Saturday, April 10, 2010

Salvaje - 4/9/10: Wedding Bell Blahs For Aimee

Capítulo 36

As we settle in for a night of wedding eve jitters we FF>> to jip (join in progress) as Juan tells Gabe that he’s not going back to Spain. He cannot forget Aimee and wants to return for her. Gabe does secret mental cartwheels at the chance to see his Estrella again.

The next morning we see Juan, Gabe, Colibri and the crew enjoying themselves on the return trip. That night Juan can only think of coming back to Aimee and of never leaving her side again.

At a family dinner that evening, Rodrigo toasts to Aimee and Renato’s happiness because the following day they are marrying. “Renato I give you my beloved Aimee. Make her happy. Love and respect her all your life.” Renato promises to dedicate his life to making Aimee happy. (No small task. Viewerville snickers in unison. --The poor, lovesick puppy definitely has his work cut out for him!) As Regina politely smiles and suffers in silence, Aimee pretends she can’t think of anything she’d rather do and promises to make him happy also. Clemencia looks on with more than a bit of apprehension. Regi thinks to herself that tomorrow she loses Ren for ever. Aimee thinks to herself that tomorrow she loses Juan forever.

Out at sea, meanwhile, Juan and his men fight to save the ship from an unexpected storm. After being knocked out by a giant wave, Juan recovers and encourages his crew with his bravery. He promises to get them to port safely. (Did we ever doubt he would? Pshaw!)

During dinner at the finca, Noel mentions that the girls’ mother had a given him something before she died. Leonarda secretly worries that it was some sort of proof that she’d poisoned her. Noel explains that Constanza left him a small amount of money from her parents’ inheritance to invest right before she died. He invested it well and it now is a whopping fortune. His instructions were to give half to each of her daughters on their wedding day.

A much relieved Leonarda gets up and makes her own toast to the happy couple. “Tomorrow you will be united and then nothing and no one will separate you.” This last little turn of phrase makes Aimee freak and she rushes out of the room. Regi offers to go after her and handle Aimee’s “wedding eve jitters.” Leona gripes about Aimee’s outbursts [arrebatos]. Rod comments that unfortunately women cannot handle their emotions. (Chauvinist!) Ren gets up to check on Aimee and Leonarda races after him. She whispers a warning to remember her advice from before that he shouldn’t allow Aimee to become some tyrant that forces him to give in to every little whim of hers. (Now that’s certainly the pot calling the kettle black! Shut. Up. Leona.) Ren listens dutifully and then follows after Aimee and Regi. When Leona returns to the table Noel asks what she said to him and she replies that she reminded him that women are fragile, but their duty is to serve and please. (Okiedok.) Rod likens it to a passing feminine tempest in a teapot and says they should retire to the salon for post prandial coffee and brandy.

In the salon, Rod congratulates Noel on the way he invested his wife’s inheritance. Noel says it’s his job and then advises Rod that he probably should sell his shares in wood as the rumors that prices will be going lower are continuing. He’s telling Raul de Marin to do the same. Rod scoffs at Noel’s fearful admonitions and says he’ll buy whatever de Marin decides to sell because he thinks the decrease in price is only temporary and will eventually double or triple.

Ren the Romantic thinks giving flowers to Aimee will cheer her up. Regi prays and promises God to help her sister stay on the high road with Ren. She’s determined to help Aimee conquer the memory of “that savage” for the sake of Aimee and Ren’s marital bliss. (Regi deserves at least an E for effort, I guess.) Aimee sneaks out of the house again.

Juan and his crew manage to avoid total disaster. He thanks his lucky stars and laughs that the sea loves him. Gabe is muy relieved.

Tia Griselda is angry with Jimena for only bringing back a few paltry coins for the day’s work. She tells Mena she should look for the young man who’s always after her and snooker some big bucks out of him. Jimena says he’s gone and probably never coming back. Grizzy angrily tells her she was stupid to let him get away from her. She should have seduced him and that would have done the trick, says Grizzy. When Mena says he doesn’t love her, Grizzy gets physical and says who’s been talking about love? “Payos [non-gypsies] don’t fall in love with gypsies! They despise us! That’s why you take advantage of them. "Figure it out, fool!" [entender, informal use] “Love between payos and gypsies doesn’t happen!”

