Tuesday, April 27, 2010
un Gancho al Corazón Mon.4/26/10 And Just When Things Seemed To Be Going So Well
After implicating Oscar in every crime except the Lindberg kidnapping, including drugging Mao and Moni to frame them in order to extort Mao and when Isabel discovered him at Estre's, he threatened to kill Monita if she exposed him, thus exonerating Isabel, he tells Oscar that he is going to disappear in a place where the police will never find him, saying aloha as he waves goodbye. Those gathered around the table look dumbfounded. Ximena, bless her innocent ingenuous little heart, timidly waves back as the screen goes dark. Not surprisingly she gamely offers up tres cosas.

Conferring with her new BFF, Snaky Lady lays out the rest of her plan to Jero of a way of avoiding the police and leading a normal life without molestation... plastic surgery." Jero's interested, "a nip here, a tuck there..." Not exactly what she had in mind. She was thinking along the lines of an entirely new face. Jero balks, pointing out that he is after all a very handsome man who is quite happy and comfortable is his current face, thank you very much. She visualizes him as ending up even more handsome, otherwise he will end up in prison. She tells him with money, anything is possible, "What do you say Jerónimo?"

Meanwhile, Isabel is wrapping things up with Jero. She still has plans for Valentina. He must remain in coma since surely Mauricio, Valentina, and his sister Ximena will be coming to check on him. She has arranged for this Dr Isquierdo, a plastic surgeon who will explain everything and take care of all the details. "This is the last time we'll see each other, our debts are settled." She waves bye. He looks troubled and doubtful.
Mao takes a moment in his office to chew out Iván over his little dalliance with Alejandra. Out of respect for Teri, he won't fire him, but he forbids him to come sniffing around Luisa. "Understood?" Iván meekly nods. He storms out, catches up with Moni and tell Ximena, who is still there, that they are on the way to the hospital to see Jero. Ximena is thrilled and insists on joining them, "Hospitals are very entertaining!"
Meintras tanto, Isabel is taking care of last minute arrangements with Dr. Isquierdo. She hands him a check, "I talked with Jerónimo Sermeño, he's expecting you. You know what to do." She abruptly leaves as he inspects his check.
In his room, Jero is practicing his coma skills as Dr. Isquierdo enters and introduces himself. Jero has doubts. As he draws up an injection he tells Jero not to worry that he is in good hands. Worried, Jero demonstrates with several poses how handsome he is. "You think that you can improve on this?"

Back at Moni's place, Isabel is packing as Lobo comes calling. He's there to say goodbye to Moni. She wants to know why he's leaving Valentina in Mauricio's hands. He tells her that Mao saved his life and besides, Monita has him stuck firmly in her heart. She can't believe that he's giving up so easily. If she wants something, if she can't have it by doing things right, then she will resort to less noble tactics. She would not take no as an answer. She accuses him of not being much of a man(without pants). She agrees to tell Moni he came by. It bears repeating, this lady is very good at this evil business. Lobo is wounded. She is pleased with herself.
Well great! At Mao's penthouse, Andres has arrived, guitar in hand, to minister an injured dove.

At the hospital another Dr is checking on the now genuinely comatose Jerónimo as Mao, Moni, and Ximy enter the room all gowned up and masked as is the medico. Mao asks the Dr. to check Jero carefully. He does and confirms the obvious. "Yep, he's in coma alright with weak vital signs and barely detectable reflexes." Not quite a dead parrot, but pretty darn close. Ximena checks by loudly clapping her hands directly in Jero's face. The Dr. leaves. Now for a little hospital horseplay. Ximy wants to demonstrate how well Jero obeys her in this state. She picks up the paddles, charges the defibrillator

At Nieves' apartment, Coni is warmly welcomed by Marcos who was just about to keep Nieves company as she cooks for him. Beto is in a jovial mood, though Nieves is a little less cheery. She grudgingly gives Coni a chilly welcome, "Buena." Beto urges her to give Coni a kiss, she's fresh out of jail (botellón). Nieves admits that she is glad that Coni's not a criminal. Beto observes that Marcos gave his soul brother a penthouse. How about setting him and Coni up in a nice place. Marcos gets serious. He gave Beto a job so that he could support Coni, but they both must prove themselves to him. Beto as a responsible man, and she must prove that she has given up her hate and become an honest noble woman. Then they will have his unconditional support and not before. Until then they must get by as best they can. He offers to send his chauffeur to pick up Coni's clothing. Beto coughs and says, "Then welcome to your new home (morada)!" Now Nieves objects, she doesn't want this lazy girl (fodonga), who doesn't even know how to pick up a broom, around. Coni tells her not to worry,"I won't mess with your transportation." "Are you calling me a witch?" "I don't see anyone else." Beto restrains Nieves as the two continue to trade insults. Actually both seem to be enjoying the exchange. This arrangement should work out nicely.
Aldo appears at Estrella's. He wants to get married.

