Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Gancho Tuesday March 30, 2010 Well , I Didn't Like The Dress Anyway

Oh my, what a rollercoaster ride this was today! Fabulous physical comedy with Connie slinging Beto around like a a hyperactive lariat, Jacqui seducing Costeño and Arny discreetly eyeballing Ximena's cleavage. Nieves' wedding outfit was worth an episode in itself. Words just aren't adequate. Like Carlos, I am speechless. Even Mau and Hissy's surreptitious glares were high comedy. But dang! the serpent won in the end, discovering the photos and deep-sixing the wedding. All for the best though. It ain't over till it's over, and frankly, Monita's wedding dress was rather frumpy. She can do better. And the grand finale wedding is going to have to be grander than this non-starter. So stay tuned. In the meantime, let's go over what happened.

There's the loud knock of doom as Ivan arrives with the photos. The writers are really playing with us. Monita opens the envelope, she draws out one....the photo of her and Toxic Mom. Smiles tenderly. Starts to draw out more. Another knock! Nieves on the warpath, determined to show her that mom is lying and the wedding should go on. Off go an outraged Alicia and Monita, trailing Nieves, to get the 411 from the good doctor. No time to look at the rest of the photos. They're tucked in the gym bag. Lose 'em please!

Don Cesar, resplendent in shiny tangerine and electric blue (spandex will never be the same) is coaching a comely new boxer when Jacqui arrives, sniffing male sweat like a cat in heat. Warns Cesar that Marcos is bird-dogging his woman and is about to heave her to the altar. Must be stopped. He agrees. She aims a couple of well-distanced air kisses and sashays out, only to bump into Costeño. Lust at first touch. Even if we hadn't seen the previews we know where this is going. Enjoy, Jacqui!

Now comes my favorite scene. Lord, Connie is so funny in this I'm beginning to like her. Flailing with anger as she confronts Dad in the office, she whomps poor handcuffed Beto against the door, then slams him down on the couch, followed by a sharp whip into a chair. He's groaning and holding his nether regions while she peppers Marcos with a string of reproaches. Papa is unfazed by either the physical mayhem or the complaints. He was just cleaning up the mess Constanza has made of people's lives...the hurt and injury to Mauricio, his children and Monita. Beto receives another bash, thanks to Connie's flailing arms and when he ties to protest, she clamps her hand over his mouth. She's super outraged that Papa helped Mau get his kids back. Beto comes in for another shake and thump. I'll never forgive you, are her parting words. Beto manages to bleat "con permiso suegro" as he hobbles out the door. Divine. Simply perfect. Those two actors are magic together.

Hissmeister (thanks Jeff) arrives at the gym looking for Connie. Quite cranky that she's not there.

At the doc's office, he sticks to his story that Isabel's leukemia has returned and there is no treatment available. Monita's outrage knows no bounds. Nieves' head is so low, it's around her plump little knees. She slinks out in shame.

Back at the house, Connie and Beto are still bound at the wrist and bickering about bondage. He's pointing out the upside of their close encounter and they're about to get busy again when Hissabel calls. After chastising Connie for missing their appointment, she reassures her there's no worry about the wedding. Hissy has sabotaged it. But she doesn't have time for the rest of her plan and needs Connie's help. Fine. But not right now. Connis is buuuusssssssssy. Later. She tries to fob off the phone call as from her mom, but Beto is suspicious and insists on checking to see if Jacqui is home. This time Beto is doing the slinging and sure 'nough, there's a great big mound under the blanket in Suegra's room. We're treated to a view of Jacqui entangled in some manly muscular arms and she's just as happy as we'd expect her to be. Explanation to outraged daughter? Mom was stressed. Needed to relax. And they interrupted her little "pedacito de ciel". Pedacito! (little piece) Pedazote!(great big piece!) quips Costeño. Amen. ....And hallelujah, I'm sure.

