Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Sortilegio 1-19: Elena discovers Jorge the Jorrible has no scruples and is shocked, shocked.
Speaking of tedious platitudes, their diminutive queen (Filipa) asks Vic, she who is still tediously pining for Fernando: "What do you care about more, "them" (as in "what would *they* say") or Fernando and your own happiness?"
Raquel gets her chauffeur to drive her home where she yells at Victoria, tells her MJ is probably dead and who cares anyway. She wants a divorce, she hates Roberto, and [to get this over with] - at first she says not only will Roberto not get a peso in the divorce but he can't have the baby either, but Vic points out to Raquel: "Well you don't want her!" She nags until Raquel yields and says Roberto can have Vic Jr.
Roberto reminds everyone he has a degree in International Relations and Alex agrees to give him a job. Awkwardly Vic says he better move out of the big house because sooner or later Raquel will come back ... "but you can stay in Bruno's chalet until then." Alex is impactado to hear Bruno's been gone for a couple weeks, ostensibly working in the capital...
... but as we know, Bruno's actually been in the country trying to win MJ back, with nice dinners and flowers and kisses etc. She is friendly, happy even, but not budging much, and is drinking nothing "because of how things were in Spain." She tells him, "To be honest, I dreamed about a baby and a man - and the man wasn't you." "You probably saw him in a film or a magazine."
Alex pretty much figures out the whole scheme - that MJ has been kidnapped to pass for Sandra - when he hears about the Doc he googles him and finds out Jorge does experiments on - MEMORY ERASURE! Ah, if real life were only this simple. We never get that música de suspenso to clue us in when clues fall into place... The next day Fer says he'll get Alex an invite to the big party in the country so he can see for himself.
Bruno tells Doctor Jorge about MJ's dream - is she getting her memory back? Jorge is not worried, he has stronger drugs that will completely burn out any possibility of her recovering her memory and will use them if necessary! He tells Bruno: "I am famous! I win prizes and publish in prestigious journals!" He says: "Sandra is in a nigh-vegetative state but I've sandblasted her tattoos away, so it's time!" Bruno says he'll do it...
Elena brings MJ-as-Sandra to the grandfather, who tells Elena to beat it. Elena goes to the clinc and tells Jorge she's worried: "Maybe MJ will slip up without me there to run interference." Jorge doesn't care.
Gramps teaches MJ how to play chess and they take a long walk and she pushes him on a swing and generally enchants him. She even beats him at chess. While they're all together, later, Fer calls about the party. Gramps reports to Fer: "Sandra's here and she has such a gorgeous smile." Fer reports to Alex who says: "It must be MJ, nobody else has that smile."
Paula graduates. Ezekiel and Vic and Pedro and Roberto and Meche and Gabriel come to the ceremony. Some band plays a tune with lyrics I would not want at my graduation: "Kill me - do with me as you please." The girls clap along, but not on the beat. Roberto gives Paula flowers and dances with her and a bunch of other girls in white and looks very happy and relaxed. Seeing that, Gabriel frowns.
Bruno and his sidekick Erick get an anonymous-looking black SUV and use it to dump the comatose Sandra, wrapped like a mummy in a sheet, in front of the Lombardo mansion. Utter pandemonium! She's carried into the house and an ambulance is summoned.
Alex is at the hospital with Maura, who's about to be a donor for her sister Lisette. She tries to get at least one on-the-mouth pity kiss but he deflects it affectionately. He gets the call that MJ has been dumped and is coming straight to the hospital.
Have you noticed Hernan is absolutely the only doctor anywhere? There he was about to deal with Lisette and Maura and now he's hauling in the gurney with Sandra-as-MJ on it!
Alex totally loses it - again. And Maura is muy impactada to hear that Sandra has appeared, "dropped like a dog" Alex says. Remember, Maura's in on these devilish doings. She calls Bruno but his phone is busy. "What did you do?" she asks rhetorically.
Erick and Bruno speed away from the scene of the crime. "What if she wakes up?" "No, the doc sez she'll die, and he is the winner of prestigious awards."
Elena appears at the clinic, Jorge roughly asks why she's here. "To see Sandra." "She's not here. She died." "Died? When?" "Two days ago. She had a heart attack." Elena gets upset, which exasperates Jorge. "Why are you upset? You never cared about her."
