Friday, January 01, 2010

Gancho Friday, January 1, 2010, Part One. It’s a new year, but little is new in our show. Can you spell “extension?”

Alternate title: Why are the villains smarter than the heroes?

Hi, folks. This is episode 136 of about 220 episodes. We remarked last week that the show seemed to be almost wrapped up. Apparently, though, it was extended. How do writers extend shows? Two ways. Introduce a new character, or give us shows with lots of talking, but in which nothing really happens (like every Seinfeld episode). They’ve combined both approaches, as we have a new character (Rolu’s brother), and just about nothing happened today (except lots of talking).

I’m going to New York Saturday for another Metropolitan Opera, so I may not be able to give you too much detail of the nothing that happened, but I’ll give it a shot. This time, I’m seeing the opera Hansel and Gretel, by Engelbert Humperdinck (no, not the pop singer who sang Release Me in 1967, whose real name was Arnold George Dorsey, the real Engelbert Humperdinck was a German composer who wrote Hänsel und Gretel in 1893). It’s a beautiful work, and of course concerns two innocent children, who get lost in the woods, only to be captured by an Evil Witch. Hmmm, OUR novela has two “lost children” (Moni and Mau), who are sort of captured by an Evil Witch. But there’s a problem. Connie can’t cook, so that oven thing’s not happening. Oh well, let’s check out the “nothing” that DID happen.

We begin by revisiting the scene where Estrella is in bed, having just fainted. We never do find out what was wrong with her in this episode. Moni tells Estre and Paula that she’s invited both Mau AND Furia to Xime’s party, and no, she’s not going to forgive Mauricio. In fact, she wants him to see that she’s moved on with her life, and has a man by her side. Estre thinks it’s low to use jealousy as a weapon, but Moni says she really does have feelings for La Furia. If she could fall in love again, it could be with him. She goes off to get dressed up for a lunch or dinner date with Furia. As she goes, Estre (who knows that Mau and Furia can’t possibly meet each other), mutters, what a mess (qué bronca), although Paula doesn’t really know the half of it.

Mau is at Furia-central, wearing the costume without the mask, as Aldo relates Estrella’s fainting incidents. Mau feels that Aldo is demonstrating that he is more grown up than before. Although he’s seeing Estrella, he’s maintaining both his grades (calificaciónes) and his job. Mau then tells how his situation with Moni is getting dangerous. She now has feelings for La Furia. He’s sort of fallen into his own trap – he wanted to be close to Monita, but now she’s attracted to another guy – La Furia. Aldo thinks it’s funny, you’re jealous of yourself? Mau says it’s not that simple. There’s also the question of how Moni will react when she finds out that Furia is Mau. Mau betrayed her, and she might think that Furia betrayed her, too. But he doesn’t think it’ll be too long before this all comes to pass, because Moni invited him to Xime’s party tonight after Moni’s title bout. And Moni also invited Furia, who couldn’t say no. Well, how are you gonna pull this off? questions Aldo. Mau has no idea.

Rolu’s brother Arnoldo is having trouble untying Rolu from the ropes Ximena used to tie him to the bed. Why? He’s constantly replacing the torn tissues he has to use to prevent his hands from touching those icky germs that are everywhere. Rolu threatens if Arnie doesn’t pick up the pace, he’ll spit on him! So get a move on. Arnie has one bag of clean tissues and one of used, and it’s not so easy to protect his little fingers from that nasty stuff that’s all over everything.

Luisa and Katia have come to visit Ivan, let’s go to a club. Ivan asks if they have Mau’s permission, and Katia wonders if he’s a fraidy-cat. No, it’s just that he promised Mau he wouldn’t go behind his back. Well, don’t worry, Teresa okayed it, and they can also go to the fight and Xime’s party later. Ivan suggests getting Aldo and Estrella to go, too, since Mau’s given his permission for them to be a couple. Luisa doesn’t like this. It’s not fair. Aldo gets everything, and my Dad is so strict with me!

