Wednesday, February 10, 2010

ENDA Tuesday February 9. Paloma gets kissed; Emiliano gets pissed; Romina gets dissed; Gabriel (and Doc B?) will be missed.

Paloma finally, finally, finally blows out the candles on her birthday cake. 18 years old (though I think it’s actually the next day)! Freeeeeeeeeedom! Rufi says she hopes her next 18 years will be as happy as the first 18. Rufi! Mean!

Hugs all around. Emiliano and Paloma hug for way too long. Romina makes a pass at Gabriel. He passes.

Everyone shakes what their mamas gave them until the witching hour, and eventually all the guests drift away until only Paloma and Gabriel remain, dancing a sexy bachata. Pulling her close, Gabe murmers in Paloma’s ear. “Don’t go home. Carlota is evil. Let’s get out of town right this minute, while the getting is good.” Paloma considers it a moment. In the back of her mind, she has a hazy recollection of some mopey dude who keeps bugging her, but who is it? Well, doesn’t matter. She looks deep into Gabriel’s eyes and intelligence osmoses straight from his brain to hers. Suddenly all those deaths and all those years of abuse don’t seem so random—Auntie Maim is out to get her! And everyone else in town is just nuts! They grab their wallets and Gabriel’s keys and run to the car.

As they drive by Doc B’s house on their way out of town, a shadowy figure in the shrubbery catches Paloma’s eye. Was that a giant vulture? Before she’s even finished the thought, they are out on the highway, and soon Unreal del Monte is a speck in the rearview mirror.

Meanwhile, the would-be intruder falls out of a tree and into an open well. Doc B comes home, after dropping Rufi at home, and sees the cap off the well. “Whoops, careless of me,” he thinks, and replaces it, noting the weird shrieking sound coming from inside. “Wells have the strangest acoustics in the wind,” he remarks.
That last bit may have only happened in my head. Back to what happened on screen:

Carloca sits in her car outside Rodolfo’s house and fondles her lace scarf thing with an evil glint in her eye.

Diana uses three phones simultaneously to try to reach Samuel. She incants her message “call me, whatever time it is” over and over and tries to tell herself he would never deceive her. He loves her and they are going to marry soon.

Slimy Sammy is boozing it up with his super-mellow “business” partner. Partner says the investment is not doing well. Sammy frets. The house will be lost! He’ll be ruined! He can’t move out of the country again; he has no place to go! “Don’t worry. You’ll be fine,” says the partner, totally unconcerned.

Back at the party, Angélica tells Paloma that she’s moving, and Miriam is taking her place at the platería. Also, that twit Anamar has signed on, supposedly to work on exports but mainly to work on Emiliano. Gabriel pulls Paloma away, saying he has another gift for her. He leads her by the hand into the bedroom, which gets Emo’s blood boiling.

Crazy Cruel leaves her car and heads for the hedge, carrying her purse and wearing high-heeled boots.

Camila fixes dinner while Orlando sets the table and opens wine. They are both thrilled that Paloma is Cris’s daughter. Cami wonders what Cris is doing about Carloca’s deceptions and Orly tells her that Eugenio is helping him with that; he’s an expert at such things. Camila wants to be present when Paloma finds out who her father is. It will be such a happy moment!

A black-gloved hand reaches through a window and pulls the door lever. Then, Carlota enters through the door, which opens on the other side, away from the windows. Did I see that right? It was strange. Carloca wanders around the house, talking to herself, but not turning on the lights, so we can’t tell that the house is a collection of other set parts, primarily, it seems, from Diana’s house.

Gabriel gives Paloma his art kit and books. He says he doesn’t need them anymore. She wonders how she can thank him for all this. He has a good idea. They step close together, Paloma gingerly fingers the wolf suit, lips slowly near…

…after the break, we get to imagine that they kiss while looking at the back of Paloma’s head. They pull away, Paloma remarkably not freaking out, and Gabriel says he knows how she feels about him, but the one kiss was enough; that’s it for them forever. Paloma leaves the room and Gabriel looks blissfully happy.

The party rolls on. Some dude appears to be doing the limbo. Good for him. Rufi and Eugenio hold down the sofa. Don E asks what Carlota is all about, fundamentally. Rufi says she’s a very unsatisfied woman. Don E says an unsatisfied woman can be worse that the devil himself. Totally, says Rufi. Carloca can destroy everything she touches.