Juan and his men finally pull into a cove to repair the damage from the storm. Since they all want to get back home in a hurry, especially Juan, the men agree to work at it all through the night.

Mena dreams sweet dreams about Gabe surprising her with the news that he loves her and not Estrella.

Ren takes Regi and Clemencia to see the room that he and Aimee will use and the room that will be the nursery. Regi holds back her tears at seeing the “nuptial bed.” Ren says his whole world is Aimee. Aimee, Aimee, Aimee! Regi fakes another polite smile. (I am ready to barf! Stick a sock in it already, Renato! Sheesh!)

Outside, alone in the garden, Aimee cries over Juan’s leaving her. At the same time, Juan, desperate to return for her, is looking up at the stars. “Aimee! Aimee! Are you thinking of me, Aimee? Are you waiting in anticipation for my return so that I might take you in my arms again? --So that we might never be apart again? My Aimee!”

Meanwhile, Aimee cries because she thinks Juan has probably forgotten her by now. “Damn you, Juan del Diablo! Why didn’t you take me with you? Damn you! Damn you!!”

Juan and the crew crack open some of the bottles of rum they picked up in Havana. They toast to their bravery and to love and passion. Gabe notes the change in Juan’s attitude.

Finally Regi can’t take it anymore and rushes out of the room. Clem tells the worried Ren that women are emotional beings. All the excitement has gotten Aimee and Regi all worked up. He hugs Clemencia and thanks her for staying on with them. FF>>

Gabe mentions the change in Juan and says Juan wasn’t so happy go lucky when he first met him. He was filled with hate and bitterness. Now it’s as if the woman who has enchanted him has stolen his soul. Juan says he’s right. Aimee has and now he knows she is the only woman in the world who can make him happy. He wants to make her happy also, happy always. (Cue the turtle doves.)

Aimee goes looking for Ren in the study. She apologizes for the earlier outburst and blames it on the excitement. On the one hand, she says, she realizes she’s going to be leaving her father’s house forever, and on the other, she’s so excited at the anticipation of a future full of love at his side! (Gag me! The woman knows how to lay it on thick, I’ll give her that.) Ren says he understands completely and will not be judgmental. He then compares her to Regi and says they are alike. They have the same sensibilities. (Renato, ever heard about how the word “assume” breaks down? It makes an ass out of “u” and an ass out of “me”…..) Ren then smiles and says he wants her to feel like a queen in her own little realm there at the finca. He wants her to be as happy as he himself feels having her with him always. (Cue more turtle doves.)

Ren also has a surprise for Aimee. He has made a cocktail for her out of pineapple and champagne. He will call it the “Aimee” and all their children and grandchildren will toast to her with it and remember her each time they taste it. Aimee pretends to be thrilled with the drink and his uber-romantic tribute to her. Aimee, though, is secretly thinking to herself that nothing is as intoxicating [embriagante] as Juan’s lips.

Back at the campfire on shore, Juan excitedly tells Gabe that he plans to buy Devil’s Rock and build a huge mansion on it for Aimee. Then he plans to buy numerous ships so that they can travel together all over the world, not to mention several carriages in all colors and styles to ride in with her on his arm. “So that she’ll feel proud of me.” Anything she wants he’ll do for her. Gabe says he never would think a woman could change a man so much. Juan says it has. He loves his Aimee and that’s a fact. She’s to be his and woe to the man who lays eyes on her because he’ll kill him for sure. They toast to that.

Raul and Fulgencio are enjoying themselves at the Can-Can’t Club. Fully tells Raul that he’s got great news for Don Rod. He bribed a sailor and found out that the man who’s Aldama’s representative set sail for Spain and that he’ll probably not be back. They’ll probably never see hide nor hair of him again. Raul is secretly in seventh heaven. “I’m free! I’m free!” (Cue the polka band.) He gets up and dances a jig with all three of the hoofin’ hookers.

Gabe tells Juan to be careful because he’s worried about what will happen once they return. Juan’s enemies will be laying for him for sure. Juan’s got plans to take care of both Rodrigo Montes de Oca and Leonarda Vidal. Gabe bursts Juan’s balloon by asking him if he’s certain the woman he loves will accept him once he destroys her father. Suddenly Juan’s not such a happy camper. Seems the big galoot didn’t consider that and he’ll need some time to think that one through a bit.

