Tuesday, March 09, 2010
un Gancho al Corazón Mon. 3/8/10 Choices II "a Bird in the Hand..."
Mauricio has chosen to hitch his wagon to Marcos and was promptly rewarded with rejection by our little monkey who has fallen under the spell of her mother the evil sorceress, Isabel. Isabel, seeking vengeance for her rejection by Marcos (Moni's dad), has poisoned Moni's mind against him. Marcos and Mao (not to be confused with our real M&M) are regrouping in a very appealing restaurant. Marcos inquires about the kiddies and Mao fills him in about the escapades of Aldo. Showing his appreciation for Mao's backing in his effort to develop a relationship with his daughter, he has offered his support to Mao in regaining custody of his children. Should be no problem since this old fart is responsible for Coni gaining custody of them in the first place. He assures Mao that he will make it so. This assertion is met by a confused blank look (in the case of Mao, pretty much the norm).
In the long run, probably a good choice.
I think we have our very own contender for Miss Nails on the Slate in the usually fetching Luisa whose screeching sent me to my knees to give thanks for my hearing loss. If it was so grating to this near-sordo, what must it have been like to the rest of you poor creatures suffering from normal hearing, not to mention Aldo who was within lethal range? I think she was trying to tell Aldo that she disapproves of him getting Estrella pregnant, then running off to marry her without first checking with her. He wants to know how she found out. She tells him about overhearing Jaqui as she filled in Coni. She pleads with him not to abandon her. He looks hopelessly sad. They hug. She leaves. Phew! Cute red and white stripped dress, though: no problem for this girl with horizontal stripes What's this? She must have given him a headache. He heads for his stash of pills. Wait! That's too many! Oh no! Oh yes! Oh Crap!
A terrible choice. Hey kid! Don't they show in Mexico that PSA with the egg... demonstrating what your brain will look like on drugs?
Arnie is captivated by the photo of Ximena at which he is gazing intently at as our sprite on loan from the land of rainbows and unicorns, weightlessly descends the spiral stairway. For the record she is lovely in an unsymmetrical sequined top with a right shoulder and sleeve and only the thinnest of straps on the left. Black pants, high heels... nice. Now, my choice would be to spend more time than we are allotted with her, but let us enjoy what we have. She announces to Arnie that Rolu is safely stashed in his bed with the TV on, so..."How about us Arnie?" Arnie tries to beg off more intimacy lessons , but Ximy points to the progress he has made in only a single day. She is super mega proud (orgullosa) of what her favorite alumnus has accomplished. Of course the really intimate fondling (toqueteos a toqueteos) will be left up to Lalu. Arnie prefers not, but Ximy wants all the world, sea turtles, Mao Tse Tung and Moni, even her hermanolfo, Jero, to be happy. Arnie wants her to be happy but knows that she's not. She goes over the details of her coercion of an incapacitated Rolu to marry her and be with her, even to the point of tying him to the bed, "but it didn't work (no funcionó)." Arnie corrects her, "It worked very well, my brother adores you." She then vows to fight for their maariage for after all, Rolu is her soul mate (gemelo de alma). As she says this her exuberance wilts into a frown of awareness that this simply is not the case. We know that these two have made the choice to try to ignore the growing attraction they hold for each other.
Ill-fated choices that we all know (and as I think they must suspect) will soon be rectified.
And now for the worst choice of all. Valentina has made the choice to put her faith in her lying, deceptive, cold-hearted, totally unfeeling scuzz of a mother who so far seems to have not even a shred of maternal instinct or motherly love. Serpents do a better job of nurturing their young. She and Moni are in Moni's apartment with the cobra crone wishing that she could tag along with Moni to the gym. Moni thinks that it's best that she stay behind and rest up. Isabel can't understand how someone as petite (menudita), feminine and pretty (linda) could have taken up boxing. Well, here's Alicia who will keep Issy company while Moni's away. This couldn't happen to a more deserving person. Alicia's inane babbling will give our momma snake a little glimpse into the Hell that surely is being prepared for her at this very moment.