"I couldn't see her one last time? You jerk." "What, should I tell all the world?" [He can't really announce Sandra's death if he's trying to pass MJ off in her place, now, can he? be reasonable. --Ed.] "It's better this way." "What did you do with the body?" "Incinerated it." Elena says, as if this were any sort of revelation: "You're a man without sentiment." DUH. "You're inhuman, you have no scruples. How can I be around you?" "Takes one to know one. Anyway, you have your other daughter now, so shut up." She cries.
A lot will happen tomorrow! MJ will overhear Jorge mention "Maria Jose" and will ask: "Who is Maria Jose?" Alex will realize this comatose woman does not have the scar MJ has.
Labels: sortilegio
Didn’t Bruno give MJ a necklace in the beginning of this ‘novela, when he impersonated Ale, or did I imagine that?
Bruno actually looked human, and actually nice, in the car with MJ when he smiled. First time I remember seeing him smile in this 'novela. Nonetheless, he is beyond redemption and must die.
Did anyone notice the guy sweeping the driveway in front of Chez Lombardo? That broom was pitiful. Looked like it came from the Crap-From-Afar shop.
Gabriel frowns as if he lost the Josh Groban look-alike contest. Get a grip, dude! Get a life and a new attitude. Por fa-vor.
Raquel never once glanced over at her baby. Que infeliz.
And the baby, pobrecita de ella, they've pierced her ears already. Ow! Looks like Paula is getting all maternal with her, too.
So Elena has some semblance of feeling about (if not for) Sandra. Dr. Demento is the worst. Also kind of stupid for dumping Sandra before she croaked. He must die or go to jail for life for his crimes. I don't know what Elena deserves..... shrunken boobage and no sex appeal to our foro guys?
This whole episode seemed like a journey down the alternate universe.Bruno was all smiley and sweet, Raquel actually had the nerve to imply she wanted the baby, Elena possibly showed she has a fragment of a heart (if only for a few brief seconds) and Alex is back to using the brain cells. That last plot point is a keeper.
Raquel just needs to go away. Both she and Bruno get so caught up in their selfishness they actually would rather take something they really don't want just so someone else can't have it. She's never shown the slightest interest in her baby, but she just doesn't want Roberto to have her. What a piece of work.
And Elena, she was willing to use her daughter for money, is letting her nut-job hubby drug daughter #2 and she has the nerve to cry and accuse said hubby of being cruel. Wow...just wow!
I honestly think that poor Bruno may really luuuuuurvvv our dear heroine, in his own corrupt, slimy way. Of course, any possible dollar signs makes her all the more desirable. Those twins have $$$$$$$$ in their eyes and it's all that drives them.
The gooogly eye scene with Fer was just so "high school". Honestly Vic, let the guy go if you want him gone out of your life. Staring at him all doe-eyed, gees, even John knew to walk away.
This family shouldn't worry about keeping a PI or lawyer on retainer. They should have a full-time psychiatrist move in. He would be one busy man. (or woman as the case may be)
So our resident ninjas dumped a un-tattooed Sandra on the preverbial doorstep. Seriously Bruno. For someone who claims to be so smart, you are so dumb. He trust Dr. D that Sandra will just die. That doctor is certifiable and not to be trusted. You would think it would take one to know one. Looks like with the previews that eventually the good, hardworking, multi-faceted, expert on all medical conditions, and not to mention VP of a architectural/construction firm, Dr. Hernan may be the one to do the AHA! moment on the switch.
We're getting down to the wire. Who gets their just-desserts first I wonder.
Thank God Alex didn't let skank number one kiss him on the lips.
Also he is now thinking more clearly after finding out Bruno has been gone for several weeks.
Why is Raqhell running around freely when she almost committed attempted murder? The Lombardo's lawyer is a genius to get this heifer off, and i would retain him any time as my lawyer.
Let me get this straight Dr. Demented sandblasted the tattoos off but what about the butchered bleached hair style?
Elena you of all people have the nerve to call someone else cruel. You just separated a brand new mother from her baby please spare me and even if you did care for Sandra it wasn't enough to protect from the monster you are now married to.
Daisynjay that psychiatrist you suggested would become as rich as the Lombardo's.
Finally the scar everyone was talking about from MJ's stabbing comes into play in the story.Now from the previews for tonight episode they know for sure it's not MJ.
Bruno once again proves he not as smart as he thinks he is, by talking Dr. Demented into the twin switch they have expose that it's not really MJ.
Why do i get the feeling the way Bruno keeps mistreating Pimp Daddy E will come back and bite him where it counts.
Finally if i was a recovering drug addict, or lost my memory by drugs or whatever. There is simply no way i would believe i ever date a guy wearing scarves under his shirt like that.
