Friday, December 11, 2009

Un Gancho #121 Thurs 12/10-Oh what a night, seemed so wrong but now it seems so right.

Alternate title: It's Ladies Night!!

Tonight was a great night for most of the ladies, don't you think? Let's see what happened...

We recall from last night that Mau has set up the double date from hell (Coni's hell anyway) by insisting she join him, Beto and Xime for dinner. Beto and Xime can't seem to keep their hands off each other and the charade is making Coni steam. Mau excuses Beto so he can speak to Xime and Coni alone. Mau asks Coni why did Ximena tell him she (Coni) is pregnant? Coni's eyes throw daggers at her amiga.

Now we have some clever wordplay with Xime sidestepping and saying she didn't tell Mau she told Beto because she can't keep a secret from her lover of course. She throws in an y tu mama también and some other stuff while Coni nervously avers there is no way she can be pregnant because they are GETTING A DIVORCE, this is all a confession, er confusion that is Xime's mistake (more dagger eyes). On Monday she will see her gynecologist to prove it. Dagger eyes from Ximena. Dagger eyes from Coni.

Nieves Pau and Moni are having lunch and talking about what a great pair Fantasma and Furia make. Nieves thinks this is Beto's chance to make the big time and actually earn money. "To spend on chelas (beers) and women," guffaws Paula. Nieves notices that Moni is pensive and asks what fly is biting her (what's eating her)? Moni says it's because Estrella hasn't come back yet. Nieves makes a crack about Furia and Estrella being in full cuchiplancha by now. Moni jumps up to make a phone call. Ooh jealous.

Meanwhile, over at the Furia hideout, Estre is trying to unmask her silent Fury when her phone rings. "Estrella Falcon Actríz." Gotta love her professionalism. Furia eavesdrops from behind his cape while Estrella talks to Moni, gushes over him and blows him kisses. Moni cautions her about rushing into the romance too rapidly but Estre is done talking, tonight is her night for love. A forlorn Monita hangs up the phone while Nieves and Pau nod their heads knowingly.

Estrella gets back to buggy business with her green mantis. He's clearly interested but refuses to remove his mask. She reasons if you won't remove your mask how can we kiss? Her idea is she'll wear a blindfold. She slaps her shapely tush a couple of times with a black scarf and invites Furia to blindfold her. Furia covers her eyes, rolls back his mask and lays a big romantic kiss on her. Dang, I found this scene kind of hot. Excuse me while I get a glass of ice water. Whoo!

OK, that helped. We are back at the restaurant and Beto has rejoined the trio. He and Xime are having a grand time pretending to be lovers. Xime gets close to him while Coni steams. He calls Xime his queen while Coni steams. He rubs noses with Xime while Coni steams. He makes goo-goo talk and says she tastes like strawberries while Coni steams. He cops a feel while Coni steams. Mau scolds Xime for cheating on her husband, he doesn't understand how she can love Beto. Coni blurts out she doesn't understand either! Beto does a Coni or fresa imitation (not sure which), que paso, que paso? Brilliant!

Back at the love shack Estrella is dizzy from her romantic kissing with Furia. She waves her arms around and begs Furia to kiss her some more, he's such a MAN. And he does. "Make love to me" she begs. Aldo hesitates but she persists, throws her leg over him, and tells him to get a condom from her purse because she's prepared! (Good PSA, nice and short.) He rifles through her purse, pulls out a condom, hesitates and pulls out another one. Yowza, you go kid!

At the restaurant Xime tells made up stories about how she and Beto got together, he was her trainer yada yada love was inevitable. Coni has about melted with rage. Mau is not so happy either. I, however, am enjoying myself immensely. Beto says they are madly in love but the only problem is that she is married. Mau has an about face, he didn't realize they were so in love, and announces he will help Rolu see the light and give her a divorce. "De verdad?" they exclaim in unison. Uh oh, Xime and Beto are impactados.

Rolu is at home sulking. Jero joins him and they toast to unfaithful women, women who toss them over for someone else. Jero whines how could Jacqui dump him, young and handsome, for that old dude Sal? Rolu says how could Xime dump him for that naco...Beto! "Beto?!?" Jero is incredulous.

