Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sortilegio, Tuesday, January 26--Ep #76: "How can I remember things that never happened, arms that never held me, lips I never kissed?"

Easy, SandyJo, do it all over again :)

So, SandyJo and Nicolalex walk through the arboretum (?) and Nico blabs nervously about himself, including such gems as "I like pretty girls, uh, like you." He's so much more comfortable now that he's known her for a whole day. SandyJo falls for Nicolalex, or at least, she falls over. He carries her over to a bench, triggering memories of carrying her up the stairs. Alex tries to ask her what's up, but she brushes him off and asks him to show her how to take pictures, even after he asks if he was in her little fantasy. He starts off taking a bunch of her while she laughs. Then he stands behind her while they pretend to care about the big red stained glass window. I mean, seriously, now it's all "aim in that direction and press the button." Then he takes more pictures of her. She finally gets her hands on the camera and tells him to get his shirt off and pose like Mr. July. Or I might be imagining that. He makes goofy faces.

On the drive home, Paula pretends to be asleep the whole way. I'm really loving Paula lately. SandyJo comments that Ester!Paula is really out. Nicolalex jokes that she sleeps more than a bear. He walks SandyJo to the door. She had a great time. He asks her out for pizza later. She's all excited at the prospect and says it's been years. He asks if they don't have pizza in Spain. Her mumbled answer is "oh, yeah, right." He'll be back for her at 7. He comes in all slow and manly…and kisses her on the cheek. Ha, ha. And you know she totally wouldn't have minded if he tried to kiss her for real. Take that, Bruno! She stands there looking all disappointed.

Mama Elena wants to know how her day was. SandyJo said they went somewhere pretty and she had a good time. And later she's going out for pizza. She says they just get along, that's all. Elena tries to get SandyJo to feel some stranger danger, but SandyJo says they're just getting to know each other. Elena reminds her she's just trying to take care of her, but SandyJo thinks she's old enough to handle herself. "I wouldn't be so sure if I were you," says Mommy Dearest.

Porfirio's blood pressure is up. He's resisting taking Jorge's medicine, so Jorge suggests he call the pharmacy and order the medicine himself, just so he takes it. Porfirio says he's only got a little time left, and he knows Jorge is worried about Sandra needing to get married before he dies. Until her wedding day, Porfirio refuses to sign the will. "What if she doesn't want to get married? It's not the 15th century. Girls nowadays get married when and to whoever they want to," says Jorge. Porfirio says if she doesn't get married, nothing will happen, she just won't get an inheritance. He wants her to get married so she won't be alone, and he likes Fernando as a future husband. Jorge says he's a lousy matchmaker--that guy is his own friend's mother's lover. Porfirio says she can find another guy, then, but he wants her to get married ASAP.

Paula and Alex go for a walk while Paula tries to get Alex to speed up his conquest. Alex says he can't do that and he wants to talk to Hernán.

Hernán answers his office phone. Alex reports that he saw Elena giving MaryJo a pill before bed. Hernán thinks it's part of how they've erased her memory. He really can't say more without knowing about the medication. Alex offers to break into the house and steal some. Hernán thinks he's nuts, especially given that these people have hade the cojones to wipe MaryJo's memory. Who knows what they'd do to Alex if they caught him! Plus he doesn't know what would happen to MaryJo if she quit the medication cold turkey. Alex calms down, but he's still really worried that what they're doing is hurting MaryJo. Paula wants him to ask how Sandra is doing. Hernán says she's getting worse. Pedro came to visit yesterday and the attending doc sent him back to Merida without much hope. Alex thanks him for his help. He reports to Paula that Sandra is worse. He tells her to focus on getting MaryJo back. Paula confirms that she's not invited to go with them to get pizza and Alex makes some crack that I can't hear.

Hernán comes to visit Lisette, who's having a little one-on-one time with a card of the Virgen. Lisette is feeling pretty down, not just because she has cancer, but because she feels more lonely than ever. Hernán tells her to buck up, he's got good news. The chemo and the transplant seem to have worked and her latest tests show no signs of cancerous cells. Hernán says she can't go home just yet, he wants to wait and make sure her body doesn't try to reject the transplant, but he's hopeful. He encourages Lisette to call Maura and give her the news.

Maura is glad, but she just doesn't have the time to come visit or to talk to Hernán so he can give her more details. She tells Lisette that Bruno is back and she's keeping close to him, waiting to hear that MaryJo has gone from coma to death. "And you have no idea what a load off that will be." Um, hi, selfish bitch, party of one? Your table is ready. Nice way to let your sister know you're glad she beat the cancer. Lisette says that Maura is getting what she wanted, MaryJo out of the way. Katia comes creeping in and hears Lisette saying that she supposes that's why Bruno came back, to keep an eye on MaryJo, although he's probably hoping for the opposite of Maura. Katia sneaks back out.

Bruno complains to Elena about his further delays in Merida. He wants her to tell SandyJo to set up a meeting with Grandpa. After she's off the phone, Jorge comes storming in and Elena starts laughing. She says she can tell by his face that he's been to see Porfirio. Jorge complains that the old guy is "insoportable" (insupportable). Elena says she's not having any easier a time with MaryJo. MaryJo is infatuated with her new friend's brother and she's going out to eat with them tonight. Jorge doesn't really care. Bruno will come back, they'll pressure MaryJo to marry him, and the new guy will be out of the game. And then Porfirio will die and quit bothering Jorge once and for all. Elena says she's never liked Bruno. Maybe it would be better for MaryJo to marry this new guy. Now Jorge says no way. She herself just finished saying that the guy is a stranger--how will they know if he's willing to hand over half of the inheritance. Besides, what will they do with Bruno. Elena says just put him to sleep and be done with it. Jorge says that sounds like a good idea, fill the clinic with coma patients and they can specialize in it. Not. I hope Jorge lives long enough to realize that he's the one who's been an idiot here, as much as he loves to throw that word around.