Another treat for us: Isabel is seeing herself in the mirror as haggard and dying. Again, a fateful knock at the door. This time it's Mauricio, come to see Monita before the wedding. Issy is confused. Didn't Valentina tell you the wedding was cancelled? Nope. Well, smiling evilly, destiny has given me the perfect weapon. The leukemia has returned. Monita arrives and confirms it. Darling, we can't marry...not now...I can't leave my mother alone! Quick on his feet (for once!) Mauricio smiles, but of course we'll marry and we'll take care of you, you'll live with us, we'll care for you like a family. Our love and affection will protect you. As Monita hugs her mom, Isabel glares over her shoulder at Mau. And Mau smiles back. Even though we know this triumph will be short-lived, gotta enjoy it.

After a break for ads, we see Mauricio continuing to rub it in. Great choice, don't you think Isabel? You don't need to feel alone. Because you have us! You leave me without words, Isabel mumbles, such a noble gesture (glare glare). Don't know how to thank you. Valentina, still blissfully clueless, burbles "Now you understand why I love Mauricio sooo much." More burbling. Mau wants mamita in the church to share her daughter's happiness. Let's not think of sad things right now. We'll all be one big happy family and fill you with love. Feeble protest from Hissy. You don't want to be saddled with a dying person. Nonsense. We'll wrap you up in love and healing. So on to the wedding this afternoon! (more deadly glares).

Some tainted mother love back home as well. Connie is still berating Jacqui for falling so low as to bed with a third-rate luchador-- after having consorted with yacht sailing millionaires! Beto is clearly amused and gives the thumbs up to the whole romp. Jacqui sniffs that she was interrupted when she was about to touch the stars for a second time so vamoose. Making the best of it, Connie and Beto leave for another round of Fantasma Vengador.

Back at the barrio, more burbling but you've heard it already. And when Estrella arrives to get Monita ready for the wedding (but Mom was going to dress me, protests Monita) Mau finesses the moment by saying it's best to let Hissy rest and let the girls go off together. As soon as they leave, the masks drop. What the hell do you think you're doing? I've learned to play under your rules, gloats our galan. Hatred and resentment are making you ill. "El tiempo tarde or temprano nos pasa la factura". (sooner or later Time presents us with the bill) While I still have the strength, I won't rest until I separate you two, snarls Isabel. Gag.

Lighter scene now. The obligatory collage of trying on dresses, whirling and twirling, hair and makeup, nails, girlish giggles. Monita flips back and forth between joy and sadness. Her buddies reassure her. Upshot. Estrella's dress. Horrid. Gypsyish but not in a good way. Gabriela's...stunning. Looks great on her. Paula's. Nice dress, gold with black lace cumberbund but somehow it made her look thick-waisted. And she's not. Oh well. And as I said, Monita's was frumpy.

Now we're at the bleak, dark cabaña with an equally bleak Sal, Aldo, and Oscar. Lorenza is as chirrupy as always and Nice Nurse is negotiating carefully with her boss. Oscar doesn't want any more wasting of the zombie syringes on Aldo. He can make do with the pills Jeronimo brought him. When Aldo protests, Oscar decks him. Sal grinds his teeth but manages to continue faking semi-comatose.

Speaking of bleak, we've got a cranky, sulky (but hawt!) Rolu in wheelchair, having waited all morning for Ximena to come home and help him dress. Too bad. She was busy helping Lalu fix up the church super guau and now barely has time to get dressed herself. Downstairs, Lalu is gushing over his own superlative efforts (I'm "number one" he gloats in English. The closed captions say "Lumber one". He'd probably be flattered.) How I love myself, he concludes. Arny, though, is feeling guilty. Wants to apologize for the charade of being gay. No problem. I'm not really wounded, sniffs Lalu and besides, I love to touch people and you're so edgy. Not to mention "the other". No, no clearly we're not meant for each other. Upstairs, same subject. Arny's gayness or lack thereof. Ximena's not convinced but she has the perfect test. If she wears the high-necked green dresses and Arny carries on about how adorable she is in it....he's gay. If she wears the red dress with the plunging neckline, and he doesn't say much at all, but spends the evening ogling her chest, he's hetero. You mean YOU'RE DRESSING FOR MY BROTHER!? yelps Rolu. Yeah. That's pretty much it, handsome.