Liliana sharpens claws with Romina, as usual. Lili says eventually the truth about Romi’s baby will come out. Romina flounces away to try to get Emo to leave with her, but he doesn’t want to go. She taunts him with musings as to how Paloma will thank Gabriel for the party. Emo flees her toxic presence, and Germy slides in to fill the void. A few wiggled eyebrows and sly suggestions later, Romina says goodnight to Paloma and departs, followed immediately by Germs. This is not lost on Lili.

Carloca relaxes in Doc B’s dim house, pouring herself a drink and reminiscing about her previous four murders. “They all made me get rid of them,” she crazies. “This will be Rodolfo’s last night, and then everyone else will realize they have to change their attitude toward me. And Paloma will never leave me, unless I decide to send her to the other side as well.”

Camila and Orlando enjoy their dinner, at least until Orly starts talking. He invites himself to accompany Cami to the ceramics factory tomorrow. She insists that it is her business and she doesn’t need help. Then he wonders if she will rent or sell her house. ¿Qué? He starts doing a little backtracking and justifying…he wants to buy her a new place, away from the memories, something that’s theirs together. Just as Cami starts to calm down a little, Mr. Clueless says their new house doesn’t have to be in Real del Monte. It could be at the beach, or in another city. Say, isn’t Houston lovely? Cami chugs her wine.

Eugenio finds Gabriel alone in his bedroom, huddled and sniffling. “This is no way to party!” says Don E. Eugenio thinks Gabe should enjoy all the time he has left by dancing and being with Paloma. “And force the woman I love to watch me die?” asks Gabriel. “I am a desahuciado (dispossessed, hopeless) man. I have nothing to offer.”

The party people are terrible dancers, but they’re having a good time. Lili pulls Emiliano aside to inform him of Romina’s and Germy’s coziness.

Back in the bedroom…
Eugenio: I would give my life in exchange for yours.
Gabriel: I know…everyone knows they are going to die, but no one really believes it, or they think it will happen when they’re really old. But I know I don’t have much time.
Eugenio: And that’s why you’ve lived so intensely, in a hurry to leave an impression. But you’ve exceeded your limit.
G: I know I’ve been living on borrowed time.
E: You’ve already survived longer than the doctors expected. Who knows; maybe you’ll be here a lot longer.
G: No, I can feel that my time is coming to an end. I’ve lived my way, and I want to die my way.
E: Maybe you’re just afraid to enjoy life with Paloma, only to leave.
G: Exactly. I can’t be so selfish and make her suffer even more.
E: But Paloma’s presence is such a gift to you. She’s making you so happy! Don’t reject that.
G: Yes, I’ve been happier than ever, but it’s all ending.
Fierce hug.
E: I am so grateful for the time I’ve had you here.
G: I love you, papá!
E: I love you more.
Lots of tears. Then an advertising break so we can find more tissues.

Emo stands around being a total aguafiestas while the others dance. Doc B gives him the address of his new house in the D.F. and says Paloma would kill him, but he’s a total romantic and doesn’t want things to be over between them. They discuss getting the results of the paternity test; sounds like it will be at least a few more days before Emo can pick them up.

Eugenio and Gabriel rejoin the party and Paloma asks Gabe to dance. Emo glares, and Eugenio looks wistful and melancholy.

Germy and Romina can’t even make it into the house to get frisky; they’re still in Germy’s car. Romi seems to think they can’t go inside because although she’s separated, she’s still a married woman. Yes, all the more reason to get busy on the freaking street. Germs thinks she should give up on Emiliano and get together with him. She doesn’t think he can support her and the baby in style. “You don’t need money, you just need my kisses,” he says. Well, she’ll take them, whether she needs them or not.

Doc B escorts Rufi home and they marvel anviliciously that finally Paloma is of age and they can all leave and start a new life together.

Carloca continues skulking around the doc’s house and gloating that they won’t get away.

Rufi gets sentimental about all the memories in the Manor of Misery. Yay, Iñaki! Love him.

Eugenio tells Paloma that he owes her, because he’s never seen Gabriel so happy as he is around her. Gabe asks her to dance. It’s a slow song, and he says he wants her to remember him whenever she hears it. They dance super-close, slowly swaying. Emo glares. Just when they’re looking a bit kissy, Emo rudely interrupts to say goodnight. Seriously, dude. STEP OFF.

Doc B pulls up in front of his house as the Cellos of Doom remind us that this is Not Good. He goes inside.

