Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dinero #140 6-24-10: Maybe That’s How Vicky Got Pregnant- Osmosis!

OK folks, it’s going to be quick and dirty tonight as I have an early meeting out in VA tomorrow morning. Plus, the end of Mi Pecado left me in a bad mood. Last week it was difficult to jump into Dinero because I was still on a high from MP ending with the hero and heroine finally having congress for the first time. Tonight, it ended with a violent scene of the heroine being raped. Ack! Not even a fun Dinero episode can wipe it from my mind. Enough of my rant. On with the recap!

Vicky has Rafa just where she wants him. Both she and her brothers are in agreement that if Rafa doesn’t accept their conditions, he doesn’t get the money. Vicky’s condition is that he marry her. Over at Rafa’s, Jaime is singing the same tune. Rafa’s risking his mom being thrown in jail if he tells the whole truth to Ale as he plans. Rafa is more determined than ever after the kiss he shared with Ale that evening. Jaime keeps pushing and Rafa is sick of it. So much so that he yells some choice words at Jaime that include a bleeped out curse! This shuts Jaime up for now and he agrees to get the paperwork ready. Rafa leaves the room in a huff, and Jaime has a chat with his buddy Jesus. He admits what he’s doing is wrong, but would Jesus rather have him killed by the Brothers Grimm or by Rafa?

This chat is interrupted when Julieta bursts in. She shocks Jaime when she tells him she’s late (“tengo un retraso”/my period is late). He’s speechless and on the verge of a heart attack. Julieta wonders why he’s freaking out so much since you can’t get pregnant through osmosis or from kisses! (So, now we all know. There was no congress in the cabin.) She is happy to know that if that were to ever happen, she has such a wonderful boyfriend who would NEVER be capable of impregnating a woman and not taking responsibility. Jaime gulps.

Rafa and Ale dream of drunken kisses. Ale wakes suddenly, with a killer headache, asking “what did I do?” (Que hice?) Since she can’t sleep, she decides to make Rafa share her misery. She calls him demanding that he keep his word to pay her in full that day. (And buenas noches to you too Ale!)

The next morning at the breakfast table, Julieta has no appetite again (and now I am getting worried about her health). She and Leonor can’t believe Ale had the nerve to call Rafa in the middle of the night to harass him. Thank goodness, as of today he won’t have to deal with that harpy ever again!

At the de la Parra residence, Vicky is looking like her old self, and has fixed the men of her household the kind of meal they had been accustomed. When Rafa arrives, she greets him at the door with high pitched intensity. Yep, the old Vicky is back. Don Gaston and the Brothers Grimm show Rafa the sack of money. He’s shocked as he expected a check. Guess he didn’t realize how close of a resemblance his future in-laws bear to the Mafia (spoiled daughter, violent sons, love of weapons…). The haggling over the conditions begins. Rafa’s word of honor isn’t enough. Don Gaston and the BGs want Rafa’s house as a guarantee, as well as a monthly payment agreement. Vicky puts her foot down. She doesn’t want her pajarito to have to work as hard as he has been to pay off the debt. He needs time to dedicate to her, after all. Don G. proposes Rafa pays 20 thousand pesos per month. At that rate it will take Rafa 6 years to pay him. The contract is agreed to, and I’m not sure how Rafa managed to get an arm free to sign it, as Vicky is draped over one side of him holding his hand on the table; Big BG is hovering on the other side of him with a knife to his throat; Don G. is sitting next to him with yet another hand on top of Rafa’s; and Little BG is giving him the death stare standing across from him. He signs, but the family has one more condition…Just because Rafa has six years to pay them off does not mean that he has six years till he marries Vicky. In fact, they’re not talking years, they’re talking months. Vicky has an even better idea, they can get married in 20 days. That’s all the time she needs to arrange it. Don G. thinks 20 days is pushing it. He gives them a month! Rafa gulps. (Poor Rafa.)

