Friday, February 26, 2010

En Nombre del Amor, February 25, 2010--An Abundance of Broken Records

Paloma and Rufi are at a fancy restaurant discussing Carlota. Pal can’t believe Rufi’s assertion that Carlota had a copy made of Inaki’s ring (duh, wasn’t she just yelling at Carlota the other day for all the bad things she’s done to her?). Pal mentions that Rufi isn’t the only one who doubts Carlota--Eugenio was asking her where Carlota was the day Alonso was killed. Pal thinks Carlota was in Mexico City, so Rufi points out that that’s just what Carlota says, who knows where she really was. Pal asks Rufi if she thinks Carlota had something to do with Alonso’s death. Yes, Rufi replies.

Eugenio talks with Gabriel about how Carlota could have used belladonna to kill Inaki--in small doses it’s a muscle relaxant, but too much and it can cause death and can look like a heart attack. Gabe concludes that Carlota could have killed Inaki with belladonna since his death was supposedly caused by a heart attack. Eugenio says he ordered an investigation to see if Carlota buys herbs in Pachuca and to find out what hospital she was in when Alonso died. Euge thinks there’s something strange about Alonso killing himself the way he did--there’s something more going on here and he’s going to find out what.

Cris and Madeleine have joined Rufi and Pal. Pal announces her plans to marry Gabe in a couple weeks. Rufi looks shocked and asks Pal if she’s sure--Pal says “of course”. She and Gabe want Cris to marry them. They’re going to live in Mexico City, so Maddy says she and Rufi will move there and live together to be near them. Cris isn’t sure where he’ll end up now that he’s a priest again, but he knows he doesn’t want to be stuck in Real del Monte near Crazylota.

Speaking of Her Craziness, she’s at home on the stairs hearing voices saying “Killer, killer!” She yells that she’s not a murderer, she didn’t kill them--you made me do it!

A man arrives at Diana’s house and tells her that her house is being seized and she has to leave today. She cries and pleads while the movers come in and start taking the furniture out.

Camila is crying too--she’s walking down the street and runs into Rafael. She’s upset about Romina (Broken Record #1) and doesn’t understand how this could be happening with Romi and her grandson. Rafa hugs her and says he’ll always be there for her if she needs him.

Angelica is seeing Orlando off. She wants him to find someone to take her place there (Houston) and in RdM--she betrayed her friend Camila and she can’t work for him anymore. Orly seems to think it’s no big deal (Broken Record #2) if Cami doesn’t know what happened, as it was just one night. Ange is still ashamed because she felt a lot of love for him, and she wishes she had been loved in return (Broken Record #3).

Emiliano states his case to his lawyer about getting custody of Bernardo because Romi is a terrible mother and wants to put the baby up for adoption. Just then Cami calls and asks Emil to give her a few days--she and Romi are bringing the baby home and she wants to see if that will result in a love connection between mother and child. Emil agrees, but if Romi doesn’t get with the program, he’s going to initiate his petition for custody.

Diana sits outside her house amidst all the furniture and sobs “this can’t be happening to me, it’s the worst humiliation ever, I don’t deserve this” (Broken Record #4). A couple of ladies walk by and laugh at her and she yells at them to leave while crying some more.

Diana tries phoning Ines but she isn’t home.

Natalia and Yvonne discuss the situation with Dr. B.--he’s doing ok but still hasn’t regained consciousness. Nat is anxious for him to wake up and recover so they can prove Carlota was responsible. Yvonne thinks Nat is an angel for taking care of Dr. B. despite the threat of the Purple Menace discovering them. Nat replies that Eugenio is protecting her, and Dr. B. is a witness protected by the law in that he can prove that Carlota is a killer.

Diana looks for Emil at his hotel but he’s not there. She runs into Anamar in the lobby and asks her to tell Emil that she was kicked out of her house and doesn’t have anywhere to go, boo-hoo-hoo.

Cris is back in his priestly duds, getting ready to give his first mass since being reinstated. He prays and thanks God for this new opportunity, for bringing him his daughter and mother. He seems to refer to the “Footprints” poem--at one time he felt God had abandoned him, but when he looked back he saw footprints so he knew that God was carrying him. Padre Benito comes in and Cris asks if he’s sure that he should give the mass. Padre B. answers yes, and trust in the good hearts of the townspeople.

Anamar and Emil meet up outside the church to attend the mass. She informs Emil about Di’s situation and that she let Di stay in her room. He says he won’t abandon her but he’s still ticked off at her.

Rafa tells Joel about his breakup with Luz and that he still loves Camila.

