Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gancho Tuesday Dec. 15, '09 It's A Rollercoaster Of A Romance Tonight

Well, it was a torrid night, filled with romance, drama, life-threatening allergies, life-threatening accidents, betrayals, emotional and physical abuse, and oh yeah....a little humor. But not much, campers! Not much. In short, quite a rollercoaster.

Here's what the writers served up for us tonight: Monita and Mauricio are smooching big-time at the amusement park and Dany notes with amazement( and a touch of horror) that they're kissing on the MOUTH. And how! And elsewhere in the park, Estrella and Aldo are strolling around while he reassures her that he's absolutely not jealous, ready to just be her buddy and perfectly capable of hearing about her tryst with Furia without a problem. As she gets in gear, sharing how she'll never have eyes for another man, not after those torrid, life-changing kisses with Furia, Aldo just smiles. Hey man, he's happy for her. Estrella looks more and more upset. And Aldo looks more and more smug. As well he might. What a confidence builder!

Tryst-wise, things aren't going as well at Gabriela's. Our Marlon Brando hunkalicious lookalike has been transformed into a swollen blotchy mess (face-wise anyway). Seems the appetizer snacks had crab (or crayfish) in them and he's wildly allergic. Finito romance. Finito escort service. For David anyway. Gabriela advises him to head for the hospital while she telephones the agency and asks for a replacement. Cold. Very cold. But she concludes the call in her usual polished way "Te agradezco infinito".

Let's get back to Estrella who's still raving about her fabulous interlude with Furia. Those kisses...ah, those kisses. Fervent with the yearning of an adolescent, yet meaningful as only the kisses of a mature man ,ready to fall in love, could ever be. More smug smiles from Aldo. But how about the rest? Did he take care of you? Did he use a condom (capuchón)? No, really, he reassures her....I'm not jealous, just want to make sure you were protected.

Estrella is really conflicted now. On the one hand she's knows that she's waited all her life for a loverman like Furia. On the other hand, she's crestfallen because her "cachorro" (cub) doesn't care for her anymore. And Aldo? He just keeps smiling.

Well, speaking of love...Dany has seen enough, thank you. Stop kissing! she yelps to M&M, and get me a dolly. Mauricio, try as he might, can't connect. So Monita steps up and yes, you guessed it, hits three in a row and wins Dany the little bear she wanted.

And our last glimpse of Estrella and Aldo? She concludes her ode to Superlover by saying "It was worth the wait. I will NEVER be interested in any other man." Our delighted Aldo muses to himself, "Not bad for my first time". Indeed.

Now let's take a big dive down into awfulness. Yes, Connie is on a real tear. It's as if she waited for Carlos to return before she really hit the dark side. She rips into Teresa who's preparing a tray for the incarcerated Luisa. And after insulting her as an "igualada sirvienta" (uppity servant) she makes off with the tray herself, muttering that she'll just eat it herself. (Carlos, I know she hasn't killed anybody yet, but I'm ready to take out a contract on her myself! Really!)

Back at the amusement park, night has fallen and it's time for our ill-fated lovers to part. Christian, Paula and Estrella are heading back to the barrio with Monita. Mauricio, Dany and a very self-satisfied Aldo must return to the house. But nobody can get Mau and Moni unglued from each other. More kisses, more hugs, more I can't say good-byes, more....whoops...Mau mentions that he made an "arreglo" (arrangement) with Connie that guarentees that she'll divorce him. And what "arreglo" is that? He looks uncomfortable and fails to answer. But even Monita knows enough to be worried. What is Connie if just playing with you? she muses. We break for ads while this loaded question hangs in the air.

When we come back, Monita is still worried. You don't want to answer me? The "arreglo" is THAT serious? Why ruin our farewell thinking about Connie, Mau reassures her. And just then the romantic music swells, there's more smooching, more plaintive good-bying, longing looks and finally, the two lovers slowly back away from each other, eyes still locked as their bodies draw further apart. Ay yi yi...what anguish. We viewers know some bad stuff is coming fer sure.

Back at the barrio, we have some lighthearted banter. Besos are being compared to criminal offenses and Christian and Paula have "committed" almost as many as M&M, but only to get Christian over his fear of roller coaster rides!. Beto emerges in a foul mood, snarls at Paula and Christian to "get a room" and then wades into Monita. He wants to explain what was really going on with him and Ximena that morning. Monita could care less. This enrages Beto even more, and after insulting Christian by telling him he lets Paula push him around (eres muy mandilón) he wants to know why everyone is so goshdarned happy. Christian's the one who inadvertantly drops the dime on our lovers and lets Beto know that Mauricio and Monita were together at the park. Sure, they shouldn't have been together...but who can fault them?...they're so in love, concludes Christian.

