Wednesday, December 09, 2009

ENDA Tuesday December 8. Nothing says “love” like a good old-fashioned poisoning.

Paloma wears her old-lady fuddy-duddy clothes and little-girl barrette to the church and tells Padre Juan/Cris she’d rather forget about FauxDaddy; PJC is the only father figure she wants in her life. He agrees he’d like to have a daughter like her.

Brave and/or suicidal Camila goes over to hostile Diana’s house for a chat.

Over in the House of Gloom and Doom, the Grinch gets an awful idea. She goes to her bathroom cabinet and pulls out the bottle of belladonna (what, you don’t keep some on hand?) and mixes up “the correct dose” in another bottle. She smiles smugly and says to herself that this is the perfect pretext to get some alone time with Cris. But who will be the pawn in this game?

Diana yells at Camila for stealing the man she owns. Cami retorts that men can’t be owned. “Only a slut would say that!” says Diana. Camila isn’t going to stand for Di’s insults, and says Diana drove Rafael away herself, and it must suck for Diana that both of her exes only want Camila. Diana assures her that both men will come back to her. (What will she do with both of them? Move to a compound and borrow dresses from Paloma?)

Edmundo feeds soup to Rufi, who is still in bed recovering from her stomach infection. She whines that she feels like she’s been knocked upside the head (cachetada = box on the ear). Ed says she’s better now due to the medicine and his tender loving care. She tries to throw him out repeatedly; he asks why she’s so difficult. Rufi says “they say the mule isn’t stubborn/churlish” (la mula no es arisca) and I don’t really quite know what she means by that…maybe that she isn’t deliberately acting this way to annoy him, it’s just how she is or how the situation is? That’s my best guess.

Edmundo begs Rufi to forgive and accept him. She thinks he’s living in a fantasy land because what they had was over many many years ago. He says it may seem like a long time to her, but it’s been like no time at all to him and he’s never stopped thinking about her. “All that time while you were married to someone else and raising a big loving family?” Rufi retorts. Ed says his wife Dolores was in dolor all that time knowing he was with her but in love with another lady (yeah, dude, that makes it better). Rufi says her family is Paloma, maybe even Carloca, but that’s it. (Well, what’s a family without a crazy antagonizer?)

Carlota makes Paloma a sandwich to pack for school. Paloma should not eat that sandwich. While she works, Carloca tells Paloma they can probably figure out a way for her to go to art school in Pachuca. Paloma says thanks but no; she’s going to take the scholarship. She’ll be able to start her studies here in Real del Monte and then continue in the Ciudad de México. After Paloma leaves, Cruel says to herself that there’s no way Paloma is going off to the big city. She’ll get rid of Rodolfo if she has to. Paloma can’t possibly leave her without his help. Carlota then starts in on the daily grind of abusing and demoralizing the new maid. Felipa doesn’t seem inclined to put up with much of this.

As Paloma heads out the door, shoving the sandwich (of death?!) into her bag. Emiliano is out on Romina’s balcony, glowing in the orange morning light. He smiles at her and looks all moony and drippy; Paloma gives him a brief stony acknowledgement and heads off to school. Romina bellows for Emiliano to come cater to her every whim. She wants some water, and for them to rent some movies to watch. (She says “rentamos” which I think is English creeping in... “rentar” in Spanish means to produce or yield). He asks what she wants to see and says he’ll get it for her. Romememena wants him to stay so they can watch together; it is their honeymoon after all. “No way; I have to go to work; call with a list of what you want and I’ll bring it; take care of the baby, buh-bye” and Emo is out of there. Romi throws a little tantrum.

Downstairs, Camila interrupts her phone call with Angélica to try to get Emiliano to eat some breakfast and encourage him to feel at home there. She tells him she’s asked Josefina to come every day to take care of Romina (subtext—he needn’t feel guilty about fleeing). Back to Ange, Camila sympathizes with her unrequited feelings for Orlando and says she didn’t mean to hurt her. She says she wants to marry Orlando but feels bad about how Ange is being dismissed, especially after seeing the way Romina snagged Emiliano and hurt so many people. Angélica tells her not to feel bad; it’s not the same at all. Cami and Orlando chose each other fair and square with no coercion (maybe just a little pushiness on Orlando’s part), and no one is to blame that Orlando didn’t feel the same way about Ange.