At the church, the only parishioners present are Rufi, Gabe, Pal, Emil and Anamar. Oh, and Carlota, who gloats and skulks in the back while thinking to herself that she succeeded in making everyone in town realize that Cris is not a worthy priest and that they shouldn’t follow him. Padres Benito, Mateo and Juan Cristobal come out for the mass. When Cris sees that almost no one is there, he starts to say something to Benito (as though he thinks they’re making a mistake in letting him return), but Benito stops him and tells him to have faith. Then, as Cris is about to begin, the whole town suddenly files in carrying candles. Carlota is up in the balcony (?? not sure if that’s the correct term . . . is it the choir loft?) thinking “Que the heck? Have these people lost their minds?” Looks like she’s starting to get nervous.

Before Cris starts, Emil asks if he can go up and say a few words. He welcomes Cris back, saying they see him as an example to follow. Some people (Gossip Guy and his wife are looking down guiltily) pointed fingers at you, but if we’re all here today it’s because we believe in you. Gossip Guy gets up and asks to say a few words too; he admits they tattled on Cris and begs for his forgiveness. He and his wife throw themselves at Cris’s feet but Cris says no, don’t kneel, and then welcomes them into God’s house. After they return to their seats, Cris talks about how he was afraid that the townspeople wouldn’t accept him or forgive him. He’s says they’ve shown him the kindness of their hearts and the love which they’re capable of; only one who truly loves can forgive and forget. Everyone stands and claps while Carlota glares at him from the balcony.

At the hospital, Cami asks Romi if she regrets getting married. Romi says no, Emil is the love of my life (Broken Record #5). Romi thinks it’s Pal’s fault that the marriage didn’t work, but Cami doesn’t think so--she believes they still would have ended up like this even if Pal wasn’t in the picture. Romi goes up another notch on the crazymeter as she emphatically states that Emil never would have left her. Then she tries to turn the tables by asking Cami if she regrets marrying Orly. The nurse comes out and says they can take the baby now; Romi volunteers to go get the car and flounces off, leaving Cami to go fetch the baby.

Cris ends the mass, but before everyone leaves, he wants to tell them something very important. Because of the trial they know about his past with Macarena, but what they don’t know is that he has a daughter. Carlota starts to flip out, hissing “Don’t you dare!” The congregation is all atwitter. He asks Pal to come up (in slo-mo) and hopes everyone will accept her as the daughter of a priest, because she was created from the purest love that he lived with a great woman, her mother. Carlota is really mad now and practically has purple smoke streaming out of her ears.

Eugenio is on the phone with Efraín, who reports his findings that the Crazy One regularly bought belladonna at the Pachuca market and that she was at a hospital in Pachuca, not Mexico City like she claimed, where she was admitted to emergency for poisoning. Euge hangs up and says, “Carlota, you’re a murderer. How can I desire a woman like you, how?”

Outside the church, Cris thanks Emil for his little speech. Emil spots Pal with Gabe and says for the millionth time that he thinks he lost her. Cris says something like you never know, life has lots of twists and turns.

Emil goes up to Pal and says he’s happy for her that Cris is her dad. Of course, the conversation soon turns to the same topic as always, their tragically doomed love (Broken Record #6).

Rufi chats with Gabe about the upcoming nuptials and how they’re all going to move to Mexico City. He’s all smiley and happy, and the music is all peppy, which tells me that there’s an anvil nearby, hanging by a thread.

Back to Emil and Pal--oh, do we have to?--and Emil’s mopey “what ifs” and “if onlys” and Pal’s musings on destiny putting an end to their love. Emil hopes she’s happy and that she’s staying with Gabe because it’s what her heart really wants, even though his (Emil's) poor little heart is breaking.

Inside the church, Carlota barges in on Cris and yells at him for revealing that Pal is his daughter and pretends that she’s worried that people will persecute Pal as a result. Cris thinks today proved that Good always wins. He points out that Carlota didn’t get what she wanted because Pal is leaving town and he returned to the church; the truth is out now and there are no more secrets, so there’s nothing tying us together. Not only that, soon I won’t have to see you, because I’m going to ask for a transfer. Carlota responds with "we’ll see about that." Cris asks why doesn’t she just confess everything she has done, his God will forgive her. Carlota insists that she doesn’t need anyone’s forgiveness, especially not God’s, who has been so unfair to her.

Ange cries on the phone to her friend Miriam about her sad love life. She had hoped Orly would say something to her before leaving--that she was important to him, that he loved her. Miriam thinks it was just a one night stand for Orly. Ange laments that she still hasn’t learned her lesson (Broken Record #See above).