Aimee’s wedding day arrives. Leona, Rosenda and Clemencia are fawning over her (well, Rosenda, not so much). Regi comes in. The two compliment each other’s appearance and hug. Aimee is full of smiles for the others, but deep down it's anything but. (Can you say "Run Away Bride", class?)

Juan is getting close to land and tells Gabe he plans to lay anchor off Devil’s Rock and then go looking for Aimee.

Back at the finca, Aimee comes downstairs. Rod gives her his blessing. He reminds her that her duty will be to her husband and that after the ceremony she will no longer be just his daughter, but also Renato’s wife “till death.” Seems Aimee is still having a hard time with that last little bit of phraseology.


Jardinera, you always give my weekend a pleasant start. Lol at:

"Gabe does secret mental cartwheels."

"Regi deserves at least an E for effort, I guess."

and my favorite: "(Renato, ever heard about how the word “assume” breaks down? It makes an ass out of “u” and an ass out of “me”…..)"

great job! :)


Thanks for the fine recap. Like Cielo (Hi, Cielo!) Your recap along with Hombre's over on Gancho are the fun start to my weekend.

I just don't know about Aimee. My husband asked me why she is marrying Renato, and I had to admit that I didn't really know. Everything bodes ill for this couple from her affair and his naivety to his love of the land and hers of town. This could get ugly.

Nice catch on the investment talk between Noel and Rod. It looks like Juan is about to cost Rod some major bucks, um I mean pesos.

Now about Juan's runs to Cuba, how long does it really take to get from Veracruz to Havana on a ship? Anybody here ever sailed that route? Also, I know this may seem like a majorly stupid question, but are Juan and his merry band considered smugglers? If that is the case then why do random people in Veracruz know about Juan's sailing schedule? Wouldn't you want that info to be SECRET? Also, why are they traveling with a CHILD on those rough seas at night?

I haven't been over here much lately. Did I hear that you guys could use a recappiing sub? I might be able to fill in, but I need to know the dates.

Iron Elna O'Velvet

OK, a little bit of research turned up this article in a 2007 edition of the Journal of Marine Archaeology...

"During colonial times, an active maritime trade existed between Spain and the New World, with convoys sailing annually to and from Mexico and returning via Havana, Cuba, after wintering in America. A database constructed from secondary and open sources revealed that Spanish vessels were sailing over open waters along a northern path near Louisiana and a southern path across the central Gulf of Mexico. These routes were traversed in about one month and scheduling for the convoy was based on an understanding of the Americas’ meteorological and oceanographic climate. However, other factors may also have been involved in the directional layout of the routes".

So much for cinema verite. I think Juan's making the trip overnight. That is some boat he has got. Cap'n Silvia Sharkbait, a serious sailor herself, should check out some of Juan's naval architecture.

OK, one more bit of data and I'll stop...The same Sr.A. Lugo-Fernández who was the principal writer of the article I quoted in my last post,writes that the number of nautical miles from Veracruz to Havana is a minimum of 985 and a maximum of about 1300. I suppose it depends on the winds and how many times you cover the same nautical mile, so to speak.

Iron Elna O'Velvet, still trying to navigate the waters of CS...

"but are Juan and his merry band considered smugglers?"

I don't think so. Juan likes to attack the bad boys' ships like a Mexican Robin Hood, but most of his businesses are legal. In this story Fulgencio's the smuggler, IIRC.

Hey, Elna. :) thanks for the interesting historical bit on trade. And a recap from you would be a real treat. The days that Cheryl needed a sub were April 14 and 21 and May 5.

Mornin' y'all! Boy aren't you the early birds gettin' worms. ¡Las muy madrugadas!

Happy to give you a vew chuckles, there, Cielo!

Iron Elna, interesting data. Gawd knows where you found it. I think you should definitely give recapping a try. Cheryl could use the assist and I think you'd be great!

Thanks, Jardinera. I have so much to do today..laundry and cleaning, but I had to say thanks for the recap. I must say that Juan's long hair and massive shoulders in those poet shirts are still doing it for me. I can't wait until we move forward a little. Scary Spice in that snow white gown with that scarlet hair was...scary. Que lastima for you Spicy. It looks like you are going to be to-death-do-we-part joined to Rennie. No more crazy cave loving for you , my girl. Would Juan dally with the wife of the guy who saved his life??? I think not. Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I must get some chores done. p.s. The temp here has dropped from the high 80s into the 50s and 60s , but it is nice and clear and sunny. Have a good weekend.

