Wednesday, March 03, 2010

El Clon, Wed., March 3 - Many bad decisions are made

Marisa is very startled to see Lucas.

She thinks it is Diego who never told her he had a brother much less an identical twin. Lucas, with the help of Rosa, clears that up. We find out that Diego met Marisa at a party and they went out a few times before he went to Morocco. Lucas shows her the photo Diego had of her, Marisa breaks down and Lucas comforts her.

Meanwhile Jade is waiting and flashing back to Lucas asking her to marry him and live in his father's house.

Marisa seems to be kind of creeped out that Lucas is identical to Diego. Lucas excuses himself.

Latifa calls Zoraida and tells her that Jade has run away.

Latifa wails that Mohamed will send her back and she'll never have a family and her life will be ruined and all because of that selfish Jade. Zoraida tries to speak but Latifa won't let her get a word in. Mohammed arrives home for lunch and Latifa hangs up.

Postponing the bad news, Latifa tells Mohamed that she was crying because she missed Ali's house. Mohamed tells Latifa that his store is in a good place with lots of traffic. Then there is the following amusing exchange:
Moh: "Where's lunch?"
Latifa (confused): "Lunch?"
Moh: "Yes."
Latifa: "Where's the maid?"
Moh. (confused) "The maid?"
Latifa: "Yes."
Latifa then reminds Mohamed that in the wedding contract he promised to provide a maid. Mohamed (who continues to refer to himself in the 3rd person) says that he hoped they could wait to get the maid until his store was open and his business was more stable. He asks if she can cook. "I think so," replies Latifa - which doesn't bode well.

Lucas meets Jade. She asks what is the matter and Lucas doesn't beat around the bush. He says that his father doesn't want her to stay at the house. Jade is impactada. She tells Lucas that she left everything for him. Lucas replies that his father believes that what they did was not correct and could get them in a lot of trouble. He doesn't want to help them. When Jade says that they don't need his father, they can handle it themselves, Lucas says that he can't.
He tells her that his brother just died, his father can't accept the fact and he can't leave him. When Jade concludes that he doesn't love her anymore, he assures her that he does. He just needs some time. He says that he feels empty without Diego. Jade reminds him that she doesn't have anywhere to go. Lucas has an idea.

Albieri is mooning over a picture of him and the twins when Luisa announces that some students have come to see the lab. Luisa suggests that they get married the next week. Albieri agrees and in response to Luisa's declarations of happiness, says that he after what has happened, he has a void in his heart.
When Albieri is gone, Luisa asks Silvia what kind of dress she should wear at her wedding. [I'm suprised she didn't have one ready.] Silvia knows that Luisa wants a gown with a train but she thinks a nice suit would be better. Luisa swears to Silvia that Albieri will fall in love with her.

Of course, Lucas takes Jade to Albieri's office. He tells her that Albieri is friends with his father and with Ali and he will help them. He asks her to stay in the car and wait for him.

Lucas goes to the clinic office but Albieri is giving a talk to the students. Silvia asks if he came about having the mole checked but Lucas says no. He tells Silvia that he will wait.

Silvia gets a call from Dora and tells her that she has found a donor. Dora is ecstactic.
She tells Vicki and Cristina, who is there for a manicure, about the news. Cristina has overdue bills. She plans to put on her red dress and make another play for Leo.

Lucas waits impatiently. For our benefit, Albieri explains to the students how an individual would be cloned. Lucas interrupts him. He blurts out the situation, drags Albieri away from the students and down to the car but Jade is gone.

Back in Morocco, Nazira is scolding Said for buying things for Jade when he is drowning in debt.

Lucas tells Albieri that the woman he has fallen in love with is none other than Albieri's niece, Jade. Albieri is horrified and not at all sympathetic. He tells Lucas that the penalty for what he did is 80 lashes for him and the same or worse for Jade. Lucas says that he is ready to convert to Islam. Albieri reminds Lucas that he was warned not to mess with the natives in Morocco. "If you were Dieg..," starts Ali. Lucas acknowledges that his brother was smarter than he but he says that if Diego were here, he would be helping Lucas fix things because he could convince his father to do anything. Albieri sends Lucas home and says that he will try and find a solution if there is one.