Katia comes to visit Maura. She heard Bruno is back and she wants his cell number. Maura refuses to give it to her, for Katia's own good. She can see that Bruno's not interested in her, and Bruno doesn't need to tell her--anyone can see it was just a passing fling and now it's over. Katia is crushed. For about as long as it takes for her to realize that she has lots of blackmail info on Bruno. She tells Maura to tell Bruno that if he doesn't come see her, she'll tell Alex everything she knows. She storms out and Maura immediately calls Bruno and demands to know what Katia knows about him. She passes on the threat. All she's worried about, though is that Bruno didn't tell Katia anything about the kidnapping. Bruno says he doesn't know what that "maldita esquincla babosa" (damn dimwitted kid) is on about. He asks if Maura is at home. He's on the way over so they can talk.

SandyJo gets ready for her big date. Elena comes in to tell her that Damian!Bruno will be away for a few days. He asked her to schedule a meeting with grandpa. SandyJo thanks her for the message. Elena doesn't want her to go out if it's just going to be her and Nicolalex . SandyJo tells her to chill, he's a nice guy (do I hear an unspoken, "unlike my supposed ex, Damian"?). Elena says she's only known him a few hours, but SandyJo thinks she can take care of herself. Elena rubs Spain in her face again--"Is that what you call taking care of yourself?" As Elena is threatening to talk to Nicolalex , the maid announces his arrival. SandyJo starts out timidly asking Mommy Dearest to please back off and ends up threatening to go live with grandpa if she doesn't.

Bruno tries to sell Maura the story that he went to DR to pay off the judge, but the judge, like an idiot, fell off the waterfall, can you believe it? Maura laughs. "Are you sure you didn't push him?" Bruno denies it and says, anyway, Alex already knows about him being in DR and why he was there. Maura suggests that maybe Katia's planning to tell that she and Bruno did the nasty while Katia was underage. That makes Bruno look nervous. He asks Maura to help him, because they were accomplices in MaryJo's kidnapping. He says when Sandra dies, he and MaryJo will go live in some foreign country and Maura can have Alex all to herself. Bruno thinks Alex will be sad at first, but he'll end up falling for Maura in the end, since he always liked her. Maura, ever delusional, agrees that this will happen. Bruno suggests she get Katia off his back by taking her to one of those wild and crazy parties and getting her to sleep with some other guy. Maura says Ulises would have been the perfect candidate, unfortunately, Bruno says he disappeared…well, actually, "they" killed him. Bruno asks about Mateo, but Maura doesn't know how to get hold of him, plus she doesn't think he'd be into Katia. Bruno says being into her has nothing to do with it, he just needs Mateo to sleep with her. He suggests that there's lots of nasty stuff you can put in a bottle of alcohol.

Nicolalex asks SandyJo why she is upset. She complains that her mom is trying to run her life. Alex guesses the fight was over him. She does her best impression of Elena as she tells him that he might be a psycho. He laughs it off and asks if she's only allowed out with her boyfriend. For the millionth time, she says that he's NOT her boyfriend and she's free to *cough* get to know other people. Mhm, we all know what that means. Alex tells her to wipe that look off her face, cause they're about to go eat the best pizza in the entire world, which just happens to be right there, in Toluca. They leave, laughing.

At the pizza place, SandyJo ribs Nicolalex about eating so much. His excuse is he's a guy. She says she's not exactly a light eater either and takes another slice, even though she still has an unfinished one, just so he doesn't end up eating it all. He says she must have forgotten all about the fight with Mom, but she says she hasn't and she's seriously thinking of living with her grandpa. She talks about her grandpa, how he's like an ogre at first, but really loves her. The only thing she doesn't like about him is his obsession with her getting married. Nicolalex would like to be one of the candidates for Mr. SandyJo. She laughs that she hardly knows anything about him, but you can tell she already likes him more than she likes Bruno. He tries to give her the Cliff's Notes version--single, good job, modest savings…. She cuts him off and reminds him that they just met. He takes her hand and says to get to know each other, they'll have to get closer. She's afraid that if he really knew her, he wouldn't like her. He tells her she's really pretty, with a nice smile, and what's more, he almost feels like he knew her before…maybe in a past life? He feels like in that life they got married and had a son. "Don't you feel the same thing?" She says she doesn't, despite the ringing gong. She says she doesn't think she's had a child. "Why," he asks, "don't you like kids?" She admits to him that she lost her memory and doesn't remember what happened to her before, but she knows she wasn't a good person. Nicolalex assures her he likes her just the way she is.

Nicolalex walks SandyJo home. He asks her out again and she agrees. He jokingly says her mom must be waiting for her, and she says "don't doubt it!" He reminds her that at the restaurant they were talking about getting closer. She remembers. He asks for a kiss, just one. She hesitates, but they end up kissing. Both of them, I might add. Unlike when Bruno kisses her and she just puts up with it. She criticizes him for saying it would be a "little" kiss. He apologizes. She still agrees to go out with him again, but she wants Ester to come along this time. He agrees and they say goodnight. She slowly goes inside, grinning that big gummy JB grin (which I oddly don't mind tonight). She leans against the wall, savoring the evening. Cause you know once mama gets hold of her, she's going to twist it into something nasty, as usual. Here comes mama, saying they were very "acaramelados" (huggy and kissy). SandyJo thinks it's no big deal, but mama says she's no innocent miss--behind that face is hiding a ho. "You think just because you lost your memory you wont' do it again? It's your nature." SandyJo says she doesn't want to be that way again, and she won't. Elena keeps pushing--"How do you know you won't sleep with him first chance you get?" Well, that's a fair question, but if sleeping with William Levy when the opportunity presents itself is wrong…you get the picture. SandyJo says her knowing she won't do it is enough and she wants Elena to butt out of her life. Elena says she'll be breaking Damian's heart and throwing away his love…"Is that what you call changing?" SandyJo walks out. Elena is way too good at this to be just starting out.