Juanita and Arcadia’s niece stroll in the marketplace and talk about lighting candles for the deceased. The niece says she’s been having dreams about both Arcadia and the gachupín (Spanish settler; I assume she means Iñaki). She thinks that’s strange because she was only a little acquainted with Iñaki; maybe the dead aren’t resting in peace. María, another maid, comes along and reports that Padre Juan has helped her get a job. She’s now working for Natalia, who is married to the gachupín’s father! What a small world.

Alonso goes to Germán’s office and fiddles with a cigar while saying he needs to see the will of Javier and Sagrario. He happens to have a whole briefcase full of cash which just might accidentally get left behind.

Back at home, Arcadia’s niece lights a candle on her little altar shelf and clutches an envelope which must be important.

Well, Germs listens fast when money is doing the talking. He hands Alonso the will and says he understands there were to be changes made. “How can the will be changed when they are dead?” Germy claims to not know anything about it, nor to have read it. So is this the original will which still says Paloma inherits at 18? Don’t know.

In her dark office, Carlota finds some letters of Mac’s in a box of documents and gets to work with a pen.

Alonso walks in a park and muses that Iñaki must have wanted to wait until after the wedding to tell Paloma about her inheritance and confront Carlota. Carlota must have suspected something, and pretended to accept Iñaki in order to keep him close, knowing the wedding would never happen.

Carlota writes some note, admiring her own cleverness.

In the school courtyard, Paloma tells Liliana she’s been thinking about Iñaki a lot. His death affected a lot of people. Paloma mentions that Romina suspected that Carlota may have killed him. Liliana says that’s crazy; only a sicko would even think such a thing.

Arcadia’s niece goes to the Iparraguirre home and explains to Alonso her connection to him without giving her name. She gives him the envelope and says she found it in Arcadia’s things and it was meant for Carmen, but since Carmen is no longer around she’ll give it to him instead.

Carlota puts the letter in an envelope and shuffles through her so-not-incriminating photos of Cris with Natalia, gloating out loud that she is such a genius and Cris will never see this coming, and now everything will change.

Natalia and Alonso talk on the phone with their invisible daughter Sagrario, who has somehow been away at camp when it’s still a school term for everyone else. Fortunately, she seems to want to go stay with her friend Ximena for a few days now that camp is over, so her parents still needn’t be bothered with her.

Carlota puts the letter in her purse and takes the two belladonna bottles from the cabinet. She pours more belladonna into the small bottle and says now it’s perfect.

Orlando tells Emiliano he knows things are difficult and their relationship has changed, but he’s glad he’s giving him a chance. Emiliano is over being mad at Orlando, now he says he’s becoming more disillusioned with his mother every day. Camila is a good person and doesn’t deserve the way Diana is treating her. Orlando is super diplomatic and says Diana is just impulsive and doesn’t think about other people. Fortunately, despite Diana, Rafael did a good job of raising Emiliano. I guess Orlando can be gracious now that he’s getting what he wants.

The shop ladies gossip about Diana. Some customers come in and then rudely sneer at Camila and leave, remarking LOUDLY that they heard the shop owner is a husband-thief.

Rufi calls Carlota and says she would have returned by now, but she’s been too sick. Carlota is nasty to her at great length and says they no longer need her services. Rufi is very distraught. Carlota says to herself that Rufi must never return; she’s the only other one who knows that Cris is Paloma’s father.

Paloma goes to Gabriel’s workshop to ask for a list of materials she’ll need for class, and can hardly bring herself to enter the room because then she would be In!A!Room!With!A!Man! Gabriel thinks she’s weird and says he doesn’t know how he’s going to teach her if she won’t come inside. Paloma reaffirms her bold new independent stance and takes a few more steps. Gabriel says he doesn’t know why she’s so sad, but she doesn’t need to wear armor around him.

