Monday, March 29, 2010
un Gancho al Corazón Mon. 3/29/10 Your Pictures Are Ready
For those of you who are wanting to see Nieves and Cesar as couple and have been gauging the temperature of their relationship by their degree of color-coordination, this looks very promising. Though not in identically colored togs their outfits seem to be nicely matched in varying tints of hot pink and plum. Certainly hope-inspiring in any case. She has come to announce the wedding set for tomorrow and to invite him. Also, friends will be coming to decorate the gym for a fiesta afterward. She is particularly flirtatious and he responds by trying to invite her to the movie of her choice but she must go an prepare for the wedding. On her way out, she bumps into Costeño. They pause long enough to visually devour each other,

Monita has arranged for the two of them to meet her mom for dinner in order to announce the wedding. "Yes it will be a great surprise," Mao observes.
Meintras tanto, Estrella has decided to check in with the Virgin de Guadalupe at the neighborhood shrine. As she lights a candle she asks for a blessing on the marriage of Moni and her prince and for forgiveness for the awkward situation she and said prince woke up in.

Aldo seems to have found at least temporary refuge in Nepenthe's torpid embrace. Nice Nurse escorts Sal back to his his own Laziboy where he dutifully assumes his catatonic pose. We know, however, that those delicate little wheels are once again revolving under that well-behaved peluquin. NN regrets that Aldo has gotten into Sal's stash but Oscar is unusually understanding and forgiving. And why not? Doesn't look like Aldo's going to do any heavy thinking anytime soon. He tells her the sad story of Aldo and his sisters losing their parents, of their adoption by Mao, of Estrella's pregnancy, of the thwarted wedding, and of Aldo finding Mao in bed with Estrella.

Pau joins Estrella as she is completing her chat with the Virgincita. Estrella tells her that she is requesting a blessing on M&M's marriage and protection for Aldo. Paula is miffed because she wasn't asking help for her in her pursuit of a husband. "Since your here you can ask for yourself," she suggests. Estrella detects an unusual unpleasant odor following Pau. She explains that it's the magic male attractant provided by Bartola. Hmmm.
Back at Oscar's chateau, the NN is touched by the sad story of Aldo as related by Oscar as he calls for two goons to take Aldo to his bedroom. As they cart Aldo away, he shrugs his shoulders, "Kids these days."
Beto and Coni have returned to Nieves apartment after a grand day of shopping. He finds a note that Nieves has left telling him of the upcoming wedding and that she has gone to invite Cesar. He tells Coni only of the part about her going to the gym to see Cesar and then turns his attention to adoration of Coni and noting that they have the place all to themselves. She purrs. She has something to show him. He begins undressing for action.
At Ximy's, she receives a call notifying her of the upcoming wedding. She is excited. Rolu remembers M&M's last wedding in which they shared the church and the ceremony... Mao left running from the church. She reminds him that had he been able to walk, he too would have fled the church. He insults her two functioning neurons as the doorbell sounds. It's Lalo, beside himself over planning the upcoming party. He's having tachycardia and is about to suffer a cardiac event. Ximy tells Arny to comfort his man but is finally informed by Lalo that Arny is not of the gay persuasion, "He's a closet heterosexual." Ximena glares accusingly at Arny, "¡Arny! ¡Arny! ¿No eres gay?"

Back in the 'hood, Beto is stripped down for action, stretching in his boxers a tee shirt. Suddenly Coni leaps through the beads onto Nieves' bed dressed (we knew this was coming) as Fantasma Vengadora. Beto and I are rendered momentarily speechless. She is a Power Ranger action figure ready for a little lusty action.

