Saturday, April 03, 2010
Gancho Friday April 2nd Getting in Some Jabs, Softening them up for the Knockout
Alternate Title: Fresh meat
Second Alternate: Chucky’s Grandma!
The two fighters slowly circle the ring, eyeing each other warily, looking for a weakness. One jabs, the other feints. Fists shoot out quickly, and are quickly withdrawn. Occasionally, a punch lands, and bit by bit, some damage is done. Little bruises appear. Breathing becomes labored, but still the jabbing continues. The craftier fighter knows what she’s doing – setting everything up, wearing down her opponent, waiting for just the right moment to unleash everything she’s got. But not yet.
And that’s how our show is getting. Everyone’s dancing around, jockeying for position, setting things up, everybody has a plan. Jero dreams of outsmarting Oscar, Gabi hopes to outmart Jero to find Oscar. Sal and Aldo are probing for any weakness in the tight security of the mansion. Oscar is readying his final solution. Marcos has plans for Nieves, Coni seems to have something up her sleeve (or would, if her outfit weren’t sleeveless). And Mau, at long last, seems to have an ace in the hole, with that recording of Isabel. But he, too, is biding his time, waiting for just the right moment to strike!
We begin tonight’s jabbing with some furious punches by Moni, working on the hanging punching bag. She thinks of Mau’s sweet promises, then the “reality”, screaming to herself, liar, liar, liar!, breaking down into tears.
At Oscar’s Hodge Podge Hunting Lodge, apparently his hot game of solitaire wasn’t enough, so he calls Lorenza over for a little personal sadism. He teases her with the promise of a second wedding with Salvador, asks her to show us how she’ll dance at the reception, and when Lori hops happily, he yells “Watch Out! Here Comes Gabriela to steal Sal!”, which causes Lori to go loca. Oscar sickly snickers, he gets OFF on this kind of thing. Aldo doesn’t think it’s funny, but Oscar cares not one bit what Aldo thinks, and goes out to get some fresh air. Lori cradles Sal’s head, asks if he’s thinking of her, but Sal is actually lost in his reminiscences of Gabi, replaying in his mind the marriage proposal, when he pretended to complain of something pressing against his chest, which turned out to be a engagement ring! Out loud, he says “My love, I love you so much.” Lori hears these words and is overjoyed, “Honey, I love you MORE”.
Gabi meets Jerry in a restaurant. She wants the information on Oscar’s whereabouts before paying any money. He wasn’t born yesterday, wants the money first. Gabi’s firm, she insists Oscar has to be behind bars (tras las rejas) first, she’s not going to lose her savings based on false information. But she’s a woman of her word, Jero can trust her. Fine, says Jero, I’ll deliver Oscar to the police first. But if you leave me whistling in the breeze (chiflando en la loma, literally, whistling on the hill), I’ve got an ace up my sleeve, and you’ll be sorry. Gabi thanks Jerry for his time, says they’ll meet again when Oscar’s in jail, confidently gets up, and sticks Jerry with the bill.
At Grupo Sermeño, Pau’s hiding in the coffee room. She doesn’t want to run into Cris. Xime chides her, you can’t keep hiding from the police. Pau disagrees, if Oscar can do it, why can’t she? Okay fine, says Xime, but we have to plan the company’s reopening party. Pau’s already booked the room, arranged the food, all she needs is some music. Xime’s on top of that. She’ll ask that nice boy Luisa knows (Andrés). I’m not sure Xime’s in tune with the cacophony this could cause, but for now, all’s harmonious.
Tepid Tano enters the vecindad, hands in pockets, approaching Estrella to give her some completely undesired and unwarranted advice. He’d like to believe Estre, but gee, those photos don’t lie, and she knows how impulsive she is, right?
Beto bops into the breakroom, dressed for success with his blue pressed shirt and shiny orange tie, and is happy to hear that Pau and Xime are planning the office party. He’s got some ideas, too. How about a magician? With doves and a busty (pechugona) assistente, of course. Xime thinks that sounds like something you’d have at a children’s party. Well, quips Beto, depends on how busty the assistente is. Or how ‘bout a table, with several sexy women dancing on it, you gals don’t understand the business world, but this is what businessmen like, you know, the Japanese, the Swiss? Xime and Pau think this would be too “complicated”. Undeterred, Beto gives his menu suggestions, sopes, tostadas de patas y memelas (pig’s feet sandwiches and mexican pizza type snacks, yum), but Xime’s not impressed with his selection. She and Pau say they’ve already lined up the food, and FORGET that table dance. Beto pulls rank, I’m the boss, you have to do what I say. Xime smiles weakly, you know, that MAGICIAN wasn’t such a bad idea…..
