Monday, February 22, 2010

El Clon, Monday, Feb., 22 - Jade gets sent to her room; the twins get in trouble

The goons drag Jade away. She screams at Lucas to stay away and for once the hero obeys the heroine and doesn't do anything to help her.

Cristina and Diego encounter one another outside of Leo's house. Leo comes out and Lucas gives him an ultimatum - if Leo wants him back, he has to get rid of the bimbo. Even though Leo wants to end it with Cristina, he won't take defiance from his son. He says that Cristina is staying. "Your choice," says Diego and leaves.

At the market, Zoraida tells Latifa that this is her chance to get out of the marriage. She doesn't have to accept the insult of Mohammed's inability to buy so much gold. Latifa thinks it over. She tells Zoraida that she might not get another man. She decides she doesn't need so much gold. Mohammed rejoices.

Dora is doing Luisa's nails.

We find out that Dora has always dreamed of having a baby and completing herself as a woman. With her house, her business and her savings, she can raise a child properly now. She believes that she is close to realizing her dream. Luisa also thinks that she is close to realizing her dream of starting a family. Dora says that she loves Osvaldo and wants him to be the father of her child. Luisa says that she loves Albieri and he loves her back but they have never even kissed. She thinks it will happen soon, though.

Leo and Cristina are driving. He tells her that it is over between them. Cristina plays her cards very cleverly. She insists on telling her version of what happened to Leo but not in the car. She persuades him to go to her place.

A furious Diego pounds on the door of Albieri's house. He tells Luisa that his father has rejected him. Diego says that as far as he is concerned, Leo can have Cristina. Luisa babbles about how men need companionship but Diego isn't paying attention.

The goons drag Jade back to Ali's house. Zoraida asks if she knows what she has done - now no one can help her. Latifa asks if it is true that she kissed a man on the lips. Jade admits it proudly and says that she won't be like the women here who have children but have never learned to kiss out of love. She says that she has found the man of her dreams and she won't marry Said. Latifa tells her that if Mohammed's family finds out what she has done, he won't marry her. When Zoraida leaves, Jade and Latifa start giggling.

Latifa wants to know all about what kissing a man on the lips is like. Latifa has never even seen a man kiss a woman in a video since such scenes are cut in local releases. Jade says it's no wonder Latifa obeys Ali, she doesn't know what she's missing. Jade tells Latifa how wonderful kissing is and shows her a video of same.

They sober up thinking about what Ali will do to Jade.

At the camel market, Ali gets the news that Jade was seen kissing a foreigner.

Cristina gets Leo into her house. He still doesn't want to hear her version of what happened and she continues to try and convince him to take her back by acting more and more desperate. Finally she dresses like a whore (not much change was needed) and tells Leo that she will become the woman he thinks she is. Thus attired, Cristina saunters down the street and accosts a guy while Leo watches from his car. He drags her away and ends up kissing her.

Ali comes back to his house in a fury. He curses Jade and says that she will never go out again and then he slaps her. Ali says that he will hunt down the man who defiled her to the ends of the earth. He demands to know the guy's name. Jade gives a false name and says that the guy was on his way out of town. Ali wants his address. Jade tries to protect Latifa and Zoraida by saying that she acted alone. Ali drags Jade to her room and says that she will never leave it again; she betrayed his trust, she is filthy, etc., etc.

Albieri tells Lucas that he regrets letting Leo go home alone and he is returning to Miami that night. Lucas says that he will stay. He asks Albieri for his friend Ali's number in case he needs him. Albieri writes Ali a note and gives it to Lucas.

Leo and Cristina return to her place and kiss passionately.

Diego is back at his father's house. Rosa tells him that Albieri is returning the next day. Diego is going to fly with his instructor to a party in Daytona and needs a shirt ironed. Diego sees some toys that Lucas doesn't want anymore and concludes that his twin is doing everything he can to be different from him.