At the airport, Orly remembers his makeout session with Ange and thinks maybe if Camila wasn’t in his life, he would go for Ange, but shucks, he’s married. He doesn’t know if he should tell Cami or not because he doesn’t want to lose her.

Eugenio is waiting for Carlota outside her house when she arrives home (she claims she was out for a walk and wasn’t at Cris’s mass); he needs to speak with her.

Cami asks Romi if she wants to hold the baby, but of course she doesn’t want to. She whines at her mom to give her time and not to lecture her. After Romi leaves the room, Cami tells the baby that his mother will grow to love him a lot. Huh? Where is she getting that from?

Eugenio tells Carlota that he’s in love and is obsessed with her.

Emil complains to Anamar about Pal getting married so soon. He thinks maybe he’ll leave town, but Anamar says he doesn’t need to since Pal and Gabe already plan to move to the capital. She suggests that they go study abroad or something, that she can be a new opportunity in his life (Broken Record #Whatever, I’ve lost count).

Carlota is surprised by Eugenio’s confession. Well, you’re going to be even more surprised by what I have to tell you--I know all about the belladonna you used to kill Inaki, the hospital you were at in Pachuca just a few blocks from where Alonso was killed, the will that you altered, and your attempt to kill Dr. B. But I'm willing to help you if you repent and are prepared to pay for all the harm you have done. Carlota refuses and insists that she’s a good woman incapable of hurting anyone (Broken Record #The Mother of All Broken Records). Euge yells at her to put a cork in it--someone has to put a stop to your evilness, and that person, in spite of loving you, is me. Confess the truth, or else I will.


Deb, thanks for the recap. Funny, and your "broken record" tabs were so spot on. After all the fun action we had for a few days, we had to listen to a lot of whining from some of the our least favorite RMD'ers. Bummer

The whole scene in the church was actually a bit funny, with La Loca glaring down like a gargoyle from the loft and the townsfolks, candles in hand (like noone saw them outside prepping???) and Gossip Guy and wife with their repentant moment. Thought Emoon's speech was meant more for Pal than the good padre, trying to impress his lady maybe? Showing up with your old girlfriend doesn't exactly send the right message dude.
Camilla is actually getting on my nerves. You think she starts to get it with that kid of hers and might slap some sense into her, than she falls right back to the hand-wringing and the "she's a good girl at heart - momma will love you". Argh! When I saw her walk up to Rafa, they suddenly just looked wrong together I wanted to say to the guy, RUN! But alas, it's the TN law - they'll get together.

Diana - would just like to end her plotline. Ange, been nice knowing you and hopefully we'll be seeing Orly flying the friendly skis back in your direction soon. Get rid of both of them too.

And you were right Debbie - too much Emooning. Cris with the you never know business, yeah, and your daughter just told you she's marrying someone else and you're encouraging the other guy. Nice job Dad. I guess Cris is adding fortune teller, or plot revealer, to his skills.

I guess it's also TN law that even the best of the best must have their moments when viewerville wonders if they've lost leave of their senses. Eugenius had his big moment last night, for me. I mean, ok be intrigued and stare at those grossly over-shadowed eyes, but LOVE? Wow, my dear, you have drunk the waterof RDM big time. He had me really worried there for a minute, but he came thru, sort of, telling her he knows about her actions and wants her to confess. Hopefully those superior brain-waves will kick back in, we'll let him plead temporary insanity, and he'll march his findings off to the cops. We need our main man to regain his reasoning.

Thanks for a great recap Debbie. A lot of broken records. Many of them getting very scratchy.
Not sure where it will go with Eugenius and Carloca. Still have quite a bit left, 8 capitulos? Too early to put Carloca in jail. I hope Carloca doesn't tell him, let's go talk about it in my office and then pull the gun on him.

Glad to see everyone show up for PJC. Daisynjay and Caborita called it, gossip guy and wife turned good. Carloca really turned royally purple at that one.

I thought Diana should have started up a rummage sale with her furniture and started selling it off to pick up a few bucks. :)

Can someone put up a comment section for tonight's episode thank you.

Love your rummage sale idea. I did thought bubble myself as she started roaming around town, "so where's her stuff?" If she just left on the curb, I seriously doubt she'll have anything left to sell now.

Eugenio loves Carlota?????? Oh my we finally found a flaw in the man!!1

Thanks Debbie for the recap.

Daisynjay and Jeff i thought those two ladies walking by Diana were going to ask her how much she was selling her things for.Diana could have started to put her things in a storage unit since she knew she was losing her house anyway.

My how the uppity and i'm better than you have fallen, i guess she won't be looking down on anyone else for too long huh?

