Tuesday, May 04, 2010
un Gancho al Corazón Mon. 5/3/10 Por Fin, el Fin
All good things come to an end, and so it is with un Gancho al Corazón, one of the most consistently entertaining telenovelas ever. On June 15th last year, Melinama (our beloved den mother) kicked it off with a short plot synopsis setting the stage for our daily gathering to review and discuss the show from the previous evening. The first episode was recapped by the incomparable Nickster and the very first comment was offered up by Jeff. With one exception, the recappers have remained the same throughout. Nickster dexterously manipulated Monday's episodes. JudyB taught us on Tuesday. Gancho de los Dedos, formerly Fuego de Rosca de Reyes, aka Kris interrupted her whirlwind schedule to handle Wednesday's chores. Cap'n Sylvia Sharkbait anchored on Thursday, and el Hombre de Misterio mystified us on Friday. In July, Nickster's hormones began raging, struggling to express themselves as he was preparing to embark on the university experience at Ohio State University and simultaneously discovering comely coeds. He was released from his contract and replaced by a completely unknown doddering old physician named Carlos who made a rather inauspicious debut on August 3. There have been two guest recappers, the famous Stephe and the perky Elna June, both eloquent yarn spinners who offered the occasional respite from the tedium of old Carlos. Thus it has been until today when we gather for the last time to revel in the final episode. So take a moment to prepare a tall cool beverage, take a comfortable seat, and let's put this horse in the barn one last time.
Valentina and her evil mom have taken to the road. Our Monita, starved for the affection of this reptilian parental unit, is blithely unaware of the awful fate that that this vindictive vicious vile venomous viper has planned for her. Isabel has already attempted once and failed to off her oblivious offspring. Hot on their heels are Mauricio, the pretty but vacuous hunk who has pursued, won and lost and won and lost the affection of the hopelessly fickle, vacillating Valentina. He is accompanied by his charming odiferous sidekick, Beto.
We join Isabel as she consults with a very unkind mirror which, instead of truly presenting her visage as others might perceive it, reflects the hideous depth of her irreparably damage soul. Not a pretty sight. With Moni momentarily away, she sits on her bed and dials her cell phone.
As penance for past crimes and naughty deeds, Constanza has been relegated to the role of apprentice hausfrau under the tutelage of that stern taskmistress Nieves who is not convinced that she is worthy of her son, that paragon of manly virtue, Beto. She has reluctantly accepted the fact that said paragon will not be happy with any other consort so she has dedicated her efforts to training this recovering pampered princess in worthy wifely ways. Thus we join Coni on the barrio patio as she answers her cell phone. I'm surprised that Nieves hasn't confiscated that device. It's Isabel the Snake who is a little peeved at Coni for botching and revealing her failed murder attempt on Monita. Now she insists that she join her and her sister somewhere on down the road. If she does not... well it's adios Monita. Cautioning her not to tell nor bring anyone else, She gives her directions, "Take the highway to Pachuca. I'll call you later with more directions," and abruptly hangs up. Coni wants more information "¡Isabel!" Isabel's gone but Nieves overhears that last shout. She is scandalized, "Whom were you talking to? It was Isabel, ¿Verdad?" Coni of course denies it, "No, Nieves." As Nieves forcefully responds, they are joined by Marcos. Nieves tells him that all this time, Coni has been allied with Isabel. Coni tearfully denies this.
Magically and mercifully we suddenly find ourselves at that trendy new in-spot, Mararvigua. Gee... how the heck did that happen? If you recall, Sal has welcomed his bride-to-be only to discover there's been a bait-and-switch. At this point, our favorite flatfoot, Officer Cristian, decked out in natty plainclothes, confronts the substitute bride.

Back in the "hood, Marcos is very disappointed in Coni for aligning with Isabel. Poor Coni, a few errors in judgement along the way, and folks are willing to believe the worst. No time for this, she has a sister to save. As Marcos rants

In Mao's bat cave, Sal and Aldo discover A very annoyed and frightened Gabi bound to a chair. She complains bitterly but Sal helps her focus, "¡La boda, la boda, la boda! No one can prevent us from getting married."