Ale isn’t having a much better start to her day, although she looks pretty good for being so hung over (fun purple movie star sun glasses). Tia Rosario scolds her as expected. She thinks Ale is lying about being with a client, and believes she was with Rafa the whole time. She wonders how Ale could have so little dignity to go back to a man who has treated her so badly, but concedes that Ale is an adult and can ruin her life if she wants. Jorge has no nice words to say to her either and won’t let her kiss him. She’s fine with that, as she’s not talking to him till he ends this whole silly idea of a duel with Quintana.

When she arrives at Siglo, the sales team is pretty quick to pick up on the fact that Ale has a major hangover. They’re all pretty chipper this morning, actually. Jimenez has the huge burden of the client whose money he used, off his shoulders; although her hair is obviously suffering from the lack of hot water, Rosuara’s in pretty good spirits; the General is actually looking more lovely than ever in a hot red top (Rosaura’s influence?); Marino is his usual slimy self (offering Rosaura his hot water, and other things); and Ramirez is speaking French to everyone, so obviously his French book deal is going well.

Susana thinks Ale must be pretty happy since she drank Marian under the table. Ale admits that she would be happy, if it weren’t for the fact that she kissed Rafa. “Wait a minute young lady. I want details!” Ale fills her in on the kiss, near kiss, and the lovely things Rafa said to her. She remembers EVERY detail, but there is no way that she’s going to admit that to Rafa. Rafa calls her and tells her he has the money, is on his way, and asks her to get the sales meeting started for him. Ale then calls Marco and asks him to be at Siglo within an hour and a half to wrap up the business with Rafa. Marco can not believe Rafa found the money. He dispatches Chavez to find out tout de suite from a (real) lawyer if Rafa paying them off will get Leonor off the hook for the house “sale.”

Best random scene of the night- Susana takes Dandy to a yoga class. (The yoga instructor looks just like my good friend Luzette, who is also totally in to new agey stuff and is from Colombia.) Susana confesses that she never imagined she would fall for someone like Dandy- a womanizer, party animal, meat eater! Dandy comes out in a mock turtleneck, long sleeved muscle shirt (the kind with the muscles drawn on), dark socks, and tiny white gym shorts with animal print boxers peeking out. Lol! He then proceeds to screw up every single pose and knock over some of the other class participants. Susana doesn’t seem to mind. Ah, love!

Tomorrow: Marco continues to fume about Rafa’s payment in full. Vicky is happy. And Rafa lays stacks of cash on a shocked Ale’s desk.


Hello Vivi, I happened upon the introduction of your Dinero recap. If it makes you feel any better, after the last scene in MP, I'm in a bad mood too! Hope your trip to VA goes well and I'll see you tomorrow on MP (I hope!)

Vivi,"best random scene of the night" I don't think so. I think it was the best random scene we have ever had. What a hoot. I love those two.
"so now we all know there was no congess in the cabin", funny line. And great title.

Poor Rafa, one month. This should be an interesting next few weeks. I just wish those BG's would put the knives away.

I don't watch MP but I always see the last 5 minutes or so of it before Dinero starts, and I caught that very disturbing ending. I think that is why I don't watch dramatic novelas.

Thanks for such a fun recap.

Hah! I *told* y'all Julieta and Jaime hadn't "done it." Jaime better shape up or he's going in the bad-guy column in my book.

Thanks for the recap Vivi. I was wondering if Jaime and Julieta had cositas. Glad to know congress was not in session. I was surprised she was pregnant, as I was thinking it was a no. Now, I guess we know it is no. I'm worried like you though, is there a disease coming up for Julieta? Will Rafa need more money to take care of her?

I would have made sure the BGs went with me when I took that money. Need to have a little backup.

Not sure why Marco should really care about where the money came from? I would think, good, we have the money. Ale is leaving Auto Siglo. We don't need to see that Rafa ever again! Now, how can I get that money from Ale? :)

Thanks for the great recap Vivi! I was laughing so hard when Dandy was attempting to do yoga in that muscle shirt. Funniest scene ever?

Poor Rafa, I hope he can get that bank loan so he won't have to marry Vicky.