Juanita, you're right he started thinking faster. Alex got everything nailed down so darn quickly. Things like that remind me how much I love that guy. Hot and using his brain. Drooling, here. lol i love when people are smart enough to google answers.
Doris, hahaha! Good one about the broom.
Daisy, I have no idea how Elena could be pained by being separated from Sandra after what she's doing either...I feel very sad for Sandra. Pobrecita. RIP.
LOL, Anon! i would never fall for anyone with scarves like that either. What kind of a statement are his scarves supposed to make?
Yeah i think that's what this scarf thing of his is suppose to be saying.
Sorry, my skin just crawls when Bruno makes nice with MJ. It's just beneath contempt to try to win over a woman by having a nut-job doctor wipe out her memory of the man and child she really loves. He deserves a 100-lb anvil right on top of his head. It will likely obliterate the scarf as well.
I know, I know, Elena has been presented as less than the mother of the year. But I think she really did grieve at Sandra's supposed death. And Jorrible Jorge may be the worst villain in the entire TN. To tell her that he burned up her child's corpse two days ago without even telling her! I wanted to strangle him when he said that.
I'm bored with Fernando and Vicki, Pedro and his houseguests, etc.
You are so right about Felipa being the queen of platitudes. Those repetitive conversations with she and Vicki are definitely FF>>
I'm enjoying Bracamontes portrayal of Amnesia Girl. She seems less self-effacing and wimpy with some of her neurons asleep.
I think when they take off the bandages, the bleached hair will either be shaved or dyed brown.
Dr. Jorge is horrible amazing how Elena decided he should be her next husband huh? Evil recognizes evil.
Also even if they die Sandra's hair brown it's still chopped, you mean Dr Demented had time to include hair extensions too.
Bruno makes my skin crawl too with his act,but something tells me that MJ from her dreams is not going to be an easy conquest for despite all of the lies he's feeding her now.
Her instinct's told Elena she doesn't care about money and then she was praying the other time. I think they will rise back up if Bruno tries to press her into going to bed with him too.
LOL Juanita - 'imminent death clarifies the mind' - so true!
Enjoyed the scarf explanation, Anon. Funny how a little scarf can say so much.
Alex is behaving inappropriately with Maura. That keeps us tuned in, but he should have had nothing to do with her unless MJ is with him. He would never tolerate that kind of behavior from MJ.
Also disappointing is that our galan continues to get hysterical, I suppose that's to show us how much he cares. But, I'd rather have someone show their love by actually doing something helpful...
Saw bits and pieces of this and was amazed durinng the music/dance sequence during graduation. The guys on stage looked great, but the folks at the tables weren't clapping on beat either (Gabriel was really off) and that bothered me more than the hysterics etc.
Since I didn't know Sandra was still alive (was watching basketball when that was shared) I was absolutely horrified when I thought a corpse had been dumped at the house. Chilling. Thanks as always...for all you do.
Thank you all for your compliments. I try hard to keep my recaps short because I don't like them to wander the way the telenovelas do! I know some of our readers prefer a scene-by-scene blow by blow, and I agree that's more helpful in learning Spanish, but it doesn't make for a good read, and life is too short to include every drop of drivel!! FF>>
It looks like some pie carts are going up the hill and about ready to come crashing down the other side.
Dr. E-vil--Not redeemable. Adios.
Bruno--Uh uh
Pimp Daddy E--Maybe
RaqHell--Not so much
Maura--She's not really evil so maybe.
Who did I leave out?
Did anyone notice EZ shaking his booty? Hilarious!
Finally the dawn, Bruno is the only one that hates him.
John Seagal is overpaid, what has he done but stand around & smoke?
Sandra's hair was conveniently covered. Unless they dyed it & added extensions, it's obvious it's not MJ. In the avances they did notice, no scar from the stabbing.
This is capitulo 75
Paula really looked cute at the fiesta & SO did Roberto.
Gabriel is just no fun, he was bopping to the music a little though.
orilla - bank, shore (where they left Sandra's body)
pasamontañas - ski mask (Bruno & Erik wore them) I don't know if they said that but it was on the televisa sight.
revancha - revenge, return match
(the chess game between SJ & abuelo)
burrada - nonsense, drivel
no tenía caso - no tiene caso means -there's no point in it, so that would mean, there was no point in it.
Anon, I never meant to imply that I thought Bruno would be successful in his attempts to bed MJ. The heroine never gets it on with enyone else once she meets the galan. I'm just disgusted when he tries.