Alex gets back to the cabin, where Paula is messing with the fireplace. Um, do we want Paula messing with the fireplace? Is burning down the cabin part of their plan? She kind of gripes at him about being out so late and having a good time. Hernán called to say that Sandra is dying. Alex says he's sorry and suggests they go to Mexico. He calls Ezequiel and asks him to get a plane ticket for Pedro for first thing tomorrow morning. He asks Zeke not to say anything to Vicky, for now. Alex tells Paula they'll leave first thing in the morning in the truck. He calls Arturo and tells him to go over to the house where MaryJo is at tomorrow. He and Arturo both realize that he slipped up. Alex tells Arturo the truth. He wants Arturo to tell MaryJo that he had an emergency and had to go to Mexico and that's why he can't see her like they had planned. Arturo is having a really hard time wrapping his head around (a) that being MaryJo and (b) her not recognizing Alex or Paula. Alex warns him not to try to get her to remember anything (but it would be funny if someone minor, like Arturo, jogs her memory, instead of Alex's sexy kisses.) Alex tells him to just keep an eye on her.

Pedro cries and unloads his troubles on Chucho, Gabriel, and Meche. Gabriel is focused on whether Pedro saw Paula. Ezequiel comes over. He tells Pedro that Alex called and wanted him to tell Pedro that his daughter is dying. Zeke gives Pedro the plane ticket. Even Zeke is crying. Chucho tells Pedro that she suffered so much, and now she won't suffer, the usual platitudes about heaven. Gabriel offers that they'll always hold her in their hearts. Pedro's just broken and keeps muttering about how cruel life is.

The next morning, Arturo wishes them a good trip and tells Paula he's sorry about her sister. Arturo tells Alex not to worry about MaryJo and please drive carefully.

Felipa and Vicky are coming downstairs. Felipa thinks Vicky should have stayed in bed another day, since Bruno said he would stay. Vicky says that since he was threatening to go back to Toluca, they need to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't surprise them with it. She'll go to the board meeting and that way if Bruno plans to go to Toluca right after, she can call Alex and warn him. Ezequiel comes in and Vicky asks him what's up. Zeke tells her that Alex called to say that MaryJo is dying. Vicky is not too upset. She tells Ezequiel that it's really not MaryJo, it's her twin Sandra and Felipa can fill him in on the details later. Poor Zeke, he's going to have a heart attack by the end of this!

Grandpa Porfirio and SandyJo are cracking up laughing. He told her the story of telling Jorge that he won't sign his will until SandyJo gets married. He finds it hilarious that Jorge went so pale, considering it's Porfirio who is the one who's supposed to be dying. SandyJo says that Jorge wants her to marry Damian. Porfirio won't hear of it, until he's had a chance to check this guy out. He's already disposed not to like him, since Jorge likes him. However, SandyJo has met this new guy, Nicolas,a photographer, who is also quite tasty. If she's interested, then Grandpa wants to meet him. Actually, he wants to meet both of them, but certainly not at the same time, cause that would be messy, ja, ja, ja. SandyJo assures him that he'll like Nicolas and he hopes he does. Porfirio goes all giddy again and imitates the look on Jorge's face.

Arturo goes over to SandyJo's house to tell her that Nicolalex has gone to the DF. He gives the message to Elena, since SandyJo is out. Could she be any happier about this?

The babies are out on the Lombardo lawn with the nurse and Roberto. A taxi drops off Raquel. She mocks Roberto for turning into a babysitter. She tells him she's back to live, and also she was called to a board meeting to see if Roberto's new position will be approved so he can start on his projects. Raquel says she couldn't resist showing up so she can vote against it. But at least he has something to do with all the free time he'll have. He tries to dig some maternal sentiment out of her, but she calls the baby ugly. He begs her to let him have the baby. She says "What for? So when she grows up you can rape her?" And she doesn't think Ulises would have made any better of a father. She thinks they're both trash and she doesn't have time to argue with him.

At the meeting, one of the nameless board members calls the meeting to order. As he's commenting that MaryJo and Alex can't be with them, Raquel is grinning. He draws their attention to Roberto's project proposal and the meeting fades out.

A priest prays over Sandra and gives her extreme unction (what used to be called "last rites" http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05716a.htm) as Pedro and Paula look on, tearful.

The board meeting continues as the board member goes over the proposal point by point. Raquel says Roberto will bring the company down. Vicky tries to shut her up, saying she supports him. Hernán also supports him. Bruno doesn't care. Maura supports him because she thinks it's going to get her a good return on her investment. So, by majority approval, Roberto is named Director of International relations. Raquel starts screaming that it's a mistake and Bruno halfheartedly calms her down. He's been looking bored through the whole thing.

Sandra dies. Pedro and Paula cry really ugly. Pedro hugs Sandra's body and screams. Paula starts trying to talk Pedro down--she was really sick, at least you got to say goodbye, I'm sure she felt it. Paula runs out of steam. Alex is upset, but in a kind of remote way.

After the meeting, they come out and announce to Roberto that his project was approved. Maura says she was surprised and she's glad the project was approved. He asks Raquel what she has to say. She says having a job doesn't make him any better of a person and if it were up to her, he wouldn't have it. Well, what did he expect her to say? Fernando comes in and Maura announces that Roberto is the "President" of International Relations. Fernando congratulates him. Alex calls Hernán, who tells Vicky that Sandra is dead and Alex is taking care of the arrangements. Vicky feels sorry for Paula and Pedro. Bruno comes over to say he showed up and now he's going back to continue taking care of his business. He asks Hernán to take care of Vicky for him. Vicky pulls out her cell phone to call Alex.

Looks like Elena just didn't bother telling SandyJo, who is at the place with the plants and the stained glass, waiting in vain for Nicolalex . She wanders around, looking for him, and eventually leaves.