Jardinera you never fail to disappoint LOL about Leonarda's advice for Renato pot calling the kettle black indeed.

Mad Bess/Susanlynn: Thanks for stopping in. I've got sunshine to plant my forsythia and English daisies in this afternoon. Juan still does it for me too. Muy guapo.
Anon. 12:45PM. Thanks! Hubby loves Leona's nasty character. Go figure.....

Cheryl and Jardinera and Cielo:

I have done a couple of subsitution recaps over on the Gancho Board. I love it. I can do May 5th. Unfortunately, I am traveling on the other dates.

Hi, Aribeth. Thanks for the clarification. so that means that Juan is NOT in trouble with the officials—he is paying taxes on his imports—but Fulgencio would be in trouble if he was caught. Right? Well at least there is no possible case of mistaken identity there! Grin.

Jardinera~~~My enormous forsythia that leans over our backyard wooden fence bloomed early this year and has never looked more voluptuous. Our black Tody just about killed it after hub first planted it for me, but I guess he actually helped it. It's always been strong and verdant.

Thanks, Jardinera. An excellent recap, nice balance of story and snark.
Elna June, great nautical research. Juan's tub (excuse me, Luzbel) rides so low in the water (or has such low sides), it's no wonder it almost foundered. I like the way the guys could repair it overnight with just the light from the flames. As Juan says, trust your captain.
Aimee looked more like a wedding cake than a bride in that elaborate gown. So, will next week bring us some real fireworks with an interrupted wedding?
La Paloma

I should proofread before I hit that publish button. ''Our black Tody'' was meant to read ''our black lab Toby.''

La Paloma: I'd say a wedding cake with mucho more frosting than cake. We all know what happens when you eat mostly frosting. Something tells me that's what's gonna happen to Renato very soon!
Susanlynn: I had a huge forsythia at my old house years ago that I planted from a sprout and really missed seeing it come out first every spring. Missed it like an old friend. Don't know why I never planted one before now. Our big problem is the jackrabbit that's moved in. He's gotten fat off the tulips and hyacinth this spring. I figure he'll stay since the eatin's so good. The cats around this neighborhood are so well fed they look up, chirp and then go back to sleep.

Aribeth: Wondering if you've woken up or gone to sleep over there. I always confuse the time difference.
; > )

Jardinera~~~Toby also trampled down a lilac bush that never really started to grow and has been stunted ever since. It hasn't died , but it only puts out a few feeble shoots each year with no flowers. My daughters bought me a miniature lilac bush a few years ago , and that one has survived and has tiny blooms each year. I'd like to get another forsythia or two for the front yard. The bright yellow color reminds me of my mother because she always liked me in yellow. I stopped planting tulips because something eats the bulbs. Howvever, my daffodils and hyacinth are doing well. We usually take lilies or daffodils to the cemetary for Easter and later plant the bulbs here at home. Happy spring everyone . ~~~Susanlynn, still cleaning

Jardinera: :-D
I wrote my comment after that I woke up*. :-) I'm in the GMT+1 time zone, right now it's 21:50.

Oh, I haven't thanked you for the recap yet! I loved your little stings on Aimée.

"Gag me! The woman knows how to lay it on thick, I’ll give her that."

She's an awesome liar, and also very talented in whitewashing herself and turning any situation in her favor. If she had more than one dimension (and less clownish outfits), she'd be a great character.

Good day Jardinera and thanks so much to you and this week's recappers for your wonderful masterpieces. I am woefully behind on CS and trying to catch up.

Iron Elna, you make some excellent points about Juan's journey from Veracruz to Havana. Good on ya girl for researching that! The fastest vessel on the water, SV Groupama 3 (just broke the Jules Verne around-the-world record), would have a hard time making it from Veracruz to Havana so quickly. I don't know who designed or made the sails for Juan's boat but considering it averaged about 41 knots of speed I'd say the thing qualifies as a sled. I wonder if he would consider loaning it to me for my race to Hawaii in July? Do you suppose he would consider skippering it for me too? I would gladly give up the helm for that hunk of deliciousness.