Beto publicly snuggles and asks Xime if she wants to get a hotel room with scratchy towels. Coni can't stand it and tells Mau it's making her sick, she wants to leave. As she departs Beto and Coni glare at each other. She gives him one last look backward so he gives Xime a kiss on the lips as a final kiss-off to Coni. "Wow," Xime says as she kisses him back, hard. "No wonder Coni goes nuts for you."

Jero is baffled by Beto and Xime, he thought Beto loved Coni. Rolu is baffled because he is used to women falling all over him. Xime on the other hand is having an affair in front of his eyes. He tells Jero that Xime is exceptional and he never thought he would suffer because of her. The boys pine over the exceptional women who are cheating on them and proceed to get drunk. They're pathetic, but decide to fight for their loves.

Gabi is looking up model agencies in the phone book. She wants to hire an Adonis model, young but not too young, happy, dark, blue or green eyes, full lips but no collagen, well-chiseled muscels, elegant, well dressed, most importantly a real gentleman. Money is no object and she'll begin interviews tomorrow. She may not be able to compete with Jacqueline but Sal will know that she can have an Adonis in her life.

It looks like Estrella, still blindfolded, has woken up from a very satisfying evening of love, the best ever. She sighs and says she will never forget this night. I know I should think this is wrong, but the writers did a good job of making it feel right.

Aldo is taking a taxi home and has what is called a "s**t eatin' grin" on his face, i.e. he is deeply satisfied and somewhat amazed.

Rolu is a bit tipsy by the time Ximena comes home. He tells her he's in love with her, he's suffering thinking of her with el Fantasma Vengador. She tries to tell him it's not really true but he interrupts. He begs her to give him another chance. He'll be the perfect romantic husband. OK, OOPS, she lets slip that she and Robi are lovers but maybe she won't dump Rolu for Beto after all. Rolu grabs her and smothers her with kisses. Hmmph, we'll see, but well played Ximena.

Enough of the fun stuff, let's dive down to the dismal domain of Mau and Coni. They bicker because she didn't want to stop at the pharmacy to get a pregnancy test. We find out he didn't use protection that night (dope) but surely she couldn't be pregnant and he wants to move forward with the divorce. Coni's all No way could I be pregnant but if I were boy howdy that sure would change things and I could never split up with you. Cara impactada de Mau.

Our dunderheaded hero blows his stack while Coni lies and says no no it can't be...but they should consider the possibility. Mau calls himself stupid and of course he's right. He insists she go to a pharmacy right away for a pregnancy test so they can move forward with the divorce. Tere interrupts to tell them she can't find Aldo anywhere.

Estrella writes a note to Furia, kisses it, and leaves it on a cushion for him.

Back at the barrio Monita is preoccupied but won't admit it to Nieves. Nieves says she knows Moni like the palm of her hand and Moni doesn't like Estre playing la tanga fácil (I think this means sleeping around) with Furia. Moni denies it and says she just wants Estre to be happy. Nieves snorts that Estre changes men about as often as she changes her chones (undies).

Coni badmouths Aldo but Tere sticks up for him. Coni says he's a bad seed and suggests they send him to military school. Jacqui reacts negatively to this and reminds Coni she was no angel as a kid. Remember when she was in school and kept getting expelled for kissing all the boys? She had to change schools three times until Jacqui was ready to send her to school with the nuns. Ay, she was precocious for her age! Mau and Tere are highly amused.

Moni complains to Pau that Estre isn't around, she's worried about her. Speaking of the queen of Rome, who should walk up in the best mood ever? Estrella, that's who. What a marvelous night, what a man! She loves him she loves him she loves him! She talks as fast as a gatling gun. He's so mysterious, she had to wear a blindfold. Pau wants all the details, how is he...down there? That's it for our silently suffering monkey, Moni has something else to do.

Moni seeks refuge in her cute little house and lights a candle to the virgin. Then she pouts and recalls Furia. Head in hands she asks why does he affect her so much?

Aldo arrives home and his bliss turns to bummer as Mau jumps down his throat. Aldo tries to explain but the grownups don't want too hear. Coni butts in like the shrewish harpy she is. Mau tells him no more mistakes, this week he's calling the military school and that's his last word. Coni smirks.