We take a moment to check on the soul brothers, Mao and Beto. They are vainly searching for Moni and Issy.
Meintras tanto (sigh, the last), an impatient Marcos is trying to get Charly from las Tontas (good to see him with a job) to hurry up with a rental car and I suppose the GPS tracking device.
Four cars, containing Moni and Issy, Coni, and Marcos, Mao and Beto, are all headed for a rendezvous somewhere on the road to Pachuca.
The first to arrive at their fateful destination in the mountains NE of Mexico City are Isabel and Moni. Issy parks on the edge of a sheer cliff overlooking a beautiful view (paisaje) of the surrounding mountains and the beautiful valley far below. Well isn't this special? A prominent feature of many of my best nightmares is just such a vista. It certainly doesn't take a lot of genius to see where this is headed. Issy directs Moni to walk ahead, "I'm tired and need to rest a bit. I'll catch up with you in a moment." Moni strolls to the edge of the precipice and looks out at the valley stretching out into the distance far below. Dazzling and dizzying. Moni sits on a boulder, thinks of Mao and takes advantage of this moment of solitude to give him a call. She tells him that instead of punching him last night, she should have told him that she loves him. "Where are you?" he asks.
Still driving, Coni gets a call. Surprise, it's Isabel also taking advantage of the time alone to place a call. She asks Coni where she is. She's taken the mountain detour, just as she was instructed. "You're very close. Don't delay."
At Maravigua, Nieves has filled Cristian, Pau, and Estre in on Coni's alleged treachery. They aren't really surprised. At another table, Ximy and Lalo are communing. Ximy can tell that Lalo is disappointed that his prospective new love turned out to be a drug lord. "Yes, I'm unlucky, and we won't be having the banquet because of the rat poison we found in the kitchen.
Across the room a whiny Iván is apologizing again to Luisa for his thoughtless behavior with Alejandra.

Up on the cliff, Moni is perched on a rock with Isabel standing behind, stroking her hair and rubbing her shoulders.Isabel observes what a spectacular view it is. Moni agrees. Issy thinks that Alicia would have loved this view but she never brought her here because she couldn't stand her. Moni doesn't trust her ears, "Qué?" She is taken aback. Run little Monkey, things are about to get very ugly. "Why do you say that?" Well, Isabel is dying and has grown weary of her deception, so now she begins to puke the vile poisonous contents of her evil mind all over Monita.

While Isabel continues her unbonding with her daughter, the wedding back home in DF continues. Happy faces abound. Aldo smoiles at Estre, Sal and Gabi look ecstatic, Cristian and Paula kiss, Nieves snuggles with Cesar, Lalo, ever resilient, flirts with a waiter across the room. Papers are signed. Ximy picks up the pen and with a flourish, marks a bold X. That seems just right. Hers is followed by a masculine hand. As others sign we still don't know whom Ximy chose. She smiles winningly, beckons to Dani, and they sweetly hug.
The increasingly insane Isabel proudly continues her litany of sins, leaving nothing out. "Who are you?" Moni sobs. Isabel goes on and on and on... Moni still can't believe it. Issy tells her about the Jero tape and of the elaborate joke she pulled on Jero.
Speaking of Jero, we are treated to a brief glimpse of him, a changed man, pleading that it was all a big mistake, "I'm Jerónimo Sermeño!"
Finally the truth sinks home. "It's all been a huge lie! Why do you hate me so much?" Isabel explain about her impossible, unshared love for Marcos. He rejected her after making her pregnant. The thing that irks her the most is how Moni is surrounded with love. Moni says that Isabel is envious. Isabel briefly considers this, then continues her raving. Bottom line, Moni won't be able to apologize to all thosw whom she refused to listen to because Isabel has brought her to this spot to accompany her in death.
At this point, Coni arrives. More talks. Issy rebukes Coni for backing out of the deal to poison Moni. She calls Coni a traitor. Coni offers to trade places with Moni. The snake who has morphed into a spider entices Coni into her deadly web. Now completely BSC, she has entered a murderous frenzy. Now both sisters will join her in death.
It's about time! Marcos arrives,"Don't do it!"
