Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Gancho Tuesday April 27, 2010 Monita And Mauricio Break Up For The 75th Time And Even Dany Is Sick Of It

Alternate Title: ISABEL IS SUCH AN ASP (thanks to Emilia)

This was a no good very bad day. Nope, the episode wasn't that bad, but the dialogue was fast and furious and I relaxed on my note-taking, knowing I could go back and recheck. And then guess what!? My recorder wasn't working. Grrrrrrrrr.

Okay, now that I've got that kvetch off my modest chest, let's get started. We get a brief replay of a drunken Lobo coming on to Monita and then the scene switches to a smarmy Andres coming on to Luisa. Fortunately a cranky papa Mauricio arrives, throws the punk out, sends a screeching Luisa to her room and that's that. If Marcos had arrived and dispatched Lobo, we would have had a perfect parallel.

Hissy has slithered out into the patio, sees Nieves and hisses that she's left Monita with Lobo so they can get it on together and move past this silly Mauricio romance. Nieves is horrified.

Aldo pops out after Luisa has stormed off and wants to talk to Pops about his marriage proposal. Mauricio sides with Estrella and tells him he has to graduate from high school, move on with his education and career. And THEN, if their love is real and he still wants to be with Estrella, they can get together. Aldo correctly points out the flaw in this reasoning: What about the baby? Then the discussion moves on to the upper-caste greaser Andres. He's a buddy of those creeps who tried to force themselves on Estrella. More reasons to keep Luisa locked in her room.

Phone rings and it's Nieves wanting Mauricio to come over lickety-split to save Monita. Isabel is coiled in the shadows listening. Evidently having Mauricio see the drunken lovefest is part of her plan.

Lovefest is not going well. Monita keeps pushing Lobo away (as Isabel told him she would) and he keeps pushing back saying he knows she wants him (as Isabel told him she does) and that she needs a macho man to take hold and dominate her. (this reminds me of a Frenchman I knew who told me the same thing. Fortunately he wasn't drunk at the time and I tried real hard not to laugh and hurt his feelings.)

Well, heck, let's pull away from this charming scene and see what Estrella and Ximena's most excellent joke is going to be. Estrella charges in, grabs onto a scrumptious Rolu (wow, fun joke from Estrella's point of view) rassles him to the couch and covers him with kisses; which, God bless 'im, he rejects and valiantly murmurs "I'm in love with my wife". Hey, I just want a quick romp ("titirito" =shiver, tremble) and Ximena doesn't need to know, answers Estrella.

Ugh. Back with Lobo. He likes a little sass ("rejega") but now to business. He knocks Monita out, jumps on top and proceeds to slobber all over her. (Hope you're not trying to have dinner while you watch this.)

Back to Laverne and Shirley, Mexicali style. Ximena arrives while Rolu swears he did nothing. Ximene plays the game well, castigating him for fooling around and in his own house. For shame. She looks blank for a moment, Estrella signals her to ramp it up a bit and she sputters on a little longer about how she KNOWS Rolu is unfaithful. Ah c'mon, jumps in Estella, it was just "calentura"....nothing serious. Well then I'm due a little "calentura" myself, chirps Ximena, grabbing Arny and telling him to whip her off to a room and "make me yours". Arny looks dazed, confused and eager, all at the same time.

That's enough for Rolu. Don't you dare touch my wife, he yelps. I'm incapable of betraying the woman I love! Nyah nyah time for the gals now. They're laughing and jumping up and down. Those guys...they fell for it hook line and sinker! Rolu and Arny both sulk. Which delights the girls even more.

Back at the barrio, Mau has arrived, looks in and sees Lobo licking around Monita's face, and doesn't realize she's unconscious. Double ugh. Hizzy slithers back, throws both Mau and Lobo out and the fun begins. Mau thinks Monita was drunk and takes a punch at Lobo. Beto joins in. Punches and counter-punches, a real melee until Christian arrives and puts a stop to it. Dang.

More glee. More sulking. Ximena wants to give Estrella an Oscar. Estrella recognizes her own fine actress skills. Further sulking.

Further acting as well. Isabel is in full loving mother mode comforting a dazed Monita and reassuring her that she threw those nasty men out and now everything is okay. Pounding at the door. Mom doesn't want Monita to answer it but she does. And encounters a huffy Mau who accuses her of rushing to replace him. And off he goes.

Back at the apartment, Rolu's recovered enough to start marking his territory again. The only one whipping Ximena off to a room is me. Even our Estrella blushes at that. Off they go, leaving a deflated Arny alone with our star. She's figured out that something's up with Arny but he won't tell. Not yet anyway.

Ah, another faithless lover. Ivan arrives at Mau's apartment to meet an outraged Tere. No he can't come in. How could he break Luisa's heart like that? Her first love, her first dream!...and now the disillusionment. Leave. Luisa overhears the conversation and we see her crying. Reconciliation just around the corner no doubt.

After the ads, a bloody but unbowed Lobo is pounding on the door again, while Hissy repeats her classic sermonette. Men are no good. Can't trust 'em, don't need 'em, they're all the same. How could Lobo assault you and Mauricio not trust you? Poor baby.

Our disconsolate Lab is at the cantina with Beto. Barrio soul brother reassures him that coffee is no good at a time like this. Accelerates the heart rate. Makes heartache worse. Drown it with tequila, man. Mau's bummed because he thinks it was a planned romance rather than an assault. He saw a bottle of wine and two glasses on the table. Beto, ever the smarter one here, points out that something fishy was certainly cooked up by Isabel. Just like she did with Mau and Estrella. Ya think? Let Monita explain. No, pouts our Lab. I won't go on insisting, begging. If she trusts her mom more than me, I'm taking my marbles and going home. (Lord, I'm tired of these spats, aren't you?)