Paloma once again tries to tell Emiliano Goodbye PARA SIEMPRE, but he won’t accept it. “Too bad,” says Paloma. “Romina says she’ll never leave you. My life is not with you.” “Is it with him?” Emo asks. Paloma looks over at Gabriel, politely twiddling his thumbs in the corner while Emo makes a pain of himself. “Yes.” They hug for a long time with much anguish and theme music until Paloma pulls away and goes back to dancing with Gabriel. Atta girl.

Rodolfo takes his pajamas from under his pillow and heads into the bathroom.

Paloma and Gabriel say they don’t want the night to ever end. They dance some more. The other guests seem to have left. Hey, maybe I’ll get part of my fantasy.

Emo is back in his hotel room, being a moony mooner and tormenting himself with memories of all the times he’s seen Paloma with Gabriel. This all just serves to remind me of how much more I like Gabriel.

Doc B puts his jacket away and turns around as Carlota steps out from behind a screen. “¡¿Qué haces aquí?!” Carlota says he isn’t going to steal her Paloma. “She’s an adult. She can leave if she wants to. Get out of my house!” “Okay, I will. But first…” Carloca aims a pistol at him, and the lighting in the room magically adjusts so that it only shines on her evil eyes.

Mañana: Carloca fires the gun. Does the doc meet his doom? Then, she cheerfully brings a flaming birthday cake to Paloma in bed.


Julia thanks for the recap.

I am so tired of Emoon and his moronic flashbacks, Ya Basta. I think one other reason we love Gabriel is how he keeps rejecting RoMEME,most of the time he just walks away from her.

Has Emoon ever heard of the word boundaries?

As for the kookiest of them all how in the world does she get away with climbing the side of Dr.B's house not seen by any nosy neighbor?

I really hope Dr.B survives being shot he doesn't deserve it,he has done so much to help out a lot of people. I'm hoping that glass La Loca drunk the liquor from is used as evidence to convict her.

If Dr.B dies La Loca does not realize that will give Paloma more incentive to leave RDM,thinking that the town maybe cursed.

Can someone send Sebastian Zurita who plays Emoon a crate of onions for his next acting gig.He look like he was straining trying to turn on the waterworks.He's worked on this novela for about 8 months and he still hasn't improved it look like they put some visine drops to come out of his eyes.

Okay now. Rip-snortin' title, fantastic fantasy (wish you were writing this telenovela) and just tons of fun quips like "anviliciously" and "Cellos of Doom". Such a great read. Thanks Julia.

Julia- I loved your fantasy recap amiga. If only! :)

So let me get this straight. Instead of being proactive and following Romeme and Germy so that he can get even more dirt on Romeme that will help expedite his divorce from her, Emoony instead chooses to stand around glaring at Paloma and Gabe the Babe and in general trying to ruin Pal's fun on her b-day. If I'm supposed to support him as the Pal's galan by the end of this thing, then he really needs to step his galan game up and start doing some heroic, self-sacrificing stuff! It's pretty late in the game for him to still be doing so many stupid, selfish things. "I'll never let you go." Really, Emoony? You're sounding a lot like those two crazy women who are stalking you at the moment.

I yelled at my tv when he interrupted Pal and Gabe during their lovely slow dance. Luckilly, Pal seems to have magically gotten some sense on her 18th b-day, and resumed dancing with Gabe, although more sadly than before.

Julia, your dream sequence was perfect! If only...but the your regular recap on our real events was just as awesome. Thanks

I my have to venture back into the snow for tissue supplies today (working from home) because I sure went through my home supply last night with the Eugenius and Gabe scene. OMG! Cesar just nailed that scene and my heart was breaking thinking what I would feel as a parent going through what he has.
And I believe writers and directs owe viewerville a HUGE apology for cheating us out of a good, major smooch between our girl and our guy. Where was it?? we get a back of head shot? I demand a refund!!!

But then, we get to watch Emoon being...well Emoon. Honestly, this is our hero? I'm on the verge of wanting to kick him to the curb. And breaking into Gabe and Pal' dance, I mean, dude, could you be anymore of a jerk? Sorry, but there's no way I'm going to be happy when he and Pal go riding off into the sunset...

As for Emoon's other half (who I'm beginning to think he deserves), let me just offer to you Romeme, and you also Germy, if you're trying to slip out unnoticed to go make out, you then DON'T DO IT IN AN OPEN CAR!