Alex tells Paula and Pedro that he talked to the doctor and the death certificate will be in Sandra's name. Pedro is grateful Alex is there to take care of things. He wonders if they should tell Elena that her daughter is dead. Dude, are you kidding me? Are you freaking kidding me? Paula says no way. She doesn't deserve to know. Plus it would give away the fact that Team Alex knows who's who. Alex asks if Pedro wants a burial or a cremation. Paula has to repeat the question for him. Pedro doesn't know. Dude, if ever there was a time to man up. But no, he leaves it to Alex, who suggests a small, private cremation and then they can take the ashes with them. As usual, Alex will take care of everything.

This whole thing with Sandra dying is just weird. She wasn't around long enough to be anything but a way to take MaryJo away from Alex and give her amnesia. So, goodbye, our little bleached blonde plot device. Sorry your crummy parents drove you to drugs just so that you could overdose and introduce a little late-in-the-game baby switching. Rest in peace.

Previews: Alex tells SandyJo that she's his wife, lots of people smack each other around, and Bruno and Elena take SandyJo away from Casa Lombardo…however, as we are now in Ultimos Capitulos those things may not necessarily be happening tomorrow. Just more drama for us to look forward to.

Aw, heck, I'll give you the whole song since it seems so appropriate for SandyJo:

How Can I Remember ?
Music by John Williams, Lyrics by Alan & Marilyn Bergman

How can I remember things that never happened ?
Arms that never held me,
lips I've never kissed.
How can I remember ?

Why do I keep seeing someone's face before me,
eyes that say they know me,
shining through the mist
eyes that I remember.

I don't know why or when or where.
I feel suspended in mid-air
somewhere between a dream and a mem'ry.
Where then and now meet somehow ?

Why do I keep hearing some familiar music
half forgotten love songs
running through my mind
why do I remember.

I don't know why or when or where.
I feel suspended in mid-air
somewhere between a dream and a mem'ry.
Where then and now meet somehow ?

There are many things I may not understand,
but somehow I knew that you would take my hand.
I always knew you'd find me,
always knew you'd love me.

Long before I met you
don't ask how I knew
ever since I can remember
I remember you.


Just to clarify, for certain parties sitting next to me on the couch, I have no intention of making it with William Levy, even if the opportunity should present itself. But since I doubt the opportunity will ever present itself, my willpower will never be tested :)

That was superb Kat! Poor Sandra. We hardly knew ya...

What a buzz kill that Elena is. The very last person you should speak with after savoring a delicious kiss with Alex, or "a walk through paradise" as he called it. Indeed! :) MJ may not be remembering much, but we (and MJ) get to enjoy Alex's attempts to jog her memory.

The place for the date was the Cosmovitral: "Cosmovitral is a botanical garden in Toluca, Mexico, noted for its stained-glass panes that encircle the upper-story of the building depicting the cosmos." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmovitral

Very beautiful from the looks of it. What a great place for a first date.

5ft Latina once again a hilarious recap and thanks. I'll glady take your spot if the opportunity presented itself with William.

SMJ she really expected him to kiss her when he drop her off at her house with Paula and he kissed her cheeked instead well played keep them panting and wanting for the real thing.

When they went on their date together, and he had asked her can he give her one kissed. OMG i would have melted right tjem and there and the actual kissed itself was hot.

Even though SMJ was complaining it was longer than he intended her lips weren't refusing him like they do Bruno.

Why do i just not care whar Maura and Bruno have planned for Katia?

I really wish that SMJ would move in with her grandfather i just feel the same way Paula did when she comes onto the screen.

What the heck was Dr.Demented eating dates or prunes, if it was prunes that would explain the constipated look he always has on his face.

Poor Lissette i guess she can't disown Maura because she's in charge of their money. I think Lissette has thrown out her team Mexitrash card.

Pedro you idiot you just lost one daughter due to your coldhearted beyatch of a wife. Now you want to jeopardize the life of your second daughter who was kidnapped by your wife.

Can someone order Dr.Demented mind altering drugs online i have a few candidates living in Merida who are in need of them.

Thanks Kat:

For the timely recap. I am very sad that they killed Sandra. What a useless tug on my heartstrings! As you said, Kat, Sandra served almost no purpose other than allowing MJ to be kidnapped and switched and giving us one true victim in the TN. MJ and Paula never even met her (awake).

Oh well, I guess you could say that the Sandra character further highlighted the flaws in the personalities of her father and stepfather. As if we didn't know already, we got to see Pedro demonstrate his highly developed skill in self pity and Jorge show his gift for torturing a tormented young woman.

One of the only other people I really like in this show is also at death's door—Porfirio. Let's hope he won't croak right away.

And although Lissette is no innocent, no one deserves to get cancer. Her sister is totally selfish and Katia is the only other person who we see visit her (how awful). Maybe, if as Anon. suggests, she has turned away from her MexiTrash roots, a nice Doctor or Nurse could befriend her. She could use a little warm and fuzzy hug right now.

Someone should pay Lissette (the actress) double for having to put that conehead rubber net over her hair. Her head looks as big as a pumpkin and it is not flattering. Can you imagine the actress putting the bald conehead pumpkin footage on her demo CD?

Finally, why bring Raquel back into the house and the plot? She is a waste of space. How could she possibly be redeemed at this point? I am afraid that she is about to add emotional cruelty to her baby daughter to her long list of transgressions.

Thanks for the recap Kat. I was thinking the same thing about Sandra's character. So that is it? She is dead? Cold character treatment. I had hoped she would have some semblance of a life with the family who actually loves her. There are too many disgraceful characters in this novela! William Levy's smile sure helps brighten it up though.

Great recap once again 5ft. And I'll just ditto that additional statement you made though I'm a little old for him. Oh, heck, Vic has Fer, so there's always hope?
Alex was looking mighty fine, though he could deep-six the scarf so we could get a better view of that awesome...I digress. They both were pretty cute at that awesome conservatory. Again, I hope we see some of that SMJ spirit when MJ gets her memory back.