Downstairs: More apologies. Well, lucky I'm not macho, explains Lalu. Or I'd knock you flat for what you did. But a queen like me, nevah! Well, I did love your letters, adds Arny. How wonderful it would be to receive a letter like that from a woman, he conludes wistfully. Lalu almost drops the bomb but then doesn't. Dang. My brother doesn't deserve Ximena though, Arny adds. Her freshness, her spontaneity, her innocence, the pureness of her love...you forget everything when you're around her and just live in the world of Ximena.

Lalu: You feel something serious for her or am I wrong?
Arny: No no. She's my brother's wife. She's off-limits.

For now, Arny. For now. But we shall see.

Back at the spider's web, Isabel is looking funereal but elegant in black jet jacket and sheath. Alicia bounces in, mouth going a mile a minute, to über-gush and counsel. Forget your troubles for the moment. Enjoy the wedding and your daughter's happiness. Monita is the one who's important today. Deal with the rest tomorrow. "The rest" is my death, snaps Isabel.

And now we're at the church. Gosh, could the wedding actually be happening? We see the kids all dressed up and a very grumpy Constanza, still chained to Beto and still complaining. He manages to charm her out of her bad mood. Amazing. Elegant Jacqui and an equally elegant Costeño arrive in matching black and white. Color symbolism rules! Even in a post-coital glow though, she still manages to snipe at Marcos that it's nice he's here for the wedding of his ILLEGITIMATE daughter. And pushing Costeño aside, lest tongues wag, she proposes marching in to the church with Marcos. But he has his eye on Nieves. And who could not? Good gawdamighty, the costume and prop room have gone ballistic. She's wearing a nightmare hat, a fuzzy boa, busy patterned coat and droopy long blue skirt. Topped off with some wretched red animalito purse. My mouth is hanging open. So is Marcos'....but with delight. Clearly he's madly in love. No other explanation.

And now Arny sees Ximena. What does he think of her dress? He thinks she's absolutely adorable in it. (He's gay!) Clueless Ximena doesn't notice that his eyes are dipping into her cleavage every two seconds. But Estrella does and tells her. (He's NOT gay!) Overall conclusion. He's "complicated". Double Amen.

Back at the spider web. Isabel is doing her best to delay the wedding and even her adoring daughter is getting impatient. Not to worry. Bride always arrives late. Let me take a picture of you. Where is the camera? Oh, the pictures have already been developped. But I haven't really looked at them. Oh how exciting! Let's do it now. First one, Mom and Monita together. Next one, Monita and Estrella. She's my best friend and just like a sister, smiles Monita. And next one? Yes indeed. The nightmare photo. And the next one too. Aieeey. Esto no puede ser. Stunned and sickened, Monita drops the photos. Mom quietly gloats. And there we end.

Costeño is giving Jacqui a relaxing massage while she encourages him to go even lower. (Can't wait for that scene!)
Beto appears to be in a park, seduced and abandoned? while a doggie runs off with his pants.
Mauricio is waiting at the altar, confident that nothing can now separate him from the love of his life.
Monita marches in the church looking like thunder.
Well hey, as I said, I didn't like the dress.

lapa = limpet (Connie explaining that Beto is stuck to her like a leech, limpet..."pegado como una lapa")
manita de gato = a little touch-up, freshening up , women putting on makeup and getting gussied up
champurrado = a thick hot drink made of ground corn and chocolate. Beto talking about Costeño when he found Jacqui in bed with him
pedacito = little piece
pedazote= big piece (Costeño)
luchadora de quinta = literally fifth=rate luchador, but we'd say third-rate, or second-rate
chacalón octogenarlo = eighty-year-old jackal (Jacui warning Cesar about Marcos' intentions with Nieves)
tiradero = mess. Marcos chiding Constanza for the mess she's made of people's lives with her resentment and vengeance.
esto no puede ser = the inevitable telenovela phrase, It can't be!

