Tuesday, February 09, 2010

un Gancho al Corazón Mon. 2/8/10 Mauricio Takes Valentina on a Field Trip

Today we begin with Mao and Beto just outside Moni's door as they discuss, who else? That's correct, Coni, who these days is on everyone's mind, but no longer in anyone's heart (unless one counts a few Constanza Loyalists like yours truly). She is a threat to spill the beans about Isabel, Moni's mom, who has faked her love for Moni and subsequently her own death, after availing herself of a piece of Moni's very flesh (bone marrow to be exact), aided, abetted, and financed by Mauricio, who until recently was the only other person (save a less than honest physician) aware of this deception. Mao has decided that his best course of action is to take Moni to see for herself that mom is still with us, and then try to explain his involvement as best he can. Good luck with that, Mao. Beto swears his allegiance to Moni and Mao, and to help in anyway he can.

Meintras tanto, we are shown a flashback, complete with tears, of Isabel's apology to Moni for abandoning her and assuring her of her motherly love and pride. Well, I was convinced too at the time.

Moni puts away her photo of her and her mom as Mao comes back in. He crawls into bed with her but instead of fireworks and passion, it appears that we will be treated to another one of their interminably tedious conversations.
Oh well, let's join them. "I love you." "I love you too. Now go to sleep, tomorrow... tomorrow is another day." OK, that was sweet.

Nieves is lying in her bed, head and face covered, complaining. At least she is still alive after consuming a potentially fatal quantity of Tequila. As is often the case when someone over-imbibes, the cameraman has taken advantage of her comatosity to arrange a gag shot.

Here's Beto in high spirits. She's not in the mood for his vivacity. He tells her that at least he's not waking her up with a whack with a skillet. If this is how he feels after one of his drunken binges, she's now sympathetic. Being the thoughtful caring son that he is he prepares her his own personal menjunje (evil tasting beverage) to soothe her suffering. She almost loses it but he encourages her to keep it down. He fills her in on a few details which she can't recall. His bet with Estrella, "Oh no, Estrella saw me drinking?" and the fact that she caved on him, but so did Jaqui. Don Cesar was there, "Where is Cesarín?" Here Beto is downright exuberant, "He threw a fit (berrinche), packed his bags , and left us alone," he enthuses. Nieves closes her eyes, tears up, and moans softly.

An elevator door opens and M&M emerge, Moni clinging to Mao, questioning why he has brought her here. She looks very cute in a black top with white polka dots which is precariously held up by a thin string looped around her neck. She is wearing pink tights and of course high heels. Not fashionable but effective. He pleads with her, that once she sees whom he's brought her to see, to give him an opportunity to explain. She's confused but agrees. They hug. He looks worried. He knocks.

Now the air is electric with anticipation. Hombre addressed this in the preamble to his last recap. A moment that we TN aficionados live and breathe for. That definitive moment of truth. This is Isabel's apartment. Moni is about to confront... well let's watch. A delicate feminine hand reaches for the knob, turns it, partially opens the door. Moni and Mao cautiously enter like the vaguely wary young couple in so many horror flicks. They spot a ghostly figure of a woman clad in white whose back is to them. She turns, Mao and Moni brace, she faces them and speaks, "Looking for someone?" Hey! that's not Isabel! It's a beautiful young woman we've seen before in other shows, whom I can't place. She's expecting a masseuse and... OK, this is O. K. She drops her white bathrobe as the camera quickly moves behind her
(Drat!). Mao tells her to cover herself, Moni spins Mao around. "I just want a massage." Cute. Moni is not amused. She basically says, "Cover up, or I'll bust you up." Clearly a mistake was made. Moni ushers Mao out. The young woman is puzzled, "What a shame." I'll say.

Well, here's our Isabel, accompanied by Coni, entering Coni's old apartment, furniture covered with white sheets. Coni looks great in a black and silver sun dress, accented with a red stripe below the bodice, held up by two tiny straps. Nice indeed. Coni hands her the key. "This is your madriguera (den, burrow)." Isabel tells Coni that she's not accustomed to sleeping in sarcophagi. Well, that clears that up for some of us. Coni assures her that the beds are comfortable and the pillows are goose down. Coni reminds her that her dad is to know none of this. Fine with Isabel, and she refers to her as Momia. She notes that everyone is terrified of Coni. Coni tries to startle her, "Boo!" Isabel is unfazed. With what she's been through in her life, "Nothing scares me." Coni wants to know one thing, "What's going on between you and my father?"