Oh, nice comic break. Thanks, writers. Connie, looking like an exhausted Sophia Loren in Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, is slaving over a hot stove and turning an egg dish into pig slop, while Nieves sneers and Beto complains about being hungry. Some bickering back and forth but somehow Beto and Constanza manage to turn this into a love scene, gazing tenderly at each other in spite of the jibes. He's endeavoring to get her help patching up things between the ever-battling Mau and Moni. Will it work? Stay tuned.

Estrella is back and at the wash basin along with Monita. The former is chirping on about the great joke she and Xime played when she finally realizes how glum Monita is. A sobered up Lobo comes out (is it the next day?) apologizing for his boorish drunken behavior. Estrella reminds him that he just dropped by to say good-bye to Monita. Our little monkey says Fine, git! And Lobo exits to a song with the lyrics "Quiero que te marchas lejos...no te vuelvo ver". Indeed.

Beto and Constanza are still sparring. He's actually lost his appetite (no puede ser!) and keeps cajoling her to help put our humpty-dumpty couple back together again. After all, they're happy (d'ya think I'm happy cooking eggs when you don't eat! snaps Connie). "Me niego a mover un dedo para aydar a Monita". (I refuse to move a finger to help Monita.) But I suspect Beto will convince her.

Yes, it must be the next day because Rolu is crowing about the passionate incredible thousand and one nights packed into one hot romp that he had with Ximena last night. Sure hope Arny finds a woman he can love like that, big bro' adds with a sly smile. Xime fires back with three things: 1) you're talking about how romantic it was, would sure like to find out what happened 2) how come you say it was so good for us, when I wasn't even informed and 3) what did I miss? Arnie smiles. And the beat goes on. (thanks for the help Hombre)

Oh my. Back to our moody Lab. We see his profile (He IS good-looking. Gotta give him that) and he's remembering Tano's unfortunate chat about all the things Monita and Lobo have in common. Dany bounces down the stairs, finds out Mau and Monita are on the outs again and sets her daddy straight. SIT DOWN. LISTEN. WORK IT OUT. TALK IT OVER. WHEN YOU DO, I'LL GET YOU A LOLLIPOP.

Wow, we need more counselors like that. I love lollipops.

Of course, our nefarious counselor, Ms. Asp, is also at work with Monita. Love isn't real....not from men anyway. Only a mother's love is authentic, trustworthy. But you know, everything has a beginning and an end. And my end is near. So let's just forget the whole world and treasure our time together, my little one. Monita sadly agrees and Toxic Mom quietly gloats.

Back at the office, Marcos is offering Sal the vice-presidency and Sal's turning it down. He's worked his whole life. Now he's going to marry Gabriela, travel and enjoy life to the max. Marcos looks delighted. Clearly he's a sucker for romance, even if it costs him a fine vice-president.

Plan B: Constanza approaches Lobo (who STILL hasn't left town), rubs up against him, says she regrets that they were interrupted at the cantina, and while he's perplexed and befuddled, Beto slips a net over him, Connie gets in a few gratuitous kicks, and they haul him off to 'fess up about the assault on Monita to Mauricio.

And while that's going on, our little Arny is attempting to set the story straight with Ximena as well. He tries to tell her what he's been feeling. Those love letters were written by me. I love you madly, crazily.

Shoot! Now we're back with Mau and Monita again. Sorry, but I'm just sick and tired of their endless spats. I still say their marriage is going to be one long deaf and dumb dispute. However she does bring up a chronic gripe of mine. How many times can you hear someone say "perdoname" before you just want to puke? Otherwise it's the usual and she pretends she's actually replacing him with Lobo. Yawn. After the ads, the yada yada goes on. He fires back that she and Isabel deserve each other. I'm almost ready to agree with him. Hasta nunca Monita. Hasta nunca Mauricio. Ojala!

Arny's in full flow now. I know you're the wife of my brother but I can't keep quiet any longer. I love you, I love you. I wrote all those letters that he claimed as his. Xime is charmed. You mean " my mischievous glance, my tender gaze, my smiles that make your soul sweetly merge and melt with mine" are all YOUR words, Arny? Indeed. Double indeed.

Ugh. Back to Toxic Twosome. Monita and Mom. She needs a hug. She's blue. She told Maurico just what Mom told her to, word for word, and Mom was right. Nasty old guy doubted her. Same way he doubted me, sighs mama. Well, we don't need him. I'm ready to do all you ask, Mom, murmurs Monita. More quiet gloating along with pseudo-hug while Isabel reassures her that she will soon be over it. (well, yes, if Hissy kills her, she certainly will be)

Back to True Confessions. We're now talking about that wonderful bubbly feeling Arny gets when he looks at his cuñada-- like when you throw one of those fizzy pills into a glass of water. Like a mini-jacuzzi! chortles Xime. Well, I have a confession too, she continues. I wrote those letters that Lalu sent you, the ones that made you sigh with longing. So "estamos a mano" (we're even).

What do you mean by "estamos a mano" presses Arny. Are you feeling the same thing I am? Well that depends. Do you feel like biting into this apple....and do you have an itch in your left ear? answers Xime. Whoops. Wrong answer. Arny deflates again and Xime heads up the stairs. Where oh where is this going?

