Monday, March 08, 2010

Cast of ENDA on Cristina, March 8, 2010

Post for discussion of the interview.


What the heck was Leticia wearing was it just me but didn't it look that Sebastian Zurita look way uncomfortable once she came out in that get up.

Here's the recap- Part 1:
Cristina introduces the cast of En Nombre de Amor, calling the whole cast the perfect mix of talent, youth and beauty. I think we would agree.

Allisson and Sebastian come out together. He’s looking dapper in a black blazer, slacks and grey button down shirt. Allisson is looking very hip and cute in jeans, red kitten heels, black shirt dress and a black Panama hat. (Cristina reminds the audience that she’s only 16.) They look very comfortable together- very brother/sister like.

Allisson will soon have a new album coming out, but she can’t sing tonight as she has in the past on the Cristina show because she’s not feeling well and has a sore/scratchy throat. Sebastian recently came back from the yearly family vacation his mom and dad (both famous actors and producers) take with him and his little brother each year. This year they went to Dubai. They are a very attractive family.

Cristina talks about how the producers of ENDA wanted fresh faces for their young roles, especially the galan. This is Allisson’s third novela in a row being the lead protagonist. This is Sebastian’s first protagonist/lead role. The producers/director apparently thought of him for the role, ran into his mom in Miami, asked her to pass on the message and have Sebastian contact them. His mom contacted him (he was in L.A.), passed on the message, but gave him the wrong number. The number was to the cafeteria of Univision. So he thought it had all just been a joke. But it was all straightened out soon enough and he tried out for the part and got it. He talks about some of the difficulties of being the son of such famous people in the industry. Everyone assumes he hasn’t earned his roles and doesn’t have to try out. But this is something that his parents, his dad especially, drilled into him. He has try out for and earn any role he gets. Sebastian was also particularly excited to be on Cristina’s show for the first time.

Sebastian filmed ENDA and part of Corazon Salvage at the same time. The producers, directors and his fellow actors were very accommodating of this. Allisson went right from wrapping Guapos to filming ENDA. She is tired. It was also a difficult transition to go from playing spunky, fast talking, tomboy Mili, to playing timid, quiet shy, always crying Paloma. Sebastian teases her about the times they had to get her back into Paloma character and out of the Mili mindset. They both found all the crying their characters had to do challenging. Sebastian’s dad would watch each episode and give him advice and critique his performance. He was tough on him, being honest enough to say to him, “I just don’t believe you at all in that scene”, if he didn’t feel his performance was ringing true. Sebastian talks about how difficult it was to get used to having his lines fed to him through an earpiece as they do on Televisa. He was used to acting on the stage, where he had to learn all his lines well before performance. The lines are fed to them all at once, with the lines of multiple characters running together, so there were times he got confused and would say his own line and Allisson’s line. They chuckle about this.

Part 2:
Allisson’s dad has written many of the new songs that will be on her new album (we see a shot of them together back stage- she must get her height from her mom). Her parents have been divorced since she was nine years old, so all the gossip mags that are just now spreading stories about a messy divorce between her parents are just wrong. They are also always gossiping about her love life- one day they report she has a boyfriend, the next day that she doesn’t. Cristina asks her some very personal questions (IMO). Apparently the last time she was on the show (when she was 15), Allisson said she is going to wait till marriage before she has sex. Cristina wants to know if she is still committed to this. Allisson hedges and hesitates, and Sebastian jumps in, makes a joke and diverts attention away from that question (good job Sebas). Cristina then brings up that Allisson does currently have a boyfriend (they show a picture of the two of them close together at a table). He is 29 years old!!!! Seems that Allisson only likes older guys. Cristina and I are both scandalized. Sebastian once again jumps to the rescue to take the pressure off Allisson and jokes that, hey he’s only 23 years old. Allisson teasingly gives him a swat.

