Monday, November 30, 2009

un Gancho al Corazón Mon.11/30/9 Who's Your Daddy?

Tonight's frivolity begins strangely with Coni reliving a flashback of Jero literally carrying her off to ravish her. It dawns on her that Jerónimo is also in the running for Father of the Year.Oh no! Oh yes! Oh crap!

Jacky finds Beto alone in the coffee room sniffing his right shoe. Even he is repelled. She and he share a frank conversation concerning Beto's feelings and true intentions toward Coni. He tries to convince her that Coni is not just an exotic hobby. He is truly in love with her, but she has chosen to wed Mauricio. She responds with, "What's done is done, but the fact of the matter is that she is hopelessly in love with you." She ends the little chat by declaring that he is, "garbage...a poor devil," (harsh but...), "I'm wasting my time with you." As she's leaving, like Columbo, she remembers one more thing, "Ah, por cierto, Beto, Constanza is expecting your child." He is elated by this news. He celebrates by jumping gleefully up and down, shouting, "¡Voy a tener un Betito! ¡Órale!" He hugs his futura suegra. She has mixed emotions. He is, after all, a stinky naco, but this pregnancy changes everything. She urges him to fight for her, and his naquito. He beams with fatherly pride. "¡Un Betito!" Aren't we all a little proud right along with him?

Ximena has just put Rolu, who still is a bit grumpy, but softening toward Ximy, to bed. She, on the other hand, is feeling frisky as a filly colt. She offers to arrange some cushions (cojines). He declines, " Do you mind if I take a bath? I'm feeling nasty (sucio)." What a coincidence, she is feeling nasty as well... "Very, very nasty!" She suggests a bath together. Give her five minutes to get rid of Coni who is waiting in the parlor. She will wash him, scrub (tallar) his back... and do little things to him ( hacerte cositas). The idea thrills her. Rolu? Not so much. She ignores his apparent lack of enthusiasm as she gushes about getting together as... "you understand?... man and wife and even making a BABY!" Using English to embellish her waxing lustiness, she muses, while waltzing around with the (as of yet) imaginary "Baby Rolu," about their future becoming, "Mommy and Daddy!"
Oh Wow!" Her growing excitement is contagious. He must have been vaccinated. He is immune. She exits with guttural primal feline growls, clawing at the air between her and Rolu for emphasis. Another triumphant scene for Ximena. My words really can't do it justice.

A conflicted Coni, looking ravishing in a simple short black knit dress, ivory knee-high boots with matching, is waiting in the parlor to confer with her one true friend. Ximena is still bubbling about her rapturous marriage to the insatiable Rolu. Just imagine what a truly committed participant-spouse would do for her. Coni is distracted... just as well. She has come seeking Ximy's assistance in determining a date of conception. Now, I'm in love with and admire all things Ximena, but she is not the first one I'd look to for help with a math problem. The Dr. says that she is six weeks along. "Well," calculates our lithe, dark-tressed numerical savant, "Must have been in Nuevo York, Roberto!" This seems to bring a little bit of relief to our Coni. Coni admonishes Ximy that no one must find out about her situation. Ximy is a tomb, and to demonstrate, she looks the vault and tosses the key. She and Rolu aren't expecting... yet, since they haven't been... you know... juntos... yet. Coni's in a hurry. Coni leaves and Ximena's thoughts return to..."¡♫ Rolu, ahí te voy ♫!" She gives a playful turn on the pole of the spiral staircase and then dashes up the stairs.