Our final scene is at the office. Sal is leaving in high spirits. Mau is dragging in, lowdown and blue. He's in full sulk, refusing all calls. Paula's in full gear, not taking any of that. When he refuses to answer the phone in Spanish, she re-enters and gives him the message in English, and some whatfor in Spanish and he finally answers. It's Tano from Chicago with scary news. Lobo left Chicago because he's wanted by the police for attempting to beat his ex-wife to death.
Gosh, do you suppose this means that Mauricio will ride to the rescue once again?

We hear Constanza's voice saying that Isabel is a very dangerous woman who won't stop until she reaches her objectives. (Mau overhears)


prevalecer = prevail (what Aldo's love will do if it's real)
pantalones bien puestos = a guy who rules the roost; what Lobo purports to be while he assaults Monita
titirito = a sexy romp, a quickie...from the verb "titiritar" to shiver, tremble
rejega = mouthy, cheeky (what Lobo calls Monita when she resists his advances)
calentura = the "hots"
ya no aguantan nada = you guys can't take it (Xime and Estrella laughing at the brothers and their sulking)
el apodo lleva la penitencia = lit. the nickname carries the punishment. Isabel noting that Lobo has lived up to his savage nickname (after the drunken attack)
me das alas = you encourage me, you turn me on...Lobo accusing Monita of coming on to him and then pushing him away
"dees es urhent" = this is urgent, Paula's charming English

Dicho of the Day

El que con lobos anda, a aullar se enseña. You learn how to howl when you keep company with wolves.


Judy B,
Thanks for the great recap and with out a recording. That is impressive.

I also wanted to say I read your comment on the other blog about coming over to Dinero on Monday nights. Like I said on that site. this is why you are my role model. Plus your great recaps. Can't wait till Monday nights on Dinero.

I haven't commented much on this site but have enjoyed everyones recaps and comments. I will miss Gancho and this site when the show draws to an end.

Well, Judy, obvio I have not seen this episode yet, but I just couldn't wait to read your recap. Now I know that there's nothing new with Murderous Mom so I can FF those convos.

What a writing style you have! I love all the "Back with Lobo. Back to Laverne and Shirley (Mexicali style). Back at the barrio." It reads like a finals tennis match.

Great vocab, too. I think "rejega" is a word I'm going to need to remember.

One tiny nitpick...Mauricio can't take his marbles and go home; he doesn't have any! Just kidding; great way to phrase his petulant childlike behavior.

Can Dani just set up a stand (Psychiatric Help, 5 cents) and fix everyone up? She's the most sensible person in the whole show. I like her blunt style.

Judy, another fantastic recap. How in the world could you get so much without even rewinding, including tons of vocab? I'm in awe.

BTW, I was able to tape it, and here's what Xime said at the table with Rolu and Arnie, after Rolu bragged how he fit 1000 nights into one. Uno, you speak so highly of last night, how wonderful and romantic it was, I'd sure like to find out just what happened, Dos, How come you say it was so good for us, when I wasn't even informed?, and Tres, What did I miss? Arnie laughs.

You got the gist of it anyway. Guess Rolu isn't so maraviguau.

I really enjoyed Coni and Beto working together as a team. I love them together!

Hi Hombre, Julia and Pata. Thanks for those comments and Hombre, I'll see if I can copy your 123's and slip it in.

Pata, give me your email so we can correspond more about next Monday, okay?

Pata, you can find my google email by clicking on my name; or you can write to me at backoff1230@hotmail.com

Great recap, JudyB.

Thank you for so perfectly naming the problems in the M&M romance—they fight too much, make love too little and she does not trust him. Period. Like you, I am not perfectly optimistic about their marriage, which we know is inevitable in TN land.

Judy—I am in awe of your ability to catch vocab on the fly.

Hey Carlos:
I LOVE Beto and Coni. Cutest pairing I have ever seen on a TN.

and Julia:
I'll go to see Dani for psychiatric help. She'd make a great shrink, no doubt.


Judy, great job whipping out the recap. If you relaxed your note taking, you must have a photographic memory.

A little disconcerting at the beginning switching back and forth between the good (Xime, etc) and the bad/ugly (Lobo/Moni). Mau got there a little too late, but also early enough. Issy did another great job setting everything up. :( For a couple of seconds, I thought Mau was going to walk out, but glad to see he went in.

"Hissy has slithered out into the patio, sees Nieves and hisses"

"Back to Laverne and Shirley, Mexicali style."

For sure-- " Luisa overhears the conversation and we see her crying. Reconciliation just around the corner no doubt."

"Our disconsolate Lab" -- He wasn't quite as loyal today, going back and forth, but.. still a Lab.

Listen to Beto: "Beto, ever the smarter one here, points out that something fishy was certainly cooked up by Isabel."

That was quite the surprise, Coni making a meal. Yum, Yum, hmm, not quite ready for prime time. Coni didn't even want to eat. Have to say, I have been impressed with Coni. She has been hanging in there on the good side.

Glad to see Sal is retiring.
The big question, WHERE IS LORILOCA??

The way Xime talks with Arnie -- "Are you feeling the same thing I am? Well that depends. Do you feel like biting into this apple....and do you have an itch in your left ear?" -- I have to think she'll end up with Rolu or no one.

Now if a world champeen boxer was wanted by the police, I think that news would have gotten out and people would already know about it.