M&M are waiting for the elevator, laughing it up. "I still don't understand who you wanted me to see." "Just forget about it." That's it? Just forget about it? Mao must be one who embraces the old dictum, "Carpe mañana."

Coni is wanting an answer
but Isabel cautions that she will not like the reply. Coni's not reluctant to open Pandoras box, especially if it will hurt Moni. "Valentina will find out, it's just a matter of time." Coni has to leave to meet Daddy ay Groupo Sermeño. "Got any message for him?" Isabel looks perturbed as Coni exits.

Beto has Nieves seated at the table on which sits two botlles that look like beer. He fetches the salt and lime. She is puzzled about Cesar's reason for leaving. Could it be for drinking in the cantina? Beto on the other hand is glad he's gone. Good riddance. Now Beto has mom all to himself. "I couldn't ask for a better son." She's sorry she lost her grandchild but glad that he is shed of Coni. Now he can meet a nice woman and have a bunch of kids. Well, not exactly. Beto is done with women. "Yeah sure." "I'm going to be a priest." "¿Qué?"

Estrella is looking very sad with tears and all as Jaqui comes to.
"Wake up. Get out." Where am I?" "You've invaded my privacy." Jaqui hasn't felt like this since she was twenty, woke up in another country without even remembering getting on a plane. "Could you bring me a mineral water, an analgesic, a paramedic?" Estrella doesn't have time for this, "How about I call you a taxi?" "Call Katia," as she conks back out.

Meanwhile at Castle Cruel, poor Katia is being castigated by an irate Aldo for lying about Estrella. "You're worse than your sister." Ouch! She reminds him that he is the one who bragged to the school, painting an unseemly picture of Estrella. Now this should have inflicted more damage than it did, he continues berating her until Luisa interrupts, "Hey, cut it out Daniella hears you. Katia, Estrella called. She wants you to come pick up your mom." Perfect thinks Aldo, "You'll apologize face to face with Estrella."

Nieves doesn't think much of Beto's plan but he seems resolute. He's lived rough and his heart has been pureed (hecho pomada, made ointment). She reminds him that time and coddling (agasajos) heals everything. "Even your hangover (cruda)," he quips. She tells him of her dream of many grandchildren. He counters with Moni and Mao. "Not the same." She tells him that whenever he gets a crazy idea he jumps in with all four legs (patas). "Five," he corrects. She winces and so do we. Beto! "So you really want to be a priest?" "Yes, earthy (jacarandoso) and talkative (dicharachero) like Cantiflas." She asks that he wait a few months and if he still feels the same she will support him... heck, she'll become a nun. He is delighted.

Katia doesn't want to apologize. Aldo insists. Even Luisa thinks she should. "OK, let me take a bath first." Aldo decides that he needs a bath as well. Luisa is frustrated? Kids. Who can tell?

Ximena pops out of the elevator at the offices of... well, let Paula tell us, "Hi! Welcome to Sermeño Group," she greets Ximena cheerily. Ximena is impressed, "¡Guau!" Paula is ready to be her secretary, but Ximy has bad news, which as our Ximy is wont, she expresses in tres cosas. "Una, you look super dressed as an executive secre, that is... ¡maraviguau! Dos, there's been a change in plans, I'm going to sell my shares to Coni's dad so no more Sermeños in Groupo Sermeño. Tres, that's why I can't give you a job as I promised. Sorry." They hug. Pau spots "¡Gabi!"

All hug. Gabi has just returned from Venezuela. She has lost the love of her life. All hug.

A zombified Sal and Loriloca are seated on a bench in an undisclosed manicomio. They are joined by Oscar who already has confirmed first class reservations in Hell and who is now accumulating frequent flyer miles, hoping for a corner room overlooking the Valley of Flames. She's... well she hasn't been helped much, she seems afraid. "Relax, it's me, Oscar." "That's why," she explains. He leads her to the window, "Take a look at heaven. You'll never be there." Nor you, Oscar, nor you. He tells her that he has arranged for Sal to be crazy too and that he will be with her forever. Poor Sal, the camera focuses on his blank stare. I think I liked him better as a twitchy rabbit. Job didn't have it this bad. At least he still has the dignity of his wig. Lori strokes it. O hasta leave now, "Enjoy your unhinged (desquiciado) love. He greases the palm of the desalmado Dr.'s palm, "You know what to do." You're a credit to our profession... jerk!

Are there any honest physicians or judges in DF?