Lucas wastes no time in bringing his letter of introduction to Ali's house. Latifa asks Ali what will happen when Mohammed's family finds out what Jade did. Ali prays for guidance on how handle the situation. Latifa sees Lucas arrive, which enables her to tell Zoraida about it. She also tells Zoraida that she is starting to like Mohammed more. Observed by Zoraida, Ali tells Lucas that he now has a family in Morocco and he asks Lucas to stay for dinner.

Zoraida brings Jade food and Jade says that she is tired of being locked up. [What has it been - an hour?] Zoraida tells her that Ali has been involved with the preparations for Latifa's wedding. Then she lets Jade know that the friend of Ali's godson is visiting. Zoraida realizes that Lucas is the man Latifa has been seeing. Latifa begs for Zoraida's help as a woman who knows what she is feeling. Zoraida confesses that she doesn't know. She has been a servant in Ali's house since she was eight. Years ago, a man wanted to marry her but she had to go to the States to take care of Latifa and there never was another. Jade ask Zoraida to help her run away to America with Lucas where they will get married immediately. Zoraida says that if Jade is caught, she will be kiled. She replies that would rather be killed than live the life her uncle wants for her. She says that she will kill herself if she can't be with Lucas. Zoraida tells Jade that Ali is going to Mohammed's house the next day to talk about her.

Ali is the gracious host to Lucas. He shows him how to eat according to local customs. He invites Lucas to his niece Latifa's wedding on the weekend. He tells Lucas that he has two nieces living in his house but he prefers boys. "When women are beautiful," he says, "we have no control over them." Zoraida calls Ali to the phone. She takes the opportunity to tell Lucas to wait for Jade in their regular place at 5pm the next day. Zoraida says that if Jade doesn't come, it means that her destiny is fulfilled and Lucas should go home and never return to this house. Lucas ask if that means Jade will be killed. Zoraida doesn't answer; she just pushes Lucas out the door.

Osvaldo spins a yarn for Dora about why he didn't show up at his appointment at the fertility clinic. She buys it but says that he has another appointment on Wed and he'd better not miss it or she is through with him. They dance.

Leo comes home smiling after being with Cristina. Rosa scolds him for driving Diego away and for letting Diego fly the helicopter. Leo reassures her that there is no danger. He has spoken to the pilot and Diego will never fly alone.

The next day Diego finds out that the pilot has appendicitis and isn't available for the flight to Daytona. Diego decides to fly there solo. Rosa is horrified and threatens to tell his father. But it's sex in the afternoon with Leo and Cristina and he doesn't answer the phone.

Now the intertwined threads of twin tragedy unfold. Diego takes off in the helicopter. Lucas waits for Jade in the ruins.

Jade is delayed. Diego runs into clouds that he has been told not to fly through. Lucas decides Jade isn't coming. He takes a horse and rides into the desert.

Diego flies into a storm. He loses control of the helicopter and crashes.

Lucas rides into a CGI sandstorm and is thrown from his horse.

The credit roll.


Gracias, Jean. My DVR always cuts of the last few minutes and then it doesn't pick up until significantly later the next day. I didn't know the helicopter actually crashed last night, though it seemed inevitable.

I finally got the English subtitles to work--something about whether I use CC channel 3 on digital or analog. Now that they're working, we just leave them alone, so we were surprised to find that the SciFi show "Caprica" comes with Spanish subtitles on channel 3. I wonder why they're not advertising that?

Jean, I just tagged it. Not sure what happened.

Thanks for the recap, great pictures.
I had the same reaction when Jade complained about being locked up in the room - she JUST got there and had even spent some time changing her clothes.

The one thing that didn't make any sense to me was Lucas riding out into the desert. He acted like he was looking for Jade, but why would she be out there, not in the city? I would have expected him to just sit and wait around for hours, not immediately ride off in the one direction he is sure to not find her.

Thanks, Paula. I forgot to tag it.

Ferro, I was also wondering what Lucas is doing in the desert. Maybe it is supposed to be more romantic. I spent about 10 days in Morocco and never saw the desert. What is the city where this is supposed to be taking place?