Vivi, thanks for the great recap. In agreement about Rosaura's hair and La Generala's look; also about Ale looking that good after all that tequila. My head hurts just thinking about it.

Dandy at yoga class. It was so awful it was hilarious. I applaud Susana for serenely focusing on Dandy's inner self; his outer self at class could send even the strongest woman running in terror.

I too usually see the last few minutes of the previous show. I'm very glad I was a little late and didn't subject myself to that. Yes, it must be difficult to be in the proper frame of mind for full enjoyment of Dinero.

Me again. Melinama-- you ARE right! I admit it, I thought J&J probably had cositas. I hope I'm not wrong in thinking Vicky is not pregnant.

Jeff, the instant Rafa officially pays off Ale, he wants to tell her what a deceitful scum Marco is. This is what Marco is trying to stop.

Good morning Vivi. Of course I was in the same boat as you last night, and chose to go out and be in the serenity of the yard and evening sky rather than plunge right into Dinero. But you had no choice.

Loved your description of Vicky's "high-pitched intensity". She was all that and more last night.

Was happy to see the bag of money made it to AutoSiglo. Had visions of Rafa being robbed and then doubly in debt to both the la Parras and Ale. Amused when Don Gaston sneered that he wasn't into sophisticated notions like "checks" and that's why the loan was in "efectivo". As I understand it, this is the first time Rafa's had a checking account also.

Have a good trip Vivi. Shake off the dreadful happenings in Mi Pecado. From what Jarocha has said, there's cascade of grim happenings to come.

Hey Jeff...after all our speculation, Evan went to Philadelphia. Hope those tough Philly fans don't chew him up and spit him out. He's such a nice guy.

Wow! I thought that the scene with Jaime & Julieta was the opposite. I thought that she was being sarcastic. --How do you think it happened -by osmosis?" I thought that when she said "you and I know what happened" that she was confirming that they HAD done it.

Anyone else have that take on it?????


Vivi, I called you Vicky in one of my comments yesterday. Very sorry about that. I hope you have a great trip today as well.

Judy I had visions of the money getting lost or stolen as well.

Thanks for the recap.

I loved how Tia dished out the sarcasm toward Ale - she's almost as good at sarcasm as Ale herself!

Anyone else a huge fan of Azucena--she is usually in the background, but watch for her facial expressions in reaction to what is going on in the scene---hilarious.

Gúera--I was listening on headphones while writing emails, so only half (or less) of my brain was tuned in to what I was hearing....but I had the same impression as you. Sarcasm and "we both know what happened", dun de dun dun.... Well, time will tell.....Plus...there have been cases of pregnancy without actual penetration. Sooo...."osmosis" isn't quite as far out as it would seem.

Also -- after getting the news from Julieta Jaime was terrified of what Vickie was going to say when she found out ????

I loved the scene in the yoga studio. Dandy has such a mobile face -- and his moves were hilarious. As for his outfit! What can I say?


I don't think Rafa is going to be able to get Marco off his back. Add that to the fact that he has to marry Vicky and we have a storm on the horizon! What will Ale do when she finds out about Rafa's wedding with Vicky?! Hope she doesn't run into Marco's arms!!!

Thanks Vivi!

ITA that Julieta was being sarcastic, I believe that they did have cositas, but, again we never know with this show. That is one thing that keeps us all so interested, lol.

Rafa wants to tell Ale about the blackmail, that Marco did all of this with the house/contest so that he would leave Ale, and Marco can't risk him telling. Where is our spy, hasn't he started work yet??

Poor Rafa, Ale made him feel so bad, but she usually does after something good happens between them.


"Quick and dirty..." perhaps... but very entertaining. Good luck with that meeting this morning.

I have to agree with Güera and Judy about Julieta and Jaime. I think there is no doubt that Julieta is pregnant. Of course I'm still convinced that Vicky is also pregnant though I think that is much less certain. Judy is quite correct that pregnancies occur with less than successful congressional activity. I've presided over several such pregnancies over the years including one involving a situation where intercourse would have been utterly impossible.

Nelson's yoga antics cracked me up. His character is such a good sport and clearly is in love with Susana.