A long white limo pulls up tom the reception. The driver opens a gull-wing door fo Ximy who gracefully steps inside after blowing an enthusiastic kiss to the well-wishers. Sal and Gabi are ready to depart next,

Marcos is trying to dissuade a rabid Isabel to release his daughters. He confess that he concocted the deception that Isabel is dying. "You are healthy. You don't have leukemia. The tests were faked." Isy's unconvinced and says that it wouldn't matter. She doesn't want to die in prison. He pleads,"Por favor, Isabel, por favor!" As he reaches for her she backs off the precipice dragging the sisters with her. Marcos grabs both daughters, one in each hand. He clings to them for dear life as they dangle from his hands.

Now we're really voyeurs.We find ourselves in the limo with Ximy and her new spouse. The camera lovingly pans up those impossibly long legs wrapped in white patterned stockings. They are sharing Champagne.

Our girls are rescued. Marcos is sorry he doubted Coni. Moni is sorry that she rejected Marcos. Beto tells Moni that she has had a mom who loves her all along... Nieves. Hugs and kisses all around.
Semanas despues
We find ourselves in a beautiful landscape for the big boda. Aldo talks with Estrella.

¿Qué Hago Yo?
Entraste como un rayo de luz
Como un aire encantador
Liberaste con tu hechizo
A mi recluso corazón
Tu dulzura corrió por mis venas
Creí en tu intención
No pensé que fuese un engaño
Ni una mentira tu amor
Me dices que te esta llamando
Te vas sin un adiós
Sé muy bien que harás en sus brazos
Dime que hago yo
Que hago con mis labios
Si me ruegan tus besos
Que hago con mis manos
Cuando suplican tu regreso
Que hago con mis noches
Que hago con mis días
Que hago con tu esencia que se aferra a la mía
Dime que hago yo
Hablamos solo cuando puedes
Te abrazo al esconder
Que no haría para tenerte
A mi lado al amanecer
Mis amigos dicen que te olvide
Que antes de ti no era igual
Antes de ti mi vida no tenia sentido
Antes de ti no sabia amar
Coro x 2
Que hago yo

What do I Do?
You entered as a ray of light
Like an enchanted breeze
With your magic you liberated
My reclusive heart
Your sweetness coursed through my veins
I believed in your intentions
I didn't think that your love
Would be a deception or a lie
You say that she's calling you
You're going without a goodbye
I know very well whom you'll have in your arms
Tell me, what do I do
What do I do with my lips
If they beg for your kisses
What do I do with my hands
When they plead for your return
What do I do with my nights
What do I do with my days
What do I do with your essence that clings to mine
Tell me what do I do
We talk only when you can
I hug you in secret
I can't have you by my
Side when I awaken
My friends say forget you
That I was different before you
Before you my life didn't make sense
Before you I didn't know love
Chorus x 2
What do I do
The priest intones, " En el nombre del Padre, el Hijo, y el Espiritú Santo..."

Labels: gancho
Una, no rush because we have ALL DAY to expect and then enjoy your recap.
Dos, I knew the finale would be a challenge when 1) the closed caps were nonexistent and then completely wrong, and 2) Isa talked ad nauseum and she is practically impossible to understand because she hisses.
Tres, Coni proved she is a champ, verdad? You must be so proud.
So Coni really came through? Great - now I'm really curious!
I'll give you all something to read, an update on the Nashville flood. Now the basement of our new $60 million Symphony Hall is under water. The concert hall is only 3 feet away from inundation. All concert pianos and the organ are ruined plus what ever else was stored in that area. Both the basements of the Titan's stadium and their practice facility (in a different area of town) are flooded and as you know, all equipment is stored in the basements of these buildings. Predators facility..... same situation. Many buildings in downtown Nashville are flooded. There have been 800 water rescues and now 18 people are known dead. All dams on the Cumberland River are at their peaks and some are about to top. If they let water out, it will flood the lower areas more. Many dogs and cats are in rescue facilities. An outlying town, Bellevue is still under water. We have restricted water use because one of the treatment facilities is under water....
Now, we'll just wait for Carlos.