Once again, with nowhere else to go, Jade returns to Mohamed's house while Latifa is pouring out her fears to Zoraida about what will happen to her when Jade's disappearance is known. Latifa is overjoyed to see her. Jade tells her that it was all lies. Latifa says that Jade should forget Lucas, marry Said and be happy like her. But Jade is devastated. She can't believe that the person she just left is the same one she was with in Morocco. While they are talking, Mohamed returns and sees Jade's suitcase. Latifa tells him that Jade was going to bring some things from Morocco to a friend of her mother's. Mohamed is scandalized that Jade was planning to go out alone. He tells Latifa that he can't keep an eye on Jade for his brother if she won't obey him. He says that Ali must be told of this. Latifa protests but Jade replies that she has already sent Ali a letter. Jade goes and lies on her bed.

Lucas asks Rosa what Diego would have done in this circumstance. Rosa says that Diego would have gone charging after Jade. Lucas says that is what he will do. He will solve the problem with Jade's family.

Leo leaves work and goes to a Smith & Wollensky steakhouse for a drink. Cristina is in pursuit and pours out her troubles and asks advice of the cab driver.

Cristina plops herself down at Leo's table. He tells her to leave him alone. She says that she knows they had problems but they are nothing that their love can't work out. Leo says that his son and his guilt are problems that they can't work out. They continue to have their usual exchange until Cristina produces her overdue bills and demands that Leo pay them. Leo excuses himself to go to the bathroom and sneaks out of the restaurant. It's surprising that someone with Cristina's experience would fall for that one. She insists on checking the men's room. [I guess as an upscale place, this men's room doesn't have urinals or maybe they filmed it in the ladies room for that reason.]

Lucas goes to Latifa's house but she won't let him in.

Ali tells Zoraida that he is going to the desert with Said's harem to see if the Bedouin will take them. Zoraida takes the opportunity to ask him whether a foreigner can convert to Islam and marry a Muslim woman. Ali says that this is possible, God doesn't turn his back on anyone. Ali wonders why Zoraida is asking.

We see Ali negotiating with the Bedouin about the harem while Said tells Abul that his life depends on Ali. If Ali can't get rid of the harem, his business, his future, everything is over. Abdul gives a fatalistic answer - Allah has written the future. When Nazira says that she is worried about what is going on with Mohamed in the land of licentiousness (Florida), Abdul suggests that she go there and keep an eye on things. Nazira accepts this charge as another of her sacrifices for her brothers but you get the idea that she has ulterior motives. Said wonders how it's going with Ali.

Ali's discussion with the Bedouin don't seem to be going that well but it's hard to say since we don't get a translation.

Back at his house, Leo is seeking advice from Enrique. Enrique seems to be one of those people who only talk about their own problems when asked for advice. Leo pays no attention. He decides that to get rid of Cristina, he needs to be seen with a new girlfriend.

Actually, Leo doesn't need to get a new girlfriend, Cristina has already concluded that he has one. She sees Lucas who is standing in the street. Lucas sees her and freezes. Betrayaing a guilty conscience, Cristina immediately blurts out that what happened to his brother wasn't her fault.

Lucas doesn't move when a car is bearing down on him. Cristina pushes him out of the way and lands on top of him.

The credits roll.


Beanie time folks. I guess we can't have Lucas and Jade behave like rational human beings or the story would be over and I understand that they are at the mercy of their hormones but honestly.

If you were explaining the situation to your true love, wouldn't you start with, 'My twin brother was just killed in accident,' not,'My father refuses to help us.'

Doesn't Lucas have any money? Couldn't he put Jade up in a hotel until he got his head straight? He's supposed to be in law school. Under Florida law, you can marry at 18 years old without parental consent. Instead, he behaves like an 8-year old.

I haven't had moment to read recap and comments yet but just got to ask the age of Jade. Do we know her age? Because if she is about 16 or 17 years old I will cut her some patience for thinking seriously that the world would support her moving in to play house with her boyfriend.

