate.
Alas, Isabel. I wonder if she was actually violently raped or was it an affair gone wrong, and her manipulative mind decided that a claim of rape would let her claim victim status.
My vote's for Tano. If Estrella wants a fling w/ some young stuff first, that's between her and Aldo. But I'd say Tano would be a good guy for the long run.
Jarocha, let me second Judy's thanks to you. We greatly enjoy your insights.
Tano also gets high points from me for the times someone insulted Estrella's virtue in front of him, and he calmly defended her. He's basically a live and let live kind of guy- doesn't think her reputation as a loose woman is a big deal. He really likes Estrella for who she is, but he's been down the path of not being the number 1 choice before with Xime, and he's not having it again.
-Vivi in DC
-Vivi in DC
Let me put it this way to you dads: If Estrella were your daughter, would you rather see her with Tano or Aldo?
I think you would recommend Tano. But I could be wrong.
Don't want to pound this too hard. I think it's wonderful that Carlos can identify with the powerful yearning of a lovesick, lustsick 17-year-old and compassionately plead his case. Speaks well to the fact that our favorite doc is still young at heart himself.
But most women (and a lot of fathers) have their antennae up for the solid guy. And I admit, I was disappointed that Mauricio's cute chauffeur Ricardo turned out to be a cad. But Tano has proved his worth by Mauricio...and therefore I think he'll prove his worth by Estrella. At least I sure hope so!
Katja is a wild card. If she eventually does the right thing by ratting out Constanza's machinations, maybe she's redeemable and worth of our adorable, and fast maturing Aldo.
"You mean someone as old and experienced as I am?"
"You said it."
Since this is a telenovela, I'm going to stay in Aldo's corner for now. I just don't feel any chemistry between Tano and Estre, and it's burbling over almost ready to reach a flashpoint between Estre and Aldo.
Now points to Luisa for admitting that she's not ready to make that leap. Stick to your dolls a little longer sweetie, there's no rush.
In the novela, I like Aldo and Estrella better. In real life: Tano. It's just a case of one having better chemistry with her than the other but I think I will be fine with whoever she choses.
But for the long run, for Estrella, Tano would be the choice.
Carlos, I'd forgotten about Tano talking down to Aldo - but, hey, personalities seem to change on an episode by episode basis in TNs.
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