Selfishness seemed to be the order of the day on this episode with our other cast of characters.

Maura just needs a good slap upside the head. Her sister gives her awesome news and she is more concerned about Bruno? She's too busy to even pick up the phone and check on details with the doc. Heck, she saw him at the board mtg. How about "so wonderful news about my sis, how is she doing?" Something!!!
Katia - ok, sorry to admit, but I agree Anon, I just don't care about her. Send her back to school, that'll get her.But maybe she'll cause a problem for Bruno with his plan, in which case, I will forgive her presence through this TN.

Raquel thy name is Shrew. The baby is ugly? I'm still worried that moving her back to La Casa Crazy is moving her to the baby to redeem her. So unfair.

And poor Sandra. We hardly knew you. I thought Pedro's whole wailing and moaning was more from guilt than anything else. Years ago, if he had half the cujones, he would have searched for her. Even when it was discovered it was her, he didn't exactly jump up in excitement. It was "Alex take care of her". What would that man do without Alex?

Somebody in the scuzzville gang needs to start getting their come-uppance. We're getting close to the end, so let's start the payback machine cranking!!

Thanks, Kat. Excellent recap , as always. By the way, are you planning on watching Corazon Salvaje ? Before last night's episode, I was sure that Sandra would survive to be part of the happy ending. Otherwise, why would they have hauled her back to Merida like a sack of potatoes. Oh, I guess it was so that Papa could emote over her at the hospital. That whole storyline was harsh and muy depressing. On a more positive note...Congratulations, Robero o o on your new position. Maybe you'll get to travel and meet a notcrazy mujer. I have no idea what the writers are planning for Raqhell. She seems beyond redemption at this point. I am waiting for Sleeping Beauty [aka Useless] to awaken and kill Jorrible JorHEY. I so love the fact that Abuelo has that creep's number.

Hi Kat. First of all,let me say I love your musical taste. How well I remember that song since I've watched the remake of Sabrina soooo many times. You can have William Levy if you'll hand over Harrison Ford to me...immediately!

Loved the Marie José imitation of Elena. Just the right husky drag. And could the actress speak any slower!? Actually I speak pretty slowly myself but I think Elena may just be a tad hypo-thyroid. Time for a checkup, bitchmom.

Thanks for another great recap. I always look forward to reading you and Julia (ENDA) on Wednesday mornings.

I had to lol when SaMJ did her impression of Elena. She got the voice down pretty well. :)

Although I don't like Katia, I DO NOT want to see her get date raped, which is what it sounds like Bruno and Maura have in store for her. She is only 17 or 18. Something like that would nearly destroy her emotionally AND her brother Fer. Fernando doesn't deserve that, and he will KILL Mateo, and probably Bruno and Maura if he finds out they are behind it.

Excellent recap Kat. I guess I missed more than I thought when I dozed off. Elena is such a waste of good air. I just cringe when she walks in the room. She always looks like she wants to stab MJ in the back--oh, wait she is. What a heifer.

Raquel is way beyond saving. How can you call your own child ugly. She's never even looked at her.

Somebody needs to give Jorge some of his own sleepytime tea. Loser.

By the way, was anyone else bothered by Lisette's cone-head look (I agree, Elna June) but all the while still having heavy eyebrows and eyelashes? I've had too many friends go through chemo to not be struck by that incongruity. Not that I would have wanted the director to shave those brows or pluck out those lashes. But if they could have covered them up (brows) and temporarily lightened the lashes, it would have looked a lot more authentic.

Poor child, she's not getting to play a very glamourous part. Guess I should leave well enough alone.

What fights do we have coming up? It went pretty quickly. Alex v. Bruno that's for sure. I think Roberto should get to beat the snot out of somebody.

Judy B...I too was not keen on the cone head look...the actress has very long hair so I think that was inevitable with the bald cap. They should have kept a scarf on her head for that reason. I too have been personally touched by the effects of chemo through loved ones. I do applaud them for trying though. I am thinking they tried to de-stigmatize the bald-look. I was very proud when my late and loved mother-in-law chose to go bald in public for the very first time after years of chemo. We went out together and she was amazing.

Kat - Thank you for the recap. I was also guilty of a big, goofy grin when SMJ and Nicoalex kissed. ;o) I like their chemistry.

So they killed off Sandra, after all. Elnajune, ITA with your take on all that. FFWD--> thru Pedro's crying scenes.

I also loved SMJ's imitation of Elena. JB is showing some good acting skills in this 'novela.

Katia doesn't deserve date rape, no matter how awful she is.
Maura & Bruno never cease to surprise me.

Raq-hell, que the ****? Mad female dog alert.

I think Lisette is seeing the light.

She had her fun with Team Mexitrash trying to break up Alex & MJ and gossiping about Katia & Bruno.

But Lisette has always been pragmatic: she's told both Katia and Maura to move on, those guys don't want them anymore.

Now she's on her sickbed and she sees how self-absorbed and obsessed both Maura and Katia are. Lisette is telling Katia how alone and sad and scared she feels having cancer and all Katia can think about is why Bruno isn't calling her! Lisette calls Maura to tell her she's in remission and all Maura can think about is MJ dying so she can get back with Alex!

Lisette is probably wondering, "Is this all there is? Sitting around obsessing about somebody who doesn't want you and who doesn't love you instead of focusing on people who do?"

I can't wait for Lisette to give both Katia and Maura the smackdown. But knowing them it will just go over both of their heads.

I think an appropriate punishment for Katia is to be left alone: no friends, no Bruno and for Fernando to wash his hands of her. Maybe she'll move to Tio's ranch for a fresh start.

I also can't wait for Paula to lay the smackdown on Elena, b/c Pedro ain't gonna do it and MJ doesn't have all her wits about her but Paula does and Paula is the only one of the three who can bring the pain to Elena.