If there is any justice in the world, Moni will surely rethink this disastrous choice.
Coni's home from her workout at the gym. She has chosen to become a boxer like Moni. Her mother Jaqui tries to impart a dose of reality onto her stubborn, willful, selfish (only for the present, mind you) daughter. With astonishing insight she points out that Coni is trying to become Moni, but ultimately lacks the nimbleness and gracefulness to ever become a boxer. "You'll be surprised when I climb into the ring with Monita." "Yes, I'll be surprised if you last a round." Coni suggests that Jaqui find another man like Jerónimo to keep her occupied and fight with so that she won't be bothering her.
This is an interesting choice, poorly made, but which may ultimately be the key to Coni finding redemption, and more importantly, a renewed sense of self-worth.
Meintras tanto, Isabella is trying to shoo away her preview of Hell. Nosireebob, Alicia, fan aflutter, like the wing of a caffeinated butterfly, suffering her own torment of hellish menopausal hot flashes, needs an ear to fill with neighborhood gossip and Isabel is the designated captive audience.
I say, "Excellent choice!"
Coni does not let Jaqui get off easy. She tosses up an inside fastball of her own. Her daddy, whom Jaqui clearly would like to go a few more rounds with, is smitten with Nieves. Take that, Mommy Dearest!
Making good on his promise to help Mao regain custody of his children, Marcos, Man of Action, is paying a visit to his old pal, Judge Fersail. The good judge doesn't understand nor care why Marcos wants the custody reversed. "You got cash, I got your justice right here. Next!"
Marcos certainly made a good choice with this judge.
In the gym, Mao and Beto are pretending to train but are actually awaiting Moni's arrival. Beto assures a nervous Mao that she will be here, and vows that he is doing all that he can to recapture Coni's heart. Moni's here and Beto takes off with Costeño. Looks like a plan is unfolding. Moni is in no mood to talk with Mao, but not so fast little monkey. Mao scoops her up in his arms, she struggles vainly and voices outraged protest. He's stronger, "This time you will listen!"
Ximena, a fantastic choice of outfits, Sweetheart! Rolu, on the bed, looks up and sees his wife decked out in a red number that would make a bulldog break his chain (I borrowed that from my adored grandfather and have no idea what it means, but it certainly seems to fit this situation). She vamps,"Rolu, how do I look?" "Divino!" He thinks that Arnoldo has spilt the frijoles. She tells him that red is the color of passion. He ends up admitting the brief flirtation with the cutie (chava) in red at the club. seemingly unfazed, she asks him what he thinks.
Back at Moni's, Alicia's verbal waterboarding of Isabel continues. Fan aflapping, she is telling her of Aldo and Estrella, of Mao's legal battle with Coni... Isabel can't take it. She sends her on an errand to the dry cleaners (tintoreria).
Ximena, looking absolutely fatally fabulous in red is needing for Rolu to quantify his love for her. Bigger than the moon, the stars, the universe... "The universe in infinite," she observes. She wants to discuss the matter with him in greater depth... downstairs. "I'll be waiting for you downstairs," she purrs as she backs out of the room... pulling his wheelchair with her. Talk about choices. Rolu has a huge choice to make. The ball is in your court, Buster.
After a brief respite, Issy is joined by the senior torturess, Nieves. She has come, "not to shout at you, or claw at you (arañarse), or share entanglements (greñas) of the neighborhood with you, although you deserve it..." Isabel expresses her appreciation then goes on attack. She knows that Valentina would be furious with her for laying so much as a hand on her. Nieves spits out, "¡Vibora!" "Estorba (hinderance)," Issy cooly replies. This lovefest is interrupted by Jaqui who strolls in unannounced, "Nieves I came looking for you (te)." Nieves wants to know since when does she tutear with her. "Since we got drunk together." Here Isabel jumps into the conversation. Jaqui recognizes her as the lady Coni followed out of the restaurant the night of the miscarriage. Isabel introduces herself as Moni's mom and Nieves quickly appends, "And Marcos' amante." Good with algebra and biology, Jaqui quickly calculates that Moni and Coni are half sisters (media hermanas).