She throws him on the bed, straddles him, and he begs her to smack him. "Not here." Clinging to him like a Koala, she rides him to his own bed.
M&M are with Snake Lady at a nice restaurant. Mao and Isabel are wearing their best insincere rictuses as Moni smiles sweetly and hopefully. They have a surprise for Issy. They proudly announce the upcoming nuptials as Isabel grits her teeth and surreptitiously rends her napkin beneath their view. Usually I don't enjoy talky scenes involving Mao, but Isabel is so livid and Mao is so self-satisfied and Moni is so radiantly clueless of the invisible electrical tension between the two people she most adores, that it works for me just fine... this time. Isabel is honored that they chose to tell her in this fashion. Issy and Mao exchange empty apologies. Mao even offers that he hopes to be able to call her mamá. They glare.
As Beto and Coni bask in a post-congressional afterglow, Nieves enters the apartment. Seeing the two beneath the sheets she closes her eyes and promptly spills the frijoles. Coni is shocked to learn of the impending boda. Immediately Nieves recognizes her faux pas.
Back at the announcement dinner, Mao proposes a toast to the love of his life. Issy amends it to a toast to the happiness of her adored daughter. She asks about the honeymoon and though Moni hasn't even thought that far ahead, Mao assures them that it will be the most wonderful ever. Moni is thrilled. She excuses herself giving our combatants an opportunity to bear their fangs and claws and share with each other what they are really feeling. She warns Mao that he has revealed his cards early. Well, heck! He had to, but sooner or later she will have to reveal hers, and when she does... Mao is clearly out of his league, but we pause and admire his gallant effort. They toast, "Salud." "Salud." as Moni returns, happy to see them getting along so well.

As she ties her halter top, Coni grouses about the wedding. Beto scolds Nieves for revealing the plans. Suddenly Coni has business elsewhere. Not so fast pretty lady, Beto grabs her wrist and Nieves surprises both with a pair of handcuffs. Beto wonders where she got them. "A reminder of a galan." She drops the key in her cleavage. Beto assures Coni that the wedding will take place.
At Groupo Sermeño Gabi and Pau are about to head out to prepare the gym for the party. The CAMERA is resting on the desk.

Nieves, taking advantage of Coni's attachment to Beto, has her working over a hot stove. Coni is not a good student and is not having a good time. She wants to go home and bathe. Nope. Nieves sends the two to shower in the community bath. Coni is appalled. Beto sees it as an opportunity. Off they go.
At Moni's, she continues bonding with her maternal unit. She is going to have Estrella help her get ready. Unh uh. Mommy Snake wants to help her little girl on her special day. Momma professes happiness for Moni, but... Moni astutely senses that her mom isn't being completely frank with her, "¿Qué?" The selfless Issy doesn't want to spoil the day with sad revelations. Not to worry, here's Aliblahblah who most certainly will, "I'm so sorry Isabel..." She's clutching the medical report. Moni reads it, "What does it mean? Are you sick again?" "I'm dying."

Mao and Marcos have brought the kids to school and are doing a little bonding of their own. Marcos is happy about the wedding but wishes that he could properly escort his daughter down the aisle and offer her hand in marriage. Oh well, this isn't the only wedding in the offing, he announces to Mao that he has asked Nievesito marry him. Mao is delighted.
Back at Moni's things aren't going so well. Having dropped her bomb, Alicia leaves them alone to talk. IIt's not pretty. "Why didn't you tell me?" "Nothing can be done." "I'll give you more marrow." "Won't work." "Must be something we can do." "Well, since I don't have much time left, you can call off the wedding and spend all the time I have left with me." "Uh... OK." Take that Mauricio.
Nieves is helping Beto get ready. He cleans up real nice but has an unruly cowlick. She goes after it with a lemon but Beto reminds her, "That is for Tequila, not hair." Meanwhile, Coni is cuffed to the stove complaining about the handcuffs. He puts on his jacket, "How do I look?" Coni melts, "Very handsome." As Nieves releases her she tries to make a break for it but Beto is too quick for her. Soon they are reunited at the wrists. She balks but he yanks her through the door. Off they go.
Isabel reminds Moni that she needs to tell Mao right away that the wedding is off. "I hope he'll understand, wouldn't want you two angry at each other because of me." Gack! While Moni's gone, Issy wants time alone, doubtless to gloat in private. Let's remember gang, this lady really believes that she is going to die soon. Anyone feeling much sympathy? Thought not.
Mao and Marcos enter an almost empty Groupo Sermeño. Pretty and dangerous new receptionist greets them. "Everyone's off getting things ready for the wedding." The elevator opens spilling out Beto and Coni... cuffed. We are left to ponder, "How the heck did Beto get his jacket off?" Coni is surprised to see Mao there. She's not happy that he's here. What's more, Daddy thinks the handcuffs are a great idea. Wouldn't want Coni mucking up the wedding. Beto engages Mao and consequently Coni in a group celebratory hug.