Can someone lock up both Camila and her spoiled brat, i'm so tired of both of them.

Rafael you can do better by your damn self than be saddled with those two losers.

Tired of Emoon and his ex street walker girlfriend.

Eugenio Que the Heck you're in love with a serial killer, so if she tries to kill your son before it's his time to die what will you feel for her then?

Very disappointed in Eugenio again when it comes to La Loca you don't tell her what you will do ahead of time. Take the evidence you have on her and bring it to the cops.

Thank you for the excellent recap Debbie.
I was surprised not to see Madaleine at the mass.
I hoping for Diana to end up as the store clerk in Camilla's gallery. She would be perfect - she was one of the clients in her hey day and she knows the stuff.

OMG! Until I read the recap I thought I must have dreamed that ghastly scene with Eugenio and Crazy Carlotta. Unfortunately he now looks like a bit of a hypocrite. He lectures Germs about being corrupt and then violates one of the ethical parts of the legal profession - you don't get involved with a client. And Carloca is his client since she took him up on his offer a few weeks ago. Now there is only one way this can go since she still claims to be as innocent as a baby. She will kill Gabe and I guess in the end Eugenio will have to kill her. Too bad since i was hoping to see her dressed in unflattering brown in the big house, not Misery Manor. At least she wouldn't be alone.

Add me as another who was surprised Maddy wasn't at the mass. I must admit I was initially disappointed when only five people were there. It felt so sad but then everyone arrived. More people then have ever been in the church at one time. I as completely surprised that a huge swirling cloud of purple didn't descend from the choir loft and smother them all.

Nice touch when Her Purpleness was shrieking at the voices of her victims that she hadn't killed them, they made her do it. Nice touch of demented logic that.

Well who knew that Anamar actually had pants and wore them to church. I guess flashing the priests wasn't on her list of things to do. It also looks like she has replaced lily as the town crier, loitering around listening to Paloma and running back to report (in triumph perhaps) that the girl was getting married in 15 days.

I continue to remain surprised that Paloma's protectors don't seem to have any problems with her rushing into marriage. I thought Maddy knew about Gabe's condition and i think Rufi does so you would think they would advise caution since the poor thing has had more losses in a year then I have had in a decade and I'm not just 18.

Romena and her selfishness, Cami and her eternal lecturing. Rafa I'll always be there for you, Orly considering keeping his mouth shut (big surprise), Angie wishing on a star, Emoon moping - YAWN but then with the last one is SOP for a telenovela so I've learned to ignore it.

Debbie, your broken record theme was so clever. I always enjoy your recaps, and this one was simply great. Thank you to everyone else for the other wonderful recaps this week.

Cris' being intrigued by Carlota - wondering how her devious mind works, knowing she's murdered unfettered and why - is understandable in that context. His "falling" in love with her was a plot contrivance not worthy of the heretofore stellar writing.

Now he can't see her clearly. Backing her into a corner will never make her acknowledge what she's done. Doesn't he realize what she'll do?? Will she take her revenge out on him or on Gabe?


Thanks, Debbie, for your record-breaking recap. :-)

I've said before how fed up I am with Emoooon, and how much I'd prefer to see Paloma wind up with Gabriel or, for that matter, with no one than with Emoooon. But whereas I share most people's dislike of him, I find myself much more sympathetic to Camila than many others seem to be, judging from the comments. She's had a difficult job raising Romina as a single mom. Yes, Camila probably should have been tougher with her daughter early on, but still, I think she's basically a very good, very likeable person. I'll be glad to see her get together with Rafa.

As for Eugenio, I'm really surprised that he can be enamored of Carlota even after knowing what an evil woman she is and how many heinous crimes she has probably committed, but at the same time I think that makes him a more interesting TN character. So many of them are one-dimensional and predictable.

Juanita: I think Camila's great. She spoiled Romina somewhat but I think that's fairly par for the course for an only child in many families.

Camila has a huge heart and capacity to love. She always tries to do the right thing hence her fondness for Paloma which has continued throughout the years. I can't fault her for continuing to attempt to redeem Romina, to make a home for her grandchild.

I've said before that I don't want anything to happen to Romina as Camila would be devastated. She doesn't deserve it.


I'm really worried about Eugenio and Gabriel. And, excellent as the acting was on both sides of the scene with Eugenio and Carlota, it didn't make much sense.

It was great to see her face when she realized that nearly all the skeletons were coming out of her closet. But how can Eugenio think that things would be put right if she confessed. Hello? Isn't she going to get life for her crimes? He made it sound like all she had to do was confess, and they'd live happily ever after.