Now we turn to a happy domestic scene in the 'hood. Don Cesar, with his flair for fashion and style is wearing a striking mustard(French's not Grey Poupon)-yellow suit with color-coordinated apron.
The effect is...umm... breath-taking. Nieves is miffed because Cesar allowed her littlr Beto to get beaten in such a way. He counters that he tried to warn the little showoff (fanfarrón). Besides it was a good lesson for the boy. "You need to quit treating him like a baby." This display of domestic bliss is intruded upon by Estrella, who, you will recall, is like a daughter to Nieves. they trade insults regarding Beto, but Estrella is more interested in pumping Cesar for details surrounding the MF (Masked Fury). As she picks up his hand (Estrella is very tactile), Nieves growls,"He's mine!" Estrella presses on. "Monita and I are intrigued by your new fighter, la Furia Enmascarada." "First tell me which of you is interested, you or Monita?" He tells her that he believes that he's single. This thrills Estre. As she rushes off, Nieves scolds Cesar, vowing that she'd like to pop the MF in his mouth (clavar el diente). She hit's Cesar in the face with her dish towel, then gently and lovingly wipes it clean. Awww!

A battered (physically and emotionally) Beto seeks out Moni at her place. She needles him a bit about the MF, but he wants to talk seriously. He broaches the subject then backs away. He tells her that he loves her. "No you love la momia." He admits that he loves Coni. Monita warns that Coni will destroy his life. He then says that he actually loves them both. "I have a big heart!" "Well the only person I love is Mauricio." "What a tiny little heart you have," he replies.

Ximena arranges Rolu in his bed. are sporting plush, white, terrycloth robes. Did someone filch these from the Four Seasons Hotel? He seems a bit touchy and complaining. Well heck, after two falls, either of which would have polished off the normal person, I guess he's entitled. Now, she has plans for the evening and starts to move in for the kill (in a manner of speaking). He balks, she insists that she just wants him to love her, even though un poquis. He finally launches an insult which strikes home. He calls her selfish (egoista). Ouch, that hurts. Now he reveals his intent. He needs a nurse to see to his needs. Well don't we all. Ximy is devastated...well... as devastated as Xmmena is capable of being. He coninues, "Tomorrow I'm going to hire a nurse to bathe me, attend to me, dress me..." Rolu, mi amor,I love you..." She won't hear of him hiring a nurse. He, however is adamant. Rolu, just when I was starting to like you a little better. Of course he is doing this as much for her as for him. Um hmm.

Meintras Tanto, back in the barrio, Nieves interrupts Moni's and Beto's philosophical chat, "¿Puedo pasar?" "Of course!" Now, Should I have skipped the Sazerac or does Nieves look unusually appealing in that pink top revealing a chaste amount of cronish cleavage? Beto is not looking for consolation and let's Nieves know. "Well, wash your hands an come over for dinner." "Be right there," Moni agrees. As Nieves waddles off, Moni chastises Beto for not showing more respect for his mom. Moni remember the reunion with her own mom, the love (oh yeah!), the forgiveness...Beto pleads with her not to cry. She notes, "My mother loved me." He smiles a sweet smile. Off they go to dine.

Strolling accross the courtyard he remembers a bet (apuesta) that he had with Costeño, a bet on football...yeah, that's it, a bet on football. He needs to make a phone call. "You,go on ahead."

The happy Sermaño family is breaking bread. "So how was school today?" Mauricio asks solicitously, "¡Muy bién, Papá!" answers Luisa, sucking up. (I wonder what it is she wants.) Aldo adds that things are going well for him as well, "When can I get off probation?" Coni responds by launching into a verbal assault on Aldo for past crimes that warrant being on probation for the rest of his life. Mao reproaches, "Constanza, por favor." Jacky strolls in, "I won't be joining you for dinner, important things to do... Coni, I want to talk to you when I get back."

Hey PETA! She's looking awfully cozy wearing about a zillion dead weasels.

Coni's phone rings. It's Beto. "Not right now, Ximena, I'm having dinner with my husband and the kids. Not in a mood for games, he reminds her that she is carrying his kid. He wants to talk to her right now. Turns out that tomorrow isn't good either. Well since he puts it that way, how about noon tomorrow at the boutique? "Agreed! But you know me, Constancia, don't provoke me, you know me." Alas, she does. She glare at Jacky as she snaps the cell phone shut. Jacky brazens ahead. She likes Ximena. Be nice if she were to get pregnant with Rolu. For the moment...advantage... Jacky.