Coni says that she couldn't care less if Mao marries the monkey, move into the jungle and procreate primates for a documentary about wildlife. Well, good as that was, she is speechless to learn that Mao's back in charge here.
At the community sink, Nieves learns from Alicia that Isabel is sick again and is going to die. She has big doubts and vows that she will not let Isabel stop Moni's wedding.
We end today with Moni in her apartment. A loud knock. "Hola, Iván, come in." He does and hands her the envelope containing the developed film from the CAMERA. She open it and reaches in.

Labels: gancho
Carlos, did you see the previews for tomorrow?!
Thanks. Yes, I saw the previews. Stunning. Feeling generous, I left that for Judy.
Baylor Girly Bears did it. Beat Duke. Next!
As always, loved your recap Carlos. All the things Sylvia said, plus "Nepenthe's torpid embrace" (love it when you go all intellectual on us)and your aside, "anyone else feeling sorry for her (Isabel)? Thought not."
Slowly getting back in the swing of things. The trip, the NCAA disappointments, getting the 24-hour stomach flu from the's all a big blur! but it's good to be back with the CarayCaray gang.
Thanks Carlos. And for the pictures too. Pollito asado...sounds good to me!
Let us all hope that after Ivan took the CAMERA for developing that he decided to sneak a peek at the photos, and edited them.
Welcome back Judy. So sorry about the stomach flu - nasty stuff...
Hooray for the Girly Bears! Good NCAA news for once, eh?
Oh dear, sweet, dumb Mauricio. Honey, you are SO out of your league when it comes to the snake lady. Even Marcos's grand plan has backfired. Imagine, using one's own impending death to manipulate your daughter's path to unhappiness. If only everyone would just shut up and stop playing their hands so early. Sheesh!!
Judy, I hope you are feeling better.
Well, I guess we all knew that this wedding wouldn't take place -- not until much later, say in 5 or 6 weeks but the route that Isabel took is just too sick.
I loved those scenes of Mau and Issy communicating right under Moni's nose while she was happily blind to their real messages.
Emilia, I hope you are right about Ivan editing the photos but I doubt it. Maybe Moni will be interrupted before she takes the photos out & then the envelope will lay forgotten and the camera will focus on it at the opening of every scene as it did with the camera.
JudyB glad you're feeling better.
Glad that you're back. Hope you are all recovered. The Baylor ladies are awesome. Looks like you get a blockbuster episode to recap today.
Thanks. I was a bit distracted by the Lady Bears last night, plus my TIVO failed to record the afternoon showing. Fortunately it was repeated at 11:00. Like you, I'm holding out hope that Iván is a really good executive aide.
You really have to applaud Mauricio's unwarranted self-confidence and bravado. His preemptive strike was a rare stroke of genius. I believe that Isabel might be imploding right now if Marcos hadn't meddled. I doubt that Mao is going to take the news of the postponement as graciously as Moni expects (hopes?).
By the way, I like Xime's intrigued look when she found out Arni is not gay. Will they explore that tonight? Rolu is probably kicking himself now for letting the cat out of the bag.
Oh, and what's the deal with Pau's love scent?
Mau was having this laugh, "insincere rictus", but the next one goes to Hissy. Mau was just too happy, smug, and arrogant. When will he learn he is no match for the Hissmeister. Of course, this is Marcos' fault. Wonder if he will be scrambling trying to pay off the Doc again when he finds out what happened?
Seems like Hissy should say, hija, I want to see you happy before I die. Please continue with the wedding.
I'm not sure if I put any hope in Ivan, but I think for the time being, Moni will put the pictures down and say I have to look at them with Mau or some other reason to look at them later.
