Thursday, June 24, 2010

El Clon Thursday June 24: Summary for Discussion

It was a dark and stormy night … um… metaphorically speaking…

At Albi’s house:
Luisa tells Albieri -- with genuine delight -- that Dora came to see her and told her Daniel was back.

At Dora’s place:
Estela asks Dora what’s troubling Daniel. Dora thinks it’s Albieri’s weird behavior toward him.

Daniel is shown wandering the Miami streets at night …

And at the Casa Ferrer
… we hear Lucas telling Rosa how he would have liked to do just that.
Me hubiera encantado recorrer las calles en la noche.
I would have loved to go through the streets at night.
When he was young, he says, he asked Albieri to make a clone of him. If he’d done so, there would have been someone to do the things his father asked of him and he would have been free to follow his dreams.

Leo overhears this and comes in to apologize to Lucas for being so hard on him all these years. He admits he preferred Diego because he was like himself. And instead of Diego’s death bringing Lucas and him closer, it drove them farther apart. Leo’s own father taught him to see idealists as losers. Forgive me, he pleads. I understand that you loved me unconditionally and because of that you gave up your own love and dreams.

At Saids house:
Zoraida and Jade embrace sadly. Said has told me I’ll never see Jadiya again, Jade tells Zoraida while Mohamed and Said wait, glaring impatiently.
Said takes Jade away.

At Empresa Ferrer:
Clara tells Carolina about Escobar’s visit and his talk about taking ‘precautions’. Caro confesses her worry about Enrique.

At their viper's... I mean love nest:
Malicia and Escobar are looking at properties for sale.

At the lab:
Albieri tells Luisa that something came up and he had to cancel the planned dinner with Dora and Daniel. On his way out, he is stopped by PI Ramos who shows him photos of Albi with Dora and Daniel. He wants $5,000 for his silence. Trato hecho, says Albieri. It’s a deal.

At Latifa’s place:
The Naz is badmouthing Jade, gloating over her misfortune. Latifa loses her patience, but has to hold her tongue when Jadiya comes in and asks: Why did my mother go to Morocco without me?

In Fez:
A forlorn Jade, in black head scarf, enters Ali’s house. Where’s Jadiyah? she is asked by the young women. She stayed in the United States, explains Jade.

In Said’s house:
Rania tries to assert herself with the servants as first wife, but Zoraida puts her in her place, reminding her that until the Iddah is complete, that position still belongs to Jade.

In Miami:
Daniel asks Albieri outright why he’s hiding him from Luisa. Albieri says he’ll tell her the truth after their trip to Morocco; first he wants Daniel to meet his great friend there, Ali.

At Cristina’s bar:
Miguel gives Osvalda a letter – a notice that he must appear in court in one month.

At the gym:
Alej is a bit uneasy about leaving Nati alone. He thinks she might be tempted to use pot again but she promises she won’t. He is really happy with his new job and thinks the future is promising.

At Casa Ferrer:
Nati is packing up more of her things to take to her new place, with the help of Rosa.

At Lucia’s house:
Marisa takes a call from Said and arranges to meet him.
Lucia asks Roberto to reassure her that he is not cheating on her. I’d kill myself if you were, she says.

At a restaurant in Miami:
Marisa asks Said to get Alej’s employer, Zain, to fire him because as long as Alej is working, Nati won’t come home. Said is happy to oblige. [And why not? He is becoming something of a specialist in destroying the happiness of daughters.]

At Enrique's place:
He and Caro discuss his addiction. He is frank about his history and despairing about ever getting better. She wants to help him.

At Lucia’s house:
Fernando is rolling a joint as Andrea looks on disapprovingly. Fernando is demonstrating the path to addiction that Enrique is describing to Carolina. It looks grim for both.
Lucia comes home and wants to know what that funny smell is. It’s the incense your Arab friend gave you, they tell her.
¡Pero qué peste!
But what a stink! says Lucia. Get rid of it!

At the clinic:
Luisa tells Anita that the PI confirmed that Albieri was telling her the truth. They both feel bad for doubting him. Albi comes in, looks at Luisa sternly and asks if she has the report he needed. He thinks:
El círculo se esta cerrando.
The circle is closing.

At Dora’s house:
Daniel tells Dora about Albieri’s proposal to take him to Morocco and meet Ali. Why? asks Dora. Sus razones tendrá.
He must have his reasons. (tendrá is the future of tener, to have. This is a future of possibility or speculation).
You know, says Daniel:
Nada está saliendo como yo lo pensaba.
Nothing is turning out the way I thought.

At Ali’s house:
Abdul summons Jade, tells her she can’t leave the house and threatens her with 80 lashes if she disobeys him.