Dichos of the Day

Two were used in today's episode....

El tiempo tarde o temprano nos pasa la factura. Sooner or later, time makes us pay the bill.

Nadie tiene la vida comprada. lit. No one has life "bought". In other words, we're not promised tomorrow. We don't know what life will bring. (Monita talking about her mother's situation.)


Question for Jarocha: Couldn't decide if the subjunctive should be used..."el tiempo nos pase la factura" or the indicative "nos pasa la factura". What's your take on this?

Curse Ivan for not taking the bad pics out. NOOOOOO!!!!!

Thanks for another great recap Judy. I didn't have much hope of Ivan taking out the picture, but when I saw the envelope appeared to be open, not sealed, then, hmm, perhaps he did? Well, no such luck. Darn.

Wow, Mau was quick on his feet. Surprised the heck out of me the way he pulled that off. Still, too much time for the Hissmeister to work with. I was starting to wonder if perhaps she got a second opinion and found out she was not dying, but then she saw her haggard, dying self in the mirror, so guess that isn't happening, at least not yet.

Previously, Beto pulling Coni all over, today, Coni doing the yanking. A lot of great fun between those two. The avances make it look like Coni may have gotten a key and cuffed Beto to the bench?

And Good gawdamighty is right, that was quite the outfit for Nieves. But, I'm sure Cesar would have liked it, too!

Count me somewhat surprised the picture were looked at today. I guess there was nothing else to stop the wedding though. Something had to do it. I can picture Mau tomorrow watching Moni storm up the aisle and start to wonder. He then sees Hissy with a big sh*t eating grin on her face and says, oh, oh. :)

Excelent recap Judy. Don't worry "nos pasa la factura" is fine. I think both options are okay but in this case the dicho has always used "pasa".

Coni and Beto had again wonderful scenes together. I enjoy how physically comfortable the actors are with each other. I think that's a great part of their chemistry.

Poor Mau, he almost won this time.

There has been several mentions about the simmilarities between Nieves and Estrella but last night they truly looked related.


Great job Judy. You certainly captured the spirit of this nifty episode. Coni and Beto... they are simply magical together. The scene with her throwing the tantrum with her dad and all the while slinging Beto around like a rag doll was side splitting funny. I also loved Marcos' cool demeanor through it all.

I have one suggestion, could Coni have said that Beto was "Pegado como una lapa"? That means stuck like a leech (actually a limpet). I remembered the phrase either from one of the books I've read or maybe from a previous TN.

Well, Mao was ahead on points until this last round. I'm afraid those pictures are damning... at least for the moment. KO for Snake Lady today. Surely at some point Moni will wonder who took those pictures... won't she?


Hi guys. Color me bummed for Monita seeing those darned pictures. Even though we know it will eventually be resolved, the pain any fiancée would feel looking at those is all too real!

Jarocha, thanks for the info on the dicho. You're such a resource. And funny comment about Estrella and Nieves. Warm, loving, passionate but oh so badly dressed women! Just shows you clothes aren't that important.

Carlos...thanks. Stuck like a wallop didn't seem to make much sense but that's what the closed captions said. But then they said "Lumber One" as well. So I'm happy to change it. Gracias amigo.

Oh, I forgot, I loved Nieves'outfit. It looked light she might have mugged one of the Swiss Guards from the Vatican.


The PHOTOS! Oh no! When Moni stashed the photos I was sure that there were going to be days of passing them around without looking at them. But -- something had to stop the wedding. He left her at the altar once and she's going to leave him at the altar this time - but maybe with a gancho or two thrown in.

Wasn't it great to see Mau sparring with Issy and seeming to hold his own? To bad it was so brief. The over the shoulder glaring was terrific.

JudyB, I have to agree about the dresses. Though I liked Paula's. Nieves looked like Mother Goose. I couldn't believe that Marcos didn't even blink when he saw her. Love MUST be blind.