CS Recappers, Elna June has been the substitute recapper for us over on Gancho. Jardinera you are right, she is a wonderful recapper, a real pro right out the gate. I would love to see her get her hands on a CS episode.

Capn Sylvia: Ahoy, matey! Every time Hubby sees the Luzbel sailing he bursts out laughing cuz the sails are always blowing the wrong way for the direction he's sailing in those long shots.
Mad tired Bess: Sweet way to remember your mother! I've told my cats they can tiptoe through my tulips as long as they remember to fertilize them every so often. So far it's worked out pretty well.
? ; > ))

Hi Jardinera. Wow, you banged this one out early. I usually look for you late Saturday afternoon. Can't pick my favorite line 'cause I loved the whole durn thing. Your asides are always funny and I LOVE THE TITLE. Thanks amiga.

I'm not planting anything on this beautiful day but I DID mow the lawn. Does that count? Felt great to be outside. We Mid-Westerners don't take Spring and sunny weather for granted.

JudyB: Well, I was pretty surprised myself it got done so quickly. I hardly knew what to do with my Saturday morning! So, I treated myself to more plants.....

Mowing grass --the chore for tomorrow afternoon. Nothing better than smelling fresh cut grass in the hot afternoon sun, 'cept for fragrant flowers in mid-morning. ?8 > }

As for that title, I also thought about another, but it was more appropriate for what probably will happen on Monday. Shades of DS I do believe for poor Juan. No way he could get back in time to stop any wedding ala The Graduate, I'm sure. Aimee's made her new bed and now she'll have to sleep in it. We can have a show of hands for all those who give a flip. I think Aimee's first anvil is about to lay her flat as a pancake.

I hope Renato is not stuck with Aimee para siempre. Would be like Leonarda y Noel.
I think Regina will end up with Juan, but Renato doesn't deserve Aimee.

Thanks for another great recap, Jardinera. I liked "Ren the Romantic", "cue the polka band", the "assume" explanation, and lots more.

Now, since Aimee has done the nasty with Juan about a dozen times, can we safely assume she's pregnant? If so, I think it's much better for the drama of the story for her to be married to Renato when she starts showing. That's why I think Juan will be too late. Could be wrong, though.

Hmmm..The Can-Can't, bad belly dancing , and now the polka. I am starting to think of this show as ''Dancing with the Hos.'' And how about that Renato creating the very first version of the Pina Colada. Meanwhile, Scary Spice is thinking about Sex on the Beach...and I don't mean the cocktail.

Great recap and an amusing title, Jardinera. Aimee: " Juan I love you so and always will." She has the wedding bell blahs. Poor Renato doesn't have a clue as to Aimee true feelings about him and the wedding. Can we say cuckold (not married but certainly engaged at the time of the trysts.)

After Juan's and his crews' hilarious and miraculous survival at sea (had to laugh at the water buckets being thrown or the hoses being used to simulate a storm,) will he make it to the church on time?

Still lovin' this campy novela and, especially, Juan all cleaned up with his ponytail.


Mad Thirsty Bess: I think Rennie boy should have more appropriately created the precursor adult beverage of a Kamakazi marrying Aimee! Darn, now I'm thirsty, too!
Hombre: figured the months yet? I sure think from the time she fainted till the wedding she'll have a chance to lie about it as being Ren's baby if she really is embarazada. But again, that baby will have a bit of color to give him a clue it couldn't be his. I think Juan is supposed to be half indigeno.
GinCA: Cuckold works for me! Yeah, despite Ren's having only one topic of conversation (Aimee) the novela still keeps my attention, too.

Cielo: Saw your recap! Muy bueno resumen muchacha!

Elna, look forward to your May 5th recap.

Jardinera, gracias!


Great recap Jardinera, I've been busy catching up for all this week's episodes. I think Colibrí is adorable. And I don't think it was at all uncommon for young boys to serve aboard ships in those days. But the whole nautical thing is a bit of a stretch. All that weird seamanship is about as believable as the Can-Can't girls performance.

Aimee's got to have a bun in the oven by now (or so they would have us believe). Why all the loss of appetite and fits of vapors. Would it be possible that's why she wasn't too keen on drinking the special pre-nup cocktail? The wedding dress was awfully frothy and it certainly showed her considerable assets to great advantage. The one who worries me is Rosenda. If she's really pregnant (the actriz) one would think she'd want some good support for those girls instead of letting gravity get the better of them just for the sake of showing skin.