Well, we know who can fault them. And Mauricio's trying to avoid just that. Remember, mum's the word, he cautions Dany and Aldo. And in passing, he notes that he's really happy Aldo's over his infatuation (deslumbramiento) with Estrella. I mean, she's a nice lady...but way too old for you. And Aldo? He just smiles, the little dickens.

Alright. Smiles over. Teresa arrives with the story of Connie's mistreatment of Luisa, including preventing Teresa from taking her any food. Mauricio is furious. "Esto es el colmo" (this is the last straw!) We briefly hope for a real confrontation with the witch goddess but it is not to be.

Here's how it goes down. Vicious Connie is idly thumbing though a magazine when Beto calls. He gives her the 411 on Mauricio and Monita being together at the park, billing and cooing in front of everybody. Fully armed and dangerous now, Connie is ready to turn Mauricio every which way but loose. And she does. And calmly threatens Aldo with military school after our angry adolescent storms into her room. Clearly she still holds all the cards, even without Beto's betrayal of the lovers' secrets. But it's not over yet. For one thing, Nieves has overhead her criatura's cruel phone betrayal. What will come of that?

After the ads, the scenario unfolds. Nieves is pacing like the angry lioness she is. And Don Cesar is dying of hunger. When's he going to get some of those "enfrijoladas"? (a great concoction of beans, tortillas, Manchego cheese, chiles de arból and crema). Enter Beto who wants some too. And with lots of cheese, lots of cream, lots of.....Holy Moley, Nieves slams that big ol' plate of enfrijoladas right in his chest! Beto is stunned. Cesar is amused. And Nieves is just gettin' started!

I hate to leave this delicious scene but we find ourselves back with the despicable Constanza. She's mounting a glacial defense of her actions, complaining that the children don't respect her, don't treat her well and she's teaching them some manners. Mauricio huffily reminds her that good manners don't include striking a child. And let's face it. They don't like you and neither do I. Connie simply smiles and says "How's Valentina? And don't bother lying. I know very well that you two were together all day." This is Cold War. And a nasty one. Let's get back to the Hot War going on in the barrio.

Nieves is going after Beto hammer and tongs. But every time Cesar tries to join in, she swats him a good one. This is MY son! I'll handle it! In between swats, hair pulls and pummels, she berates Beto for betraying Monita. She's FAMILY. You grew up together. If you can't be loyal to family, you're beneath contempt. Hear hear!

Alas, back to the Cold War. Mau's trying to explain that their meeting was just a coincidence. They didn't plan it. If Connie doesn't believe him, well that's her problem. Oh no, you've got the problem, replies Constanza silkily. You broke the rules. So we're not separating and we're not divorcing. Ugh. She's got him by the short hairs for sure.

Back to the barrio again. Estrella wants Moni to tell Paula about finding Beto in bed with Ximena that morning. Paula can't believe those two are lovers. Oh yeah, mumbles Monita, he's got it goin' on with three women. And those are only the ones we know about, quips Paula.

More mayhem chez Nieves. She's belting Beto with shoes. Cesar joins in with some pillows. Cesar suggests running Beto off permanently. Nieves tells him to shaddup, this is between her and her son. Cesar, undeterred, suggested she use "el jab" when punching her offspring.

More insidious cold war at the mansion. Connie is coyly suggesting that since Mauricio is such a communicator, perhaps he told Monita about their making love the other night. No? He didn't?! Well, he left out "the most interesting part of the film". She'd better get right down to the neighborhood and let that chimpanzee know all about it. Mauricio begs her not to. She grabs her car keys and heads down to the garage, triumphant.

Things are still hot at Casa Nieves. She's not covering up for her son anymore. He's gotta tell Monita what he did. Beto's whining about being picked on, it's always the "perro mas flaco del rancho" that gets beaten. But sure, he's "macho", he can face up to it, he'll go tell her and zip! he's out the door, heading in the opposite direction from Moni's room, with Nieves and Cesar in hot pursuit.

Mauricio's in hot pursuit as well. First, he plants himself in front of Constanza's car, hoping to stop her. She starts up and accelerates as he jumps out of the way. Plan B. He gets in his own car and follows her. Night driving. Worried looks. A police siren wailing. More worried looks. More driving. Angst-type music. Bad stuff comin' doncha know.