Sandy, I hope the nice Nashville people all pull together to combat this disaster and rebuild. I've always been impressed with "southern hospitality", and I'm sure this'll be no exception.
Sandy - thanks for the report and hang in there.
Hombre (from Friday) - novela heroines do often refer to their men as noble. I wonder if the contemporary definition will give us a clue about what they are really saying.
Horrible as it is...somehow it seems fitting. Gancho SHOULD NOT END. We all had too much fun here, hanging out, squabbling over the characters, sharing our stories, it should just go on and on.....
The thought of writing a recap in longhand just makes me weak. Have mercy!
Sandy, I had no idea things were that bad. What a tragedy. Is it my imagination or have there been more than the usual number of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, oil spills and floods. Getting to feel apocalyptic.
Sylvia...loved your "tres cosas".
Diana, hi again buddy. Thanks for stopping by on my Dinero line. I miss you all!
Sandy, my computer woes pale in comparison to your situation. My heart goes out to you. We often have flooding here and it's always devastating. I have one family of pts. who've flooded so often that they have a set flood drill.
I'm so sorry this is so late. My heart sank when the message popped up that it was shutting down to save everything stored. I didn't even have enough warning to forward what I'd already done to the office. I was so rattled, I'm just glad I finally got it posted.
It was a very satisfying, especially with both Coni and Moni offering to sacrifice themselves to save the other.
Thanks for bearing with me. You guys are the very best.
"Vindictive vicious vile venomous viper", "oblivious offspring", " vacuous hunk" and "hopelessly fickle, vacillating Valentina" were excellent. The pictures - sublime. The shot of Ximena was priceless. I think we all knew she belongs with Rolu (marriage is after all, for better or worse). Hopefully, only better will be before them.
So Coni offered her life for her sister? While not quite ready for cannonization, she moved comfortably into the realm of redemption. Now she and Beto will be together - wonderful!
Now the happy endings (for our characters) can begin. Our little family may disperse somewhat but hopefully Caray will continue to be the tie that bonds.
To you dear doctor, to Hombre, Judy, Kris and Sylvia, thank you for the journey of a lifetime. Your words and pictures added to the scenery and the commenters were the perfect traveling companions.
Reptilian parent unit, vindictive, venemous, vile, vicious viper (yeah, I know I mixed up the adjectives)were a hoot. Loved the way you charcterized Connie's hausfrau training...and worthy wifely ways...my, you were in an alliterative mood. And Isabel "puking" the contents of her vile, poisonous mind. What a powerful description that was.
I loved this ending. Luisa is going to wait a while before making any big romance decisions. Sal and Gaby are NOT going to wait. The tease about whom Xime would choose was just delicious. Perfectly written and played. Estrella snuggling and looking wistful about Aldo's departure gives us hope they will soon be a little nuclear family. Connie, ever deferential to odiferous Beto, happily agrees to be married by an Elvis impersonator. Absolutely divine.
You were the perfect guy to write the last chapter. (YES, in spite of the glitches). You would be the one I'd ask to speak at graduation. And this was a graduation of sorts. We'll never be together in quite this way again. But it was a great ride while it lasted.
Come and visit me y'all from time to time on Dinero. 'Cause I'll be missing you like mad.
As Bob Hope would say...Thanks for the memories. And all the laughs. They'll be treasured forever.
I had to force myself not to cry openly here at work but it was hard. Very hard. Huge sigh...
I'll certainly miss this show, and like you, the people who come here every day even more. It has certainly been a wonderful experience for me.
I felt bad for Monita when her mom started spewing her venom and I also liked that both her and Coni were offering themselves to save the other. It shows both how much Coni as grown and how good hearted our thick headed heroine actually is.
I cheered and hollered again when Rolu was revealed as Xime's choice. Back in the day when I first watched this novela I was completely sure she would pick him. To me there was no other way. However, rewatching this show with all of you made me realize how the writers truly developed the posibility of Arnie and I can't help but wonder if I would have enjoyed this revealing much more if I wasn't so sure who would be her final pick. I guess this was one of those things that you can enjoy more after discovering cualities in a character or storyline that you hadn't seen before thanks to a cordial debate between friends.
