Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Corazon Salvaje - Monday, June 21 - Arca reveals Leona's secrets; Branko and Gabe work together to find Jimena


* Everyone is sitting around the table worried sick about where Jimena is. Branko arrives carrying Jimena’s skirt and blames Gabe for her death.

* Rod tells Leo his ideas to punish Renato, get rid of Juan and put Regina in a convent permanently. Leo wants it to work out and everyone to return to being happy. Rod thinks Ren and Aimee will work out their problems. Rod and Leo are at the point of kissing when Arcadio walks in and interrupts by shouting to Rod that Leo is his lover and has been for several years! Rod is stunned. Leo is mortified by the shameful lies and tries to get Arcadio to shut up and leave. Arca refuses to leave, and instead starts to spout off about every secret he’s been keeping for Leo - especially about her sister Maria de Rosario, who, he tells Rod, isn’t really dead! Rod is about to hyperventilate with the news. Leo tells him “how dare you say these lies!” Rod orders him to leave immediately. Arcadio says all these things which he says is true, and then he spouts one final secret, that Leo was the one who poisoned and killed Constanza! Arcadio mutters about the letter he has that will prove what he says is true. He runs out of the room to get it. Leo is really worried. Rod is still stunned and hyperventilating.

* Branko tells Mariela it is true that Jimena is dead. He also assures her of his honesty as a gypsy and his plan to marry and live happily with Jimena as his wife.

* Ren has a flashback -- he thinks of Aimee’s statement to him about her innocence and that Regina is the one who was the rebel and snuck around with Juan. She was jealous and scared that her sister would marry Juan. Renato wanders over to the bedside table, and finds Regina’s diary hidden underneath.

* Rod asks Leo if it is true. She swears on her sister’s grave that all Arcadio’s comments are a lie. He wonders why Arcadio would lie? Leo stammers and comes up with a plausable reason. Rod believes it and thinks about Arcadio and the crazy lady. Arcadio returns with a folded up piece of paper. He claims it is Constanza’s letter which is the proof that Leo poisoned and killed her. Rod takes the paper, opens and looks at it. He crumples it up and shouts, there’s nothing on it! it’s blank! Arcadio goes ballistic and starts to strangle Leo and orders her to tell the truth and say where the letter is! Rod aims his pistol at Arcadio’s back. He shoots. Arcadio is winged in the upper arm and drops to the nearby chair. Leo runs to the side of the room near Rod. Rod orders Arcadio to leave the ranch and never return. Arcadio will leave but vows to return. Leo catches her breath after being mauled by Arcadio.

* In the dungeon cell, Arcadio holds his injured arm and stumbles down to the ground. He takes his knife and opens a board on the bottom of the wall. He looks inside and sees the jewels are gone. He is upset and frustrated -- Where are those jewels? he exclaims as he picks up a pitchfork.

* Branko and Gaby are now face to face in an argument. Raul and Mariela’s father try to diffuse the disagreement. Branko swears on his gypsy honor and invites them to the camp to search for themselves if they don’t believe him. Gabe readily accepts the invitation.

* Arcadio is back in his room and finds all the jewels. He debates on showing them to Rod and Leona. He thinks they may say he stole them so he decides to take the jewels and leave the ranch.

* Ren enters the office. He heard the gunshot and wondered what happened? Rod and Leona explain about Arcadio’s outburst. Ren is angry about Arcadio’s actions against his mother. Rod said he told Arcadio to leave and never return. Ren says good, because if Arcadio doesn’t leave, he will kill Arcadio himself.

* Arcadio is out in the fields and near the Paraiso encampment. He grunts about the “evil Montes de Oca family” and takes his torch and starts to light every shack on fire.

* Rosie has another nightmare about Rod and Leona. She is in a panic as she wakes up and pants heavily. Dr. Pablo is right there by her side and listens as she is frustrated she can’t remember who the people were and what happened to her. Pablo works to calm her down and he tells her to focus on the present, herself, her baby, and the people who are with her right now. Don’t worry about the past or the future - if she remembers, good, if not, don’t worry about it. She thanks him and says his name “Pablo”. He smiles and helps her back into bed.

* Arcadio finishes setting the camp ablaze.

* Branko brings Gabe to the camp. As the gypsies all gather around and listen to Branko and Gabe try to organize everyone to search for Jimena. Selma and Griselda try to stop them from searching. Griselda tries to get them to let her niece ‘rest in peace’. The group doesn’t listen and are focused on searching the river tonight. Servando is lurking in the bushes and spying on the group.

* A servant and Celia are running around yelling for Renato. Renato appears from his bedroom. They tell him that Arcadio is burning the camp and fields. Leona panics. Renato tells her that he is in charge of the ranch and he will go take care of this.

* Leona and Rod talk in private.