Carlota visits Romeana and critiques her bedroom décor, which Romi does not appreciate. She would rather have advice on how to make Emiliano fall in love with her; she thinks he’s still hung up on Paloma. “Too bad for you; all the Espinosa de los Monteros women are hard to forget,” says Carlota. Romi thinks Paloma should go away and never return. Cruel says Paloma will never ever leave. No way. “But Paloma said she is leaving, and she doesn’t lie,” replies Romina. “Del dicho y hecho, hay mucho trecho,” says Cruel (there’s a big stretch between what’s said and what’s done). She recommends that Romina use witchcraft on Emo, or, better yet, ask her mother for advice. After all, Camila managed to inveigle (engatusar) both Rafael and Orlando and the whole town is talking about how immoral she is, so she must know how to do it. Romina looks furious. Insulting Camila is HER job.

Samuel calls Misery Manor and leaves a message for Carlota, saying that her admirer called and wants a date and won’t take no for an answer. After he hangs up he says to himself that if she doesn’t cave soon he’ll have to go back to the capital. He’s running out of money and Camila is proving even more difficult.

Carlota is changing clothes. She seems to think she looks very sexy in her sparkly sleeveless button-up gunny sack.

Gabriel gives Paloma a schedule of when he is available to work with her, calling her “princesa.” She tells him not to call her princesa or mystery woman. He says he sees a lot of mystery in her artwork. Oh, I’ll have to remember that euphemism for “lack of skill.” She says she doesn’t think it’s mysterious but he may interpret it however he likes. He must sense that he’s not winning her over because he says he has to get back to work. She sure is copping a lot of attitude considering he’s her teacher and really doing her a huge favor.

Felipa gives the admirer’s message to Carlota. This pleases Carlota so much that she tells Felipa she’s hired for good as Rufi won’t be returning.

Padre Mateo is heading out to bless someone’s house and Padre Benito is in Pachuca, so Cris is left alone in the rectory. UH-OH. So much for changing the locks. Carlota slips in immediately, and we get a full horror-movie zoom on Cris’s face as he turns around and sees her. When Cris walks into the other room to get away from her, she pours the belladonna into his drink. Then she gives him the letter “Macarena” wrote to “Juan” which proves Carloca’s claims.

After she leaves, he absentmindedly sips from the glass while deciding whether to open the letter, then swigs the whole thing and starts to open the envelope. Carlota spies from behind the door.

Paloma stomps home, griping about that awful Gabriel and his presumptuous friendliness. Emiliano sees her since he now lives in the street, and runs up.

Cris reads the letter and staggers around and clutches his throat. He collapses on the floor and loosens his collar.

Tomorrow: Will Cris survive? Also, Paloma wears more ugly new clothes and moons over Emiliano.


Excellent title, Julia. I saw bits and pieces of this last night and am puzzled by the dreadful "makeover" they've performed on Paloma. Both the haircut and the new style of dressing is beyond unflattering. Must be somebody's relative working in the wardrobe department. Awful. I see Evil is still running amok in Real del Monte. Oh my. Hold the fort. It has to let up sometime.

I love the deliberate contrast between good and evil as Carloca mixes up her poison at the table where her shrine is that she prays to on bended knee. She's so pious, even when she's alone in her room, yet she's responsible for two murders and countless other sins.

I don't think Carloca wants Cris dead, though, I think she wants to be the one who saves him. But we've lost sympathetic main characters before in this TN. If we lose PJC, then there's no point in trying to get to the bottom of the Pal and PJC relationship. We want to see them together (and him not becoming bishop of wherever that is).

Anon 9:25- That's three murders- Inaki's mom's maid, Inaki, and Mac.

Thank you for the recap Julia.

I haven't seen yesterday's episode, but if I saw it, I would be too upset at the bedtime. Though I don't believe Padre Cris will die. I think the potential victims of Carlota would be at this point Alonso, Rufi and Bermudes.

I saw the actress playing Paloma on Saturday on the red carpet of Telenovelas something. She wore her hair straight and long without the bangs and a hideous looking gown that reminded me of coffee with too much milk an whipped cream. I'm wondering how much say does she have about Paloma's wardrobe, because the style matched the ugly outfit from Monday's episode.

The only good thing about Paloma's makeover is that she does not wear those ugly rug doll dresses any more.


Julia i was reminded of the Grinch too when they showed a close up of La Loca and her latest plot.

Did anyone else see the avances for the whole week someone comes up behind Caloca and covers her mouth with a hankerchief. I don't believe Cris would do that, so maybe it's Alnoso.