Did you hear the brief mention of Ultimas Semanas at the first comercial break?


Good evening all. Judy, you always leave me in awe with your wonderfully insightful recaps. How DO you hear all those phrases? I just loved Costi making faces while Coni was scolding her mama, that was some seriously funny stuff. Well, I concur that Coni and Beto are something super special. How lucky for us to see them in playing these roles with each other. There is some really superb acting going on here.

OMG I almost fell over backwards when I saw Nieves. It looked like the goodwill truck vomited all over her. She and Marcos are a most unusual couple. (Swiss guards from the Vatican...heh heh, good one Carlos.)

Guera, I also heard the weird voice-over (Moni's voice) announcing Ultimas Semanas.

Well, I'm just TOO depressed that the photos were discovered. I fear Monita has had one too many punches to the head to wonder who in the heck could have taken those shots.

Oh, and by the way...FREE SAL and now ALDO too!!

I must agree about Valentina's dress. It looked like it was made from the sheets in about five minutes. Was she going to a wedding or a toga party?

Nieves's dress...oh my. Even though I read the highly entertaining recap before I watched the show and knew to expect a doozy, I was still stunned senseless. Did they empty the entire Campy Comedy Costume Closet onto her?

Free Sal and Aldo!

Campy Comedy Costume Closet, entire Goodwill truck vomited all over her, Mother Goose, she mugged one of the Swiss Guards from the Vatican....you all are great.

What a wonderful variety of descriptions for that inimitable outfit Nieves was sporting. The shape of the hat really threw me but yes, Swiss Guards...I was reminded of some of those really unfortunate chapeaus that the Queen and the Queen Mother, in her day, used to wear. But Swiss Guards is better. Thanks for starting off my morning with a good laugh, y'all.

Julia, your description of Monita's dress reminds me of the wedding dresses we make out of toilet paper for bridal showers, except that the toilet paper dresses look way better.

Luckily for Nieves her outfit was saved by her red animalita purse which actually served to tie the whole ensemble together. NOT!

That purse WAS an eyesore wasn't it? The actress playing Nieves must be having a ball with this. She gets to grope any number of good-looking men and wear the most outlandish costumes, hairpieces, earrings etc. ever! I would kill for that role!

So, would it have been better for Mao and Estre to have told Monita about what happened? How would they have brought it up?

"Oh, by the way, we woke up this morning in bed together naked. Wonder how that happened?"

Would Moni have listened?

And what now?

"Gee, we meant to tell you about that. What with the wedding and all, it slipped our minds."

Anyway you slice it, looks like this would have been a victory for Snake Lady.

Now what does she have in mind that would involve Coni?


Good morning Sandy and Carlos. Yep, Sandy, feeling somewhat better. Not fabulous, mind you, but okay.

Carlos, put your clever mind to work on that question . You're a writer. If you were doing this telenovela, what pact would you dream up for Isabel and Connie?

Can't wait....

Thanks, Judy, for another superb recap.

I think the writers (or costume people) were thinking, just how bad can we make Nieves look and get away with it? And of course Marcos loves her anyway. Awww.

I don't think Moni is one for listening to long, drawn out explanations. Even if Mau or Estre attempted to explain, she wouldn't listen. We'll have to wait and see how the clever writers get her to change her mind.

I thought Lalu was going to spill the beans, that Ximena wrote the letters to Arnie. But they give us one little revelation at a time, so maybe that'll come next.

Not only was Moni's dress not the best, but it seems terrible to have the wedding without Aldo. Hopefully, by the end of the show, they'll get everything right, and the third time'll be the charm.

I'm sure the gran finale wedding will be great. Although occasionally these end weddings disappoint. But so far, the writers have really put together a good show so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a snazzy bridal gown and a wingdoodle of a happily ever after.

As bad as Nieves' dress was, I know people with simmilar styles. Maybe nobody as exaggerated as Nieves since this is a comedy but, especially in every september 12 and Christmas, there's always one woman or two who believe the more color the better.