It's also dinnertime at the Ochoas'. Moni has joined Nieves Cesar and Beto for the evening meal.They're having chicken-fried steak and cream gravy, mashed potatoes, and turnip greens with peppered vinegar...oh, wait... that's what we're having... sorry. Whatever they are having looks tasty and everyone is digging in. Cesar praises her cooking skills. Beto wants two more Milaneses. So does Cesar. Sorry guys,just one left. Beto and Cesar exchange insults. It is fun to watch beta males go at each other. Lots of fire. Beto finally says, "This is my house, my mom, your Milanese is mine, therefore, que se friega maldita puerco espín." Now , this doesn't make sense to me, ( May you bust you porcupine pig? Help!), but apparently it does to both Moni and Nieves, "¡Beto!" Moni whacks him with her napkin. Nieves serves Beto the remaining cutlet, but he's changed his mind, "No me quiero, no me quiero," he complains as he does the unthinkable. He licks the piece of meat from top to bottom, drops it on the floor, and stomps on it for good measure. "¡Beto!" Moni rebuffs. Nieves reminds him of the starving children in China...sort of. Beto accuses Cesar of trying to bump him off with this new fighter, well, he's going to find his buddy (cuate) and go out for a drink. He leaves in a huff. Moni says, "Be patient, he'll be back with his tail between his legs." Don Cesar agrees... "Besides, this is part of the trust (confidencia) in a large family," he opines.

At the mansion Jacky and Coni are having a mother/daughter talk. Coni is frustrated with Jacky's meddling by informing Beto of the pregnancy, "Are you trying to convert my life into a living Hell?" Jacky accurately points out that Coni has already done a masterful job of doing that. "Then let me burn in my own flames!" Good one, Coni. Jacky is just trying to help. Coni's best option would be to arrange for Mao to cheat with Moni, divorce his butt, take everything that he has while dumping the adoptees, and run off with Beto. Sounds like a plan to me. Coni clings to her false hopes. Tomorrow she has a hospital appointment; by noon... problem solved. Jacky gives her a maternal peck on the cheek. Coni accuses her of joining with Beto in opposition. "No, actually you are your own worst enemy." Coni"s expression indicates that she knows this.

Mauricio sits on the bed in his room and pines. He conjures up memories of his soggy first encounter with Monita that rainy day so long ago. He watches as their significant moments together unreel on the flat screen of his mind. He mopes, then strolls to the mirror, strikes the Masked Fury pose, clears his throat and dropping his voice about half an octave, rehearses his opening lines to use on Monita ... hmmm, better work on that a little more, masked man. Next!

Jacky has joined Jero in an exclusive restaurant. For dessert he has big plans for the evening back at his place, but right now she has pressing business elsewhere, with... Roberto Ochoa. Jero suggests that she wait to see him at the office but when she insists that it must be right awayhe offers to take her there. It's a rough neighborhood. No thanks, she just needs the address. As he tries to persuade her to allow him to escort her the waiter returns with disturbing news. Jero's gold card is tarnished, it's been rejected. He utters a favorite line of telenovela fans, "¡No puede ser!" Unfortunately, sí puede. Jacky tries not to notice, then says, "Well these things happen. Embarrassed, he gives her the address and urges her on her way. As she gets up to leave. He, like the caballero he is, stands and helps her don the assemblage of roadkill. She leaves. The waiter returns his gold card with a smug smirk. Jero instructs him to hang on to it, he's not leaving just yet. He dials Oscar. He tells Oscar that his plans to spend the evening with Jacky have changed and invites Oscar to dine with him in this nice restaurant. There are some things they need to discuss.