Estre goes on and on to Pau that the Furia is a fury indeed. She says he is that man she has always looked for. Estre couldn't be happier, Monita is acting a bit odd though. She must really be missing her prince. "Dang I'm tired," she says. Ya think?

Drunk Jero staggers up to Jacqi's pad with his mariachis in tow. They start their sad refrain as Jero, gripping his tequila bottle, wails drunkenly for his Jacqueline.

Inside, Aldo tries to plead his case while the mariachis and Jero obliterate the conversation. Jacqui looks pleased as punch as the others try to talk over them. Jacqui is finally persuaded to go out and try to quiet Jero and the Mariachis. Speaking of quiet, Aldo asks coni to please shut up. Has she forgotten the filthy things she did to Mau to get him to marry her? He tells Mau what Coni did to them is far worse than anything he's done. Point to Aldo.

Luisa, Katia and Dani stare out the window at the romantic scene outside. Katia is sure that her mama will kill these guys and send Jeronimo packing. Instead Jacqui grabs Jero's tequila bottle, takes a swig and joins in on the refrain.

Aldo claims he's not the only one lying, Mau has been lying too. Why doesn't he tell Coni who la Furia Enmascarada is? Mau is impactado. Coni looks confused.

Has Aldo played his cards too soon?

Mañana: Coni tries to ruin Jero and Jacqui's fun, but instead of making the mariachis go away Jacqui invites them inside. Mau gives Coni the pregnancy test. Later he begs her to tell him she's not pregnant. Oops.

Some of these are repeats but they are worth it.

Chelas = beers
Chones = undies
Cuchiplanchar = the horizontal bop
Que mosca te pico? = What's eating you? (Lit. what fly is biting you?)
Una tanga fácil = someone who sleeps around (Lit. easy underwear? not sure)


Hey, Sylvia...I'm all for "repeats". They say you have to come across a word 5 times before it's fixed in your mind. And for me, I think the number is about 10 times. So repeat away, amiga! (And remember, you were my first vocab teacher so I'm beholden to ya'.)

Loved your refrain "while Connie steams". That scene was so utterly delicious, I'm thinking of saving my tape and recording on other ones. Exquisitely played. Showcase on Ximena so I hope Carlos has a chance to see it. She was really awesome. And so was Beto.

The writers DID find a clever way for Estrella to bed Aldo without it seeming wrong. I laughed out loud when I saw Aldo take out a condom packet...and then grab a couple more. Ah youth!

Your title was great too and now that song "Oh what a night" will be going through my head. Love it when my brain has a music soundtrack.

Last night was such a great episode with so much clever dialogue. I wish I'd had the time to do some direct translations but alas, just not enough time. If any commenters want to share a favorite phrase or two or three please do!

The ladies of the cast really glittered last night. Even crabby Coni was on fire. What a cast, they just keep getting better and better.

When Aldo was dressed in the Furia costume at least it looked a little wrinkly on him. In reality it would have been way too big. I decided to suspend reality completely with those scenes and I'm glad I did, the experience was much more enjoyable.

Sylvia, beautifully done, what great descriptive writing. Thanks! I've certainly missed a lot of action on the Gancho front but thanks to you guys I'm up to date. I'm planning on a little Gancho marathon when we get back.

I wonder if Aldo is going to have any pangs of jealousy about Estrella being so enthusiastic about being with la Furia Enmascarada once he descends a bit from the clouds. Beto and Ximena? This must be delicious. Coni steaming? Pobrecita. Rolu pouting? Pobrecito.

We leave today, but this has been wonderful. Perfect weather. Beautiful hotel. Beautiful quiet but lively island, and above all, truly wonderful, super friendly, hospitable people.

Yesterday, Capt. Reuben, Gustavo, and Baltivar took us to the bird sanctuary island for the day. They prepared a glorious lunch for us featuring snapper grilled in a Mayan style. It was heavenly. I've never seen such large and so many pelicans in my life. The way they would dive headlong into the water at blinding speed was awesome. We were kept company by small iguanas, a manta ray, and zillions of hermit crabs. Truly a memorable day.

Sadly, we leave this afternoon , but I'm looking forward to reuniting with Bonnie Belle and Jack, as well as catching up with the folks at Gancho.