Still totally puzzled about the speculation on the lumber market. But I wouldn't mind having Noel on my team when it comes to investments.

we are finally having beautiful seasonal weather here in NJ--after several days of what seemed like Santa Ana winds that sucked the moisture out of every living thing--I'm picking armloads of daffodils amidst an abundance of very early weeds. And the ticks are out with a vengeance already.


Agnes~~Yes, those early bird ticks. Our daughter took one off Hub the other day. Ugh. Hate them. I never remember seeing any while I was growing up on the farm. Now , they seem to be everywhere. ~~~Mad Bess, feeling itchy

LadyXoc: Agnes - I'm not sure what Juan plans to do with the wood market either, except maybe to fake out Rod somehow so that he indeed will lose his fortune. That in itself might just be the last straw for that bum ticker of his. Something to look forward to perhaps?

Our daffodils are almost done with here. Waiting for the Iris now and the columbine. After a late spring and a lot of rain, I'm loving sunshine and blue sky. : ? )

Mad Bess: our problem here will be Japanese beatles. They can be hellacious on a flower bed here. Pardon the pun, but it bugs me. Rarely see ticks here, despite the woods all around me.

Jardinera: " That in itself might just be the last straw for that bum ticker of his. Something to look forward to perhaps?" I hope they don't write Rod out of the script too soon. I kind of like the guy, he's one of the better actors and I adore his sexy baritone. Now if they got rid of the Orca, that would suit me just fine.

Mad Bess, the ticks are worse, and so is the poison ivy. And--we live in the city! I can see the Empire State building. Go figure. When I was a kid, living on a dirt road, a million miles from anywhere, we never had it so bad. Fortunately the mosquitoes haven't started up yet, but brother, when they do. We put goldfish in our rainbarrels and it helps a lot.

Jardinera, our japanese beetles only seem to come out when there are roses to demolish!


Jardinera, your gardening situations sound very familiar -- hot midwest summers, cold winters, Japanese beetles ripping everything to shreds.

I just watched Friday's show; thank you very much for the recap. I will enjoy it. :-)

LadyXoc: Agnes, yeah, you're right. We need to see Rod learn the truth about MdR and Juan, and then to suffer through a looooong period of humiliation of some sort. Hubby likes the actor also, as well as CdlF and Helena Rojo --not that I don't. In a week or two I think the director changes and then we might see a different type of production. I'll be curious to see what take Jarocha has on that.

Jeri: Those beetles came from your side of the river, LOL!

Agnes~~I hate Japanese beetles, especially when they go for a swim in the pool. Those little suckers can really pinch. I also hang my laundry out on a line in the backyard to dry , and they like to sit on the clothes . The new ban of my existence is stinkbugs. By the way, my daughter lived in Hoboken, West New York, and Manhattan before moving to Toronto. She has a friend who lives in Union City with a view of the skyline.

Jardinera: I think the original director left the production for Soy tu duena in January. I don't know the exact episode number, but CS started in October, so in January it must have had at least 60 episodes. As I recall, episode 54 (55? 56?) aired on Christmas Eve.

mad bess: a lot of people don't like to brag about living here in Hudson County (crime, corruption, pollution, taxes, traffic, you name it), but we're the ones with the views. I put up with a lot to live here, but I've got a huge vegetable garden, Jersey tomatoes, lots of flowers AND getting to Manhattan costs me 20 minutes and $1.75 (soon to go up, but still...)

Jardinera/Jarocha/Aribeth: I'm looking forward to the change in directors. Right now, I'm watching because it's my customary 9:00 slot. I struggled through FELS and this is only marginally more appealing. It would have to be really terrible for me to give up my daily Spanish "fix". But, I gotta say the recappers/commenters on this show are absolutely the best. So much fun snark mixed with intelligent analysis and first-hand insider history/knowledge. I wouldn't miss it for anything.

I hope we don't lose Rod. With his fabulous voice and wonderful enunciation I can understand every word he says.He makes me fell like I really do understand Spanish.Plus he is a really nice bad guy. I've had enough of the actively murdering kind for while.

Mad Thirsty Bess, "Dancing With the Hos"...ROTFL...

