Friday, June 25, 2010

El Clon Friday June 25: Summary for Discussion

In which Jade gives an impossible test to Lucas -- and it turns out she doesn't grade on a curve...

The Mall:
Lucas shows that his expensive education wasn’t a complete waste. He’s concerned that abducting a 12-year-old girl and taking her out of the country might be like uh.. a crime… and might involve…like…jail. But you promised, insists Zoraida.
This illuminating legal discussion is interrupted when Zoraida spots Rania and Jadiya sailing down the escalator and shoos Lucas away. Too late. They have seen him and recognized him although Zoraida claims he was just …some guy. But you know him, Zoraida! insists Jadiya. Well if I did, I’ve forgotten him.

At Nati and Alej’s place:
Rosa and Nati are merrily sprucing things up, kind of like the house-cleaning scene in Cinderella. (Rosa would be the little birds.) Nati is skillfully deflecting suggestions that her abuelo could help make things more comfortable.

At the Bar of the Other Arab (BOA):
No sign yet of Sain or Zain or whatever his name is, but he'll be there Thursday, we are told. Cristina sings the praises of Malicia – so sweet, such a good worker – and urges Rogelio to give her the job of hostess. And Alej, she tells him, is such a good guy, and a hard worker.

At their viper’s nest:
I hate Cristina – I’ll find a way to get her fired and then I’ll get her job, Malicia confides to her Ratoncito. Whoa, he says, I never heard you talk like that. (Better get used to it, chump!) He gives her bank papers to sign so he can put his property in her name and muses about how surprised he is at the change in Clara.
Ella no cambió – ¡tu despertaste!
She didn’t change – you woke up!

At Empresa Ferrer:
Carolina advises her friend to take action to protect herself financially even as Clara protests that Escobar has never been dishonest.

In the neighborhood:
Prince Amin overhears the SKanK tell Hilda she’s lost an earring, cons a pair out of Dad, and gives them to her cortesía de la tienda (courtesy of the store). His reward: a peck on the cheek, as Samira watches disgustedly.

In Fez:
Attention: Major Plot Twist Ahead! Prepare for Clone Crossing!
A desperate, restless Jade listens as Zoraida relays in a phone call what Lucas has said about The Plan. She is not in the mood to talk about rational alternatives. I lost everything for him, she rages – my family, my daughter – and he can’t take this risk for me!
Dile que me olvide porque a partir de hoy, Lucas se murió para mí.
Tell him to forget me because as of today, Lucas is dead to me.

At the Casa Ferrer:
Rosa chatters on about her visit with Nati and all the things the apartment could use. Marisa observes sourly (well okay, Marisa does everything sourly) that Nati’s willingness to live in such humble conditions is a result of her low self-esteem. Leo admires Nati’s determination and Marisa dismisses it as rebeldía (rebelliousness). When the women are out of earshot, Leo remarks to Lucas that with Marisa’s attitude, nothing is going to change. Lucas excuses himself, saying he has something to take care of.

In Fez:
Jade is slumped on the floor. Tears stream down her face as she imagines Jadiya’s smiling face.

At Said’s house:
Zoraida’s attempt to contact Jade is cut short when the inquisitive Rania comes in and asks who she’s calling. Latifa, fibs Zoraida. Oh, I want to talk to her, bubbles Jadiya. Sorry, says Zoraida, the line is busy.

At the clinic:
Escobar tells Fernando that Clara is running around with a young stud. First she was going out with Julio, and now this boy your age. Escobar cares, it seems, about Clara’s emotional well-being and reputation. What a guy!

At the BOA:
There is no justice tonight –
First, Rogelio gives Malicia the hostess job, telling her Cris recommended her highly. Then he calls in Alej and says that even though he is happy with his work:
surgió un problema.
A problem has come up.
Sain hired someone else for your post and didn’t tell us. Sorry, but:
Estás despedida.
You’re fired.
But why? Alej wants to know. It’s nothing you did wrong, says Rogelio. Maybe I can find you a job somewhere else; I’ll ask around.

At Empresa Ferrer:
Enrique asks Caro to dinner. She can’t. She has another engagement but can’t include him because there will be alcohol and he’s not ready for the temptation.

At the Casa Ferrer:
Everyone’s favorite couple are playing darts, using each other as the dartboard. Marisa accuses Lucas of never having had the guts to confront his father and give up his comfortable life. Maybe in the past, says Lucas. That’s about the change.