I like the idea of Katia going to live at Tio's ranch. She can begin her new life by mucking out the horse stalls.

Carlita, that's a great story about your mother-in-law. The courage of people dealing with cancer is just amazing. I can be whiney and self-pitying with even a cold, so I admire their valor all the more. Do hope and pray that the researcher will soon...very soon...come up with better therapy than these poisonous and disfiguring treatments. But in the meantime...what courage indeed.

I'm going to hold off on comment about what they did to the Sandra character until this novela comes to end.I'm not happy like everyone else.

Elena is just so ughhhhhh repulsive no wonder she can only attract guys like Pedro and Dr.Demented and her sickly second husband.

I would love to see Paula give Elena a beat down that she so deserves.

I love Porfirio that old curmudgeonly ol' coot is too much, i love how he pushes Dr. Demented's buttons and alos he lets him and Elena both know what he really thinks of them.

I can't wait for when SMJ introduces Bruno to him, he'll spot him from a mile away for not being genuine.

Maura,do you really even care about your own sister? I know she gave her a bone marrow transplant but still can't you visit your own sister.

Now i'm starting to suspect that everything she did for her sister was to look good in front of Alex.
As a self sacrificing caring older big sister.

I know everyone been saying that Vicki can't lose both of her twins, but i say why not both are just so horrible and if anything Raqhell should at least have been locked up for attempted murder.

Maybe her serving a couple of years behind bars would have given the much needed wake up call she has needed and time to reflect on her atrocious behavior towards others too.

I was wondering how they got all of Lissette's hair in that thing. They did a pretty good job really.

Mrs. 5 ft, now that Mr, 5ft is not sitting beside you on the couch, what do you really plan to do when your meet WL and he asks you out!!!! Yes, you'd go, I thought so! Great, fab, tremendous, wonderful recap as usual....

I'm a little annoyed with Paula. She and Pedro were sitting on the couch mourning Sandra's death together, what's with that? If she is very angry with her mother, Elena, for leaving her, what about her dad who has put little effort into finding his DAUGHTER. He seems to get an almost free pass. IMHO, if he had searched for and found Sandra a few years earlier, maybe they could have made a difference. Vicky at least has the good sense to take responsibility for and really regret her earlier actions....Paula why so mad at Elena and have Pedro as your best buddy?

Of course WL looks good in anything, but his "Dukes of Hazzard" look is a little funny. This is Nashville, and there are TONS of cowboy hats, jeans, boots, etc.here, but Alex's puffy sleeves, green kerchief, rolled straw hat brim looks just a little like Hee Haw. Of course, if he showed up like that at my door,( given that I found myself single) I'd look into his cute face and go in a second!!

SMJ, if you new boyfriend Nicholas doesn't work out as viewerville thinks it will, on the next go around...never mention marriage on the first date...he'll NEVER ask you out again. Alex, you too, drop the "I like pretty women, like you"..not good.

Sandy once again i'm going to have to forgive Alex since he's never really had to try at up to pick up any woman he has desired.

So i'll give him some slack with his pick up lines,plus the pressure of trying to woo SMJ so she can be comfortable enough with him and the time constraints of when Bruno is coming back too.

SMJ i'll give her a free pass too after dealing with slimy octopus hands Bruno and coming across drop dead gorgeous NicolAlex i would be tongue tied too and not knowing what the heck was coming out of my mouth.

I think Sortilegio is preempted tonight.

Anon, you're right, I shudder to think what I'd be saying in that situation. I think I'll just stay home with my old comfy husband and say what I want to say...I'll let some of you younger gals have the first shot at WL!! I know he'll be VERY disappointed when her hears that I'm out of the running.

Sandy ROFL don't worry we'll pick up the slack for you not being there ok.

Excellent recap 5ft. I was sad that Sandra died. Now she'll never know her twin or the others. Shame. I'm sick of Elena's brainwashing of MJ. That is extreme mental cruelty. Since this is ultimas capitulos, I hope this part of the story will be ending soon and that Alex can undo the damage being done to MJ by taking her away from that house of horrors. I loved the "first kiss" between MJ/Sandra and Alex/Nikolas. She was definitely into it and of course Elena didn't pass on the message leading MJ to think that Alex stood her up. I hope the abuelo takes one look at Bruno and instantly dislikes him. It seems Porfino distastes phoniness and Bruno is one big phony.

Kat: Your recap was sparkling as always. What a treat. So well written and thorougly entertaining.

Of all the unanswered questions thus far, how Pedro and Elena ever got together, let alone had 3 children, is the biggest mystery.

Surprised (and vey disappointed) along with everyone else that Sandra died. It seems as though she never had a chance.

Vivi, Katia is a spoiled brat who needs a spanking but I agree, I don't want anything bad to happen to her. She still has time to redeem herself.

Carlia and Judy, my support and empathy to all of your loved ones going through chemo. My mother did it with dignity and grace (although she didn't survive) and my brother is currently going through treatment. You are so right, the courage some have is truly inspiring.


Great recap, Kat.

I, for one, did not think Lisette looked bad. She has a beautiful face, and I liked the makeup. I guess hair is a big part of people's identity, so it was a bit shocking.

Arturo really wanted to give SandyJo the message that Alex would be out of town in person, but clever Elena foiled that, and now it looks as if Alex stood SandyJo up. Hopefully, Alex will be able to charm his way out of this misunderstanding.

It really is fascinating to see the good guys scheming, the bad guys scheming. In a way, it's like a chess match (and of course, they just showed Porfilio teaching SandyJo chess).

5t. Another masterful recap and with lyrics, too.

OK, folks, is it just me or does Elena have some kind of different accent? Does anybody else hear it, too?

Bummer no Sorti tonight being preempted for the state of address by the President.

pasofino - I just Googled her and according to Wikipedia, she was born in England and lived there for the (almost) first 20 years of her life. That may be an influence...

Watching how Elena treats SMJ, I am becoming very sympathetic to Sandra's drug usage.

thanks for the great recap.