I did not know the Japanese Beetle was a problem outside of the West. The Japanese Bark Beetle devastated our western forests (esp. out very large Ponderosa Pines) when I was a child, leaving us much more vulnerable (as if we weren't vulnerable enough already in our drought prone climate) to forest fires. Those non-native species can really do in an ecosystem as well as one's own garden.


Thanks again for the recap; I enjoyed it. And Elna, thank you for the distance and travel details; very interesting.

The scene with Enrique Rocha (Rodrigo) and Aimee at the end of this episode was just beautiful.

I don't think I've ever heard or seen the father-daughter pre-wedding talk done better.

Rodrigo almost made me think everything would be ok, LOL. Almost. Rodrigo's a complex villain.

His voice is what he's got going for him. There are several of those guys around; he and César Évora, for example.

OT: Elna, I can only speak about Arizona, but the bark beetles of the southwest are native.

They normally are beneficial in breaking down diseased or dying trees.

They get out of hand when forests are allowed to overgrow without normal fires -- and then the rotten trees cause catastrophic fires, like the ones we had in Arizona in the last few years.

But the Japanese Beetle is an import, and I'd like to string up the guy who thought it was a good idea.

They are impervious to pesticides because of their shells, and they eat so many things. They have no local predators.

They tear up my white rose of sharon every year. Boo hoo! I gave up roses because of them.

Cesar Evora --Yes!!!
Jeri: The last scene was really beautifully done. Aimee's dress was truly gorgeous.
LadyXoc/Jeri--I would love to put a rose of sharon somewhere, but don't know where right now. Just as well with beetles. I tried putting down some natural pesticide which was supposed to help with their grubs? Didn't work too well. They even got the black eyed susans and the pink MO primroses. Ah well, not all of them, but one bed was just ravaged. BTW, was just in NY for a meeting in the burbs, but only saw the airport and the freeway to Westchester/White Plains. Got a view of the Bronx (some good and some rather not so good). Loved having three giant forsythia in bloom right outside my hotel room, though! Would love to see the city some time.

Aribeth: So we have about a month more then before the change in directors and progress from the HMS Pinafore to maybe something we can take more seriously..... =========
ElnaJune: I always love it when these actors' diction is that clear. Never understood why some are so bad at it.


100% de acuerdo, Rocha and Évora have the most beautiful voices in Telenovelaland. They give me goosebumps.

Yesterday we had the funniest parliamentary elections ever in my country. I spent half the night in front of the internet and TV, and between two scandals and political analysises I watched Yo compro esa mujer scenes on youtube. Unfortunately they're dubbed to Italian, but the videos' quality is good. I thought you might be interested in watching a few of them, therefore you could check how the original actors looked like, how and young Lalo and Rocha were.
I completely forgot how amazingly attractive Rocha was twenty years ago.

These videos are from the first episodes (mainly ship scenes), so they don't contain any spoilers.

video 1

First scene: Lalo's hawwwwwt :)
Second scene: Jimena (Mariana Levy) and Ana Cristina (Lety Calderón)
Third scene: Gabriel, he was a cutie, too
05:26 Hey, that's small smile...
07:35 Eduardo Palomo, aka Original Federico and Original Juan Del Diablo

video 2

Third scene: Úrsula/Rosenda and Matilde/Leonarda (Alma Muriel)

video 3

04:38 Big Ed and Lety, another hot scene
(LOOOL, look at the life-belt in the background, the ship's name is GAVIOTAAA! :-DD)
05:31 Cynthia Klitbo as Effi, Fulgencio's wife

Aribeth~~~Thanks for the links. Big Ed reminded me of hub [Big Mike] at our prom....except for the rough kissing. I got a kick out of Lety going back to the cabin to wash off his kisses. Enrique looked very different before his eyebrows got out of control. I'll have to go back and check out the other links after work. Jardinera~~We used to go to NYC a lot when our daughter lived there. It's a very busy, interesting city, but I'm used to the country. Our daughter liked living and working there, but I don't think she'll return there. I'm hoping that she'll move back to Pa or NJ one day. What state are you in ?

I'm late, I'm late for a very important date! (not really, just feeling poetic & a little silly, despite the fact that I've got a case of the Mondays)

Thanks, Connie & Jardinera! I feel asleep mid-Thursday & totally missed Friday. You're keeping me afloat...muchas gracias!