Gabi is distraught. She tells Ximy and Pau how she was met with the news. Gone without a trace. They didn't even recover the black box. All she has is a death certificate. She wishes that she had something of him to bury here in Mexico among his friends. Like the song Ximy offers
and Pau begins to sing, Mexico Lindo, with Ximy joining in. . "Um yeah, more or less (más o menos)," Gabi replies. They gallantly try to cheer her up. Ximy observes that he was probably thinking about their lavish wedding when the plane crashed. Can they recycle the wedding invitations?

Mauricio is walking Moni home. As always their conersation is borrring. She asks him to let her keep her pleasant memory of mom. "OK." That's it? "carpe mañana," Mauricio ... Next!

After the commercial they're still together. She invites him in. No, he's meeting Estrella at Groupo Sermeño to be sure that Marcos doesn't take advantage of the simple Ximena. ¡Por favor! Moni is glad to hear that Ximy is loaning Mao the money from selling her shares. He plans to use it to form a new company so Gabi and Pau will have jobs. Are you kidding me? Awww!

Moni enters the courtyard of the 'hood. A monkey is playing on the laundry basin. Ewww! Estrella is filling her bucket with water from the large basin. Moni inquires about the casting. Yes, Estre got the part as the amante cachonda (lover in heat). Moni thinks that she looks un happy. Is she disappointed with the part? "No." Estrella gets to play an evil person. "Then you can use Coni as a model Moni offers. This makes Estre smile, "Ya think?" Moni thinks this will make her popular among the directors. "What are you going to do with the bucket?" "Remove a weight off me," Estrella says ruefully.

She carries the bucket into her apartment, sets it down and tries once again, "¡Señora, señora, ya dispierte!" "Did you bring me my mineral water with lime and salt?", she dumps the bucket of water over the disabled Jaqui. "Here's your water.

Pau, Ximy, and Gabi are quietly singing about a Llorona as Coni walks up and wonders what is going on. Ximy tells her of Sal's dreadful accident, "he went in an airplane and he went splat (se hizó pomada... remember Beto's heart?), not even his wig (peluquín) survived. Coni seems affected, then takes the opportunity to fire Gabi and Pau. Cold, Coni.

Estre is trying to animate Jaqui. She stinks of Tequila. She selects one of her outfits for her. "Go take a bath." "Where, is there a bath here?" "In the community bath." "What about my special soap of queen bee royal jelly, my sea sponge, and cream of Russian caviar?" "You'll use normal soap from the market and my creams from the market en tianguis (outdoor bazaar). Now hurry, your daughter is coming for you." Jaqui tries to thank her, but Estre is not doing it for her but for her daughter, Katia. "I wouldn't want my child to be ashamed of me." "Are you going to have a child?" "No, no..." Jaqui closes in, "You're embarazada, aren't you?"

Dr. Judy... next!



Ay, Carlos, that was better than breakfast! (although I had breakfast too). Definitely one of your best

"He crawls into bed with her but instead of fireworks and passion, it appears that we will be treated to another one of their interminably tedious conversations"

How true! how true! I'm beginning to dread all their scenes.

"They are joined by Oscar who already has confirmed first class reservations in Hell and who is now accumulating frequent flyer miles, hoping for a corner room overlooking the Valley of Flames.'

Now that was awesome. I'll be chuckling about that all day. You just have a wonderful wit and a great turn of phrase, Carlos. Thanks for starting my day off right. Alas we already have snow on the driveway again this morning and I reckon my tailbone will be twanging by tomorrow morning. "This too shall pass".

Your description of Mau and Moni creeping into Isabel's hotel room like teenagers in a horror flick was great...as well as you O.K....this is O.K. reaction to the comely maiden dropping her bathrobe. Drat!

Gee...somehow my middle paragraph ended up at the tailend of this. Oh well.

Good morning Carlos and Judy.

Carlos: Your enthusiam and enjoyment of these wonderful characters is evident at every turn. Your recaps could be amazing short stories in and of themselves. The embedded vocabulary, greatly-appreciated fashion commentary and wonderful pictures were simply great.

"Costanza Loyalists","confirmed first class reservations in Hell" and "vivacity" were stellar.

Moni certainly isn't making it easy for Mau to reveal Isabel's loathsome existence. Hmmm, let's see, she "who has faked her love for Moni", "her own death", "after availing herself of a piece of Moni's very flesh (bone marrow to be exact)". Blech. Next!

I'm sure the religious community will be delighted to welcome both Beto and Nieves into the fold. I have a hunch Beto will not be ordained anytime soon but it's a fun, unexpected diversion.