I noticed that the more MJ goes to casa de abuelo the more she argues with mommy dearest. Could her abuelo be doing a little brainwashing also (in this instant it would be great).

Why is Dr. Doom the Dr. for abuelo? if he's so rich and doesnt trush him or Elena why allow them in his house.

I hope that SMJ with her new attitude decides to comfort Nick about standing her up and finds out that Elena didnt give her the message so SMJ can see that Elena cant be trusted.

I have a ? thats been bugging me for sometime about Useless. If he was so broke and sponging off everyone where did he get the car that Dr. Doom hid? if it was rented wouldnt it have a gps or someone looking for it?

Im thinking that Requal maybe the one to jog MJ memory with all the screaming and yelling that she did B/4 Tony was born how could SMJ forget that sound.

I just want to see Paula slap Elena, Katia, Raquel, Bruno, Maura
is that wrong of me? I would say Dr. Doom but I dont think she's any match for him.

I just thought of the perfect punishment for Katia and Bruno. She should be forced to stay with him. I cant see her staying this stupid and obsessed with him for ever.

Oh how I hate Elena let me count the ways. there's just to many to list.

That's the end of my crazy rant.

NO Sortilegio tonight due to the state of the union address. They could just sum it up with one word, awful & let us get to more important things, like Wm Levy.

Damn, now Al/Nic has to spend time getting SMJ to forgive him for standing her up. Why o why didn't Al/Nic tell Arturo to give the message only to SMJ?

Maybe Sandra makes a miraculous novela recovery. I thought she would end up having a happy life.

Doris: Thanks for the info.

No sorti tonight!? Oh man. I was all stoked for it. Is the finale going to be the regular 2 hours or 4 like MEPS?

Call me crazy, but I think there is hope for Katia, she is young enough and I see confusion in her eyes. She found herself under the influence of Bruno's lies and false devotion. Haven't we all liked a wacky guy/girl at some time or the other? How long did it take us to figure everything out? But I must say, if the writers so cruely killed off Sandra, they might not have it in their hearts to throw Katia a rope to redemption.

Why is Dr. Doom the Dr. for abuelo? if he's so rich and doesnt trush him or Elena why allow them in his house.

Jorge the Jorrible was probably Porfirio's doctor to begin with and after Porifiro Jr. kicked it, Elena married her father in law's doctor.

I have a ? thats been bugging me for sometime about Useless. If he was so broke and sponging off everyone where did he get the car that Dr. Doom hid? if it was rented wouldnt it have a gps or someone looking for it?

Useless probably rented the car, but nobody would have found it since Jorge had the car taken to a rough neighborhood so it could get the chop shop treatment. I don't think Toluca Rent a Coche would be looking for Useless' car at Dr. Doom's house.

Rent a Coche would be looking for Ulises since he didn't report his car missing. Seems like the police s/b be interested, but we all know they rarely report anything to the policía in novelaland.

Kat, I love, love, love your recaps. Next to William Levy's smile, I think I'll miss your recaps more than Sortilegio itself!!

I kind of liked the fact that Sandra was killed off. I didn't really see a point in having the twin plotline so glad it wasn't dragged out, such as having Alex believe one was the other to the point of sleeping with Sandra, etc.... JMHO

would this be appropriate place to have someone translate how WL got the job for Sortilegio?


Without captions, I'm lost.


Thanks for your great recap Kat. Though your husband might not have been able to laugh, your comment about if having sex with William Levy is wrong... had me rolling.

I too am sorry Sandra died. I think the writers could have given her a nice quiet life with Pedro (if he would ever stop crying).

Kat, thanks for another fabulous recap. The song was a special bonus feature.
"So long, our little blonde plot device." All that work for a character that didn't really get to do that much--except to provoke another snivelling fit from Papi Pedro. Do we have a list of the people who are total oxygen wasters? Elena, Pedro, Racquell?
Lisette does deserve something good after having to cope with her selfish "nearest and dearest."
La Paloma

Thanks, Kat. Late to the party. Your recap was a masterpiece!

I was really sad Sandra died. I was SO looking forward to JB doing a dual role towards the end, with Sandra having gone to rehab and rediscovering her real family. Call me sentimental, I guess.

What I was thinking, since this is a remake, is that maybe the twin died in the original and they didn't want to change it? Or it was too much of a strain on JB faking that Spanish accent?

I knew as soon as Elena answered the door that she wasn't going to pass along Arturo's message. I'm ready to strangle Elena. She keeps going from bad to worse, constantly reminding SMJ that she was a drug addict and loose woman to try to keep control of her.

Novelera~~I agree. I was sure that Sandra would make a miraculous recovery so that she could know the joy of becoming a part of a family not as horrible as Jorrible Jorge and Elena. Tough break. Papa Pedro is not exactly a pillar of strength, but next to Jorge, he is Father of the Year material. Paloma~~~ There are a lot of oxygen wasters in this novela. That is my fireman friend Herbie's favorite expression.

Thanks for the great recap, Kat! Still in school. No chance to read comments but looking forward to then later.

Thank you everyone for the comments and the feedback. It's much appreciated.

As far as ever meeting William Levy...well, Mr. 5ft knows his job is safe. In all likelihood I would lose all my cool and say something really sexy, like "uh, uh, uh, uh, uh." I probably wouldn't regain my ability to speak for at least a day and by then William would have moved on to some other lucky lady who was able to put together a more coherent sentence, like, "Hi," perhaps. But, hey if William finds incoherence hot, then "uh, uhhh" (that's "call me," in incoherencia!)

Sandra would have gone back into drugs if she had to live with Pedro.

Thank you Kat!

I too am sad that Sandra died. She deserved better.


Noverlera at 06:36 FYI: in the original Tu o Nadie there was no twin plotline. Don't know why the writer (who did the original & Sorti) decided to add this plotline here.