Romina's possibilities for redemption are beginning to fade away. The baby's in her house and she won't even touch him. And she's STILL obsessed with Emo.

Great recap. Time for a new DJ in Realweird, I think.

I was blown away that Eugenio thinks he's in love with La Loca. I was thinking it was just sort of a morbid fascination combined with a touch of physical attraction. Major kink in the works, him telling her what he knows and what he plans to do. He is smarter than that!

That poor baby. Camila is a good character despite her weaknesses with not knowing how to deal with Romina, so for her sake it would be a shame for anything super-tragic to happen to Romina, but how could little Bernie have anything but a miserable life if Romina were still around alternately neglecting him and trying to use him as bait?

Has Camila considered getting Germy involved? I don't know how she feels about him.

ITA on Camila - I like her and think she is a good person, I can understand her having spoiled RoME as a single mom. And, RoME also has Samuel's genes, so it's probably not all Cam's fault. I would like to see her with Rafa.

Despite everyone being sick of Orly and Ange, I do wonder how that is going to come out - of course that will facilitate Cami getting together with Rafa. Despite the kind of dufus Orly is, emotionally tone-deaf, I would like to see Ange happy to be with him. As has been said, it would be good for him to have a psych as a novia!

The Euge/Loca thing is strange, I hope it's not going to be used to lessen La Loca's punishment. It was great to see her fuming up in the loft and Cris and Pal being acknowledged by everyone.

I don't really dislike Emoo, they have made him pretty one-dimensional, though. Gabe is a better choice.

Debbie, your recap was terrific....funny and informative. Thank you.

Eugenio has really been partaking of the waters of RdM. Though he has been attracted to Carloca from the moment he met her, he does have an inkling she's a serial killer and crazy to boot. So why is he revealing all to La Loca knowing she kills those close to Paloma who are impediments in her way....mainly PJC but now his SON GABE as well. Maybe he doesn't have enough evidence to have her arrested but he could have her investigated by the police and does he really think she's going to give herself over to the police voluntarily. Unless Eugenio has a master plan regarding Loca, he seems to have lost 150 IQ points during his short stay in RdM and definitely is not Eugenius anymore.

Camilia tries but I think those Slimey Sammy genes are very difficult to overcome in Romina. She has been indulgent with Romina but at least she has tried to teach her some values but they have never stuck on Romina.

Is Paloma planning a chaste marriage to Gabe since she seems to lack passionate love for him. We know she will end up with Emoon anyway, unless we are in for a real surprise in the finale. I would like a switcheroo and have Pal end up with Gabe and really be in LOVE with him.

I am enjoying the side characters of Orly, Angie, Camila etc. because even though they are truly dense and annoying at times, they seem real with flaws like most people and especially in contrast to the pure evil of Carloca.

When does ENDA Wed. Thursdasy or Friday? I want to plan ahead and not miss the finale?


Ivy, how funny....we both posted on those dreaded Sammy genes.


I don't actually dislike Cam I just find her a little dull. Yes she is a caring woman and tried to make up to her daughter for her rotten taste in a father. Unfortunately for her she catered to Romena's every whim for years and now she is stuck with a selfish, manipulative brat on her hands. She is trying to get through to her about caring for the baby but it is too late to put the toothpaste back in the tube. It is going to take something monumental to shake Romena out of her own world and I can't imagine what that could be. I don't even think the threat of Cam and Emoon taking the baby is enough to do it.

Angie annoys me with her sniffling about not being able to face her friend after sleeping with Orly. She should have thought about it before. Deep down I think she wants the truth to come out so she can have a clear shot at him. The way she's acting you'd think he was Johnny Depp not some old Mel Gibson in his mug shot wanna be. I also think she is a tad selfish in wanting Cam to know since that is a classic way of shifting your own guilt. In any event the two Houston cheats probably deserve each other.

Great recap, Debbie.

I think Novelera made an important point. How can Eugenio tell Carlota if she confesses, he'll help her? How can he help someone who has killed 4 people? (I guess he doesn't know about Mac and the lady who wrote the letter). And especially since he is a lawyer...
I think his "obsession" and "love" should have been painted stronger so that would make what he is willing to do more plausible.

Did anyone notice that her Purpleness was in all black for the Mass? I guess she was coming to "mourn" Chris's demise and humiliation as a priest.

Oh, when will Rufi think to open her mouth to Eugenio about Arcadia's death by vehicle and the dents being repaired in Loca's SUV right after the death. She even met the delivery guy from the repair shop. She's been telling Pal that Carloca was capable of murdering Alonso and Loca altering Mac's insulin. Aaargh!


GinCA - yes - great minds, I guess!