Mauricio has transported a struggling Moni to the park and parks her on a stone wall. Crouched behind the wall with a knapsack are Beto and Costeño who at Mao's signal, "¡Que te quedes aquí! (stay here, using the subjunctive)... ¡QUE TE QUEDES AQUÍ!" Which in Spanish also must mean release the pigeons, because Beto and Beto set free a bunch of white winged-rats, that must be drugged because they don't fly away allowing a nimble Mao to capture one and hand it over to Moni, "With this white dove I offer you a truce... yada yada yada." She must be delighted because she smiles grasping the apparently numbed bird in a death grip. We breathlessly await for her to squeeze the poop out of this peace offering all over her starched white britches... Drat! No such luck. Maybe as she continues to hold it over the back of Mao's University of Tennessee Tee... nopis... Beto and Costeño bump fists. Good job guys.
Back from commercials, Costeño confesses his love to Beto who does not share the sentiment affectioately calling Costy a vulture (sopilote) as they split. As the confused birds mill about Moni finally loosens her grip on her bird enough for it to escape. The two lovebirds (M&M that is) exchange endearments we have heard many times before. Anyone want to hear this?... Thought not. Next!
Nieves, Isabel, and Jaqui are bonding. "You're quiet, Señora," Isabel says. Jaqui tells her that her mind is filled with vulgarities to express her sentiments but frankly she doesn't want to say them. Issy boldly suggests that they tutear since they've shared the warmth (calor) of the same man. Jaqui offers that if she was looking for warmth she should have gone for a charapito (I'm guessing this is like our wino, except with a preference for pulque... Jarocha? Anyone?) instead of a married man. Nieves chuckles. Jaqui considers it a nightmare that Coni and Moni are sisters who hate each other. Nieves jumps in saying that at least Monita was well-reared by her, surrounded by love and she's not about to let Issy rob her of the affection Moni has for her. Just wait'll Moni learns what Issy really is. Jaqui notes that Coni really doesn't need any more hate in her life. Issy pronounces them, "Viejas ridiculas. Metiches, corrientes, y borrachas (Ridiculous old women, meddlers, common, and drunkards)." Jaqui counters with,"Labio triste (sad lip?). Difficult to say who got the best of whom there.
Brace yourselves gang, I'll try to guide us through this with as little pain possible. Mao and Moni are walking and... gasp... talking. Steady guys. Words of love, then Mao shouts, "¡Echale, don Pepe!" Well, I'll be flogged! ¡Mariachis! Inspired choice, Mauricio. They sing, "Por qué no han de saber?..." Not one of my favorites but... Beto and Costy look on, pleased with their contribution. Monita likes. Hey! are those white spots on Mao's shoulder pigeon dookey?
Sitting alone, lovely but sad, Ximy kisses one of Rolu's/Arnie's letters. the words of her primary care bruja, Bartola, ring in her ear, "You've spent your life looking for your soul mate and you've found him, but you will lose him if you don't do something..."
Upstairs Rolu confers with Arnie. Arnie gives excellent advice, "Give up the lie the wheelchair and go downstairs.
Rolu's answer? No!
Ximy reads another letter.
Rolu tries to negotiate with his brother. Nope. Sorry Rolu. So what's it gonna be? You have until after this word from our sponsors to make that choice.
The three ladies reminisce over their relationships with Marcos. Isabel declines to offer the other two a glass of water for fear that they will rust. She notes that she has no vices, she preferred being Marcos' vice. Nieves thinks it's a first love that lasts for toda la vida. "Well yeah, first love lingers in the mind but it's the passion like she lived with him that gets under the skin, and once more I'll have him at my feet."Jaqui opines. "After twenty years?"Nieves is not so sure of that. A smug Isabel offers that Marcos enjoyed himself most when he was in bed with her.