Cesar tells Nieves not to worry about Beto. "Hey, why don't we put on our pajamas and go to bed early? I've got to get an early start." Beto appears at the door. He's home early. Couldn't find his friends and since he doesn't have any money... well... could she check the cow? This is too much for Cesar is is going out for a walk and doesn't want to see this person here when he returns, so give him some money. Nieves turns to her Bossie Bolsa and retrieves a few bills for her boy. As she is tendering the cash a new shadow looms at the door. It's Jacky. "I need to speak to Roberto,,, alone. Nieves sizes her up then looks accusingly at Beto, "Another?" Beto reassures her and tells her to go on out. Nieves reluctantly agrees but first she puts on her short jacket with jaguar spots. Don't Jaguars eat mink? She gives a semi-playful kittenish clawing gesture at Jacky's eyes and slinks out.
Jacky is in a hurry. She wants to spend as little time as possible in this sty (pocilga). She informs Beto of Coni's plan and hospital appointment. She urges him to stop it. Beto is fit to be tied. He biites his hand and paces,"¡No manches!¡No manches!"

It's morning in the hood and...Wow! Get a load of this! Estrella appears at Monita's door in a stunningly skanky little number complete with jaguar spots, spike heels (por supuesto!) and fishnet stockings.
Somehow she manages to make it appear almost wholesome. She is definitely in her feline stalking mode. I'll bet she smells like Jungle Gardenia and has swapped the Juicy Fruit for a stick of Blackjack. Monita is delighted. Don't tell me that they gave you the role (papel) that will launch (lanzar) your career." "I wish, but no, I'm dressed to accompany my best friend to the gymnasium for her morning workout." "Ay, you want to see the..." Estrella excitedly describes her projected encounter with this mysterious masked stranger, the caresses, the embraces, the covering her with kisses...Wow. She is overcome by her own imagination. "And when you wake up , Costeño will be on top of you," Moni jokes.

A very subdued Coni knocks on Mau's bedroom door. She wants to get some idea of his plans for the day. He tells her more or less the usual, take the kids to school, go to the office... She tells him that she'll be late getting home. So will he. What's this? No shouting? No Rancor? No suspicious accusations. Who are these two and what did they do with Coni and Mao?

It's time to choose a nurse. An enthusiastic Jero, an interested Rolu, and a dejected looking Ximy are looking over the lineup of nurses. There are six of them, varying heights, hair, and hemlines, but we can tell by the matching caps that they are all graduates of Our Lady of Lovely Legs School of Nursing. Curiously, the are all wearing spike heels. None of your sensible nurses shoes for these girls. "¡No Señor!"
These ladies have all read the updated version of Dress for Success. Ximena doesn't think that a nurse has to be so beautiful. Jero and Oscar disagree. They vote. Jero votes for the strikingly gorgeous blond on the end. Rolu goes along. Ximy casts her vote for the longest dress, straightest hair, and least makeup, nevertheless still a stunner in her own right. "Two to one. Thanks ladies," Jero offers to escort them out. Rolu bonds with his new nurse. Ximena pouts.

In the garage Coni has accompanied Mao and the kiddos to his car. She sees them safely on their way and then turns to encounter... Beto. He pounces on her from his hiding place, "I won't allow you to dispose of my child!" Uuuh!

Jero has joined Jacky for breakfast. She is trying to convey to him her concern for Coni's happiness saying that in spite of the difference in money that Coni would be happier with Beto. Jero cannot grasp the concept of happiness without money."You mean if I didn't have money that you'd still be interested in me?" "Of course. Tú eres un divino," she replies as she pinches his chin. She notices that he is only eating the complementary bread. He's not hungry, but, "The bread here is wonderful." She calls for the waiter to pick up her plate; Jero rapidly starts forking down her leftovers. Waste not, want not. The thoughtless waiter removes the plate anyway. She asks about his credit card (tarjeta de credito). It's all straightened out he assures her. Good, 'cause since she's downtown, she'd like to do some shopping." He winces, "Shopping?" He swallows hard.

The Seremeño bunch are on the way to school. Mao is driving. LIttle Dani has a problem. She forgot her backpack (mochila). Not to worry, Mao will just turn around and go back. Aldo calls her a nerd under his breath. Hey Cheech, watch it. We're still frosted about your walk on the dumb side.

Beto is struggling with Coni. He will not let her get rid of his little Betito. "You can't!" "Of course I can!" Let's say it with her, "¡Sueltame!" He threatens to tell Mauricio the whole truth.
Oops, he may not have to. Here are Mauricio and the kidlets now.