Arnie’s just about to untie one of Rolu’s feet. He hyperventilates, blows on his fingers, but he can’t do it! Fine, says Rolu, just untie one arm, that’s it. Ximena is going to be back really soon, and since you see she tied me up, she’ll probably tie you up, too, with a dirty, disgusting rope, how would you like that? This does the trick. Arnie holds his breath, closes his eyes, and quickly unties one of Rolu’s hands. Rolu gets the rest of the ropes off, and Arnie wants to get out of this dirt den fast! He grabs his tissue bags, Rolu packs his suitcase, they’re down the steps, and out the ----wait a minute, Rolu can’t do it. Huh?

Lalu is getting ready the final preparations for the mega-party, when Ximena rushes in, her life is in chaos. She breathlessly explains that while Lalu had tons of things to do, she only had one responsibility – to pick up Rolu’s brother at the airport. And she blew it. She couldn’t find him, and has no idea where he is. Rolu’s going to be so mad. Lalu tries to console her.

Rolu explains to Arnie that he can’t leave Xime alone. He doesn’t know why, but he really loves her, and can’t walk out on her. So, brother, you’ll just have to tie me up again, and put in the gag. He goes upstairs as Arnie sputters nervously, thinking Rolu needs therapy more than HE does.

Ivan, Luisa and Katia are just about to head out, when the music turns dark, and evil drums play. Oh, and Connie’s in the neighborhood. Looking smashing in a tight white long sleeved sweater and black pants, she strides purposefully up to Beto’s door, and knocks. In the background, La Monita, all gussied up for her lunch date with Furia, spies the intruder. Moni’s wearing a red sweater over a tight white dress with a purple belt, looking hotter than we’ve seen her in quite some time. She tells Connie she’s pretty brazen (descarada) to openly come to the vecindad and seek out her lover. Said lover, looking a bit shy, ambles out, and Connie says she wants to take him out to a restaurant.

Moni criticizes Beto for losing all his dignity, and for falling into La Momia’s traps. Beto wants Moni to treat his lady with respect, but Moni doesn’t think she deserves any. She’s about to boil over with rage, until La Furia arrives, and it’s time for a little my guy’s better than your guy. Moni gives a warm hug to a befuddled Furia, and informs Connie and Beto that this just happens to be her novio! Connie thinks it’s kind of cute, but Beto’s not so happy about this new development. How can Moni like this guy, who also has a thing for Estrella? Moni wonders how can Beto like Connie, who’s also married to Mauricio? She puts her arms around Furia’s neck, let’s boogie on outta here. The two couples head out, but they’re not done yet. Both Connie and Furia seem to want to get going, but Beto and Moni keep challenging each other. Beto’s mad at Furia for messing with “his” Monita. But Moni wants nothing to do with him. Now she’s got an upstanding guy (hecho y derecho) who’s honest, and doesn’t trick her (famous last words). The two couples finally go off to their respective lunch dates.

Lalu is trying to console Xime. Just untie Rolu, and let him leave, he treats you horribly. But Xime can’t, she loves Rolu more than anyone else in the world. Oh, open your eyes, replies Lalu. This guy doesn’t love you, he makes fun of you right in front of your nose. He even had a lover in your bed, remember? Xime admits he’s right. Although she’ll die of sadness, maybe she should let Rolu go.

However, Rolu, no longer under the grip of those ropes, is finally gripped by the force that is Xime, and is desperate for Arnie to retie him, although Arnie wants to wash his hands a few times first. Arnie thought this wife was crazy, why does Rolu want to stay with her? Rolu admits that his wife is a bit crazy, and sometimes he wants her to disappear, but then he’s smitten by her tenderness, her innocence, in fact, Arnie himself will not be able to resist falling in love with her. Even Arnie has to lower his glasses at that one. Rolu tells Arnie that Xime’s preparing a super fiesta to welcome Arnie, and he doesn’t want to mess up her plans, so hurry up and tie me back up. Then wait outside the door, and when she shows up, tell her you arrived on your own, knocked on the door, and there was no answer, so you decided to wait.