Back at the gym, Beto, wearing a meaningfultee shirt with a simple, stark message: ↑ el Hombre ↓ la Leyenda (cute), and Costeño congratulate themselves on a job well done. This should take care of all of M&M's differences. Uh... yeah... sure. They agree that they make a great pair. Beto thinks that he and Coni make a great pair as well. Por casualidad (remember?), Costeño remembers that Coni is training at Jimmy's gym. Beto thinks that the same strategy will work for him. He enlists Costeño's aid. Costy is not sure how much he can arrange with the amount of money Beto coughs up. Beto reminds him that they are brothers. He wants doves, street birds (callejeras) are OK, just no turkeys (guajalotes) or chickens (pollos) and of course mariachis.
More M&M, this time seated on the edge of a fountain. More sweet words, memories of times together, but I think that we all see where this is headed. Let's skip ahead. Moni stands up and moves in as if to kiss and then shoves him into the fountain. He stands up, grabs her and pulls her in. They thrash about, splash, they frolic in the cool water... Enjoy yourselves kiddies, there's surely another anvil cuing up just over yon horizon.
Ximy's still waiting... and reading. She is joined by Jero. They excange good-natured sibling insults as we look up and see Rolu's amazing and I think, pretty clever choice. He has decided to drag himself down the stairs. "I'm coming my love, it took a bit of effort to get out of bed..." Astonished the sibs look on as he makes it down the spiral staircase and positions himself at her feet. I'm almost in tears at this noble effort, Jero is scandalized, and Ximy is ashamed and too embarrassed for words.
Mercifully we are whisked away from this tragically touching scene and back to the park where the lovebirds are enjoying a moment... He tuns serious telling her that Aldo and Estrella were on the verge of getting married. She knows and apologizes for keeping news of the pregnancy from him. He's in a forgiving mood (at the point of getting lucky with Monita... who wouldn't be?) But then here comes the anvil, straight from Valentina's lovely, luscious lips, "Mama's not our enemy, it's my daddy." He looks crushed, but for the moment plays along. They kiss. Make it last. It may be awhile before there's another.
At he offices of Groupo Sermeño, Marcos asks Jaqui what was so urgent, then tells her that he is nurturing the business as a legacy for his daughters. "Not just for Coni and Katia but also for Monita, right?" Well it's good that you know and perhaps it's best that you don't say what you want to say for the good of Coni. It'll just add to her hate if you tell her." All the while he is covering her with gentle persuasive kisses. We can learn from this man.
Back at Ximy's Rolu is at her feet, clinging to her long gorgeous legs. Our Ximy is stunned. She panics, bolts, and flees. Jero fetches the wheelchair for Rolu then cruelly jerks it away. No doubt he pulled wings off of flies as a child. We don't want to... but... we laugh. Jero's off to take a shower. Rolu rethinks his choices.
Back in the park, Valentina and Mauricio share with each other their very different opinions of her parental units. Irreconcilable. THUD!
PS, here's a photo of the puerco pibil dinner:
Labels: gancho
Simply fabulous, starting with the title. By the way, those drugged pigeons are on contract to Televisa. They got mauled and squeezed on a regular basis by Maite Perroni in CCEA.
Among my favorites in this fab recap:
This assertion is met by a confused blank look (in the case of Mao, pretty much the norm).
as our sprite on loan from the land of rainbows and unicorns,
Nosireebob, Alicia, fan aflutter, like the wing of caffeinated butterfly, suffering her own torment of hellish menopausal hot flashes
decked out in a red number that would make a bulldog break his chain
verbal waterboarding
The two lovebirds (M&M that is) exchange endearments we have heard many times before. Anyone want to hear this?... Thought not. Next!
Well, I'm just going to stop there. This comment would be as long as the recap if I kept noting the phrases that tickled me.
But speaking of...was howling when Rolu dragged himself down the stairs. He had such a goofy look on his face. I think he was trying not to crack up. Have to give the actress playing Ximena props for not cracking up herself. Would love to see the outtakes on that.
And basically just got a laugh out of the heavy-handed symbolism in these juicy telenovelas. Water sure gets a big play as passion-generator doesn't it? Rain scenes, shower scenes, grotto scenes, public fountain scenes....okay! we GET it!