Tano’s still at it. Estre’s distressed he doesn’t believe her, and he should know that Mau would never do this. Ah, says Tano, but he’s just a man, and you know how to provoke men. Estre swears she’ll clear things up, the whole thing was Isabel’s fault, she put Mau and her to sleep to trap them. But the worst part was that Aldo saw them, got really mad at his Dad, and now he’s gone. She’s worried about him, and hopes one day, she can clear things up with him too. Tano not too convincingly agrees.
The nurse asks Lori to help her in the kitchen, allowing Aldo to pow-wow with Sal. Sal says they have to escape soon, but Aldo thinks it’s won’t be easy to get past those guards. Sal misses Gabriela, her smile, her humanity, her beauty, her integrity. He can’t stand that she’s suffering, thinking he’s dead. But he’s a bit worried that she found someone else. Aldo reassures him that won’t happen, Gabi cares the world for him. But he, Aldo, has lost everything. Sal still thinks there’s an explanation for what Aldo saw, but even assuming it was all true, Aldo has to avoid the easy way out (drugs), he has to overcome this. And Sal will be there to give his total support. He extends his hand in friendship and solidarity, and Aldo clasps it. At least SOMEONE’s on his side.
Ahah! Mauricio’s (somewhat shlubby) detective is working for Gabi, too! He’s trailing Jerry’s car, talking through his earpiece, as Gabi (having called him from the restaurant) tells him she’s not falling for Jerry’s tricks, keep her posted on where he goes, maybe he’ll lead them to Oscar. Jerry’s first stop – Gym Jimmy, to give Coni some verbal venom. Pudgy watches Jerry enter.
Knock, knock on an orange door, and Estrella’s happy to see that Luisa and Dani have come to visit. Actually, Dani’ll play with the kids outside, while Luisa talks with Estre. She’s tired of being treated like a kid, and since her Dad won’t tell her, Estrella has to. Where’s Waldo? (sorry, I mean Aldo).
Ivan’s tackling a critical photocopying job when who should enter but Alejandra, the new, cute secretary. Filling out the standard uniform rather nicely, she informs Ivan that she’s a copy-making experta. In fact, in the office where she worked in Guadalajara, she was in CHARGE of the copy machine. As she takes the sheets of paper and deftly presses “start”, Ivan seems mightily impressed with her “qualifications”. Ale just got to the DF, doesn’t really have any friends. Well, Ivan will be happy to be her cuate. Ale flashes her million dollar smile, and asks if Ivan wants to go out to lunch. Sure, he says, there’s a fast food (comida corrida) place right around the corner that’s pretty good. Then let’s go, she says. First he has to put the copies in order (I think she forgot to press “collate”). The two of them collate manually. Maybe a little TOO manually.
Remember back at the start of this recap, with Moni punching? Well, she’s still at it, hands aching, still trying to forget, when up from behind her comes a smiling, hot young guy in a muscle tee, asking if he can help. She turns around, and we pan right up his ripped body to a handsome, beaming face. It’s her old pal El Lobo (the wolf), a famous boxing buddy, back in town.
Jerry gets back in his sportscar, and Pudgy PI resumes the chase.
Moni and Lobo haven’t seen each other in years, but both think the other hasn’t changed a bit, and looks super good. Moni’s grinning more than we’ve seen in months. She’s been following Lobo’s career, and knows he won the “world championship” in Chicago (yes, Moni’s only a national champion, but this guy’s the world champ, interesting how they don’t seem to have any money). Moni asks if Lobo’s still married, but conveniently (for our story) he just got divorced a few months ago, his ex is in Chicago, so he decided to return to Mexico. Does she still live in the vecindad? Yeah, well she hasn’t won the lottery, so she does. But she found her Mom! He’s happy, and they agree to meet for coffee later. Our guapatón saunters out as Moni’s eyes twinkle at this new wrinkle in her life.
Estrella tells Luisa she really doesn’t know where Aldo is. Luisa is worried, and complains that she thought once Mau got custody, everything would be better, but everything’s gone wrong. Estrella assures her that things will work out. Everything will be fine, Luisa.