In the meantime, Beto is dodging wildly through the park, our portly lovers chugging along behind. Momentary lull while Beto hides behind a tree. Then he's off again And starts to dart across the street just as Connie speeds up.....and hits him.

Well, it couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.

Mauricio appears to be confessing to Monita about his "arreglo" with Constanza.
Constanza is draped over Beto in the hospital, begging him to be strong and recover, for the sake of "our baby". Nieves, muy impactada, overhears.

cangrejo = crayfish or crabmeat
repuesto = replacement, spare part
panchote = not in dictionary, but from context, I'd say it was a "big scene" like what happened with Monita when she saw Beto in bed with Ximena
retentiva = memory (Connie mentioned this when she was chastising and insulting Teresa)
deslumbramiento = something dazzling, in this context it meant "infatuation"
afligida = very upset (Teresa)
esto es el colmo! ( a stock telenovela phrase. This is the last straw!)
el mundo es un pañuelo = lit. the world is a handkerchief. In other words, it's a small world.
andar de tapadura = act as a coverup....something Nieves is not going to do anymore
el perro más flaco del rancho = the poor picked on underdog. Beto's self-characterization
cachorro = cub, puppy
igualada sirvienta =uppity servant
capuchón = condom
arreglo = agreement, solution
mandilón= word to characterize man who's very accomodating with his woman

Dicho of the Day

Genio y figura hasta la sepultura You can't get a leopard to change his spots.

Question: Carlos thinks Connie is redeemable. If she is, this dicho is wrong, verdad? We shall see. Perhaps true love and a little Betito on the way will change her very ugly spots.


Susanlynn...let me join with Carlos and say that I'm partial to your original name and for the same reasons. I associate it with your hilarious comments and sign-offs. There are lots of Sue's and Susy's in the world but only one Susanlynn. Let's keep her.

Judy, Hey, I loved it. I know I keep saying it, but I love your delicately sweet brutal style. Coni is now so bad...she can only get better. I think Beto's accident may be the turning point...or not.

It sounds like you and I have the same affection for our Susan(lynn). Just as long as she keeps joining us, I'm happy.

I love the interplay between Estrella and Aldo. This should be at least a little icky, but...
His swagger, I guess, judging by what Estre says, is justified.


Hey all-

Just got in from the airport and decided to catch up on Caray. I've been out of town the last four days and seems like I missed some great episodes of Gancho and ENDA (I caught 5 mins of Monday's Sorti which I will mention on that line). Fantastic recaps though which helped me picture it all. Thanks recappers! :)

-Vivi (a shortened form of my name Vinette, but longer names like Susanlynn are lovely) in DC

Vivi and Vinette are both lovely...can't decide which I prefer. As a Judy among a gazillion Judy's in the 60 and 70age range (credit the Judy Garland rage) I love your unusual name.

Glad you're back safely from your trip and have time to catch up a bit on your "reading".

Carlos, the actor playing Aldo is doing such a great job with his gleeful, covert swagger (can swagger be covert? well...you know what I mean). I'm loving those scenes. Guess Tano is no match for our kid, either in or out of bed. You were right! What can I say? These two are meant for each other. At least in the short term.

Judy, you made a day at the amusement park even more fun. Loved your "torrid night" description - perfect. What an exceptional recap! "Marlon Brando hunkalicious" and "glacial defense" were excellent. The quintessential vocabulary and dicho. I'm in awe!

Can a leopard change its spots? As I believe in miracles, I vote a resounding "yes". However, Connie has been positive wraithlike recently. Pure venom. I am hoping a miracle does occur for Connie, for the baby's sake.

David's allergic reaction looked chillingly real, didn't it? I laughed how Gabi dismissed him - that was the end of that. A no nonsense gal our Gabi.

I don't think Estrella will be none too happy when she discovers Aldo's subterfuge so glad Aldo is enjoying himself while he can!

Looks like tough times ahead for Beto. Who would have thought? Expect the unexpected here.

Vivi/Vinette, always good to hear from you. Your comments are always so great.

Susanlynn, THE one and only. Please don't change your name - it wouldn't be the same.


I prefer Susanlynn, that is unless it is replaced by an appropriately piratey name for Corazon Salvaje.

Another winner Miss Judy! I love rollercoasters, the scarier the better, so I loved the amusement park scenes. As Diana pointed out the rollercoaster motif is absolutely perfect for this telenovela.

I am quite proud of Nieves for jumping to Monita's defense. Although she did go overboard on the whacking and yelling I'm glad she's not going to let Beto get away with being such an immature little bugger. Of course everyone will forgive him if he's in a, God forbid, coma. Wouldn't that make three for this telenovela?