Also impressed with how Isabel made short work of the fearsome twosome Jacqui and Nieves. Happy that Jacqui didn't wilt completely (Labio triste!) but that round definitely went to Isabel.
Carlos, this was amazing and such great fun. Your writing skills are superb. The recap was sumptuous(as was the picuture of your dinner...)
In addition to the excellent phrases Judy already noted, I laughed that Luisa had no problem with horizontal stipes and "Cobra cone".
Carlos, your eternal optimism regarding Coni shone in this as you noted she is "selfish (only for the moment, mind you). Ahh.
I'm not sure how I'd like the Ximena/Rolu/ Arni love triangle to get resolved. Completely unashamed to say I am a romantic, I'm still not certain which prince should capture her heart. I just know I want her to be happy.
Poor Rolu, so certain that Xime doesn't know that he can walk -- when all along he digs himself in deeper. Arnie is right that she is trying to force him to be honest. That said I wouldn't have passed up that scene of Rolu heading face first down the stairs. Poor sap.
Diana, I'm firmly in Arnoldo's camp. I think his quiet adoration is sweet and his moral compass is way more developed than Rolu's. Not to mention the fact that he has all of Lalu's sense of taste and romance with the essential added benefit that, as he says so often "No soy gay!"
Loved the three Marcos exes fighting it out. But the detested Isabel took that round when she told them that she and Marcos had fun in bed making fun of the two others.
Guera from no longer #1 Syracuse
Last night had some great scenes; I'm not sure I can pick my favorite. First there was Beto and Costeño so pleased with themselves for their part in aiding romance. Then there was Mau and Monita, yes I actually loved their romance scenes. Monita truly looked happy and on the verge of tears and Mauricio looked pleased as punch while the Mariachis were playing. Then the verbal sparring between Jacqui, Nieves and Isabel...well who can resist those pros? Nieves and Jacqui must team up against Isabel. Isa's the only on who blatantly lied (about being hot in the sack, harrumph!) yet she did the most damage with said lie. When will people learn to believe NOTHING she says? Carlos, I agree her particular hell should be having to listen to Alicia ad nauseum. By the way the scenes of Alicia tormenting Isabel with her babble were hilarious! Speaking of outtakes I would love to see those. Other commenters have mentioned the great scenes with Roli, Xime and Jero so enough said there. The only horrible part was Luisa's shrieking. No wonder Aldo went straight for the drugs. I don't condone drug use but I might have downed a handful myself in the same situation.
Carlos, thanks for the wonderfully complete and clever recap. I like your title and how you continued Hombre's "choices" theme.
I’m in Arnie’s court too, he always says what I would say if I were standing there. Somehow I’m never invited to the party! We should send him around to the other novelas, he could do some good. What Arnie and Xime are doing is “innocently” falling in love. She was so sweet when she was reading “Rolu’s” letters. We’ll just have to hash out the “small” details of their relationship later. ( I actually have some “late to Gancholandia” questions on the Xime/Arnie/Rolu thing....later though)
Judy, cute water references...add cenotes as well.
Guëra, "praising your phrasing"...pretty good yourself! Sorry about Syracuse, but they are still a one seed in “the Dance”!
Ditto Sylvia on your comments on the many great scenes in this episode.
Carlos, your dinner has inspired me. I need to expand my horizons with some Mexican cooking. I see where Linda prevailed in the beer vs wine “discussion”, she was right!.........On your recap, you took a really fun episode and made it, in the words of my grandsons, “even fun-er,” thanks!
You were so snarky in this recap! It was only with some difficulty that I reconciled the snark with your manly presence—usually it's us girls who are the talented snarkers.
Thank you, thank you for a very fine recap.
I did not feel one bit bad for Rolu, dragging himself down the spiral staircase;FAKER! I hope Xime left the house in disgust at the lengths to which he will go to perpetuate his pretend paralysis, and not, as you suggest Carlos, because she is ashamed of her own role in encouraging Rolu to come clean. Jero was right to take the wheel chair away from him.