It reminds me how people sometimes comment on Rosario's wardrobe on Mi Pecado. I don't mind it because that's the way women of the high social classes in small towns tend to dress: a little extravagant, always perfect hair and make up and full of accessories. The detail of wearing modern clothes that resemble the typical clothes of the state they live in is very popular nowadays even in bigger cities.


So happy to have you back, and sorry you have not been feeling well. This was a fine recap and it was a fine episode. The Coni/Beto scenes were amazing. I cannot believe the chemistry between those two, plus, they are always having so much fun with one another.

Hated the dress, too. Valentina is such a beautiful woman—Wardrobe people! Do her justice!

I had a thought about this 'extension'. Early on we noticed that the characters wore the same outfits, day after day. Moni and Coni spent a lot of time in sweats, a cheap outfit at the best of times. We laughingly joked that maybe the extension didn't come with a concomitant wardrobe budget—but now I really wonder if they had a limited budget and had to splurge on all of the dress up outfits of yesterday.

Nieves was a picture. Really. A thousand words could not do justice to her outfit. I just cannot see her with Marcos!


As always, your comments add so much richness to our experience here. Thank you.

I was very interested in this, "The detail of wearing modern clothes that resemble the typical clothes of the state they live in is very popular nowadays even in bigger cities". Could you give some examples of what this might look like?

It is like the more traditional style dresses that Maria Jose and Paula wore when they worked in the gift shop in Sortilegio?

I like a lot of the clothes that Rosario wears on Mi Pecado. They tend to resemble the traditional clothes in embroidery and colors, but the fabrics are more flowy and the cuts more modern.

Every day I look forward to seeing Nieves's earrings. Some wardrobe person is really having fun with those.

Though at the moment I'm having trouble imagining how Isabel might be thinking of using Coni in her feud with Marcos and Mao (the new M&M? Nah.) I think that the key word here is USE. Coni may have a little mean streak, but she is no fool. I predict that whatever it is she will recognize that she is being used and will turn on Isabel in a heartbeat. After all, Marcos is her dad and Moni is her sister (I think that she is still not aware of this... is she?). Perhaps she will see parallels between Issy's bitter isolation and her own unhappiness and make a sharp turn into the path of righteousness. I am more convinced than ever that before all is said and done, we will all be Coni fans.


Hi again. Interesting comments. Let me join Julia in saying I like the outfits Rosario wears on Mi Pecado. If that's an example of what Jaroch is talking about, I'm all for it. Not a fan of the pink eye shadow, but the rest of it...right on.

And I love Nieves' outfits but for an entirely different reason. They are an extension of the wonderful flair for comedy and silliness that this show has. It is truly unique.

Well, Carlos, I'm rooting with you for Connie's redemption. It better come soon because Isabel is far too adept at causing damage. Still have trouble believing that anyone could hate her child so much as to do this. I can understand her hating Marcos and wanting to thwart him, but her hatred of Monita makes no psychological sense to me.

Did anyone spot Tano at the wedding? I don't remember seeing him there. If he was there, was he with anyone?


Tano was there; he was standing with Paula.

With Paula? Wonder if that stinky stuff she put on will attract him? I have visions of Cristian showing up, being enraptured by the 'scent' and suggesting, 'Why waste a wedding?' That could be fun...

By the way, Judy, I thoroughly enjoyed your recap. We had to stop the tape to satisfy ourselves that Nieves was actually IN that outfit! Gonna hate it when this show ends. It has been the most fun of all that Mike and I have seen.

Nieve's hat reminds me of the helmets that you see on the old Spanish Conquistadors.

That too, Jeff. Conquistadors or Swiss Guards. Really these wardrobe people can be amazing. Strange sometimes...but always amazing.

Sandy...yep, I could totally take Rosario's castoffs...any day....once I got the "eau de vengeance" out of them. That lady is toxic waste personified!

Carlos, I fully expect that Coni will do something to redeem herself in our eyes. Maybe Isa will try to double cross her or something and Coni will confess to the others what the snake lady has been up to. She's about the only one with the smarts to give Isa a run for her money.