Rolu can’t believe Arnie still has this dumb phobia about germs (he says microbios). You’ve had it since childhood. How much have you spent on tissues? You keep washing your hands, but guess what, brother? The air you breathe is FULL of germs. This revelation drives Arnie to a new round of hand washing.

Back in the vecindad, the coast is clear, so Ivan, Luisa and Katia head out. Katia’s embarrassed at how brazen her sister is. Luisa wants to know about this Furia guy, she doesn’t want Moni to go with HIM, her Papá loves Moni. Katia thinks HER problems are worse. Aldo doesn’t give her the time of day, her mother is a disaster, and she hates her sister. Ivan wisely counsels that the three of them can’t solve any of these problems, so let’s just have fun, and go to the dance club.

Xime’s sad that the decorations are so perfect (she even likes the napkins in the shape of chickens – Lalu corrects her, they’re swans), but the party’s going to be a failure because there’s no Arnie. Lalu says we should celebrate your liberation from Rolu. Xime doesn’t think that’s a good thing to celebrate, it’s like having 5 liters of ice-cream, but having to eat it alone. Lalu says Rolu’s not worth it (he says Rolu’s not worth a barquillo, which is an ice cream cone), and that’s fattening anyway. He says men are like money bills. You keep the big bills, and spend the twenties, which get handled the most (they’re the most manoseado). And your husband’s like one of those bills. Xime asks if he’s like those overused bills that get taken out of circulation, and Lalu says that’s right. He tells Xime she’s a gem (una moneda de colleción, which would be a rare coin), and Rolu’s not worth ten cents. Swear to me you’ll finally get rid of that blemish (lacra) on your life, and be done with him. She shakes her head, she just can’t do it.

Rolu’s finally retied, and re-gagged, as Arnie wipes the sweat from his brow. Arnie tells Rolu he’s shocked at the change in his brother. Formerly, he was a race car driver, with tons of girls. Now he’s married, the woman has him tied to his bed, and he LIKES it. That’s not my brother. Rolu tries to protest, but since he’s gagged now, we (and Arnie) can’t understand a word he says. Arnie doesn’t care, Rolu can do what he wants, but (trying to stuff the rest of his tissues into his little plastic bags), he does have one bit of advice for Rolu – therapy.

Lalu is still trying to convince Xime. Your marriage is like the Titanic, and it’s sunk, since you don’t have Celine (Dion) to sing that song. You’re like Consti, who forced her husband to marry her. No way, I’m completely different, says Xime. It’s not the same, although it is the same (no es lo mismo, aunque sea igual, this works better in Spanish). Lalu keeps insisting, and Xime finally agrees, and says her three things. 1) She’s going to give up Rolu to make her girlfriend (Lalu) happy 2) she’s going to do it despite how much she loves him, and 3) with all the pain in her heart, this very day, she’ll give him his freedom. Lalu’s happy for her, but Xime’s in tears.

Restaurant time. First, we have Connie and Beto. They’re both talking about Moni, but sort of to themselves. Connie wants Moni to suffer, but Beto wants to be in Furia’s place, to get Moni back. Connie pokes Beto, stop interrupting my anger! Beto can’t believe his soul brother would double cross him with La Monita. Connie can’t believe Beto can be so brazen as to continue his affection for Monita right in front of her. Beto responds look who’s talking (el comal le digo a la olla, the griddle said to the pot, or that’s like the pot calling the kettle black). But hunger calls. Waiter!