At Latifa’s house:
Latifa is telling Zoraida that she must go back to Morocco as soon as possible and not leave Jade alone with Abdul. He is like a caveman, they agree, and he has always hated Jade. Mohamed comes in and while he and Latifa are talking, Zoraida takes advantage of the moment to call Lucas and arrange a meeting.

At Said's house:
Zoraida stops off and tells Rania and Jadiya she still has some errands left at the mall (centro comercial), things to buy to send to Jade. She leaves and Jadiya asks Rania if they can get dressed up and surprise Zoraida by meeting her at the mall.

At the mall (I think)
Zoraida meets up with Lucas and tells him Jade is counting on him to take Jadiya to Morocco. She says you promised. He looks troubled…


Wow! This was an unrelentingly gloomy episode, really hard to watch. The brujas seem to be getting more and more powerful...

NovelaMaven: You're right, pretty grim episode. Seeing Jade returning to Ali's house in Morocco was the pits. Abdul can't wait to have an excuse to do the traditional 80 lashes. Thanks for the summary, as always your coverage is much appreciated!

Thanks for the summary!
I would feel bad for Jade, but she is as dumb as a brick. Two bricks, even. She gives Zamaya an "If I could have done things differently" speech, but she continues to act with total disregard for consequences.

In fact, hardly anyone on this show is likeable. Certainly none of the leads, except Ali, who seems like a genuinely good guy. (I'll admit Lucas and Cristina have their moments, and Nazira is fun when she's boy-crazy. And I was happy to see Latifa finally stand up to Nazira, if only briefly.)

Two things I'm wondering: Does Albieri want to see Ali for advice (as if Ali could help!), or to vainly flaunt his success?
And is Zain (or Sein or whatever his name is) Said's secret identity? Am I right that we haven't seen this character? Did Said choose a fake name that sounds like his own, so he could remember to respond to it?

By the way, thanks for your hard work on the recaps Jean, NovelaMaven, and PaulaH. As a longtime fan of funny commentary on cheesy fiction, I was very happy to find this blog recently. This sort of thing is rarely done well, but you make it look easy.

Thank you, NovelaM. I appreciate that you're doing this.

Welcome aboard, Luke. Stick around. This TN has been wearing thin lately, but you should see what the Caray recappers can do when there's something to sink our teeth into! e.g. Fuego en la Sangre was one of the best snarkfests to come down the pike in some time.

As for dislikable characters, ITA. I said last night that Said and Leo should each get a dog so we'd have someone to like.

My tapes, with the summaries and comments attached, are piling up for the weekend. Those summaries are vital by the time I get around to viewing! So thanks, thanks, thanks.

I think Said and Sain are one and the same, but it would be better for Alej if they were not. Said will side with the Marisa whatever.

Yes, Jade is dumb. But 80 lashes?

To all, have a lovely weekend. Here in Arizona I'm hoping for rain. These dry 108 degree days are melting my spirit. Lois

Great recap, NovelaMaven. Thanks very much. I am always grateful when you and Jean include Spanish in your summaries, but last night my need was especially great. For some reason, I didn't get any Spanish captions, so I needed even more help than usual.

It looks more and more likely that Jade is going to meet Daniel in Morocco. Bizarre!

I agree that there are increasingly few likeable characters in this TN, but I'd still put not just Ali but also Zoraida, Latifa, and Alejandro in that list. I gave up on Jade a long time ago, though I find myself still rooting for her.

Paula, I was interested in what you said about Fuego en la Sangre. I didn't watch that TN, but I've seen lots of comments about it when people have discussed other TNs, and they gave me the impression that FELS was one of the worst TNs ever. I'm not sure I could watch such a TN night after night, even with excellent snark from the recappers. Even El Clon is trying my patience, and I gave up on Soy Tu Dueña. Sigh.


Seeing Jade returning to Ali's house in Morocco WAS the pits. Absolutely. And especially because I, for one, didn't see it coming. Why would Jade allow Said to hustle her back to Morocco when she knows her only hope is the US legal system?
Luke Manning:

It's great to have you here!
My two cents on your two things:

I think Albieri is dying to show Daniel to someone whose opinion matters; Ali is the only one he can think of who is distant enough from the situation, geographically and emotionally but with sufficient gravitas, intellectually and morally. Albieri's vanity and his need for advice are inseparable at this point.

As for "Zain" -- no, we've never seen him. This plot point was introduced oddly, or maybe they just cut out a scene from the American version that would have answered your question. Guess we'll just have to wait...

"...hardly anyone on this show is likeable."

And yet the actors, I think, are attractive and skillful, occasionally much more than skillful, the filming is gorgeous, the themes fascinating...I think there is a choppiness, a lack of narrative point of view. Sometimes it feels as if every scene or episode stands on its own and has little relation to the whole. A novela written by a committee.