Elna June: I'm trying to find pictures but I don't really know where to look. Most of this type of clothes are found in popular stores in the cities. We don't have big important designers that we follow, so those types of designs are not up in the internet or I just have not found them, sorry. But you could take a look at Mi Pecado and check Rosario's clothes, she really does look like the women I was talking about in my earlier post.

I don't remember the clothes that María José and Paula used to wear in Sortilegio but if they wore them while they were poor then that's not the type I mean. The styles are mostly nice modern clothes with colors and designs alluding the traditional clothing for that state while not really being traditional clothing per se.

Sandy: Hot pink and lavender will always be present, light blue, yellow, red and green are also very traditional. In the case of Mi Pecado, especially, I'd expect alot of black since black it's so popular in Chiapas's clothing and they use it as a contrast with bright colors.

Judy, Julia and Sandy: Interesting to know you like the clothes. I kept hearing negative reactions to Rosario's fashion and I chalked it up to being one of those culture clashes. I do like the style and how it looks on certain people but I'm not sure if I'd ever wear it myself.

About Gancho and Moni and Coni: I think both are stubborn in their own way. Moni is thick headed and impulsive but Coni, while smarter, tends to be selective in what she wants to accept. Both would be much happier if they were willing let go of their anger and faced the truth: For Moni that Isabel is not a good person and that all her friends are trying to help her and Coni that Moni and Mau weren't purposefully trying to hurt her and that there's no need to take revenge on anybody. Maybe this is just another proof that they are sisters.

Who will take the worst mother of the year award: Isabel or Rosario?.


Jarocha, I really do like those colorful clothes, but apparently a lot of people like things more simple and neutral (or as I would say, more BORING). Most of the people I work with wear a lot of beige and black and gray. Today, I am wearing, with jeans, a lavender top with white and navy satin bands at the top, which form straps, and a navy satin band at the bottom, and abstract floral embroidery down one side and along part of the hem. With that, a powder blue sort of cardigan that is cut so it hangs in a ruffled fashion rather than buttoning, and a purple fringed scarf. People are always telling me I don't look like an engineer or like a Seattlite. Maybe I should move to Chiapas; I would love to shop where Rosario shops.

Worst mother...hmmm. They are so evenly matched. Rosario hasn't actually drugged and stripped any of Lucrecia's friends yet, though.

I do not get the Isabel thing with Valentina, either. it makes no sense to me. I thought the reason I did not get this plotline was because I came later to the Gancho party.

Maybe if we review the "facts"...

1. FACT: Isabel in Moni's mother
2. FACT: Isabel (at some point) abandoned Monita and Nieves raised her
3. FACT: Monita loves her Mother
4. FACT: Isabel reappeared in Monita's life when she needed a bone marrow transplant
5. FACT: Isabel is a survivor of rape
6. FACT: Marcos is Valentina's father
7. FACT: Isabel is hopelessly hooked on Marcos

Nope, I still can't make out why Isabel SO hates Moni.

Ideas, Gancholandians?

A while back I briefly thought that maybe Isabel got pregnant on purpose and tried to use Valentina to get Marco to stay with her and hated Valentina because it didn't work, but then we found out that Marco didn't even know about her. So, no, I can't figure it out. I think she is just bitter and mean and miserable and wants everyone else to be miserable, too.

Has Valentina completely forgotten that her mother faked her death supposedly to protect her from some big threat, but now she's just hanging around with no mention of danger at all, much less something bad enough to be worth faking death over?

I think the rape is what has totally whacked out Isabel. Did Isabel originally believe Monita was the result of that? I've never been clear about that. I was thinking that is what originally set Isabel off against Moni. It was only recently after the transplant that Isabel found out Marcos is the father. I believe she had a DNA test done.

Also, they are doing a muy pronto now for "Atrévete a soñar". That would appear to be what will replace Alma Indomable at 1PM/Noon. So, it looks like neither Tormenta or Gancho will go to 2 hours then.

