Friday, December 04, 2009

En Nombre del Amor, December 4, 2009

For discussion of the Friday episode, Dec. 4.


Adios. Dears, I've been wondering for weeks now if this is an appropriate item to share. Guess I will now find out if this is edited out.

My dear partner, who idendtified himself on this site as "Don Felipe," passed away exactly one month ago today. He had only recently discovered Caray and loved it. It was one of our little delights. His Spanish was not that great, so he was really grateful for all the recappers comments and insights. We were loyal to EDNA, night after night.
Since his passing, I've thought so often of letting you know how you brightenned up his life. I just didn'tknow if it was appropriate to send this sort of e-mail. But I just couldn't get this off my mind. I know it must seem like a small thing. But really, this site was the first place he checked every morning and was so glad to post and participate whenever it struck him to comment. On behalf of "Don Felipe," Gracias.

I don't think it's inappropriate.

I'm really glad Don Felipe enjoyed our recaps and discussions; I do remember him commenting awhile back.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

Thanks so much for posting the Adios. As Julia said, it's completely appropriate.

This has been a great community of friends, and I'm glad Don Felipe enjoyed Caray, Caray.

I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you for your kind words.


Totally appropriate. If you can't celebrate the happiness this wonderful recapping haven had brought to "Don Felipe" then where else could you? Sorry for your loss. Here is to hoping that wherever "Don Felipe" is, he is singing "Caray, Caray!"

Like Don Felipe, I too enjoy and look forward to reading the recaps, even though I don't comment very often.

So sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing.
NJ sue

I am so very sorry for your loss. I remember Don Felipe as a poster and am happy that he had a chance to share his enjoyment of ENDA on this site with all of us.

The best to you at this very difficult time.

GinCA aka Gina

Would we be able to dedicate one of the future recap titles to Don Felipe? I am not a recapper but it seems it might be a nice tribute to a Caray ENDA fan.


Thank you for sharing with us. I remember Don Felipe's posts and he seemed to be an upbeat, good humored person. So glad that he and you were able to be part of the ENDA family. My thoughts are with you during this time. I am so sorry for your loss.


Dear Partner of Don Felipe:
Your kind and thoughtful words of tribute to your dear partner Don Felipe were very touching and heartfelt. I am new to this group, but already sense the close relationships that exist. I am very sorry for your loss and like others have noted, I am glad ENDA & Caray Caray brought Don Felipe a little extra happiness into his life each day. I will keep you both in my prayers.

Frank in IL

Bless you for taking the time to let us know what happened with Don Felipe. He made kindly appreciative comments and we always wonder what happened when commentes disappear from our blog lines and our lives.

Letting us know was thoughtful and I'm sure Don Felipe was very lucky to have you as a caring, commited partner.

I hope one of the ENDA recappers will dedicate the next recap to Felipe...and I also hope you'll continue watching and reading and commenting from time to time. This IS a family, and we grieve with you, and trust that you have many memories to treasure and many moments to think back and celebrate his life.

May you feel all the blessings and warm thoughts we are sending and wrap them around you like a cosy blanket this Winter. And keep in touch.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

It's weird, but I actually remember his comment about taking a trip to Real del Monte, and visiting all the places we know from the TN. I thought how wonderful it would be to join the excursion.


Dear partner of Don Felipe, I am very sorry for your loss. It is not inappropriate at all to inform friends about a loss. May his soul rest in peace and may you also find peace and laughter here on Carey,Carey. This sight is an unsuspecting support group for most of us.

Hanna, Md

I vote "yes" on dedicating a recap to "Don Felipe"

Maria - I think I remember that as well, although I am still new to this site.

Anon - My sympathy for your loss, wonderful that Don Felipe got to enjoy the ENDA world. Yes, for sure dedicate the next recap to him.

Many blessings to you.


My sympathies and condolences to you on your loss. I remember commenting about a month ago on the person who said they would like to travel to Real Del Monte to bring your own water. Clearly there was something wrong with the water already there. He will be missed.

Well, in order to really describe what happened in an episode, I need to take notes while watching. I am recovering from a bad cold and did not take notes. But I remember these things:

Eugenio Lizarde (César) compliments Paloma extravagently. He tells her the beca (scholarship) would open many branches of the art world to her. For example, his son is a specialist in art restoration. He draws Erick Elias to his side and introduces him. Gabriel is overjoyed to be introduced; Paloma is disconcerted. She treats him very rudely; he asks why her eyes are always so sad.

Everyone is milling around at Camila's to see if there will be a wedding. The asshat Samuel offers the judge a bribe to stay longer - with Camila's money. Orly overhears and tells him Cam is going to marry him.