* Mariela and her mom and dad are discussing her worries about Jimena. Her parents try to console her and calm her down. They give her hope about the search for her own daughter Angela. Mariela now is also worried about Jimena. She prays to the angels for a miracle to find both Angela and Jimena.

* Gabe and Branko sit by a fire at the gypsy camp. There’s no sign of Jimena yet. Gabe suspects that Griselda and Selma know something. The two make a pact to work together to find Jimena.

* Servando corners Griselda and demands she tell him where she is hiding Jimena. It is a matter of his life and livelihood. Griselda claims she has no idea where Jimena is. Selma appears and defends Griselda’s story. Servando doesn’t believe them.

* Men at the saloon are complaining and harassing Jimena as she tries to work. One starts to paw at her. She fights back and goes back to work. The two men gossip.

* Ren and people work together on a water brigade to fight the fires. Ren takes two buckets into a burning shack. He comes out and has to kneel and cough due to smoke inhalation. A man helps Renato away from the fire. Renato continues to give orders to the people. Someone comes up to Renato to tell him that Arcadio was the one who set the fires. Renato continues to give orders about fighting the fires.

* Rod confronts Leona in the office about all of Arcadio’s commentaries. Leona cries and wonders why should she have to defend herself for all of that. Rod is still stunned and needs to know the truth. Leona reminds Rod that he was there when Arcadio opened Maria’s tomb. She then comes up with a story about Arcadio playing a trick on them with the body.

* Jacinta talks with Maria about her ramblings.

* Rod believes Leona’s explanation. Leona continues her story and says that Arcadio is a complete menace and it’s good he’s gone now. Rod gives her a consoling hug.

* On the Luzbel, in the captain’s cabin, Regina stands behind the curtain near the bed all dressed and ready to go to bed. She hears the door open and Juan enter. He’s tired and maybe a little drunk. He finds the chair, takes off his shirt and flings himself through the curtain and lands face first onto the bed. Regina is startled and jumps through the curtain to the other side of the room. She looks and wonders if he’s asleep. She grumbles and tries to wake him up to get him off her bed. He rolls over and is still asleep. She complains about him being on her bed. She tries to push, pull and roll him off the bed. He continues to sleep. She rolls him over and grumbles as she tries to take his boots off. He sits up and helps with the boots. She almost falls backward as he pulls his boot off. He lays back down and sleeps. She continues to walk around the bed, whining and complaining. She finally gives up and pushes him over so she can get into bed. She lays down and jumps up fast as he rolls over onto her. She thought bubbles about never sleeping with him or any man.

ADVANCE: crucial moments coming along in the story. Don’t miss an episode!


Wowee, Jody, what a great recap. I can hardly wait to see all the action in an hour. I'll have a better idea of what's being said in the conversations. Thank you.


Thank you Jody, for that clear and concise summary. I had some major interruptions, so now I know all that happened.
It was nice to see Gabe and Branco working together.
La Paloma

Hmmm.. I love how this is heating up now, figuratively and literally. Let's at least get saintly Regina and roustabout Juan in bed together, even if nothing happens for a while. Thanks Jody for filling us in all the action.

Thanks for the recaps and comments the past few days. Connie, so glad your son is home - hope you have a wonderful visit.

Jody: Excellent recap. As usual, you captured all of the events perfectly!

Arcadio has now burned all his bridges (so to speak). He's been fairly cunning and it was a little surprising that he allowed his jealousy to goad him into divulging every dirty secret.

Utterly frustrating that Rod seemed to believe Leo's denial. But, without the letter and having seen MdR's "remains", there was no proof that what Arcadio said was true. At least not now.

I was a little confused about the jewels. I thought Leo found and has MdR's jewelry chest. I thought the jewelry Arcadio has and was looking at was Rosie's that he took from her when he tried to kill her. Leo and Rod both know he was going to try and kill Rosie so I'm not sure why they would care if he had her jewelry. The only thing it would do would be to implicate him in her attempted murder.

Only the briefest scene of Reggie and Juan but I thought she might be thawing somewhat. I know I certainly would be!


Thanks Jody for the great recap. I actually was up late last night and saw this. I kept thinking, when are we getting back to Reg and Juan? We only got five minutes of them last night. Oh, and at the end of that scene Reggie was noticing Juan's masculine beauty as he slept, so definitely some progress. :)

It was amusing watching the master liar at work this episode- Leo totally conning Rod. That woman is a good liar. Aimee should take notes. The jewels Arca took out of the sack were Leo's jewels she's given him as payment all these years. But Leo has MdR's jewels that were supposedly burried with her and would have been more evidence that Leo is a liar. He was right about the stash of Leoo jewels- she would have just said Arca stole them from her.