He finally read the letter left by Arcadia. Why did it take her niece this long to give it to Carmen or someone related to Carmen.

How many people is La Loca planning to kill. While i can see her trying to kill Dr. B. and Rufi doesn't she think at some point people will become suspicious of her.

The fact now Paloma out of the blue brought RoMEna's suspicion that Carloca killed Inaki makes me wonder why is she all of a sudden thinking of this now?

Great snarky recap. Julia...too funny.

Camila somehow thinks she can talk reason into Diana'a crazy brain. She should know it doesn't work...the evidence is a lifetime of trying to reason with Romina. But she gave it a shot and I loved how Camila rubbed into Di's face the fact that Diana's two exes love her now.

Rufi, please marry mariachi man so you can hurry home to protect Pal. However, that does put Rufi in danger from Carloca since she knows Chris is Pal's father. And Alonso has seen way too much, Pal's inheritance papers and now Arcadia's letter (will it implicate Carloca in both Inaki and Arcadia's deaths?) Hope he doesn't reveal all to Carloca and not the police. Ha likely is that anyone calls the police. And as maria stated Dr. B dodged the bullet when Mac died but since he offered to a home in D C to Pal, he is back on the list.

Wow, Carloca gave Chris extra strength belladona. He went out so agonizingly fast What will she do to him now!

As mentioned before, it is creepy when Emiliano watches his true love heading off for school in the morning (not college but high school.)


Did Alonso have a chance to read Arcadia's letter or did he leave it on the end table?


Alonso put the letter in the book he was reading on the table. Why didn't he take the papers of Paloma's inheritance with him.

Emiliano needs to back off from Paloma now, since he went through with the wedding.

I hope someone catches Carloca before she does anything with Cris.He looks like he's too big and heavy for her to drag into his bedroom. So knowing Miss Looney Tunes she might pounce on him right there on the floor.

I agree Paloma makeover should be done over it's horrid. No teenager her age dresses like that.

We didn't see Alonso read the letter, but I hope he's not as fog-brained as Mac and will read it ASAP.

Rufi should stay away for her own safety, but call Cris and tell him everything she knows...making it clear that it is NOT a confession and he should feel free to go to the police. Have we even seen a police officer in this town yet?

What's creepier than Emo watching his true love head off to high school is the fact that his wife should be in high school, but was kicked out, and is pregnant.

I am anticipating with horror what Carloca plans to do to Cris. How can she be so sure of the dose? Iñaki drank enough belladonna to kill him and it took hours to take effect, and Cris collapsed almost immediately.

Julia remember the fight between Emialiano and Aron they were taken to the police station. After they were caught fighting on the street by two officers walking patrol.

Cris is a lot older than Inaki was when he was given the Belladona. I hope and pray that padre mateo or Benito walk in before La Loca does anything with him. I would even take the maintenance guy what was his name.

Thanks for the recap Julia. Your title was funny but the drugging wasn't. I am really concerned (not that PJC will die) about what Carloca may do to him. I am very afraid!

Thanks to Maggie for her recap on Monday.

I guess the Romena/Carloca alliance is drawing to a close. I wonder what will push Romena to rat out La Loca?

And I also hope Alonso reads the letter, does not tell everything, and bides his time and gathers evidence against Carloca.

Oh, good memory, Anon 1:39! I had forgotten that appearance of the police.

I think Crueloca's downfall will be much more spectacular than simply being arrested, but I still think it would be funny if she was. She would be SO CONFUSED about why anyone thought what she did was wrong. She is just trying to maintain the high morals of the town! Why is everyone so uncooperative?!

Thanks for the great recap once again! Now we know how Loca was going to manage it. How did she know Cris would be alone and with a drink no less? He should know to watch her like a hawk, though, if just to be ready to run the minute she tries to make a move. I'm worried, too, the idea above that maybe she wants to be his rescuer is a good possibility. I wondered if she wants to get him into a compromising situation. Or maybe with the supposed note from Mac she wants to make it look like he attempted suicide? Don't know.

Grim episode last night, hard to watch La Loca get her way so much. :(

Anon 9:48--Thanks for the correction. I started watching after Inaki died and only learned about him through flashbacks. I can't wait til tonight. I saw the hanky around Carloca, too. Who could possibly want to do her harm???