Hey Jeff, you're using too much rational mind...of course the news should have gotten there waaaay before.... but so much better to have Mau ALMOST not even answering the phone to get the news from....who else...Tano!

And come to think of it, with all these snafus over bomber types getting on planes and different agencies not telling each other about the danger...maybe it is realistic that a champion boxer wanted for attempted murder in Chicago can still pass under the radar back in Mexico City.
+ + +

Elna June, a shame that the story of our primo lovers is doomed to be so tedious. But maybe with Dany at the helm, she can put a stop to all this bickering nonsense. Otherwise they're facing a future of too much talk and not enough action.


Very nice. You never fail to please and even without a recording to refer back to, you nailed it. Good job as always. A sudden sadness came over me tonight realizing that each of us in turn is doing our last recap of this wonderful show. I still haven't decided where I'll go from here. I'd really like to take a little break from recapping and learn to type so that when I tackle this again, it won't seem quite so daunting.

Another source of sadness is that tonight I will finish reading 2666, a book that I've spent most of this past year reading along with my profa Adriana. For the last couple of weeks I've been dragging my feet, reluctant for it to end. This was Roberto Bolaño's last book and the fact that he knew he was dying is obliquely reflected in the last pages. It seems that he was also dragging his feet knowing that it was the last thing he would write.

Elna June,

I've been in Coni's corner from the beginning. How gratifying it is to see her and Beto so in love. Who cares if she can cook? However, those eggs looked pretty much how I like my scrambled eggs. The netting of Lobo was great. I'm glad Coni got in those extra kicks.

Dani was precious today. If M&M would only listen to this wise child.


Judy, this may sound weird, but I've been reluctant to comment knowing this is your last Gancho recap. Kind of like if I commented then I would be acknowledging that this is our last week as a team. I think I need a session with Dani.

ITA with Pata, I will miss Gancho when we conclude.

Carlos, weren't you proud of your girl Coni tonight? I know I was. I do believe that she and Beto are one of my very favorite telenovela couples ever. Quite possibly they are number one, I have to think about it.

Judy, your recaps are always a great combo of hilarity and introspection. I can tell you are a fan of the human condition and enjoy observing people. This really comes through in your recaps. I also am in awe that you were able to do this recap on the fly...Wow! If it helped you speed through the monotony that is our leading couple then so much the better. Your vocab tonight was one of your best ever. Gracias amiga!!

Thank heaven for Xime. Thank heaven for Beto & Coni together at last. Thank heaven for you, Judy B. What a good recap and full of wonderful bits which everyone has already cited.

This really was a black and white night, bouncing from the dark into the light and back again. The M&M madness was horrible to watch (again!) but there was so much to love -- Xime & Estrella, Xime & Rolu, Xime & Arny -- Coni & Beto -- Paula's eenglish.

I'm so psyched to hear that your're doing Monday on Dinero, Judy. Your recaps are always so clever and complete. Only four more laps on the bumpy way to the wedding and the happy ending. I'm going to miss our sweet and loopy supporting cast (Mau & Moni not so much)

Hey, do you think we'll get one of those flash forward epilogues where we come back 6 years later to see Aldo return all grown up to claim his hijo and his Estrella?


Güera, yes!!! An Aldo/Estrella flash forward would not surprise me at all. Actually, I wouldn't mind a flash forward for all of our characters. I'd absolutely love to see Ximena in a few years, still "indecisive", still stringing the hermanos Klunder along.

Guera and Sylvia:

I LOVE the idea of a flash-forward. Give me a grown-up Aldo, MBA ready to run Grupo Semeño and take charge of his 8 year old son. Yes!

I can't stand that this is almost over.

I'll follow you where ever you recap, at least to read your missives. Hombre where are you headed? I know you were keeping an eye on CS, as was I for a while. Julia is over at Mi Pecado already, grrr, Carlos and Kris, what are you kids doing? I just don't know where to go.

Dinero is fun so maybe that makes the most sense.


Judy, thank you for a great recap. Your title did capture the tedium of our main couple though I must admit I do like looking at our handsome lab.

I'm also glad the episode wasn't as dark as it could have been for your sake (and who am I kidding, mine as well). All of your recaps are so good but, as Sylvia noted, it is sad this is your last one for Gancho. We have had such a great group here and while I know we'll "see" one another on other novelas, I'll miss our group.

Did anyone see Lobo's dark past including murder? I mean what he did to Moni was bad enough and that flash to his wife was unsettling but knowing she died is horrible.

Judy, you know I enjoyed your recap even more than the episode itself. But then I suppose everyone does. LOL I've never been so keenly aware of how much I've missed your writing than this past week while lurking and catching up. I was going to ask suggestions for what novela I should watch next, but that question has been answered because you're going to DINERO. Ha.

I never in my life thought I would be so enamored of Beto and Coni and so sick of Mau and Moni. Whadathunk. But wow.

How many times can you hear someone say "perdoname" before you just want to puke? LMAO!

Thanks again, Judy. Hugs and cheers, all. :)

Jeez you guys. Praise the Lord I haven't put on my mascara yet... You're making me cry.

Thanks for all the caring and supportive comments. Our virtual family room on this show has been such a warm place to hang out. No "flaming", lots of laughter and sharing, an atmosphere that went way beyond the usual comment-on-a-show banter.

I suspect one of my reasons for jumping in to help out on Dinero was to avoid thinking about this being my last recap. As you can see, I didn't acknowledge it in my writing. Queen of Denial is one of my favorite country songs.

