Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, May 25: Ep 68--With my regrets

Queridos, lo siento but I am far too tired to stay up any later tonight to get a recap done and I seriously doubt I will have any time tomorrow, either. Please fill each other in in the comments and I hope to be back next week. Perdoname.


No problem, dear. :-) Have a good sleep!
I think we need a tag, if I hadn't scrolled down I wouldn't have found this post.

Here's the short recap on esmas:

I took the link posted here, copied the text and had "Works" translate it. Despite my limited Spanish, I probably could have done a better job than this, but thought I would leave it in as I found it amusing. You'll be able to figure it out too!

o Federico, anxious to have the inheritance of Regina, it demands a Rodrigo the date pays attention of marriage with her.
Jimena it waits for a Gabriel, but Branko insists on which it gives an opportunity him, insurance of which Gabriel it will not make it happy like him. Jimena it saddens when seeing that Gabriel it does not arrive and it accepts to Branko. This one kisses it and then it sees them Gabriel to the distant spot.
Renato a protests Leonarda and Rodrigo what a did Juan, it notices to them that it will give half him of its inheritance as it corresponds to him for being Montes de Oca.
Regina it accepts to marry with Federico before the plea of its father to be able to use its inheritance and to pay its debts.
Aimée plea pardon a Renato, one kneels down and it humiliates. He pardons it by the love that he has to him, but he notices to him that if lies he would be able to kill it. She fears before her firmness.
Rodrigo it announces Federico who Regina it accepted to marry with him. Federico, happy, places the ring of commitment in the finger of Regina.

Now does Woody REALLY think Fed the Piranha will share Regina's money with him?

Anon: I guess he doesn't even intend to give them the money. Or I don't know.

I couldn't find part 3 on YouTube last night, so missed the part re: Jimena and Branco, "This one kisses it and then it sees them Gabriel to the distant spot." Glad I got this funny but helpful summary. Thanks Anita!

thanks aribeth and anita for the summary and link.

i actually was awake long enough last night to watch. here's my very brief summary of some of what happened last night ...

Federico works with Rod to force a wedding or engagement with Regina -- Rod thinks Fed will share Regina's wealth with him; Fed, on the other hand, has other plans (namely to get his own family debts paid off and solvent once again).

Jimena waits patiently and impatiently for Gabriel at the plaza gazebo. Gabe is delayed by Raul's request to stay and play host to Mariela and her parents in the house. Mariela notices Gabe always looking at his pocketwatch - Gabe explains he has an important date with a girlfriend - Mariela tells him to leave. He runs out the door. He finds a flower seller on the street and after purchasing a bouquet runs smack into another man and has to quickly pick up all the flowers from the ground. By the time, Gabe makes it to the gazebo, Branko has convinced Jimena to give him a chance and Gabe watches as Jimena and Branko kiss.

Leona tells Rod that she's happy Juan has left the finca. That's when Ren enters and confronts the two about what they know about Juan. Rod rants against Juan - that he isn't part of the family at all. Ren tells the two that Juan is his cousin brother and as a member of the Montes de Oca clan he deserves his rightful share in the family fortune and be treated as a member of the family.

Jody :)

I put up what I remembered under the other post, too.

Here it is again:
I don't think we saw Juan at all last night, did we? Here are some of the things I remember:

Renato has a conversation with Leo and Rod where he reveals that he knows who Juan is and that Juan is entitled to be a Montes de Oca, too. Rod and Leo are incensed.

Aimee decided she'd better make up to Renato and we had her begging for his forgiveness. He was pretty harsh with her and only very reluctantly forgave her but with some kind of threat.

Jimena was waiting for Gabe and Gabe was at Raul's. Just then her mother and grandparents arrived there and Raul insisted Gabe take care of them. He kept saying he had a very important appointment. Jimena was left waiting and Branco showed up, persuading her Gabe wasn't going to show up, that he is just playing with her. Gabe finally gets free and is running through the town, stops to buy some flowers (stupidly), runs into someone and drops them. By the time he gets to Jimena, she has given up on him and Branco is kissing her. Impactado Gabe.