Camilla and Orly - sorry, I'm getting more and more that I don't care about these two. Add Angelica to that as well. Sorry.

Now, to our Purple Queen. Again, cheated. We deserved to see out purple queen scaling that trellis. She walks into the house all together, not a leaf on her. And how the H*** did she do that in heels and that enormous purse? Now, I know she's nuttier than a fruitcake, but she takes a drink and leaves her purpleness on a glass? Sits in a chair where hair and clothes fibers can remain? Ah, LaLoca...slipping are we?

I hope the good Dr. B does not get fatally shot. I would love to see him be able to recover and finger her. maybe found, in coma for awhile, that keeps Pal in town, but eventually fingers our fav villian?

I can dream too.....

daisynj- My boss sent our team a message to say we don't even have to pretend to work from home today. Just forget about it and chill. It is a complete whiteout out there today. I hope my Caraymates can keep me entertained today. I definitely feel cabin fever setting in.

Julia...I am so loving this title...Thanks for the lovely "what should be" scenes.

In reality I wanted to throw my remote at the tv when the commercial returned to the back of Paloma's head. Maybe Televisa finally considered the age difference between the actors. I believe Gabe (Erik Elias) is the oldest love interest to play opposite Paloma. A very sweet tender kiss would have satisfied me. I think I speak for all when I say we didn't need hot and heavy. Throw us a bone!

Eugenio...Gabe...Nuff said...Sniff.

How much more murder can be allowed. La Loca is on her way to wiping out the whole town. Eugenio will be the one to bring her down!

I am feeling for our Caray friends who are stuck at home due to the snow. I live in Arizona and while this is the best time of year for weather...June is coming with a summer of average 115 temps. Stay warm and dry.

Our company DC office closed too. Here in Cleveland the office didn't officially close (hearty MW'sers??) but my boss doesn't have a problem with us working from home since we are national group and don't need the office to always do what we need to do. Thank goodness!!
stay inside, get out those fuzzy slippers and catch a few soaps, afternoon TN's or food network shows!

Thanks for recap Julie, loved the title. Maybe another addition to the title.. We hope Carloca missed.

Who knew it would be done with a pistola, by la loca, in the recámara.

The gun surprised me. Where did she get that? Trying to make it a sure thing I guess. Emiliano is supposed to go over to the Doc's place in the morning. I think he may stop by and find the Doc still alive and save him... I hope.

Julia, I vote for your alternate ending for this novela. I wlll never forsake Iñaki so maybe you can write me into your version to wind up with him, instead of them offing him they way they did. But for Pal, I prefer Gabe. They look good together, share the same interests, plus, he is so hot. What a yawn it will be for Emoonio and Pal to end up in the inevitable final wedding scene. His vacant stare drives me crazy, e.g. when Lili told him about Romi and Germ leaving together, it was like he didn't even know who she was talking about.

I am hoping also that Dr. B. will just be in a coma for a few capitulos but will revive in time to out Her Loca-ness as his assailant. But I can just see her sneaking into his room to try to disconnect his tubes or smother him with a pillow or something. I can't believe she said she would have no problem killing Paloma too. Yikes. She's truly living la vida loca, purple edition.

Jackie (from snowy NYC)

Julia, your take it so much better than the real stuff. Thank you for the morning entertainment.

Vivi, I yelled at the tv as well. And I think it is just straight torture what they did to us yesterday. Some human rights organization should look into that. A whole hour of nothing and mooning, and then LaLoca takes out her gun, and ...En cambio no, hoy no. Come on!

For awhile there when Gabe and Pal were dancing, I thought Em had left because they didn't show him. But then... There was that bad Emoon arising.. staring at them.

I see Emoon is in Corazon Salvaje. It will be interesting to see what he is like there.

Thanks for the excellent recap Julia. I loved your version of things. Maybe you could write a miracle cure for whatever Gabriel has wrong with him and really send him and Paloma off into the sunset together. I am on team Gabriel and have been ever since he appeared in this show. It will be so disappointing to see Pal and Emo together in the end.

Julia, wonderful recap. Laughed at the great title "everyone shakes what their mamas gave them", that Carlota "relaxes... reminiscing about her previous four murders" and my favorite, "she crazies".

Agree with everyone who noted how touching the Gabe/Eugenio scene was. It would be wonderful to see them work together again.

I also enjoyed the too few fleeting glances of Inaki...

Did the good doctor cheat death yet again?

So, when is Carlota's luck going to end??? Basta.