Well, maybe not everything. Ivan and Alejandra are having a little bite to eat in the restaurant near the office (actually, only he’s eating, though she’s eating him up with her eyes). She needs someone to show her around, and he says he knows all about how things work at Grupo Sermeño. She tells how when she saw him she told herself he was for her. Huh? Well, she covers, she means he just has a good vibe, they’ll get along great, she hopes there won’t be any problem with his, ummm, novia? No way, he says. So you have a girlfriend? Yep, and she’s great, says Ivan, I really care a lot for her. Ale’s not surprised, with how handsome he is, girls must be falling all over him. Ivan is totally lapping this up, and asks if Ale has a guy. Nah, she’s single, but totally open to anything life has to offer. Woohooo!
It’s also lunchtime in the vecindad, and Beto has invited Marcos for a little home cooking. Striding into his place, he calls for his Mom, but Nieves wasn’t quite expecting him, and is wearing a pink robe, a face covered in white coldcream, and huge rollers (tubos)! Beto screams “Chucky’s grandma!” Nieves then realizes that Marcos is there, and scurries mortified behind the curtain of her bedroom. Marcos chuckles, then reassures her that he’s fine with her look, in fact she’s beautiful like this. He loves her, and this is part of her charm. Nieves comes out, primps a bit, admits women have to do this, to make themselves pretty for their men.
Coni is now jumping rope (saltando la cuerda), and doing a fantastic job of it, I might add, crossing her arms, looking very agile. Jimmy tosses her a bottle of water, which she easily snatches out of the air without even looking. I’m impressed. Jimmy says he has a surprise for her, someone who can help her even more with her training.
Beto wonders if Nieves has milanesas ready to eat, and of course she does. He goes outside to wash his hands. Nieves, in her wild white faced clown look, smilingly tells Marcos how the three of them are almost like a little family. He likes this, too. But how’s she been? Well, a bit sad, what with Moni rejecting her. And all due to Isabel! Marcos assures her that very soon Isabel won’t be able to hurt them anymore, everything will work out.
Coni’s finished HER workout, her whole body hurts, as she walks right into hunky Lobo! Her vision temporarily blurred, she looks up at this vision of manliness, and likes what she sees!
He extends a wonderfully muscled arm to help her up,
and asks if she’s okay. She is, he says nice meeting you, and walks past. She sneaks a peek at his butt. This is getting interesting!
Beto’s back, with clean hands, fiery hunger, and growling tummy. Now it’s Marcos’s turn to wash his hands, and he goes dutifully out. Immediately Nieves begs Beto to set the table, as she has to get this cream off her face and get fixed up pronto. Beto agrees, it’s not Halloween, Ma.
Jimmy and Lobo meet and hug. It’s been years. Lobo asks how are Jimmy’s kids? Fine, but much bigger. Well, you know why I had to leave, says Lobo. Right, replies Jimmy, you think they’re still searching for you? He doesn’t know, but if he has to, he’ll face his past. So what brings you to town, why did you leave Chicago, since you’re the world champion? Well, my wife left me, and I couldn’t stay there. Sorry about that, says Jimmy. But I’ve got a job for you. Train this woman, called La Momia, in boxing. She was just here. You mean that tall, thin, muy guapa chick? You got it. Lobo can’t believe she’s a boxer. Jimmy admits she’s not that good, but she’s got a big fight coming up, and needs help. Who with? La Monita. Ooops, problem. Lobo is buddies with Moni, no way can he train someone to fight against her.
Our “trainee” is standing, arm languidly over her head, head cocked, shades in place outside Moni’s gym.
Jimmy says he’s always counted on Lobo, and offers him whatever money he wants to train Coni, but Lobo won’t do it, he and Moni are friends, and training her opponent is not open for discussion. Jimmy accepts this, says it’s good to see Lobo anyway, and Lobo had better watch his back while he’s here, Jimmy will also warn him if he hears anything bad (maybe Jimmy will do just the opposite, since Lobo’s got something to hide). Lobo gets a dreamy look on his face. He just can’t wait to see those two beauties fight in the ring. Neither can I!
Costeño’s now giving Jacqui a foot massage, while she’s on the phone with Katia. Seems Kat’s a bit lonely in that school in Italy, and Jacqui may go pay her a visit. She asks Costi if he knows Rome. Sure, it’s a barrio (colonia) just across town, he can take her if she likes. Ay, how naco you are she says, I’m speaking of Rome, Italy, it’s on another continent. Ah, says Costi, I’ve never been past Metepec (which is less than 100 miles from Mexico City, where they are).