Cristina then asks the two of them if the rumors were true that they dated during the production. They both deny. Sebastian talks about how when you work with a person for 10 or more hours a day, it’s only natural that you would then go out and share a meal together or catch a movie together. Cristina then teases Sebastian about how many girls at one time he is dating. He hedges, hesitates, makes a joke and doesn’t really answer the question. Hmmm…

Leticia comes out wearing a skin tight, black lace and flesh toned cat suit! Yowza! She’s also got an above the shoulder blonde bob. Many in the audience are still having some trouble separating her from her evil Tia Carlota role and are booing and giving her the thumbs down. (Or maybe they just hated her outfit?) Cristina mentions how different this role was from her usual good-girl roles and how far she’s come from her role as Esmeralda (we just spoke about this the other day!). They speak about her two little kids- Luciano (who is six and has Down Syndrome) and Carlo. They caught a glimpse of her abusing Allisson/Paloma on tv, and just didn’t understand why mommy was being so mean. She does not let them watch much tv, and especially not novelas. She speaks about how wonderful her children are. How special of an experience it has been being the mother of a child with Down Syndrome, and what a wonderful and caring brother Carlo is to Luciano. She wrote about her experience with Luciano (Cristina shows the book), which is selling very well in Mexico. Carlos Moreno, ENDA director was the one who suggested the part as Monica’s son in the novela for Luciano. He had fun and he also earned money and he knows it. One day when they went out to lunch, he insisted that he wanted to pay for them with the money he earned. Now her other son wants to know when he’ll get to act.

Both her kids attend regular public school. She has asked the other mothers to please not let their kids watch her in ENDA. She does not want them to see “Carlo’s and Luciano’s Mom” that way. Too confusing. Her first villain role was the Mujeres Asesinas role (the one that sent chills down everyone’s spines), and then ENDA. She loves playing the villain! But it is hard to do scenes when she’s being mean to children (the scene with little Paloma was particularly hard) and physically violent because it’s so against her nature. She didn’t work for a number of years because she was having and taking care of her kids as a stay at home mom. Cristina asks if her ex husband minds that she’s back to work. She says she doesn’t care what he thinks. (Recapper’s note: Letty’s husband cheated on her and now lives with the woman who was his mistress.) Cristina agrees that she doesn’t give a darn about what her ex husband thinks either.

Part 3:
Ferdinando/Feddy (German) joins them via satellite (looking kind of skinny). He speaks about how he didn’t have time to meet with and rehearse with the rest of the cast before he started his first day of acting with them. So, he was kind of like a fish out of water. But, his castmates were great and let him ask questions and gave him advice. Letty, especially gave him lots of great advice. Letty speaks about how she loves discovering talent in young actors and bringing that talent out. She points out what beautiful expressive eyes Feddy has and the advice she gave him on how to use those. Feddy then heaps some more praise on Letty. He especially enjoyed those steamy kissing scenes they had. Lots of teasing from the rest of the cast and the audience, and Cristina asks Letty what did she DO to Feddy. Letty says innocently that she didn’t do anything to him; it was the other way around.

Cristina then announces the return of the beloved actor Alfredo Adame (Rafael) after a long absence from novelas. Years ago he acted famously with Sebastian’s mom. His lovely wife of 19 years is in the audience and she is introduced by Cristina. Alfredo obviously loves his wife, thinks she beautiful, praises her, and has her stand and turn around to show off one of the things he loves most about her- her shapely Cuban ass! Yes, he went there. And his wife looks a bit sheepish, but she’s not surprised. Obviously, he likes his mujer a lot and sees no shame in talking about it. His wife was the one who encouraged him to go back to novelas and to take this role. He had been hosting a morning show.

Sebastian talks about how much he learned from Alfredo while filming ENDA. He speaks about how he did some of the most beautiful scenes he’s ever done in his career with Alfredo. Aside from his dad, he’s learned the most from Alfredo.

Not sure how they got on this subject, but apparently as a joke, Alfredo has joked about opening up a sperm bank with hot actor sperm- Colunga, Levy, Soto, even Sebastian Z. if he’s willing. Sebastian says he’s too young to become a daddy. Alfredo thinks this could be a very lucrative biz- wouldn’t the ladies in the audience line up to have William Levy’s baby? The ladies in the audience agree!