My God but Her Purpleness is drifting into Charlie Manson territory. She never kills the same way twice. And obviously she just sprang up the trellis like the devil in high heels. As for her leaving trace evidence all over creation why worry. This is the same justice system that tried two people for murder based on an anonymous note.

I fear the good doc has reached the end of the line. La Loca is not going to leave him breathing.

As for the love triangle of the young'uns I'm not getting on Emoon for the simple reason that after 15 years worth of novela watching I can honestly say that I have NEVER seen the lead galan do anything but moon, mope, sulk, pout and swear love everlasting. Unfortunately it comes with the territory and why some good actors try and get away from those parts ASAP.

I actually don't think Gabe is so hot (so shoot me) probably because he looks scruffy. I will say however that the scene with Don E was masterful. A wonderful job of acting on both their parts and so totally heartbreaking. Looks like we need to keep tissues on hand from now on.

Orly the suave and smooth - NOT! Nice save on the house in Houston but enough with these two already, ditto Angie, Sammy and Desperate Di.

Who invited Germs to the party? Paloma never considered him much of a friend after she found out he and her BFF were getting it on. And Ro - once a skank always a skank.

JeffMN nice tribute to Clue with la loca in the recamara using a pistola.

Keep warm all of you guys in the snow zone. Like Carlita I'm in AZ where we are looking for a little rain but will be bitching with the heat in the summer.

Hi folks, first time commenter on this novella. Haven't had time to do much more than lurk and laugh since the "Pasion" days.

Just wanted to thank you Julia, for a wonderful morning read. Title was perfect, and you had so many great moments, including "Cellos of doom" and "anviliciously". Too funny!

Just wanted to add definition:

anviliciously (noun): One's ill fate as meted out gleefully by anvil. Also see "Wiley E. Coyote Syndrom."


Thanks for the recap Julia, some great lines in there and in everyone's comments!

I thought Rufi said she hoped the next 18 years would be happier than the last 18.

Like the theories on how Doc B might survive, I hope hope hope so. I figured Emoon would find him, too. And LaLoca did leave evidence unless she cleans it up after shooting him. But I don't know if that makes any difference in these TNs.

Had the same feelings expressed by others about Gabe and Eugenio, wow. And Emoony - enough already, really.

Hopefully tonight's episode will have some positive parts!

Jeff someone mention that they saw a gun when her purpleness was handling her mantilla shawl, but i didn't see it even when they replayed that part again.Hopefully someone heard the gun shot since no one in that neighborhood doesn't see aweird woman climbing up the side of the good Dr. house.

Jackie Living La Vida Loca the purple edition too funny.

Everyone's comments today are LOL spot on, so ITA with Eugenio and Gabriel scene.

In reading the character descriptions for CS, when I read that Emoon's character "pines" after some girl, my immediate thought was "oh, no, not again...."

Julia, thank you for the stellar recap, I really appreciate your time and talent.

The comments this morning have been LOL funny.

Jeff, my DH is a CCR fan so I loved the "bad Emoon rising" comment.

They should have named this TN "The Long Goodbye". It has taken too long for everyone to move on.

daisynjay.. oh noes. oh well. Then again, that's what all galans do anyway!! Hopefully he won't keep stalking her like he does here, especially if she has other choices, better choices. :)

Hmm, maybe Carloca will plant the gun on pJC and send another anonymous, cutout note. Or.. will she, ala Bruno in Sorti, make it look like a suicide.

Decie girl.. Looked like a Clue setting to me. In ENDA, we always know the who, just not the how and with what. :)

Anon 1:14.. My wife and I were wondering where Emoon was and right then, he pops into the picture. He looked darker there than I think I have ever seen him. Maybe he'll be a villain in later TNs. :)

decie girl.. pretty sure Germs invited himself, followed Eugenio right to the party. No job, gotta take advantage of what you can. :)

Jeff- Isn't it amazing that with all the people Carloca has offed, aside from Inaki's dad, there isn't anyone ticked off enough at her that they would kill her. Meanwhile over on Sorti, we could play Clue forever trying to figure out who of the many people he has ticked off will bump off Bruno, where, and with what weapon. This just goes to show what a great villain La Loca is.

Vivi.. So true. You would think more people would get a "Clue" about Carloca. Well, looks like more and more people are. Unfortunately, too late for Dr. B.
Bruno... As bad Carloca is, her people/social skills run rings around Bruno. Wow, you'll have to take a number to off Bruno. LOL.