Hope you all will stop by Dinero and visit me, because I will be very lonely without my Gancho family. (And I'll need those old college No-Doz pills to stay up long enough to write those recaps.) Let's hope Soy Tu Dueña starts next week!!!!

Carlos, I posted a comment on your recap of yesterday.

Judy, the Gancho era is coming to a close. But, I have only wonderful memories of a well written script brought to life by excellent actors and of course, the words of our wonderful recappers who made everything seem real...

"upper caste greaser", "bloody but unbowed", "exhausted Sophia Loren" and "one long deaf and dumb dispute" were marvelous. Sipis. The vocabulary and dicho - sensational as was the wonderful recap.

Judy, I'm not even going to comment on the episode - this is all about you. Thank you for your insight, your humor and most of all, for your heart. All of your recaps were "Judy's Jewels", beautiful, shiny and priceless.

Gracias amiga - from my heart to yours.


JudyB, I can’t believe you got so much, including vocabulary, from the episode with just one viewing. You MUST have a photographic mind to have captured as much as you did as quickly as you did. I love your style, it feels as if we’re together in car zipping along and you’re telling me the best story ever. I’d be really upset about missing you and our “discussions,” but I know I’ll be seeing you at Pecado, and that is comforting. Hey, we need to start up our redemption/reconciliation discussion over there…….maybe not!!! The people at Dinero are lucky to have JudyB arrive on the scene serving up her tasty tidbit recaps, I’m jealous.

I agree EJ, Coni and Beto are a wonderful novela couple. They are a real, with ordinary (well sorta) ups and downs, an incredible chemistry and the best part, a great, great sense of humor. In a way and strangely, the character of Monita, has cast Coni in a positive light. Coni is much more open and vulnerable, therefore her “redemption.” Going forward, she and Beto will have their moments, but they’ll make it and Nieves will soon be doing the thing she does best, being a ferocious yet loving abuela to some tiny B+C babies.

By the way, I loved Beto’s green, “I am green,” T-shirt! The Gancho writers never stop!

I was thinking last night how much I will miss “La Vecindad” in Gancho when I realized that it is “La Vecindad” of Gancholand that I will miss the most…I’m sad.

Ah Diana...from your heart to mine. What a beautiful expression. All your comments, to all of us, are from the heart, amiga....and that's what makes them special.

I always have trouble sleeping after writing a recap. Something about the adrenaline surge that comes when you have to put together something quickly just keeps churning throughout the wee hours.

Anyway, during that tossing and turning last night, I found myself thinking about the one "universal" in these stories and in life.

Everybody wants to be loved.

That yearning takes different forms...and can result in great evil, when that yearning is rejected, and great joy when that yearning is fulfilled.

Even our most odious Isabel wanted to be loved. Her cold character was incapable of inspiring it in Marcos, and her tragedy was her inability to accept the love that was offered...that of her daughter.

Even Oscar's cruel scheming for money and power is just another form of love-seeking to me. Ditto for Jero's pathetic attempts to garner cash and seduce women.

The nice thing about this blog family is that we all felt appreciated and loved when we stopped in here. Our own little internet Cheers bar.

Hopefully we can continue that feeling wherever we end up and whatever shows we watch and comment on.

I know you haven't been watching Dinero, Diana but I hope you'll stop by from time to time since, for now, that's where I'll be recapping. If not, we'll just email!

Hi Sandy. Thanks for all those kind words. I don't have a "photographic memory" alas. That's why I have to write the recaps quickly...before it all leaks out of my brain. Ask me what I did last weekend and there'll be a long uh...pause while I try and remember.

I was intrigued as well by Beto's "I am Green" t-shirt. Was that an ecology message or a play on the word "green" as used in "rabo verde" (dirty old man)? Couldn't decide. But just another indication of the fun and creativity of this group of writers. Hope to see another production from this director soon and to see all of our family back together on it...either as recappers or commenters.

You all are the best!

See? Didn't I say she was introspective?

Judy, you are so right about that universal theme. It most certainly does apply to ALL the characters in this show.

I also find it hard to sleep after a recap. The mind keeps churning, doesn't it?

I got a little confused over on the "OK Bloggers..." post. Do we know what time Soy Tu Dueña will be airing? I was assuming 9:00 p.m.

Judy, Now that your recapping Dinero, resistance is futile. I will start watching even though I don't know who anyone is.

I was really upset that Univision moved Gancho and in an equally perplexing change, moved CS to midnight (to steal Julia's line on another Eduardo) - Eduardo, mi amor! Sigh...

Well, if you can't beat 'em - join 'em. If Dinero is half as entertaining as Gancho was, it will be worth it.


Yes, Dueña will be airing at 9 pm. The confusion is over the start date. I am praying that this two-hour marathon they're posting for Dinero only lasts a week or two. Otherwise we'll all be burned out.

Have to say Fernando Colunga looks absolutely delicious and "ripped". Look forward to admiring those muscles in a strictly professional sense, mind you. So bring on Dueña, the sooner the better!

Sylvia...on another topic, our mutual insomnia...For a couple of weeks I went without any kind of caffeine stimulant whatsoever. Not even Irish Breakfast Tea in the morning. I found I slept better at night, even after a recap. Had no idea that the wee bit of caffeine in the early hours could affect me. Possibly it's the sluggish metabolism of a 70-year-old...what do I know?...but it was an interesting experiment.