I guess I feel a tiny little sorry for Jero, since he wound up in jail and without his beloved face.
I thought Isabel's ending was appropiate since I didn't see her deserving of redemption. Now Moni may have lost a birth mother but she always had Nieves like Beto said and now she has a father who loves her and a sister who was willing to sacrifize herself to save her.
Beto didn't have much time in this last episode but I still loved his "¿Adonde vas Constancia?" while he helped her. Their moments at the M&M wedding were sweet and playful as ever.
Paula wanted a Concha with jelly and fried beans, ew. Here in Veracruz there's something called bomba and they cut the concha like a sandwich and put black fried beans, jalapeños and cheese in it. It tastes good but I always dislike the idea of it, but with jelly? ewwwww. Por Cristian, since he had to eat it too.
I was sad that Aldo decided to go to LA for college. There are some really good universities in México City and he could have stayed to be with Estrella and the baby. I do think that he'll eventually come home and stay with them, from the looks of the wedding that seems to be the only solution.
I was glad to see Gaby and Salvador finally getting their moment to be together and happy at last. They truly deserved it after everything they went through.
Mau... er, looked good. :D
I'm gonna miss your recaps Carlos. I hope you decide to come back again as a recapper because you were a natural at it.
Thanks so much for your kind praise. I was really wondering what the finished product would look after all the cutting, pasting, switching back and forth between computers with an eye always on the clock. Delivering babies was less stressful than this. I know I'll be running across everyone in the other TN study groups, but it won't be the same or as comfortable as it is here at Club Gancho.
I feel bad for Jerónimo. He is lovable in a rascally way. Really not a lot of filial love between him and Ximy.
Ximy was so gorgeous and lively last night. I hope we see her again soon. What talent and personality.
Coni is smoldering. I want to see more of her as well.
In fact what a wonderful group of
actors. The casting for this was perfect.
Carlos, clever suspenseful device to add the (ahem!) computer problem to your recap. OK, I know your night from H**L wasn’t a joke, and therefore I nominate you for my newly created “Mauricio” award, given to the person who is NEVER stopped from accomplishing their goal, in this case, getting that recap done! And that’s what our Mao did, he finally married Moni after fighting for months through problems that would make any old Apple computer proud.
Carlos, back to your “work” (recap doesn’t have the right ring to it!), there were so many things that I loved, “the soul brothers, Mao and Beto,” “reptilian parental unit,” “OK, it's the last episode, I'll play along.” “While Isabel continues her unbonding with her daughter” “And Isabel "puking" the contents of her vile, poisonous mind”......and so many more. Incredible, fantastic job as usual!
Coni was the perfect novela “villain,” she wasn’t taken so far down to the dark side that you didn’t wish for her to walk back up to the good side. Carlos, yes, it was the call of “el sangre,” but I think that we have to give the gal extra credit, she possessed a certain vulnerability, a wish for goodness. Through her “vaca eyes” we could see her brain twist and turn and come out on the side of the light. I especially loved Coni’s acceptance of Beto’s cheap imitation of Mao’s all out wooing of Moni, her innate goodness was there for all of us to see.
Another favorite part of this novela was the paring of Sal and Aldo, the other set of “soul brothers.” Their bonding and escape from the --------(insert your favorite name) chalet was a highlight in Gancho for me, and look, Sal is married and Aldo is off to UCLA! They are both better for their adventure....
Not saying goodbye yet.....too sad....
I fully expect to experience withdrawal next Monday, however I'll manage somehow.
As for the computer drama, actually I was on course to finish by 8:00 and was looking forward to discussions about the show last night. My mom instilled in me during my childhood that panic is never an option. That dictum was sorely challenged yesterday. To make matters worse, 2 pens played out of ink before I was done.
I hope that you guys are drying out. I read this morning that the river was still rising. Good luck to you, your family, and your neighbors. You're in my prayers.
Alas this is the last episode of my favorite telenovela so far. How could I possibly ever thank you all for this community as well as for the witty and helpful recaps.
Enjoy your new TN adventures everybody.