Hi Carlos, great pics tonight! And yes, we are proud along with Beto.

This was a very feline-oriented episode, all those catty remarks, the clawing at each other, and the feline prints. I loved Nieves' jaguar jacket, and Estrella's outfit...yowza!

Funny, I also thought Nieves looked quite fetching in her pink shirt; quite a bold move on her part.

I still don't get Rolu. Sometimes it seems like he's softening toward Xime (not to mention the romantic background music) but then he gets all creepy again.

Carlos, I absolutely think you do Xime justice! You even added little musical notes and hearts. Dude, you seriously nailed her. She is a delight and Rolu is a world class grump.

"A million dead weasels", thank you for that.

The dinner scene at casa Nieves had me practically rolling on the floor. You are so right about the two beta males. I'm not certain, but I think when Beto said "que se friega maldito puercoespin" he was saying something like "what a pain in the a** this damn porcupine is", referring to Don Cesar's spiky hair. Of course if it were my night to recap I would never have figured it out. Funny how that works.

You had me going with your chicken fried steak! Funnily enough that's not too far off from steak Milanese, but with cream gravy and mashed potatoes I think I'd choose dinner at your house.

Carlos, awesome recap! Not only are we treated to another fun episode but we get to re-live it through your eyes. I'm so glad I popped in before going to bed.

Do you really make Sazerac's at home? I'm impressed.

Oops, sorry about that renegade apostrophe in Sazeracs.

Ah Carlos. What a recap, and with colored hearts and musical notes. This from the fellow who claims he doesn't know much about computers....

So much to enjoy both in the recap and the episode itself. Recap first: Columbo reference. Great. Didn't think of that. Mustard reference...French not Grey Poupon. Hilarious.

Cronish cleavage. Don't know whether to be mad or laugh. It's a sad day in a woman's life when her face gets wrinkled...but worse when her cleavage does too. BUT, yes, I noticed the same thing. I believe Nieves had one of those Iron Maiden spandex thingies under her form-fitted pink top...but she did look quite fetching and shapely. And I flat-out roared (startling my son at the computer) when she decided to do a Battle of the Bands competition with Jacky's roadkill. Her swishing "take-that-sistah" sashay out the door with her moth-eaten fake fur jacket was just too funny.

But quit torturing us with thse awesome dinner menus. Chicken-cream gravy... just kill me now!

Good morning Carlos, Sylvia and Judy!

A scintillating, sweet and savory recap Carlos. You painted a perfect picture of last night's pivitol events, especially "happy domestic scene in the 'hood". You recap was masterfully done - gracias.

I'm losing hope Rolu can (or should) end up with Ximena - he simply doesn't deserve her. Recruiting from "Our Lady of Lovely Legs School of Nursing" was a cruel (although rather ingenious) way to hurt her. I thought it ironic that none of the "nursing" candidates held a candle to Ximena. She was far and above the prettiest woman in the room.

Fashion "do's" and don'ts" abounded from "a simple short black knit dress, ivory knee-high boots" to a "zillion dead weasals" and "assemblage of roadkill". Sylvia, loved your summary of this as a "feline-oriented episode". Absolutely! Judy, your "Her swishing "take-that-sistah" sashay out the door with her moth-eaten fake fur jacket" was priceless.

Beto's character has so many facets and layers. Only his character could truly make me believe he does love both Coni and Moni, and somehow not make it seem totally outrageous! His "What a tiny little heart you have" comment to Moni was an unexpected gem.

I also wish it were dinnertime as I have a yearning for chicken-fried steak. Yum.


Carlos, a good friend of mine reminded me last Wednesday night that I have been promising him a chicken fried steak dinner; yes, complete with cream gravy. When I read your menu it completely cracked me up, one just can't escape a promise, can one?

Diana, good point about Xime's beauty. How ironic that those nurses weren't nearly as attractive as our Xime. In fact theh only one who approached it was her choice. I really do want to see her happy, but Rolu is such a terminal wet blanket. Talk about a buzz-kill for romance.