Glad that Gabi is back but how will Sal be sprung?

As we're bracing for yet another storm, please everyone stay warm and safe. Judy, I'm hoping one of your wonderful neighbors will be able to shovel you out. Please be careful!


"Isabel tells Coni that she's not accustomed to sleeping in sarcophagi" LOL, damn straight that clears things up. Some of us were sure she did...during the daytime.

Another thing that has been clarified, Monita looks good in everything, even a headband which is what I believe she was wearing as a dress when they went to the hotel.

ITA with Judy and Diana, your description of Oscar in hell was spot on. Loriloca was pathetically frightened around him, he truly is evil. I would love to believe that Sal is faking his catatonic state and is planning his escape, but given his past history (of not knowing he was being drugged) that might be too much to hope for.

Awesome recap Carlos, the pics are the best. Estre getting the water from the basin where the monkey plays...EWWWWW is right! But wait a minute, since Jacqui pays big bucks for a baboon placenta masque maybe monkey-soiled water is right up her alley.

Thanks Carlos. I'm with Diana; your obvious affection for all these characters (even Coni, sigh) is irresistable. That, your eye for fashion and your clever writing style are always a joy.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Good morning Judy, Diana, and Sylvia. Thanks for the kind words for the recap. This episode had the feel of being an add-on to extend the series. Lots of talk with not much new. Fortunately these actors are talented enough to make it entertaining, nonetheless. I had tried to add some links but the results were bizarre.I'll try again here:

Mrxico Lindo y Cariño

la Llorona



Great links Carlos! I also thought Thursday's epiosde was largely filler, but since the filler was Jacqui and Nieves tying one on who could complain? Their filler is better than most telenovela carne.

Greeting Carlos...All.

I was too sleepy to watch the 12am showing of this episode but I knew I'd have super-cool recap to read first thing this morning. Carlos, you delivered!

"At least he still has the dignity of his wig. Lori strokes it."
-I don't know if this was actually said in this espisode or if you wrote it yourself...(I think you wrote it), but it was funny. I laughed for about 5 mins before I could continue reading. Another 5 mins after reading...
"Pau, Ximy, and Gabi are quietly singing about a Llorona as Coni walks up and wonders what is going on. Ximy tells her of Sal's dreadful accident, "he went in an airplane and he went splat (se hizó pomada... remember Beto's heart?), not even his wig (peluquín) survived. Coni seems affected, then takes the opportunity to fire Gabi and Pau. Cold, Coni."

Coni, was in rare form last night or just being herself, really. :o\

Anymahoodle, Great job Carlos.

Judy- I think it was you who said my cooking skillz remind you of your daughter? I just wanna say, when she writes a book, I want the first copy. Signed. Her life sounds ggrreat. , a husband that cooks... What a Prince or Principe. I'll take either one. :o)


-Oh and I love your descriptions of all of Coni's fashions. You sure you don't moonlight as a clothing catalog writer?
Anywayz, nice work...I'll buy that outfit.


Rockz, thanks. I thought that it was a little strange that Sal was in such a stupor and yet was well-groomed with his hairpiece, nicely positioned. Ximeny definitely has a way of putting things colorfully. Gabi didn't bat an eye. I think they love her every bit as much as we do.


Carlos thank you for that stellar recap. As always you made the episode better and I love the captures of the little monkey and the one of Nieves waking up. You always put so much attention in those details that the directors add to their scenes.

I took a peek at the pre-nominations for the TVyNovelas awards. Odd placements for actors in all categories: Leticia Calderón is up for best actress in a lead role instead of best antagonic and Ana Brenda and Maité Perroni are up for best young actress even though they both were playing twentysomethings in adult novelas.

But a bunch of actors from Gancho made the first cut and they are pre-nominated:

Sebastián Rulli is up for best male lead actor.
Danna García is up for best female lead.
Laisha Wilkins is up for best villain.
Raúl Araiza is up for best supportinc actor.
Margarita Magaña is up for best supporting actress.
Ana Martin is up for best first actress.
And finally Alex Sirvent and Verónica Jaspeado are up for revelation actor and actress. This one is so odd too because they both have been in other shows and I'm pretty sure Jaspeado was considered for this years ago, all the other people nominated in this category are new actors on their first jobs. I'm still up for anything that gives Jaspeado an award for her acting in this show though.