Bruno's death should be like Murder On the Orient Express.

Even though I know Cruel is plumb loca, I was still dumbfounded when she said everyone will have to change their attitudes toward her after a few more people die. She really seems to think she'll get more respect after her most vocal opponents are offed.

Just occurred to me. Wasn't Might Mite supposed to come home from the hospital days ago. This baby conveniently gets forgotten by everyone. Can't help but wonder how Orly will feel when he finds out he doesn't have a grandson to carry on the name (not that he was going to anyway), And how will Camila react to seeing yet again what a scheming little liar she raised. That trip to Houston might start looking pretty good. But knowing Camila she'll probably just start wringing her hands and crying Oh Romena how could you do such a terrible thing. YAWN!

Julia.. That struck me strange as well. Que the heck? It's not like others are going to know you did it. You don't want that. It must be as you say, there will be fewer dissenters to worry about.

Decie, I think they keep saying the baby can go home "on Friday" or some such, which will be the same day Doc B, Rufi, and Paloma planned to leave town. It seems like it's been forever, but time is very elastic in the rarefied air or Unreal del Monte. Pretty soon, of course, that kid is going to phone for a rental car and drive himself home from the hospital. It was hilarious in that shot of him the other day; he looked almost as big as Emiliano, and more alert.

Annonymous 12:57--You were correct about the gun wrapped in the lace. I was the one who thought I had spotted it. In the replay, I realized it was one of her glove-covered fingers. It looked like a gun and she ended up using a gun. Maybe that's what was in the box.

I have a feeling Dr. B doesn't survive. LaLoca isn't loca enough to leave any traces of herself behind, so she's going to do a bang up (sorry) job of cleaning and wiping.

I'd like to see Rufi find her bed empty, but as we saw in the avances, she's seen bringing Paloma a cake. I wonder if it will blow up.

I do feel terrible for Paloma when she either finds out Gabe is going to die or actually dies. She'll be sure to think of herself as the RDM anvil.

Julia, thanks for the creative/better version of this novela and the great title.

Now we know that box on the tall wardrobe in Loca's bedroom did not contain chocolates considering her big smile when she opened it. As a fellow chocoholic, I would understand, Loca. But it seems the pistola was hidden there just waiting for her to plug her next innocent victim. Hope Dr. B makes it and especially to finger the Purple One.

Cheat, cheat... .where was that long awaited kiss between Pal and Gabe? They edited out a kiss? Did they even kiss? Weird! And the biggest cheat of all...I was waiting to see Loca climb that trellis with heels and purse and haul herself through the window/door. I guess a stunt double would have been just too expensive because they spent all the money on Orly and Cami's boring luxury honeymoon.

Emoony is a tad slow. As mentioned, If he really does want to divorce Romena, Liliana gave him a perfect opportunity to follow Romi and Germy to catch 'em in the act. He lost the opportunity to take a cell photo of Romi and Germy out in public in a red convertible locking lips.

One last thing, did Orly hire stalker babe knowing it makes Emoon feel very uncomfortable having her around?


Julie and Decie, I feel sometime that I'm watching the ENDA version of the musical Brigadoon, where one day in Brigadoon equals a hundred years in the real world.

I agree, totally NO FAIR on the unseen kiss. We know it happened because Gabe said so; why not show it?!??? My only guess is that maybe one of the actors was sick so they didn't want to spread germs through actual lip contact? Who knows? They were breathing on each other anyway.

I don't think Emo is looking for more evidence for his divorce since he's pretty sure Romina lied about the baby, which is evidence enough...but that's also his problem; he doesn't want to lose the baby even if it isn't his. He should really consider catching Romina cheating on him because that would give him a way to divorce her without mentioning her initial deceit, and maybe allow him to share custody if they never brought up the baby's paternity publicly. I don't know what the custody laws are like in Realweird, though.


I'm not sure Orly hired SG I think Angie did while he was off on his honeymoon. In any event he warned Emoon about her and seems hell bent on keeping him married to Carloca junior.

I too felt cheated that we didn't see the Great Purple One scaling the trellis but I don't think she was wearing high heels - after all everyone knows the devil has cloven hoofs.

Julia, that was just a brilliant recap. Loved the alternate reality (if reality ever applies in TNs) part.

You coined a great adverb: anviliciously. There are a couple of people in my company who behave anviliciously and still survive!

Jeff, loved Bad Emoon Rising!!