Cristina has Letty stand up and show off the cat suit and asks Alfredo if he thinks she’s looking for a galan? Alfredo thinks maybe, but says that Letty is one of those women that doesn’t have to look. Men will line up for her. In fact, she’s the kind of woman men call an “embarranco” (embankment) - because they will be so busy staring at her, before they know it they’ve driven off the road into the embankment. Cristina asks him about the difference between being a dad and a grandfather. I didn’t get all this because my phone rang. He seems to enjoy being both I gathered. Cristina then asks some more personal/out of line questions. Apparently some time ago some gossip mags reported that he’s impotent. I guess during an interview, he had mentioned the natural slowing down of a man in his forties (you know, the reason why those blue and purple pills are so popular) that he was experiencing. The magazines then turned this into some whole big story about him being impotent, which he is not. Anyway, that’s not the only way to please a woman- he also knows how to use his tongue! Yes, he went there. Allisson is covering her innocent ears and blushing, Sebastian and Letty are chuckling, and Alfredo’s wife looks a bit mortified that he is spilling some of their bedroom secrets.

Part 4:
Cristina ends the show by asking each of them what they are working on next. Alfredo’s going to be in the remake of La Mentira. Sebastian’s got a lot of projects including a movie called El Caido with his dad and Laisha Wilkins (Connie from Gancho). He’s also finishing his college degree online in business administration and I think international relations. He speaks about how much he owes his parents. Allisson is taking a break from novelas and is working on her album release. Letty is taking a break and focusing on her kids, teaching them languages. She’ll also keep promoting her book.

End of show.

Link to the Cristina page for the show:

I don't know but does Oprah even ask questions like that on her show or not.

Thanks, Vivi, for recapping the cast show. You did a great job! These Cristina shows are hard to understand.

Leticia Calderon is delightful! The cat suit was a bit shocking, but she just struck me as a woman who has enough self-confidence to wear what she feels like wearing. She looks so different with that soft blonde hair. You are so right about that episode of Mujeres Asesinas. I could not watch the next 3 or 4 because that one was so awful. Well, not awful; it was well done. But her character was so sadistic. In MA2 most of the murders happen pretty quickly. I just can't watch torture.

There were a couple of things I heard a bit differently. I don't think Leticia said her kids go to public school, but that the boy with Down Syndrome goes to regular school; i.e., not a school for special needs children.

And Sebastian's project is El Angel Caido, which I wondered about. Many years ago in an intermediate Spanish class I read a short story of that name by the Mexican, Amado Nerva.

Sebastian certainly wasn't the least bit moony in person!

Alfredo Adame is so funny. He just puts stuff out there. I was a bit surprised he got away with some of that. 19 years married, and you can see why. I wouldn't let him go either!

Thanks novelera. I'm sure I missed some stuff and heard some things wrong. I don't use captions, so I can never check to see if I've heard things just right. :)

Vivi, thank you, thank you! It was so nice of you to give us all of the details and like all of your recaps, this was very well written.

I only saw the first 15 minutes but thought Allisson and Sebastian had good chemistry but as friends, as you noted.

I'm not surprised Allisson has an older boyfriend. She's been thrust into an adult world, probably too much so as she was only 15 when she made Guapos.

I hope Leticia's career takes off again after this. She was amazing throughout - vile to the nth degree (of course on the show only). Novelera, I agree, her performance in MA was evil personified and very difficult to watch.


Vivi, muchísimas gracias for this excellent recap. I was able to understand about half of what was being said, perhaps less, and your account helped me make sense of so much that I missed. I'm in awe of your ability and that of others here at Caray. I keep hoping that I'll get to the point where I understand most of what I hear, but.... The Cristina show is especially difficult for me. Even the actors I can understand in the TNs are almost incomprehensible when they're speaking on Cristina.

I use captions, but the ones I get on Univision are all but useless. I have Comcast cable, and more than half the time, the captions deteriorate into the 100-monkeys-typing effect. This doesn't happen to me on Telemundo, just Univision.

As for the show itself, I didn't even recognize Leticia when she first appeared on the screen (before Cristina introduced her)! Between the outfit and the hair.... I really hated the outfit; I thought it made her look both slutty and fat. She may have wanted to look slutty, but fat?

I understood only part of the impotence discussion, but I understood enough to laugh out loud at the responses from Sebastian and Allison. As you said, Allison covered her ears. I thought that Sebastian seemed amused but also somewhat uncomfortable and dismayed, with a look and body language that seemed to say "I don't want to be hearing this!"

Anyway, thanks again for your marvellous recap of the show.