Marisa tells Rosa to help her pack. She’s going to a hotel while she is waiting for her apartment to be ready.

Rosa tells Lucas that Marisa is leaving. He replies:
Muy bien. Que se vaya de una vez.
Very good. Let her leave once and for all.
We catch a glimpse of Marisa's tear-stained face as she pauses in her packing to look at a photo of her and Nati. (Thanks, Juanita!)

At Said’s place:
Chatty Jadiya tells Said that Zoraida was talking with a Westerner in the mall, someone we know, only she forgot she knew him! Oh, says Said casually, who was it? Lucas!

Said takes Zoraida aside, interrogates her harshly and accuses her of conspiring against him with Jade. Tío Ali will learn of this, he assures her, but right now get your things together. I’m sending you back to Morocco!

At Nati and Alej’s:
Upstairs, Nati is setting a festive table. We see flowers, candles hopefulness.
Downstairs, Alej is sitting in a puddle of misery.

At Casa Ferrer:
Marisa flounces out in her blue broccoli band, not bothering to wait to say goodbye to Leo. Farewells are sad, even when we don’t really like someone, remarks Rosa. No, corrects Lucas, what is sad are years wasted in a bad marriage. I was looking for Jade in Marisa and she was looking for Diego in me…
It’s funny, muses Rosa, everyone was against them and yet Nati and Alej are the only couple that seem to be making it work…(which, as all TN students know, is the kiss of death for their relationship)

At Nati and Alej’s:
Nati catches sight of the desolate Alej:
¿Por qué traes esa cara?
Why do you look so down? Literally, why are you wearing that face?
Me despidieron.
They fired me.
Alej tells her not to go running to her family; he will figure out what to do.

At Lucía’s place:
Lucía tells Andrea that Marisa has left the Ferrer house (Se fue de la casa) They had an argument over Nati and it was the last straw (La gota que rebasa la copa – the drop that overflows the cup).
Andrea (less of an airhead than we thought) asks Lucía:
If you knew that Marisa had invented the whole stolen necklace thing as a way to separate Nati and Alej -- Would you tell me?
Lucía admits that on the night Alej was arrested, she thought Marisa was wearing the very necklace that Alej was supposed to have stolen. Then Lucía backtracks, claims to be despistada (absentmined, scatterbrained). Not when it comes to jewelry or clothes or perfume or shopping. If you can allow an innocent person to be blamed --- well, it’s on your conscience, concludes Andrea.

At Said’s place:
He is in the closet sniffing Jade’s clothes (at least I assume they are Jade’s; I don’t think he’s checking to see if he has a clean shirt for tomorrow) when he gets a call from Marisa inviting him to go out.
Rania is lamenting to Zoraida that Said doesn’t love her; the only one he loves is Jade.
Lo veo como sufre por Jade.
I see how he suffers because of Jade.
Zoraida won’t allow any criticism of Jade and reminds her that Jade never wished Rania any harm.
(I have to wonder what Rania would think if she knew about Said’s unholy coupling with the Broccoli Band Girl)

At their viper’s nest:
Escobar and Malicia make a champagne toast to the idiot’s having successfully signed over all his worldly goods to one of the most despicable TN antagonistas in recent history.

At Clara’s house:
It’s double standard time! Pick your partner!
Fernando is scandalized that his mother is dating a younger man but sees no problem in his father dating a younger woman. At least, says Clara, Felipe is with me because he likes me; Malicia is with your father for his money. And she’s going to leave him without a cent. (Too late, Clara. Sigh)

At Dora’s place:
Dora asks Daniel to come out dancing. Not my thing, he says, but I’ll walk you there…

At Albi’s place:
¿Lista? (Ready?) Albi asks Luisa. Yes. Where do you want to go? To visit Dora and Daniel.

Previews: Enrique meets up with Daniel in the street…


This novela needs to end soon!!! I really like Said and Jade together too bad that Jade could not see that! He's an actual man that loves her!!

Today when Jade was talking to Zoraida asking if she talked to Lucas about bringing Jadilla was totally ridiculous and Jade saying Lucas is dead to me?! Really? She KNEW it would be impossible to just take Jadilla away, she did this all to herself!!! Sigh!

Honestly, the only reason why I continue to torture myself is because of the actors and I've seen this novela since the beginning and I'm just holding on til August!!