At Monita's place things are no better. Snake Woman is packing as M&M arrive. Moni tries to dissuade her. Mao is losing patience and biting his tongue. Moni begs as Mao seethes. Isabel thinks it over and agrees to stay on one condition, Mauricio must apologize and ask her forgiveness. Uh... sure. Closeups of serious faces all around. Who thinks that Mao will agree to this? I thought so.
An injured Wolf is drinking beer in the cantina as Issy's belittling words rattle around in his canid brain. He has a flashback to an even less happier time. He is confronting his wife with her betrayal with his manager. She tells him that he is not at her level. His manager is a real man who makes her feel like a woman. (Sara?)

Ouch. Lobo tells her that she is still his wife and moves in for a bit of canine aggression. We mercifully cut away. Back in the cantina he stands up and smashes his beer bottle to the floor. Now he's getting angry. Uh oh.
Over at Moni's Mao is ready to render a decision. "I won't swear to a lie." Moni reminds him of Jero's tape. He says that Isabel knows Jero. Isabel scoffs, "I haven't even met him." He reminds Isabel that in his office to his face she admitted to injecting him and Estre, removing their clothes, and placing them in bed together. "What an imagination!" She reminds Moni that she took a bullet for her. Mao's tired of this. He tells Moni to decide who she believes, "I'm telling you the truth." "I'm dying..." Now it's decision time for Moni. Place your bets as we head for commercials.
A happy couple joins a brooding Lobo in the Cantina. Coni is clinging lovingly to Beto as they take seats at Lobo"s table. An unsuspecting Beto goes off to get Tequila leaving Coni alone with Lobo.
Aw man, more Aldo and Estre. More reasons why it's best that he forget her and get on with being a teen. More protestations of profound love for her and his child. Protestations from me that they are wasting perfectly good time. He finally gets her to agree to reconsider once he has grown up. Next!
A drunken Lobo asks Coni, "What is a beautiful chick like you doing with that goodfornothing Beto?" He preens and poses offering Coni a feel of his muscles. She politely admires his body as he insists that she touch is arms and belly and thigh. She reluctantly does. He suddenly goes grabby and begins invading hr personal space in a big way.

Moni is also in a protesting mood, "Why are you putting between the sword (espada) and the wall (pared)?" She pleads with both to reconsider their positions. Hasn't she been listening? Mao decides to help her out, "You know what Monita? I'm tired. All or nothing, chose her or me." Nobly, Isabel offers to make it easy by leaving, as she had planned, to go home and die alone. Well played, you evil harpy.Monita runs to her, "Don't go, mamá!" Mao's had enough, 'You've made up your mind Monita, I'm outta here." "No Mauricio, wait!" He looks back for a moment, shakes his head and leaves. Moni casts a hard look at mom, then hurries after Mao. Isabel smiles a satisfied smirk.