Vivi, thanks so very much for recapping the ENDA cast on Cristina's. You're a gem for doing this...!!! I enjoyed reading it so much.

I was dying to know what Sebastian's was saying. I only got bits and pieces of what was being said. He's awfully nice.

I thought Germy looked skinny, too. I didn't understand him at all.

I was sure Alfredo was talking about sex but I was dying to know exactly what he was saying. I don't know but I thought his name was Christian you know why Cristina mentioned that name when he came out...???

But, again. thank you, thank you...!!! You did a great job.


Ann, Christian Bach (odd name for a woman) is Sebastian's mother. They said that Alfredo acted with her when he first began.

Vivi, such a great job and a real service. Thank you so much.

Sebastian struck me as the real deal. Yes, his family's fame didn't hurt, but he's also going through the process of studying at Lee Strasberg. I love his smile. And even though many of us found him too "moonie," I've come to think of it as part and parcel of the Emiliano role. Love his smile, his genuineness.

Allyson is 16 going with a 29 year-old fella? Not so much.

Leticia is one gorgeous woman and great talent. It was so interesting to learn about her experience with a special needs child.

This is the most wonderful site and all the recappers and commenters are so very intelligent. Some of the best writing on the internet is on this site! Love you all.


Thank you, Vivi, as everything was flying past my ears at warp speed. And as mentioned, the CCs lag so much and are incomplete, so they don't help much. You're a talented writer and you are speedy at it as well.

It was nice to see that these two young actors seem to be so nice and sweet. They also seemed amused that in their roles they had to cry buckets of tears and I guess it was hard for Sebastian since he is a new tn galan. Hope I understood that right. Anyway, I think from what I've seen, the leads usually seem to have the most boring parts and are required to cry a lot. The villains definitely have more range in their roles since they usually have one persona and then their true evil self.


Will Christina interview more ENDA actors? It wasn't mentioned so I guess not.


It really was a fun show and it looked like all the actors were grounded real people, not full of themselves.

Sebastian and Alisson did look like they had a cute brother and sister relationship. And Letty wasn't wrong about Fernandino's beautiful eyes. I noticed them during EDNA. Sebastian looks strikingly like his father but has his mother's coloring. She has been described as the most beautiful women in Latin cinema so he isn't hurt in the looks department. I like the fact that he said his parents don't let him trade on their names and that his father critiques his work. So many kids of famous parents raise them with a sense of entitlement that turns them into spoiled brats..

So Alfredo is going to be in a remake of La Mentira. What is wrong with Televisa - that thing was made less then 10 years ago and a refrito already? Surely there are writers who can come up with something original.

In total agreement that that outfit Letty was wearing was ghastly. What was she thinking. She is a great actress and I found her openness about her son to be charming. I too laughed when she said the little guy knew he earned money so he was going to pay for the dinner. And good for her for not giving a rat's behind what her ex thought.

Am suffering withdrawal since the end of EDNA and look forward to what ever comes after the current three which are not on my viewing list. Isn't it about time for Jamie Camil novel again. I know he is making one with Ludwiga P (never can remember her last name)

Well, it wouldn't be a Cristina interview if there weren't some totally inappropriate questions. Sometimes I wonder how she became so successful. She seems pretty awkward to me. Good job, Sebastian, in deflecting. I liked him much better than I liked his character.

The look on Sebastian's face when Leticia came out in that...can it be called an outfit?...was worth the price of admission. And then when Alfredo was talking...ha ha! Everyone looked so scandalized. The older actors seem to do that sort of thing a lot. I get the impression that by this point in their careers they are bored with being asked the same questions over and over, so they like to stir the pot a bit.

Vivi, thank you thank you for giving us the detail. My language skills are bad enough, but I missed a bunch with a lot of interruptions in the house (son+ spring break=NOISE).

Sebastian and Allisson are both sweet, and I enjoyed seeing Sebastian being so unassuming. someone coming from his background could have turned out much differently. Loved his comment on how his dad would critique him, mimicking some of the very comments we made here. but he is serious about his craft and has some great teachers/mentors, so we shall see how he progresses in his career.
Now as for Allisson...may I never meet that father of hers-I would slap him up the side of the head. I realize they are a showbiz family, and she has probably grown up a little fast, but WTH could he and his better half be thinking with AL dating a 29 year old?? Really???
Alfredo was hysterical. And Letitia was wonderful, but that catwoman suit-just wrong on every account. But she had fun with it and certainly doesn't take herself seriously which is always lovely to see in celebs.