Judy, most excellent vocab list this week. I could honestly slap Coni but I am still holding out for her redemption. In the end I just want everyone to be happy. She is not yet unredeemable.

Why does this telenovela always make me hungry?

Good morning Diana and Sylvia! Just got back from an absolutely freezing walk and feel like I need to put a blowtorch to my face to warm it up. Hmmm...no, let's take that blowtorch to Connie AND Beto.

The Clint Eastwood side of me enjoyed every bodacious whack that Nieves gave Beto. Let's face it. those whacks were probably about 30 years overdue.

I can't imagine Beto in a coma but if he is, it'll only be an episode long, right? In the meantime, we can get out the skillet and cook us up some "enfrijoladas". Anything with beans, chile, maybe a little onion and garlic, cheese and crema sounds divine to me. Especially for a second breakfast!

Hi Judy... Excellent recap. Are you thawed out from your walk yet? You're a brave one. I had to make a quick trip out first thing today - I grabbed a scarf to put over my sweats - it was a chilly ride until my car finally warmed up!

I agree about the blowtorch for Coni. Beto just needs a bucket of cold water!

Can't stand Coni, how can she be so mean to those younguns. But, the actress is fantastic, heck, they ALL are.

Good morning Emilia...well, my upper lip still seems numb but otherwise.

Yep, agree that the actress playing the Abominable Constanza is excellent. She can do the cold arrogant punitove bitch to perfection and then switch to vulnerable, confused and hurt with equal adroitness.

Being an Appalachian American, two first names are just fine. I do think, though, that Susan Lynn would be better than Susanlynn, but why quibble?

Coni: she is so far gone... It was fun to see her show some T&A last night when she screamed right before hitting Beto with her car.

You understand I mean Tonsils and Adenoids, right?

That was a great thread yesterday about food, wasn't it? And mi esposa turned our Outback doggybag steak into some superb quesadillas.

How is it that just mentioning the word "food" makes me hungry!? I like the combined Susanlynn just because it isn't like Bobbie Joe, or Billie Ray or...well you know..

My dad's name was Elbert Brevard but you can bet his work colleagues called him "Ray" (for Rayburn). Man, what a moniker! He was a "junior" and there is an Elbert Brevard III AND IV, but I believe my nephew is the last of his line.

I also like Susanlynn. LIke you mentioned, anybody can be Susan Lynn. Judy, my dad's name was Ernest Helvin, so he was called 'Doc' although he wasn't a doctor. He was very fair and blushed easily, so his army buddies called him 'Sundown'!

Oh my, these family stories! My dad had dark hair so his other nickname was Blackie. This evolved into a "Blackie the Cow" game that he played with both us and our children when they came along. Christmas is a good time for memories, isn't it?

Imagine Christmas in the Sermeno household!!

With or without Constanza? If Coni is still around I know someone who is going to get a lump of coal in her stocking.

Whew, what a wild ride! I admit I didn't like much of this episode. Too much yelling and pounding (though Beto certainly deserved it). I enjoyed it much more in your adept retelling. An episode without Ximena just isn't the same to watch, though.

As much as I hate deception of good people, it's nice to see Aldo floating on air for a bit. He's been beaten down so much.

I am so done with Constanza. The topper for me was when she was whining about how she has to live in that house where everyone is so mean to her. Um, NO, you don't, Coni. You can move out at any time. I wonder whether Mauricio will remember that he gave her money to "buy an apartment" and ask what happened to that plan.

Ah, Christmas in the Sermeño household....my mother (last of 10) used to get promised not only coal in her stocking but some switches too.

Maybe because I grew up with some lively yelling and swatting, that part didn't bother me. (my younger brother could absolutely push every button both my parents had). It's the silky smooth rapier cruelty of Connie that makes me ill. Her ability to say humiliating, denigrating things to people really really bothers me. At those times, Gancho seems too much like a telenovela. I prefer the madcap fun, even if it involves belting with any shoe handy.

As for Aldo, that smug, secret little smile is the cutest thing ever. May he always feel like such a stud!

Let's just be grateful that Nieves didn't use her cow purse for the Beto Beatdown. It's too cute to get trashed.

Or that wonderful, fake fur (ocelot or leopard?) shrug she put in to compete with Jacqui's fur coat. The wardrobe people for this hilarious show are as good as the writers.