I'm happy that Connie's transformation into a heroine was completed on your watch. The writers wrote this part well and actress performed her part well b/c while still in her dark phase, Connie did demonstrate she did not want to be evil. And happily unlike Isabel, she choose the light instead of darkness.
Though others have mentioned this wonderful alliteration: "vindictive vicious vile venomous viper" continued our association of Isabel as an awful mother and hideous villain. ITA with Jarocha that she had past the point of redemption and her end was fitting.
OT - I hope you all don't mind this portion of this post and I did clear it with blog mom, Melinama. My younger sister has written a children's book, The Polar Bear Tanguista, which was recently published. The reading level is third or fourth grade and it has references to popular culture and novelas (one character is named Roberto Jr from Amigas y Rivales). She also has developed a blog with characters from the book. I wanted to share this with our group because I felt you all would appreciate it. The website for the book and blog are below. Thanks.
Book - http://www2.xlibris.com/BOOKSTORE/bookdisplay.aspx?bookid=65322
Blog - http://theclausiechronicles.wordpress.com/
Carlos, I don't recall any inauspicious debut. All I remember was you opening to rave reviews! For an old doddering doc, you are very nifty in your footwork.
The answer - a recap like yours, filled with humor, pathos, humanity and soul, gilded with photographs, song lyrics, and links. It was a absolute pleasure to read, as are all your recaps, and despite the technical difficulties, your wonderful dedication to making us all happy was never more evident. Thank you for this, and all your recaps.
The recaps, and the comments by all of us Gancholandians, have enabled us to share little bits of our lives. We were lucky to have such an amazing novela, which remained vibrant and entertaining through 220 episodes. But what I'll remember most is how cozy and friendly our community has been, not afraid to go off-topic, supporting each other through troubled times, and sharing joyous ones. It really has been maraviguau!
Coni could have done one more thing, she could have called Mau and Beto and told them where she was to meet Issy. Other than that, Coni went beyond what I expected. I thought she would have one more bad moment after being in jail, but it never happened. She is worthy of "that paragon of manly virtue". Too bad Marcos didn't want to listen to her. Too bad she wasn't able to tell him more. As soon as Coni took off, I thought, I wonder if there is a GPS in that car or can he even have them power the car off?
Poor Coni, I wonder when everyone will start believing she is good?
A quick wrap up of the two loose ends, Jero and Loriloca. Hey, if they did figure out it was Jero, they have in the right place anyway. But, the sentence probably won't be as long. :) I would have expected Jero to complain a little more to the doc, he is no where near as good looking as before.
What did we have 3 weddings?
Was not that impressed with Gabi's outfit, I think she usually does better than that.
I had thought that Xime would end up with Arnie, that was why they brought him in. But, the last couple of weeks, it has been looking like it would be Rolu. Rolu seems to have changed for the better and whenever Arnie tried to get closer to Xime, there was always something missing. They definitely stretched out the suspense on that before giving us Rolu.
Hi Jeff. I fried my eyeballs last night watching two hours of Dinero and recapping. Sure hope Rafa and Ale quit bickering. I need more romance to keep me going on these double duty stints.
You guys are truly great. Every day I look forward to what you have to say about this show, its characters, the writing, and the recaps. We have certainly gotten our money's worth from 220 episodes. I've learned a great deal about everyone who comments here and have both admiration and deep respect for all of our Gancholanders. I started watching this from the first purely because of the recappers and commenters from las Tontas. The premise of the show was not very appealing, the main actors were all new to me with the exception of Mao and I was certainly not a big fan. Am I ever glad I joined up. I really never seriously considered recapping and had a multitude of reasons not to volunteer, but by July I could tell that there was a special quality to this show. Glad I offered. It has been a rich experience.
Hombre, special thanks for your technical assistance. You never let me down.
Sylvia, thanks for getting me started.
Judy, thanks for always being here with your support and enthusiasm.
Kris, I love your style and crisp manner of writing. I can still get you a Texas barn cat.
Stephe and Elna June, thanks for your talented subbing. Both of you are special talents.
Güera, I also thought that we might not ever know whom Ximena chose. I think that I could have been OK with that, though deep down I knew it had to be Rolu. After all, as he said, she was tattooed on his heart.