The RoMena-Carloca alliance may come to an end because Carloca told her she was on her own to seduce her new husband. I guess RoMena wanted her to engage in a little voodoo magic for her.

Great recap as usual, Julia.

I wonder if Carloca will come back to wash the glass Cris was drinking from. And what about the pictures?? What was that all about?? Does she want it to appear as a suicide because of the pictures??

I agree that Pal's makeover is the pits. Even her appearance at the awards, her gown/dress was a disaster!!!


RoMEna definitely did not like being told Paloma is not or ever will be leaving town. Learn how to seduce her new husband and she can get some good advice from her loose mother.

I don't see this partnership lasting long either.

I am curious though it seems La Loca has been using the Belladona for quite awhile.

I wonder if she had anything to do with the death of her father. remember they said he died from a heart attack. Even though she told Mac that their father opposed her marrying Cris. how do we know if this is the real truth.

We all know what a big liar La Loca is.

I'm pretty sure Cruel doesn't want Cris to actually die. She was going on and on about how she always gets what she wants, and what she wants is Cris in love with her. I really cannot grasp how she thinks this plan will accomplish that, though. Even if she does save him, won't he figure out that she was responsible for making him ill in the first place?

Why can't German stop being sleazy and stop lying for a change and tell the truth. Alonso paid him good money and he's still lying. What a sleaze.

I've suspected for a long time that Carloca was responsible for her father's death. It seems like the sort of thing she'd do, just to take control of the family. Also, Iñaki also died of a "heart attack." I'm not sure whether we'll ever find out, unless Carlota confesses it (maybe she will alone, talking out loud to herself).

Julia i thought so to at first then someone mentioned the heart attack. I didn't put two and two together even after what she did to Inaki.

Then when she brought out her personal supply from her medicine cabinet. How she seem so sure of the right dosage to use on Cris.

It just pop into my head head this heifer could have killed her own father. Especially if he gave his approval for Mac and Cris to marry.
She did say he had an heart attack after finding out Mac was pregnant and going to elope with Cris.

What if the father decided to let Mac marry Cris because she was pregnant. This pushed La Loca over the edge.

Outstanding recap, Julia, with lots of great lines. My fave was Emiliano “glowing in the orange morning light.” Great imagery! But beyond your fabulous humor, I give you an A+++ for Spanish. The captions were a disaster again last night and I got lost in a lot of scenes, particularly the one in the marketplace with Arcadia’s niece and Maria. Your comprehension is excellent.

Last time the captions were done by some amateur, it was happening in all three of the evening shows. I’m watching only ENDA, so maybe somebody can tell me if the other two shows are having the same problem.

I’m guessing the will that Alonso saw was the altered one, since it was still in its manila envelope.

I loved your line about Carlota being in a glittery gunny sack. I’m surprised at her wardrobe choices for captivating Chris, as she had some surprisingly sharp outfits when she went to Mexico City.

Paloma was very annoying with Gabriel. I hope that now she has bangs she hasn’t morphed into Mili from Guapos. She sure had some attitude going, very un-Paloma-like.

Maybe Romina will actually see the need to defend her mother. She sure didn’t like Carlota insulting her.

In this episode, the writers did a great job of creating suspense. I doubt Cris will die, but WHY did she do it? What would Carloca gain from poisoning him.


Maggie, I had to watch the scene in the marketplace three times. Mostly I do okay with comprehension, but those girls were talking fast and mumbly and using slang. I guess the challenge is good for me.

Paloma's attitude toward Gabriel is completely uncalled for. All he's done to her is try to save her from suicide (she claims she wasn't really going to jump, but she was CLIMBING OVER THE RAILING so you'd think she'd at least admit he had reason to believe she would) and tell her he finds her interesting and wants to get to know her. What a crime. You don't have to either date a guy or be rude and nasty to him just because he's interested in you, Paloma.

Now that I'm thinking about it, though, I can see where Paloma might be spooked after Aaron attacked her, and worry that even being the slightest bit friendly to Gabriel might lead him on and have bad results.