Enter Coni, who’s disgusted that these two are still stuck together like dogs. Well, Jacqui needs to have her body stuck to Costi’s 24 hours a day, she deserves this “rest”. Coni’s going to bed, SHE’s the one who needs rest, after all that training. As she leaves, Jacqui asks Costi if he’s ever heard of gondolas, as their cares drift away….
Night falls, the moon rises, and Jerry’s car has arrived at the Mysterious Mansion of Madness, closely followed by Pudgy PI in patient pursuit. He sees Jerry enter after greeting the burly bruiser guarding the oaken entrance.
Costi has gone home, and Jacqui tells Coni about the phone call with Katia, and how Jaqui may go and visit. Well why not just go stay there for life, says Coni, this is stupendous news, and if your plane goes down in the middle of the ocean, even better! Jaqui opines that Coni’s “negative energy” doesn’t seem to be making her happy. Well, says Coni flippantly, old habits (mañas) are hard to break. Speaking of old habits, adds Jacqui, I heard you’re selling the lingerie boutique. Well, right, Mom, I don’t have time for it these days, with my boxing training. Ah, you don’t fool me, dear. You need the money to pay Jerónimo and Oscar, right?
Cut to the Dark Domain of Doom, as Pudgy PI watches Aldo try to leave for a walk. The guards firmly push him back inside. But Pudgy saw it.
Mau comes to the vecindad to talk to Estrella, who is very worried about people seeing them together, getting the wrong idea. Don’t worry, he says, they didn’t do anything, so they have nothing to hide. Besides, he has good news. He finally has the proof of what Isabel did, and when Moni sees it, she’ll finally forgive them. Mau’s cell rings, and Pudgy found Aldo! Mau tells Estre, and they hug warmly,
Previews: Things heat up between El Lobo and La Monita, but Hissabel tells Oscar she wants Valentina to die!
Tras las rejas – behind bars
Chiflando en la loma – whistling in the breeze, whistling Dixie, literally whistling on the hill
Comida corrida – fast food (corrida literally means straight or continuous)
Tubos – rollers, curlers, also means tubes or pipes
Saltando la cuerda – jumping rope
Colonia – a neighborhood, also means a colony, and also is the word for cologne
Mañas – old habits, in the singular, maña means cunning, guile or skill
Labels: gancho
You were really into alliteration this time 'round..."pudgy PI in patient pursuit". "mysterious mansion of madness" and finally "tepid Tano".
For once, I really did NOT like Tano tonight. He's off my Wish List. Totally unhelpful icky conversation with Estrella. BAD TANO! You're outta here! Actually, Estrella was quite gentle and diplomatic in her defensive chat with him. She would have been entitled to tear his head off ,really.
So glad you included that picture of Nieves. I did want Diana to get to see it. Have to love the actress for being willing to appear like that. What a sport. And have to love Marcos for finding her lovely in that getup. He's growing on me.
In the middle of nowhere, it suprises me that nobody has noticed the pudgy PI and his car. Oh's a telenovela.
Fantastic job, Hombre. Really well done.
A few of my favorites were "Where's Waldo?" and "they collate manually. Maybe a little too manually." And of course the dry assessment of Ale's "expert" skills...she "deftly presses 'start'"...
Judy, you're off Team Tano?! He's so judgy I'm surprised Estrella hasn't let him have it yet...just shows that she is, in fact, much more mature than he thinks she is.
Chucky's grandma made me laugh so hard I missed the whole next scene and had to rewind. I love how this crew keeps finding new ways to liven things up.
Ah, Lobo, way to make my night. I think the camera loves him as much as I do.
I loved this segue..."At Oscar’s Hodge Podge Hunting Lodge" and I loved the recap. Your ear and eye for detail is amazing. Thank you.
I do like Coni—I think because she is so appealing when she is with Beto. But her face is going to become pruned up and ugly if she doesn't lose her anger. I am looking forward to seeing HOW Coni is to be redeemed. As Monita said, Coni is going to be quite surprised to find that they are sisters. On the other hand, she never pays much attention to Katia so maybe having another sister will just be a minor inconvenience.
Chucky's Grandma? Like you, Julia, I laughed so hard. Your Lobo is some kinda alpha-canine. Whoa. You say you have seen him before? Nice wolf.