Also, I don't think you get rid of tattoos without some scarring. I've seen photos of guys who had gang tattoos lasered off when they wised up. The tats were gone, but the skin didn't look completely smooth and normal.
Seems like I remember Bruno telling someone (Erick? Maura?)awhile back that he did NOT love MJ, but he did not want Alex to have her. Therefore his courting overatures to MJ are even more stomach-turning.
Can hardly stand to see Elena and Raquel, those two monuments to shameful motherhood, in the same episodio. In fact if this TN held a bad mother competition, I would have to award the bronze to Vicky, the silver to Elena, and the gold to Raquel. Parenting classes for all!!
I didn't see Paula as maternal with the baby, more like a little girl with a doll. She even called mini Vicky a doll (muñeca), and kept flailing around and talking too loudly (with poor Roberto trying to coax her into being gentler and quieter). That scene with her and Roberto brought it home to me even more how young she is/acts, how much of a difference in maturity there is between her and Roberto, and that there will be nothing more between them than a loving friendship. I don't think she got that message however, based on that look she gave as Roberto hugged her and told her he loved her. He also came close to telling her that he also cheated on Raquel, with Useless, but hesitated and got interrupted by Rosie before he could. Will this eventual revelation sour Paula's feelings for him? Will it harm their friendship? I hope not, because it is nice to see two unrelated characters develop such a caring platonic relationship. Usually in ‘novelas this only happens if it eventually turns out that the characters are really brother and sister or cousins.
Gabe needs to loosen up and become more fun loving if he hopes to win Paula's heart eventually.
I thought the love story developing between SandyJo and Granpa P was sweet. Who would have thought that the same guy that barked at Elena to beat it, would be happily swinging on a kid's swing-set a bit later. Lol! I love that guy.
I had high hopes for Rafael..er..John Seagull, but it seems that he turned out to be pretty useless. Oh, well!
Dr. Demented made a big mistake sandblasting the tattoos off of Sandra, i heard there's some type of lotion you can use to fade tattoos.
I don't know if it works i hear it advertised on the radio from time to time. When i heard him say sandblasted her tattoos. I said that's got to leave a lot of scars on her body.
They would probably say the scars are from her being tortured by her kidnappers. This why the scar from her stabbing comes into play.
I have the same reaction to Bruno now putting the moves on MJ who thinks she is Sandra. After seeing him abuse her psychically time and time again i don't want that scum anywhere near MJ.
I enjoyed Alex's subtle rejection of Maura's trying to kiss him, and also love seeing her realized he didn't want it.
I really enjoyed "tedious platitudes" and "diminutive queen" among many other great lines. I'm grateful for the time and effort all the recappers put into these as others have already posted.
Interesting question about whether or not Elena is redeemable. I think that might occur only if she makes some huge sacrific such as giving her life to save one of her daughters. Her remorse to me was way too little, too late.
Did I mention Katia? If not I would put her in the NOT category.
Why in the heck is Raqhell still running amok why hasn't she been locked up for attempted murder.
As we all know, guys are easier to forgive women characters, so I have to admit I like Elena. I sort of forget all the bad things she does, and just note that I liked her outfit, and she seemed to love Sandra. At least now. Sorry.:)
I thought Anon's remark about Bruno's scarf was hilarious!
Jorge is so bad, he's funny. I especially like when he lists his accomplishments. He's goin' down.
Salvador Mejia should be relegated to 3AM timeslots. All of his stuff is the same drivel. I'm sure he has ruined CS.
I sure hope they can find sth else for the 9PM hour, other than CS.
Never heard it before but I know what it means and I got to use it soon!
Variopinta i am still ROFL with your comment thank god i wasn't drinking anything while i read it. So it is the same guy who produced FELS huh?
Oh well then i think i'll skip CS then i read some of you guys comments about the horror of FELS. How long was FELS anyway because the guy wants torture us with 200 episodes of CS.
Jarocha can clue you in how CS is really doing right now in Mexico. Once Sorti ends i want stick around to watch drivel but i will pop onto the recaps to see what everyone is saying about this masterpiece.
Who would have thunck it Elena actually has feelings.
Brunos sidekick may be the one to either kill him or spill the beans on all of his evil doings.
Bruno has to be stupid. why would you treat the person that knows all of your secrets like sh*t.
I would love to see everyone arrested at the party for kidnapping MJ of course Bruno's not supposed to be there but I can hope.
Did they walk all the way down that long driveway?
and if someone is wrapped in a blanket wouldnt you open it first to see if they can breath b/4 leaving?
