Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Gancho recappers and fans: what about this time change?
First, let me apologize for not keeping up with your show. I am just overwhelmed in my real life, and by how HUGE Caray, Caray has become. I see you've all been doing well without me, though, paddling your own canoe. Thanks, so many thanks, to you great recappers. Sounds like this show is a hoot.
Now, we have a big problem. Your show is moving to the afternoon. Why, I wonder? but then it's hard to watch at that time, so the fans may dwindle, AND, what about the new 7 pm show? What do you think we should do? One thing that occurs to me is that we could put one or the other of the shows on "quick and dirty" - have one or two recappers who plan to watch the show anyway post bi-weekly reviews.
It's your call. What do you want to do?
Labels: gancho
Some of us are going to download Gancho and I can watch it in the afternoon and do my recaps. So we're going to stick with it, and our fans who can't watch will try and keep up with the recaps. WE LOVE THIS SHOW. IT'S OUR FAVORITE OF ALL THE 7 PMERS WE'VE RECAPPED. WE ARE SO MAAAAAAD!!!!! Okay, feel better now.
I will not be able to watch or tape Gancho now. I've watched the show from the beginning and am now totally invested. I can only say (again) how dissappointed I am with this most unwelcome time change. Of course, I will keep up with the wonderful recaps but it's still frustrating not to be able to fully participate by seeing the shows.
As I don't speak Spanish or have captions, I rely solely on the fabulous recappers who explain and clarify so eloquently. I'm taking my annoyance out on the new show so if no one is able or wants to recap, that's fine with me. I won't watch it then as I can't make it through with the recaps.
Thanks for keeping with this Judy. Appreciate your making the extra effort to adjust your schedule to keep your sparkling recaps coming. You and all of the other marvelous Gancho recappers are the best!
Maybe there are some potential recappers lurking in the wings who are interested in taking on the new 8:00 p.m. show? If there are now is the time to take the recapping leap.
I will give the new show a chance as it comes between the other two shows which I watch, so why change the channel? I only recognize one of the actors in the HQEDNS previews from my past year of novela watching (Lorena's sister in QE), so there may be some new comedic gems to discover, just like Gancho. :)
The idea of becoming a recapper for HQEDNS is tempting, but not sure if I have the time or skill to commit to such a task. I haven't even created a real identity yet! Lol!
-Vivi in DC
I will NOT give up Gancho; it is one of my very favorite shows EVER. So I really don't have time to watch another show and certainly not to recap it, though I'll record at least the first week or two and if it seems good and people like it I'll keep recording until some time when I have loads of free time to watch.
Reports from Mexico say that HQEDNS is good, so it would be nice if some people who plan to watch it anyway could do even quickie recaps and we could see if it catches on.
I am so annoyed at Univision right now.
But the rest of the cast drags the show for me, that's the difference with Gancho. Every single character in Un Gancho Al Corazón is delicious and they make you feel for them, you know all the actors are doing their best and they are having a blast with their scenes.
The way this show has been mantaining its quality is by rotating the airtime for the characteres and letting each of them have the time to shine and become endearing to the audience. You just end up loving them all and caring for them so you WANT to watch them.
The show is funny, witty, smart and sexy, what's not to like?
Hopefully those viewers who now can't watch the show at 3pm will find a way to find it online.
Meanwhile I'leave a little trailer for HQEDNS to see if anybody is interested in that show. When it airs. I really think Univision has made a mistake with those changes, HQEDNS could have had a better expectative and Gancho viewers would be happier had they not made that decision.
By the way, Kris is still super busy but she will hang in there for the change, so it's unanimous.
BJM, one way or another, we will continue to recap Gancho. Several of us download it from other sources, others tivo it, and I, Neanderthal that I am, will arrange to be home at 3 pm to watch and write. We're happy you love the show as much as we do and we will continue to provide the recaps.
Hannan and BJM, we always love hearing from you and other viewers. Just to hear your take on things, so please chime in whenever, along with the rest of the gang.
Besides the regular evening Gancho viewers not being able to watch, I have to wonder how many of the normal afternoon watchers watch Gancho in the evening. Seems like it will be a little hard for regular afternooners to get into a story that is already over two thirds done.
Oh, and a warning for the Gancho viewers. Not sure how many people are familiar with the afternoon TNs. They are on over a 3 hour slot, usually 3, but sometimes only 2. A word of warning, it is possible that besides moving Gancho to the afternoon, in the future, they may start showing it for 2 hours instead of 1 hour. We'll want to keep a watch out for that as well. :)
Jeff, two hours? Ouch, we'll keep an eye out for that.
ITA with JudyB, Diana, Sylvia, Carlos, etc. I'm mad, frustrated, sad--every negative emotion! Why would they do this to us 2/3 of the way through the show, and how do they think they are going to pick up new vewers at the new time when the show is in its últimos meses? I have faithfully watched this show from Day 1 and rarely missed an episode. Waahhhh.....
Does anyone know how to get it online or some other way? We've tried and tried with our old VCR and are not able to ever record anything, so I know that's not an option.
Thank you recappers for all the wonderful, rich recaps, comments, memorably funny lines, and interesting vocabulary...oh, and your willingness to stick with us, your readers, in the much-disliked new time slot!
I checked next Mon.'s menu on DirecTV and... sipis, there at 2:00pm CST was... un Gancho al Corazón. My TIVO has already taken the initiative to set it for recording, so last night was my last prime time recap.
FYI: Tormenta en el Paraiso is currently airing for 2 hours on Univision afternoons. When Un Gancho joins the afternoon line-up, I suppose Tormenta will go down to 1 hour and Un Gancho will be plugged into the hour between Tormenta and El Gordo y La Flaca.
Jody :)
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