The novela is also up for best script and best novela. The final nominations will be decided by the public and announced in march but I'm glad so many of our actors were considered, I think this is the novela with the most actors pre-nominated by the magazine staff. You can tell how much the people in the magazine liked their work.


Oops I made the mistake. Best villain is actually called best antagonic. Characteres don't have to be evil to be in that category.


Jarocha, thanks. I'm thrilled that our little show is getting some of the recognition that it so richly deserves, and all the actors are deserving as well.


Jarocha, can we vote? and where?
I hope Gancho wins. The writers of this show are AWESOME!


RockZ: TVyNovelas magazine usually has a page with a ballot with the list of the pre-nominees for the readers to fill and an address so you can sent your votes. I don't know if you get that magazine though. I think there's a way to vote online but I don't know much of that really.


Jarocha: Thanks for the information. You always add such interesting comments. It's wonderful to see these talented actors receive the recognition they deserve.

I am so glad Leticia Calderón is up for best actress. She should win hands down - her performance was (is) amazing. That said, I'm relieved she's not competing with Laisha Wilkins for best villain as I hope our Gancho cast sweeps everything!


Yikes, Carlos...that Lloroba link was pretty scary, but thanks for those extra treats anyway.

Forgot to say I thought your title was really nifty also. You just have a marvelous sense of humor that comes through in every sentence.

Diana, I had to go out early to teach and when I got home afte 10 am, no one has shoveled the driveway and I had to back into our neighbor's driveway and get a running start to make it up the hill. So annoyed (as well as still sore) that I told my son I was going to let him do all the shoveling today. So either he will do it or the neighbor with the snow plow will. I'm cooking and recapping and not doin' nuttin' else!

Oh and RockZ, yes, my son-in-law is a principe for sure. A great dad, really involved with his kids, cooks the best barbecue I've ever tasted and yet so good at his job he has survived the purge that lost so many people work in the banking industry in Charlotte. My daughter made a very good choice. She has great in-laws also...who moved down last summer to be close by to help babysit. Such a life!

Judy: Relieved you are leaving the shoveling to others this time. Having to maneuver and gun the engine to make it up the driveway is the pitts. Our snow is coming tomorrow. Ack.


Great recap, Carlos. I was laughing throughout, especially the part about Oscar and the frequent flyer miles! I also liked all the great slang vocab, which I always miss, and the links were fun, too.

Yes, Mau, there's always tomorrow (and the next day). So he still has that one not so little secret he hasn't told Moni. And the previews made it look as if he may have another. Marcos was telling someone about his 2 daughters - was that Mau? Well, we'll see, and if so, that's another secret.

Interesting that Coni's apartment, which we had forgotten about, is being put to use as Isabel's hideaway. BTW, what ever happened to her boutique? We haven't seen that in quite some time.

I can't wait to see Jacqui wearing Estrella's clothes. Too bad she has to shower without her soap of queen bee royal jelly!

We sometimes kid Mau as being a bit slow on the uptake, but Moni's not much better. How could she not have realized Estrella's lack of enthusiasm for her acting role was due to her pregnancy, which Moni knows about? Yes, Moni and Mau are both so wide-eyed and innocent, they're made for each other.

Judy - What's the name of the store where she purchased her Principe? All those things plus great in-laws... (Insert sigh) I want one. ^^)

Jarocha - Thank you. I'll either buy the mag or go online to vote. This is a very important mission. Gancho MUST sweep all.

Thanks again chicas.

You're welcome Carlos. I did see the previews and had similar thoughts about his hair weave. Perhaps he's hallucinating about being normal so he fixes it up everyday? Or something like that. ;o) I love Ximena, too. Most of all actually. She's like sunshine.


Hi all. More snow predicted here tonight. Predictions are for more than last time..maybe a foot. I hope that the college where I teach cancels tomorrow ..likewise our daughter and son-in-law's school districts. Fingers crossed. I'm stewing about our older daughter who has to fly from Toronto to NYC tomorrow morning on business. Hub warned her that lots of snow is predicted and that she should wear boots and warm clothes and be prepared for delays or cancellations. I am tired of winter and worrying about the weather. Basta.

Thanks Hombre. Shouldn't Coni be learning how to box? She must have something really sneaky up her sleeve if she is really planning to defeat Moni in the ring. No one seems to be training these days.

How in the world will Sal get sprung if everyone thinks that he's dead?

I'm also looking forward to seeing Jaqui in her Naca outfit. I believe that Estre picked out some leopard print pants for her. She really does seem to be a good sport. I can't believe that Estre asked her for help in arranging an abortion. That seems out of character for her.