Was a fun show, but wish they had had more cast on with a part two.

Allisson isn't dating the guy who is 29 years old! Those were only rumors. The pictures were taken from the time when Allisson was in his videoclip of Carita Bonita. They were never dating. Allisson's boyfriend that she just broke up with was Victor Camara's (ENDA Orlando) grandson (he is 17 or 18 years old). That was her only boyfriend up to this date.

Julia and Daisynjay ita, i was like what is wrong with Leticia come on OMG and Cristina's had this show for more than 25 years asking these questions?

To Vivi in DC:

You did a great job recapping the show, however the part with Allisson and her boyfriend was misunderstood. Please rewrite it, if you can. She wasn't dating the guy on pictures. Her boyfriend was a much younger guy that she met on Enda's set (Victor Camaras's grandson). That was the one she agreed kissing, when Cristina asked.

Thank you so much for the recap of the cast on Cristina. I don't get to watch this here so it is very much apreciated.

So Alfredo is going to keep working with Carlos Moreno. The new remake of La Mentira is going to be produced by the same team of producer, director and writers that made ENDA. Juan Soler will be the male lead and they are doing all they can to get Silvia Navarro for the female lead.

It is interesting that Carlos Moreno chose La Mentira, since the last remake in Televisa with Kate del Castillo was produced by Carlos Sotomayor since he also produced Cadenas de Amargura of which ENDA was the remake. I wonder if Moreno can choose his productions freely or if he has been given a specific type of novelas to work with.


Thank you Vivi ;).


Victor Camara's grandson! Wow he must have been a very young father since he is only 51. Interesting too that in a bio I read it only mentioned a daughter who was born in 1997. I must have missed something.

I remember back when Guapos ended reading the same thing that Alisson was involved with a 29 year old. Looks like gossip mags all over the place love to print unsubstantiated, incorrect junk.

Vivi – You are wonderful to do this for us! I missed the show because it was my recap night.

I saw the German actor written up in TV y Novelas and it turns out he’s one of those cuerpazo guys who is a gym rat. ENDA never used him as beefcake, the way William Levy is always being used, which is admirable.

Well, you know, if you have lunch with someone of the opposite gender, it must be a hot torrid affair. Especially if you laugh, or look friendly. So apparently I am a total slut and carrying on with all sorts of men, half of them married (gross, and no).

Tabloids are so weird. I have to wonder how the people who create them don't just die of shame.

All- Thanks for the correction. I am so glad she's not really dating the 29 year old. I think my brain went into a bit of a shock after that, so am glad that it was just a rumor. Whew!

For now I did a quick search and find this video with Roman Camara

And this is the Carita Bonita videoclip, but it's not a very good quality

Seems like Letty is going through one of those Waiting to Exhale moments. Her hubby left her for a younger woman; left her with basically two babies, one with special needs; and all after she had put her career on hold to be a wife to him and mother to their kids. After something like that, women usually need to rediscover themselves as a powerful and sexual being. So, what has she done? She did a play, starred as a villian in Mujeres Asesinas, starred as a villian in ENDA, wrote a book, and is dressing in sexy clothes. Showing her ex that she does not need him. Makes perfect sense to me.

Thank you Vivi. I watched the show until the first commercial break. I could not understand much of what they were saying. Now it's all clear.

I'm with everybody who thinks that the questions about sex are too personal. The only justification is that young girls like to do whatever their idols are doing, so maybe it has the goal of putting Allison as an example to follow. But still, I think those things should be private.

BTW, if you like the actor who played Rafa, he is going to be on Don Fransisco Presenta on Wednesday (if you can survive watching Don Fransisco):)

Vivi I agree, Lety is strong and has a great spirit and I'm glad for her that everything seems to be working in her favor now. I don't get the feeling that she cares so much about her fame and being what people expect from her and looking in a certain way anymore.


Thank you so much for the recap - I knew racy things were being said but I couldn't understand them. Wow, I'm surprised they went that far - pretty riske! It was fun to see Lety as she really is, she is so not Carloca, ITA the outfit was terrible.