I do also think Ange wanted that to happen in spite of her protests about it. And agree, that unless she and Orly plan to continue, there really isn't anything to be gained by telling Cami from their point of view, other than to get Cami back with Rafa from ours.

I just can't get the idea of Eugenio's obsession with the Purple One out of my mind. It adds a really sick twist to the whole story. Here he is pleading with her that he will help her when he still has only half the story. He's probably thinking a quick trip to the manicomio for a few months and it will be all hearts and flowers for them. Meanwhile she is probably thinking how fast can I off his son and get Paloma back in my clutches. It makes me feel sad for him because there is no good ending for him.

I guess those of us who are disappointed in Eugenio have to give him some slack because while he has guessed about Inaki and Alonso. He still doesn't know about Arcadia or Macarena.

ITA with Rufi needing to tell Cris everything she suspects about Arcadia,perhaps revealing that death will lead them to question how Macarena would fall like that out of the blue from the second landing.

It will be interesting how they are going to finish the RoMeMe storyline and what will it take to penetrate that onetracked pathetic mindset of hers. She really needs some extensive long time therapy before she really morphs into full-fledged Carloca.

Orlando needs someone like Angelica since he is emotionally tone deaf like Ivy said, Angelica needs someone like Orlando who she can really help to improve to be a better person while helping herself.

Orlando just needs to recognize while he does love Camila it's not going to last because he can't be honest with her and respect her as a individual he needs someone like Angelica who will go along with what he wants out of a relationship.

Where he doesn't need to control or lie to deceive her to get his way, like he has with Camila.

I think Paloma is getting into a mercy marriage. There is no other motivation for getting hitched with Gabe. She is young, she wants to study, and he is not the love of her life, and he is dying. Does not look like a good deal for her.

I also love Camilla. She is a successful business woman, not-so-successful, but lets not forget single mother. She has a lot of class and her heart is in the right place. She just has this weakness in not making the right romantic decisions.

But that seems to be the general problem of strong, intelligent and good looking women in the telenovelas. Angelica is pretty smart, and I'm afraid she will end up with the sleazy Orly, and Alexandra in Dinero seems to have the same problem.

I enjoyed Carlota looking a littel paranoid thinking someone was following her. She kept looking back after a few steps. First, I was thinking Carlota walks that way because of her boots. Now I'm not so sure. She does walk like an old lady.

Since Romina is planning on putting the baby Bernardo up for adoption, Emiliano whould bide his time and wait, then adopt the baby himself. A slick stealthy move. Romina won't find out until later and she can't do anything about it. It's not like the adoption agency will report to Romina who the candidates are. Once she gives him up, it's out of her hands. This way, Emiliano does not have to petition for custody or visitation rights.

Let's see who Paloma's guys are:

1) Inaki
2) Aron
3) Emiliano
4) Gabriel
5) Dunno about German though.

Romina is not that bad though, if she can only let go of this sick obsession with Paloma and Emiliano. And despite her flaws, she commited no crime. I want to see her redeemed not dead. I know i'm the only one here of that opinion and that's okay. :)

I applaud the fact that Padre Cristobal revealed to the world that Paloma is his daughter with Macarena. This way there is no more hiding behind secrets and lies. It is also healthy for everyone involved.

It is also good that Gossip guy and his wife asked for the padre's forgiveness publicly. They even got ontheir knees. The public see this and they know that the couple was wrong and learned the error of their ways.

Angelica is right to feel the way she does. At least she was sorry for the one night stand and was consumed by guilt. Face it folks, it happens all the time in real life. people do cheat. And she was sorry. Orlando is a bit more questionable. and his marriage with Camila is disturbing given his motives and manipulating her.
He is a somewhat decent guy and not a criminal but I don't approve of his actions with regards to Camila. Camila deserves to be treated with respect. Not to be played with by trickjery and guilt trips.

I think Camila has been trying to talk sense into Romina. She really is trying. How many of you would disown your daughter or beat her if she was like Romina? I really think Camila was trying to do the right thing. I agree too with those who said that Romina is an only child and was thus spoiled by Camila, a single mother. Just keeping it real....

Eugenio is fascinated by Carlota because she is a dangerous woman. She intrigues him. He also wants to get to the bottom of the cimes in Real Del Monte. Many guys are attracted to femme fatales, myself included. :) Eugenio also wants to try to save her. I don't know about Carlos,Jeff or Hombre, but that's my take on it.

I got a chuckle about Calota's frustration about Cristobal announcing to the public at the end of his sermon, that Paloma was his own daughter. That was priceless. Lol@ purple steam coming out of her ears. :) ;)

OT: Someone please tag Corazon Salvaje today?. Thank You.