So what is with Jaqui leaving the scene for Italy? Are the writers freeing up Marcos for Nieves? That just seems sort of random, no?
Hombre, your description of the scene of Oscar torturing Lori was so well written. I feel as if I was there, in the Hodge Podge hunting Lodge, watching Oscar's sadism. EEEEwwww.
Finally, there were some interesting posts to conclude yesterday's discussion about Isabel's possible redemption. Both Sand and Jarocha had a lot to say, and I found it to be a very rich conversation. Check it out!
Tano was so judgamental again yesterday. I think his whole friendship with Estrella can be summarized by the fact that he judges her and she defends herself.
I loved the scene with Jaqui and Costeño. I think she has finally found her ideal partner.
Marcos is gaining points with Nieves but I doubt Don César will give up on her. I think this is the only triangle where I like both possible outcomes.
About the tostadas Hombre. Those are actually fried tortillas with beans, some type of meat (in this case pig's legs), lettuce, the hot sauce of your preference, tomato, cream, cheese and a small pice of avocado if you like (well, you can add or take ingredients if you like, this is just how people typically make them where I live). Very delicious but messy. I get why you wouldn't want them for a party. Here's a pic of the tostadas de pata.
I'm glad that you are back. No rust. Same high quality insight, wit, humor. Just the right touch and of course nicely detailed. Very well done.
Oscar's treatment of Lorenza was as painful for me to watch as it was as it was for Aldo. His malevolence is almost more toxic than Isabel's if that is possible.
I'm not sure what Tano might have had in mind with his visit to Estrella, but goodwill did not seem to be an element. There was an interesting contrast between his visit and Luisa's.
Wonder who's looking for Lobo? Do he and Moni have a history? More for Mao to worry about? Beto? He certainly has a winning smile and a twinkle in his eye.
Marcos and Nieves are so good together and yet she and Cesar are so comfortable together. A tough decision for Nieves... and us.
EJ, thanks for pointing out the late discussions from yesterday on redemption.
Jarocha, thanks for the info about tostadas. They do look delicious.
Since I didn't have to write a recap last week, I decided to do a little music. Here's my amateur version of the theme from Corazon Salvaje.
Is Pudgy PI like fudgy pie? Let's all say " Oscar sickly snickers" 6 times as fast as we can or "Hodge Podge Hunting Lodge". Oscar and Isabel are circling the ring, jabbing, probing, who is the worst of the worst?
Will Pudge save the day? I'm thinking he's going to get caught before he gives the address to Mau. Just the way things have been going.
Estrella and Mau are having trouble getting people to believe them. Estrella has that affect and hey, after all, Mau is just a man. You know how we are. The verdict with Judge Tepid Tano presiding.
Why are we bringing Lobo in with his own problems? One thing to bring him in, but now he's also got his own set of problems following him? Hey, time to close up everything else, not bring us more problems to worry about. :)
Glad to see he isn't going to train Coni.
Of course, at the end, Mau and Estrella hug. You just knew Moni would show up in time to see that.
Great posts late yesterday and today. Thanks Judy for those definitions on forgiveness, redemption and reconciliaion.
I figured Isabel would be redeemed because she was Moni's mother. Now, not so sure. I really have no doubt that Moni will forgive her in the end, well, at least until I saw those avances. Figure she will forgive her. I don't know if Isabel will see the evil of her ways.
Speaking of Hissy, did we having any Hissy sighting this episode?
I've been expecting Don Cesar to end up with Nieves, but Marcos is really going all out and really seems to be in love with her. I feel somewhere down the line he'll try to change her and that will be the end and Don Cesar here we come. Maybe. :)
JeffMN mentioned your song on the Dinero site so had to come over and check it out. Very nice.
Since Gancho went to days I have been recording them and only catching up when my recorder gets full, but have been reading and enjoying all the recaps. Finally got caught up to yeaterdays episode.
Enjoyed your recap today. Love how you always add the pictures.
That song is WONDERFUL! Your wife is a very lucky woman. Guau!!!
Did you lay down all the tracks yourself? I am just knocked out and I have made this my ringtone for my kids calls.
My niece is a singer and every time I see her perform I cry. There is just something about music....
Thanks for sharing your song with us.
I recorded the stereo latin drum track from a drum machine, then added acoustic steel string guitar, acoustic nylon string guitar, electric bass, two tracks of vocals, and electric guitar. I can play back all the tracks and make them softer or louder, and also pan them in stereo to different sides. It's really fun!