For the moment, I'm having a cup of green tea in the morning (THAT takes some getting used to) as some docs recommend it as part of the rosacea diet) but not sure I'm going to stick with that. Just as easy to give up the whole shebang altogether and drink hot water with lemon when I feel a chill.

Sorry...this is probably boring the pants off the rest of you...maybe even Sylvia. Hold onto 'em girl!

Great news Diana. Come on oveeeerrrrrr! You'll quickly get acclimated (I don't know who everyone is either).

It's not Gancho, but the two leads are endearing, the songs are good and there's some ensemble humor in the gang of salespeople at AutoSiglo.

I got hooked in last week during a time when the two leads were thrown together and discovered their romantic vibe. So you've already missed the good part, alas. Now we're probably in for months of misunderstandings and setbacks. So fasten your seat belt, amiga.

Warning: topic insomnia (of course if you need a nap this might put you to sleep)

Judy, even that bit of tea in the a.m. affected your sleep? Hmmm... I gave up coffee when I double-handed to Hawaii, just couldn't nap after a 4-hour watch if I'd had a cuppa, and when we switched to 2-hour night watches, well fuggeddaboudit. Pretty much couldn't drink tea either. Of course I'm now doing the strong tea in the morning. The thought of driving to work at 4:30 without my security tea is kind of daunting.

I do find I sleep better if I've done a long bicycle ride in the afternoon. And I always sleep better on the boat, must be the rocking motion.

I haven't watched any bit of Pecado or Dinero. I'll give them both a peek but will most likely lurk around Pecado since it's the earlier show. I'm still watching Amor Real; I love those costume dramas.

Amor Real is just plain fabulous...with or without costumes, heh heh. Totally understand. If we had that channel here, I'd be glued to it every night.

I also gave up caffeine about a year or two ago, and feel much better in general. I used to think I needed my coffee, but now I have more energy overall (although occasionally I'm forced to take little naps, such as Saturday afternoon, or sometimes from about 7:30 to 8:30 at night). When I do my recaps, I often start Friday night, then go to sleep and finish in the morning. A number of times, though, I've woken up in the middle of the night with some "great idea". This is probably why I need those Saturday afternoon naps, with the beautiful opera music in the background, peacefully lulling me to sleep.

EJ, what am going to do next? Due to work and time restrictions, I have to take a break from recapping. I've sort of given up on Corazon Salvaje, since I also watch Perro Amor, which is on at 9:00, and now I won't have to tape it. I've been following Dinero, but I don't think I can watch 2 hours a night. But I will probably be watching some of it, commenting when possible.

Greetings Hombre....Hmmm..was it Alice in Wonderland who kept saying "interesinger and interesinger"? Anyway, nice to know that there are others giving up caffeine and feeling better for it. The first two days teaching aerobics after giving up coffee were....interesting. Felt like my feet were glued to the floor, though nobody said anything.

Now I just feel better. Could be psychologically...no longer needing that "crutch". Anyway, I know I have an addictive personality and my dentist knows it even better than I. Giving up sugar was harder than the caffeine. Just wish I'd done it before I had to get all these crowns and root canals.

Okay, end of medical stories!

Envy you guys who get other Spanish channels but feel very blessed to have even one. I was trying to learn Spanish on my own and when my channel-surfing husband came across Univision, I was thrilled. Closed captions were icing on the cake.

Ganchomates- I have still not had a chance to catch up on the shows, but reading today's comments I realized that this is the last week of the show! I knew it was coming, but now that it is here, I can't believe it. I am really sad about seeing this group break up, but I am actually ready to see our characters grow and get on their path to final happiness. Of all our characters, our heroine Monita seems to be the only one that has not only NOT grown, but seems to have gone backwards. And for a race car driver, Mau is in the unusual position of being stick in neutral this whole novela. But, how I love all our other characters and their continuing evolution:
-The kiddies have learned to love and cherish a stable home (although Mau has not done the greatest job at that).
-Aldo is continually learning to be a responsible man, which includes allowing himself to be a kid.
-Estrella is also learning to be responsible and grounded, while finding the balance with also pursuing her dreams.
-Paula snagged her partner in crime for life and is moving herself up the corporate ladder.
-Gabby and Sal are pursuing their love and have learned that work (something they both do well) is not the most important thing in life.
-Xime has learned that she is someone worthy of love and a hot commodity. Remember our sprite at the beginning of this show? Always chasing after the love of men who couldn't care less about her.
-Rolu and Arny have learned to let go of their prejudices, and let themselves fall for someone as whimsical, magical and different as Xime.
-Beto is less of a hothead, less impulsive, and a whole lot less selfish than he used to be. He has matured into a loving/loyal beau and friend.
-Nieves..well, Nieves has learned to spread her ampil love around to not just Beto and Moni (who she was pretty demanding of in the beginning), but also to Cesar and Marcos, and others in the vecinidad. She also now has higher expectations of her Betito.
-And Connie...Connie has grown the most. But I'll leave it to those who truly love her to analyze her rise to grace.

I'll miss these characters, and the wonderful group here. Can't wait to see what these final few episodes bring.

Wow...what a thoughtful analysis Vivi. That's worthy of the final episode. Maybe we can put it in the epilogue.

Now gosh, who could you be thinking of to analyze Constanza' growth in grace and maturity? Would it be.....nope, not the Church Lady but none other than our Dr. Carlos.

I'm sure there will be a paen to Constanza somewhere in his final recap of our beloved show on Monday.

Glad you're back Vivi. We missed your fine mind and loving presence, but sure did enjoy the photos of your trip.