Juia, Isn't Marcos still the bad guy that Isabel has been warning Moni about? But, doesn't seem too dangerous.

Also, checked on Atrévete and it is 261 caps long! Wow. Getting into LFMB territory. If it come on at Noon, will definitely skip that one.


Bitter, mean and miserable is right! Hey, your outfit today sounded real cute. Do you buy your clothes from artisans? Boutiques? I am always looking for something a little bit 'different' to wear.

Sending a smile to Seattle and the hope that it is not raining there like it is here...

EJ, some 700 miles directly South of you, under a lot of cold rain

Julia your outfit sounds very nice. I think you'd feel comfortable working in México, not just in Chiapas. I do like those youthful styles with lighter colors. I used to say I hated pink but I've come to realize that half of my clothes are pink hmm. I also like aqua green and this color and pink make beige look nice and youthful with the right clothes. Lavander is a fantastic color, I like all those types of colors because you can look either casual or elegant with them. I like the styles in this video although the designer is Spanish they way she combined the clothes is very simmilar to what we do here.

Jeff: Maybe they are planning on having 2 hours of "Atrevete a Soñar". That novela has 261 episodes, it lasted a year. It was very popular (like the Rebelde Manía of a few years back) and all the kids and tweens kept watching it so Televisa executives extended it all they could.


Jeff: I missed your post. Yes "Atrevete a Soñar" is awfully long. It's meant for kids and teens but my mother and all her friends loved it. They used to do an impression of the bad girls of the story at reunions or parties. It was either quite funny or embarrasing depending on how you look at it.


Jarocha, it is possible they may have more than one hour of it when some of the others finish. Alma is in Ult Caps and Gancho in Ult Semanas. Tormenta is not too far behind. I think it will finish in May at the latest. That would be 3 hours to fill. If "Atrevete a Soñar" is as popular as you say, is it possible Univision would put it on in the evening and move one of those to the afternoon like they did with Gancho? That would probably set off a few sparks. :)
Nothing like trying to spread a new rumor. LOL

Jarocha, I really like the purple and gold sandals in the video, with the green sweater and bag.

I think Don César has great color sense. His clothes make me happy.

Elna June, my sister is in Sonoma this week. She called me last night and said she went for a hike yesterday, it was raining when she started, then the sun came out and it was beautiful, then it hailed on her just as she got back to her car. Wow, that's some weather. I talked to her a little while ago and she said it is now raining like crazy, very cold, and they expect it to freeze tonight. And didn't you have an earthquake earlier this week?

Jarocha, what a fun video. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for the fantastic recap Judy. Just watched the episode, haven't read all the comments yet, but wanted to get a comment up before the next recap is posted. I'm going to watch my recording of today's episode tonight too, so that I can be all caught up and comment tomorrow. I miss you guys!

I hated Moni's dress too. I think it was too much dress for our tiny monkey. It was nice seeing Mau best Hissy, even as brief as it was. It was actually a great strategy. Nieves really needs to learn to play that game and keep her cool. She just keeps pushing Moni further away by loudly insisting Hissy is the devil in disguise.

Costeno and Jackie were fantastic! He seems to like the more seasoned ladies (Nieves, Jackie). Actually, Costeno likes women, period. And the ladies like him. Jackie needs to forget Marcos and keep enjoying her pedazo of chocolate. ;-)

I am loving the love triangle of Jime, Arnie and Rolu. I'm routing for Arnie, although when she and Rolu do the bunny hop, they have fantastic chemistry. We know Arnie can warm Jime's heart. Can he also light her fire?

Wow. What a fun discussion I missed last evening. JUlia, I love the outfit you wore to work that you described and I bet you're the brightest spot in the rest of those engineers' lives whether they realize it or not. All beigey guys need a colorful lady around to cheer them up and loosen them up!

Thanks for the video, Jarocha. Those colors make me ready for Spring.

Elna June...what a climate you're living in!

Vivi...good to hear from you. I agree. Costeño is just what the doctor ordered...for Jacqui definitely.

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