I haven't been watching Mi Pecado, so I'm not familiar with the song, but I'll give it a listen. BTW, I have a tentative plan to do a version of the Gancho song (have to change a few words, since I'm a guy) that would be totally different from the one in the show, but we'll see.
One of the biggest problems is singing all the Spanish without getting tongue-tied. I had to practice that for days. The instrumental parts were much easier.
Nieves certainly can act with her eyes, and her cold-creamed little rosebud lips! I still think Cesar is the one for her, but Marcos is gaining ground.
I agree hat Coni looks lovely with her French braid.
FREE SAL & ALDO!! Looks like they're going to have to free themselves - two zombies galumphing across the landscape...
It's hard to be interested in Lobo's baggage. It's just too late in the story. I'll probably have to eat my words.
Happy Easter all.......
Carlos: Good Luck to the Lady Bears tonight. I would love to see them be giant killers and bring down U Conn. It was actually very satisfying to see Butler beat Michigan State. As much as I love the Big 10 and Coach Izzo, I DID grow up in Indy (from age 10 on) so seeing little Butler triumph was delightful. Will be interesting to see how they handle Duke. They ain't skeered of anybody, evidently.
I don't remember a Hissy sighting. I think I was turning my crabbiness at Tano and forgot to look for our resident Alien reptile.
Hombre: again, I love your work. Thanks for telling us how you make the beautiful music. It must be very fun to sing with—yourself!
I am sure that long after I have zoomed past the CS roadkill plotline, this lovely song will stay in my memory because of you.
Where are all of you headed after Gancho? I love this TN and I love this community and I think I will miss both a lot.
It is pouring down rain here on the NoCal Pacific Coast. Although this was only a mild el Niño year, we have finally ended our multi-year drought.
You made me laugh with your phrase "hopelessly tangled up in random vowels". I can't stop giggling at this. When this happens to me I start conjugating all verbs as though they were "ar" regular, present tense. It's a rookie move, I know.
I was completely blown away by your singing. That was great. Beautifully done.Once again, WOW!
The game should be fun. Who better to challenge the dominance of the fearsome UConn but Brittney and the Girly Bears?
Too bad. I love our team and I love our commenters. But change is a part of life....even though I don't care for a lot of the changes that come at this stage in my journey!
I suppose we can all be subs although I, for one, would not want to recap anything later than a 7 pm show just because of my teaching schedule.
Second, it's simply marvelous to have you back; we have missed your recapping skills. Dumb telenovela schedulers. I just checked the tivo schedule and Gancho is playing all 5 days at least for the next couple of weeks.
Tepid Tano, hahaha!! That's the best so far. Gosh he was a little s**thead in this episode. I'm hoping they are setting us up for a Pau/Chris reunion.
El Lobo, le pant le heave. I remember this actor from Duelo where he played Hot Jose. They killed him off early stupid writers. Dang he's even more of a hunk now. Usually I don't care for adding new characters this late in the game but I will grant him special dispensation.
Jacqui and Costi...they are really too much.
Hey all, thanks for all the great comments after Thursday's episode. I really enjoyed reading them all tonight.
Jeff, yes I was referring to the great pasta hoax from the BBC. Just my nod to history.
Tano has finally left me cold also. I've been pulling for him, didn't think he was as annoying as most of you thought. But tonight was too much. There was no reason for him to come around at all. He had no support to offer, though he may have thought he was supporting Mau. Estrella doesn't need him.
El Lobo sure is an eyeful. But what is he going to add to the story at sthis late date?
I will miss this group when Gancho ends. I have been following Dinero. It's just the sort of TN that I like -- light & comic, with endearing villains as well as attractive principals. Hope to find some of you among the commenters.
Realistically because of my work schedule the 7:00 TN is the only one I could probably recap. I get up quite early and so have to retire early as well. Dinero seems quite fun and my type of show but I'm afraid it might be too late for me to recap.
I've also considered taking a short, very short break after Gancho. I'm getting ready to race my boat to Hawaii in July and the closer we get to leaving the busier I become. I'll be gone the first three weeks of July anyway, so maybe after Gancho I'll take a short hiatus and resume in August. But, like Hombre, whenever I can't or don't recap I find I really miss it, so there you are. We'll see I guess.