Julia, I found out one of my problems is that we moved to a house with high ceilings which are echo-y. Both my husband and I have iffy hearing, and we’re even having trouble with the English shows. A while ago, I decided to watch the Manana finale, though I hadn’t watched the show, and commandeered the new TV that I can plug headphones into. I was surprised that I understood most of it, even though I didn’t have the captions turned on. Unfortunately, I tape our telenovela with our old TV.

Did anyone else notice carloca was wearing a purple robe and i believe she had on purple strecth pants.

When she was walking down the street and got stopped by Samuel.

I think it's going to take realizing what a awful father she has and a great mother for her to eventually betray Carloca.

Unless carloca does something to upset her plans with Emiliano.

Pal is pretty innocent, so that is plausible, but she is being unnecessarily unfriendly. People like Loca and RoME seem to be blind to the effects of their actions, like they think they can just manipulate people like dolls or something. Of course, unless Cris wakes up a complete amnesiac, whatever her scheme is wouldn't work.

I thought it was interesting that RoME was bothered about Loca insulting her mother. That is so common that someone will complain and complain about a parent or a spouse, but if someone else says something they jump to their defense.

I can understand Rufi being upset about the ruse to get her there, I would be, too. But it's more to her good to stay with Edmundo.

Maggie, I'm in the opposite situation. I used to have a lot of trouble understanding because I can't hear well over background noise, but a few months ago the windows in my building were finally replaced, and it's so much quieter with the new energy-saving insulated ones that I've been able to turn the volume down WAY lower than I used to have it and I can still understand what they're saying better.

Ivy i am so glad Rufi is out of town because La Loca would have probably gotten rid of her already. They she running with her fake dad story.

Cris looking for Rufi she's safe right where she is for now.

Great recap, Julia. As always, thanks for the obscure vocabulary.

Carloca's plan baffles me. I had thought she was going to just make him woozy and jump into bed with him. Then say they'd done the deed a la Romina. But he looks pretty bad off and he fell down in the sala of the rectory, not in a bedroom. I hadn't considered she'd save him from her own potion so he'd fall in love with her. I was thinking of perhaps some incriminating photos of she and Cris in his bed, but I don't know how she'd take the pictures.

I agree that Paloma's behavior with Gabriel is not good. And it seems out of character for such a kind person. But maybe this is supposed to be the "new" Paloma, bitter from losing two loves in a row and determined to eradicate all testosterone from her immediate vicinity.

I'm starting to get tired of the Camila/Rafa/Orly triangle. She should never have agreed to marry Orly knowing she was in love with Rafa. She's planning to do just what she counseled her daughter NOT to do.

Great recap! We needed the humorous touch for such a "grim" episode. Ivy's name for it was "right on" as well as her idea of a staged suicide.
PJC is my favorite character in the show and I am holding my breath that Carlota didn't over dose him and kill him off. I think the prevailing opinion that "Chris won't die" is probably right, logically; but I won't be relieved until we see him awake and ok again.
On the captions, I'm glad someone mentioned them, because I was having trouble last night too and thought it was just my Spanish.
Yeah, the only time we saw the cops in Real Del Monte, was when they took creepy Aaron into custody after the fight with Emiliano resulting from Aaron's attacking Paloma. If they ever do investigate Carlota, it won't be hard for them to find the evidencia in her medicine cabinet!
Ann has been watching some good crime shows wondering about Carlota washing the contaminated glass and leaving the note and pictures.
Ann is also right about Germi. He has become pretty sleezy and I had higher hopes for him a while back. If he was a little smarter and more tactful, maybe he could take Romina off Emiliano's hands.
Can't wait for tonight's episode. Really enjoy the gal's critiques on Paloma's makeover and Carlota's outfits. Very funny and entertaining. Maybe Paloma "wants" to look unattractive so the guys like Gabriel won't be "hitting" on her. Her present style matches her somber mood.

Frank IL

Then Paloma should have been dressing like that from the beginning.

Well, Paloma has been dressing like a little girl or old lady for most of the show. I can't fault her for not knowing that ALL the young men in town are apparently into that.

Real del Monte is a kinky place.

Julia LOL! She must think they're all into it as apparently a number of them are into her! It certainly doesn't fend them off.

Julia kinky indeed after la Loca went butt naked to Cris room at the church i believe nothing can shock us now with the residents of Real Del Monte.

Can someone please put up a page where we can comment on last night's episode. Thank you.

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