Can anyone help out? Checked my TV guide online for ENDA and they show epsiodes going through Friday, march 5. But then they show two episodes, one for Sunday, march 7 at 7:00 and the the Gran Final at 8:00 that same Sunday (two hour block). is this right?

There will be 3 episodes on Sunday March 7. Starting at 7 pm and ending at 10 pm with the final episode.

Thanks. Want to make sure I have the right dates and times.

Debbie – I am such a fan of your recaps. Really wonderful again!

Njsue – I’m with you, why didn’t they develop Eugenio’s big love for Carlota? I was astonished when he came out with that. He might be attracted to her beauty and intrigued by her brains and cunning, but saying he hadn’t loved anyone since his wife died and now it’s Carlota? That’s quite a stretch to believe.

Speaking of Big Love, there was Chris telling a room full of Catholics (2 priests included) that Paloma was the fruit of the purist love there ever was…. Isn’t it some sort of sin to have sex out of wedlock?

It was fun to see Diana have to be her own garden gnome. And yeah – is she going to leave all that furniture on her lawn to get swiped?

The gossip guy and his wife going to their knees in front of Chris was just too much. It’s not like the way Chris got off was very definitive, and there still could be room for thinking he’s guilty.

And I have the same gripe as yesterday, namely Chris thanking God for a second chance, when he never did anything wrong in the first place.

I think the idea was that htere was no malice involved but pure love, not lust.

The padre, in an effort to educate the parishioners about modern times, tells them that he still serves God with the approval of his superiors. There are many people out there with his situation and that Children born out of wedlock need not be shunned by society but accepted as human beings. He does not enourage pre marital sex, but he does not condemn children born out of it. In my opinion, he is not being self righteous about it like Carlota is. He was just being real and I approve of it.

Someone I know was engaged to be married in less than a year when she found out she was pregnant with a baby girl. They simply moved up the wedding 10 months. It was a simple church wedding with immediate family only. The baby was born 8 months later and 2 months later they still had the big church wedding originally planned with all the guests and friends and family.


Maggie, I am so in total agreement. Cris and Macarena may have been truly in love, but premarital relations are not exactly encouraged by the church nonetheless. He should have just said that he recently discovered Paloma is his daughter, and she was born before he became a priest, and left it at that.

I was a bit snorty when Cris was unsure about doing the mass, and the other priests were all, just trust in the good nature of the townspeople. Half of whom were throwing rocks at him just a few weeks ago. They did come through in the end, but still...those other priest should have been giving some really pointed sermons the whole time Cris was away.

No one has ever asked for or said RoMEna had to be killed on here but some have guessed and even speculated about how she could be redeemed and the more her storyline goes on it's hard to see how they are going to give her a good wake-up to reality call.

As for Eugenio attraction for Carloca it that part of the storyline was written well enough for most of us to buy into believing he fell in love with her. So NJSue was correct about that being a weak part of this plot.

Cris having sex with Macarena before they were married, well this isn't the dark ages and i'm pretty sure their was probably a few people sitting in the congregation who's parents did the same thing as they did themselves with their children.

Tell me that they not ending this novela on a Sunday how beyond crazy is that. Tonight will be episode 164 plus the five episodes next week will 169. There's only a total of 171 episodes so where does 172 come from.This makes no sense why are they doing this to our novelas.

If there is going to be 3 hours on that Sunday, my guess is the first hour would be a repeat of Friday's episode and then the last two hours giving us the 171.

Not sure how much I like the Sunday finish, but will have to make do. :)

About Gabe--Everyone seems to think that he will be Carloca's next victim to force Paloma back to her cage. However, if this happens, Emiliano is standing in the wings...just saying...her work won't be over if she stops at Gabriel. Fortunately for us the telenovela will be over for us before then.

I think Paloma and Gabriel know exactly what they are getting into. Paloma knows he may die at any moment and he has drummed it into hers and our heads that they are going to take one day at a time and enjoy their lives to the fullest day by day. He is very important to her and she has a big heart and this way she can make him happy and "learn about life" to the fullest. Her other novios were taken from her without her being able to do anything about it. In this instance she can. It's her choice.

As for Romeanee, she has participated or been complicit in criminal acts. I'd have to delve into my memory banks for all of them, but at least the assault by Aaron on Paloma and switching the paternity tests. They should at least earn her a trip to the police station and get fingerprinted.
Newbie in Md (fresh from Sortilegio)

Oh, I'm sure most everyone could overlook the sex before marriage thing, I just question whether it was appropriate for a priest to say from up at the pulpit that it was the most pure and innocent thing ever. Better to just not say anything about it, in my opinion.