It's late and I'm tired from the Easter lunch and then babysitting, but I had to compliment you on the song and particularly your voice with perfect pitch. It is just amazing the number of singers who can't really sing! You are very good. It must be a joy to have that talent. Have you ever tried En Cambio No? It is the song from ENDA.
EJ a lot of us are liking Mi Pecado, only one unreasonable villian, the rest are normal people who make mistakes. I haven't tried Dinero, it might be good.
Hey Sandy, I was just remembering the conversation we had the other day in the Mi Pecado line about the art direction of the novela. I was rewatching the opening sequence of Cañaveral de Pasiones from the same writers of Mi Pecado and observed that they use a sugarcain right before the name of the novela and it made me remember the apple you were talking about in Mi Pecado. here's the opening if you want to see it. I think it's very beautiful.
Carlos...what a heartbreaker...but what a thrill when the Baylor women came within three points of UConn. Still, Brittney is a freshman and as her coach said, You brought your team this far your first year, think of what's ahead. Go Baylor women!
Hombre, welcome back, welcome back. As all have noted, you returned with a wonderful, zesty, insightful recap.
I loved your blow by blow fight description and your analogy of dancing, jockeying and outsmarting. Amazing Hombre. The pictures were wonderful - the shots of Nieves and Coni? Priceless. The vocabulary was wonderful too.
I took Friday off at the last minute and was able to see this. I was surprised at how gentle and loving Nieves and Marcos were (despite Nieves' apprearance). I was also disappointed as I thought Cesar was her true soul mate. But, we can't rationalize love, only realize it. If they are destined to be together, so be it.
Julia, your amor is looking very hawt indeed. Wow...
I was hesitating to comment, asking what was going to happen once this ends. I can't imagine a day without "hearing" the voices of Carlos, Judy, Kris, Sylvia and Hombre and reading the wonderful comments. Your words, vocabulary and pictures have meant the world to me. Commenting here is always a high point to my day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This went from being a blog to a family.
But, it ain't over yet. I'm savoring every word until the end!
I’m loving the Marcos and Nieves scenes. I’m so sorry that some haven’t known the Erick del Castillo persona in other novelas, the juxtaposition of him and Nieves is hilarious in that context. I, like many others, think the actors are having a ball on this one. I think it is fun to be unsure about the outcomes of some of the relationships, Xime+ ?, Nieves+ ?, keeps us guessing.
Jarocha, thanks for posting that beautiful Cañaveral opening. Interestingly, both novelas seem to be farm settings, one an apple orchard, another a sugar cane farm. Did you notice the braids as well? I guess they are a costume device, not a reference to indigenous customs. Our "Rodolfo" is so young in "Cañaveral." Again, thanks for the heads up on Mi Pecado, I wouldn't have given it a try without your suggestion.
I noticed that one of the basketball analysts was saying that all the teams that unexpectedly did well in the BB tournament would have a big boost in their recruiting efforts....that means “our” Gancho teams!
Our “Cielo” was in the earthquake in CA, she’s fine. Did anyone else at Caray Caray feel it?
Sorry about the Baylor ladies' basketball team. But since they have lots of young players, they could be even better next year. They played with a lot of heart against a powerhouse UConn team.
I think I saw that Tormenta en el Paraiso (not sure of that title) has its gran final on the 16th. Don't know if that will affect Gancho's scheduling.
Jarocha- You should post that link to Canaveral on the Pecado page. That was quite the steamy, dramatic opening and close they had!
I am giving Julia's telenovio el Lobo a big thumbs up. Muy guapo! He looks kind of like Robert Downey Jr. But, way hotter. :)
Eduardo in Cuidado Con el Ángel. He was a straightlaced OB/GYN and the best buddy of the hero. Unfortunately his role was not terribly big, but there was a great scene where one of the villains went too far in pissing him off, and POW! Very satisfying. Also, gym scenes.
Arnaldo in Amar Sin Límites. A gay sommelier and the brother of the heroine. One of the highlights in a show where most of the good guys weren't very likable. One night, he and his Girl Friday Ceci got smashed and woke up nekkid together. We saw quite a lot of him.
Julia, maybe El Lobo is wanted by the police, or by a jealous husband. Moni may know nothing of this, having only seen Lobo's good side. Or I could be completely wrong. Hopefully, we'll find out soon.
I think David and Karina may still end up together. He's still pining over her (although he's distracting himself by catting around again)and he and Marta aren't getting along.
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