I'm sad that Sandra died, but I'm glad they introduced the plot cause I was tired of seeing MJ stuck in that mansion all the time. It was a nice change of pace to see her in a new environment and being spunky. That Casa de Locos y Lobos seems to sap all the spunkiness out of her. Even in Saqui, where she's super poor, she seems more alive than she does in the Mansion of Doom.

Sorry Anon Anon 7:38 but i disagree with you Sandra would have probably gotten her act together from living with Pedro,MJ and Paula.

The loving environment the family has is probably what Sandra has always craved her whole life.

While Pedro is a sad sack, a person who wants everyone to feel like he's a victim and doesn't know how to handle life as a adult or a great parent.

MJ and Paula didn't turn out too bad and he also has let Paula no on occasion rare that they are when she was getting out of line.

i've been cracking up with the recap and all comments for the past 2 epi. hate that they're not airing an epi today, but well, life goes on tomorrow for our TN heroine

I just hope SandyJo retains some of her spunk when Nicholex brings her back to the casa grande en merida. I'd love to see Bruno's constipated look when she finally gets away from Jorgelena's hell hole! But how about abuelo?!? Will SandyJo forget him too? Seems to me he's the only Abuelo she's ever known, so I hope she, with hunky Alex, Tonito and Paula, visits him again. What a wonderful life that will be :-)

Oh, I know everyone's been talking about who's worthy of redemption and who's not. But what's up with Raquel? With Roberto actihttp://caraycaray.blogspot.com/2010/01/sortilegio-tuesday-january-26-ep-76-how.htmlng like that, does it mean she'll get some seeds of sanity and motherly thoughts into her drunken and senseless head one day and they'll get back together? eeewwwwww!!! but at least, if little vicki will have a mother one day, that should be ok too. just too happy here she's not my mother hehehe!

SMC, Perish the thought that little Vicky would end up with her dreadful mother or Ulysses. We know Susanlynn has said she is available to rescue Roberto o, so let's just hope the baby stays in the big house with Felipa, Zeke, her cousin Tony, Alex and presumably MJ, when she is rescued.

I think, with a lot of love, she might just turn out OK. Who knows, in 20 years we could have another novela featuring Tony and lil Vicky and their trials and tribulations.

elna june - if Roberto really needs some tender rescuing and ends up with Susanlynn, MJ and Alex should just adopt lil Vicki, for sure that would drain any dark genes from mama Raq and tio Bruno from her veins.

Can't believe I have so much time to spend bottom-fishing in the stock market tonight just because there's no Sorti hahaha!

Ok, I'm finally free! Kat, loved the entire recap. Especially the thing about WL! Lol haha that was too funny. You are great.

I'm with those of you who thought Sandra's death was sad. Poor girl had a horrible life. I thought she would get a chance to be happy but I guess not...Sandy, I don't think Elena's hand in Sandra's situation excuses Pedro either. He didn't even try to find Sandra. She most likely would have been alive if he had taken her back...sigh...pretty depressing.

I think MJ will believe Alex that he send Arturo to tell her he was gone. She has a pretty good idea of Elena's personality and habits.

I'm hoping the next time Alex and Bruno meet, MJ is madly in love with Alex again. That'll show that jerk. Actually, he's kinda dumb. Probably move onto his next plan for ruining Alex's life.

I really don't like Katia either but rape is way too big of a punishment for anyone. I wouldn't wish that onto anyone. I read "Kite Runner" a few years back,and now I'm reading Alice Sebold's memoir "Lucky" right now, and really rape is not easy for even the strongest people. Hate for anyone to have to deal with it...

On a less serious note, Connie, I think Roberto should get to punch someone as well, but who...? Hmmm...Not raquel because he's realized his errors there...Bruno and Erick are good candidates....

I think everyone should get to take a whack at Bruno. We could make it a game "Whack-a-Bruno" and use baseball bats instead of small sticks.

Maybe Roberto can punch Useless. But he might have been there, done that already.

Don't forget the second season of Mujeres Asesinas starts tonight right after Sorti.

Connie i love the new game of Whack- a- Bruno where can we sign up.Let's add Raqhell, Elena,Maura,Dr,Demented and Pedro too.

Wm Levy y Maite Perroni in Cuna de Lobos


I'm so dopey, I was looking for today's recap.

That's ok. I did it too!

Been working a lot and haven't had time to comment. I think Whack a Bruno would be great. Or how about Whack an a**hole (sort of rhymes with mole) if we add the others. You get 10 point for Pedro, 20 for Maura, 30 for Elena, 40 for Raquel, and 100 for Dr. Demented. If Ulises pops up occasionally, you get 50 bonus points.

Beth i am ROFL with that one too funny.

Way better idea Beth! I like the point system.

How much for Bruno?

Connie, you get most of the credit for coming up w/the idea! I can just picture it! Heee!

Wow! How can we forget the Brunho! I think you automatically win if you whack him.

Hmmm, this has possibilities. Maybe it could be played in teams (of the good guys).

And like Resident Evil if you don't whack them in the head they come back for more.

I think Paula's team would win. She's dying to whack someone!

ROTFLOL! It's a good thing everyone left my corner of the office!

Are we the only ones here today?

Beth, I'll have to add something into my recap tonight about our new game so be watching for it.

por favor, ayudame
This is an interview of WL w/ Carla Estrada, and I'm trying to find out how he got Ale role....


Carla Estrada gave William the Alejandro Lombardo role because CCEA was a runaway hit in the afternoon when it aired in Mexico.

Include William's improved acting and good looks with his ever growing popularity it wasn't a hard choice for her to make.

The real mistake and thank goodness she corrected it was she was going to give the MJ role to Anahi another former RBD singer who couldn't act her way out of a bag.

They said her screen test with William was just awful Carla immediately starting working the phones for a replacement and decided on JB.William was always Carla's first choice to play Alex.

The rest they say is history.

ay, muchas gracias por esto!!

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