Also cracking me up on a regular basis is Jaime's almost blasphemous familiarity with Jesus. He told Jesus that if Rafa marries Vicky, things will work out well, "You'll see."

So many fascinating situations are teed up and set to explode at any moment. I'm more than ready.

Bring Rubi home.


My tent is packed and I'm off to a music festival for the weekend. Tonight looks like there could be some action but I'll have to wait till Monday to see what happens -- if my 67 year old bones make it through the camping weekend.

Have a good one everybody -- and Judy, our Wes Johnson from SU got a good slot it seems. Picked #4 ain't too shabby.

No indeed, Güera, and Wes us a terrific player. I hope our Evan can handle life in the fast lane. Those pros can be pretty tough on the rookies but he does have a good mom and a good girlfriend, so that should help.

Sorry Dinero folks for going off-topic. Carlos, Jeff, Güera and I often talked basketball over on Gancho, in addition to the show. And Hombre and Mike and Emilia would sometimes chime in also.

Thanks for the recap Vivi. I also didn't like the scene at the end of MP. I sure am glad about the Dandy/Suzana romance. It always lightens things up. I hope they don't mess with them. I can't imagine what Marco is going to do now to keep Ali in the dark, but I am sure he will think of something. I also think Julieta is pregnant, but really hoping that VVV isn't.

Hello all. I had a good meeting this morning. Whether or not it will result in funding for our programs is yet to be seen.

I'm going to have to rewatch the Julieta/Jaime scene, but I'm sticking with not pregnant. She is nowhere near upset enough and that conversation did not become an, "OK, what are we going to do next? Get married?" conversation. And Julieta definitely worries and frets when she's done something her bro and mom would be unhappy about (remember the whiskey sale). But, I may have not been hearing or catching the visual cues correctly. Will rewatch later tonight.

Susana and Dandy together are always a treat to see. I wonder if any of his habits have rubbed off on her? Maybe she's more relaxed/accepting of other lifestlyes? She has told Dandy that he doesn't need to change to be with her, but God bless him, he keeps trying. :)

ViVi, your recaps are always the best even the quick and dirty version.

I thought Jaime was more nervous than usual, if that's possible, and tripped over the chair and fell under the table, because he heard the "is preggers" news. I thought Julieta seemed strangely calm but she trusts Jaime and thinks Jaime will do the right thing and marry her. But I could easily be sooo wrong.

I, too, love the Susana/Dandy relationship. They are so tolerant of each other and Dandy is so committed to her, he'll try anything for her.
I thinks it's LOL, when in the prior episode, Marco calls Susana "the vegetarian" so derisively. Of course, Marco's diet consists mainly of whiskey.


Great recap Vivi. As usual. Glad you had a good meeting and hope you can continue your great work.

I think those pregnancies is a way of adding drama and probably none of the girls will be pregnant at the end.


Great recap, Vivi. I happen to agree with you, I think Jaime said something like "does that mean you could be pregnant?", and Julieta replied, "well, it doesn't happen by osmosis", meaning she isn't. Besides, if she were, wouldn't they hug, or she'd talk about taking a test to make sure, or something? His general nervousness, to me, just meant he was worried about Vicky.

Judy and other basketball fans, I was happy to see that Greivis Vasquez from Maryland got drafted in the first round, and may be the most successful basketball player ever to come from Venezuela. I think the last one was Oscar Torres, who played two years in the 80's.

BTW, I'm on vacation in West Virginia, but fortunately I was able to find a way to get online. Now back to my vacation!

Thanks for a stellar recap, Vivi! I missed last night so I'm going to have to check out you-tube - it sounds too good to be missed. I loved the "having congress" phrase, plus the "congress is in session" and "congressional activity" comments. This is why I love this website - you all are too funny.

Mil in NC

Ok, you guys are going to crack up over this video. A very young Ale (Itati) and Jaime (Bibi) in telenovela from the early 90s (and loking very late 80s):

Enjoy! Lol! I'm going to post it again in tonight's recap comments

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