I jumped up and yelled when pouty Emoon interrupted Pal and Gabe's romantic slow dance. Really? That's the rudest thing I've ever seen a galan do. The writers seem to have forgotten that he's supposed to be a good guy.

I'm leaning toward Dr. B. surviving. Usually when they show someone shot and fade to black it's a fake-out. If they really die, they go ahead and show it a la Bruno offing Ulises in Sortilegio.

Again César knocked my socks off with his acting, so realistically expressing the pain of a parent with a child who's going to die. Sometimes I've thought he was too over the top in his villain roles. I'm starting to think he makes a better good guy.

No Anon 2:38 i said i was distracted by the way La Loca was handling the mantilla shawl of hers i never said i saw a gun. Even when they replayed the scene again for last night's episode i still didn't see it nor was i looking for it. I was just disturbed by how La Loca acts when she has that shawl in her hands.

I wonder if there is a background story behind it they way she acts when she has it out seems to imply it.

Julia so ITA with Emoon but his number one job is to keep stalking
Paloma so it figures the son of clueless number one wouldn't follow through on what Liliana suspected was going on with German and RoMEME.

novelera.. I agree, been quite impressed with Cesar in a good role. I think somebody posted a few days ago that he is going to be in another good guy role muy pronto, if not already?

Gin.. agree with Anon 02:46. I'd have to think it was Angie that hired stalker babe. Now that you bring it up, I have no idea why she would have wanted to do that? Where is that psych experience? It's easy to see she is a stalker and wouldn't be a good idea to put her in the same office as her prey. Went right past me, glad you brought that up. Hmm, thinking some more, maybe just wanted more help in the office in case Dario returned??
Of course, Ang/Dar, Orly/Cam, Rafa/Luz/Cam, Di/Sam all becoming too much of yawn/bore as we get to the end.. of ENDA. :)

We find out tonight what happens to Dr.B whether he survives being shot by La Loca or not. My question though are Rufi and Paloma taking those birds with them or not because it didn't seem like it.

La Loca would have a field day killing off each bird one by one imagining them as her next victim on her list.

That was one of the most disturbing things for me with Macarena to overlook how cruelly and sick her sister killed Paloma's puppy who she guessed correctly did do it. Then the one time the bird she found dead at the bottom of it's cage. Once again she went immediately and accused Carloca.

This led me to believe that that the puppy nor the bird were the first animals that she has killed, coupled with her verbal and mental torture of her and Paloma. Macarena really should have had La Loca investigated along time ago.

These are clear signs that at least this person is not mentally stable.

I don't think anyone officially hired Anamar. She hinted broadly to Emiliano how much help her background in marketing, I think, would be to the Platería. He didn't think it would be a good idea. Then she tried it on with Angelica who was dubious. I thought she told Ange that Em said it was OK. Then he discovered her logged in to his computer and was NOT happy.

Macarena was financially dependent on Carloca. It wouldn't have been in her nor Paloma's interest to start an investigation. Especially as inept the RDM police department is. LaLoca would surely have deflected any "pruebas."

I don't think Anamar has actually been hired. She's just made herself at home. Emo definitely doesn't want her there, and Orly will probably support Emo's wishes. Ange just assumes she will be hired because Anamar told her that Emoony said it's happening.

I'm really surprised Anamar didn't invite herself to the party, or arrange to be lounging on Emo's bed wearing something as revealing as her street clothes when he returned to the hotel. What kind of stalker is she?

It is almost the end and I am sure Dr.B is not going to die. Carlotta blotter will not kill this time. I'm sure she will try to turn up the juice. Whoops, I forgot she is a old virgin and dried out.

No Macarena thought she was financially dependent upon Carloca because she didn't have a backbone,but once she found out the great lie about Cris she told La Loca she was going to get half of what their house would get on the market.

La Loca getting scared of the Macrena who should have done this years ago threaten to tell Paloma about her true parents and eventually she did tell Paloma that Macarena was her mother.

It drove a wedge only briefly between the two then La Loca started to look for Cris's picture that Mac had kept for so many years to tell Paloma that was her father but Mac had gotten rid of the picture by then.

Mac let too much go as the real mother of Paloma and she should taken her stance against La Loca when she found the dead puppy drowned in the fountain.

I'm hoping Carloca is having a dream sequence concerning Dr.B and he got called for a all night medical emergency.I want to see Dr.B with Ivonne or Natalia at the end, more Ivonne.

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