I agree, Elena and Maura may come around but in TN land they can only be redeemed by their sacrifices (death?).
I have to disagree about Maura although Alex seems to have forgiven her with the Mario Aguirre plot big mistake on his part.
If ever found out this heifer had anything to do with MJ's kidnapping it would tell point blank what lengths she would go to. What she is willing to do to try to separate them.
I think Alex has forgiven her for the Mario Aguirre plot because he feels he part of the blame because of his trust issues and jealousy of MJ.
Kidnapping even though he would blame himself again because it all could have been prevented if he had told MJ about the Mario Aguirre plot and Maura was behind it.
He would not forgive her for the pain she caused him and separating MJ from their child.Let's also remember these brainiacs want to convince Alex that Sandra is now MJ.
MJ is now Sandra so they want the separation to be permanent and no i don't think Maura can ever be redeemed. She has a one track mindset like Bruno and nothing including seriously sick younger sister is not going to deterred her from her ultimate goal. Getting Alex back at all cost.
What, the better to bust up any harmony in the family and disrupt any family meal?
Vicky needs to go away too! Okay not jail but she needs to go somewhere. And when MJ returns to herself I trust Alex will not let her keep Sandra.
I really depise Dr. Demento/Jorge the Jorrible. He has neither scruples nor one drop of the milk of human kindness. He's one of those mad scientists who has crossed the line into insanity. I hope someone puts a needle in his neck SOON. I'll let Ulises do it.
Also hate the story line of drugging MJ to lose her memory, and can only hope it has no permanent effect.
Alex is over the top a little in his grieving reactions, but I'll cut him some slack, since he's so purty 'n' hot 'n' all that.
Enjoy the abuelo and MJ interaction. He's a crusty yet endearing old dude, and gets bonus points for hating Elena and Jorge.
A minor comment about this TN and the mansions/haciendas. Usually I like most of the homes, but not so much in this TN. Strongly dislike the Lombardo mansion with the white/brick two-tone exterior. Maura's mansion exterior is ok, but don't like her's or the Lombardo's interiors. I do like Abuelo's hacienda, would like to stay there.
Let's get MJ out of danger quickly, so the pie carts can roll!
La Paloma
JB is so right about Alex's double standard. He threw MJ out of the house on the suspicion of her having an affair with a non-existent man and he continues to allow Maura to maul his sweet self. Not nice-boy behavior Alexander.
I enjoyed the banter between Anon and Cielo about the scarves. I love scarves, myself. Interestingly I live in an area with a fair number of metrosexuals and a good sized contingent of proud queens and I have never seen anyone wear the Man-scarf like Bruno. To illustrate, I was in San Francisco's Castro district visiting friends over the weekend and I asked the assembled group what they thought of the man-scarf. I was met by blank looks—even from those members of the group who are addicted to Project Runway!
So me parece que, at least based on the empirical evidence present here in my home town, that the man-scarf may be a peculiar Bruno affectation.
I love Grandpa and SaMJ together. He is just darling. I hope if he is going to leave his money to someone we like it is MJ and maybe Paula. I would like to see Paula have a little luck in the cash department. But, here's a thought. Maybe he could live awhile and come to know his "granddaughters". Wouldn't that be lovely?
And Vivi you are such an optimist about Elena. I love your attitude but I must take a more pessimistic view. Elena has been shown to be someone who is not disadvantaged by circumstance but rather disordered in character. Shedding a small tear for Sandra does not make her redeemable but it does make her more human and therefore more interesting.
His reasoning for keeping Maura close to him and knowing she is openly flirting with him even with MJ around is a no no.
Ferdumbo even told him he was playing with fire where Maura was concerned. Alex is just as hard headed and stubborn about things but he's paying for it now by believing Maura will eventually respect his relationship with MJ.
As for the scarf the guys wear i don't have a problem with it if it's worn during winter since i live in the northeast.
Too funny about the comments from the guys in your area about their opinion about Bruno's scarf.
You know, as long as Porfirio is living and providing her protection from Jorge, this life MJ is living pretty ggod. I think that's also why Fer urged Alex to not rush down to Toluca. She's obviously happy, when not in Jorge's company. And she seems able to keep Bruno's wandering hands at bay. I am sure though that once Profirio kicks the bucket, Jorge plans to do away with her/put her into a comatose drugged state and take control of all the money. Until that time, life on the hacienda isn't bad- except for being separated unknowingly from her sweet baby and hot man.