NovelaMaven: Ha! "Broccoli Band Girl" is moving out, hooray! I can't figure out why she was still hanging out in the Ferrer house weeks after Lucas told her he wants a divorce. And from the preview it looks like someone will recognize the clone on Monday, but since it's Enrique, nobody will believe him. Thanks for the recap Novela-M!

I bet alicia will soon dump escobar, since she now has a property in her name.
As for Lucia, I hope andrea makes her feel guilty about the false necklace accusations.
Great recaps!

Thank you, NovelaMaven. It looks like we are seeing a few things happen. That's encouraging, even if the events are discouraging.

I just uploaded an overhaul to the Learning Spanish by Telenovelas page, so if you use that, you may want to check the update.

Great summary, Novela Maven. It really was a recap.

I'm with Luke - Jade is as dumb as two bricks. She's renouncing Lucas because he won't commit a serious crime for her and because it was HIS FAULT that she lost her daughter???!!! If Jade had been content to wait out her divorce without risking everything for some nookie with Lucas, she would be with her daughter and at least Jadiya would have the opportunity to say that she wanted to leave with her mother.

I know, I know that this is designed to make Jade receptive to romance with the clone but it is still so irritating!

I don't know why Leo, Lucas and Rosa would discuss Nati's situation with Marisa present. They know her opinion. They are just giving her information and motivation to go and do evil.

But I am grateful when anything happens on this novela so I guess I shouldn't complain (but I will anyway) ;-)

ok ok -- Jade's not gonna win a McArthur Award any time soon, but her real problem is her writers.

Whoever gave her those brilliant, angry and brave words she used in her grand confrontation with Said must be either:

a. On a short vacation in the Bahamas (leaving someone else, who apparently hasn't read the script, to write her lines)

b. Even more despistado than Lucía.


c. Just looking for a quick and dirty way to clear a path for the clon and allow Zoraida's prophecy to come through.

Too bad. We deserve better and so do the actors.

NovelaMaven, I LOVED this recap, starting with the title (and yes, it really feels more like a recap than a summary)! And your snark was, as usual, first-class. "Everyone’s favorite couple are playing darts, using each other as the dartboard."

Thanks, too, for the Spanish phrases. It included a word I can't believe I've never come upon before: despistada. Of course, it's more likely that I'm tan despistada that I simply don't remember it. However, I've now pasted it to my refrigerator door (the place I probably go most often!).

My super-sensitive sensors detected a bit more action than usual in last night's episodio. Jean's comment really resonated with me: "But I am grateful when anything happens on this novela so I guess I shouldn't complain (but I will anyway) ;-)" Great remark!

The trailers suggest that there will finally be a real clone sighting on Monday, but as Joan observed, since the sighter is Enrique, people will probably not believe him, assuming he's just been on another drunken binge.

BTW, NovelaMaven, I'm not sure, but I had the impression that the photo Marisa was looking at with tears in her eyes was of her and Nati, not her and Lucas. Am I wrong?

I'm sure you're right about the photo. As I was jotting down notes, I looked away from the screen for a moment and really wasn't sure what I had seen. What you say makes more sense too. Thank you!

And thank you too for your very nice words. Some episodes lend themselves to recapping better than others, I guess.

ITA with you and Juanita about Enrique not being believed. After all, look what happened when Said poisoned him: even though Zoraida had seen Said putting something in his drink, everyone preferred to believe that Enrique was sneaking alcohol and passed out from its effects.

Ok, I've taken a deep breath. It certainly isn't the actors. It's the lousy writing that has made Jade such an unlikeable and irritating character.

And yes, you are right, Juanita. Marisa was looking at a picture of her and Nati.

Yes. the summaries are getting more recapish, thankfully!
Second the reference to the titles: brilliant, as usual. And, again as usual, thanks.

Just think, if the characters saw themselves and each other as we see them, oops, no telenovela. People behaving responsibly can be soooooooo dull! Lois

Hola's (my best chola drawl, including the S at the end)

Let's not call Marisa "Broccoli Band Girl." It's an insult to both broccoli and girls.

And I have been wondering if Jade living abroad for 20 years has any effect on her U.S. citizenship? I know it can if she chose to renounce it, voted in a major election, etc. But what about simply living in a foreign country for so long? (Other than a passport, did she have a Visa?) Hmm.

Thanks for the fun recap NM.

I thought Jade couldn't get worse, but now the character is irredeemable. She has a few good qualities (including loving bratty Jadiya), but at this point nothing can make me like her.