In her bed RoMEna calls for Em to come up. She implies the survival of the fetus depends on his marrying her right there and then. He tells her that if the bebe doesn't survive, he's divorcing her in a NY minute. He finally caves, and everyone files into the room (except Diana who is getting sloshed downstairs and isn't invited into Ro's room). A quick and dirty ceremony is performed and they both sign the registry. Emiliano immediately runs from the room stony faced. Ro is partly heartbroken, partly enraged by this.

Cristobal tries to talk to Em, but he isn't having it and drives off.

German talks to Ro alone and tells her he's sure she'll be calling him to console her when her husband doesn't warm up her bed.

Maybe someone else can describe the awful drunken scene caused by Diana.

Cristobal meets with the fake dad and is told that Macarena was quite fogosa (passionate, hot to trot). The guy implies Mac was mad about him, but that he didn't want commitments.

Later on Cris seems to come to the conclusion that Paloma is not his daughter. He still doesn't square Mac having been with that shallow, worthless man. He wishes she'd told him the truth.

Carlota immediately catches on that Gabriel is interested in Pal. Gabriel commented (discreetly) that they met in church. She can smell a suitor for Paloma from a mile off. She starts in accusing Pal of having a boyfriend. Pal isn't standing for it. She wants to stay longer at the art exhibition, but Loca wants to leave. Pal convinces her she can get a ride back with the art teacher or Liliana. Yippee, she will get a little while without a dark shadow over her triumph.

Dear Anon.

Thank you so much for sharing this completely appropriate story and letting us know about Don Felipe. I also remember his comments and he was always upbeat and kind. I am sorry for your loss and will be praying for you and your family.

I can't believe Cris believed a word of what the fake Paloma's dad said.

Loved how Emilano stalked out after going thru with the forced blackmailed marriaged. Not even a perfunctory wedding kiss either.

Diana called out Camila and told everyone she's a golfa for trying to steal her husband. Orlando step up to protect Camila and told Diana and everyone that he and Camila are getting married.

Samuel is using Camila's money to bribe the judge? I thought Samuel didn't have one peso, unless he's getting money from RoMEna inheritance?

Sorry guys in yesterday day episode between Dr. B and German i thought i heard blood sample i replayed the scene over and it was about what they discussed before.

I guess from seeing RoMEna bleeding and everyone talking about the blood and how guilty German looked i jumped to that conclusion instead of listening to what was said.

Monday's is going to be good Carloca took out some special drops from her cabinet. The way she spoke it could be something like a date rape drug.

Emiliano runs to Paloma.

I thought Rafa was such a gentlman the way he handled the news from Orly that Camilla is going to marry him, and in the middle of all the ugliness from Di/Gud, too. I wonder what will happen with Rafa eventually.

I couldn't believe PJC believed the fake dad. They need to do a DNA test to be sure. Maybe fake dad was a way to delay that? Or if Rufi comes back he'll find out the truth?

Loca is hard to watch, acting like Pal wanted anything to do with Gabriel, being accusing and controlling. Ugh.

Since Orly used DNA to determine that Emiliano is his son, you would think he could use his higher level thinking skills and transfer that information to Chris and Pal's similar situation and suggest Chris use it to clear up the matter. And how could Chris believe fake Dad...he is as daffy as the rest of Real del Monte.

Did Germie suggest to Romina that he might pursue Paloma? Ha Ha. Of course he wants revenge but he is also is very interested in Pal's pesos.


Thanks for bringing that up, GinCA. I had forgotten that Germs said he might go after Paloma. And, of course, this is not the first time. Around the time of the movie theater, popcorn dropping episode, Germs said something about an interest in Paloma since Em and Ro were then a couple. Of course, the money has piqued his interest again.

He got a real rise out of Ro with that. The little witch can't stand for ANY of her novios to be interested in Paloma.

But, right after Germs said that to her, he told Ro that, since his friendship with Em was back in place, he would not betray him by going after the woman Em loves.

I think Chris believing fake Dad is a delay tactic. The other padre will prod Chris to look again (hopefully DNA).

Orly not suggesting DNA to Chris again reflects Orly lack of interpersonal skills. As has been said he's not bad, he's just not tactful either.

I did enjoy Emilano running out of the room after the ceremony and not even giving Romena a kiss. She really should not have manipulated him like that.

I also was thrilled to see Camilla blast Ro and Sam.

Karen ITA RoMEna is just starting to feel the careful what you wish for phase.

I enjoyed German taunting her with the fact who's going to keep her bed nice and warm.

Camila should just bring in the best therapist for her. Her singleminded stubborness and refusal to deal with the truth will be her greatest source of unhappiness.

She already is seeing that everything that she talked herself into believing and lied to others about being the truth, is making her unhappy.

I think Chris is too noble to go for DNA test behind Paloma's back. Poor Macarena, I can't believe a man who loved her so much had so little trust in her.


after watching the last couple of episodes if no one thought romina was crazy as heck then those episodes should prove it...
I feel so bad for Emiliano its like he has no say in his own life..everyone especially Romina is running it for him. :(

Kynyetta watching RoMEna extreme selfishness and craziness get worse by the second is fascinating.The fact she really thinks she can convince Emialiano to eventually love her the way she wants and desperately needs. It's like watching a car accident happening right before your eyes.