This was my FAVORITE snarkalicious moment from the recap, "Nosireebob, Alicia, fan aflutter, like the wing of caffeinated butterfly, suffering her own torment of hellish menopausal hot flashes, needs an ear to fill with neighborhood gossip and Isabel is the designated captive audience".
Brilliant, Carlos, just brilliant. (Hyperbole, hyperbole, more hyperbole...)
Alicia acts like a chubby, land bound butterfly, always flapping her wings about her, but never getting off the ground. The actress has "annoying" down to a "T".
Best to all of Gancholandia,
That was a fun episode to recap and even the CCs were pretty good. Poor Rolu, I think that he really loves Ximy, but I'm afraid that he has screwed the pooch. I adore Ximena and want to see her happy. I like Arnie, but have a difficult time picturing him with Ximy. I prefer Lalo for her but of course that seems unlikely given his preferences. It's just that they are so good together.
We only saw a little of Jero, but he took full advantage of his time on screen. He really is a funny actor and is a perfect foil for Ximy.
The emotions that Ximy displayed by her facial expressions were so remarkable. We said it before, but gee, what talent!
The dinner was an adventure beginning with learning about the dish, collecting the ingredients, and finally putting it all together. Linda was my shopping companion as well as kitchen consultant. We had a lot of fun together and enjoyed a great memorable meal as well.
I was really happy for M&M with the doves, the mariachi, etc. Too bad it lasted for all of 5 minutes. Mau just doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut.
I'm looking forward to seeing if Beto's idea to copy Mau's birds and band plan works with Coni.
The three ladies all trying to show who was most important to Marcos were a riot.
I'm sympathetic to Arnie, having to cover for his brother by lying (and hiding his own feelings). I'm watching another show (Perro Amor) where a sister is also covering for her lying sister, she's being loyal in not telling, but she keeps urging her sister to tell the truth. And in Corazon Salvaje, Regina is doing something similar. I've never had to cover for a sibling. Wonder if I would or not.
The photo of your beautiful meal was the crowning glory to your recap.
Thanks, for sharing.
Excellent recap, too. I won't repeat all my favorite lines already mentioned, but that doesn't mean I didn't laugh.
Ugh, those birds. Somehow I suspect that if Beto tries this with Constanza, she will have the same reaction I would. NOT GOOD. It did remind me of all Maggie's rants about "that damned bird" in CCEA. Great mariachis, though. Mau should have quit while he was ahead.
I love any chance to ogle Rolu even if he's a twat, and the scene of him going down the stairs was awesome.
I'm liking Arnie more and more. He's holding his moral ground despite his obvious enchantment with Xime and disgust with his brother. He keeps trying to push Rolu into doing the right thing even though that could mean Arnie loses out on getting Xime for himself.
If this has been explained since I’ve started watching Gancho, forgive me. Why is
Rolu acting as if he were paralyzed? A short answer will do.
We seldom see in US programming such spot-on portrayals of the human personality. I can think of Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David, but few others. When a Mexican program is good like Gancho, they can really nail a personality, better than we do... They must have better powers of observation, or SOMETHING... Maybe our good writers have to cater to what the US general public wants and now it seems to be "reality" shows.
Do you watch Friday Night Lights? I think that has the most realistic character portrayals of any American show I've seen.
I guess Aldo missed the point behind all that rapping.
You are so right about the quality of the character development in the TN's. Much better that our US television, for sure.
That is one of the (many) things that I love about Gancho, the delightful characters. This is not a very plot-driven show, so I guess character development is essential. It has to help to have this gifted group of actors who play off one another so well.
I raise my glass to you...
Thank you for a fun filled recap.
Hanna, Md
Thanks for the background on Rolu, pretend to be paralyzed to keep your wife, makes perfect sense. Why didn't I figure that out?
I have heard a lot of good things about "Friday Night Lights". I think I'll try it, thanks!