Moni follows Mao onto the patio. "Wait!" She wants to talk. She asks him to give her support. To give just a little. He tells her that he has knocked himself out for her and their. If she can't believe him now, it's useless. She gets angry and tells him to leave. She can always find a man who will give her support, she can't get another mother. Wow! Is this it for our lovebirds? Have we stuck by them all these months for it to end like this? Ouch!
Lobo has found his way back to Moni's. She's not home but the Viper invites him in.
Beto, who is battered and bruised, and Coni, who looks oddly pleased, are home. Nieves wants to know what happened to her baby. "I was defending my woman's honor." "¿Qué? She doesn't even have any honor." This sets of another spat with insults exchanged, but Beto decrees that the the three of them will live together in peace.
Too bad Isabel has no coffee to offer the snockered Lobo, but she does have some wine and suggest they have a glass and chat. He admits that he's angered by her questioning his manhood. She agrees that he is every bit a man but doesn't understand why he doesn't fight for Valentina since she's dying with love for him. "She told me so, and she's through with Mauricio."She tells him that she broke it off with Mao because she is in love with Lobo. She tells him that when Moni returns she will leave them undisturbed. "Moni will play hard to get, that's how women are, but she wants it. Pressure her and I promise she will desire to be with you." He drinks up. Yikes!
At Estre tries to convince Moni that she is making a mistake. She's persuasive but Moni is being... well... Moni. Xime shows up at Estre's door,"Ding dong." She needs Estre's assistance with the joke she has planned for Arnie and Rolu. "See you later, Moni." Moni heads home as Issy slithers by, unseen.
Andres is helping Luisa with her math homework. Thanks to him she should do well on tomorrow's exam. Have we gotten this young man all wrong? They bathe in each other's eyes for a lingering moment, then he pops the question, "Will you be my novia. I've always been in love with you." What the heck, why not?" They kiss as the front door opens and it's an already unhappy Popa Mao,