Judging by the previews tonight's episode looks good.

Good morning Sylvia, Judy, and Diana. I look forward to each Tue. morning to see how you three enjoy the recap. I know that by the time I get to the office, you guys will have already left comments that remind me why I enjoy doing this so much.

Can Ximena get any funnier? Seems like she's always coming up with new stuff to make us laugh. I'm afraid that Rolu is one of those who won't realize what he's got till she's gone. Oh well, he'll always have his tattoo to remember her by.

Judy, there's a lot to be said for cronish. I remember an older character in another show who had lost everything and was going to have to face the world alone and penniless. She proudly hefted her still quite respectable bubis and said to them, "No me fallen. Ustedes siempre han sido mis ganchos."

Sylvia, making a Sazerac was a snap oce I'd assembled together all the ingredients.

Diana, I loved it when Beto boasted about his big heart. He seemed to genuinely believe his rationalization.

Looks like fun ahead tonight.


I think Rolu treats xime terrible, she must have low self esteem, because I wouldn't let a man insult me like that! He's doing that on purpose to get rid of her, be a man and just tell her you don't want her! Coni is in big trouble doesn't know who the daddy is!

Great show last night!


Howdy Carlos. Glad you look forward to hearing from us, because we always look forward to reading your recaps.

Re: Beto's "big heart". I noticed after his declaration that he COULD love two women, because of his big....he started to look down in his manhood direction...and then lifted his head back up and declared that yes, his HEART was that BIG.

Well, I don't know about his manhood or his heart, but Lordy, he's got an insanely big ATTITUDE...and you've just gotta love him for it. Whatever else Nieves did, she sure gave him a whoppin' big spoonful of self-esteem.

Maybe it's in breast milk!!

Carlos, thanks for another wonderful recap. You picked the perfect pictures, including Estrella, the nurses and the rest.

As Sylvia pointed out, chicken fried steak is similar to a milanesa. I kept wondering what one was, and looked it up last night. Apparently it's a flattened out piece of meat (like a steak), dipped in egg batter, salted and spiced, dipped in bread crumbs, then fried in oil. So not so different from chicken fried steak, right? Although in Mexico they usually serve them in tortillas or rolls, I think. Gee, my mouth is watering as I write this.

I thought it was funny when both Mau and Coni had secret places to go (he to the gym, she to the doctor), and rather than pry, they each just let the other go, being more concerned with their own agendas.

Jerry has to win the award for funniest villain ever.

It's really something how both Ximena and Estrella manage to remain so consistently upbeat and positive, despite having so many setbacks. The whole show does this, too, somehow being like a breath of fresh air each evening, no matter how many "problems" come up.

Emilia...for sure it's the breast milk! A wonder Beto was ever weaned.

Wow, Hombre, the way you described a milanessa, sounded a lot like the wiener schnitzels I loved when I lived and worked in Vienna. NOW I'M HUNGRY AGAIN!!...and dang it, I just had lunch. (Serves me right for eating a salad).

Gah-dawg, again, Carlos! Ximena, Estrella and Chicken Fried Steak - I rejoice! You sure no how to pull them strings.

Ximena: might have enjoyed a better outcome if she had dropped the incessant strings of "tres cosas", made a little real eye contact and let the robe drop away.

Estrella: ONLY Estrella, as you say, could have made a hooker outfit look cute and wholesome.

Chicken Fried Steak: Cracker Barrel does a good job, especially with pinto beans and turnip greens on the side. Unfortunately for Beto, the nearest Cracker Barrel to Las Vegas appears to be in Kingman, AZ. We boomers know Kingman to be the home town of Andy Devine.

Un Otra Cosa: Estrella has really pretty shoulders. I have never taken much notice of anyone's shoulders before but somehow hers just really look nice.

Thanks for the excellent recap. I think you capture Ximena quite well.

I kind of liked Rolu for a few episodes, but now I think he's a jerk again. I noticed that the "most pretty" nurse he picked was blonde and voluptuous, i.e. the opposite of Ximena. Ouch.