I still remember how hard I laughed when Rolu got his tattoos and took those dives. Heck, he could have survived the fall tha Isabel took.
Others have cited some of my favorite parts; I think in this recap you managed to exceed your usual very high level of clever wordplay. Well done.
Wow, little did I know that when I wished Isabel would fall off the face of the earth she would literally do just that! It was a fitting end for the viper, a long lonely fall into oblivion. I'm glad she admitted all the horrid things she had done so that at least people know her deeds. I was irked that she had gotten away with murdering Alicia.
I sure have enjoyed chatting with y'all after the recaps. I think some of our best conversations were "off topic" and I'm glad people felt comfortable with saying whatever came into their hearts and minds.
Carlos, thank you again for your superb finale, for recapping against all odds, and for including such great pictures with your recap. How on earth did you manage to capture Dany's perfectly perplexed expression? I'm amazed.
Knock her out and move away from the cliff, but no. Stood there talking, not believing. Ok, maybe it was envy instead of hate, but hey! She wants to kill you!! Move away from the cliff! No, still there. When Coni showed up and she had both in her clutches, they both needed to drop and dive away from the cliff.
Who knew Marcos was superman. He was able to hang onto both of his hijas just long enough.. for our dynamic duo to appear.
I have to to say, I think it was somewhat satisfying having Isabel drop. She was really crazy at the end. Spewing out her guts, getting everything off her chest. She has been holding it in so long, it was a relief for her to get it out. In the end, Isabel was one of the nastiest villains I have seen. Carloca in ENDA was something. You really knew she was crazy. Isabel seemed to have quite a bit of calmness or something overlaying the craziness. We'll never know how much the confession affected Moni. It had to be a shock, but we didn't get to see much of it.
I think the complete abandonment was the actual real nadir for our Coni.
Sylvia, as a fan of the fashions in this show, I think that Ximy's wedding dress was stunning. She was so appealing and saucy in those scenes.
A couple of comments on El Gran Final:
- Mauricio couldn't shave for his boda?? Bum.
- Gabriela, I hope you find a better wardrobe. The wedding outfit only needed a red rubber nose and cone hat to make you look like an old-fashioned clown.
- Isabel's plunge off the cliff made me start singing Toonces, the driving cat. I mean, were we supposed to feel bad about her?
- Aldo, why UCLA and not Baylor? Or UK?
Carlos, we were in Best Buy recently and I noticed the power cords attached to all the new iPads on display were cracked just below the plug. Hello? Steve Jobs? Wuzzupwitdat?
Sandy, God bless you and all the folks in the flood area. Incredible.
And, Carlos, Jeff's right - you were charging hard right out the gate. Save the "doddering old doc" for the nursing home many years from now.
All of you recappers: Thank you! There must have been times when you really didn't want to do a recap or when real life got in the way, but you still came through. Gracias, muchas gracias!
Pero, sipi. Es verdad. (Making a sign of my heart breaking ala Xime) Ouch!
But seriously, the recappers here on Gancho are some of the best in the history of Caray Caray- at least in the near two years I've been on. :) You all go above and beyond in your recaps, but you also have gone out of your way to make create a family amongst your fellow recappers and all of us commenters. I will always appreciate that you all not only lured me out of lurking in the shadows, but welcomed me with open arms into your little family. Thank you to all your fabulous recappers and commenters. Looking forward to "seeing" you all on other tn lines.
And the finale...Hissy got just what she deserved- to fall off the face of the earth, to be forgotten as if she never existed. Mau and Moni, our pretty but uninteresting leads, get a pretty, but uninteresting wedding. Hopefully Moni will learn to judge situations with more calm and intelligence, and to trust the people who love her. I have hope for Aldo and Estrella. They have true love and a child- they'll make it. And plenty of actresses have May-December romances with younger men! Perfect. Louisa is only 15 and just where she needs to be. Let her take her time. Loved all of our other couples, especially Xime and Rolu. He won me over in the end too. I wish we could have seen Beto and Connie's Vegas/Elvis wedding. Now, that would have been the perfect wedding to end this show on! I'll just have to use my imagination for that one... :)
I'm cutting Gabi a little slack. She was, after all, waylaid by Loriloca.
