Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dinero 4/13: Rafa inhales a fish.

  • Ale in her eensy teensy outfit (hiding ineffectively behind her newspaper) and the happily gawking Rafa take a calandria (horse-drawn cart) on a lovely travel-advertisement trip across the resort town (aww, cute ducklings) and Ale buys Rafa some very snappy clothes suitable for hot climes.

  • They arrive at the scheduled breakfast on the beach where - after reminding each other that their wives aren't arriving until tomorrow and they are free as a bird tonight - the three Refri guys ogle Ale.

    One of them makes up some bull about needing more financing options. He won't be pressured into making a decision - she should get the info and they will all reconvene at dinner, 6:30 pm. Later, he tells his buddies he did it because "The Licenciada is MINE!"

  • The Refri guys leave and Rafa wants to stuff a huge breakfast into his gob (since it was already paid for) but Ale is disappointed that her egg is not organic. She orders a papaya. Then she drags him away from the table (though not before he gets a doggy bag) and calls Auto Siglo, where Beltran has been badgering Susana every five minutes for news about the big sale.

    Ale tells Susana about the holdup. She asks Susana to postpone the meeting with the second-opinion lawyer. She also calls and tells Marco, who's still in bed with his blond bimbo but says he's in a meeting with Urdiales.

    Rafa gets a call from Vicki Vicki Vicki who squeals: "Are you back yet? I'll meet you at the airport." She howls to hear he'll be taking a night plane. "You PROMISED me!" Meanwhile, Ale is eavesdropping and stuffing her face - Rafa catches her with leftover breakfast in her mouth.

  • At Auto Siglo, Susana tells the troops their reports will be due promptly at 6. Marino snarls at Nelson: "You better use your enchantment with her ASAP."

  • Beltran, complaining that anxiety has made him practically a cadaver, he's being eaten up with death from the inside out, gathers the team and tries to motivate them to sell harder by saying he's going to put up a statue of Rafa, our best salesman, who always comes through at the last minute with something spectacular.

    They say that will just depress them, and why would he want them jealous of Medina?

    Beltran impulsively promises a CAR to the best salesman of the month. This lifts their spirits.

    Ramirez whispers to Marino (ridiculous poodle cut, best wig yet) that Rafa's sale is not a done deal and there's a good chance still for Marino to get the prize. Marino snarls he WILL win the car, by any means necessary.

    The team members ooh and aah over the car and variously say they would sell it - to pay debts, for a second honeymoon, etc. The General says she would have to sell it because it wouldn't look good to her comrades. Claudia says she'd buy great clothes and snag the rich guy she deserves. Marino says he'll win for sure, he has a 15-car deal in the works.

    Rosaura, after a little research, finds out the whole story and says Rafa's going to cream them all with his Refri sale. Ramirez, who was able to eavesdrop when Ale called, says Rafa's deal will fall through. Rosaura says the Refri guys wouldn't have invited Rafa to the beach just to say no deal. Marino bangs his head on the dashboard.

  • Pointless scene #1: At the beauty parlor, the two guys bring in a TV - "My mom bought it to watch the American classic." Joshing about America vs Chivas. Turns out, they say, football is a game for MEN - and they like watching the cute guys on the field. Ovidia opines that what's important is what's between the ears not - physical attributes. She likes music and arty types, not troglodytes. Even her female customer, though, likes football. She is outnumbered.

  • Pointless scene #2: those two policemen we keep seeing are eating tacos. The vendor complains when the cops hint they should get their tacos for free. They point out in a mildly threatening manner: the taco guy is obstructing an entrance etc. Taco guy grimaces in defeat. The cops complain, the tacos aren't that good anyway.

  • Back in the hotel, Rafa is bouncing up and down with excitement about going to the beach. Ale cruelly says he can't go, this is a business trip, she doesn't want to lose him to some "bikini." Very silly cute squabble: "Beach beach beach." "No no no." He has a temper tantrum. "Please please please." Finally she says he can go but only if she comes with him.

    So they're on the beach. Ale asks Rafa if he really knows how to swim and turns out, he does, he took lessons. She tells him the ocean is not like the river, it can be dangerous. She settles down in the sand - she won't go swimming in case Susana calls. He runs down the beach, leaps in the water, and swims straight out.

    After a while he disappears. Ale gets worried, shouts his name, and finally flags down a lifeguard who swims in and scoops Rafa up and carries him back and dumps him on the beach. Ale is in anguish over his motionless form. Don't worry, they can't kill him off now, there are hundreds more episodes to go!

  • Tomorrow: Rafa coughs up a fish. Claudia seduces Marco. And at the very last second of the preview it appeared that Ale, in order to deflect the amorous advances of Refri man, says she is Medina's wife!


Thanks Melinama. Always brilliant, always quick. That Refri guy has me a little nervous. Trying to put the moves on Ale.

Lots of Rafa and Ale time. The tantrum at the hotel was funny. Sometimes I think Ale treats Rafa like a child, but than there are definately times Rafa behaves like a child.

Am really enjoying the beach time. Wed episode sounds pretty good.

Thank you Melinama for the excellent recap.You had me laughing at "Don't worry, they can't kill him off now, there are hundreds more episodes to go!"

"Pointless scenes" catches the essence of those plots. The hair salon scenes are sometimes funny, but the policemen scenes are really waste of time (mine that is).

Thanks for the recap! I'm loving all this time away from the office. We finally get to see some Ale and Rafa moments without Marco or Vicky intervening much.

The aftermath of Rafa's "drowning" looks pretty hilarious. How on earth could he swallow a fish?!

The cop scenes are blatant (and pointless) fillers. They never tie into anything going on in the story. At least the hair salon has like-able characters.

Thanks Melinama! Looks like tonight's going to be fun to recap. I'm looking forward to it. :)

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