Morocco is blessed to have high mountains that separate it from the desert. So Morocco has more arable land than its neighbour such as Tunisia.


Thank you Jean. You are tracking the story line and telling me what happened because I get lost in the magnificent views. And when the show goes off I think WHAT!? But you're here and I really appreciate that.
I am enjoying the scenery in Moroco and Miami so SO much! The desert even looked to me like that would be a storm I could handle. More! more! more! ...can you tell I'm in the snow/sleet/rain belt.

Hi Kat: Isn't CC3 (when certain shows/movies have them) wonderful? English translates into Spanish, and vice-versa.

Excellent recap and photos, Jean. This is the most beautifully filmed novela I can remember seeing.

Kat, isn't it possible to program your DVR to go over the hour? Mine gives me increments of 1 min, 5 min, 15 min, up to an hour. I never use the hour or hour and a half except for World Cup Soccer, where they play longer if regular time ends up in a tie.

I'm enjoying El Clon, but there sure are a lot of beanie-tightening moments. Sidi Ali was completely frightening in his scene with Jade. But a few minutes later everyone in the house: Ali, Zoraida, and Latifa are all smiling and happy. Ali is happy to be meeting Lucas and the other two women are chortling over Latifa's wedding. Hello? A relative just got condemned to solitary confinement for life and they're all happy?

I also didn't think it made sense for Lucas to give up on Jade so soon. And where the heck did he get the horse? I betcha you lose a hand for horse stealing in Morocco!

I knew Leo was going to cave. That blonde actress isn't going anywhere. There's gonna be some big-time guilt for him about not answering the cell phone call from Rosa about the helicopter ride. He could have saved his son if he wasn't doin' the nasty with Cristina.

Thanks, Jean, for the helpful recap.

Ferro, I was wondering the same thing about Lucas' riding off into the desert rather than staying put and waiting. Gee, this TN is so new but my beanie already needs adjusting!

Novelera, I think Lucas came to the meetingplace with two horses, one for Jade and one for him. When he rode off, he simply left the other horse where it was. More beanie tightening needed.

ugh!! that blond bimbo is so crafty and a big liar.

Lucas coming to the meeting with horses is silly, too. He and Jade are going to ride out into the desert where customs about women are even more strict? He and Jade need to get to the airport or the American embassy.
However, if the most unrealistic thing in a novela about human cloning is the fact that there isn't open desert right outside Fez, Morocco, then we're doing pretty well.

Here's an interesting factoid from TW- the video of kissing that Jade shows Latifa is a scene from Te voy a Enseñar a Querer, a 2004 Telemundo novela and the kissers are Dánna Garcia, currently of Gancho and Martin Varoni of Mas Sabe el Diablo. The DVD looks just like the bootleg copies of novelas that are available from

Thanks for that info, Jean. Actually it's Miguel Varoni. I thought I recognized him, even replayed it a couple of times. But they never really showed that distinctive nose. In Mas Sabe, in one of the scenes, someone described him as alto, media-canoso, narizón.

Many thanks, Jean! Y/Tube had the full video, though TM didn't have it ready to stream, so I was able to enjoy it in real time with y'all. No CC's is rough with questionable audio so, you filled in the holes and I'm forever grateful, amiga!

Wow! Talk about sluts and ruts. Cristina seems to have her sugar daddy's number all right!

I also wondered about that desert business and the horse considering the artistic need to juxtapose the clouds of a sand storm and the rainstorm that both spelled tragedy for the twin brothers and the possibly doomed love affair between Jade and Lucas. I just tied the beanie on a bit tighter. I'm going to miss Diego's character because he was such a commanding personality in this show.

You are right, of course, novelera. His character on Mas Sabe was named Martin and appeared briefly on Victorinos, too.

Thank you Jean!
In the scene with Lucas lying in the sand after being thrown from his horse, in the close up he does not have a single grain of sand on his handsome face, hmmm...

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