I would like to have seen Arturo Peniche and Altair Jarabo (sp?), and Erik Elias - too bad she isn't having a part 2.

I guess the others weren't available. I, too, would have really liked to see Cris and Gabriel and Iñaki.

By the way, last night at Trader Joe's I saw a guy who looked just like Gabe the Babe...except slightly less Babe, as his eyes didn't have quite the right twinkle.

Julia- And you didn't get his number? ;-)

I hope they don't keep bugging Allisson about this virginity thing. First, it's nobody's business but her own. Second, why should they hold her to something she proclaimed when she was 15? I'm sure if I went back to stuff I declared when I was 15, most of it would not be true today. And third, although waiting until marriage for sex is in theory a beautiful idea, and highly praised in most traditional and religious cultures, the fact is that those expectations were created when people were expected to get married between the ages of 13 and 21. Allisson is a busy career woman who will have lots of twists and turns in her life. She does not need to be jumping into a marriage with anybody at a young age. Some examples from the U.S. of stars who made the no sex till marriage vow are Britney Spears (who went to all kinds of lengths to hide the fact that she and Justin Timberlake had sex), and Jessica Simpson who married way young and got a divorce not too long after.

La Mentira again? Telemundo also did it a couple of years ago with Natalia Streignard and Osvaldo Rios (as El Juramento). It got such bad ratings they moved the end of it to Sunday afternoon and then didn't even do that. You had to watch the rest of it online, which I didn't bother to do.

I also thought Alysson said she was dating someone 29 - but not anymore. It sounded to me like it was something in the past, but now she was dating someone only a year older than she is. It doesn't surprise me that much. Not to be too cynical, but the male of our species has a strong tendency to go younger for female companionship. And Alysson is so pretty that I'm sure she attracts all kinds of male attention.

Maggie that's interesting what you said about the actor german being built you could tell from how his shirts look on his body he looked built.

Now that i think about it Emiliano never really had many scenes with his shirt off either but his body isn't exactly built like that.

Jarocha what did you think of ENDA's ending?

Wow another remake what a big surprise " big disgusted sigh with Univision".

Thanks for doing up a recap Vivi. I thought the same thing about Leticia on Cristina just like I did about Bruno (David Zepeda) from Sortilegio. Now outside of their characters, they seemed to be nice, charming people. Both had great smiles. You never really saw either of them looking at all like that while on the shows.
My wife also thought she heard that Allisson used to date a 29 year old, but no longer.
Once Lety came on, Allisson or Sebastian did not talk to much. Would have been hard to get a word in with Lety though. She is a talker. :)
After Alfredo came on, looked like he would be able to hold his own with her. :)
Ferdinando (German) is on Tormenta in the afternoon. He has gone shirtless there and didn't look to skinny. I think some people probably would not have minded if they put him into a little cheesecake on ENDA. :)

Gabe AND Germy are on Tormenta? I'm going to have to start recording that, aren't I? Then I'm going to have to break a hip or something so I can lounge around and catch up on all the shows I'm missing.

Seems like whenever these telenovela guys stops pumping iron day and night they just get skinny, like WL. No fair. Why don't they get fat like the rest of us when we fall off our exercise regimen?

I think when they reach a certain critical level of hotness, the fat just continues to burn off...

I've been watching Tormenta en el Paraiso and as a matter of fact German well the actor who played him did have a sirtless scene a couple a weeks back and he didn't look as built as he does now. Remeber this novela was made in 2007 and ended in 2008. We are now seeing it over here.

Vivi they probably have a strict diet that they adhere too when they not pumping iron but i'm recalling what Jackie B. said about William being able to eat anything. So maybe they cut back on the pumping iron but still do all the other excersizes they do to maintain their weight.

Lol Julia! So true, so true. :)

Julia i just saw your comment LOL.

Novelera, thanks for clearing up the Cristian Bach name. I remember a number of years ago, when, in fact, I started watching the novelas, I do remember that name. But somehow I thought it was Alfredo. I also remember him playing opposite a stunning blonde woman (I guess Cristian Bach). And when I saw him in ENDA I recalled not seeing him in anything since that time -- easily 12 or so years ago.

Thanks again.


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