Rod urgently sends for Regina as he has decided she must get married right away so he can have her inheritance. When she comes to see him he pulls a guilt trip worthy of Leonarda, he acts ill and really pulls on Regi's heartstrings. Asks her if she is willing to make a big sacrifice to save him, she says she is, and then is stunned when he says she must marry Feddy right now and give her dad her inheritance. Ai yai yai, what a wonderful father. Regi finally agrees with much dread and sadness. Federico is somehow there and gives her the ring.

Eloisa has an encounter with Servando, he tries to threaten her with having seen her and Feddy touch hands. She says don't mess with me, I'm not the little woman I appear to be. She says she may have a job for him that will pay very well.

That's all I remember right now.

Oh, we also had Renato going to Remigio trying to get information out of him about Juan. It didn't work, Remi told him he would have to talk to Juan himself. He wouldn't tell Renato where Juan is.

Phillipe was running to get the doc for Madame and sees Branco performing for a group of people. Singing and playing the guitar. The crowd is blocking the actual playing so I still don't think he can play. Phillipe thinks he is so talented (I guess for the casino) and is torn between saying something (also still struggling to keep his wig on, which is lopsided), and running to the doc, but he realizes he better get the doc.

Thanks all! The only thing we're missing is what happened between Arcadio and Rosenda. He was griping about something and she was commiserating him (or egging him on). Can anyone fill us in on what that was about?

The show is really heating up. Words cannot express how much I loathe Rodrigo....

The esmas translation is hilarious. Thanks to all the commentors for their summaries.

Jody was right, I think, when she mentioned that Rosenda does not know that Marlene is her mom. In last night's episode the Doc came to check on Magda. I guess Phillipe made it to Doc's after all. Doc said she fainted due to nerves and that she should tell the truth. So, I seems Rosenda hates Magda because she is a woman of ill repute and does not know she is her mom who abandoned her as a child.


I think I said that the other day, that it has been unclear whether she knows or not but leaning more towards not. So I guess she would be disturbed by this "woman of ill-repute" giving her gifts!

I don't know what the exchange was between Arcadio and Rosenda, either, it looked intense and went pretty fast.

Sorry, Ivy, I had the posts mixed up a bit. You were right and it seems that those heated conversations between Rosenda and Madame were due to all this unwanted attention Magda is showering on Rosenda. Thanks for the clarification.


It must be the water. Noel, Clemencia and Renato didn't recognize Juan and Rosenda doesn't recognize her mother? I'm not sure she was so young that she wouldn't remember. So you'd think there's not a chance in hell Jimena's mother will recognize her! (Except they were living somewhere else)

Secrets, secrets...like Doc says "tell the truth" but then what novela? At least Ren knows Juan is a MDO. Juan is investigating the Fopster. Will he find out what a fraud Fed is before Fed's marriage to Regina. If he stops the marriage, Rod won't have the dinero,,,ha ha, sweet revenge for Juan.


Thanks for these recaps Anita, Jody, and Ivy. I'm hoping Regina gets rescue from Fred the Fop, who isn't going the share the loot anyway.

Thanks to everyone who contributed and commented. Liked the computer "translation."
Gab did a nice slapstick turn with his fallen flowers, trying to recover both his footing and the flowers in time to reach the gazebo.
Enjoyed seeing Aimee begging Ren to forgive her and him being slow to act and threatening as well.
Felt sympathy for Regi's dread at her upcoming boda. Rod is an evil father, with no heart.
La Paloma

Thanks everyone for filling in the gaps.

Woody is not only a grave robber but now he is forcing his daughter into a really bad marriage to get her inheritance, what a guy!


I think that google translate does a slightly better job. I'm interested in these software packages. My auto company has been using professional artificial translation tools for technical manuals for years. They tell me that part of the trick is to simplify the English. They have been able to get the package to translate very well into German. It's interesting to see where the translation package gets mixed up.


xlntperuvian, I really could not get the purpose of that scene in the catacombs with Arcadio and Rosenda.

He was very angry at Leonarda and Rodrigo and swearing they had no idea what vengeance he could wreak on them.

The only thing I can guess was the purpose was that Rosenda told Arcadio that Juan was now gone from the finca, far away. That seemed new to him, but I thought he knew it already.

I can understand Orca's anger. Disturbing a grave is above and beyond the call of duty, even with sexual favors as payment. Maybe he will be the one to tell Juan about his mother.


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