Later, he recovered somewhat, still hated Xime, and fell again, this time just breaking his legs, and he was in a wheel chair. She continued to care for him and hoped he'd grow to love her. But he didn't, and once when he was just about well, she caught him in her bed with another woman. At some point, he realized how amazing she was, but just at the same time, she fell out of love with him. They went to this big party, and she told him that was their last night together. When they got home, he knew he had lost her. So he launched himself over the balcony. I think he was initially paralyzed, but he recovered the use of his legs. But he decided not to tell Xime, because he knew that she was such a kind soul, she'd never leave him if he were paralyzed, but she would if he were not. BTW, we never even heard of Arnie until after all of this.
I might have some of the details wrong, but that's the basic story of Rolu and Xime.
A few little corrections, though:
Arnie showed up before the third time Rolu took a plunge. The mega-party was to welcome Arnie to town. He was there and saw the splat, I believe.
I don't think Rolu was ever paralyzed at all the third time, though, he just had an arm injury and got the doctor to put him in a wheelchair and say something about his back that Xime didn't really understand (because it was nonsense).
it is definitely too bad that Aldo apparently missed that.
Rolu is a twat. I almost choked on that. I didn't know we could say twat.
Here's a video that shows just why they were great.(no spoilers, the video was made 3 months before the end, we are just about a month and a half from the finale).
Carlos can say it 'cause he's a doctor...but actually he'd use another term.
I don't know if that clarified it at all.
I hope that Melinama is taking the day off.
Julia and Hombre, thanks for the background. A full body cast, except for the eyes, again, JUST TOO FUNNY and really so sweet!
Jarocha, so glad you posted that link..for the life of me I couldn't understand why some of the original Gancholanders were not firmly in Arnie's corner...now I see why. OK, I have some decisions to make, Rolu or Arnie? I still want the "good" guy to win Xime and now, Rolu isn't a good guy. We'll see what the writers have in store for us.....
Anyway, I'm having a hard time maintaining my composure thanks to you guys!!!!
Well, I also want to entertain on a conscious level, but I wouldn't have done it like that.
Yep, I was expecting it all the while. Mau would open up his mouth diss dear old Issy and breakup time again. I think somewhere down the line, Issy will be confessing things to someone else and Monita will come up behind her finally hear the truth. Until then.. It'll be hard to take.
Rolu showed us what a snake he really is. ;)
Quite the hoot, him crawling down the stairs. He is a twit. ;)
I'm really missing some familiar faces here the last couple of days. Mike and Emilia, Vivi, Susanlynn and Kris, hope you guys are OK. Stephe and Cheryl, hope that you drop by soon.
Thanks to everyone for the kind complements today. I'm hoping that it was as much fun for ya'll to read as it was for me to tell.
You are all too funny today. Your Freudian slip, Julia, cracked me up and then you referenced the sad (ha ha) story about my poor use of American English in England. I had to laugh at myself and you guys all over again.
I love Xime. She is one of my very favorite TV characters of all time. Right now, I am leaning toward Arnie as her partner, because I can imagine him finding her eccentricities delightful. I am so enchanted by her.
I share you're feelings about Ximena. I fell for her from the very first moment she appeared though it took me a while to adapt to her fast and loose use of the Spanish language. She had a fling with Costeño early on but had to dump him because he didn't share her enthusiasm for a popular singer. She was sad but declared him incompatible. Of course you've seen Rolu's Ximena tattoos, sources of hilarity when he acquired them. She was (and I think still is) attracted to Lalo and briefly, he to her. She looks great in everything she wears and is always optimistic and pleasant. Coni reminds me of my high school sweetheart, Sherry B. a pretty little clarinet player who taught me the finer points of kissing, but threw me over for a pole vaulter. As with Coni, I was very indulgent of her. Maybe it's those big sad eyes. Ximy reminds me of my own daughter, not in looks but in her free spirited approach to life as well as her loyalty and lack of guile. Early on I speculated that she is on loan to us from another happier dimension. She is a treasure. I'm delighted that you are enjoying her so much. I think that each of us lays claim to Ximy, and has a special affection for her.
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