The part I would really resent If I was MJ is the separation from my baby. Those days in an infant's life pass so quickly and are just not replaceable. To miss a month of sweet Tony's life is a very sad thing.
Missing time with Alex is a loss too, although right now I am mad at him for his enabling behavior with Maura. I think he has partial responsibility for MJ's current state, just as he was partially to blame when MJ got stabbed. His stubborn insistence in believing what he want to believe reminds me of Vicky's actions.
I say, "Sure Vicky, invite Bruno back into the house. He has only tried to KILL your step-son whom you claim to love so much".
I don't have a lot of time for Victoria.
Q: On a recent trip to Paris, I noticed men wearing silk scarves either tucked into their sweaters or hanging loose around their necks. Since then I’ve seen many celebrities, such as Jude Law, wearing them, too. Is this a sophisticated style, or does it just look nouveau riche?
A: I love silk scarves, and I sport one now and then when a tie isn’t right and an open collar just isn’t making it. Sometimes it’s a longer, winter-length one that I’ll just knot simply and let hang under my shirt; sometimes it’s one of those smaller neckerchief-sized ones that hang just inside the collar. It’s important that it look casual and manly, so as not to go the fussy Felix Unger (The Odd Couple) or Ralph Furley (Three’s Company) route. It’s good in the event of a sudden chill, an eclipse perhaps, or should someone start bleeding from an artery, but it’s also our duty as handsome men to decorate the architecture around us. I’d rather look nouveau riche than faux pauvre.
While i did mention he was being hardheaded and stubborn it never occur to me that he was acting exactly like Vicki who i have no use for.
As for his partial blame i blame him big time because i have said this before there is no way MJ would want anything to with Maura if she ever was told about the Mario Aguirre plot.
Also she would have probably given Alex a ultimatum me or that lying and conniving heifer.
In the article does it say these men war everyday like Bruno does? Sorry big turn off for me.
So Bruno is not setting fashion trends (except perhaps in Merida) but simply following the latest fad! I love this group . You are a genius, girl. I am sending a copy of this conversation to my friends who love Project Runway. Tee hee hee.
Also it takes away from his being a tru evil villain like Dr. Demented who is more concern about the fashion statement he is making when he's plotting against Alex and MJ IMO.
A month or so ago complaints started rolling in on Caray about the abysmal CC on Sortilegio and no HD. Also mentioned was the HD and excellent CC offered in Telemundo teles.
About a week ago CC on Sortilegio started improving substantially. It still gets behind, though. But it’s so much better. Then yesterday (1/19), lo and behold, we started getting HD.
Just coincidence? Or squeaking wheels get grease, and Caray has clout!
what could be better than watching WL in HD???
This whole Maura issue is the reason why, out of the 4 novelas I have seen (which have solely been WL novelas ;)) I buy Alex's love the least in comparison to WL's other characters. I mean it is completely disrespectful on his part to continue to allow Maura to get away with being so touchy feely and flirtatious with him (particularly after the Mario thing) knowing that her behavior makes MJ so uncomfortable. I mean the man threw MJ out solely on a suspicion of her infidelity with a fake person, yet she should be okay with his very real ex hanging all over him? Lord knows that if Mario were actually real and Alex saw him all over MJ like Maura is all over him, he'd probably throw her out again! I really wish MJ had been stronger with him on this, but she let him woo her into submission every time she mentioned it! Don't get me wrong, I sure love watching MJ and Alex together, and I buy their love in isolated scenes. But when it's put into context with the bigger picture and all of the issues with Maura, it's harder to believe. I mean it's a telenovela and they are the main couple so we KNOW he loves her, but I just don't necessarily buy it.
In La Tempestad and Triunfo, although WL's character in Triunfo was a real dummy, neither men - who were known to be womanizers - barely looked at another woman after falling in love with the heroine. One thing that I loved about Damian in La Tempestad is that he actually told Marina that if she wanted him to, he would drop his amiga Ursula like a bad habit because Marina was the only woman who mattered. Now THAT is dedication! It's exactly what Alex should have done. In Cuidado, even when Marichuy was giving JM the constant run around (which I hated), he couldn't even kiss Blanca - he gave her a kiss on the forehead! Lol. Even when she "turned hot" he still wasn't interested (in her nor her internal sidekick, who wanted him as well). Alex claims he doesn't want Maura but if that's really true he needs to be more strict with her - not just with words, but with actions.
Don't know if anyone will read this, but I am so glad I got that off of my chest! Haha.
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