Y'all just forget dealing with the snow. Stay in by the fire or heater and drink hot chocolate and wait for spring. That's what I would do.

Great recap, Carlos. I totally agree that Slo-Mau and Val are beyond tedious together these day. If they're just going to lounge in bed they could at least make it more fun.

As much as I love Coni's clothes, I just can't join her support group. Kicking poor Gabilu when she was down was too much.

I'd love to see Mauricio make an awesome comeback with his new business but I don't see how he's going to do it without Salvador. Maybe Arni is secretly an ace whatever and will join him.

Oh my I loved the sarcophagi line!

Also loved the frequent flyer miles line...

Great recap and nice pics you captured there...

nice job as always doc...

Rockz I hope our actors can get some recognition but I'm almost sure that the main actors will get overlooked by the public when the final nominees are announced, wich makes me a little sad especially for Danna.

I think Danna García is doing an astounding job playing La Monita. She is Colombian and yet has been able to master not only the Mexican accent, but the specific Chilango accent that her character uses, she has all the speach patterns and mannerisms of the "naca chilanga" and she plays her role with seamless effort.

I might get flamed here for this opinion but, while I like William Levy and I think he is deserving of all the female adoration he has and he has shown pretty good chops on Sortilegio, when you compare the work Danna has done to get rid of her own accent and become her character and Levy's work on his own accent for his role as a wealthy Mexican tycoon, I think she's been better at that.

Maybe accents are not that important but I put alot of attention to them for some reason. Like if Hugh Laurie had a terrible American accent while playing House, would people still think so highly of his acting? Maybe most people wouldn't care but some people probably would and unfortunately I'm one of those.


hey Jarocha...you won't get "flamed" on this line. And besides we totally agree with you. Wm Levy is great eye-candy and has certainly improved his acting skills since Pasión, but all the actors in Gancho are simply tremendous. Know nothing about the difference between the Columbian accent and the Mexican one (only that the Colombians I know tell me there's is the "true" correct accent. Imagine folks from every other country feel the same way.) Hope she wins. We'll see.

RockZ. I believe Kristin got her fine huband from PrincesRUs. Try your nearest outlet. Of course supply is small and demand is large!

Jarocha, I agree with you completely. Levy has many charms, but accurate accent transformation is not among them. Also, Danna Garcia and the other actors on Gancho are just tremendous in other ways, and have really made their roles into so much more than they are on paper.

I don't notice accents so much when I'm watching telenovelas, because they are all foreign to me, but I imagine the Mexican audience would find an out-of-character accent distracting. Hugh Laurie is a great actor, and his perfect American accent helps him to blend seamlessly into the role. Whenever I hear him in an interview I'm surprised at his real accent, because he does the fake one so perfectly I believe it's real. As a contrast, whenever Catherine Zeta-Jones plays an American character, her attempt at the accent just sounds really strange, and I spend the film wondering why her character is talking so awkwardly.

Jarocha - I totally agree with the accent thing. I'm not good at telling all of them apart yet but Levy doesn't try hard, I'm sure.

Danna, on the other hand, convinced me. I thought she was Mexican until my Spanish teacher told me she is from Columbia and Sebastian Rulli is from Argentina. However, I can tell the difference between a Mexican and Argentina accent because my teacher is from Argentina.

Judy - That product is on back order. ^^(

-I'll check ebay. ^^)


Well, it's just that Levy has so many fans everywhere.

I like the Colombian accent. The one they say is the best is the one from Bogotá, the rolo accent. And really, the area in Colombia that uses the rolo accent is so small. I've been in both Bogotá and Medellín and those cities have grown so much in the last years so you can hear a great variety of accents while taking the city train. This video has a map of the accents from Colombia.


Jarocha- I'm a WL fan, but am fine with admitting any faults or deficiencies he may have. Getting the perfect Mexican accent down is not one of his strengths. And I too have been amazed by Dana's perfect accent since finding out she's Colombian a few days ago. I looked her up during one of the snow days at home last week when I saw her in another novela. She was the lead in that and had lighter colored hair. I like the black hair on her better.


Hope I'm not too late, also, I'm on a phone and quotes are harder........MAGNIFICENT recap filled with such fun ........ piece of flesh-marrow, not fashionable but effective, first class reservation in Hell, frequent flyer miles, and my favorite....the dignity of his wig....just wonderful. Have you ever tried your hand at writing short stories? You'd be wonderful.

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