Well I suppose most novelas are written by committees, after all; it's just that this one does so many things so well, that our expectations are very high. And after all, the writers of 'The Sopranos' managed to make Tony likeable...:-)

Yes yes yes, Zoraida is definitely on the A List. Actually, I think she and Ali have the most interesting 'couple' dynamic in the novela.

Oh my, 108! I wish you a cooling Clonathon this weekend! And thanks again for your nice words.

Excellent summary, as usual, Novela Maven of a very depressing episode. But the brujas always win all the points up the moment they lose everything.

Welcome Luke.

In the 'should have' department:

Why did Jade get on the plane? Said couldn't go with her past security. She could have waited until the plane took off and gone to Traveler's Aid to call Lucas. But of course we know that apparently Jade has to go back to Morocco so she can relive her youth with Daniel.

When the Naz started insulting Jade, Latifa should have come back with all the 'exhibitionist' stuff that the Naz has done.

Since Marisa told Lucas that she knows where Alej is working, why couldn't Lucas warn Nati and Alej. Surely Lucas doesn't believe that Marisa is going to do as he asked and not try and harm Alej.

Oh, and I forgot. Why would Albieri want to introduce Daniel to Ali? Ali has met Lucas. Not to mention the fact that as far as Albieri knows, Ali is in Miami. Unless that's just an excuse and once Albieri gets Daniel to Morocco, he'll try something else.

Thank you for explaining Spanish idioms and sentences. The telenovelas present a chance to experience daily usage that is often lacking in text books. And the link you gave to learning Spanish by telanovelas is very helpful. I am encouraged to take a more active and organized study instead of just trying to absorb by osmosis.

I think Jade is so stupid for wanting to give up her life with Said for an adolescent dream with someone who is still immature. Said was wonderful to have cut himself to show the blood and save Jade from 80 lashes. Of course, he saved himself embarrassment, but mostly he loved her. All I can say is she and Lucas deserve each other. Daniel will be a good match, because Jade and he are both about 12 yrs old emotionally. Frances


Thanks, NM. Your and Jean's ability to be concise and still capture the essence amazes me.

Jean, I am so with you. Jade was nuts to get on that plane. She had a bit of sense when she told Said she was a US citizen. Even if she believes in the Islamic 3 month divorce thing, there's no need to sit it out in Morocco. Just dumb.

I couldn't believe it when Marisa was getting Said to have Alej fired. A pit of alligators is too good for this witch. There are some clever folks posting here. I did not think of Said and Sain being the same person, but it makes sense.

Mohammed is just a major ass. He supposedly loves his wife, but couldn't even spare a tiny bit of sympathy for her sorrow about her cousin being sent to Morocco and losing her child.

I also was overjoyed to see Latifa take on The Naz. And, yes, she should have given her what for about the gold lamé workout pants she wore out of the house. If that isn't an exhibitionist, I don't know what is. A classic case of la burra hablando de orejas.

We must all remember that cloning is illegal therefore Albieri must do all that he can to conceal Daniel and going with to Morocco is the beginning of that plan.

NovelaMaven, thanks once again for the summary. After last nights episode I am positive that Abdul is a sadist. There is no other explanation for his behavior.

My latest TVyNovelas came today and it seems that Zein is someone new. He is played by Tiberio Cruz. It will be interesing to see if this heats things up.


Hello all!! as always, I love reading recaps/summaries/comments... gracias.

welcome Luke Manning. ITA w/ your assessment of likeable characters.

LOL, Frances - your '...absorb by osmosis' is what I've been trying to do, and it has yet to work for me. I really need to find someone who'd be patient enough, to practice/learn Spanish with.

Thanks, Rosemary, for the info on Zein. I really like Tiberio Cruz. He played Pajarote in Doña Bárbara.

Great summary!

Welcome to hell Jade!
Jade is going to go stir crazy being stuck in that house with Tio Ali & Company.
If she breaks the rules, who gives the 80 lashes? Said or Tio Ali?


I wish they would give Nariza a husband. I think it would add more to the storyline.

LManning -- I also believe zein is said. The writers probably want the audience to be shocked when it's revealed.


Thanks for the welcome. I forgot Zoraida is cool too. For a while I thought Ali would wise up and marry her. Oh well.

NM: I agree the actors and the production have often been much better than the writing. That's probably the most common flaw in TV drama. I got hooked on this show mostly due to the actors; it has featured 9 or so from last year's Victorinos (which I found much more interesting).

And in response to an anonymous comment: I agree that Nazira has a valid complaint against Abdul, Said, and Mohammed. Her brothers have been married for 20 years, but they have not lifted a finger to arrange her marriage (besides Mohammed's abortive meeting with Osvaldo). She might become an unholy terror of a wife, but she could be pretty and charming enough to convince a suitor who doesn't already know her.

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