Tuesday, February 02, 2010

ENDA recappers - what's on next in your slot? Are you staying on?

Hi team,
I'm sorry I haven't (sob) been there for you. This blog has just gotten so darn huge. Anyway, I note that you are in ultimas semanas. Thoughts about the future?


There's been speculation that Mi Pecado will replace ENDA. I'll stay on, and can switch days if someone else wants to trade.

I’m planning on sticking around for the next telenovela. Monday nights are best for me. I’m a little down about being on the 7:00 track because Univision seems to put their best shows at 8:00 and 9:00. And I say that with a straight face even though I’m wearing my “I Survived Cuidado” t-shirt. Upside: getting to go to bed earlier.

I dunno Maggie, from the previews, a mi, Corazon Salvaje is a ghastly dog. Ugh! Maybe the 7 pm one will be better.

FELS was on at nine. And Gancho, previously on at 7, is great. I think it's all a toss-up.

Yes, now...I have to take umbrage at the "second-rate 7 pm" notion. Gancho is terrific. So was Juan Querendon. Comedies, yes. But very very funny. And Querida Enemiga wasn't bad either. With the exception of Querida, I will say the 7 pm show is usually lighter on the drama and heavier on the humor, but for me, that's a plus.

Melinama--I won't be able to recap the next novela (I've been recapping on Thursdays since Nina dropped out).

Oh Debbie, and you never got into the sidebar, lo siento mucho! Thanks so much for your noble work!

Oh, dear, JudyB! You are right. I was sloppy about expressing what I was thinking, which is that probably Univision puts in the 8:00 and 9:00 slots shows that they think will really pump the ratings, ones which either are really good, or, if they’re not good, at least have very popular cast members. I don’t know if that’s true, but it seems like the 7:00 shows never pull good numbers no matter what. I’m guessing that’s because not enough people are ready to settle into their couches at that time of the evening.

My humble apologies!

Julia – I’m doing nip ups that you are sticking with us. Hooray!

And Debbie I’m completely bummed that you won’t be on the team any more. You know what a big fan I am of your writing. I hope you’ll comment time to time, yes?

I think I'm going to take a break. Or I can recap every other week if someone wants to do it with me. Or I can help the other recapper on Mondays for Corazon Salvaje. I will be watching that.

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