Sylvia, yeah, I wonder if Rolu is rethinking. Xime definitely was getting a different vibe from Arnie. Arnie was also looking and acting a lot different. The trip to the Hundred Acre Wood done him good methinks.
Thanks. I guess we were all proud of our handsome doofus. For a shining moment he had the upper hand. Both he and Issy were great in those scenes and Moni was so cluelessly precious.
I have a little bit of faith in Iván. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he shows a little initiative in culling the photos. We'll see. In any event, I, too, doubt that Moni will view the photos today. I'd love to see Issy shuffling frantically through them looking for her snapshots. How would she call attention to the fact that some are missing?
I'm having trouble posting too, then I posted the same thing twice....The same thing happend last night and I thought it was me! the "Hissmeister". Good one. Go Lady Bears! Go Michigan State!
I agree that Moni probably won't see the naughty pictures, as the previews didn't seem to show her going ballistic, but it does look as if the wedding is off. And ITA with Jeff's observation that Hissy should have wanted to share in Moni's joy. Saying that she knew she was selfish, but wanted Moni all to herself just seemed out of character with what she had been pretending in the dinner with Mau. But as Carlos said "Moni is so radiantly clueless" that she didn't pick up on this.
Glad you're feeling better, Judy, after a rough weekend.
I noticed at the end, they finally said "Últimas Semanas"!
I was hung up wondering how Beto got out of his t-shirt to take a shower; I didn't even notice that he also got out of his jacket between the house and the office. The handcuff antics were great, though. I loved the way Beto flung Constanza around and had her chained in the kitchen.
Arnie does seem to have lightened up a lot, although he was holding the Catherine Coulter novel he was reading with tissues. Definitely a lot of tension in the Xime-Rolu-Arnie triangle. I really don't know who to root for. Ximena needs to clone herself so they can both have one.
Thanks. It'll certainly be interesting to see what happens with the photos. Even more interesting will be seeing what in the world this Dr. (apparently a noted oncologist) plans to do now that he has taken Issy on as a patient and convinced her and those around her that she is dying. This can only become more and more problematic. Thing is, Marcos seems like the sort of guy that once he has achieved his desired result (whatever that might be)will simply walk away, leaving the Dr. with his hands stuck in this mess.
Beto and Coni linked by cuffs is a great and very funny device. This is just not Coni's day.
We miss you. Thanks for the Highlander information. I really enjoyed that show. This show here has held up nicely for almost 200 episodes now and in many ways, just seems to get better and better. Today's show should be especially fun.
As I recall, there were a number of puzzling aspects to Pato's handcuffing himself to Candy. Sometimes I wonder if these things are thrown in to see if we're paying attention.
You know the boring guy, Eric in ENDA and Gabriel in Sortilegio? I think he was also in Tontas. He was a member of the Dudes Club; I think the one who owned the bar.
Am I right? I could look it up, but really I'd rather someone just confirm I'm right...
My favorite part were Beto and Coni. I think an episode filled with scenes with those two will alwas be entertaining.
I loved the expression of Xime you caught on that picutre. She was definitely more intrigued than shocked to learn about Arnie's sexuality. Mhmm, poor Rolu.
Mau is too full of himself sometimes. He believes he is this extremely intelligent man capable of doing anything. Wake up! You couldn't handle Coni, how could you handle Isabel?
Jarocha, I agree. Beto and Coni are always lively, never boring. M&M should take some lessons.
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