In another restaurant (I think – typically they’d all be in the same one), Moni and La Furia sit down to their meal. Moni says it’s a shame Furia can’t eat because of that mask. Furia says she nourishes his spirit, his hunger can wait. But couldn’t he just take off the mask a little? Furia’s insistent, she knows he has to protect his identity. Moni’s still a little mad about the brazenness of La Momia. By the way, Furia, what do you think of her? Can you see how bad she is? Well, Furia only met her once at the gym, but he thinks neither her money nor her classy manner can hide her bitterness, and she’s nothing compared with the beauty of Monita, and the joy she radiates. Moni’s radiating at this point, smiling, edging closer and closer to her mystery man.

In a parallel scene, Connie asks Beto what’s up with this luchador? Beto gets mad, picks up his fork as a weapon, if Connie has a thing for that Furia guy, he’ll KILL both Furia and Connie. But Connie reassures her honeybun (bizcocho) she has eyes only for Beto, she’s just curious about that wrestler. Beto says that no one knows anything about Furia, he just showed up one day, Don Cesar introduced him. Wheels turning in her head, Connie inquires just when that was. Beto thinks it was just after Connie married Mau, and prohibited Mau from seeing La Monita. Hmmmm. Connie’s mind is putting together pieces, as Beto continues to enjoy his soda.

Moni continues to flirt with Furia, apologizing for calling him her novio, although she wouldn’t mind it, and defending her idea of introducing Mau to Furia at the party tonight, not to make Mau jealous, but to show him she can continue with her life after he betrayed her. Furia says he could never be mad with her, he’s here to help her, and takes her hand gently.

Beto has to leave now, but Connie wants him to stay, she was hoping to spend the afternoon together, wants him to do dirty things to her, she’s really tense. This gets Beto going, and he starts feeling her legs under the table, saying Don’t tempt me (no me tientes, no me tientes). But….right now, he can’t. He has to go see Moni’s championship fight, she’s going to win her title back. Connie’s appalled, why do you care about that chimpanzee? Beto says something like As the butcher said to the meat, let’s split up (como dijo el descuartizador , vámanos por partes). He adds that if Connie can live with Mau but go out with Beto, why can’t he go out with Connie, but go see La Monita? In fact, if Connie doesn’t let him do this, maybe he’s through with her. Connie gets a hurt, soft look, gently takes Beto’s hand, don’t be mad, it’s okay, you can go. But you know what? I want to go, too! Beto has to munch another french fry to get his head around this one.

Over in restaurant 2, Furia signs his autograph for some kids. Moni’s impressed with Furia’s fame. Furia points out that she’s a famous boxer too, but Moni laments that the public doesn’t care too much about women boxers. And wrestling is really popular. Pretty soon, Furia won’t be able to walk the street (in this costume) without being mobbed by fans. Furia hopes that doesn’t happen. Moni then looks Furia in the eye, says that although she feels comfortable with him, she still wonders why he’s so insistent that he can’t take off his mask, even with her. What’s he afraid of? What does he have to hide? The camera zooms in on that masked face.

Beto asks Connie, but you don’t even like boxing, do you? She shows him she does by punching his arm 3 or 4 times. So why do you want to go to the fight? Connie says it’s her own private affair (asunto). And she’s going, period, honeybun. She actually does that lizard tongue thing Beto does, and gives him a slurpy kiss. Beto likes this, takes another bite of food, and as he wipes his mouth with the tablecloth, he reminds Connie not to cause a scandal, okay? Don’t worry, says Connie, I’ll just go and act like any other naco, don’t you trust me? In truth, no. But she gets all sexy again, tells him if he’s mad, he’ll just have to hold it in. Well, Beto can’t quite hold in all he’s eaten and drunk, so he goes to the bathroom. As he leaves, she replays a few things in her mind. Aldo had some secret with Mau, and they wouldn’t tell Luisa. And an earlier time, Aldo said to Mau “Don’t criticize me. You do the same thing. You also lie to people. Why don’t you tell Constanza just who that Furia Enmascarada is!” Connie’s face lights up. She’s pretty sure she knows EXACTLY who that Furia Enmascarada is.