RoMEna believes that she is a better woman than her mother and knows how to hold onto her man. One of the driving forces for her is to prove this.

It's like she is trying to show Camila this is how it is done. RoMEna has always believed and blamed Camila for her failed marriage.

Once RoMEna finds out the fault was truly with Samuel and along with Emialiano coldness with her that hopefully should be her wake up call.

She's already been told it's a marriage in name only. He's only doing it for the sake of his child, he doesnt love her and never will.

Her refusal to accept this will be her heartache, she is just now beginning to see some of the fall out from her actions. Like losing her friendship with Paloma.

Does anyone remember what Romina actually said to Emiliano that made him go through with the marriage. My recollection is that she made him feel she needed him by her side so the baby would survive, but did she imply or say that if he didn't stay, she would see to it that the baby would not survive? Remember how she blackmailed him in the first place by threatening to abort? I missed the conversation and think it was important to provide Emiliano with a really strong motivation to marry her.

It looked like the art patron (Cesar Evora) found Carlota attractive. Did anyone else pick that up? She seemed to be shooting daggers at him, as he might be another potential source of her losing control of Paloma.

I liked the way Liliana and friends all showed up at the exhibit to cheer Paloma on, and especially that Emiliano had suggested it. Since Paloma is so bereft, it is good that she got the support from her friends. Also she indicated that she was missing Emiliano, her mother, and Rufi during this important moment --which was not too thrilling to Carlota.

It was a bit too pat that they were going to introduce her to Gabrielea possible substitute for Emiliano.

Also good for Ines that she would not support Diana in her plan to expose Camila, and that she cut out. It was not surprising that Diana had to be drunk and out of control to go forward with her stupid plan. I think this actress is good in the role. We see her shallowness and stupidity, but also the neediness and fear that motivate her. She is not evil in the way that Carlota is even though she does bad things.

In spite of everything, I think Rafael and Camila will end up together. And probably Orlando and Angelica will wind up together. He definitely needs an in-house shrink to help him become a more sensitive and with-it human being.


NJ Sue yeah i saw how Cesar Evora character seem very interested with La Loca.Just as she really isn't interested with Samuel, i think she'll use his attraction to prove to herself that other men are attracted to her.

RoMEna basically told Emiliano he would not have access to his child if he did not go thru with wedding.This was said after she had first asked him if he would still marry her if she lost the baby.

Camila really needs to hire this girl a good therapist.

Don Felipe’s partner: Thank you for your very moving posting. You are very kind to let us know about the loss Don Felipe who we knew as a delightful commenter. I was touched to read that he derived such pleasure from our warm and lively community of telenovela fans. My heart goes out to you. I hope you will check in with us from time to time.

Novelera, thank you for filling in this episode for us. It was much appreciated.

Maria, I agree with you that it's hard to believe that Cris would swallow fake dad's story. He knew Macarena when she was young and when he returned after all those years, she was the same person as ever. It would have been totally out of character for her to have tried to foist another man's child off on him or ever to have been involved with such a low life as fake dad in the first place. There was a very moving scene of Mac seeing Cris for the first time when he returned to Real del Monte. Everything in that scene spoke to how much she loved him and how devastated she had been all those years thinking he was dead.

Sue, I too was proud of Ines that she refused to take part in Diana's ugly plan. Hope she ends that friendship for good. I concur that the actress playing Diana is doing a good job. I've always seen her playing humble, timid, soft characters before so she's definitely got range.


I liked Karen's comment about Cris' doubt that he's Paloma's father being a delay tactic. I'm sure these writers stay up late figuring out how to keep balls in the air so that things aren't resolved before they've had a chance to air enough commercials.

Right now I'm wondering if the whole Cesar Evora and Erick Elias sub-plot was introduced after the novela started to get good ratings in Mexico - to keep things going. Not that I mind their characters. I think they're both doing a good job. I just prefer novelas at around 100 episodes or less.

Buenas tardes a todos; I'm late to the game on this episode but amen to what everyone said.

What a train wreck of a wedding! I loved it! My favorite part was when Emiliano shot right out of there without even thinking about kissing Romina.

Cris has been in Real del Monte too long; he's developing the same brain fog anyone under Carlota's spell eventually gets. Brief moments of clarity when he's about decided to believe what makes sense, then immediately falling back into the crazy lies loop.

I did learn a new word from this episode:

mequetrefe = mediocre person, pretentious loser.

Did everyone notice that Germs wore a tie in Romina's favorite color (green) to the wedding? Nice try at subtle suggestion; too bad she's so hellbent on her warped little plan.

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