Jeff, you point out Isabel's calm demeanor. I think that cold calmness was one of the things that made her so frightening. I think that Moni and Coni were mesmerized much as they say birds are by some snakes. She was so methodical and cold. Fodder for nightmares. Reptilian indeed.
Also after all that stuff about the cliff how many months went by before the weddings? thanks so much for recapping this show. I'm going to start watching the new show at two! Any recaps for that one!
That new show looks to be fun. I don't know of any plans to recap the afternoon shows. As you know we were thrust into the 2:00 spot by the suits at Univision. Though I must admit it really didn't create any problem for me but it was very annoying that some of our regulars were blocked from watching.
Vivi, I forgot to tell you that I LOVE your pics of Ecuador. What an incredibly beautiful country. What fun for you.
First, thanks to the recappers. Since I was unable to watch the show after its move to 3:00, I have relied on your recaps every day. They have been wonderful, richly detailed, and captured every agonizing moment perfectly! I could hardly tell that I wasn't actually watching the show!
Next, thanks to all who commented. Although I read every recap, I didn't always make it the whole way down the page to read all the comments, but those I did read were at times hilarious, poignant, insightful...I'm running out of adjectives! They were "muy bueno!"
Thank you all!
I did slip home from work early yesterday to watch the final show. It was worth it...and I guess the principal understood, because I still have my job today!!!!
Hope to continue to see you all around the telenovela circuit!
I can't add anything that hasn't been better said. Just that this was such a great group. I'll miss all of you and our wonderfully excellent journey.
And yes Mike, why the heck couldn't Mauricio shave for his wedding? He was still handsome.
Bye, y'all. Take care.
Gancho will be remembered as a fun and thoughtful story but the Gancho community, intertwined through pure affection is what will endure.
Thank you again everyone for your caring, your support and for your heartfelt comments.
If anyone knows if it will rebroadcast, please let me know and I'll tape it.
Well, sorry for my failings on this one, but I guess I can say I'm no worse than Univision with all the weird curveballs they threw at us.
BIG THANKS to my fellow cappers for hanging in there and hanging and covering for me while I was AWOL...
Now without this show churning out new episodes, I will have time to catch up at least...
My big project got delayed so I've been given a small respite, though I will be out of univision and maybe internet land come Saturday... I think before I read this I want to catch up with the last few weeks first... it does look marvelous though and I love that you include the pics.
Thanks again to all of you for all you do whther it be write or comment. What a great community, so sorry I fringed out as I know I missed out on bunches o' laughs. OK, well if we keep the line going, then I'll post delayed observations and you all can just smirk at me ... :)
Any day is OK with me. Maybe early in the week so that we have all week long to chew the fat? (I've always thought that was a weird expression. I wonder where it comes from?)
Love how we're still "hanging around" Carlos' blog. A new definition of Lurkers!
I like the idea of doing it early in the week. Tuesday seems life a perfect choice though any day is fine with me. I watched Hasta el Dinero... for the first time since the first episodes. It does seem like a fun show, but the double dose each night is a little bit taxing for my rodential attention span. TIVO helped. I record it and start watching that about 30 min after it begins FFing through commercials and ending up about the same time it actually ends.
Judy, I'm in awe of you and the other recappers for this show. Just watching for that long was difficult enough. To then recap... well, to say the least, I'm doubly impressed.
Yesterday was my Spanish lesson. We reluctantly finished up with 2666 and are beginning a new book, los Juegos de lo Angeles by Carlos Zafón. We previously read his la Sombra del Viento which was spell-binding. So, new TN and new book.
Like you guys, I'm experiencing a little Gancho withdrawal. Checking Caray Caray has been the first thing I do each morning, now...
It was comforting to see posts here by you guys this morning.
who daily lives Murphy's law
(feeling quite annoyed that, of course, the novela ends just as she gets a work reprieve...)
I just don't know what to do without a Gancho line. Like Carlos, it was the first thing I checked in the morning. Waaaaaaah.
BUT, just keep checking in here until next Tuesday am. when we'll reconvene under the Gancho Group or whatever heading.
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