Does anyone know if Univision is displacing any novelas tonight for presidential speechifying?

Julia, Obama's speech is at 8 pm EST so he'll come on right after Gancho here in Va.

Rebecca, I'm so glad that you joined us today. I'm really not too worried about Ximena's self-esteem. Though I don't think she's totally oblivious to Rolu's insults, I believe that she thinks right now that she has the ability to charm him out of his grumpy rejection of her. She seems to have an unbridled love of life as well as self-confidence. I'm expecting that she will soon see Rolu as the jerk that he is and irretrievably drop him just about the time he finally realizes what a treasure she is.

Hombre, I have very much the same take that you have about this show and the characters. Jero may indeed be the funniest villain ever. Each night after watching the show I seem to always have such a good feeling, always wishing for more.

Mike, we celebrated Kelli's(my nurse) birthday at a Cracker Barrel very close to the office. I had the chicken fried steak with cream gravy, pinto beans(very good), and turnip greens (with pepper vinegar of course), it was all excellent. One thing I noticed while we were there, there really weren't a lot of slim people eating there that afternoon.

I think that you would really enjoy Goodson's in Tomball. Their pinto beans aren't all that good but the butterbeans (when they have them) are awesome. In addition they serve Shiner Bock Draft in tall frosty mugs (no beer at Cracker Barrel) and the yeast rolls are fantastic. Now I'm making myself hungry.

Emilia, certainly Beto's breastfeeding played a major role in shaping his character. His demanding attitude with his mom last night reminded me of some of the older breast feeders I have known.My cousin Bobby Sam breast fed till age of three and would demand his favorite beverage source by name and then proceed to unwrap it himself.


Hmmm. So I wonder if they'll cancel one of the shows, or just rearrange the schedule. Our local listings aren't showing any changes on Univision yet, and the other channels vary a bit in their speech-broadcasting times since most of them are on delay here on the west coast.

You all were making me hungry until I got to that older children breastfeeding part.

Julia, I think the voluptuous blond nurse is going to br Rolu's undoing. I predict that sometime in the next few episodes that she will pack his bags and wheel him out to the street. I really thought for awhile he was developing into a good guy. Oh well, maybe Lalu will switch allegiances. They make a great couple.


Ay yi yi...the Bobby Sam story. Even ardent nursing mother that I was, that picture is not pretty. In societies where food is scarce, I can understand nursing a child that long, but in these here parts, ack!

Still, if my children hadn't weaned themselves somewhere between 12 and 14 months, I might have continued for a ridiculously long time, who knows? I always thought it was the absolute best and profoundly meaningful part of being a mother. The labor part, not so much!

Thank you for the excellent recap Carlos. You always seem to outdo yourself and I love how intune you are with the characteres and I got to tell you, I felt proud with Beto while I watched it and then again while I was reading the recap. I'll have to say one more time how one of my favorite things of the Gancho recaps is that you can tell how much the recappers enjoy the show while you read them and I can tell you always have a blast while watching the wacky hijinks.

Did anybody noticed that Nieves had a pink bow on her hair when she had the pink shirt and once she put her fake leopard print jacket she changed it to a leopard print bow?


I hadn't noticed that she changed the bow! Too funny. I thought she looked like Minnie Mouse with the pink shirt and bow.

Jarocha, I specifically remembered the pink bow, but didn't notice the leopard bow. However when you look at the picture I captured for the recap, there it is. Very observant of you. You would do well as a diagnostician. Such an sharp keen eye is especially helpful for a radiologist who must pick out subtle features in Xrays and other imaging procedures. I thought I was doing good spotting the high heels on the nurses.

Judy, my mom shared your distaste for the extended nursing of Bobby Sam. My aunt didn't follow the same pattern with her other three. Strangely he was the second child. One might expect that sort of thing for the first or last. He did grow into a strapping healthy man. Interestingly, his wife is rather buxom, though I don't think that she nursed any of their children for very long.


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