I'm with you Judy B in envy of those who have more than one Spanish channel and grateful to have the one I do have.

Vivi, I liked your analysis of our cast of characters. I am so going to miss them and this group. (Although I'm getting exhausted trying to keep up with Gancho AND two hours of Dinero. Curses to you Univsion!

I'm so glad that you will be picking up a night on Dinero, Judy. I am in awe of your recaps.


Judy: You did a wonderful job in your last recap for Gancho. I'm going to check out your recaps for Dinero just because I would miss you style of writing too much if I didn't.

Vivi: What a wonderful analysis of our characteres. Yes, Monita went backwards as soon as her mom appeared again. She is as stubborn as a kid now. Mau never learned how to take care of things even though he always believed he could.

Beto grew SO much as a character! Remember when he believed he was inlove with Monita? And he wanted Coni too and believed that he could have both just because he was a "macho cabrio"? How he refused truly work?

Of course Coni is the one with the biggest growth but I agree that Carlos is the one that would do her analysis justice. He was always pulling for her, even when she was at her worst.

Judy: Unfortunately the "Soy Verde" shirt is not a reference to a joke or a play on words. At the time this show was finishing, there were elections for the Chamber of Representatives in several states and the Green Party payed Televisa to have their propaganda in their shows.


Hi Güera...gosh, do you think the Dinero line will put up with our basketball mania come tournament time? Sure hope so.

Know what you mean about keeping up. I was on total telenovela overload yesterday. Watched and wrote up Gancho. Watched Mi Pecado while I ate dinner, then watched two hours of Dinero to try and get a feel for the show. Then felt like prying out my eyeballs with a spoon! They were absolutely fried. Won't be doing that again anytime soon.

Anyway, it will be nice to find some old pals over there....you, Vivi, Jeff and now Diana has promised to stop by.

Reminds me of when I was a kid. We moved every year so my memories of school all began with standing in front of the class (knobby knees knocking) while the teacher introduced me to the current gang.

How is Grupo Sermeño going to survive without Sal and Gabi? I hope some of those mute underlings are great at their jobs because left in the incapable hands of Mau and Beto, that place is in trouble. Paula's smart but she doesn't know the business the way Gabi does.

Great how the big joke gave Estrella an excuse to kiss Rolu and Xime got to smooch Arnie. Just like Tano's helpful plan to help Paula got him a few kisses. Why don't I ever execute brilliant tricky schemes that involve kissing handsome men? I am going about life all wrong.

Ah Jarocha! what would we do without you? First of all, many thanks for that explanation about Beto's shirt. There was no way I could have known that. What a wonderful resource you are.

And I'm thrilled you're going to stop by the Dinero line. It is very sad for me to have to leave this group and this team but there is no choice. Once we were bumped out of the evening lineup, we were, in effect, 'downsized' out of existence by Univision.

Hopefully, somewhere down the road we can all be reunited again....and on a terrific, entertaining comedy like this one.

Oh my, Miss Julia...I see you're doing some deep thinking today. Let me join you. Given a choice, which would you prefer...a smooch fest with Julian (with or without towel), Eduardo (NOT in his current incarnation as Lobo...or yes?) or Rolu?

For me (okay, factor in that I'm 40 years younger) I think I'd like give Mr. Rolu a try. He has that darkly dangerous look that appeals to timid IwuzraisedPresbyterian gals like myself.

Anxiously awaiting your answer (as they say in the personal ads)

Judy, yes! Rolu would be my choice too. So handsome, somehow in a different way that most telenovela galans.

By the way Hombre: from Xime's three things I gathered that she and Rolu didn't have congress the night before, not that he wasn't so apt in that area. Xime already had a marathon with Rolu one night and she seemed more than satisfied ;).


Hmmm, Judy. Obviously this is an important question so I have given it much thought. I guess of those three I would take Rolu. Alternately, Eduardo, mi amor!...except looking like he did in Amar Sin Limites. Definitely not Lobo; the violence is just too off-putting.

As a dark horse, could we consider Arnie in his previous role as Rocky on Guapos as a contender? We know from all the swooning ladies on that show that he was very skilled in the kissing arts.

Judy, Since you don't do caffeine or sugar, I'm glad you're apparently addicted to recapping. Welcome over to Dinero. You'll join a group of great recappers: Pata, Blog Mom, Vivi, and Flores. Can't wait to see your recaps of Dinero.
Being the Queen of DeNile, it was appropriate that you were fortunate enough to be able to recap an asp. ;)

Whoa there Jeff. You're getting more wickedly witty by the day. I think YOU should be a recapper as well. Heck, you've got a native informant right by your side. Which brings me to my next question. When are we going to hear from your better half? We had to nudge Mike before Emilia got on the line....and the rest is history. Would love to hear from her.

Jarocha and Julia. Okay. It's unanimous. Rolu is the darkly handsome, intriguing choice of the dames so far.

On the Arnie question: Arnie types are good for real life. These sensitive nerds are real keepers and yes, they CAN kiss. But we're talking "fantasy" here. For that, only Rolu will do.

Sylvia, Diana, Elna June, Vivi, Güera?...anybody else out there want to offer an opinion?

And lest we forget, our own Dr. Carlos always voted for our sinister galan.

As to the runnerups:
Don't remember Eduardo from Amar Sin Limites, although I do remember him from Cuidado. But here's the thing about those really ripped guys. I used to teach in a Nautilus facility and the muscle-bound men are more interested in their own refelection in the mirror than anything else. Not promising as partners, I can tell ya.