Love hearing about your vacation Carlos. It sounds heavenly....especially since it's been bitter bitter cold here, and without the snow to make it beautiful.

You MUST see this episode with your own eyes. Lots of closeups of Ximena and lots of hilarious lines and smooching. A tour de force.

Glad Mr.Jack and Bonnie Belle will be seeing you soon. Traveling Mercies.....

Sylvia, thanks for another, fun, happy, entertaining recap. I especially liked "buggy business with the green mantis" and "dunderheaded hero". You're right, the ladies (except for Moni) did have a fine time.

Mau is really so dumb, I just don't think he deserves Moni. 1) He thinks he can explain to Rolu why Rolu should get a divorce. Doesn't Mau remember that Rolu hates him, and would never take his advice on anything? And who is he to give advice, anyway? 2) He never gives Aldo any chance to explain, just condemns him to be punished w/o hearing a word. 3) He didn't use protection with Coni, he stupidly gave in to Coni's one night thing, etc., etc., I could go on and on. How is he the head of big company?

Of course, he means well, and I guess Moni will forgive him ONE
DAY, way off in the future, because if she finds out that he slept with Coni and she's pregnant....we know it's not true, but it looks like a lot of tears coming up for our main two.

Yes, we do have to suspend reality a bit with Aldo in the costume, just as we did in the wrestling match, where the Mau stunt man was about the same height as the Beto stunt man. I almost thought Aldo was going to try to fake that Argentinian accent, but he got by on the costume alone. Estrella is funny - hope she (and Aldo) aren't too disappointed when the truth comes out.

Holy cannoli. I was a little surprised that Aldo went through with it, though of course I shouldn't be. It's so deceitful. I'm sure they both enjoyed it immensely but the fallout is going to be massive. I envision a scenario in which Monita finds out Mauricio is the Fury and thinks he's played bumper cars with Estrella, among other things. Of course, Estrella should know better than to bed a guy without knowing who he is. I mean, what if it was Jero? Ewwwwwww.

Mauricio is such a moron. No protection? Really?! He just doesn't have a leg to stand on, telling Aldo to act smart and think of the consequences.

Oh, I forgot to say thanks for the recap. I laughed all the way through.

Ximena is just 110% at absolutely every moment. If the actress doesn't win every award available, there is just no justice.

I agree, Julia. That actress is an award winner across the board. Stands out...even in as fine a cast as this one.

Please help me! My tivo did not record last night! Where can I see the whole episode online? Thanks! Robyn

Cut and paste the entire URL and you should get the episode. Good luck.

Thanks for checking in Robyn.

Julia, there were so many things that in reality would be wrong with the episode between Aldo and Estrella. As a fantasy however,it was pretty darn fun.

Mau is so darn dumb! What a buffoon.

Wasn't Jacqui great?

Oh, I enjoyed it thoroughly. I just think it's going to blow up in wild and wacky ways and won't necessarily help Aldo with his longer-term objectives...which will also be fun.

Remember how Aldo tried to convince Estrella that if she couldn't get off the ground with Furia, she should come back to him? Well, now she thinks it's all a go with Fury. So that's the only way Aldo can get to her...but now that Mauricio knows that Aldo knows he's Fury's alter ego, Aldo will probably have a much harder time accessing the bat cave and costumes. He overplayed his hand.

Good point Julia. In effect Aldo has trumped himself to be Estrella's beau. This story line seems very Shakespearean what with people disguised as other people and the true love mixup. I can't wait to see what happens when Mau finds Estrella's note. We're not exactly sure what she wrote yet.

Silvia thank you for the recap. I loved all your descriptions and I loved your: "Cara impactada de Mau". I've noticed that sometimes recappers have trouble using the correct gender with the words but you have a handle on that.

Mau is impulsive sometimes, he sees himself as the head of the family, which includes Xime and Jero, and he wants to try to fix everybody and their problems when he can't even fix his own.

Let's see how Estrella reacts after finding out Aldo was his Furia for the night.


Thank you Jarocha. Whenever I write something in Spanish I try extra hard to make sure I do it correctly. Even so it's hard to correct oneself, so if (when) I do make a mistake I hope you will let me know so I can correct it.

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