I was worried about Jimena when she was sold to the saloon, but she's holding her own with those grabby guys. Being sassy and strong, and throwing their attention off her by telling one guy his wife is having an affair with the other guy. Lol! Very good Jimena. I have no worries about her now. But surely she will be in some danger right at the moment her two galans rush in to save her.

jody I just love how you do a recap. It's like I'm watching it happen. I was disappointed to hear that Juan and Regina were only on for a little bit. Hopefully when I watch it on Friday he will be on more. I hope Arcadia finally sees Leo for the backstapper she is and maybe works with someone else to bring her down. Terrylee from Ashtabula

Thanks for the recap Jody. this show is really getting good. I knew it would if Big EY was in it. I could just sit and look at him all day. Reggie doesn't know just how good she has it. So does Viewerville think Orca is a gonner now or will they save that for later on? He's coughed up almost every secret he knows so his time might be pretty short. I'm not complaining that's for sure.

Thank you for your explanation about the jewels Vivi! I had also wondered what Jimena said to the saloon guys. Appreciate your clarifying that.


Thanks for the recap Jody. It is too bad that Juan and Regina were only on for a few minutes but hopefully tonight they will have more scene time.

Vivi, thanks for your clarifications about Jimena and Regina's observations.

Connie - while I don't know if Orca is a goner (on one level he has served his purpose but he could continue to wreck havoc as he did last night),the good thing about him being banished from the finca is that he might not try to kill MdR or Rosie any more. In fact, the two of them being alive helps to prove his assertions.

Jody, thanks so much for the recap. I'll be back after I listen to it.

I actually stayed up to watch this, too; so I'm sure I can use a refresher for the bits where my eyelids were drooping.

Arcadio is a bad man, like María del Rosario says, but he is no coward and no sissy: he gets shot in the arm and doesn't make a whimper, LOL.

I think he will be back. Good idea about joining with someone against the other villains -- who would be a good candidate?

When they segued from his scene to Dr. Pablo's, I kind of thought Arcadio might be going there to get the bullet out.

Juan is going to want Arcadio punished after he finds out María del Rosario is his mother and what Arcadio did to her all these years.

It was great to hear Regina admit to herself what a good looking hunk Juan is.

Thanks, Jody. I haven't had a chance to watch this episode yet. Well, at least Reggie and Juan were in the bed together. That's the first step. Leo is an expert liar and wheeler dealer. I see a very big anvil in her future, and I'm not even a fortunetelling gypsy. Juan and Reggie are both gone and out of Rod's hair plus he has Reggie's inheritance, so his desire to put her into a convent and punish Juan are just pure meaness. Rod, you old reprobate, there are a couple anvils in your future, too. This show is great. I'm with you, Connie, I like to look at Big Ed...asleep, awake, whatever.

Thank you very much, Jody!

The Hell broke loose at the Finca, and this time literally, I love it.


"It is too bad that Juan and Regina were only on for a few minutes"

The scriptwriter isn't familiar with the world "balanced". Either the protagonists spend together 60 percent of the episode (and the telenovela forgets completely another storylines for a while), or they got ten seconds.

When I first saw the scene on the Luzbel I thought: Congratulations, Regina, you're a mother now. You just gave birth to a healthy, 6' 3" tall baby.
And although I think Juanito is hot, but I have a hard time imagining how could Santa Regina, the Lost Virgin of the Seas find him attractive at that moment. Yeah, I know, he was so calm and innocent in his sleep like a child. And drunk. And snoring. And stinking. And no wonder why Aimee never slept with him. I mean, literally. :)

Tomorrow (and the rest of the week) will be grrrrrrrreat. The next episode is my favourite. Okay, one of them. :)

Didn't Remigio just sing praises about Juan to Reggie. That he never was drunk. Married to Reggie for 3 days and Juan has taken to the bottle. LOL. Juan was at his worst but still looked muy guapo. I agree with Reg.


Oh, I forgot the video of the hilarious "Reggie and The Moving Mountain" scene:
it starts at 4:20

Great recap. Thanks a lot. I haven't seen this yet but after reading your recap I feel like I don't need to see it. You brought everything to life. Also glad that Gabe and Branko are going to be working together. Also hurry up and lets have some Reggie/Juan romance.

last night I have friends over for dinner- and while we were talking CS was on and a cousin of mine that is in film bussiness, when he saw Leo and Rod , said they really are excellent actors- I can see that.

I hope Renato doesn't dither around on principle of not reading someone's diary and gets around to it in the next episode.

He's lacked principle the last couple weeks, and now would be a bad time to discover some, LOL.

Rodrigo still isn't completely convinced he knows what's going on, I think.

He's still in a quandary about why Arcadio would make up such off-the-wall stories and sound so convincing.

You're all very welcome.

Being this is on so late at night, I was a little droopy eyed when the Juan - Regina scene was airing. I couldn't tell if Juan was drunk or if he was suffering from severe sea-sickness.