Thank you Jean for being here for us.

Thanks, Jean, for the very helpful recap. I agree with you about Lucas' absurd behavior, though I wouldn't describe Jade's response that way. I too was astonished that Lucas didn't start by explaining that his twin brother had just died. Moreover, he seemed oddly insensitive to Jade's predicament. She did give up everything to be with him; he should make more of an effort to look out for her welfare. And why did he ask her to stay in the car when he went to see Albieri? Answer: because it's a TN and such estupidez is required for the plot to advance.

I loved the scene between Mohammed and Latiffa about "where's lunch?"/"where's the maid?"! And I find it both bizarre and oddly endearing that Mohammed speaks of himself in the 3rd person. Is there a cultural explanation for this, or is he just a bit loco?

Finally, I really like the music on this TN. I found the lyrics to one of the songs, but I've searched in vain for something apparently called "Ana Baddy" sung by Mario Reyes. Either my Spanish is worse than I thought or much of it is in Arabic, but still, I'd love to see the words (transliterated, if they're in Arabic). Has anyone found them? Videos of the song are readily available on the Internet, but I've had no luck with the lyrics.

I can't escape the feeling that we've fallen through the rabbit hole into the land of stupid, and we won't see daylight again for a long time. Perhaps last night was just momentary insanity, but... Tengo miedo. Tengo miedo.

I hope it's not "the land of stupid". I must have smart heroine I must have, or I begin to kick the screen. I think for now I'll just chock it up to Jade's youth. At least she did get inside her own head, get out of the car -waiting for who knows how long for a guy that led me to become homeless- and came up with a solution to her own problem. Go back home.
As for Leo? How long has he been rich? Buy her off. Just that time honored simple solution. Ask Chrissy how much do you want to go away forever? Pension? Contract?? Lawyer? ...maybe this is the land of stupid...

Where's the maid? Priceless!

I was under the impression that both boys were old enough to be starting grad school and Jade was old enough to be starting undergrad. They're both of age to marry, in any case, but Lucas doesn't have the cojones to just do it and maybe, oh, I don't know, get a job so he doesn't have to live off of daddy's money?

I'm with all of you. Lucas handled that about as badly as it could be handled, starting with his approach with his father. "yeah I brought a girl home can she move in." He never explains that she basically trashed her life and family relations for this, of course dad will tell his horny young college son no way dude.

You've gone over his convo with Jade already so I won't beat that to death.

I'm a little tired also of Latifa whining that Jade is ruining her life all the time - so if Jade runs away, how is she affected? Is there something in her marriage contract that says she is now Jade's babysitter?

ITA with you all about how stupid the scenarios are. I'll stick with it for about 2more weeks, then see.

I honestly thought that it'd be Lucas who would die and then cloned. Diego was fun and had more character; I wish he hadn't been killed.

I do want to say that even with the griping I just did I'm enjoying the show. It's just more fun to pick on the bad parts.

I agree, Chris. It’s fun to point out the silliness but I am enjoying this novela a lot.

Late to the party. Jean, the recap was wonderful. And all the comments really good ones.

I was so disappointed in Lucas last night I couldn't believe it. Jade packed up, left her Miami home, and went to be with him. I was screaming: take her to a hotel, take her to a hotel.

I'm going to have to fast forward through any more scenes with Cristina and Leo. I can't stand either one of them. This is the drippiest guy Saúl Lisazo has ever played. Grateful to still have a living child? Oh, no. Treat him like crap because your favorite did an impulsive thing and risked his young life.

I think the deal with Latifa (whether it's true about culture in Morocco or telenovela BS) is that they've said several times that any female in a family who commits a bad sin ruins the marriage prospects of all the other females in that family. Of course, Latifa is already married, but again, TN rules or real Islam, a woman can be sent back after the wedding if, say, her cousin does something haraam. So I suppose she's right to be concerned about Jade's behavior, but still seems pretty darn selfish expecting Jade to marry someone she doesn't love and be miserable so that her marriage stays intact.

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