Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dinero 2/16: Barbara nobly fills in the absent slot

Here's what dear Barbara wrote for us. Great recap, Barbara!

I watched most of the show last night and made a few notes but since I don't currently have the ability to record the show and go back to fill in the holes or my misunderstandings, please do not think too poorly of the following and please fill in or correct as needed. Also, I am not sure of all the characters names as I have been only seeing parts of the show on Tues and Thursday night and filling in with the recaps on the other nights. So after all my disclaimers, here goes.

--Missed the first 7 minutes. Hopefully was a rehash of the end of yesterday's show. I come in on a scene where Ale and Rafa are arguing about sale methods. Her methods don't work for Rafa and he is unable to sell any cars. Ale of course just says he's incompetent and then starts railing against him for insulting Marco about his treatment of Ale. Her relationship is none of Rafa's business!

--Scene with Julieta and other kids (young adults) at a table outside. A guy pulls away some books and they start chanting "reveton" over and over. I got distracted and totally did not get this scene.

--Flashback to Ale and Rafa. Rafa says if he had a woman that was as great, wonderful, intelligent, beautiful, (or at least that is what he meant) as her--he would never let her take the taxi to work or live off of her. He would want to take care of her and treat her like a queen she is. For a second, Ale seems wistful, bemused, touched. Then she throws him out of her office, laughing at his torn pants as he turns to leave.

--Next we see Ale and Marco talking. Ale is telling Marco that Rafa has sold nothing. Marco says he will pick Ale up tonight but he may be delayed because he has a meeting with the aseguradora (insurer?). He of course is with Chavez. And, surely he is meeting with some hot new babe Chavez introduces to him--Karen Sandoval.

--Rafa is stapling his pants together while talking to Jaime on the phone. He is lamenting his lack of sales, how he wants to pay Ale the money he owes and how his sister and mother depend on him. What is going to happen to them if he goes to jail? Unbeknownst to him, Ale has approached him from behind and looks as if she feels bad for him. When Rafa gets off the phone she calls him into her office and shouts at him that she is giving him one more chance. But someone who gets one more chance--when should he get a day off? Never! He needs to work all the time including the and THIS weekend. Rafa swallows hard and agrees.

--Now another long telephone conversation with Rafa and Vicky where he tries to explain to her why he has to work and why he cannot keep their date this weekend. She of course goes ballistic. She repeat the assertion she has made before--"YES, I would rather see you in jail! At least would know where you are and that you are not around other women." Rafa actually says that if Vicki cannot be more supportive that he doesn't know if their relationship can work. More crying and screaming and Vicky say ADIOS! (Oh if I could only believe it).

--Susana has gotten the pen Ale wanted for Marco. Ale is happy, loves Marco. Susana is doubtful but says Ale is beautiful. Marco calls Ale. He is delayed at his meeting. He is discussing investments he is being shown. He'll be there soon.
Next scene, he and Karen Sandoval are getting to know each other. He's a lawyer, single. She's divorced but looking. He caresses her thigh and appreciates her bikini clad look.

--Next work calls me so I'm trying to get what I can. Several scenes of Jorge and his friend being driven around by another friend? Don't know who--but the big issue is that Jorge cannot direct them to his house and I think we are in suspense as to whether he will find home and get there while Marco, Chavez and all the party-harty people are there. Is this right?

--Last scenes: Many at Auto Siglo want to go out drinking. They pressure those that really don't want to go including Rafa. Later we see them dancing, enjoying themselves. Someone from Auto Siglo says put it on Rafa's account! Rafa hears this and this time actually blows a gasket. He and Medina get into a verbal pissing war. A bet is made. Please someone explain it to me. Is seems that Medina needs to sell three cars while Rafa sells one. Whoever loses, loses their hair?????


I also found this for those that are interested on either the esmas or Univision website.

RESUMEN del capítulo 22:

Ante el reclamo de Marino porque Rafael supuestamente visitó a un cliente de él, Rafa se defiende argumentando que si él fuera tan honesto no se hubiera robado la lista de clientes de Bulmaro, la cual le pertenecía a Rafael Medina.

Alejandra le reclama a Rafael por meterse en su vida personal. Él no puede contenerse en decirle que si él fuera su novio, no la dejaría irse sola en la noche, como lo hace Marco, quien en otra de las suyas, le llama a Alejandra desde la fiesta de Chávez.

Él ha conocido a una mujer espectacular, de nombre Karen. Por supuesto que miente para eludir su compromiso con su novia, Alejandra.