Moni's home and our soused cur-wolf asks if there's anymore wine. Moni is not happy that he's in her house, drunk. He knows that she is sweet on him. "Why haven't we tried something more serious?" "The past is in the past. Get out!" Lobo turns predatory, "Why not recognize that you want to be with me?" He stalks his prey, "I'm crazy about you."He approaches her with a loco loopy loony lascivious look of lupine lust.
Dr. Judy. Help! Tell us something sweet and happy.
Labels: gancho
And yesterday's episode was yukky. How you managed to make it so funny I don't know, but thanks.
Some of my favorites lines were "every crime but the Lindbergh kidnapping", your continuing quip about the Monty Python "dead parrot" routine, the "scuffle with the furniture being the biggest loser" and Issy "slithering by".
Nice how you highlighted the emotional and mental distance between Monita and Mau by giving us a still of the boardroom shot. And while I knew "bote" was slang for jail, I missed the "botellón" variant so many thanks.
Sort of wandered in and out of the room on this one. Didn't like what was happening one bit! At least we know you get a happy ending next Monday. In the meantime, I fear we have rough waters ahead.
"Loopy loony lascivious look of lupine lust!?!" Mariviguau!
There were some really funny bits of dialog with Coni, Nieves and Beto. I was watching live and couldn't rewind to catch their fast paced insults. Thank you so much for the translations. We used to look to Xime to lighten up a dreary episode. These days it's Coni. Who'd a thunk??
Thanks again Carlos for a masterful recap.
ITA with Guera, last night's highlights were definitely the conversations between Nieves and Coni with Marcos and Beto on the sidelines. I tell ya, there will never be a dull moment in that house! Was Coni actually letting a little smile slip through while she was bantering with her suegra? Sipis!
Carlos, you really handled this episode very well. It had some dark goings on...Lobo's past, Hissy's intentions regarding her daughter, Jero's impending "plastic surgery", Estre and Aldo's boring conversation. (OK, maybe the last one wasn't dark, just tedious.) I also vote for "Loopy loony lascivious look of lupine lust!?!" as one of the best alliterative descriptions ever! Thanks Carlos, excellent recap!
Oh, and Beto taking on Lobo knowing he would get his butt kicked...nothing short of heroic!! No wonder Coni loves him.
Can you believe Moni? I've said it once, I'll say it again....stubborn as a MULE.
Wow, El Lobo, what a rat!
Güera and Sylvia, Nieves and Coni under the same roof is a prescription for a lot of laughs. Yesterday they traded some sharp and deadly barbs and they were just getting started. Poor Beto looks to have his hands full. I had some doubts about the new improved Coni, but as long as she has Nieves to quarrel with, she'll still be very entertaining. The four of them, Nieves and Coni as well as Ana and Laisha seem to have been relishing the conflict.
I'm looking forward to meeting the new Jero after his makeover. As vain as he is, this transformation should be fun.
Was Lobo's wife our Sara from Querida Enemiga? I wasn't certain.
Judy, the seating of M&M at that long table spoke volumes.
Beto is my new hero. Coni was rightfully impressed.
Just 5 more, then our own Gancho Diaspora.
Yes, I believe Lobo's wife is our "beloved" Sara.
Beto will have his hands full with his mother and novia but it will be great fun for us.... perhaps our only fun for the moment.
Perhaps Jero will miraculously recover in time to tip everyone off to Isabel. Otherwise I think he's a vegetable.
I hope Moni gets rescued or saves herself (best wishes Judy).
Drs. have really taken some hits in this show. The only ethical ones have been the ER Drs. I wonder if the producer has had some negative experiences with the medical world. The witch, received more flattering treatment.
Isabel pulls ahead being pulled by or stubborn mule Moni into the lead. Not sure if Mau said it, but he could have said, hey Hissy was the one that stuck the needle into me, not Oscar.
Another shady Doctor, sorry that you had to see that again Carlos. I'm assuming Jero will not be getting any surgery? Or will he? Too bad he was put into the coma. It would have been great to see him pretending when Xime zaps him to see him wake up. :)
Great scenes with Beto, Coni, and Nieves. I think they'll have a great time together. Coni was quite pleased with how Beto defended her against the big bad wolf.
So, Lobo is bad news. I agree, that did look like Sara as his wife. I was trying to place her, but couldn't. Needed clearer pictures and longer time on screen. Glad you cleared that up.
Doesn't look good for our little monkey in the avances. Someone has to come along and save her, but who?
That might be our last avances. We are now in the last week. Usually that means no more avances. It looks like we may have had a glimpse of Hissy's downfall in the previews.
I'm sure Judy will bring some light to a dark show today.
I wonder how many are looking at their overnight Gancho recorded or tuned in last night and found CS instead of Gancho?
If we don't have the Xime, Arnie, Rolu spinoff, I vote for the Beto, Coni, Nieves spinoff. :)
Im one that went to watch Gancho and instead CS was on. Whats up with the time change again? I missed the whole eppy. Thanks to the great recapp or Id be p.oed.
Is this a normal thing in telenovelas where the networks just change the times? Its driving me loca. They couldnt have waited a week to make the change?
Judy and Sylvia - I too enjoyed Jero's scenes. Others should learn from his obvious (or oblivious) confidence in himself in spite of his poor track record with him. I wish the actor would play more noble characters but he has been very funny (except when trying to harm his sister) as a handsome would be villain.
I feel for you Ebony. When I checked my DVR schedule in the morning there was no change in Univision's line-up but I taped the 3pm Gancho to be safe. I too had thought they would wait until next week to move Savaje since Gancho ends next Monday. I don't know what they are thinking pulling this nonsense (schedule moving) again!
The network has switched 7 and 8 pm shows before but nothing so drastic and upsetting (from recap point of view) before this Spring.
An anonymous blogger has said the reason for the change with Gancho was, the producer of Corazon Salvaje was hoping Dinero (which was very popular in Mexico) would provide a strong lead-in for CS (which was not doing well in Mexico).
However, the strategy didn't work and CS's ratings were as dismal here as they were south of the border.