Another dangling plot thread is revisited: Marisa is finally moving out. If only Lucas were smart enough to get a restraining order on top of the divorce. He doesn't realize Marisa lives off his money and pain. She has admitted that the only thing she knows how to do is be a rich man's wife, so she will probably be even more desperate after the divorce.

It's good to see Andrea isn't a total airhead, as NM noted. Points to her for sticking it to Lucía. But I doubt anything will come of it, except perhaps Lucía giving up her Marisa-worship.

It's no surprise Clara finds a double standard. She should have seen that coming, but I suppose her character flaw is being a bit too trusting, not seeing the knife coming.

Erin: It could be that in the real world, Jade could have lost her citizenship, but I don't think the writers care much about accuracy. There have been several inaccuracies about Morocco, cloning, etc. I don't think the citizenship issue will go anywhere.

I like to speculate on how the cliffhangers will be resolved uneventfully. Luisa wants Albieri to call Dora. What will he do? This one's easy: call her, but she's not home, right? Even better: Albieri squirms and feebly protests, then Luisa takes his phone and calls Dora, but she's not home.

Finally, two things I'm looking forward to:
1. Abdul's whip. He should at least "leave it lying around" like he once said Ali (or Said?) should. (And why doesn't he make her dress more conservatively, take away her TV, etc.?)
2. Worlds collide. Worlds collide!

NovelaMaven - Excellent recaps once again.

Finally! Someone is going to see the clone. And it's great that enrique is going to be the one to spot daniel. This way, enrique will feel as if he's going mad, believing he's having hallucinations from the alcohol.
I'm sure everyone will suggest rehab for enrique.


Yeah! Marisa finally left the mansion!

Poor Zoriada! Jadiya spilled the beans to Said about Lucas conversing with Z in the mall.

Almost forgot to add about Marisa’s tears:

I had no idea that she cried saline! I always thought her tears (if she ever did cry) would be blood, like the vampire she is. But then, that’d be an insult to vampires. I’m sorry True Blood… I’ll probably just call her “Andrea Lopez” or something then…(?)

Anyhoo, her emotion caught me by surprise because she’d always seemed incapable of showing any.

Hey Erin -- I had the same thought about Marisa's tears, that it was startling to see them. Up to now she's shown rage, spite, lust -- but not actual sorrow. It was a nice moment.
Lois -- So true. People acting sensibly, in a realistic way? That would be a huge bore! :)
Luke -- I agree that Jade's affection for Jadiya (not the easiest kid to like) is itself endearing.

As for Clara's being a bit too trusting, perhaps so, but Malicia is so over the top awful that probably only the most paranoid among us would anticipate her schemes and guard against them. (Because clearly, Raulito is not the brains of the operation!)
Guys, I realize this is more of a recap than a summary, but that doesn't change Jean's and my intention to do mostly pithy plot summations from now on. I just got a little carried away with this one because a few interesting things happened and also because it seemed like there was increasing interest in this discussion -- and as PaulaH pointed out in her excellent "Care and Feeding of Recappers", the discussion energizes the recappers.

Anyway, whether it's a summary, a summarcap, or a full-blown recap, I will reserve the Right to Snark!

Absolutely marisa's tears were a shocker! I thought I'd never witness this.
And of course vampires would be insulted if she cried blood tears.


I wasn't surprised by Marisa's tears. I think this is the second time she showed some small recognition and remorse for being the world's worst mother. Unfortunately for Nati, Marisa is 99.44% pure evil.

Hmmm... I guess Marisa is 99.44% evil versus 100%.
However, I just thought of two other situations that would bring her to tears. Losing all that Ferrer money & not being able to shimmy her hips into the infamous brocoli couture dresses.


And yes snark is good.

NovelaMaven, there's no need to reserve the right to snark. It's an inalienable right: Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness, and the Right to Snark.

NovelaMaven, thanks for the summary/recap. I appreciate everything you and all recappers do.

Why in the world was Marisa crying? Were they crocodile tears? Were they because Nati was not a clon of herself? I cannot remember her having one kind word for her only child.

I assume that Marisa is moving on since no one taking her side in the Ferrer household.

Poor Enrique, he is going to think he is losing his mind after the encounter with the clon. I hope he ends up in a facility to treat his addiction.

No sympathy for Escobar. He deserves to lose everything after what he has done. Before Alicia came along he just sat around the house like a couch potato and now he is hot to trot. Shame on him!


I finally caught up and appreciate all of your hard work. Fun recaps from you both. Thanks!

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