Eduardo (mi amor!) played Arnaldo the gay sommelier in ASL, and he was smokin'. I know what you mean about the gymbots, though...that is why I am only interested in my fictional version and not the real thing.

I think our nerdy Arnie actor is handsome and charming. Just me? Okay.

I don't think I'd be atracted to Arnie in real life though. I do find nerdy guys cute but his germophobia and neuroses would be a big turn off for me, personally. I always prefer the more relaxed guys. Maybe because my own father is the neurotic type and we tend to clash most of the time.

I did truly like his character in Guapos Julia. Rocky was much more atractive. Kudos to Ricardo Margaleff for playing this part in a completely different way.



Just so there is no confusion, Rolu has always been my choice for Ximena. I remember that Susanlynn (and probably others) were politely tolerant when I reminisced over my unrequited adolescent pining for Timothy O'. The character I would chose to kiss, perhaps surprisingly for most here, is Ximena. AS you recall, Coni reminds me of my high school sweetheart Sherry B, the pretty little clarinetist who taught me some finer points of kissing, so in a way, been there, done that. I'm intrigued by Ximy.

We are all a little annoyed with Moni right now, but she was the only one who didn't completely give up on and abandon Coni when everyone else, including Beto and her own dad, did.


Jarocha, I was proposing his character from Guapos as the kiss-off finalist. I guess he still wouldn't be my top choice, though.

Interesting that our galán Mauricio isn't even in the running. Isn't everyone supposed to be in love with the main man?

Hey, might any of you soon-to-be-unemployed Gancho recappers be interested in a guest spot on Mi Pecado? Or does anyone else want to give it a go?

I'll be traveling next week and won't be able to recap on the 4th. I asked for a volunteer on the Mi Pecado thread as well, of course, but I don't know how many understudies we have over there since we just recently filled all the slots and have needed substitutes other nights as well.

If no one wants to do it we can of course just put up a space for discussion, but I know everyone would love to read a report from a seasoned pro or a new comic genius!

I like Mau, despite his lack of common sense and intelligence most of the time, but even in his best days I don't find him so atractive. I'd rather kiss Beto, smell and everything.

I think Rocky would be a good contender Julia.

If we are able to choose past roles then Raúl Araiza's role as Gerardo in Cadenas de Amargura would be fantastic for me. He played one of the sweetest galans ever, I don't know how ENDA got it so wrong with Emiliano. It's not even that they extended that novela and got him married, I wasn't a fan of his before that either.

I think Raúl exudes alot of warmth and he is always touching his co-star in some way that makes you feel the connection between them. In Cadenas he was dating his co-star Daniela Castro (they dated for years) so they were completely at ease with each other and here with Laisha they've been friends for a while and they already had the experience of working as a couple so you can feel how trusting they are with each other.

So yeah, it would be Rolu and then Beto/Gerardo for me, then maybe Christian and Rocky.


As for me I'd first pick Beto right out of the shower -- but not in his usual odiferousness. Second I'd pick Arny -- or Rafe from Dinero. (Can you see a type there?)


Guera- I'm with you on your picks. I love sweet goofy guys. :)

Carlos..you're cracking me up. Everyone on this line knows that yes...you liked Rolu for XIMENA. (although I understand, there was some quiet confusion with the 9 pm folks).

Julia, sure we're supposed to be hot for the main galan. But for some reason Mauricio reminds me of those perfect china dolls some relative would give you for Christmas. You never wanted to play with them. They just sat on a shelf while you dragged around some ragged baby and equally ragged blankie and were perfectly happy.

And I agree, Jarocha...Beto has a "realness" and a warmth that is very attractive, just like his earthy outspoken mother Nieves.

Plus Beto is FUNNY. You can't make love all day or look at a guy all day, but a fella who can make you laugh....now that's a keeper!

PS I hope all you sweet goofy guys reading this realize how hawt you really are! We may drool over these muscle-bound types but no one wants to take 'em home (or off the shelf).

Diana suddendly I was reminded of the Aztecs, they were clean freaks, they used to bathe two times a day, washed their mouths after eating and chewed gum to clean their teeths, they used to take the trash out of the city every day, they had some type of sewer conducts for human disposals and the liked their women smelling fresh. When the Spaniards came they used to smell pretty bad so they took them to a ceremony where they threw incense at them to mitigate their smell. Maybe Beto needs to go see a chamán for some incense.


Judy, when I was little I had this whole collection of dolls my grandparents brought from their travels around the world, dressed in native attire from Switzerland and Italy and Argentina and whatnot. I think some of my sisters' dolls survived, but mine are all trashed and ragged. I can't keep my hands off the merchandise no matter how pretty. In museums I always get rebuked by the guards for touching things.

I still prefer the nerdy funny types, though. People aren't dolls; they should have stuff to talk about!

I wonder if Marcos or Paula is enforcing showering as a requirement of Beto's paycheck.

Ay yi yi Julia. You sound like MY Julia. My other daughter's godmother sent her some exquisite dolls from Japan. After Julie was finished with them, they were in shreds. Ditto everything else she ever touched. Plus, I couldn't pass on any of her baby/toddler clothes to other mothers because they were all torn and stained and yes, gross.

She's a great kid though. Smartest of the three, probably. Can't get her books back to the library on time, but reads like a maniac. AND ALWAYS HAS SOMETHING TO SAY.

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