Mad Bess: I live on the other side of the state from Connie. And, between her and Jeri in the mid-west in the gateway city. Can you guess my morning puzzler? ; ? )

Maggarita: Monday morning blahs. Yup. Gott skedaddle myself. Wondering if Juan will make it to the church on time tonight.

Morning everyone! Having computer trouble already this morning. Great recap Jardinera. So many funny lines. I haven't had time to read all the comments yet.

My brother and sister both live in St. Louis. My brother and his family live in Fenton and my sister and her family live in St. Louis City.

Jardinera, César Évora was my favorite male actor in CS'93, and it's still my favorite role for him.

Also, the timing of the beetles (July-August) and the rose of sharon overlap so that it blooms past their season, thank goodness. It's a healthy shrub (they don't hurt it), and I do get a lot of blooms despite them; so I would still advise someone to plant a rose of sharon.

They are things of beauty and hardy -- and forgiving of our hot and cold climate. They bloom into September and are a workhorse plant, IMO. I'm really grateful for them.

My husband has to fly to New York for business a lot, and he has brought back some nice pictures. He regularly stays in a hotel that overlooks the trade-center site, where they are building. They are working day and night there, he says.

Aribeth, I have been avoiding watching those clips because they're in Italian for a couple of years; but if you keep tempting me with them, I may break down! Darn you! ;-) I'm really hoping to see them first in Spanish some day and get the full effect of the voices. Maybe I'd better watch them now in case they never appear in Spanish.

Connie, nice new avatar -- is that a portrait of Stormy? What's your other doggie's name? I'd like to visit grasslands in Kansas one day. I move in geologic time, though, so not imminent. I could pick Jardinera up on the way, and we could swing by your place. Also, we could get our nails done by a pro. I see your presence lit up at Yahoo sometimes when I'm getting my mail there in the morning. (conniesnails)

Yes Jeri that is Storm. Rain is my other dog. She's crazy. I'm on Yahoo IM if you want to add me.

Connie; ok, I will do that. Rain is crazy, eh? LOL! Critters are a tonic.

Jardinera: A late but heartfelt thank you for your wonderful recap. Very witty and great fun. Gracias!


Are we taking bets on whether Aimee will leave Renato at the altar?

Connie, Aimee must be pregnant, so the character will probably marry Renato. Plus, that would make Juan super furious, and that is what he does.

Oh right. She'll have to marry him. Hmmmmm this should be interesting. She doesn't realize she's pregnant yet I don't think. How can you not know? (Beanie adjustment).

Mad Thirsty Bess, "Dancing with the Hos". Great one!

I live way out in the NC country were I see 20 or 30 deer a day. They have eaten everything I've planted except for daffodils, so I have lots of them. But I'd love to have some shrubs in front of my house. Also the ticks and chiggers will carry you away. I don't really like spraying DEET all over myself.

9:00 is my slot too. Some of these TNs are difficult to get into, but I always do, thanks mostly to you great recappers and bloggers!


I too, live way int he country, and we have one herd of deer (about 12) that live on the property plus a lot of occasionals. Those crazy deer will eat everything, including the deer resistant stuff. I can't grow a darned thing here, unless it has is inside a 12 foot fence.

Love Bambi, but he is a voracious eater, that one!


"Maybe I'd better watch them now in case they never appear in Spanish."

My suggestion: just mute the videos and enjoy the visual effects. It'd be like watching a few gifs. :-)

Aribeth, that is a great idea!

Ok, Aribeth, that was a pleasure. Lalo looks so great in that; love everything about him.

Lety is lovely, and it's always good to see Mariana again.

Also enjoyed seeing Luz María Jerez, who made a good villain in "Desencuentro"; and Cynthia Klithbo, whom I liked in "La Casa en la Playa."

Diane/Connie: Thanks mucho and glad you made it back here. ; > )

Jeri: lovely rose of sharon! Maybe next year.....

I'm banking on Juan being too late and losing his cool also. You're right, that's what he does best. He'll probably turn hardhearted and vengeful again. That should liven things up for a while.

I think MdR will make an appearance at the wedding. What are others thinking about this? I loved it when she appeared to Rod and scared him nearly to death. Sylvia

Sylvia: MdR very well could appear. That would be a riot!

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