Vicky, en una de sus constantes llamadas al trabajo de Rafael, le pregunta llorando si ya no quiere seguir, a lo que Rafael contesta que si eso significa estar preso para verse los domingos, entonces no ¿Qué pasará con la relación de 'Los Pajaritos'?


Thanks Barbara for the recap. I have some trouble following this and would offer to recap but I can't record, either.

Yes, the bet involved the loser shaving his head, I think. I was confused too, about who was selling how many cars. It seems like Rafa should get some kind of break soon, though!

Vicky is hard to take, it would be great if he would dump her - maybe her brothers will intimidate him, though. I think in that dinner scene they were saying something like that. What a trap!

It's sweet the way Ale is starting to be a little soft towards Rafa, especially his description of how he would treat her if he were her novio. She seemed to be laughing at him fondly with the torn pants, not meanly.

Also, I'm liking that Rafa is standing up for himself and fighting back.

I forgot abt the scene with Vicky's brothers. I'm not sure what they were planning. I agree Ivy, I am glad Rafa is standing up for himself. I like people to be nice but I weary of people who led themselves continuously be victims.

Vicky is really loca. Wait till she actually SEES the beautiful women Rafa works with- Claudia, Ale, Susana, Rosario, all the sales floor girls...

That Karen Sandoval is really quite beautiful. I had a feeling that she's a con artist, looking for a rich mark/husband.

Jorge was taking his friends to see the hacienda. He couldn't remember the directions, had them take the wrong fork in the road. They wanted to call his house to talk to his sister or Ale to ask them the directions, but none of them had a cell phone, and Jorge's friend was too drunk to remember the number, and of course Jorge can't remember it. One of them suggest asking someone based on the name of the hacienda, then Jorge had trouble remembering the name of the hacienda but remembered that it is named after his daughter, which he needed a reminder of. The Hacienda is named the Alejandra, which the lady at the stand knows of and tells them that they should have taken that OTHER fork in the road.

I'm having some issues with this Alzheimer’s running gag. But I was yesterday that Pata finds this part of the storyline sweet, amusing and very real, and her family was affected by Alzheimer’s. So if Pata can handle it, I guess I can too. :) Jorge is very sweet.

That should be "I SAW yesterday..."

I just realized that I said Rafa made a bet with himself. Rafa's last name is Medina. He actually made the bet with Edgar Marino "El Zorro".
Thanks Paula for the cast list/pictures you made for us. It's really been helpful.

Thanks to those of you who responded to my message yesterday asking what there is to love about this novela. Now that I think of it, Rafa reminds me of a long, long-ago love. Long ago. So I can tune in on that basis. . Wasn't Vicki something of the sad sack in Querida Enemigo? Lordy Lordy. She's annoying alright. That VOICE. Guess she's in this thing for the long run.


Yes Mildred. She was the plain jane sister of Lorena in QE, abused by her husband and then a single mother, who at the end found true love with the really sweet rich guy. This role is VERY different.

Thanks for filling in with the recap Barbara!

Thanks for doing the marvelous recap Barbara. Yes, Rafa does stick up for himself. Interesting to see how the bet turns out. In some ways I've thought Rafa would pull things out in the end, but then, the writers aren't being too nice to him yet. :)

Another thanks for the recap, Barbara! I didn't get to see this one last night and my DVR was full so it never recorded it. I'm curious to see how this bet turns out. Marino is definitely a tool, so hopefully Rafa's luck will start turning around soon.

Hi all.
thanks Barb for the recap. I just got home from work a while ago. I hope people dont think that I think alzeimer's is a joke, that is not at all what I meant. I dont see this story line as a running gag, but as this sweet man with Alzeimers who has intermittent memory lapses and is trying to cope in a changing world. Alzeimers doesnt go away. I guess sometimes for me when situations are what they are if you cant find the humor in things you would just go nuts. And I truly adore Jorge like I said before. I think the actor who is portraying him is doing a good job. I feel his frustration and his pain. And he is so sweet.
So sorry if I offended anybody.

Pata- You didn't offend at all. Just the opposite. It made me see the character and the way they are portraying him from a different, less offended,point of view.

Thanks all for the thanks. And I don't think I've ever been called noble before--wow! Barbara

Hi out there,
am having a heck of a time trying to post my Dinero recap for Wed. It is all typed up and ready to go. Will post as soon as I can.
Thanks for being patient.

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