So now CS is relegated to night owl status and they're holding the fort with a double Dinero 8 and 9 pm until Soy Tu Dueña is to begin (since that show has Fernando Colunga, it is more promising).
Clear as mud? Well, anyway, the upshot is that our beloved (to me) 7 pm team is now broken up once Gancho ends. We'll all either retire or be plugged in to open spots in other novelas if we wish. Sad.
That being said I have a project for work that is due Wed, and I will be traveling across country that day too and a very wise soul advised me that I am not a realist to think that I will get my recap done...does anyone want to take this Wed night for me? Elna June your name came up as a possible suggestion. I can post for someone as I'll have eventual internet access, but no real time to write.
Also in advance I will be out of univision land the week of Wed May 12th so if Gancho is still on then, I'd need someone for that
Miss you folks...
That Lobo is bad news. He was apparently violent with his ex-wife. Then he manhandles Coni. Then he manhandles Moni. I thought we saw her punch him, and he knocked her out onto her bed, and was climbing on top of her before the episode ended. Anyway, that's what they'll start with today, I guess. I don't see how Estre could save her, since she went with Xime. Maybe Beto and Coni will drop in.
The "previews" (quick scenes from the upcoming week) showing lots of punching. Should be fun.
I was wondering, is there some kind of printout of Jero's state, where they could look back, and see that his vital signs were back to normal for several hours, and then all of a sudden he was comatose again? Probably not.
A sitcom about the life of Coni and Beto as newlyweds living with Nieves could also be fun. Maybe something like "Tres Es Multitud", it should go after "Casada Con Dos Hermanos" since Beto's jokes would be more appreciated by an older audience.
Univision could have done what Televisa did in México with CS. They had Dinero running 15 minutes late and then reported the rating for that time as part of the CS ratings, and voilà, CS was suddendly doing a little better.
The time switch makes me really nervous. You can't trust the tv guide sites because Univision switches with no advance notice.
I just saw a promo for a new show(n ¿Pecadora perhaps? ) to air at midnight "proxima lunes" -- So where does that leave those who are following CS? And those of us who are following Dinero -- or recapping -- don't know from day to day how long it'll be. Plays havoc with the VCR. These schedulers are crazy!
I can't get my thoughts straight on Estr and Aldo. He should go to school, but I kinda wish they would marry for the sake of the baby, old fashioned I know.
Jero self adulation scene priceless.
Is it wrong that I'm starting to empathize with Hissy? I rather want to strangle Valentina myself. Still hoping the big bad wolf passes out or gets caught in short order, though.
As tedious as Aldo and Estrella are, it's frustrating that sweet, considerate Estrella can't see how unfair she's being to Aldo. Even if he is young, he's still the baby's father. It's unreasonable to think he could just walk away and move on with his life as if the baby didn't exist. Aldo is not that kind of guy.
Jero was hilarious; thank goodness for him. I also laughed when Ximena was tickling Jero's feet and Mau was swatting at her hands. I don't think Isabel's plan is to let him live, though.
Univision fools: Maybe the reason your ratings are low is because people keep getting confused about the schedule and don't know when their show is on, or you move it to an inconvenient time, or they don't trust that you won't just end a novela abruptly, so they just quit watching altogether! Also, two hours per night of Dinero is too much, even if it is popular.
If needed, I guess I'm going to help fill in at the 8 pm slot on Dinero and Kris (Gancho a los Dedos) will too.
Just really sad that our team got bumped out of position in the first place. I'm very fond of our group and our commenters. But change is a part of life and so it goes. It IS "sicknifying" though.
Today's show should have a bright side. Xime should be playing her joke on Arnie and Rolu. That should be fun.
Julia, it is wrong, but.. we could empathize with Hissy for having to put up with Alicia all of that time as well. Didn't like how she handle that though.
Camaleones will replace Gancho. I may have to see a couple of episodes of that just to see Feonando from FELS in a different role. :)
Soy Tu Dueña is listed as próximamente insteady of muy pronto. How much longer before that starts vs. a muy pronto show? Hard to believe they will start that up. Just started on April 19th in Mexico I believe.
Thanks. Sorry that this was such a downer episode. As to M&M, the question of can this marriage be saved? more appropriately would be should this marriage be saved. Monita so desperately wants to have a mom that even faced with overwhelming evidence of Isabel's treachery she is willing to forsake everyone else who loves her for that illusion. I think we'll get several more days of the same. thank goodness for Coni, Nieves, Beto, Ximena, Rolu, Arnie, Lalo, Sal,Gabi, Pau, Cristian, Aldo, Estre, Marcos, Femsibs, Cesar, Lobo,Loriloca and even that little twerp, Andres, and our little minx, Alejandra, who distract us from the tedious angst of our main couple.
A great recap of a disturbing episode.Thanks so much for your entertaining and excellent precis of our beloved Gancho.
Lobo was already a disappointment but this domectic violence rap! This I cannot forgive.
I am so sorry but I, too, am on deadline and I will not be able to sub for you tomorrow.
Best to all:
Kris, don't you worry at all about tomorrow. If nobody else can do the whole recap I will gladly post a header and then maybe a few of us can jump in with a quickie recap of our favorite scenes. This invitation includes commenters as well as recappers. Here's your chance to give it a mini shot folks!! I can compile them all into one recap at the end of the day if it works out.
By the way...I'm scanning the comments and I'm seeing hysterical stuff!!
Of course your summary and pictures were amazing. Alas, all of your wonderful lines have already been quoted.
So, I would just like to say that I think you are wonderful. Your sharp, perceptive and wonderful wit is amazing. I have so enjoyed reading each and every word. I've laughed and savored everything.
I will miss your comments - thank you Dr. Carlos for everything! I hope you will be recapping again soon - you have such a gift.
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