So ends our episode of nothing. But it was enjoyable nevertheless. Sylvia should have part two up by late Sunday or early Monday (something to do with a boat, California, the usual). Bye all, I’m off to New York!


Wow, Hombre. So well written. As always, your opening paragraph blew me away and you structured the recap so well.

And excellent vocabulary, I'm putting it all down in my big notebook. Now if only I could remember all that I write down!

Only saw bits and pieces of this because I was watching the Buckeyes beat Oregon in the Rose Bowl. Sweet revenge after everyone predicted we'd lose and the Oregon team was beyond cocky during the early part.

I like the twists and turns that the Rolu/Xime story is taking. Somehow it reminds me of the Gift of the Magi. He's ready to be imprisoned again, she's ready to let him go...each gives the other the gift he thought she wanted, but all it proves is how deeply they love each other.

Hey y'all...hope you took advantage of Carlos' offer of a Bonnie Belle calendar. She is absolutely entrancing. The itty bitty pics we see on the blog don't do her justice.

Hombre, This is excellent. I love your take on this episode. I tend to agree that they appear to be extending this show, though I like to think of it as embellishing. In any event, you did a marvelous job. Thanks.

Judy, thanks for recognizing the Bonnie Belle Calendar. I'm glad you like it. If anyone else would like one, Email me a mailing address to:

Hombre, how neat that you get to attend operas at the Met. Wow! I'm green (like Big Bug) with envy.


Hombre, I don't watch this novela, but I read the first part of your post. I'm completely envious about your going to the Met. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and for years saw all the SF Opera productions (standing - easy on the budget if not on the feet and lower back).

I also often listen to the Saturday radio broadcasts of Met productions. When I visited NYC for my one and only trip there, it was not opera season. I did take a tour of the premises, though. I need to plan a return visit and book tickets to a Met production.

JudyB, I'm originally from Akron and was thrilled with the Buckeye's victory!

Novelera...great news. I'm always scouting for more Buckeye fans on this line. Alas, the basketball team is getting regularly slaughtered now that our super star player Evan Turner has fractured his spine.

Hi, all. It turns out I almost didn't make the opera. We take a bus which leaves Baltimore at 7:00 A.M. and usually gets to NY about 10:15. But a tractor-trailer overturned on 95, and we came to a complete stop, with no possibility of movement, for over 2 1/2 hours. We got off the bus at about 12:55. I jumped off the bus, got a cab right away, and actually made it to the 1:00 opening curtain! I did have to wait until intermission to have lunch, though.

And the opera was wonderful. Great for kids, too, as it was in English.

Back to Gancho: Carlos, I like your idea of calling the extension an "embellishment". Remember when situations used to resolve in one episode? It seems as if we've been waiting for Moni's fight and Xime's party for a while now. Fortunately, our entertaining characters (especially Ximena and Beto) make the wait worthwhile.

Judy, congrats on the Buckeyes' win. I'm reveling in the fact that the Ravens made the playoffs, although it's unlikely they'll be able to beat the New England Patriots next week.

Ahoy all! Hombre, I'm so very glad you made the curtain. Were you sweating bullets? The thought of being late to anything makes me crazy; I definitely canNOT "go with the flow".

Anyway, I wasn't going to watch the first half but your recap was so excellent I couldn't help myself. So I watched the first hour and just finished my own recap which I will post soon. You are so right, what's with all the talking? This show used to be all action. I don't mind when Ximena talks because she's a scream, but some of the other conversations I could do without. Especially when it's the same old thing over and over. Not to mention (even though I always do) that some of them talk really FAST.

Thanks Hombre. I very much enjoyed your recap and I'm happy to hear that you didn't miss the opera.

P.S. I forgot to say how great it is that Novelera dropped in.

It will be great to watch So You Think You Can Dance?, i have bought tickets from looking forward to it.

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