Thanks Vivi for the clarification on the jewels and what Jimena told the men in the saloon.

Jody :)

Jody, thanks for the great recap.
This are finally starting to happen on the high seas, about time.

Rod and Leo are really evil people. I can hardly wait for the anvils!

I was happy to see Renato find the diary and put it away before he has a chance to read the darn thing. I hope it doesn't take too long because he is in for a few surprises.


Thanks for the recap Jody!

Jeri - ITA that Rod doesn't quite believe Leo - what Arca said was way too specific and detailed to just be a made up lie in the moment. He did look like he was thinking when he hugged Leo.

Nice that Jimena's 2 galans are going to work together, Branco seems to be a fairly nice guy. Loved the way Jimena protected herself as well.

The Regi/Juan scene was great, and yes Remi was just telling her how Juan never drinks! So it must be her driving him to it.

I don't know about Arca, he has done too many bad things to be redeemed, probably. At the same time, he is a conflicted character, forced to do most of it by Leo.

Jeri - Interesting idea about Orca joining up w/someone but he's been a loner most of the TN and I don't really see that changing (unless he too gets knock in the head w/a rock and becomes a nice guy).

ITA w/you regarding Ren. After being a hellion for the past few weeks, I hope he doesn't suddenly re-gain his conscience and wait weeks before reading Regina's diary.

Question - did anyone catch what/why Rod (in his conversation w/Leo) is planning on punishing Renato? Ren's on his side now so what's the point aside from Rod sinking to a deeper rung of Hades?

I didn't think he said that, but I'm not sure - I thought he was wanting to punish Regina.

Loved the recap Jody. Orca told all the truth but the crucial evidence he needed, the letter, was switched. Leo fast talked herself out of deep trouble just like Aimee. They both truly are one of a kind. I wonder if Jimena will be found and who will find her? The scenes at the end of a drunken Juan and an equally horrified Regina were LOL funny. I was crying when Regina tried to take off his boots and he suddenly awoke and took off his boot and then fell back on the bed in a dead sleep. I haven't laughed hard like that in a long time. Can't wait for tonight's show.

Oh and hopefully the next show will have more Juan and Regina in it instead of being relegated to the last five minutes of the show. After all, they are the protagonists are they not.

Thanks for the recap Jody!

Jeri and Ivy, I agree with you. Rod ain't buying what Leo is selling. Actually I'm quite surprised they let Arcadio go, since he knows all their secrets. If they think he won't tell they're delusional. Talk about a loose cannon... I wonder if Arcadio would team up with Fulgencio - he always seems to need a hit man.

I was really glad to see Jimena slinging drinks and not forced to work as a whore. But does this mean dumb Gabe will now think she's not good enough for him, since she's worked in a low class saloon? phhhhft.

Jody Renee,

Thanks for this recap as well as for your STuD recap. Both are very well done. I'm almost always a day behind in CS. I'll watch this when I get home tonight. I was also worried about Jimena. Glad to hear that she is holding her own for the moment.


Way to go Jodie!! Last night, like every night,my intention is to watch it and enjoy some peace and quiet.But Alas!! the TV always watches me and without the recaps I'll truly be lost. Pay back time for Leonarda. Arcadio really did let it all out. Some people just don't know their place.Here he is,an itch scratcher,(JudyB once called it menopausal lust)what made him think Leo was going simply acknowledge what they did in the dungeon.What was he thinking? I think we will see him again because he is a villain and villains either die or are buried alive or worse, they don't just walk away. It wouldn't be natural.
I'd like to believe that Jaun was drunk,but what if he was just trying to get close to Regina???Hmm
Just saying....Thanks again Jodie, I missed this episode but you brought it home visually for me.


Great recap.

I was thinking the same thing that Juan was faking being drunk to mess with Regina. I could have sworn i saw him grin.
Of course, he could have been grinning trying to stay in charater since it was a fun scene.

I cant see Rod and Leo discussing plans to punish Ren since Leo wouldnt let anyone cause pain to her little boy.

Aribeth~~Thanks for that link and for the news that this week will be good. That scene between Reg in her big bonnet and boracho Juan was like a sketch out of SNL. Hub is about Juan's size , and from personal experience, I can tell you that sleeping with someone that size is ..interesting and sometimes dangerous...if you are a small person. I have gotten a elbows now and then and a few months ago , I got a punch in the arm while he was dreaming. Bueno suarte , Reggie.

Aribeth~~Thanks for that link and for the news that this week will be good. That scene between Reg in her big bonnet and boracho Juan was like a sketch out of SNL. Hub is about Juan's size , and from personal experience, I can tell you that sleeping with someone that size is ..interesting and sometimes dangerous...if you are a small person. I have gotten a elbows now and then and a few months ago , I got a punch in the arm while he was dreaming. Bueno suarte , Reggie. [Word verification: ''unbed'']

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