I would love to see Romina redeemed, but she doesn't seem at all inclined to save herself. It's a shame, because she hasn't done anything that would get her thrown in jail or that her family and friends wouldn't eventually forgive her for if she would just get past her selfish stubbornness and change her ways. She just refuses, and nothing seems to get through to her.

newbie i haven't forgotten how it was RoMeMe who encouraged Aron to force his attentions onto Paloma but since Aron has hightailed it out of RDM who can prove she said something like that to him unless they were overheard by Liliana which they were not.

My criticism of Camila is was after the suicide attempt by RoMeMe she should have gotten her a therapist i know she suggested Angelica who RoMeMe couldn't stand so it's like she forgot to follow through with the plan because RoMeMe didn't want Angelica as her therapist.

I have to disagree i like how Cris was upfront and told the congregation about Paloma but he wasn't ashamed of his actions of the past. I thought he was sending a message while the church doesn't want the congregation to have premarital sex.
It happens and they shouldn't be ashamed of the consequences of producing a child out of wedlock, nor should that child be ashamed of being born before marriage.

It was his way of telling Paloma and the whole town of RDM that secrets like that are kept to shame those involve when they have nothing to be ashamed of in the first place.

Everyone, thanks for the dates/info on the winding down of this enjoyable novela. Now I can plan my activities for the near future. I think I'll probably have to buy a recorder eventually since it is crazy to miss an episode after keeping up for 100-200+ episodes.


Oh, dear! I didn’t mean that I disapprove of pre-marital sex, or children born out wedlock myself. It’s just that I believe the Catholic church teaches abstinence before marriage and that it was very surprising to have a priest (and almost bishop) up there making the speech he did during a service. I’m not Catholic myself, but it seems like most churches have their clergy preaching abstinence.

Very good discussion after my post. I like that. Julia you have good points. It would be naive for the Catholic church to think that it's members don't engage in pre-marital sex in this day and age. I though Cristobal's sermon was more in tune with today's times. I don't think I blasphemed the church with my statements too. I am Catholic BTW. :)

Jarocha, you mentioned a few days ago that Televisa is using younger stars in some of their roles. I think that is a little better than using older stars to play 20 as somethings when they should be playing the parents. :)


I also don't think Paloma is planning a pity marriage.

She has decided that fate does not mean she and Emiliano to be together.

In different ways, she loves them both. It would be very hard not to love Gabe. He's warm, funny, talented, and shares her artistic inclinations. If Emiliano had never existed, she might have been completely in love with Gabe.

As it is, she feels that she and Em are never going to be together. And Gabriel promises to give her those "wings" she so longs for. She's not just doing it out of sympathy for Gabe; she definitely plans to be happy with him.

Of course, TN rules indicate something will happen so that she can end up with the one she loved at first sight. TN characters are only allowed to be in love once in their lives, poor things.

Novelera, if Paloma and Emiliano do end up together, what will emiliano do to better himself? The man has issues and being married to Paloma will not erase those issues. He might end up acting like Orlando and Rafael.

Emiliano is not bad but he needs some theraphy. His behavior is a bit disturbing.


I went to to get the schedule for March 7.2010 it does indeed say ENDA for three hours the Gran Final. The first hour is a repeat of Fridays episode. 8-10pm are the final two hours of ENDA ending on that Sunday.

Mi Pecado will start Monday of that week March 8,2010 in ENDA's old timeslot.

This is a question i have to ask is when did they ever end a novela on Sunday over here in the states. They may do that in Mexico but i can't recall them doing that over here.

I think they did that with Pasion and Juan Querendon. I only saw the last week of pasion and that is what got me to watching these. I never followed Juan querendon but saw the last few Episodes and the sunday Finale.


Ibarramedia, I agree. The writers of this otherwise excellent novela have written a very sulky and petulant main galán.

I think that sometimes what may seem like obsession or pathology to we estadounidenses may seem like normal luuuurve to our friends south of the border.

I have to agree with Maggie that a priest saying it wasn't a sin to have sex before marriage is very strange. Sure, illegitimate children shouldn't be punished for what their parents did and the parents should be able to ask forgiveness and move on, but just because more people are doing something doesn't make it no longer a sin. God gets to decide that, not people. If sin wasn't appealing, we would all be sinless (and no one is).

Padre Juan Cristobal was saying that what happened between Macarena and him was not a sin. He was not saying that it was ok for people in general to have pre-marital sex. Theirs was an exception of sorts. They were about to be married and Paloma was a product of intense love.


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