Very true. And if the human form is a canvas then these wardrobe artists have hit paydirt. All the ladies must be a dream to dress, from the elegant Gabi, to the hot and shapely Moni/Pau/Estrella, etc., to the svelte and stylish Xime and Coni, to the fun and anything-goes Nieves. Wouldn't it fun to have this job?

Actually, since I totally HATE to shop, I'd probably be a miserable wardrobe person. A chronic Miss Crankypants for sure. But I admire the taste and pizzaz of the folks doing this particular job, and once again, to my surprise, find I'm thoroughly enjoying this show. First telenovela that I haven't had some underlying issue with....

I worked in the costume shop of the university theater department part-time while I was in school, and it was the best job I've ever had. I like making and altering things and there were always interesting, fun people in there and new and wild costumes to make or put together all the time. I don't think I would like all the shopping, though.

The other day Alex on Sortilegio was wearing pants that looked just painfully tight, and I wondered how the wardrobe people got away with that. I suspect that he normally wears such perfectly-fitting clothes because they keep calling him back for fittings as often as possible.

I loathe shopping too. I would have some trendy staff to do that icky bit for me. However I'm a pretty good seamstress and would quite enjoy working on the wardrobe for this cast. I think my favorite would be Nieves. My inherent odd taste in clothing and accessory coordination would be put to very good use I think.

There ya go. We just need to delegate.

Yes, I must say, per Sortilegio, Alex' and Fernando's pants seem tight enough to induce sterility. I would be perfectly happy with those seamed ,biceps-hugging shirts with no need to put the boys' baby making equipment in such jeaporady.

Great recap, Judy, fast-paced and fun. And LOTS of vocab -wow!

I'm a forgiving person, and I'm hoping Coni gets redeemed. Not that it's a valid excuse, but I think her maltreatment of Luisa, Terry and Mau stems from her frustration at not being able to admit she loves Beto. It's sort of a psychological thing. All of her upbringing tells her it's impossible to love a poor, uneducated guy. But her unconscious desires are struggling to surface, and the conflict is coming out in the form of meanness. Oh, and she's pregnant, too, which on telenovelas can affect one's mental stability.

I'm hoping that the accident with Beto will finally crack her shell, and she'll be able to allow her repressed love to surface. Also, I hope that she then becomes nicer to everyone else.

If not, bring on the anvils!

Is it possible that CONnie could go to jail for hitting Beto she was speeding when it happened. Then Mau could get custody of the kids.

I still say he should put his money in Monita name that way pre-nup or not connie would be limited to what she could get. Where is his lawyer anyway.

first connie abuses Luisa
then runs Beto over shouldn't someone report this to the authorities might be a reason for her to lose custody.

If they wanted to get serious about getting the kids away from the ConsterMonster, they could also mention to a judge the way she used to yank Dani around, and the time she tried to seduce Aldo.

Thanks for the recap Judy. You got a busy night.

I think Coni is just a mean girl, se grew up being able to say anything to anybody and she didn't learn to meassure the effect of her words and right now she is very unhappy and is lashing out to all the people she can and, as Hombre reminded us, she is pregnant.


Wow...fun to get back and read the comments. Was teaching class and then putting on a birthday party for two of my students who are 90 and 92. The 96 year old can no longer make it to class, but I'll bring her cake, Christmas cactus and balloon to her assisted living tomorrow.

Hombre...what a sweet guy you are. And true...part of Connie's evilness stems from being unhappy. But I'm sure you've been unhappy and frustrated at times....did you ever lash out like that? And I've been pregnant a number of times and it didn't affect me THAT way.

I like Ebony's idea of getting Connie in trouble with the law. And Jarocha, you're absolutely right. Connie is the quintessential MEAN GIRL, now grown up into a POISONOUS WOMAN. But maybe true love will straighten her out. Love always seems to be a miracle worker in telenovelas.

Wow, students who are 90 and 92? They are my idols! When I used to work in a sewing prototype place I had a customer who contracted us to make a custom cover for his home built airplane. He and four or five pals built it but he was the only one of them who could pass the physical to fly it. He was the oldest at 94.

Judy, you are a sweet soul to remember your students on their birthdays.

May we all still be taking exercise class at 92.

When I was in grad school I took a building materials conservation class and went along with a classmate to visit the owner of her semester project (a really old farmhouse, which had a strange sort of brick-and-iron oven built in and a REALLY steep staircase). The owner was a firecracker of a 94-year-old lady, who had been living in that same house since she got married more than 70 years prior. She submitted her house for a materials conservation study because she wanted to turn it into a bed-and-breakfast which she would run as a fundraiser for a local charity. She would have been a hoot in aerobics class.

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